L AKE1 5 11N.V' T TI1'TlY'i-f 1,AV \WPM1RR1~1 aeeTr LRES TO TAREt RýITANTINOPLE Owupatlon of Turklsh Capital by Sulgarla Inevitable. IIUflTO PORT IS GIVEN UP Worsllpa coller Ithe Flisht of the Ot. icnnForces Wblcb Are Close.- ,y Puaaued by the Bal- *ken Enemy. London, Nov. 7.-The temperary ce- copltion of (Constantinople by Blol asila aregardeti by Russan n.b ftltablc. soya a St. Petersburg dis- patch to the Daily Mail, andi there ls oqrm fear of a P"fuanent occupaCon. Rtodosto on t. e et ofMarmora, Io la the. lat phase of hurrîsti evacua- tion. Munitions inti food are heing tiaassblped ito Eregil, Asia Miner. Two Ottoman varahips have arrived. Pieuably taoser thc final evacua- tica if the Buigarian troops arrive. à large Buigartan force seizeti Teikos andi thereby got contrai cf te moutof the waber enpply of centan- tiaupie, nccerdtig te a dltetch front Sala recelveti here. Terice vas aso Seue et the bulwarks of the Turklsb lie@ ou f defense Orown tro th<le sen of 'Marmora to the 1Black sea lu a sei-crcle tvent y-ove mires West ot the' capital, andilisl oss means <at thaï Bulgare have bokca ibrougli the la bine cf dauperate stand which the Tufiesbave madie. lh. situation contronting the Turk- foie capital la sericus. while Il la tr* that Constàutluople draws vater tract a point cnt cf Teikes. Il de. peodtmuostly ou vater front Lake Tnotc. Stecssheld of Monatir urranders. toute. Itaiy. Nov. 7-Tite Turklsli etrgaghold otfiMonastir surreuderedt t the Servian troeps, nccording to a dis- p.tçh fromi Begrade to the Tribuna. "SURt MMOE" PL.ANS Progrssive Party Net to Se Allewed to Lapse. isueleM*b egns to e Be ovided to Kesp Up Active Propagande for Four Vaus r. THOMA GRAHAM. Fox Lake. Lake conttY, man who has won hieseat ln the legiuiature OS the Democratic c.nidlat9j lats retufns showing ho defeated Vickers Of Mc- Henry. Early rturne showed Graham had lopt but final figures show con- clulivfy h là elccted: He won formerly chairman of the Lake County Board of Supervisora. Our New Congressman Washington, Nov. 7.-Leading Ite ib*lcna er ar iterstti u e- CHARLES M. THOMSON. vebDpments ot the let fev daya tend-' InÉ te diecloae the plans cf the. "Bulli Who iasa ieon ,Cled unr-i.v Uooe" leaders for the future. lai this. thet'llh di4triî t, te ut- R became kuowo here ahDrt>ly e- Congceaaman (,-vtrge, Edmond til-os-i fote election that Colonel Rooevlt$ Mr. Thomsonî m. as Ilorn Ilii hig nag«ers, rellzlng that he coulai net 35 years ae, Hic faher, alto dîtiv' bei electeti. hal iready begun la) ngin l90(),p1 as laies Thonioli. ho Piqua te tronglteu their îary or' rame te Iis îoiintry tfrom his natilît- 94tatoo ly keeptxtg up an active lantd Stlti, i)Il, I, ir. Thwtt p$pganda for tour yenrsa more, lui hitst«Moment given eut lu New York, sons father na,, onv-cied itiih ,- Benter Dizon, chaimmnan or the Roose- Thomnson & TaOor Sptle cîtuitano fer f yeN' campaigu committet.. makes neari>' 10 veaca liii moher. who calt' clIIIIir that lhe sud hieanesoclaies lu front Ieckcutir.