________.7Kic OOUNTY INDMEENDNT, 1 nÂY, NOVEMBER 1, 1912. 1'IIM ONE AEOEIVEO i FOR LESS THAN E!II uraisimed BYuý 26 CETS J1 Lake County Tille &ITrue-Co. AbotactofTiie. Titlme(3ismt-ed . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. M onlc Temple Bldg. akenili. + POR 1AT + + FOR l"NT + Larîs j tUNE . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . October 19, 1912. -J 8Prail and ' FOR SALE-7S pure bred Pax Terrier FOR RENT-The John t(r8eld fsrm of vite ta H 0 Wells lot 35 Iigtzwood ",p 2 Moftbe aid. Ptlcm $500 for 280 screS, unB Mile West of the Rollins Q C $1. oitole. 0. W. Br.a.;cuo-, Lbety. iatorna. lnuief *.CAFL Gea Mddendorf andi wife tu Emily vie.II. hae 782. C-Gtf Mk,1 S4. PPIncatLiç,pincott hotel lroperty FOR SALE-100) @bock@ oftinrt elase 1 FOR lIENT-Tva large bousek@-pIng B a Lake Q C $1. OOm. JAMSI JILLY, ooemile iortb < rOflfribsloutunse oard G T Parkhurst andi wifeetuLorindla UÀbeIville on lMlwaukse Av@. Cali or. l désirit, d M. JàmK5;LàYom<,0 rbad Andrews lots 17 and 18 block 10 Lak<e pIe. ?OR. 4I~ ~ .Ž -. P'672- Bigaff W D ý9Io. 111001 SAE- 4 ollM"rk.k bnke! giï-iw-vi -Mtstu hé !ýhekC L Harder Jr and i vie ta Alfred etR lA.E-A4 roli Mcormk-Libuer. OR »ug SmtFI os i t.&àD Clemsnensen lot 17 bloek 2 Harder et bsraln Acàite BosLibitjbn~l5 LlE Sc,iS.s Jre tub Lake Forest W D $600o. sf1.. c-6- j ~Oct. 22, 1912.-Josephine Burnap tu CHALMERS 30-5 peseenger touria« onGifth os4 ud4.bok5 «r. " B iruelb rusabuue. Botb cars tui + 'WANTED + and lots 9 ta 13, block 7, Bartlet l's *Osseimt running condition. Tresj. . .. .. . . . .. .sub.Lake Forest, W D$Io. PsaeIaly me. CompltaequlpmentiO W" Wlth reh car- 4ddreu. L.1 WANTE-400od uellale grl formeerai Otto Hoim and i vie tu C C Andersen1 RIL.u 213 No. Margan ait Chcago, ll*it. ooiOoik. Api>I7ait thi. outie. G-i 17 acres lu the goutheast quarter of c-6-1 Isection 31 Libertyville Township W D) w- i WANTE>-OQirl for gourai housewory is11.50 fl SALE OR EXCHMANGE - ilor ilu ImIîy &fthree. F. 1N. TouLiIEBoN, PucesuvietTeoGl- l~<eosty rapsty 16 ace. n-1Hari Cieao, i> 2 smlth lot il b1ldck 6 Lenox tub Wauke- l~let xcelen tait and awWANTED-Masrried man tu do genera! gan Q C $600. Lu Yogas NBew ick. ce.d, c.Do fam wark. Appll ta J. 0. BAUDET. Thou Goldsmith andi vifete a leAie «KU@b-ncO. cimat. uneurjAaed, Prairie Viev or telephoDe 285RI oucber lot Il block 6 Lenox sob Wau- ses flhlvY. Âddreem1. B., 0««-&I: Ubert c llB.001 021 egan Q C 875o. ~v.Nosk Cîcao, II. vkyitWANTED-To rent farm 80 ta 160 COE 2,1S. r~ ~~~~ nom.AE-bot2 acfiCash mat. 01<fnl partimlare Emma J. Aluvay tu LillieP. Smilth, Mal vlth biader i<ir O" LZA6ss iSlUr NM NigEtDq.lots 65, 66 sud 67, 81k 17, Lake Bluff, PreIslev II.P-5-2 WANTED-8 or 4 room@forlightueQ. C., $1. keeplufurnabMt, or 2 roomi wltb Y. G. Peatersos andti vie tu Albert f FOR SALE OR EXCHIANGE-lW mre- board. taquins at thi* office. Kilclimann. 2M6 acres ln sec%. 27, 28,1 ta aiuin.bninearnbue. han, et. C-Otf anti 29, Ubertyi>ille i wp., W.1D_ $37,. W acein Id__a_ __n._ _r. tc @&&. xzorna» ae io, ira)slakq, 92.. au . .. ...- ... ....jEstate of J. Ni.White, decd., tu T. + W T a 8UPOUN~D +1 W. Bropby, 60 acres ln S. W. 1-4 sec. FOR SALEO09RENT-lmpredla . .. . +. .+ .+..+.+.. .12. rn w, ed.$ ' o 16#acres. hall way betweetu Milburu rn w.,des 2 »0 Wadsworth. inqaire 09I Env. LOST-BetweenWaokeganandLlberty- W. B. Smith and wife to L_ G. Fur. Seran Libertyviile, P.0. 