~AKE COUtNTY I DEPENDIENt an& a see . LD7U l av a.a.jL Làlu I J...U&i FIIIDA i NOVEMBER 1.5, 1912. .5, Leab.1i gof Ciotu schos Latest Pian of Stdie AlutIfrivs--Three Vemr Ago Couatg llao't Siogle Standard Sc"o. 8llaug ouuauy m"bon!igomôse n lir. some ,orfthc iuproementsta ti &M *Mr ey au m ay bus. 1betbs bave bees maie: M misol la Up ta tic stauj4 asIBtic eldilisaCrOMelngBebooL-Thil 400908 f lie »Uaolm aia ebool vati.' tva soe brick achool locaffi Ivo Mliea, seearilag tu a buWMUa imaumjmlesn orti of Wankeganbuem lia by ne. United eBaeseBrea Of Edam .baoe m ed aia ooet of 0$t'm. Il don. '1la tofugtiiy modrn la every rempect, 'lb. sciociaame inspectcias& la obas a cernent basassent, op 10 date ~, u4ilag fronrlé.ba, t- basetent, fluace and ail modema N& v*meicio, lllrrary. vas. sup- equlpment. »W. Maulltica aid tuaOfttkmttouf Gurnft . cioo.--another roca bas Q.-tmamhes. If thce Mantiais 01 a beu added t this scbeoilad a large Md mcbool m fc"aipi-ieut a dlplo bae.Meat fuimac. instali. Il la ex- Ma Is paated thc district snd a plate Pccted liat nov a Ibi-e yesr's hi gl l@ placmi show. the dom- of lb. scicol ehool coiX.cmn be caried instead bm. devicaaiag Il as a 'SBtandard of the Ivo yeair. course wiich Cistis *COM 13v.. -lfllmet of certain at the present ime- Evidentyi, tla @wther rcquirements a bigier iloia th plan to malte t a COMPlete four Wl, beL 15513 adthe pite vIlUired 7ar' courae. "B1aves-la-, bs"" ea. Zurich tichool-Pians are about Armod ai>Mve Un"aie d. coniPleted for a Dcv tour rmou brick Alresdy 457 of tb. 10,632 oae-room aéchool building at lAk. Zurich. It lUool bouse. ln Illinos bave ernei yil hbequPved vith a modern &eat- the riaittu10be called standard schools logad rEntilating systeni. The. cost and diaPlay the plate accordlngly. Of t-be building viii be $7,000. The This, itersting device in part ef lMunai vork 0f construction vii lIart a visai-au, canipaigu vsged by the ln the. pring. Bute of Illinois ln behaîf of ruralj Tripp Ocbool.-This sciiooi whicbh I *Mkols. Tva experte on rural oine.- located soutWiof Hait Day, la perhapa 100,. U. J. itoffm anad W. 13. Booth, lie heut exampie ln tbe country of s mat« tic direction of 11. J. Blair, SCIcaël vilc han experienced a meta- «Vib mpoinetnt ci publie lnatrue- morpisna. Thisbuilding bas been 101ma 1l"ieotbe lu, .re "ia. t a rsed. a cernent busemenit putunadert fle , 0" 3 Md WMOM tesoli- Il, Witbàabassnent Mu,, naad eu.- Ullucolse mtM mffely a lai 'pinte ventilating system, rnaklng il a -Me mchebe bouteuso p 10 miidari; sblendid. modern building ln vr *0 tactons boy fl cam b. dons.,la repet. a bulletin sent 10 star7 teacher In the Hai DaY tichacil. A basement furm.