Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Nov 1912, p. 12

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~t~ie rftbepenbnt, 1Ulln n ie rJ un *14 @,that's al!f IUý -aid dmocracy always go hand n»Lu d This $IBZw88no eceptiofl. W, would say: "Aid the net day it rained," but weýre afraid our readers mîght think we were joking and 4M sfact is t did! ______ Dady and Brockway and Taylor and Russell had an easyW Urne of it. In fact, it wau too easy for thern-they hafly knew they were runming. Now we wil 500 what ths Democrats wiil dol1 Wonder il tb. factorles wiil ru» any fufleri Wonder if the working e il bhave more work than now 1 Wonder if the dinner wiil be any fuller! Wonder if general prosperîty will any btter! ________ And thisame Theodore Roosevelt had the "satisfac- #glofwaldng up thila morning and sa. gte birnelf ý MWell, 1M theofeilow who di placed the Republicana and e1teDemocrata in power; 1 a i nough to dsrupt CRpblican party as it bas nover beau dlurupted beforo I -ID IT! 1 The Bun was moat satiaftod with the way it handled *0. election returis and-*hile we won't go so f ar as tc say jethow big the throngs on the street were, because we'll vsa that to the thouamdo who watched the Sun bulletins, facts that he Sun presented election return so far f other dalUsot ony la ti country, but l the, tbatwfeel akeflpii. Forbutamm4 in the ad-1 couiities, McHenry aid Boone, the. returna were ed very unstifactoriY-ifact, mont of theïr persp losed U between 9 and Il o'clock. That the e f Wa ukeaappreciated the Sun's efforts was em- by tie aise of the crowd tbroughout the eveolng. wau al th. Sun wated-to bave the crowd satisfied. Il certaWny wu l EET c AR Go. iLkNS TO REPAIR fIIE BRIIME SOON f. ROCK WII.L RECOMMENO IAT COMPANY SPENO 01»0 TO DO TH1l8 WORK. iANE WADENS WATCI TUGiS IN THiE LOCAL PORT FISHING SEASON ON LAKE MICH. IGAN CLOSED LAS! SATURDAY -TO RE-OPEN DECEMBER 1. I CAN CROSS IT TItEN FISHERMEN HERE ARE IOLE "fit 18 DONE CTY WILL NOT TO SPEND MONTH REPAIRINO UJOIIT THAT TH4E SWITCH NETS-MANY FOREIGN TUOS DE MOVED SOUTH. AR£ IN THIS PORT TODAV. FUND TO1 'li *l» -m'dia ," ocit5il I MRS. WM. DURK114 MIRDY OPJElt$ TrO usiEHEiR PRVivf F111408 IF NifCES8ARY. MIND IS 'STILL A BLANX DETECTIVES AT LOSS TO TELL 840W STOCKYARD MANKER DISPOSED O0F DEPOSITS. Mrs. William T. lCirby, formerty Mie@ Margaret Durkln of Waukelgan, wife of the president of the KIrby Savinga baiik, Chicago, which suspend- ed payment Saturday. lias offered to mai the $50.000 deficit of ber bui- banda Institution good, uaing ber priv. ate fonds, If necesaary. Detectives ln the employ of attoril- eys for the ereditora of the suspended Kirby Savings hank at 601§ South Azh- land avenue have worked three day. for ciews ta, the money misslflg frain the Institution, but without success. As the Hiabilitirez are expected to total neariy $150,000, the differenne between that aunount sud the SM6 foaed lu asts .makes a large gem ta be gccounted, for. and It ia rith that al>ject la view that the. detactives are rorking. "W., haven't the alighteat Idea as tu ho, Dr. Klrbylnbisa demented condi- tion mlght have disposed of lthezuouey which appears ta lie misoin#," said Max Luster. attorney for a number of creditors. Net Lavlsh ln HabIts "Sa far au re have beau able t0 learn, DrI Krby's mode af ]ifg ras flot of a character that: rouid explain the disappearauce of $, but if the ihabilitiez Prove that mucli, 1h la evident that ie bot 1h by ;sore meens." continued the attorney. Samuel. Voweou. representatIve of the Central Trust company. nînêd as receiver by Judge Landia of the. ted- orsi court, did! not appear ai the banli ye«terdsy, butt he rork of cbecking over 1the limil'. smunts ras cou- tiued aitheli trust company's offices and a sattmlent on the liabiltles may be fortbcoming today. A dozen anbpoenses nIl belasued4 taday or .tauorror for rltnmsseslu1 the foderal court bearing on the polI-1 tion for recelversbip, which was flied b>' throe of the creditors. '»It looks as if ru tood ta loge aur1 money," sai C.P. Rabe, rosi estate 'I 'J s s F tt i ki -"0 iS ao replsniing the Geee Mystery slrouds tbe visit of saa.e deaer at 5003 Southi Asbland avenue., bimlge wod aebe acm- yesterday. "Dr. KIrli'wrasthe. imot roed av ben game and fiali rardens lu Waukegsu- populsr man in the neighborboad. but ourver fIl o ee fr th le ISnce the close of tbe flsWilg saueao, that does net helttle 1the creditors' z q stdtomoror ulorniug lu ail ISunda>. November 3. ira state flali Chances taeloge., gobMby sud It la passible that r ardens have beeu seen on th p4n Despîte the dreary outlook mont of It ansd automobiles wnu ho ablh heIeeneo alreIbbr fte credîtors cantinued te hold cou- III by tamorror atternoon. The hepeec a ag nme ffidence lnthe bani sud fer auius Wi8li I te suli ed o li brdg foreigu fishiug tuga in iis port. lsnues rere found about the elosed haai *g sel been moved and it in now said Isrgely responosîie for the report that yeterday. Ory M7l'officiais tiatinl ail probabilty the wardens wre sent liere te enforce l S habeleft w1here it IF; teli e 51 fahlg lars. etl XSor idinger a"id loday that Bup I On.olit this rasi luga etered CIGARETTES EFFFCT qrltu Bock. of the electrir lia.! Waukegau barbor ai 3 ociockinluthe 14 BOYS MIND)Ssl r ld hlm ibsi the <0Psliy Sdi] mornlng. The>' clesred for parti un f rtbe swtch la sucli a way toit t lknown before day-break. il interfore rîlli traffik. 7Thon1Tiie Waukegan nob, tug% -"iie- Cigarekes are dangoroua toys forr yets wbe ispire te hîglinhaboldlp> thle asuyor sas Umt the Lb, ilveecar Nel, Illinois,'* "Fouir Broliiers" oa.corigtPofseRchd iMpaiiy bas practlcaily declded te re- -Three Brus." and the "(*barîge K'*lUs codn L rfso ihr Igtroe the bridge aî a cost of $1,000 vll hoe docied until Deecembor the L. Bdwici of iHighland Park, in a la order that tlioy may use il durlng fîrgt. lettar lu the current number of the the winter montft.' "Mr.r Bock has.- The men omployed by the ownera Scheel Rvier.p tld me that ho lntends te mako a of these fshIng tuga have hocu put The educadr preseuts data ahowiug a recomumeadatlon te Iis ffet ta lb" b work repairing nets. that cigarettes are a prlmt: cause ofc oempany," the Iayor said Lait Sunday a number of local flsh- falure, ritlidrarals aud pour grades. "If the comnlany will acced e t our oermen lest big hauts ln the gale th"a Professer Saudwicli fouet! as th@eMre ruisîtes and fix the bridge go that cars srept Ronîhern Laie Michigan. The suit Of an iuyestlgstiou that ail of tbm cilsulie rua ove! l this rinter re fishing season closed October tiei. 4T, 4 boys wba dropped out of hbibgb IU h b illng ta bave lbhe swltch 1-but the fishermen rare given tbre. 5choul lu tlisthlre ye&ra wre Wiers ilta" lie contlnued. 'lu the daya grace ho lift their nets. Banda>' habitueI imokeru rbile lunsobool sud ...rbn en re gel ready to build the one tug orner ras unable ta loae tha1 net ane of lbe gradueltes ln that »on vtgduct the od bridge will have is nets. time rai an habituaI amokar. te lie tore dora anyway ad II; nu Muie fbmhng tge aperahig train1 b e Worthi a little Inconvenience ta have Ibis city ilil bo docked until Decem- rsrun ovor tbe bridge" ber lat, rhen tbe season willagsin ho MIRS. #ALLENSWORT 1 ny willudethe maor hn traîimad opened, wile the Putait bas DIES OF PARALYSIS 1 pan> nudecie wtbiuthonealualbeen as big as nome essons. 1the or tro Jmt wbat Il, riabes te do 'hauts bave licou comparativel>' gond.1 t tie motter Fisbing et Ibis port ru exceediug- Mrs. B. C. Âllaugrartb. motler of 1>' poor durlng the winter mantba lait B. 1). Âlieunartui of thia cil>'. died at L KNOWN JURISI year. 0u.account of the le baka lier home lu Poilu, Ill., and hurlail vu that covered the laie. the fihermlen eli ldtaday from lier home. ,.