1. t c-3ltf ville, a case cont.aining grsbpoent.lt1,bk fLk lfQ . remcre. toLssu ad piano lcatboen .lt9, 1.2,LkeBuf . Flotter plase at Sun ote Wsutp 10 FOR SALE-Firut prie lvimg Roi. «u or ln<epndent office, Lihrtrvillie Delta K. Foliett andi husband tu F E oneÀu hall cati, Liberty -V Ile-Pii-tert je or phone 687 and ve wil ll<1c1 orsmamie .1, toyle. ?l1) acres in seca. 27, 29, 3? Rfflig. frr Jan 30,. 1012 PSin,. Prince j Libemreard. a;I ,nd 34, tibertyville twl. W. D., $1. ThmaSjxîfloQird 11 th47409, lDe n Pearl~WaylaJukat iet .E Aredisn 1lioeiyu f6637n qClt ioetly FlUNDy)n Met-hak and(iroveltoadC. E. w hite andtI el gosn. Prime $75 10 ON--n Go-Rn erSa],.lt37nd?9 i :,Wth Ee~stsce asti trustt-rre N i userwIdE. chu th 5itr. sahbin-sderbr ielt 7ad2,bklWs pa*r~ ed n raumfll e Pbon278 bat. Owut-r rua> fiaves aint- y caill' b urn Pari, ,North C(hicaoW1.$70 s t J. 1_ Triîgg'm- tore, pcovinig prop.-rty. 1A. Hl-t>an sd wile toTillile B.and '-; gandi payirtg fur this ad. c-lil-i t. E Eerts, lots 1 and 2,blk 7, Oakt FOR SALE- Lise- .-outy larme, laind ..r s..u .. ad Sutt Wsuke-gau, W D., $200. ,@ doultaUts, Tu-xan antiF orîtia. + +44 ,+++++++ »Ybiut)& AU4-r..qOCTOBER 24, 1912. ~unn Acrî cIl l + MCEI5ANEà OU& , Sî+iaE.Pltfert-r1Huida Filsà FOR SALE-lorsi-..fir »Il purjp -,i .+.+.++.+.+.. +.+. *t.*.+. aller,Ilts 4, aînd 46, block ,.Irtt.s @MO to vii set-uiti a iio sandi son,.-r lire inuuanu-e. itrîtici- bitiug. eet Suit - North Chicago, W. D., $1 harumo. Lântolt Livzuv, Lâbe-cîs ville, titun*, bans uegot.uatu-d lty Di stttit 1-i 7nnie B. Buckle-y anti Iushandti r I titi EF,-H. Rayttonid, part lots 1 ant I , 1,1o, 11 euSfta. fIllinois, County o! Lakte.s: CeuitY, at a terra Ihereof to1,er huoîiieu CalhleistiPrfkhi.aoD. $6.27r1t Ia the Counly Court of l*ake Counts-. at 1he Court Flouse lu Wauksgan. ini ickerutan, et aI., 40 acres it SW la the mater of the estate of Wil- &&Id County, ou the lirsI 3londay et i1-4 Sec, 30, Shields twp. Q C..II MMa Augutus Stanin, tieceaseti; December ni-t. 1412, wheu anti where, OCTOSER 25, 1912, (CMotte Germaine SIariu. be-jr an- i al pensons hasîug clama againat sati t ordelis MeKauuv aud hî.shand 10 WY fiiats i îav o! saiti deceaaeti. estate are notlfieti anti requîested tu: Samuel Simpson ant i vie. 25 acres lu TOU are bereby notieti that o prescrit the s"me 10 salti Court for i Sec 16. F. Anioch twu. W. tp.. $I Mod"i the tventy-fifth day of No- adjudication. Il. Bý Smith ant i vie, et aIl. t' C . vemher, A. D. 1912. ath1e hour o! 10, her Phelph, lots 12 sud 13, Siit' i Si. lu o'clack la the toranoon of salti day, RRIDGET FILLE N (X) i DA HERTY.I Sec. Il. W. Antioch îfp. W.D., $1. I" Serigned, Charlotte Msta êgar markj C A. Phelpesud vite to 1 .B Phellus. on. azacutrix ofthe8. isat vîlIanti Administratrfis lot 12, Sulithe Suh lun Sec. Il. W' Air- taiaaem o!Wilim Agut.s tar W ei.Wss, Attorney. tiooh tI. Q. C., il. h. Iocenat oil liamreeeut tse o Waukegsu, Illnois, (ltober 1. James Welch, et aI., ta tC. C. Eti P. L ýPortons, Jutige of tise Counîy Ii31vre60aeslN.E -4Sc2 OSt et 1Lake Couuty. Ilinois, s Cuba 1.wP. W. D., $3,600. 's A DJUDICATION NOTICE Chicago Tille- & Trust Co. 10F.G .8ce la the Court Houa. la sali Lake Publ'ec Notice le nereby give-n that Granzo sud vite, lot 27, Wlson'&2<d Coraty, ber final report anti accoonit the 8ubFecrber Atiministratrlx ot the Suh. at Long Lakte. deed, $125. cf oe ctaandtiing asmuc ExcuEstate of Mlichael lirAs-ie deceaseti l Mary B. Martin to J. R. Kahn, tract *1z, 55k ta have the arne .approved. wilI att end the Couniy Cuto ' 'flndajE, .