- Me th. ,snsules for a stnard,. aceba_____aedl ti ý eael are set forth. Lake Villa Sehool. A modern ateam ne an@sbut *fIre." & a ria va bit froablyre ne av te Sleme of Spelfictions . hcating ani tenUJiatlsg plant bas been Racing ln the direction of thec Ci- been ne-ea.ary to amputate thie moni- AmOng the apeciicatlons are: Ain pla.ccd LaTitis schoot Mr. Holletein headed for a fIne alsirr ber bai the victiln i ved. The accident Ample playgraunî; goad approacies ta Il shovs tory aonclusively liaI t-he box but he vas a' ev minutes toct occurred i I riseen Water and Madison nm achool; convcaient fuel hou""; tai-mers ail Over the countr- are avak- laite as n o e se isc reached illut et treets, lie building saund. ln good repair. snlng te the posshbuiitlem and have de_ aheai et bu . eu hen rctnrned ta ols h a abohra i asd Patted. improtai ieatîng ar- Clded ta uta their children the very Ithe sceamOf tbe fire and askcd lirs. Cpraprie "0n a s e la bOtLhRoonth îgerneata-a Jaced store lns tic icet thers lela n uhevay ai- scholî Mercbant If there vag anythini'e@On East 'Washingtonatsreet.vas eni- 001Dor of lhe romInstead of an un- Counnu Superinteodenu et Scioois T. vlshed to save. Blie askad ithlmtu Ployed as a <a-repairer for tie rail- Pi-oected îlots ln the conter; fl1cr A. Shipson, deserves inimeasurahie cave the enlakrged pictures et ber roai. a"i intrlor cf lbe building dlean and crsdit for the splendid vork blà1 do- mohber ad father Raslihng mIt te As a rideu ahin cars are t0 u e- téiy: imitable de.ke toi- chiliren ofI ig. He la lust tlniehlng a tripetfi- irOu filci hanuse lin. Hllîteîn didPaired lhey are placci on a sidetnack *1i ages properiy placci; a god coi.- etlom tiroUgb tie cOuuty bils et- as reeoted andI the tva lctui-5 bhre Ihere ianeodanger of their beiig lWuion Ot JuSveallebaoks, mall anud fort& helng tb gel ail the sebools lavs-tbte ouinl tihags removed framnt iirio il h ear r dlctlanrles; a lasnitArY vater suppîy; readînesi fer lhe vieil o etliste ia- thie bouse. Puein mod tio a cse the earae 1111.80111001 Weilorganise&,vît-ià sel SPeCtor. H. bas vorkci couacen- i. Las. AimnsComplote. a Portion of a train liaI vas being aersiteuldsace, and at îea.î seven touiy and the raslisortthe lest lb... The vbole upper portion of the placed in ceai ineas la leste lor Joliet. 1111ntits aciaoling every 7mai-; lie Yrarashav athole las accomplshai bouse was practical detcoyci hy An E., J. & E. Inspeter noticed t-bat tlfteirmuet bave a ih éhoc voa- dera.He la net satl l iv-t'e and nearli- al ai the articles on sanie balla under one of the. cars vere eM.Mqoa i94 e 1eu~zt îieg loe or wvesdests-a" yloee and aSord4%g.1 tnesstma lie ~Wayeur. and b. rassied by theOfthCe *beOOls llnàb. eualy 10 - W_ vîtvilch Poured dovu tiraulilie car forenian for lb. Noth Western MsstY aupeIntOeda as a gaci or bigiest possible saadai-i ceiliag la rivera. lin. lercbanî de. Itmuctesi Cottes ta crawlunuder tie Pni-teacier .1. -cla"< d tit ible It migit ho pssile car and lîgiten theni. l ait C8 umA it t Hs e t tSu kla.» w tu gb ave M arne Of the rugs that ho cou- A bie fag as placed Mathle mnett laiîlainan.tngtat meao 8 sierci bislaoss aimait comiplote, end of thie train teus"0 tbau Il di bot Bat L a, c or liei tandard ___Tic SqOuti Bide deparlînalairit- lve wville the tiori veas laprogrema imbmaacl h,.delalaaiSe FV-CEwAT r im h. iOn tbe acculuna