Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Nov 1912, p. 4

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- - - IREIATED 114 WMJFG ACTRES8S ucctJmB8 eTO TUBERt. h à1elepiioue No. 1. !ty Edtors Reidence Telephone No. 145-L. A IE A CULOSAS APTIR AN ILLNIES Lîib.rty ville Excbange LABTING SEVE RAL YEARS. the Pw.ftottîn. nt Litirtyvville. Ill.. as ec lamas Mail Matter lpeo Di.poteh til.TU, 8.,.1 noan, 5JPPOSedly owner of the bulld- A dispatoh fromn Toronto, Canada. Mondy afernonýWiIea aqadlng, who @aid ber name was MS. telle of the denth on Tburuiiay nlghy Adertiâing IRatesi Made Known on Application. o plieod bothern rus-.-h o lte qUd Frabnk, wa bebiaud tii. doors wltb a 0f M1 iMahe a rls1on, the re policeR held$1.6() hERrushRo!R exLYtIN doVbleEbarreledos sutrgun.iamihvivacioand'alittle aetrele Who han! ~II#îbNPRIC, sno PR VAR SRiCLY NADV nC k epoMtr&. UrYOT. Kigr hubn da er. "YvUtry to colme ln bere and 1111 captlvated Waukegan audiences un SOj - h kMrs Wm T.Kiry, e. ur.use thile gtn." 5514 the.determloed manY Occaaions. aile vas the vif. of garet Ourin, o! Waukegan, made per-! vomaandmi r.'Voweli and bi attor- Joseph Howard, theacator playwrg1 I~MM................................Editor »Omet celle on deposîtors beoglno theni nnoya decided to taile no ahlances. and with him aocePted Wankegan asr tT4... ......... ... .. . ......... . ................... Manager t andke in ho mntatoeise bank, rBeAbsOluteiY notliing rfldnthas erhoefvyotg.Sesd ...... . ....... .... ............... .......... .City Editor wab esile. $hoh alpassed the mont 5fte of the batik la known, because the her husband took a leaeont wha laS of the night making colle and Monday 1i mmd of the bauker las admîlttedi>' a nov the. Bijou On Sheridan Road antl, morning @he had &sen nearly oneC hum. posItIve bialek and the boy casbler, n for Years t bore ber nomne. La&ter, FRII)Aý . NOVEM B1'l 8, 1912. dred depOstors of the bank. ln *arii&lty an errand boy, la unabie to gAve the theater changed hanide and whatý ______________________________________________great many nst:ncesailes was givenan y estîmatea. tha trerl novbeas he ta Rao assurance thît her word would ho sa- M'hile the bankers wfe insi is theat erdanty wtî.atresaenmeo ,.fiU, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ epe eantog ewreoeo h aes topnt,@eathe truth and Aat mot pubPic thefiacso the hank are "al rlgit" Miss Barrison and ber huuband ~sof Otto Muerhke's death, we're glad it was wrong bank building. Mrs. Mary Durkn of ýeBerday that -'nà evoledon ber f rtakingw their ntenteeAilon!o bât.Otto is SURl in the land of the living. That's one Wuca lewtbrdupernboagshevi]maelemU" kega ' ti cia proro ladwe adea mstae. IThe wAfe and mother-Ii-Iaw of Dr. botel and cotflLletely rensodeling thé. The speaat ulamadermag o! tAe Klrv, NlrF;, tMary J. Durin, of Wall- place This later Proved to be a los-. The se(taularstormtig f thlkeSin, were thie 00c l insses called lng PropoRItionfrteadth I- South i Sdeanik, Chicago, held by a "l udge Landia io lrie m B arsnd trhyeyd a,.nB a.dzitted that it is many years since there have PhîiCkYri>'0lhtfariet] wltil a shot gun, !1 buhn-hai o 511e i eof Ismmrcotg o àel maysnakes along the roadside as this year. W'ellrlOf! nterelit 10 local resdents naa' been incapable of attentilîîg 10 bis Ilu*-1 shore at Lake Bluff and owned It up to miueli as William T. KlîbY. Aresident'nfliis affaire," etifled the bankers1 the tIme of lber death. She upent S otr place to have them than right in town, and, of the batik, s a soîtin-law or Nirs. 