&E y.a ot Io be dinebarged anti ta have the Coonty, at a terun thereof to 8e- holden Chicago, W tD., $1. omate of aideceaseti ticlareti tuîly!at the Court flouse- ln Watîkegan. lun OCTOBER 26, 1912. satti and clometi; et vhich Urne anti salti County. on the finît Monday of' G H Wilhur ta Otto anti Helen Ne-I. place yaon m57 preaenl if you see December neal, 1912, vhen anti whereî son, lot 52, G. R. Lyo's Su.ot FPair l go ta do. ail perons havlng dlaims agaiust sali Groundis. Waukagau, W. D., $600. Dtei Otaher lird, 1912. estate are notilleti antd requestedti olJ . R . Webb anti vite te Agda H. Charlotte Meta tarin. preonut thea=saineta salti Co'urt for Anderson, 13 lots ln Chicago Spring Exeanlrix as atoresaiti. adjudication. Bluffs, tirede, $356. Wklylt ber J. A. Webb ant i vte te Maniaet.. BIDGET ELLEN (X) DAIIGHICRTY, Andierson, 5 lots lu Chicago Sprlng ADJUDICATION NOTICE mark Bluffs, W. D., $130. Public Notice lu bereby givos tisat Administratrlz. Chicago Tille & Trust C. . 1 Otta thê gabcrlber Adminimtratriof the W. Y. Weism, Attorney. Damm anM wvfs-, lots 40 anti 54, WiI- autue o rthur -MeAree. dSeeaie. Waukegan, Ilinois, October 14, eoam Id Sub., Long àLAke, deeti, $475. vit&#Mthotie (103h1:7Court of Labe' 1012. WkIY-t F. A. Steuert ant i vte ta G. FP. Iske, Part lot 306, Lake Poreet, S. W. D.. Kdjua W. Fuice anti issaandtu t C. H. McCoricI, parI lot 317, Lakte Forait, W. D., $10. OF. Piake ant ifit 1 C. H. Me- CormLck, part lot 316, Lakte orest, W. Bell System DA. C.Thomsnanti vite ta C. L. Woodufflot , bk. 86, Highliandi Park, W. D., $2500. qD Ollîver Hook ant i vie, et aI., to C. H. Cartlitige anti F. H. Allen, EB. 210 ft. S. o! Rond of N. W. 1-4 Sec. 13, Grant tvp., W. D.. $1. T E have now pointed the telephone way C. H. Cartlige- anti vifs, et aI., 10 a,,,, Beatrice Gadadeu, et aI., lots 9 anti 10, rrto C hicago, to Boscobel and to other Cartlige & Altens Sub., Long LaIte, goandW. D>, 32,1Ï00 places wnence travelers cre anda o n .Wiwlh n iet .H s- Strickland, lot 15, Walnwrlgits se- business is cioing 3oo c.ays a year. sub. o! pt. Suuterliu's Sub,, Waukegan, ôrlenSý eSt W. D., $200. We could point South to New Olas et Jh OCTOBER 29, 1912. C.T to Denver, and North to Medicine Hat, but (sun, lot 232, tex. E. 185 fi.), Lake enough has been, said to show that Bell Long --Daniel Pease anti vite b Josephs De!. Distance lines have the inalienable right to $a50 at. o 0 Hgiod.W . the claim of universal service, and that every- Mary A.. Hall anti hyiian to'Bîiza- beth Rafferty, 1 1-2 acres lun'N- B. 146 one can be in constant touch with this gyreat Sec27, Deerfteld twp., W. D.$300. systemn through the Chicago Telephone Comi- HeIiry AIdesm lot 6, 81k. 46, Lake Bluff, W. D.. $2100. pany. A. Antdrews Lake's big veekly-INDEPBNDUNT. Managers Te.- L al M tige or weault& -mie Our calilmus phne 990 MARRItAtb LICENSES :the North East corner of the Northt easterly, havtng a radius of 383.1 feet 0f the rigbî of eminent tigmalIn"le-4 %Vest Quarter ofth1e South NVeât for a distance of 1i2 feet to a tangent proveti Apuil 10, 1872 sud in forone Robert Litwller, lbertyvilLe . 