remarkaily ahort but appareatly no eflort va. maie fafOwtng g s t tieckRida..,Ivan- VIDEO FOR THOSE UNEMPLOY- zeatrlearî v.rcîei15.thticsticiitetan àbr, Uas en. AVnckentef. Wliia,1420ASE0FAQ uia qtI'emofai vaci- as dînceci vas kept fnee. About tIIs Urnea AsMcV..Vcena. Wliot, A gardea clty. aluflar te tlLalm the5 ttre but St dii net oîeem 10 havre eng ue whihchi vas bakiug up the train1 ( taf- . Lo akes Caffn n, alPorter..su o 1 fl m'e llt eff e cî T en lh, 4-11 c mi bu mnped s'orne cars t t icthe south end Corer, oce arrntaFo-tl.rie.. 1s tu b. bulil oni a f&aM 10 li vaal 20o1111110111and the Central talion Of the train, Lth.esineler. It la chain Ti-pp iiiWhIe. s areeît f Cls unca.e hy lie Aati-FýOrtY-11 t. epartinenî repondai ands accutirme, not hiàvng boee appraiscoi uhat 9Ipendili sovlsg, Lake county stands Limit Leagus, organisd mi ortii.pur-laistvarvrepyhgo .rpiascchigmienace -o tenîli la the number of POaia " Of praviding a meaus ot liveli- edOfwtrwrplynonheeaismP bngaeonneftei acbei anon tl, lie cuteladhe f or men via bave basa tirova blaze. This resulit î1u2thc tire hcing cars. The Sfiock vas suftiienttle acl tamogeh, ohr oinls nO c f eniPloYmnubecauzsofat hem Put out la rathar short arder. iack seven cars over the prostrate1 th tt.ages.__________ na 5 Acres t aiFsm l>. mn WIi Mai. InsPection. The leegue la ta purchase a tai-niof C. tos ad been given ta underst-and Statu i9chooIlInspectOns viii came 1,500 acres located udar enougli la MIRD! R TRIAL S!ET Ihat thune would be ne danger and Ile IntO Lake caunal-thetii-st veckinl Chicago Ibat the gardon producta may vas lyingeon his ba4 under thie car, Veebr o n npcto f t ind a ruai- mariot. CASE 0F PEOPLE VS. LEMON DAN-, ligbîc-uing the balla. 4th-ackenhng Decmbe fo aninpecIonai bc The fti-m 1la 10lbudîvidesi Into fSte- FORTH SET FOR TRIAL ON sense (if horror and tuai- ho fuît thie i-"mvl and village sebools soi as a re- acre tracts. oue famlly viii b. estab- DECEMBER THE SECOND. shock i-lien the cars uecuts n mat cf the splendid progmesst-bat lias ishied oncachi Plat and giarcu uhe 8t-e ad asan effot oupasled rn. 1""mnd sice he astinsectonmeans et apumthng thie fana ont-Il ale SENT TO JAIL FOR 20 DAVS i FORavinefottocalfo aie aan etedhast aeolepay for Ic .R Etlabeedan epebe bnulAe Tlie arnai arms vhli bu located TAKING HIS EMPLOYERS lis 1' 1iti0 but sans bat tooo1tl. c'l'nt- viii add al tuaat en or tvclve close eaough togethur te purmib of AUTOMOBILE AND COT J h os le broie bis arm ne onu ta ts 5liaI of standard actroota. This, the gardon city plan Tursdu- ~ ~ Dcme d -ec see is o kriow.ber li, yulbuunenreg Tahceyrtor nmea tIe Peopte f bic Stathe a.en Fr11 i i'orkraen ahi eadhs vtrnkslb. onnuthe o t-ho coryl tic ou- yrestriction behug biat no saa-I h epeo heSaev.Lmnagonis irlaa hewiusIaoî f ahaanogtb oirciIrtc ons ashait bc allOvusi ta enter the lDarforthr, cotored, hild on a mrier p cuma h hespse tu the state. precîncts of tie City. charge, vîli b. caited for tiamll is bbc oer bis legs rusiresite tils assistance o ,rowth oet standard achoota lu Ail Citi- Improvemnents. circuhicourt buforu Judge Charîlashbolîviii-' lit lb was 0to abe. Tender Laite nuI> bas boten ite short et Scioois viii ho povided andi),littuci hx uldhm ianbnelit churches viii bu buuil, the atreeta laid T asa he er l e abo i whirla efyte 'le imfo ept h PhEnornenat Tbro i-cars ago whien out, Severs liand i al requsites oe t dlanse. ,Thhe st is lte n el c A(in r ie d iai aulan sudrin a Il' ittelasPeeor 'rmade bis final vîsît a modemn Ciy eat-bulicd. ees.Teta' torylacnCnadnd]rtmbacendia- to Lake counti-, bbc condition of the Thie bague iras arrangedi for lie fient tint the negre viii ho ounvict- meat tesime than lbilaites te relate rural and village achoots vaesusnc sale of bonds le procure tha naey cd, and ho sud bis assistants whi do iî, the sehidle 'vas racng boward île ecsary for the culci-priso, thieail tb 1dmPer ta coavietthIe negro cle0 heacdet h iîm'a i' ' lue mfaaseoi eono f them in bondos te pay Ove per cent Intersate Dsnfoith bas bren lu latit seaccameat. plceofteacdt.Tevtm sc the standard claes. Fis-c bundi-cidallai-s wviiiestabuls Cole, havhag been refusci a bond. lcd Inside aid tirun egan the race Muc BilingDoe. fai- a o n euof lie tai-mssud a& a-wronce W88hn-ton. colorî.edoftwhhdeabh. The trip te t-lic hsplial Mue bs he ebengn t. whuseau as the man13le i t a y the i e srt, va. seul # le-Jafor 20 vas made ha record brushing lime 'rvr las her hen atluu vieu$500 sud an extra saîn 0f 41C$ tebring isys Thursii e akn i m-sdIetelivspScdue i ena much ftalerent bas heen dlsplayed another faill', theofata iv lm--e--,PleYers automoiehle On a "loi ride', la the matuer ai building%,, grounds terrai ta lm. Washlugton tock the automobile and opratinz table lu an efiotIta sa, a 9"1 eqiPmnt s bs ben he ý,%3e vermene wikbis employera overSoatlu thé absencebils lite wvicl vas Pi-atcllalv dîspali-- sl"' th o qlpet as hea. he lecse 'OymueWle f the man aif1hthansoue ftrambis, iOf foftmthe tii-st. Eve-ythtnz pas'- slseç tra pî umr n b u- ir' nl n gtVUa om.Le vas ir-ested op a lai-ciy 1111e vsdoue t10 aete vietb'na eut fait. lic~~ voli; e@bhs mari-lad 1117' .chartg, 1»t i-car. H. vas, chai-gaif, aso-e avan Emic i As --St f 0< », telb ftg j & nomvIfS ' -tmar ~a haî tram a gi-oc- bo'-s -8erl accide dsi anla Li k e atl ,e t*goM t - --i-b mmm TRWCUIU ANZELUS COFFUS FATAi.LY IN- JÙMKO IN1WRAIIROAl ACCI- DENT SATUNOAY. FIIRE SATUIDAY MORNINI I»OTS WAUIE<ANITES FAMILY LIVING IN PART OP MOUSIE YIRST TO SUELL MUNGENT SUOKE 0005. FIr. of inysterioua origln, brceking out &bout 1 o'clock Ibis aioring, prao- tiosily ietroped, thc Anibroge Iisrb- ont bomea.st 482 South Sheridan Baid. Thé 4.11 ceii'w »> .ounded and after a bard figt againa a stubiior blaMpe. botb departaltas sceMdd Sa tttg ont tb. fir. 8r. m.rcbant tau m- ad furMisifs suees lb $210M.