T SRinA530VENRWRJ, 191 LAKE 00U" Wà heldemitIdamasnon by ' ....pronounced by Re-v J Il 1acie itin of aut Ipresentcana do Auou n15 daysilnotice cured him. Yen ind»d 1 can rpecommend B. C. . eyerowlug th e o tute LnamsLibertyille, %who serv.ed the ehm 11ch lam iTht Yore Bros, pay 121, eents per "Tells the whole Story." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound." In etmeueona mrcplu.>eu by shundred pouindsforco.operative hauling .the y- ellow pacwkage. F'or sale by al the Ladis'Aid soviery and friend, Of àMiueme ,Ui.r. , u gM m o:edto pap tru ro 1i-l), 'lbarn m mbr 1 risof y1m)T sy2ha-Fl1'sHheyan T r-rugit shoechurch cantique their enthuisiatit heu u o m ar yutos- sithu utcu hcuet e Lom1pouqnd inhtmà forchiildrenand grown Vbek for the bazaur to bhe giVen Nov. 7 ly rtu - am Of en wn ""a.iE. hurchServies. hny e Iertraoith. mra ! prt thd etna Tw lO w torPin wr CmteyloklfEvr Amog te iterstig atilm@ for @aie uerorated Ilm pmjauadau IIte and Nwhiote 2:00 p. Im. Bbe hot S b ·T yboth partie litatit lm theIh-et medicin. for cngihq' le' h tWak w b*a06prounmade by lRv. W. L biidali>eus. - l'e ohr rom lmsign and the La.nTatn1mmerhmdtowtheoldo. cronp, bronchiti.s and Other lensPano op n a ukean ee Crlt0 lf lpl. Mr. Wtulpple's artic.le las1,' whte an 7;3o .m 'erbt u." Ol f draw from#) Yore liro withiout ijust " "iv.O h ',1ý,d m t,"ele oh o vo rpa sn o 410111111dY beaunordered and will beready autumn ealýve the W ermntw.cause. the dilfctors (of this asslociation Ili Co res onde ce oliie delierya th basar.I gu; aI t w aue O t, Brings sparkling eyýes, rosv cheeks, intheijthronxgh an over ,sppl. fbeva mon 8hI n 14 Se ed o b Po ty fed i stl a m t t at alii.m twere presen t rutby lips. Every gir liad wom ilmk -rfor any eupperi. ,snemsary rto1 Pt ou gatte Wa ae y al euke Pano 1 N. t-hria, od te andgets the egau Tou lad lTe bridenditgioom ol-, e rcl soudt t-111,r- t w a y voff a Man 'or men i ore lirosm nust: A A gI'e ukeP ed entomer. Sold only by of mai y prettand UseI f t shuld akeit-H llstr i l. Tea Jay off 1 hosmein thast ar onotme br UUBE o - alteburte guestm 4de arted hielis Pearce's Drug Stoofthe. 1 iaonC i L L AX K DNEY FLUSH1 Wý Recived fromn Schilpzand & Sono, Sept. 19, 1912 the following bulbs, which we listove caefuly nd endin ourordr, oweersmall, nd it will recieve our immediate at- tention. Order early as now is tl'e time you need thera for winter bloomn. Cash with order. lb.us a igict bappy and prosperouslarmon"ýy with tthis alnciation in, atiFORME ,R 1WREN wedddlife, WREN Éa. • •tina Mr. and Mrsà Roy J Chamlierin will ess Ar considering these dentande Yore . GR $T E A E ON S iA O ~W$b" &at home i o twir friends lifter Nov. I* IN EBAD ,r eie oacp h em fti 1 5 n t e u p p e r fl t o[ t h e il . P .a s d e i d dti on a d eth es t e ri s e t tl e d t h eG R S t r -Athnebif esiene o Sewad oene.pMdrepeto -re to the ionl pantMise MARGARIET HAWKINS TO WERLL KNOWN CITI igEN'PAIt:O To Armt moofb"eeraltof the rst duyof Novethber.WE PRM EN CHAO POV HE EHE1R. proin M en oftLibertyyUIll e1. STONE a , metileiliry Frmers' Pheroe. PATENT LAWYER.MVDT OPTL RhekBr. thi week istaled a "In Old Tennesseel." twollnel 1.CONM.STO - ties1 2, held t t ow n Fl A VOR BEIDLER PLACEICAG 'øroainrnaent -4r Lawrence E-pliscplàP., at the Lyric Theatr*e uturdaày LAID SATURDAV tehhetAnouincemagen wo made toda f ELibONCI«E O ebarth. uig it, Nov. 2. Ail laithful photo play the Prcr s adYore Brosè. VIKINGS' DIRECTOR$11 MEJET IN $^oigmrraei hc4onx SID TO BE 'IN A VERY Mr.and Mr. V J Wright ar e nter-' ofthe romnean d thrillbug eitemetnt1 A large gatherIng of the'e-itizets of 1Yore Bron.. eprèsentea by Jus. Y'ore CHICAGO AND VOTE TO AC- eturday afternocon of mins agaret CRITICAL CON DITION, tlsùi Ioad of 0beth, le 'ol a Umoonelle r. Au en t brill. Li ber ty ville a@ Weillam grlmeneiglrbo)ring oèered the prodBcrs teu cents par H awkins, 'the eldest daughtçr of.,..... ChiagoMtio CtheneH owar t ing sory tof the rnuabework of Ia towns witnessed fthe laying of the cor.ner hundred pand" igher than the original CEPT GURNEE PLACE. Mr. ' and Mrs. a. 0. Hsívking of Lorenzo Bishop, Who, for a long tiime Chicago, this m.