34 Quarter of Section 20 in said Town-tpoint. theuce North , I1 degrees 32 July 1, 1872 andi for the bearlg ho-.' Maggle B. Jaeet, LIbeltvville 34 sitip 43 North;; thénce Nortih 214.5 mlinutes W est 31r153 feet to a Point lu fore saiti Jury upon ail questions et Henry W. Ja"af, MI ,lwaukee r3osei; thence East 473.2 feet: thence the West lune of the-Kafit half tof thet enetîts andi damages ta auj o01 tas Hîsie May Kulk, hflWaukee 22 North 173 fret: 1heure Fast ta the Fast hait of the- South WSest Quarter Lanti in sali District, alto Raid jursy DarIl SM. 5tlobit, C4 . J99 3 West lute 0f the North East Quarter 0f the- North WVe-t Quarter of said Sec- wiil precoet ta examine the lantis, sand Nellie Thoraal)oy,. Cicago 390f Section 20 lu sali Township 43; tion Tai-ut> eteht which point l8 1017 publie iigbvays te bc affecteti by the' 1theure North ta tite North West cor- feet North of the South line of the ~rpat ok0 at htltat HÇertln B.laqeku, Milwukee .. 21 uer of the Souîth hait of the South North %Vebit Quarter or sati Section certain t0 the best oftiroeir abithy andi HeenF.lFeiuIu, tlwuke 2West Quarter of the South Fast Twenty-elght, coutalulug ?,,04 acres iiudgmeuît te benefls wbiclsrwill ac- John Setlouakas, Waukegan 22.. Quarter of Section 17 lu saiti Town- more or lest., owned by Jacob I iekatu 'crue ta the lands sud pubilic lgbways Auna Szickanekute,.Waukegan 23 ship 43 North; theuce East ta the Hast Part of the South, \V'est Quarter or, tabe atterteti by the pmoposed veut A. Oskar Eckman. Waukegau .. 3,linre of Raidi Section 17 ; 1heure South Section Twenty-eight, being a strtp or and the tiamages ta the. landilakea or. Alekeaudra Alho, Waukegau . 25~ ta the North East corner of saidi Sec- landi 80 teet wlde, te center ruenio damageti thereby uver which tirs rét Conrad stropp, Milwautkee 23' tien 20 alores&1i thence East ta the which la describeti as follows: lut way for the constructiog et thp MMU Mtarte C. ReoliMilwaukee-2 North East corner oif the North West Beginnlag at a point lu the Hat uIl., proliobet work han net be. ebtblei. Rtay Luckow, Mlwaukee- .21 Quarter of the North %Vest Quarter of the South West Quarter of Sectlon o ttpriliflg the lands :»yre Wallace, 1141Iituakee ...241 of Section 21, In salîl Township 43 Twenty-elgbt, 362.6 teet South of the- scribed. aithOe sai ceu6441 ai North; thenceSouth ta the Nrbcue fsiiScin hneNri the turne herein ahove mnue irsAa B . l, Milwaukee Wet crnrof the SouîtbhEast Quar 51 dogrees, 14 minutes West 563.2 rfeet th" lm paneling f ut r ny, M' a Kenoals . . ~ter of the North West Quarter of saidta 1 a point lu the North liue of sali 1Ail persona lntereated in'.Isk~k Carl J. Hansen, Osa ....2 Section 21; thence East ta the North Quarter Section which point la 4389 I tiersons namet inl this notice, may 10 Auna M. àlaNamara, Kenosha ... .281 hant corner 0f saiti Quarter Quarter fret West 0f the center of saiti Sec, Present aI sncb lime »aiPlaue ai Thomas Melroos, Mlwaukee- 2 Section; tleuce South ta the- conter of lion, contatnlng 1.03 acres more or faIte such acilons as la by law sutbee'- Kathryn Frager, Mlwaukee. ._22 1saiti Section 21; thence Westi 117,1 ess. owuet by Caroline Busch. Ize.t-iif 18e-y no tee fit. George Martuntis, Wankegasu . 