- no~ mayeahob. bellet. k va.ftlly coveagi b? lSuu*"o UtIhI u b s amtF« be aile te fai bis infurmne pdll- ce«. Tie fsaily bld a rather clame Theic onuof the tire la DOt knOvn. It broke out in the upper part of lhe boum. semo areof thi. Opinlin tit kt vas tarted trom au oerbestei ctlmuey, vile aliert thui tba4 POM j bly the electrle vIrlag whtcbuPsMd, betveen two clotie ciaets w»asiA fault. A portion of the lover pant of the bouse la rented toa a taly alad Fleming. Tbey ver.e tfiiraIOuen tu avaken. Tbey avoke witji the»Muge àof suffocation anid foun4 beir rooma tell of amoke. It dld Imet ta", long ta awaken the Merchant taniily whoa vesleeping up gtairs near wherej the tire broke out. Quickly slippiag on a 1ev articIlo ciothing %Ir and lira. Mercliant car-1 ried their five children 'ho vrers ciothed rnerely 1IL their nîghles, to the borneof former Mayor Fred W Buck next door. The. tire, ly thua -lin bld gained eueh lieadway that Il vas Impossible to save any-thIng. Rescusd Two PlIcturs. Martin Holletela, employed ai the Mercliant méat market otna returnin; te hlm berne on tbe South Bide ahortly bifere the tire ivai. out H. met a frlend near the Southi sebool and tbe two of tiiem stopped aud began te dis- ruls vho vould muoueed (Charles G. Watrous as postmaster. Tley tlke,,ý ONE TO EIGHT THE LAKE COUNTY REVIVAL IS ASSURED REV. OSTRUMI SENDS FORMAI ACCEPTANCE 0F INVITATION EXTENDED TO HlM. lLev. J. ]B. Richardson of the Firet Coagg4tlon1jcliurch la lu recelpt of a teles.rsrroni Evangeliat Henry Ontru, vbo at the present Urne la conducting a serles of revival nilp ing, at Garbns. ld. Dr. Ostruni ae- ceptedl the Invitation of local minlatr 0"a tO conduOt a seriez 0f revIval *Meetings bei'.sud announced tint lie Voui ho bem. b atart vork the third VSek in January. This establiaiee positiveiy the taut tiat 09 yMeetings an %0 De hA0. WIWg orl Iater lti. tel«PraM Ret. Richardson A &engatianal climax te the ltliby rsclved a latter fromntiDr. Ostruni in hank malter tu Cileago came laie ILbWichb eeOplaie'J bisacceptance in TburedaY niglit viea Mis. margaret more dtail.D.rkla Klrby, wielfor 1 r. Kby, via moredelli wàied et tih e tutbaak, vaM ai- Dr- Ostruni bas four la bls Compay, reetedon a varrant mvamn out by irate 0l1-luding a sPecW iau llatad a le&ai deiiostore ef the "broken" battit. (ae of the. large Chorua, chair. The The change la 1h. varrant agaînst F B"ti«swil be xteidedove a prlie former Waukegan girl vas thlt ar meetngsyulb. xtededove a er-operatîng a coitflience game.' 0lad of four veeks and vIii b. held -- lins$.Klrhy vasln1 eiiaaly releaa- the Armory. An effort vUIji tac dan bail furniahed by relatives. -aê~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g inefavy agetohter* b haa sensationol enorMOu chorus choir. Local min. inane at ail but that he vas felgning SIter@ Predict liat the revival i ii i. ianiy al along ln order ta caver bthe ]argent and mont anccessful ever I1ý_t8 bis bank affaira. Judge Landis held IZI te City. Th revival l te b Utdyt oraer Kirby brougbt be- fOehmte determine if possible e unty aid la lils scop5ad this ln vbether the doctor lianker la really >Itself siova thsta tg th e momt far- demnted or vhether lic las been resciiing ever