. -c, FI' !t¶~e Globe' s t5th - t 4 Y UUWimttO~ i a&4 kIe.~ 1'ensWarin, ~1aev eats $L35 Mèn's gray aid brôwni sweater -coats, soute with combination bor ders, kuit from a good quel- ity of wool yarn; regll- 1 la, .0O values at. O*toe oatU-$2.35-All wooi ,weater ..ets of exceptionally ie. quality, gray, tan and ,,bo" $300a ý,2;8 0 5 sI hirm. Me-, 'pdbine flannel Sof Çhérry F làwe, il.5es Comforoble Unde.pw-ç&r Fine al wool shirts and Men ,'c pure Australian drawcrs, flat or ribbed, iwool shirts and.draw- gray or tan; $1.501 gai'- crs, exccllent' quality, fteîît., sale I~ tan only; $2.WlO f r priv ........ 1:1$ aluiee, garient eJ Fieeced Underwêar-- Men 'c shirts andi dra«rers with i g soft sanîtary fleeee, good wveight, jager color, 50e 31iC values at, garnient ...... rP1r Men blue clii $1.9 ni-. Wool Underwoaa!- 1 Men's flat or ribbed1 wvool shirts' and drawv-i ers in grer & tan, garmnent. 5 Nelw*ear at 2, A largeý eo¶ètioiofi four-ii-hand ties, embi regular 50e values, tu'bulk flowing eÉxId7, 1rade f*r choicest of silka, sale price........... Union suits - meni's gray and eeru union suite with a soft warmi fleeee, sale 11 prîce.... ...... 9c Work Bhfrts-Men's 50e work sghirts, iwade of bine cham- braye, black satesns and black a"à white dillng, c - sale prie ... ......... 5 n" Shirts $115 - J'laÏnel Shirts $1.55- a:'eI gray, tan and Fine pure wooi flannel e laneI shirts, ex- shirts, graY, tan and ent uaity matei4l; bine, regular picies $ iO sAers and$2.50, all 15 se..rs. 1. i5 s at .. 1..5 su ts ~ Vrot The tecolleotion of oa ?tet .nvrsr iI .frvrseal- ed in the nîemory of evcry îiian wvho huys a suit or' overcoat at this sal, fr yu'l b gctig a greater bai-gain than you ever sècured . fore, and one'whieh, perhaps, yrou'll neyer have the ehance to duplicate again. We have assenibled three imnmense lunes, Clfllraeiflg the prodîtets of the best clothes makers in the eountry -suit and overcoats for both mnen and yomig nmen. Beautiful faiT' and wvinter ggrinents, inadeý in the Most exacting - nanner of hîgh-céjass Akmerican jind inprted wooleus in new mixtures of grayý, tan, 'brown, andbluW, '-lso sol-ido colors. It is a sale no ' ejàancafaford to mues. Buitt and Overcoats 'at $7<5-Yon muet not judge tiese suite and o)verco(ats 'lýy the low price, for. they are thoroughly, dependable garneît luevi'yrepect. 'The suits are niee- iy~~ ta Mrdo I wl mixtures and blittsrg es. The overcoats corne in kerscys and novel- ties, velvet or convertible collars; $12.50 and 1 $1 5*1 vaines, sale prie,................. Suita and. Overcoats at $115O-Attractive ncw v ll imodes- gar- nients t4ut were inteuded tq selal at $18.O0and $20.W. The cuits arc made of worsteds, casajmeres and cheviots. The overcoatA juelude browni, gray and black kerseys and fancynix $ j 5 jures, some wlth plaid back. Your choie J P)f!the lot for ....................... Buta and Overcoats at $15.75-The cuita and overcoats in' tis selection are equal in style, tailoring and inaterial to the hîghiest class merchant tailored garments. The cuits arc iinported worstedsan cheviots; the overcoats of kerseys and novelties; 25.00 and $27.50 values, your choice for $__7 5_ this sale................................... 1 .I n I~rq~nBase ipUxnfolds a Toilot Paper Hold- OAS LIGMT-Tbe Magl. w Nickeled on' gas ligbt. con'Plete wlth brse ~globe snd extra fine- pxc.......L prie .. . 25c 2PIýRE 81VL â- kJapanned, sal pr ...ec........................ e. .. c en lr -Tumblers - Me Ù4s ize table x t r a icar, . lers,> clear lead llwn, fire 4 Mél ûw n,s 4e polished,bel or price, R.lL L straight,Q ,. *7C 6 for .. ... 6 'for.'.- Dimier $et - a ~nl 100 piece dinner set, Lindsay, upright $ne white senii-porce- gas mantie, sini- tain, neatly decorat- gle weave, sale; ed wth a gold kpray;, price, B an attractive seet eaeh .... 7ç a lo prceAND FORKS-Poltshe, eWt th eoSbos shaudle, tol 1 Ë tttd. mt etofulvô »d 8 touks* or......I POU? CARO ALDUMS-I éi *leather covét, bolds 200 camda, 50 ,s.ud fiScvalues for -,.. MiXINO UOWIS-Yellow eartheft- -. ware, gla»ef on botb sîdee, 14 g5 alionais~eKt ................ 