40 forct; thence South ta the- North liue Part of the West 7.17 chains of the MILRS T. LAIBEY, Mary Dichitana, Waukegau ..28 of said Section 28, aforesaiti, thence Soutîh 43.25chains 0 the Fast half GEORGQ UM QJPftN, Hersuan Rrn.t MWe, Mlwautkee ..37 East ta the North East corner of tht-;ot the- Wes' hait ot Section Twenty, WiliA"M 1Hum, Marie SauPppMilwaukee .32 North West Quarter of tard Sectioni heing a strip of land 80 feet wiàle. the Commissioners 01 Dhaànage Disirici ___________28; theure South to the conter of said ctenter hune ot which le descriheti sa Nuruber Tus> of the Towa of Ver*- HEÂR II LIERT VILE [Section 28; thence Hast ta the Ncirth folîows: on, La.ke Coenty. Ijl»Mel. HICA D INLIM TYVILEi East, corner ofthIe North West Quar- ltegiuulug at a point 473.2 test Has, MARTIN C. DROKER. de er of the South East Quarter of Rasid 0f the, West lice anti 116.7 feet North RALPH J. BABY, How Bad Backs Have Been Mad Section 28; thence Soth ta the Souîiîth f the- South lite- 0f the North Hut Attoareyb.kI- Strong-Kldney Iliii Corcected Hast corner of caiti Quarter- Quarter 1 quarter of the South West Quarter Section; thence East 100 feet; thence lof saiti Section: thence Soothwesterly Ail ovpr Lbertiville you br-ar tSouth 330 feet.; thence South 18 de-laioug a lueo curvlug ta the toft, con- . l>oan's Kidoey Pille are keeitrop thlIe rees 26 minutes West to the South vers Nortfierly, having a radius of 146.2 Prolesah ImaCads good work. L"hrtyville 1-tII are East cre of te North Hast Quarter feet, for a distanceo of 57 5 teet 10a a- telling atat il-fittpl i tri M s -of the South West Quarter ef thetangent point: theuce South 71 det- ---------- motie sonta gain. Yotî ý'jbeiiee the Ueatimfloyf ponrOvn totîrt-1jttPle Soutbhast Quarter of salti Section 28; j grees 3t4 mnurtes West 1.33 feet ta MARTIN r. DECKER Tbey tellitkfùr thobeu-rtit o %(nwbo thence South tas, point 40 fret South a tangent point. thence Southwesîerly ITol- asre ouffering. if your back a if tyou fteSuhln fsaiieto 8 logaln uvn a h ot o ho pi1* tgeti fei jame. sore andi mistwii.i.,i a0 h ot u fsliScin2; lu iecr n 0tlfcutieOp8i t ficre8113140n, iîinryssettwlrsiunts ~thence West toa point 40 fret due ve Northwesterly, haviug a radiuîsiMe Phone 848 lt. Phos., 1801 are paitîlulpecanty andti tî,use South of the- place of Ibegiuulng; of 28l7, taet for a distance of .100 feet N . )ATH' CHIt2AGOf. L1,,1O401 Iîr,au'.. Kidùey Pille. tire reiirctiy tbatf thence North to the place- of begirâuinz ta a tangent point. thence South 51 ha@igblîocs au f oliu hi r ,-ti.-an ýiniLakte couuty,Ililinois. That ail Of degrees 34 minuttes t'est62 flet t0aa itirens ad vice and i «ie 11 mur - r i hant-e the- lands within boundaries as above tangent pinlt; thence Westeriv alonge DR. GOLDING tsi do the mampe for you. idescribeti are 8e-nef iteti by the pro altectvn 0uergt ovsDENTIi'iT Nrs E. Stsplîn, Milsauo-- tr sdjpoFeti aori, e-rce,,t that part of Rait i Sîtherl, baving a radius of 1462 Bourp M to 12 am.-1 lob jt. flands r.. Lrei for rile, of , for theaits Kiduey Pille have heerriou" i ir Tr fi t>î ani euîrt o igto a frlt ee-t for a distance o! 1685 fel taSaJ. Eli Triggrs Buiîdia [,Iri a great Marly 3 eursai d t i l'aîv, -work propo-ed t i e due Insaiti Dis- trinent point: theuce North îî de with lDn J.I..Taylnr--Pboile .19 aissaedtne good woîrk. ii irr rr twi trict as descrihe-d lu the C'ommission- grees West Il.2 fret ta a tangent ides. Phone 10)2 case ut-m wece paru« tlittoli ti rîtatI ers Report fildIth 1e Uottnty Court Ipoint .thence Westerly aloug a lins Littertvvilie.Ilîlinois isîid dnysati wb Te (q' i -asof Lake Cotînty. ou Febrîar * y148. cttrvtng ta 1he left, ,.ouvex Northerly. Lidueis s-ws icreguluti id iit.