beld ln the. City. teignult" Conition. Thefoloqvng a he attr rceied The arret eoflira. Nlarg&mt Dur The oilvln laCielater eccvcdkmin rby came sas the big sensation te >bY Rev. hichards>n- the viole proffeure. Goshpn, lad. lira. Mary L. DurkIn, a vealfliy1 Nov. ,i2. Waultegan widow. signed her daugh- 1 sJB icadotrs bod. Rev . B. icharsonAorret Cornes as Surprise. Wauikegan, Iffincis. The arrest of lira. Klrhy carne as aq M), Dear -%i,-.itichardson big sensation and surprise in conne- As per thie elegram sent you a fewlion vith thtle tangled affaira of tue minues go.1 a Plcilg WukeariKirby -Bavings Bank, bacanse il di- riCnesagoI an pa-hg Wukeanrectly Connecte the former Wtiukc- on the slat, for the second date of gan voman wîi tirte dimfcultlea of lier1 t-be n"w 3-ear- which shouid be later hulband viiereas up to liat time she tbanthe23d f Jnuay, t Coti ai been consîdered an innocent vie- tisaIhe23<1cf anuay, cnetin ii-. of a huabanisa mistakes. Hov- i front Uit lime te the fourth Monday. ever, the fact that papers vers lasucid Short-ty you niay expeet frorn me againat ber bais ta the, conclusion sniems slecial buggestions about org- that the authorltlas in lb. city tout aalzlng, advertialag, etc., but in tie the stand tiat tbcy migit bhldbei m e a t i r e v l i y o u p l e s e a s s r e b~ a s b e n g a p a r " ôT t l e m e l i ô i s au r - I meatim wil Yu ieue asur th 'ued by ber bushai. Wbotber Ii.ey patrons liait 1amn expeehing te corne eaumaeetheir daimsa nd Chargea and sait ter la Ibeir unhtud under, stand ln court remaIns te be men,lie- tsklng and thaî i shall be glaui te eau" Mlra. Klrby aurely viii fgt the baveal n erlymomnt he âm«charge Of conîPiracy as miade againat haseai n enlymomet tc nmesber and she bias tie means aor lerc of tbe niembers oetht-e executîve coni weal thy mother te back lier op. 1 rittee for the undertakIng, togetherJ On lasi Thuraday tbe banb preal- vithi tir addressea lnciludhng et dent. William T. Ktnby, iaappeared. and the boy casher. D. J. Klrhy Jr., course, the chaîrnien. clesed tic banti and lnfoyrnd the de-c In our Mlasters service, Positors thaltutie actlogas miade I-ENRY 0,STRVI'.l necessary by Dr. Kiriys Manas. The ___________doctor vas ruslied avay ad is ,iiereallouts kept secret unatîl unday wbun lie vas tound at tie Northi Shore STE VENS GI1VES resort in Winnetka, te whihl he had WAU !GA CI!CKbeen aken &fer beig adjudgedln EX-CIT COLL 1 asOffIcers of the Federai court Sun- EX-IT CLLCTOR MAKES GOOO day forchbly look possession of Ithec ALLEGED SHORTAGE - Klrhy iank lad found il la a mnddie SONOHOLDERS AGREE. vhIcbleoprdIzes lie savlngs et 'lin- dçedg of stockyard vorkers. lira. Mini- spent Sundai- nigit *EZZLEMENT CASE WILL BE callint on the big stockholders of the STRICIIEN FROM THE CRIM- bank. She promisei therns 1hat ae INALTRIL CL. ould protect their savîngs viti lier INALTRIA C .AL. ovn monoey. < a-,~v .- Mrm Mary J. Durkia vas sunmined lu Circuit court Tuesday, Ashiel G.:-té Chicaga. Stevens, ex.city collector contesseal la -ttlar a tIe-be-ie-o f ber Judmen intheatm o 12500to hebanier.