- coiitil. tata ii,î th4 Rosevelt mocventent ltend te go lives ai #42 liciçuont avenuîe, C'hic.igi, te Work et once te holti thefir support- Mir. Thomston wsîe4tiluaied in lie crg lu varons States and to try te publia- ichoola of Ciîago, c-aIlîa'ii bibgIin recrilite. froin the Chiago Manuai Tcaiiîtîîîg 9 1tersary bureau vîli probably le h elt n1812. He attendeti \a-hi:îg ctblished. il la leacuedtihereaaccxii- tnadJfesnclepi 'o;g lar bulletin or newapaper ergan le-toaniiIfcsuoleel Wchn ubi periodically te prenante tlie ton. t'ennsylvania. %vhvrt. bai, graduaicil collie. andi speeches, club rganiza- lu 189)9. lie ct<" e detlgre t! tié asud ther velI kuown methoda of aetiir of Lawsfont theic ort tnt ni PriotUg Politsaii pavementisodorat- Cru universitylyan at bo,, lu 1901, 1n ad te kel sie thc new party. whiliîyear i-v.av aaimteth ie It le learneti here that satistactory bar. lie bai 1rac'it'î.t law ever sInvt. asgerances bavc heen iven that the Iu 190,lie intarried I MissBsi, eil le umesssary money wiul be furnlshed b>' brook. Tiiey lait one' thilti antirt-o Ce=@g W. Perlns aud ollicete car- Bide ai 817 Nioitrot.i- at-ue liige. ry onu the worl, f(7 the. next four Mr.Thtomson htt-.tte an indeltenîly eni Candidluae for titi trm an iiltý 2 t rngft"man May Dic froinMuts. narti, Chicagouin 1UAfler one otf Albouertlue. N. M.. Nov. 7.-e-tht. fierceet hatlesi-itr atieh for at gsïààmnGeorge Curry vas fatallr council seat ihe nat. 1ct'lt-i neutrî InJored near Alame 0ordo, Oterd iter 'another bot filit ta 'trr-.d in ogty, Iu an automaoblc accident. vbh e lenas re-plpcied alderman tty au lncrpaed ti piraliiy Aitlbheclorlec f TIIE MARKETS ef bis second teri Ili, was agaîn re. e-letd.thslimare wittîîl jopposition;1 r- Chicago Lava StuCk. andtiebu l non servlng is third terni *>ga-Receipts 24,00. QuotationeIs n the Chicago ciiy totincil.le is raâoket he$ 910 15bavy shlpplng, harutan ofthie conimite,' on ituilti- STjWO8 60 ight sbipping, $7.550U7.9) belWy pacilo, andi $6.N0tU7.00O goodteito lg antd city bal anti a inenlîitur ef the CWCe pitgacommilîe ou watcc ticiarimeut anîd tàttb -ReceIpts 22,000. Quotatione tbe commitîpe on harbors, wharves q a @ d a $10. l0 Il .00 prim e steer , and bridge . O57.50 choie t prime tedaibeer Mr. Thomson waa ciecteti ou the 4~. 8607.60 seleti feedeis. Progressive ticket anti dialuîscus a *0.?.5 fair to gooti stockera, $9.756 caogressman who liaisnmalle a goodta 816.60ogaoati te choice veal cal".'5. recordianod whu lias betti his seat for1 *eep-Recelpte 38,0N0. Quolations 18 years. Mr. Thomaon is an aggrcs ra4ed ai 7.1507.85 choutete prime s atinbs, $5.305.85 gondta ecoc le adwokn onat odu 7.6ýrI1égs, &43604.60 gondi te cholceè wiii more than make good In hiese Cho ve, harper lb.. mar acd printa v e t e ra . $ 3 7 5 @4 .2 6 fa ir t e g o ndi e w vs. p o sitio n ý t stock. 24c. vhnt bas become of the olt-fashioneti LetBuffalo Lîve Stock. --an vhotasedi te go te te peniten- ~nitg &Stevens. Live Stock Cern- tinry atter being towid gulty-To.J m4lteeMeranifte, East lIufalo.N. TY, Io alle. qIeamtollev: Citile-Recoipte m ,r;larket aten y.Hogs-Ho- 'Cotrmonger." ret .o;re market tendy; heavy, Rlbbed costard applesi a oookn4 ~ S s 1, T'kes,$77@8.00; pige, klnd, are nov te ho secin ini the sheopg. Slheep-Reeipta, 20 cars; qa~r Tb& .. cota le reter,"ý tp t. th etroag; tep eth .4007.0; cosIbt aceunta ofet8dvxd L'à r~wsdise Unortunate Englieh. The general mpression thnt thc Engiahmans tlife la rather pro.y le supported by the statement of n Loik doner who viiteti at Clay Conter. Ho sali he neyer hati tased frieti chicie en or stravberry shortcnke, the tva being unknowu te, the culincart KIr hie counry.