-rt-tl A. D. 1912 anti approve-i hy saiti Court îîavîug a radius of 2.31 feet ta a uint DR. B. H. SMITH. litni diury andi nersîtue s-1-14 Ut i ion Marcit 23rd, A. tD 1912 lu tire %Vtest luenotolte Soenti) Ea.tt -ENTIST. Kîduey Ville gave nie piimtrt io-it e - Yorî are turther notifietilia thatreQuttrter of thei South Wtest ur Four *ûJe 'y ail dealer-§. it . )iVeteEQRrt-; LAKL , CNTT t-ATIOX&L »A«. ïotr-iibr C oOst.Na tti oilowiug are the lands piottosed 10 0f saîi Section Pwenlty, which e point &m-ad t 6p -lie agent« for the utted ti rtt-s e taken or damaited lu saiti District.,Ila2".1 fi-et south of the North WVest orAs-a . Sti.ad1t6v . Itenteinher the .-and ltrr sttioseer which the right of way bas ntconter of sali Quarter Quarter Sec- taiti no otrer. b e-e-n ohiaineti, ail situatet Iin Towtn- tuon, couîainîug i1.38 acces more or t2tbertyvil.e h>t1 State- OC lli otul. t ,tke, as 'sip4:3 North, Range Il East of*he letas.owîed 8y Michael Kraus. lu the County Court otfiLake l'ount Third Pricipal tueridian, in Lake Part of the North West Qa teror U LCA C IN E la the matter oi Draiiia.-e District ýCOunty. Illinois, as toilows, tO-wivu h South West Quarter ofSeto lftatain l er m Numben Tva cf the Tutun ot Vernon, Part or the South Haît Quarter oui Twenty, being a tract o! lanrd îescrrb- auction sales antibe-et retaelua . Laite CountY, Illinois. Notice o! tise Section Twenty-elght, belug a strip ofrd acfrloa; ngSaine. as ollws:Ail kintis et boi". waxosé -»à lime anti place of buariug upon the landi 80 feet wide, the center line 0f Be-gituing St the South East corner bansforsoal, rech rgatal tiaqe. touumissiouers Itoll of Ass-satent. ahich isatiescribeti, as tollows: i of salti Quarter Quarter Section; HENRY SINE 0f Benefîte Sud Damages Begiannng at a Point 669.7 feet tece West 1048.9 feet; ; thence hnr To ail persona înterested anti par- Nortb of the South lte anti 6458 fet Nth3 iges20mntsHst5. hns:18e 8eINCT. t icularly ta Mathia>s Wickersbeim, Hast of the West hue of saiti Sections - ee-t thence Hast t0 the West huenot Jacoi, Liekain. Caroline- Busch anti Twenty-eight; thence Northeasterly i salit Quarter Quarter Section; 1heure W .* H. APPLEY NihlsBusch her hîr. tanti, 7lichael along a liue curving totse rlght; con- South 40 feest ta the place of bagin- Kraus, George Nîkol, i irrstiua Nikol, sers Westeri>, bavtng radius of 478.3 ring, cOniainlug 1.36 acres more or A cine Magdalena 1C. Tattier, Atnna Locheati, te-et for a distance of 47.6 te-et ta a lesa, owueti y George Nikol antd PARII SALES ONE PER CENT Elmer E. asuton and Stanley T. Foots, tangent point; thence North 17 de- Christina Nikol. Libertyvilis, IM. Jacob Lekain anti Michael Itraus. grees 16 minutes Hasat 10 teest te a 1 Part of Southt Hast Quarter of Sec-POE 8. Hîghway Commisslotiers of the Town tangent point, thence Northerly along 1tion, Twenty-elght, being a atrip ot POE13. No ouf Vernion, Lakte tolntv, Illinois. a hune curving ta the leftt convex 1 landi 80 feet wIde, the conter line of r _ Taire notice tirat tire commission- Easlerlv, having a radius ut 573.7 teet which b, describeti as Collons: Tewptituas-148-111ait aettr p.Surr.i m ers of Drainage District Number Two for a distance of 150 teet ta a tangenti Comnmencing at a point 1113 feel o rvne ff 0d er" ofthIe Tovn of Vernion, Lakte Coun- point; thence North 2 degrees 16 Inn-'Hast of the We-st linsofor1te South Je M . Graves ty, Illius, have fied their "Com- utes Hast to the center of a concrete Hast Quarter oif Section Tventy-elght.I A UCT IO N EE R iisioliera