4 fluer ]Plates - Plaili white seiporeelaincl ' price, ech ...1....5 dijPS ANY>SAUCERS- Whte semi - porcelain sale pries, Pair.... 7c Irons, 'bol&s beat, formly tha any T!wlBar- 1-ic icukeied sud plia f~ylb ar, îickïl wttbh antile sud, p ed on brass, liqON .HMANDLV .... 9,V c irons, eacb.. OT PANS - Black Japannefi doit pans, apecially prtced 3 for tliis sale....3 mversal Thermo-Cell Bad Llonger sud morun'i oelr pad trop. hlghly 98 - Âdjust. i>OOiIý- -Sitw rnlcleled tea .7c ioe0. tttaatte ý l Liquid 4'eneer-Fam- ous furnituire polieli, large size bot-35 tIc fori.... 5 Corn Poppers-Hoids 2 pounds, made of - steel with long15 handie .......15 Iwiý"2 nc oieathe298 0UITOAS-24 anS 2C 4LASS APE--n mwcb a"s.- ramim.' r ~eneat deptit, fine 44 ith ubbr 'Oat2n c 8,AVORY RtOXISFtE - Made of beavy sheet se.0, the MOt 8c perfet roazte c made .. I.AMps-Portr#eiagsson tamp wth electrIec. innectlOns,9& sale price ..r nO POT COVERS- Set of 6 aisorted se. wttbracjLe 2aie Dress Shltts Men's dre'ss 'shirts that reguiarly ccli for $1.00; inade of per- calie and madras in stripes, dots and fig- choice ý.....85 J)R58S SHIRTS #1.15--Kxtra fine ituSity madras and percale, excellent varlety of patterus; $150 values ME'S TMb4RS 8165-Well MENS TAOUSERS $aJ5-Nsde made otf sncy cassimeres Oàid Off Vie neWest'mtertais lIn desi- worsteds In desrrable r able coora, regular baL colore, $300 value. for Je.8V ll55.0 this sale...éeImIJ Sale of Warm.jedding Blahetà at 89-ltre is à i rgaiü n u lainketithat is positivèly without apre9edent. They are heavy - 1 -à canton flaftnel with a long soft fleecy nap, size 66 by 80 inchles, gray oniy, pink or bine bor- ders; positively fiever offered for less thau $1.49, sale prie ~~ ~ 0 Woo ap Blankets- Another remarkabie offer Iu 66 bv 80 Inch heavy Gernian Wool Finished blankets; gray and tan, shel edge, good -values at ___________ $2.50, sale price, pair Comforters ,cm- pull size comforters, filledl Nwith a gool grade of cotton batting and cov- ereti on both sides with ikoine; $1.48 e values at ... 8 Crib IBlaiket - Bilue anîd pink figured Eider- down erib blankets. 3.0 1w 40 luches, sale price ... .U9c cil'8 OoMfotor-Large cizc coinfortéra, filied with high grade cotton and covered with ciikoliue in attractive patterns; $2.00 values i 6 for.. . . . feat4ir pillows, covcred ýWit 4ood grade of fig- ured tcig sale, price, each .37 Wankqmit'~ The Anniversary Sae' priaigs Nar- velous Savings i40Fqtwear WoMen'sg Shffl at $1.95-This splendid saving is due to the faet that they are a sample linïe-otherwvise they would bc sel- ling for $3.00 and $3.50. The lcathers are gu-nmetal, vici-kid and patent, higli or low heels, hutton or hhwhler, 195 yoxîr uhoice .................. WOMENS SH055 *.69-Nnother amle lt - of Women's box ea a.nd vîielkld eboes, button aébu erstyles. 1w eel, alidl 1 6 tgron5lbout $"-ou valUes aBt Mon'a s hoos at $2.79-Men's gunl- nietal, patent and tan choes in an ex- cellent variety.of styles, button and blucher; positively .worth 27 3.50, sale prie ............71 MENS SOES $1.5-Broken lneS o men'ae hou tht C ild hlh ai 83.50, sood Patewl tmla uguaiPetal sd pate.t L~a~g uto ilm4 blucer, palr ..... Ohidron'is and Umises' Bhoes-Hligh cut Atyles in box ealf leather, good durable qualitxv, gutarantced to 1w solid through- ont, the Waltonj inake, sizes 5 to 8112 ut $1.19. sizes 9 to lii!> uat $1.39; sizes 12 to "M, at $1.69; sizes 3 to 6 CHILDRýN1S AND MISSES 814058 Hgh eut stylesin Fusia tan leater, sole leatler count- erd' nd luleroes, sIzes 9 to i li % t $ 1.85; s es 12 to 2"% t $210 : stes ta 6 .4 5 T. ....................... ..... Boys' Shoes-Boys' high eut chocs fur rough' and ready wear, made of heavy tan leather with beilows tongte, double sole; eizes 10 to 13V/o at'$1.95; sizes I to 2 at $2.45; sizes 2/ýto 795 at ........................2 1 Boys',Shos-Made of satm esilf Jeether, lace .style, solid throughi ont,, sizes 8 to 131/2, a good f~, durable shoe, sale price.. 75C Infant'aSBoft Bole. Bhoe-Made of patent Icatbr with colored tops, 50ec values at................... 39 Ste1Car Fare to all ouittof to*n enstomers uipon purehases of $5.00 -or Souivenirs A handsoune footed bon-4on diÈh will be given every lady Trhursday, the first day- of this sale. It i8 aclose imitation of ctùt glass -and highly polished. %cl a~UR .............. 1 . .........