Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Nov 1912, p. 4

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mNo. 1.CE. S 50 itoYEa R STRIcTlep IeN oV146- WWBSARO CIty Editorn n on -man. __n ~il Moosorsar 1wb o e t over-conideot NW*?eddy' 01.60dERul EAdr ShRIp. YINAV à* ......e ........A..1 K . ........ ......a ...............t...e...G.. . e a ner i mai. 1tii. oving bestorntey d y s d.avey Moot bar ny e ublican and eron den- ofA.K Wdtasu tega.Sn 0and . le aucrsnda 1te ahl no hrothes hdtenrv adelr 1 I&'s the use of trylng to figure out ihr I 4ii s f" ldits 1 o dslace o eet fcas lii. d Urne'd oma vl h qdo i habdon some prevlouà presidentg. li tif$ng to knwta np ctramond bas 0mcn<1 immaureveal lu "dinWauke- tt theinatter &tâte tact - loc~ a~svolatof tthe grdinaoeini- boua às vodocidednotto&aretholaw »jtbad e-meat *W imght bring hayfns 0 . T. U. bÎa oui.e the pa of holding ilver Oo b Theion mucbgood ho Mý put adi oifatr fyugpeople la #hich needsattnin t sbudta lelp tbe tch, by givig tbem confidence, brain traifinig guaioratorical Improvement. +1 - 'th sokool board cannot b. censured in its determina ,# Satoce the. ayment of tuition by pupils living out ~t Wown*fp. It wouldn't b. fair to those tii. taxes, wbo pai.d for the buildings, etc., to let4 = USto or three otaide pupils havo'advantage of! ~k~ê . ltuioni vithoût paying for it. I¶Mye are really int~oo trying to &et into the school wthout pay atee, nominal to the individual, but, in the total, = tg considerable to the township as a whole. ~rulve foflowers in Lake county are nov deplor- did not launcha county ticket, their conclu- if be ad, said ticket would bave ridden la coat-ti as did many otiiers in the. country. a Progressive ticket been placed in Lake *, wo vould bave seen a f ar difforont campaîgn than piOuli on lu Loakoounty-and bundreds of mon who b4th straigbt Progressive ticket would bave been bk.v toamrtch it before tboy ontered the. poils, an Î to vhicb they voie not subjocted, bocause ïg "Id't bappen ta b. o. countytickot. Whatý doms Progressive moan? Just because Lake 9y humem.very able office-bolors, vbo in the. past wim p ublicans snd electod on tbat ticket, does Allw that elr progressive idea would hayo been any wr U they bad appeared on a ticket beaded by tbat, Mt T? or example: JuePran.Chl n pffVe ecaadd bave installed more u p-to-date and h.motbpde of Comuty court procodure than le ~ad ffocIvn the, local court? It's the same vitb 4Mr 11, it's the. mon rather than the party ap aU. atit? ____ pi,*bsyar Lake County wiii .aymoplo ropresen- »o*eholegllature, Mr: Muaro eofIgIIJaIdPrk and .B Oam of Fox Lake. Wbile Mr. Graham vas omt* d.mocratic ticket, it vs uhe ublican Ed 1wbo heled put him there, for, wltbout their sup- be asTe Wffldbave luaded.. AccordiuzI ,. vs trust Am m il! loge melt of bis democratic afflIations, Ïb, t = 4« remember that r ulblicans *M godémcrablet hlm.,%Ild ie ques- 'ce p veue partyllumemn ta boie v, lIb prin - «'Mt paty connecona guide him. 10or Instane, L&~i .eatrquestoa villi come . .aita 0àthse domocratie aspiant-but vaeCut as frIL Y. Sherman. And this abould not be forgt. Lro, the nev legislator from tbis district, and mmpun, the nev congeubma, areboth oh aue attorneys and bctka.rê u anad rd fo&vlth crdit in ther FesPst.pol Î rmthe cresWbt o = ho~bnest and efcotl