'ilfi' before the commisslon. two sotmmerathiere. Aisa Harrison- ,*bat one hears of it, there are enough of that kind -Marîy J. DurkAniuSI- n 1 WIfe Cai&aMind -Blank." j alwaYs a prime favorite AR Waukegan 1j% Difizers of tiwi redtraI or u. I answer ho questions front Jiîdge and ber IlAets caused much cocernMal -town the year around and flot restricted to fail. day forcibiy 1001,liPossession of flhe Ownus and the physîcians she outlired iamlongbrfi 9 erdabcue KitbySains anad round it iA) a lier huabandes mental condition or the gencral regret bere, mddie whîrh Jeopardizes tie savAngs last few mocthu. SIte characterized The followiRg dispatri tells of lber rsdeath of Alexander Smith, near Barrington Tues-o!IO'uhuïaRds of stocliyard workers. ils, mmd as a "positive bîank." deatil: whonsn rig collided with another, is a further 8The eliectacular -sormning of!theie rs> Durkin thon 100k the stand and'Trno Oct. 31-1abel BarrIson, a ttat 'rivers of horses carr lighta just as well tovotwo days of sensations centering çlebd0 aigbe aldt Ci crude eetngto Bad either rig carried a lantori of some kind, about 'lte su'Pended private batik, tago by lber daugbter vilen sie fouod a sufoepr froisi the dîsease for âev- with suPposed liabiities o! $tIri,000. lier humband's mmnd n sticb a condi-j erai Yeats and had traveled ail over wonjd flot have occurred. This should be a Oit îast i nursday, the bank phy-si. ton tuat lie could not attenîd to bu. tbe country sooklng a cure. For the. tofarmiers and others to place lights on clian, William T. Kinhy, dlsaPpeared, nises. last few %neeks mho had been n a whondriingnght.sad the bÛy cashier, liani J. Kinby, aý At te conclusion o! the iettnin 1 belples eGnditlon. Tie actress knew ai tbe depostors that tie action vas 1 cptered upon the records of th ouCu., lii the end came. made neceasary by Dr'. Kirbys Ilinesu.1 ty curt andtheb banker was talient Mi14%Tarrison in prilvate lie vas tbe xzoada in the coufty n0w are very 1>84. They are Tedco a ubdas n l lie North Shore health resont n WAn wif fJsp oa coinin m T~aesh tor wn ba v lstt.d a adbt c ow to oehHoad otel n mdd i>~i ai bu vhr.41ythe a e Wlreabotts kept a secret untll Sun. net&a COpoer. BSniater their marriff le@& imetU daynigt %4811he u furli etthe Mrg. Kirbv apent yesterday wttiber!r tht-v porchaied a thbeater n Wauke. ito0aty Uri yn;ed& a gffli làuptu .~ttîSfiore resont n WInnetka to bushai ai ie sanîtanluro. Sic ex-*lio-n ahoMae tuntîl brb fal a goase anything .1.., more tban a nov h ta a new which ho had been tltkeu lifter being pcatortte1 icbnt iimrt. hto rmovtl er 0 Ba Atono ex adJudged nanç. ng when the recelver wcouple o! ves Sa nA ntonvioTb . ad c hn 6f lnsm plcsi sa os M becume saillous, wlith I th t titme.vil wlth Miss)£&bel McCane untl a 'Woca tbnkof Ii 8mePlAeSIt18 lmfl . -recelversii1î action tai taken ln a 1The Petition whlch, put the batik lotoj ciW oupe o -kngoho on ho e tog* t rough with a rig to say nothing of an auto. nigilt "ssson belore Judg Kenedaw the banîde of there-celver was fil)0eoaid !bis vointe vontale t ate nio Lad on ahewairant srnloi an Ocîat- or udeLAds auraahgt tel Saranac Lake. rehurued laut spring *ffcxll amite tatArhur . oton hn-municiPOl court charging hlm t wth Ira, ln thie «I lbthebank laideclar, 10 Toronto and had since been reuid- cash for uming leadership of the. republi- oPeratlng a confidenîce amne ed ta have $160.000 n labilitles. sit Ilng with an aunt. Mrs. Grvan, 222 Ail this was donc with th, utmost mallets unknovn. Pearson avenue. in akeconaya ew weks ago and le Was in Beceyand tis not untl thie court Dr Kirby two )-srs ago m'as aprac- ié ario was br: and reared a opehuidd mr u frteitefr lcr ogh oss ioofte ank tc]Pyiino ihsadn nte , daý fteroon hatdepositors eighborhood ,j viiere he stagecahed ils- "'Pub lasof the county who hastily ex aweoke 10 the real stuation. Ilt as ibank. He -borne ie o'batng basegan tien île* joineti Frncia Wilsona Ueersn Chicago that A. K. wasn't the c then tiat thie curihIy Of te ciowd j bi health tas poor. He As, a gradutate tlat ele ran aprntIng presseInnth er i Lake county dospite his pretentions oll"tMeids Bkomalrgdnoiý p niar 11thte rIaso! 