-Kanmas Cty Star. To Sterîlîxe Clatare Water. Ciateru waterc au be thoroughii sterilized by the addition of one-tenth ofa grain ot bypochloct'¶e of lime to the galion. This dec. net Injure Uic water for laundry andi bathiig pur- poses. Improveo uafety Razar. The prtnciple of the double-blatiet plane baa been appliedti t safety ra- sors. se that the operator shavea with two biatiqe at the ame time, AUCTION. Ni, 1a,,ehaviug exîttreti Ihave de- ,-tîl to lcave the tarinanti bavc-an mcteion sait- Sovinuter 14, 1912. The lîrin i> novti as the .crilab Shea f.t n 3 mile, 'oit 'ai I of Russeîll,3 1-2 tnilcs toit li-i tîf 'adsworib, 4 miles t-si ofI Zion (lit' anti 3 miles eat et lItoiecrtiti Sali- tonîrtiences aI 10 a. 96 Mead ef Stock-MorzOs. 1 spaut of ;eltliiiga.i'tmiug 6 years, a4i ghi LlY%'O iottttt; 1 Igray mare cern- ing 12 *veaca welgit Sot>pountis; 1 gray hort- toming li, vears, veiglit i .tîîî ittititt--1 hay herse 12 yeara. aciglit 14100> wictîda. i1ttrown horae coîming t icars. aeight 11110pounda; 1 ita> carnîtîge horste, ceming 6 yeaca. wclght I 2Wît Iouidi - 2 colla comiug 3 icars, .1 o-tllt ornitîg 2 yetira, 7 heati tif hogs, shaits, 15 heati tf choice cea a, ceint- closi- sîtringers - i heati et ytiutg sttock,.-1 luth-t, ne ufillhiotied Hleîin,. hi-itîher a Duîrham; ù6heati of ahpelît. iaygrain anti nacbinery; 2,- fu bor tf lai iluarn, 1:l00 ittshela of oats '-' aIrain aacls, 2n)acces et Corni lu iBocit, 2 fnnniug milîs, 1 Buckeye aeéer, nearly new - 1 grain binder, 1 cocu Itinîle.r. i niowiug machine, 2 coca pIinlrs. i1ctîller, 1 sulky plow, 1 sud ploin t stîbble len. ? tirage, i pair of 600t utitidsoales,1 nbei barren. 1 hantl cornt planter, 1 mllk carl, mlle caris, ?. grain satcks, 2 bay ropes, 1 wbite-mash niprayer. 1 cccv bar, 2 uletiguse. 1 ccaldlng kettle, 3 wagons, 2 topt buîggies, 2 open buggies, 1 miiit wagon with ptole, 1 muti scovl, 1 voodi rack, 2 bay racks, 1 breakIng cart, 1 sulk> carl, 1 cocu abeller, 1 gctnding atne, i eider press, 1 Incubator andi OroOuler. 2 slelghs anti 1 cutter, 1 toIl ~potatoe cultivator, 1 atacie caver, 1 fleur chest. 2 sets double banteas, 1 set double liglut tirivlug harneas, 3 sets single buggy iacuies; anti other arti- cles toe nîîmecoîus te, mention. Gobd noon lunch. Terme et Sale: $10 anti under cash, over $100 a ccedit et eue year viii b. gîven on good baukabie notas, vlth lu- ierest at GAlier cent. No pcopcrlty to be cemoveti tntil cetîleti toc vitb the clerks. JERNirAH & RICHIARD SHMA. Proprletors, JAMES G. WELCH, kJOHN A. IIOFF'MAN, Oterke in~k EGkROOSEVÉL vote ls Heavy and Colonel*s _; Lead Us Strong. Front Rotureat Present Availabie Wilson Lom Iliais to the Pro- geiOIve Candidate. Dei; Moines, la., Nov. G )-Patimates ou the retuffli fr010 twentY six coun- ticn ont t o nnt>'-ate in the atate Indicated that Roosevelt WIll have a estlmated majorlty of 4,171)t over Wil- son. Returns trom lili*ty-nire precincUs outaide Polke couity givi Taft 4,645, Wilson 6,865, Roogeveit 73.Sain precincta tu 1908: Taft 223,Bryn. 7.072. complete retitrns from nftypsi Iowa precincta 'gave TaftIlf 17,Wil- son 3,628., Rooeelt 4.7ý2. Vote ln 1908, saute precincta. gave Taf t 7.- 900, Bryan 4,83«. one hundred and lire prpcincts lu Iowa. outzide Polk e co'îty (Des moines), gave Taft 3,.560. Wilson 7,- 150. Roosevelt 9.25. The gaine pre- ciucts In 1908 gave Taft 15.'