(keu u l. rN i!girl detective in thelt, tsofth1lwétonle0ofethe FI"t bietho»dist Episcopai e* U nd l; am nt ebe-ry te"eai North Avenue to Harold G. Rockwell, hasbeen very sick, iw»a undyta etMios Ed itrAken and siteinabreakers. A i.ove story, iromatic and echurch of Lbet jil. sv. w. 1.a recesein order to allow all partie@ At a meeting of the directors of the a brilliant Young patent lawyer with to Chicago where ho sM »wnla àhcek of ionGey, istedMi Heenhioe ubliine; uiirivaled -ceiv efe;sneWipe atrofhcuc nrdcdcnened achuce to talii the mattler national order of Vikings held In Chf- offices In the Monadnock building In pital tunder the care of a spleit, Saturday and Sunday. ituations aIbut ,IlillcauIse tu- hear t to the ReV, F WV. s m, snerintitendent over..' cago Monday evening, it wasa practical- Chicago. The marriage comest as Dr. Ouchner. Wednem«sayJohn loek nmoved his iuw.run owrhumnieres und'o h hcg othr ititwo J. E. Meredith, agent for the C. M. & ly deelded thant the deal will be cloued quite a surprise to the many friende Mr. Bshop's condition has latly bouselwpd elfects into the-lI)r. .Jamieeon! heart thruo, faiemnating t. the very 'took charge of the ritu-tistic service and road et the tig ave altiongP o teprcaeofteDailBilrtfMssHwin.grw1ofead ti fl h ela bueSe8h tr t. la.t. mtigdeetta theýr led hn the ties âpartof ethe Famne. The in wihheeln hno trnl n lc a une ob se salod Teeles ws aenotIvti o etrthnwelhaa irtth Har an FrdeickMos pentIue eod atwninn -te ,.avro t1asoiton-u ped people home f6r the order. cago today, but inquiry at the Haw- en slek some monthsz ago, 0"Wadwith thee producers to return to Yorýi The only provision now is whether kins home here brought forth the tu- Sneh a ae ik ehsbe Smarday and Bitnday a t fthe home of Wi. Fuumitonl of # aukegan Mlethod)list Bru.. if u uunderstatndling Coutldw Mr. Beldler will accept what the ord- formation that the wedding would not, aithis home corner West and Was- Dr. N. J.8midleEw the city. PETTY 110ME WEDDNG o'"od" ea'ht"teeo2kw th'e," " ersoirctrswilpay for the prop- take place until Saturday. lt was ex- tIngton streets, under the care of a Lifi tel contn plat- v èin at t i n A T MAY0R'S RESIDENCE elhe tiev H ard of zion it v t,,,an thE. iA.slabop. lof the Libertyvvililerty-$500 lindta rg nalyit a enml redwohsbe tyn termi@ beforeomtingrrangeet par't. The It-ee.Charein-yard .,tt1 irebell'Lutmhe oiaavw ewprties go far as fthe site la concerned, the planned to have the marriage ltakeim aillthe dtime. However, friends ..concerned tu riecoider ,,theiir uctionsj directors have agreed that it in what ýplace at the home of the bride's par- 1felt that the attention hie could re- Mrs.III, . n. Hubbard returuto . ilof Saint jamnesMetIlUdiýt l.'cpl rd attemupt to end thwsrie Msthey, want andl they will surly locate ente here, but that the fact thant .Irceive under the cir imstaonces was HarvardMotndtiy, moripng after a few Saturdaty.October w[ Dela Aleru i, ebmb. Cienègo was thenintrodurnced Gune Inikdle dealtwith, awknsarhe proposition from ai -ede heceilw weeks visit witia elai ad fird n agnr mn n 'Eand hei