ýFATALLY INJURED were unahle te gel oulalde of tbe bar- mr.îîoewort li ived luWsuke- li*r .Wli. fteii Local fishermen ezpect botter sud had many acquatauces liem. rb jet Kane count>', and ofth-bea weaiber Iis winter, sud tbey are wil regret ta bear af ber 4.5111, ~otheb second district of maktng preparations ta have mare Mrs. Allensrorth ras 67 gears nid. Iliwea a prsonal frend of nets te set than ever biefure. ler dealli ras due te paraYSîs nith -Cas. ,Whtney of Waukegan A fer fishermeln are fiahlug for riîch abe ras etrickan 12 weoisagf. paover b>' a Chicago & North- clubs Ibis mnul. Since the sean __________ train *hbie watcing eection closed the price of fresal ake ftsh bas PERILEO IN TRAIN COLLISION- ah Bgla, uaadsy, and bad otdvanced three cents a pound. By lbthe___ l'os aupaqted. 1h lu thouglt mdl flemu h re î Joliet. Wi., Nov. 4.-Slxty passeDgerb l e w«a as63 y b ave sdvaaced six centss apeund. A lu a Joiet snd Southero luterurban m l t " v -l a r g e p o r t i o n o f t h es f I n i s a i d i n C h " a a r w l s-e e a h a d s "ty forbas esrs e bas uesufon cage la hipped lunby exproe sfrom Waukegan2 oam H m ie o ral rare Inured toniglit wien Sappellte beniti for six Year. ______________heavy Bell Lino frelalit train craabed Wht"la edingtb.oi mep the trolley at a crogslag euat of of lie appelite court at Ottawa.,hopDIlt r he cît>', burlîug il 10 fest fri.i 8Ieules ster cmu 1>.oojý_1M truck aud lto a teisphone pole. *1Zh Vau s a circuit Juàdgc e - Laie .> i- deasrheihtlrmn1mpe4 il< &M 4 rt Ara. 1891 Le 1897. Gloe. oniy llglt Injurie. Phone 1352-M 119 Gênesee St. F.e C$oidl t& Çoe "The lieu» e tbetter Cloees MiE OFFICIAL CaJI dCEUIl TOTALS ON SOIE TO IMPOSSlIILITY At 3:45 e*eiocx ounty cieri iiendgs wnytouadnvu ude n Lve lies. oficewl total, fer~ r&I01 elg ty netload even ila dred s ike ceunty ShIelds t. three tbougaudtro liundi'ed seed! 'eIcomp, les: d hcm s e, A teisphone eall every two second e .Incomple.: for forty-three thouaand tro buudred Wilf, 194. consecutîve seconda. Rooseelt, 4796. The GAIZETTE ~bonnte Of havlng ans- Deneen, 2806. rered f uily 20,789 telephone calta Dunn. 2618. Tuesday night and Wednesday moru- Funk, 3649. lng. Fîvo teioîîhones rere uaed for Sburtleff, 420 1-2. the service. Viciera, 3683. Thé first election returns receivod Glraham, 8181 1-2. by the SUN came aver the rire et~ Munra. 10,377 1-2. 5:20 Tuesday niglit. If the GAZETITE Pos, 3094. received their first report over the Fowior, 2267. wrtsut 5 o'cio<k aud conttnued ta ana. Thompsoa, 3571. rer a cati every tro secondsethey could flot have answered 20,789 calta before 5 o'clock Weduesday mornîni. FIVE MILWAUJKEE irpflnaon- eSU dd COUPLES MAÉ~RIED and Wedneeldayomorning.Teynitho _________ and messages have flot beon recebved ai the SUN office ln tro reais. Withia the lent tro days, Justice Roll over on your back-get the Baiz, rho enjoys the reputation of be- ne"de. Ig Waukegan's Mirytgg Justice, han "The differenco ln the crowd ,il] married five couples, ail of whom front of the SUrN office and ln front ol came from Miwaukee. It sa bappened the Gazette office remindod one of the that three of th1e men wre saloon national electîon fo ut yeusa go-PfI' keepers. Silver-Sixteen ta One," said un Folloring la a list of the couples: prouiinent Laie county officiai Wed Edward Hubert and Barbara Kun- neaday mornling. kel. Chas. Fard, Waukegun manager oc Albert L Block and Helen Fried- the Chicago Telephono compaiY. st man. mates that betreen nias' buadred an( Charles Hageman and May Dunn. one thouaand calta rere rocelved b: F0rank W. Pulstrand anid Besaie Con- thie operators at the Wauiegaa offir, lor. Tuesday niglit and Weduesday maOri Auguat Greenrald and Margaret îng. Maybe the Gazette reoeitod 71 Reider. 