h u adknows t*6 a heuce baf come marje. We lookiSo AT NOM T1i iCAW The, Brigge-Ciicago Mlachinery com- p5Jiy have signeti a contact uith the. Northern Illidis Industriel Company ta remove their maniutacturing plant tram fedar Rapds, lava, te Northi Chicago. Ths là the company referreti ta, recently by the Sun wiiui the. ames vas vlthheld peudlig definii.e decisions. Tisleconcern han been ibusiness for 10 years snti have bult up a large business In the. manufacture of con- tractara. dump carte, hiviu prcticai- [y a monopoly In tts Une. They aea manufacture a mtor dgiv- en dump wagon that la useti by asphat ceatractors In conveyiiig the, material froam the plant ta the. treet. They aiso manufacture the very lateet anti up-to-date mtor tiriven 8treet sweep. er that sweeps the. street anti gatiiers upt the tirt et the. saine Une. Thé lu. stitution la just being greatiy enlarged anti a large amount of now capital la being put jutitI. Saine of the gentlemîen connected with the Foote Concrete Macinery camparry, witii offices lu Chicago, haye interesteti themiuelves lu thie business anti have greatiy enlarged the capital of tue concern. To Employ 100 Meni. t la e-pected that the, compny vili start worlc hero witb tram 75 ta 100 men whlcb viiilibe Increased as the business requires. Their fIrst builng ta b.e erecte t ta be 75x2O9 test of brick mill contrue- lon, vith a 'cernet floor, and itlis5 plannedto w rpet another building of the sainie size during theit a ua- mer. There [a alita ta b. an office bulding to b, erecteti at once separate 1rou the miain huiiting. The concer hiait purchased ait ascre anti a quarter tront Mtr. Hnssey Ivlag et the Jonction ct the tait lin. andth le North Western masis just soutit cf the Cyclone Pence comparry's plant. Tiie plans andi specificatians for the, building ta lie erected at ance have been prepareti by Mr. C. W. Webster of Joiet, anti vill be ready ta aud out ta Uhe contraci- ors tomarrcw afternoan. Plans Are Extenlsive. The c ompays plans are very ex- tensive. They are now employing 50 bandsansd heir capital stock Io $50,- 000. Howeyer, their plans now pro- vide for thie immediate erertian et a $25.000 plant but also Include the erec- tion next spring of further buldings, ta cost trelile that amoaunt. Iit a short lime lie0 xiii be emploving &bout 150 bands, le Firît on Hussey Site This fi;the irst cornpany t0 forin- he&1411 t hae é t ,el tà 2*tii' Oaioego st tho 0lot' .W88 I h tliiaifor fluNêlali ~ Tii.'decti-ii 414onfe1son coo- thé g isi o e t divsion utl. ~ii.thugii uchool la net te ihe ralsed noM resui là' vm eooft0 # t b inio or t l* YeoMà# stay ors e *,bsaglvem out itAfoath@ liOUdl Y o , !the O,i8*of I o!Iewy et a;olat tonhelrjct.lii teînd$ Msrely ta maiGoree. l. rIs t Suçgeps u î 01 mrnan«tg. viitciias Wstolen cm the i. lgt of Maer inir 00oS, vopried oWs, &MIta aln. elealijil e 9164 WIG,14, 10.trio of dallag buiplars e the lid hO«tPI9 u Pouid 0W lx, million. Reduce te 'a a selton -by t3 . h a.plaoe, tte4 tinssm ia as eicy 10»»ou tiltian 0or0ou a ye' Wf axes of disecue, je"msop hygtji . iaicon-willOfatbe0'eh %btey hl.