-iuhadlra. Klnby pledgeda CiymfeWu in , aend s t rasaita : hersaiftaumaie goad ani- penny that t cll ofWauega la asa rsuth-e, niay h. lant hecause of theinsiuane enibezalement case nov poudng a9 fianolatians of the" > li against hlm vilii b.stricken fiom lb. yaris-norkes sbwlns e.idiff tria]callby Sate' AttrneyRa lia. t ae vauIgive dollar for dollar. tril cl SttesAttrne Rapi . Chilcagoupeople have aomebow Dady. ~fgaiai lb., lofi'Çtigî ti Wien a eliortage vas uneart-bed h in Ai'. ?O- mlibg l eu alt Ita Stevens, accouais vit-i the Cty vas:- vrng, aald Dirs. Mary J. DuZkîn Mon- foud y adiorsoftherim o Athu 1day ulgbt la an i 4teirvtii S i-- toui h- adilrs i he ii- aiArturporter. "iera. Kfirby bas peractically Young & co' o miisiioner Clarence net-bing in her own narne.- Hem W. Diver vas Initructed tb take sncbhniOLier owiis sainsproperti-. but 1 legal steps as vould b. neceseamy o dont knov vho they can figure WU]iD regin he one. r. ive Intigt-furnlah any $100,000 liaI may b. i reginthemoci-li. Dve IDtiatneeded te niake Dp a dfiit.- ed suit- against Mn. Stevens and bis Mrs. Mary Durkin of Wtnkegan lias boademea hueen villi ler dangliter ail veek. She l -iged t-e bond todai-. Tlie hearing Two weeks after Dver brouglit suit, 8is-en sefo tudinarn. Stevens was indlcted hi- tbe grand Kirbi-, it la said, la stililu the North t Jury for witbholdiag cily lunds, and Shore resort at Winnetka. l s-as IbrownaIlIe lait. Thils morniig Mr. Stevens' attornc', (seiOlD*astsh #0 75. 8") l I",.,en led (oîamisonur Clarence 'x Dîner witb a chieckt Ion $2.500 in epeni ,orI and the rase wa draplvd. Tt la generatly und<'ratooî t ha t S late's Allorîrey 1)ady -agneed la roule l,ý«cîi bthcrîminal ecanet-nS, g aga;nst tl«c yolfg alan hin (ase île civil cane v-aB seltled out rît court Aîtorncy Flani 1, ('lnrka represerit- -il tie hîoîdsmen and Nir.Stevens ilu Oh edîîsdav nigî lire Suanlîsîe ly annoîneed tînt Stus rs 'ould nus- er bu sn t tota aiI onor) isaplîropiat. Inz rit, funîa,i;a s etiîeienî in the rase would lie affe-tel lurtore thie De- rember lî'rm aof the nciritcoturt. ,t<rd<-Chias tiannelli- of Woedsoca ha irrîdint- court aI Waîîbecsa lan the absence of Juigu CMas. WbIbne>'. The records and accolials nf bhe cliv of Highland Park are bcbng audîlci tY c<"-< ompany, Thse laid '0'5 on Ilie books lInlire court boum oday. Chbicago, Nov. Il.Judge Laîd m, in Federat court ted-ny, wa., uriahe ta iololel MrB. Willianm T. FirI, for- aient iargarel Durki,oriWaukeg-an, toa1ýnùr cs-iq est ions ta, 'vi ri hie soir-bttii10dreraCn- s ou i te lad doiw wlthth Ie $20,000 rIe s i camged s. tlIr as rip takun frra ,«r hujslarid',a liiinreent1îr Ahi efforts" of thre jrîdge Io trace thal mauney lrreved futile and vlan lie frind le vas <bible to do so, hie was ver2 atuehi exed aîîd il 'as teai-el for a tm tou1m buragit- tursue rpLtl- sain il. a nt n tesa unde en o thIl Flic nersist ty reufîs d tory' ln t e c M u u aty a# totei îthîe court hei-u the niolleis