Roll of Asseaînentg of culvent lacateti In the conter of the sudi 33 fret South of the North lne 14EmodAe.Wuqo M Ilenefits anti Danmages'- wiîh the Clerk Public highway, running easî anti veat 0f the Southî West Quarter of the Ser ta beloe akh ye.s "0 o! thse County C'ourt of the County o! through saiti Section Tweuty-elght; Suiuth East Quarter of saiti Section me Lakte and 8181.,o!f Minuit. That saiti thence Northwaeterly aiong a lino Twenty-eight; tisent-e North 2 degreca-es_____________ Commlealoaes-s ROor fAggetoinents curvlng t0aie toft conagi Nolhe"t- r16,1fetes ÉHast le 1he renter of s DR, 0. P- DI.7TDIIDL. of Bonellis anti Damages" affects ev- erly, havlng a radius of 146.2. teet for cOncreleté clvert loCatat Iin ite cen.- rkaM m usgu. ery Piece anti parcei of lanti contained a distance of 133.8 feet ta a tangent t1er of the public higbway running east &nm "94 W 1mm . In sai Drainage District, a corpora- point; thence Norths 51 degrees 14 min- r anti veat Ihroogh Rali Section Twen- I' V1U.A* tien organixeti and eristîng unier anu rtes West ta a point lu the North it r ty-eight; thence Northvesterly along LMItflvm@4 malle. Act esitled "An Act ta PrOvide for o! the South hait of the North West a linoen tr4ng ta thse left couvet the construction, reparation andi pro- Quarter o! the Soutsh But Quarter o! Northeaeterly havlng a radius of 146.2 - -CLI G I»V Y tection of trais., ditches anti levees saliti Section T1'enty-eight, whjcb point.te-et foi a distance of 34 test, contain- ~ C .G LW Y acrose the lande Ot others for agrîcul- la 374.9 teet Hait of the West line of 1lng 0.1ÎCt an acre more or less.. op IOVES tov*lb auUe tus-aI, mantary anti minlug purpogea saliQuarter Section, containtog, 3.06 Aise par-t of thse South IHast Quarter e i so 1te aMd le s. a anti te provide for te organiztJUof acres more or leu. owaed by Matis O! Section 20, being &a strip Of land Drainag» Dhisrris." approved MdansIluWickermchiem.80, teet vide, the fcenter lineoetfvblh Lbtt'tliH. force May 29. 1 879, aud ail a4e Part of lise South Baut Quarter of là.describetisas toilova: amendatory therect. Section Tweuty-eight, belng a &trip of Commenclag at a paint 253 teet DR. . . MSUC1<E. 8.14 Drainage District Number Tva landi 80 teet vide, thse conter lineo o West tOf the East une andi 33 foret Pyilnadsrfl of thse Town 0f Ves-non, Lae. Cosnty, vlîlch la describeti as foliova: Solitb-tOtthe North lUne of tise North Pyilnat ss. Illinlois, la bouadeti as tollowmJ to-vit: Beginnlng at a point in thse South Hast Quater of Section Tventy-nlnue; Oïse, cees 1>5.5eà & 3.t»"M le. Colwaenolug at a point la îthe South lineo0f thse Nontis hait ofthae North thenocWartb 28 tdegmees 18 minutes Boum a te is A. M. IlV.PM t 'r"s, otfirn .1 f neuem Smuton te si«.Bu.er. es"4 eeeS line of Section 28, Township 43 Nos-lh, West'Quarter of the SoutshEast Quar- WNest9 e ot alj 13 fa GLASSESIbROPERLY FITTRS Range Eleven Hast of aie Thind Pria- er of Raidi Section Twenty-eight, 374.9 acre more or lent: Es ure ir"le cipal Mridiau n l lIte Conty, [lit. fret Hast of the West lina of sai Aise part of the Souttshas ure ialvle nais, 3630 feet East of the Souths West Quarter Section; thance North 61 de., Of Section 20, and aise parI of the corner of saiti section; thenee North grees 14 minutes West, 481.5 foret ta a North 'East Quarter o! section Tveu- DR. IL V. SUITII rta the South line of the Nortis hall point in the West