1897. ILIti a search for tlIr bunker n ýi(: *D ib aredMrae 5îkti tonal puishing bonae bore. ______ - ~was carried on ail of Saturday nîglît a rmemiry o! hied weIl to-do t)urk ln . A a ' S taacî v.Dr. Mark A. Matthews, moderator of the Presby- offlcers found thtlnselves haffIe Thyhave tree 4hiliQeît ire Kirb, Adam vas surveyi~g t l.te fnmale~ hrlA ebyinN wYrlas bgna a -Thev ltad as litttiCese-e ; nIc ating il lu aaid, nli r ' 1î'etoi evscl uo onm. H in aO~., g a cm-tle haiîer. Daniel Kîrby, Ir.,so astort- ai shorte s rll t i ke e d ho . cil lled lîh s t~, nomei r the diâcontinuanco of the CUStom of- y a'fler noon Samuel VowelI. actingthle Weaiîh of lber famîI, W11lîc i.ud '... , iIj tote Imerais.Inian address there he Said: hfi t Cnat T s 1i c0î 1)y . eTiitoubîli. !le r pi i e u, ~ tiere neyer nl be a shortags ys a %1 put them, flot on a coffin, but in the, ùandîis, went to assumie oiitroi or tii D".Ia j'.. lîlember oif the' c'înmIý In lte suPPly of Party euîibiems. ceai of the laboring man on hjs way to work. """'ti KrIvaprtiint50v t oiiti0n. said iit ntght that lie -lIs ,"Mes intoi the workshop, into the sweatshop, haut ise recieriitnl d-ane tîri ro wa skoia i b~ighon ivs"Hes bsoutly igt!The banher's wfe not onl) (cf îi.ed resta denif-iia. a firm of insanlîv . ý1i - -+------- -tîan butdeelnel 10 t irii t l,îNd, 'mentI Oril d b lie t r. auea os-overto the courts officers.1. lias IîeCîi afflitelj for a ,ear(If tU BLb ArPmed Wornan Guards Bank. uo; saIt] the doctor. -Hius a pîro- ai bo3 roced i man aoterdeay i t th Ie bati belon the ffirers ond cr(,i e l"'u , 1 i gdfiut strctreatrto. s hebis in uc hgh al deors sictireir lîarred. anti a no- tIliexachîr th,' 1 Ali it 1 1 P Umato and appropr iation, it Boeme likeily vill bave to De modifted considerably if the i, in te have ithe vork don. vithin the amount esobespent upon it. The. trouble la that contract- It cator very generally to, governiment work be- IM govornment roquiros such strict adherence to mMcations and is so peies.nlu very detail. It is Î;Zthat flot one Wa2kga contracter bid on the 40M postoffice job. Likoy nonevwill. w onder if the teachers of Waukogan, especiallyi r oachers, are soolng the. opportu -întylS Carr- w puplistbrough the ITurklah ver nov I pregress Ï"U4t.d country. Studenta are usually drilled and vers of past centuries, but oftOftmes oppor- ~tê te. themu along through wars o fthe present are udThis var i the Orientis eon@ of the most im- thevorld's history- and te study It nov je far eto atudonUt tua to have their chldren and 's bUidren study it in hstory centuries te iiuggsstoi are vorth anyting, vo veuld sug- ba overy principal ithe cit achools oach morning X etthe Ioadhng Chicago alean carry his pupils i tii. eventa eoftthe precodig day. Ini that vay they â Ive w hlatory diat biand and not colored, etc., by hîatorians iypars to coM. - IAJ 1UTE pora ted and lias Is houe qtMiela n iA- sissiea 'decyison ,swld have to EATEFUNSEnILED 1b. snufrcodintbortsof that the mme ltiàt vosd reuaI lnau an d. verse decilAoa li the higliost courts or méiener Ekarn cf Wiscnsin ther states vould ho lbe oompnluory CouVert Action on Rate-Iwitbdraval o! tiA societ>' !rom tlia VWA., Nov. 4.-The nevm. ADJUDICATION NOTICE trom Des Moines, la, ___ the ditrict court there 809111st tic Modern Wood. Public Notice Ae hereby givea that of rates bas aroumedth le Subscnuben Executniz of the. Lat ilacumalon n frâternal WIadTsaeto YdKop :*t.InquiryKt theicl u- adTsaeto o!s o a considerable Court o! -Lae Coual>', at a term tiers- - boght b>' thc - of tu ho holden at lie Court Houme n Waukegan, in said Count>-, on the Brst IOMW*mlmwHerman L Monda>' o! Januar>' nert, 1913, viien MefolOewiI5E stte and viiere al porsona having dlaims whibft bsta been agatast mid Estahe are notîfissi and DOMIIILIM 80O"btOdl>' requeéted hu present the lme ta aald te. bï co.s- Court for adJudicatIon. v 1 ofV~lb c Ibe e AlBERTHA KRUGER, L = aseoa ExecutrAz of thse Lait WilI and Toata- k ~ ~ ment o! Fred Krupp, deceaied. tisaI .