pennons. whîrh. tI St i . CýaS wa jvun tO hr Dr. Klrly. as physimba"," À 'I't lufoe te bani cloesc i iîd been ' aa' nt only rew.peel& pared j oved. H oevwu a N lier îImsbad's aahew. , Daiel Kir 1leigihorboci, - R I S a l o e f i î e i t o g v e f i î n h i " ' - a t p D u O& T a k s i i m a Bouli lra. Krhy and ier nepiev < SELU Mus. Mary Durkin Signs a ond for lier Daiçbter,"& $ 50,000 rmPropertu. S irgNOUTIIW ETERN AND ts*b & a£IE.maRE UAidEo MairLy FOR OSATsH* VERDICT 0F JURY. W* 4b*mapfind UseiAng.ius, 84Ms - flCon.a, came t. hm ii. ihby fieis,»mgsk by an L, J &E. fralis w 0i e i» C. a N. Wi Raihs ««M- ieO csb n t ianee tiei j* Ieqdmh,,pn. ln ed f er tWaaer efli*Jelttiy by twIsE. 14 E. end SW. Raiirosd oenimaeia W*,** jury furtici fini»the-ii Mai glti..wat ernpîcye by thé. C a M. W. ccmpnys a àGar impair ma" at Metiffl of th. oeieusfsand wa wwes e n cars that ver. fnt prfflr- IY protie. ram other trains b> the use 41 11094, andtet. ht extent v blsmo the. C. & N. W. Rllîraad corn- PanY for the. accident. W* aImo fIni hat P. m. Jackson Who W&* Puflng 1he enoin. of the E, J. & E. freîn had not pasmed th.e0sam- inati.. of an engineer and vs. mot duaîyy suaified 10 have'charge 01 aald, train. MUgelus Cof Us, (otherwise knownI as George Ko1,os, 23 years ni, living ai 126 Washilngton street, dî«d in 1h. Jane )iAtister hospîtai Saturday ilit et 10:30 o'cdock as ths resait ol InJUries rece,îed viien ie vas rmnà aver be a fnl-ght car on lte conneet. ing blesof Sie lin, Joliet & Buti- emu a*d Nort-h Western railromés la the North WVestern yard@ ln Wauk*. gian. aigut 4:30 o'cloek Saturday aIt- ernocu Oh of iehllegs verseout off i VOL. XXL.-NO. 8. WAUKEGANWEEKL Y SUN ___ $1 50 PER YIEAR 1-N A»l ý I" VeOplaned ta tic cont-tl a Atius under arets, e ne»a. Chicago nespapab tW, T, Klriy, ham D>utila oS waukeben M )y defcent auj IIM af his aim etité ii i ý bank defauller. ulmata location ho l bo r ne o f b e ri fo li e , c iq of Waubeffl, a Cijl. L The Central IMM ue08 uty M(ai-seha bai enith than 24 bours Isas no neataIboa. I1 o n l0 id a y a f 1r b eigla $8.000 bail an a as confidence gnnss., sicho. la explainlng th. cia, ,e the nai-has, lmmcdiately attery ufle x»-. Kibi-., Attovame lad ne-baf boums, Ilt dely as It bai 00-Mm0-a e-à Krby sarted ffor ici Yale avenue, wieje -Pepu* Guntber ai suentlb. n the front porci v ilh Tt vas a torloaui veman. via bail icen ber l u t i e ha c k y a r d 1 1 * 1. j - a enliacer and arlleme clo t b l ag f a n o r na ly f lTh e y ~ te Reminil Mr. i> eildrea. vioArtia.g, v5ltltby granirotie. Usa. ]Él, of Waukeas ai, dova ladi» hma tn aer a,,nila u pa e animoent moe= . bu nhasive tam. Mtk 1 Myv e b s c m la i. o hnitie atmevta vW*I eu. ,B yourvf l alrat"b IngadaviHent An"ra Sg msiv amen.gmaetas My rgrovnby, an 1' ie heelili- inqtuir oMieilà lOh.bifsey viinie m "gaN,. ailrviii bunii t an à* baem Hem a "rati erdlîh&>.» ilamsI arn soarae ta o<t bbc b y , amlIe ?"ieS a I e s &gain, i iib ih.1euÎe And along tuis lne of thong$~ )i -ja 3 1 a, 1 ýONE TO XIGHT