Uine o! sali Quar- tY-nlne, beiug a strip of lanti 80 feet cf thse South East Quarter of eaid Sec- ter Section, whlch point la 352.6 test vide, lhe ceuter lueno!fvblch in de- GENERAL PRAGMUE tien; thence'West toa aPoint 529 test Souith o! the tente-r lineofosaiti Sec- Icibeti as foilows: &ou,, s io le &.m. 25e 45* las a *.M vest of the east uine o! Section 29 In lion, contalning .89 o! aut acre,. Beginniug at a point 279 test Hast Omtie oves Day reclasemorle. Raidi Township 42 North; Chence Nortb Also part of the North West Quarter of the, West lie- anti 33 fret South LIBERTVVILLEI. ILLII4O1 ta tie South lins of the North half of Sectionu swenty-eîgns, neîng s strtp of the South Fast Quarter ofth1e lot landi 90 feet vide, the conter line Norths Hast Quarter of saiti Section 1 f W hch I. describeti as tollove: 29; tisancesWest to the West linaof Begi i at 5point lu the South tise North Hast Quarter of sasîtdSc-iueot the. North West Quarter o! sait! tien 29; 1heure North 165 feat; thence Section Tseuly-eigbt, 438.9 feet Westt West ta the Fast liue ot Section 30 0f the t-enter of sai Section; 1heure1 lu sald Township 43 North;* thenee North 51 degrees 14 minutes West North to ths Sostth East corner' of 445 8 tes-t ta a taupe-rt point, thencei lise North Hast Quarter oftheb North Northenly aîong s lino curving ta the East Quarter of sali Section 30;' nlgbt. couvex Southwente-rly, bavlugi thence West ta the South West corner a radius o! 338.3 tee-t for a distance1 ot the North West Quarter 'ofthe o! 140.1 te-et ta a tangent point; Nos-lh Hast Quartes- of sald' Sec-' theuce North 27 degrées 24 minutes lion 30; thence North ta thse North lWest, 156.6 fe-et ta a tangent point; lino- o! saiti Section 30; Ihence Vasltient-e Nortbvesterly aîoug a fine ta the Nos-lb Hast corner of the North currlng ta the lefI couvai Northeasl-i West Quarter of the Norths $ast erly bavlug a radius o! 383.1 te-et for a Quarter of sait] Section 30: tbence distance of 132.2 tee-t ta a tangent North te the Northb West corner of point: thence Nos-lh 47 denree 14 the NorthlButa Quarter of the South minutes West 30q.3 te-et ta s tangetn t East Quarter or Section 19 lu sld- Point: thencle 'Nosubwes-erly alossg a ltownalslp 48 North;' tfance Uést ta i4ce curvig ti tbi.llft , cnvex Norh- o! the Northh llp of the North Hast Quarter of Section Twenty-nine; thenceL North 10 degrees 53 minutes West 67 te-et, containiug .13 of au acre more or lese, forming a part of lie Ilighvays of the Town of Vernon, Lake Couuty, llînola anti coutrolflet hy the Higisvay Comiisslonere of maJitiTown. Toit are furîber natif lad liat the ('otmîssionars of saiti Drainage Dis- trict wilI appear before lb, Caunty Court of Lakte Ceunty, Illinois, on dia lith day of Novamber, A. D. 1912, ai the hour of tan o'ciock lu the tore- noon, at the room uually occupleti as a county cous-t rmmIl the Court flouse lu the City o! Waukegau, lu tht- Couuty o! LaIte anti State ot Illle for the purpase o! h85'lnB a jury lmn paneleti In accordarce wlhth 1e Pr,- vision@ of SeetIon -Il of an Act entitle$, '*An Act tW provide for the xe-rt-lac DR. IL -TAYMIR e,,Icm ovEs J. au.. seeu . ous:-? %0 10 a. im. 2 t 4 and O6é, 6eidebjb -. Broaiway, oppoeîte Part w.oss-13 vii.. lio PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. lbortyrlwl lftnols Dr. Victor 0. lloim OSTEOPAT84IC PHYSICIAN Ausaciated W»6 DR. FRED SiSONOPP. Ofiee and RsineP bu Waulkegaa.71 il 'T