~jjg~ vanlegan. 0e-ober 28. 1912. 111%e.s '9111,mt C. T. Heydecker and Son, Attornesys ed ~~ ~, for Ktate. Wkly.3t. p 1-r ,0f 0. Poy(-hologimit LYRJC THEATRE Libertyvfle, Iflinois MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY November, 11, 129 13 USUAL PRICES 0F ADMISSION Free on Street At 4:0 ho In frqua ontite of the Tmen to take a lady's ring and hide it anywhere in the *city . He will then go bllnd folded aid find the ring, thon replace it upon the finger of the owner STEFW ART STOVESi Free I. PLAINTIF! US FINED GAVEN A SURPRISE, HAN HO PEFERED CARGE 'l' eniladies o!Ulrlee trî)r;siA Nlrs.l MAN HO PEFERED CARGE 1.A. Bennetht alIier home Friday even. AGAINST A TURK GIVEN A Ici. November t. and thIe evening Sprovea a dio.t eniovabe one ici every FINE 0F $5 AND COSTS. respect. Asocial bour nis sA)ent after whlch rlreshmient8sst'rt yen ed and tht- no. Tihe îînsPeakalîle 'I îrk nias not be mî'n wisied their hosleRs a succes mugi of a fîghter wien Il cornes io full residence in ber new home, Grays- the use cif firearms, but lie kiiows hos. lakie, a hene saeies iovlng, MMn Ben- 10 ftgbt a legal battle as was demon I oeIl baving taken a Position ahthie codensing plant tiere. strated i'erv cleariv Wednesday esen oTie table decoratlous for the esen mgz n lhe police court. liig î pafaîr cldentsfls' It sas onte of lie mos! Ai1- of tA,, evenliing tereehing trials that has been tee,' herei n many moons. Mn and Nisj. Sylvester or Cae louis Bogue, a Turk emploYed aI Corners bave leased their farta foi lie tugar refinen>, sor îî aw ree. ers and have ,moved ha Wau- swor ou a arýkegan, Tiey wilI make theAr borneai rant Ion lie arneat 0f Joe Stenski, a 622 North Hickory street. Pale, aiso employed ah thc refiner>'. ciarglng blm titi assault and batter>'._________________ He charged that Sterski struck hlm - auch a bard îlowthtat tbree o! hlq front eeti teré looaened ana nos' have 10 ho ield n place titi a vre. As uoon as Swerski s'as broughî ln- 10 court on the, warrant, be uvore oui a c9uinter warrant for thie arest of Bogue. ciarglng bilm with assault nul exhbbed a vounded thumb, claimlng tintt he vound tas nflcted wvien Bogue bit him. Attorney' W. P. Weiss represented Bogue andi Averski bail retained Attorney B. V. Orviaw It developedtlat thie viole trouble arose avenr a plece of board about a faot square and bal! an Inch lan hick- 1 10 rto neas. BogDue ald b bad plcked upa Tu "tO ma1l pnce of board hotateshome -ute aMs liat SverskA basi aPProprlatedil ad g a hS ta iAaovn use. H. uaym that hv ie B ab been mareitabeui steedli amked hlm for 1h tint the. blov vile-i or a. Watehcu have mors bnaiisé looened bis teetb lied beon bis ne. anld cuill putinto heIn malnRto4Uii lisiver. BwerskitA ld an entirelly differntt As 11Aeaegtn csi, @tory. He aaid that Bogue bail itotier. altehl-bcl atrsrsp Il yoa irould 1k ta lear jetI~ ed bs repoatedi> mnd ubat tvo or, fac lhe vatlimaklug artbe thres turne, le bil publeeslil.a ar. vaaeedl. lio Au the plaue 10 corn» ta,, Not satlafig.4 svlt is lie uald Bogue il Y«n tisé ta and out hot bail catig#it h umb botve.o liAs a teelcablevathce au bes- n testh andI ntlicied a vound. Thon V" in is tore. h. saad tt ho ue t-uck but only a.rt Ouw a iteh stock coutelas AL ho liait beau gives fia sioprovo«hmkoser. He bmd several fienda vito bore ontâAd w îaIgly placeu oui SAfs bis aatausente. The. court apparenti> did net 00» Ancide vlit thé, chargeao! Swers& i A Lig e aaeasd lia a fine af $4 asdcolts.& A .'W Tbhe caseagainibuogUflu asdlsmled AverskAi trongi bis attorney at once appeale4 lthecame sud isbond vi wuilo signesi b>' Joseph Oltislsy. Steel Ranges Cast Ranges Perfection 011 rleaters A large stock to select from COME IN AND LO0K TIIEM OVER The price ln Rlght SCIIANUK BROSI Base Burners Mot Blast

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