libaudiene- tro the'eloNith, hu>iness mstand point and was %tellthehm tGre fAr edeiiladMs aiis r etigrayntsc sh eddhnei a scuaue, nd103,0GumoiaEn a eouetorto clwhes o tedeivd; nwaccept their termé, to move awV made tileunadvIsable. decided eto send himttothe city where .. re.oilcest bon 01 Ïr. auu irb. Junue G. C. Gridleoalso exnreenthitiviewn Te directors hLve been waiting to The Ephacopal wedding sevcswl1xet oldtk odo i ae Mis% Grace Croker. left last SaturdaY Gaeo rlom mn u bjec of it vallui.e mmntng 1nandIde lared imsinelf ilthe -oitin et the final opinion o« the board as a be sed. *The couple wil reside in, Mr. Bishop lu oneof the well known for -her home aet Iancister, W i..ater t'à t tLo mum ) bte 1buiIldi t'ilofchuwlil :e.tllj.vialu Nh r:whole for somne time past and now Tracy, a suburb of Chicago in a home mon of the city He has lived here a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U Uhn ek ia ihrlt e ad"" fnu aaate enduilr- Il. n ade ain h stwpoue wr net ri e thatoit h as been shown la favor of the which hasbbeen all furnished. A num. At da h e -" A ouroce ie .ueecai ,,elpmntofth bttr n ite i t a maitifawctory cont usion titw meIetiUs Irst.tecoigdoal Ilb e ffine n eaie ietltegreater part of isIlife aalls t -cie of L'hicago, 0 ple3ed the beautiIul Lt anloutgrowth .of tl> ebwbtc. Bette r wa- adjourned tilt 0. r _19,bi Cbnirmaàn Bile ieteclsn dtil i ehr ffiednd ime was considered one of the•brIl,1I We havel tOf, i on ind. là g.- ntsu m u -ell il aaGa er.won up hurriedly and soion the prop will attend. Mrsi. W. 0. Watrous of latmneo h omnt might lbe well to~- ib-aendt gtsoe- tn W uacdtu, ... b-ad %wa!§ ertimay chane hands.LaketBluf a soatrhof thebride Dow white tte geting and the oal i nouni tand n. aiolloed ty the bu11-iling fir th-e lby iMeetins;of October 29. eHis seconde wada.if ite and son was boire god.lssnv. 1tun.:tto oU1,w%1-1 am- et et leaing ou Ler A t aleof wdes e . LI1 nellw reque#t of ethe association iat be bridesimaid and Mr. Watrous will some weekq ago from CalIIIIifrnia and S2 lIýà- . l IoL. j],.thet ap.,erii W - hippie xl.ibitd41m opler1b1xto lbe bron ot 0tuma[ofthe association Twig freuaisbakceoif ethe tbent man. visited. Mr. Bishop. Although ashe W. E. beeker. acmane shyis groom and1.0tus aur.dats. neupiedp. te ntwonrs Iwiiihd:tw Irons thieiertibguntil no- oitaanebotngpansashow your Mis"Hawkins is extremely popular rir not remain at the Bliée brohe, tt a c eceran fmil e.od eeuaa brittal bell and luie li t.ýme anif ieeg.could litrpeced. After the kidtiey's an•not workingrright. Jrinary and la one of the bae tknown Young oe rSiopws a sm u o , au ut rs.in noucdthe:cont,,,td Agit ng th@eproduicerathad agreed on their ternms 1reglait0slosofleep. rnervoumsi. women in Waukeganand Lake Forest.tieonded ry mly a*- of North OiSgqb. sweut Sldoub% ay ilth autiuulà ingiservice wasudeu. d..psitý was tt l.opv of ithe, Methodiit Yore Bro. werecnedlin tatth x-.weak tback and nore kidneya tell the ptime con)idered veryuwealthyébhtr l iendê"at ivaattos1 llheLi' u" 10 ed charmiig lu 11r Ihmnnal auethogrim-d ,t Vthe generall deiuuade ould le- p ..nte toittutth-ii; feeiotf magood rliable kidney anMedici e o Woue ars she w--a.aet eacehe aiate he has not beeincredtedW mI A lrg delegation of local hrirwrUAUg nof wiite Zacan alth n mdecnfre& f1004 an aop-ed by bottiThe mewl.tes outhiisasociatio)n agretFoley Kidoey Pitié are tonic strengthem. teWuegnshol-atyer h avig mor-, than ordinarye us wi ..e &nN masquart. i. - . uMe. go rein t to Yoife(tro. linon Ithe pay- intir and reltorative. They bald up the taggþt In the Lake Ferentschoolse. aededuhedeication of