-155, liryan 8,729. The vote lu tiese Precluct* vas more than 1.800 beasier than ln tbe lat prenidential eletlion. ltsOtlmated pluiralties rom seven- teen cônntien jgive Clarke. iteptoblican. for governor, 3,760 rnalority over Dunn, Democrat. SMALL VSITE IN MAINE Wilson Geta 10,000 Malority ln Plus Tree State. Portland, )daine, Nov 6 -The vote In 100 citiez and towns ln M aine te- dicate that Wilson wiii haive a plural- lty of 10,000 it the sarne average la malntalned ln tic state. The total vota e »ludicateti by the citles vould bo Wilson 50.000; Roose- velt 40,000 and Taft 27000. Portland, the largest clty ln th@ state. gave W1111011 a plurality et 92 over Roosevelt. There lo a fallng o9 in th@ total vote of the atate but re- tUra show Democratic gaina. MASSACHUSETTS FOR WILSON Gavernor Facs la Re-Elected by Large MaJority. Boston, mass.. Nov. 6. -Wlson svept Massachusetts by a votae e- ceeding that cf Tntft andi Roosevelt combine&. carryiug vith hlm n large piortioni cf thie state ticket. Governor Fona, Democrat, in re-clected by n large plurallty. Indications are the legislatttre Wilnbe IDemOcratic. Chairm-n Rley ot the Democrstc state cemmlttee aays: "Wilson viii bhave 80,000 majority ln Masaachu- anette, vhile Governor Fons vili be re- eiected by 70,000. CASTS BIG WILSON VOTE Oio Republîcan Chairman Expresse. an Opinion. Columbus, O., Nov. 6.-This tate test a trementiena vote toc Governor Wilson. Ciairinan H. M. Daugirorty of the Republican state commtte salti: 'If the Democ rais bave net eleet- od their presitient ibis year when the Reptibibean pacty bas been rippeti vide open ail over the land.soute membar ot that Party ougt te apply for the appinimeul of a receiver for the party anti vinti up iea fars.'" WILSON GETS 25,000 AT ROUE Nemw Jersey ^ac Choses Ton or Twolve Demecratic Coagresmn. Newarke, N. J., Nov. 6.-Wilson lis carricti the iate. feu a! tveive Pemeocratte congcestfeii have been eiected The dlaim la aio mnade that thei viii bo a Demecratle kàjôMuty on Joint ballot lb the iegilt*.tins makIna t certain that ta !>emeotie U~nited ttes senater wvîli hoeseti. wiaone plurality la 25,000. ALABAMA FOR WILSON lita.e cnocratic Ticket Ilacteti and Congreasmea Re-heecas Birmngbham,. .la., Nov. 68-Ais.bauta gives Wilsor ý1 nu t 80,000; Roosaveît about 2,AM litilTaft a.b6ut 15,0. Ail Democratie calititdUM f. 000- gise r~eectd.wtb littie deisbt of aevmteeantth tdIs.t-rict. euier l . Durnett *as ruiliet by Suinter Cae- 1 wil, Progressive. Enlire etate amaene crotie ticket elected. 1 Kaystone Repubilcan Cengraosen L Philadelphie, Pa., Nov. f.-Penn- tsylvania congcesoens electeti-:Vare, 3Republican. irst: Grahamu, Repulil- co, second; Moore, Ropubliban, ithird; Edmootis, Repuhlianu, ouclh; Grleat, Republican, i. bti; POrc, Re- publican, tentb: liartrunfu.Repuhbîn- San, nineteentll -Patton, Repulcan. .tv'enty-lict: ;l.augbaih. Repulilcan. 'twenty-savletb; Porter, lReptiîtan, tveuly-ninth; Keliey, Roublican, Btbitietb; Burke, Repulican. thicty- tiret; Barccbfild. Reptublican. thiaty- second. at large. Mariu, LewIs WaI- ters. Rîpie>'. Republicaits. Wilson Ots FoietElectora. Tallahasee, Fi. Nov. 6.-Thîs state ives lier six loctoral vote* tg Wilson hy a big maJorlity. H B Libertyvilie People Go To Chicago from Here Every Dhy To Trade WIIY? There Is No gealRçason for Doing Trhli', W1en LÏbertyvilie Stotes carry the saein As ',of .& as' Chicago Stores and in iùany cases at m u c LOWE9-R PRICE~S Lihertyvilte ?erchants exkploy Lihertyville people. Libertyville people. should sq theIr moiney with4- their homi me 'rchaints. %lNn today with a new Rtes@, TRADE ___ _ T 11014E There are many «bher reasens Swh y Yu ihould tra«eè at home, Page Thrpe. NOVEMBER S. 1912. T.A-W-V rnTrjTv