'of these calle, and thon hMAY 89 TRI 1Dît) NOT. HERE IN4 10 DAYS C. W. Pence, Who bas the cantract for the erectlon Of the Central tlra station, rocelved a letor today from bbc company of wnom he ordered tbe steel for the building, la the letter ho ras giv a aPositive sparsquteethât the steel inu h oraeaisside af tes days. if Ibo steel arrve, 1» liai tinie it ta the Intention oflMr. Ponce te put a large force of me ou tar anil see If the building eau ho pot uadef cover liefore snorfafl. itla Isaaldthat ln case tbe compan>' refuses ho live up to lis promise that Mr. Pence wll Institut. suit for dlmj ages. The cbly ln holding bim respa.. aille for the dela>'. cempassilansble Natufs. «I haven't much abJealion ta Yau personaBy,'" iBid Mr. eOnuo'.' "but yau knor my daugiter laà bee a s eslored ta ever>' luh?." "WOU,' r»lied the confident, .81801. «'Iwe5't ai lier toagi". up su>tIIcm as a> Sc»ut.1Ithini I1oouid g lons2aRsd pjo>' muci msU sbady." Littb. Deubt Abes lit Maffled sammliat y7«« m abd lb. maglera iaI", bbrIt. Oe40 lie foant gthfls: tSs tu 0" mUue-ooeUfiati ele 1I& tmar p b«r rgddlue4111111ouiaulefl htl. b@i.otallarcin 110 011,111it. 1111 affld, bat lie a 4s4 to 40119 bft- Tic Clr: "Tesot b«i hr Iet or norme, sud yau .ceMilobave M l*e verse. De@ Egmed in siUea«». Tie nui, fez terrerr cf-J..N. Ilanks> rom for hig magot s.aMesIe -tug fo tbc kUlllug of 100 rats. The. prls VUS oae&d, nthe caIlAd kulit tu tva reeis. b>' aa imbor09 t li oouscL-CsllsI &idy e. sud t". beefr i' eaite shift & w4l -. lu 'On. .11 Electric Lights ____ ____for -Farm flouses Can bc operated with my plan of Individ- ual Lighting Plants at practically Ib No I can- furnish a compîcte outfit con sist- ing of Dynamo Storage Battery, Gas En- girne. and everythlng necessary for tbefr opçration at a moderate coat. Almost impossible to get out of order. After once installed your Electric light wilI cost you nothing. There is enougb powcr to -run any small machine in addi- tion. Let me figure with yoâ for one of these outfits. D, G. MALTIT' P. 0. Box 173 Waukeian *Pncos .aut i U~hr~i! Prime Native Steer Pib Roaat...lOcV-Sc BEEF PORK. Native Beef Pot Rosat... S ed Oc Pork Shoulder................l11c lump Roast.................. 9c Sparetflubs, short cut, tlb.......... 50 .Sirloin Steak....1............. 12e Pork Sausage .......... 100 yancy Native Steer Rib Roat 80& 10o CompoudLrd ............... 9340 Club Steak .................. 1oc Pork Roas................... 110 short Çut Porter Bouse Steak... .1 2%c Pork Lo...................I 140 BfBt.Loin.............1.%0 .~Pork T.nde..o....2W Mm«P -tekPond .....2e Sweet PIcIcIed Pork'.«.«.....14 Corn Beef............... 10teo9c0A lest Tongue ..................lice Fancy LogSpring Lmb ......... MMKE EÂTS. Fore Quarter Sprlng LAmb ..... 0 Smoked Spire Riba ........... .10o Lamb Chop............6 Sugar Cursd iMoulefatsn....... e abChp ............ l ~Cured Bonelesa gm= . ..12M o 1/n ............9 Fraakfurta ............ .1 cVEAL Pouiah sausAge ...........10e Fore Qurer........... et LAver ,Bauuage ...........10e RLnd ...uarter ......12e Importai! SummrSauppg....... 150 Vel O..............sI Bologna sauaage.............. lOc yul Chopa ............. 14 ,Sugar Oured Breakfast Bacon. 160 Veal Kidsy EBaut ........l2>â *Jmported salami lausage .......lic Calf's Brain .a ...........s ......Sauag .............. 9 C(l Liver ..................10eo s.sasrn-I b l ......................................................... 38e j~ pp~I, ci u..... . eac .... 4..............38 t h é . t ï- , .. -- - I SeIde 's,(Great Sacrifice Sale Opes omorrow mornlng, ThOrsday, No- vébr 7th-ur -great Io"s, Yôvr gain- $25,»0OU worth of the sea",sons atest Cloth- ing, Furgilshlgs and Ha11'ts t be sla'uUhtered rlght- Un the heart of the séason This stock must be sold regaWtless of cost or conse- quences-Fixtures for sale- F 13

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