ths ew" ruà, enn àetuor neousau oth mand south chr t; oand ip n i, iofl ue pIrbundred poundso ek idiowylsandmagulate thirecin.They MrRockwell for soma time pasrt urinent"m ispei IAllico -bWednieday est r I'L ruDugjj.1 UI me oewas folded the at aeand stiri>es; two the contract price. providingg: wil! siveyu uc rle adcotl n leans and purides the blond; ftM eveINg, assu ntez being Paul rodes. du. was attenueu uy Mies ELmmaphotographs of the foireign ttimiinarims That ri otract be igned betwrenhabit formning druge. For saIn by aill has bgeepn adriteiecetr to .udagealithy fel tomach; buildsupte a Maeugße, Dr. E . H. Soligli, Dr. J. ..I_ amenu ilstr fthe gooad suppo>rtedb'y Ithe local chuirch, n sth, ,.Yore IBron. and any member of ti, I DrggtaGrscpnadtonobegasu-tt;yufelken -Hlie'sR TWpior, Attaoy 19. B. édilier. W. E -" utograph olf over 400 wvho hajni on mmocial ion. eesful patent lawyer' M. Tea. 35c. Pearce's Drug Store. MIlleI&, J. M. Øedey and G. C. tiridley. auui0 aaerss in netriueo ha ups That YoleRnd. fimprore their method A rousing meeting was held by Ele- The son"al espper given Iby the msM - m ae.eoe steWinysaldtebxa h on e e gd aeu,,,a t publCans THalfDay onayevn.Mr.Lete0.la. 151 ucey €paletery fasdies atnotheà town kali owwaieset mpact'yli-v. W'1L Whipple undue length of ftime at ,epa. in C.THydcr, .Br ..le ndO uF. A RSW Wedneay ight: awsthe sual big carnuLou, a-istel by John Ien of Wankegani. That no barn hie required to meore (15 . yg Be ays: "He conghied notihm wau essse Tw hnded ndnhwy-ix Thegrom asattenedby usinWhen lthe stnoe was pwdth o-orhewtter (0oallow patrons thie increase gan quartette sang and much enthus blue in the fa i gtave bheu Polay's MANUFACTUnERnOF euWore serve 1. tellegross poeeds schX'fuMebew, uruL4er .uitunide, a.' eudinig erv ie was renad 1byt ibe disetret amwsdslydbtelrecod ny adTr Opud and thé trot 'l'b Tat all mesubers ortisnassociatmn whi,-ch attended. féw doueslhad a remarkable and a lme nd G ant teoalgn 874. The auiiograph iquilt 'etmn uu ner«etLr abran sprnedntand 1be1benediel ion, not in a poslàition t to runItoYore Brod imeiatefet. e or oe '- _n r-n ta ~ .ý 1b o 1' , le .- , 1 à 1 - 1 - - .._ A ..1ý - _ - Z. 'il are offering at a price that cannot help but be attractive if you are in want of bulbs. Look the Gertrude- rosg pinke large compact truss SINGLE TULIPS Dutches of Von Tnoll-scarlet Bell AIlance, Waterloo-scarlet Yellow Prince, Golden Prince-rich yellow La Reinae-white, rose shade Rose Grisdelin-white, rose edged, èxcellent forcer Golden Crown-yellow, edged Withted " " BULBS Schilpzand & Sons, H-illegom, Holland BULBS MVACINTMIS Gigantheo-blush pink Queen ni the Blue-ligt blue Grand Nonarque De'French-bluish white L-1anocence pure.white, large trees Grand Merville-rose white Gertrudee - -rose pink, extra large, specia selection SINGLE NARCISSUS CROCUS'~ Golden Spur-golden yellow very early dvarnes mxed-pring Flowerig ALLIUM, Refacta Alba-extra selected bulbe GALANTHUS Nivalis Pl Simplex-single, extra selected Macrospell-scarlet, dark base cellence fer forcing Picotee Maiden Blush-white arg i crimso roseDOUBLE NARCISSUS Caledonia-bright oag Double Von Sion-Tlemenius1etr selected Isabelle-Blushing Bride, York & I.ammatpr, JONQUIL" Sharon Belle, creamy whte wth earmine Single-rich yellow, sweet scented rose" Campernels-Marcsous Oderus, yellow 1Grand Martre- " "" Queen of the blue-extra large speil selection Romans-14 cm. lFrench Paper White Narcisus Gr.- 14 cm. Grand Seil D'Or-Fteech Primroses and Cyclamans in Bloom Meredith Flower 4 egetalee Co. J. E. ME EDI-T I , Preaides>ýt Greenhouses on First St&.eear the old depot