*bImnparlitfor *0.l1I* ilet with a 'bat" rordf, 1» on hs show windair, Mthouslithé VO3etofor tire. ysars. fiO~VVIT ROT ~>fiflCdewth.beeêeb el ou, Mnuit et' hatleft aught bural i Ï,.ruo t.aiota M"91eaî~ L'h" V4 %~Jhirta hU. Vhisp#od t g o ei-Mate. of th# st09e snd abstrgo the é.dW board because lthéreéae&eM 110P Johte Keiler, the secret biing place manda Itram a case la tise front wifr viio aret eskig te attendtheolm& e!tihe valuable lbot tiiat vas stoien dow. lie Pau" e d t m*d bui t.esob"oolvithont payiug tile Presdust Tafft WOOOVfd 3,159,364,,A*- figi the Yeoman JevelrY store et'a&secAnd manTheTic rd Mca bat cori tgtoLaeatCop~aîon.~ W&aukegc4. Ibénie tatlonet bbitatemes, eclaluini that they are MiÂtas ith lsuW codle eL»etcopàtin 1 -You cmafnd ntthe.-"the. vîctim'srucr ofthe store vitii ortera to "Bhont tUv.. ituWaskeucuOUd timbi ai' Officai, aqpd atimmîtd lusog e.rapitly i fhnig ith blond SD7 alé wiio intgrfrt . hoot and ing their home ihors. a"dfi va. witi tifflculty that ho tin. shoot te kili," were hie orters. Acording ta th. new rmieAU Mit-1 isiied the dtdourse-"lunk " ho coan- Thse tiret clos aetii. robbera asI ttit7ued, bur te .Cbicaiot, Ise one tha C t e tayeoman in th@ dtren whaae parents rmi" t. oct.lst Northa Western right-of-way.1" Apaa bter af eepteaaber llth. the. city VIII be oblind e t YtO ff7 le. New York, Nov. 9. - A table cm. the couvIct vas compeliedt t fght off Mupy aseriga0 a o-Ti.shlhadfes tat e plia tram thse itest officiai sud esti- the, "Angel c! De.tii" and ti iwvamin-tance y a lli.tie o! inta 0dea. 11,ie - aosa sboad I(sl tatnbie uts efroi.Sad thCt1han te f is' burgl at-ar, ke ast@Obt"J mated retsrn, tram maithe states Ue e éh ad"ai NorthCh-er ha bati rbput&i a s a ,viev cftvisat iconiatie th ity00 shows the. popishr ote in the U[Inteti 0flo0 i ati h. la non, serring hie second s5là- States Tsiesday as foltaws. He lar la a atupor tar a few minutes, tence lu htinstte pealitentinry. capita. [heu iie tirust bis band4 out fraubun-lbae eu Wlcan, 6.398.9r,; Roosevelt, 4,- der th, ti et, andt beckaneti tohis Keler gave yeoman tie exact woa- severai peapiebv sce~ 307,305; Taft, 3,1M.364. oel-mate ta drav cos: tien vbere the Jeweiry vs' [uried lu about the. rahstug af tuitdan but~ The. table iiy stales shiows: "The Junt vas liuredsix test inth ise the rouait.qirytd evle hetC . tte. Wil4Sa. Roasevelt. Taft. gruaic-feet tram the. eîectrclinoue 1 dont iiArtly tiiink the jseori tiserei la ta naD change In the. auu Alabama .*0,000 2,000 10.000 cuivert.sondd n ii on.vulti hoewarth aujthing nov." alcag. .rzn ...15000 10,000 4700.V Tii . ati attl. ne n h o.Mn. Yeoman ccgd Ankansas 7,002800 6,0 Icts t1ufla nd bo fellbaci deail. __________________________________ 28,00 6.00 le dt ual carry bis ltes sencret Califai nia. 2$5 230,25; ....vitisbim inlaie egrave. Colorado ...100.OW00- 0000 r10,000 A weel< latesrelier vrote tuis ms- 7 Canneticut .7,761 33,648 67,258 sage ta lir. Yeoman: Delawares..2.659 8,270 16644 "Hon. L Yeoman, SW A J s i. V E Flolda...33,00' 9,00o i.000 "Wukga. ii QGearga ...92.104 21,147 55 Jon eltr lute o sy ta jas Idiaho......... 29,700 140,6S78 30.241 uhal if yoU uvii cuit St the. vartensa tIlinois . 40 9.501 253.09i 1 office lu lh. insttuto o ui mes 1 porentlnormume t Xiaue rme Kancs ... o 140 !.3.(9 (Magn") _____- Keatonk$ 0'j6 '9 W65 id0 Tc.0L* W~ t.aucta , 1000 10MI00 = 'S Mafnt'ie 0,464 '4.102 26,915 lbwwa ss e Pli01, t Maan.........5,404 4.102 64.61 cf th a rdoWib o f t he vmms SbU bY. MameuYte.110».05140.162 1rÎ2.25 tjefflttta aA I4argce stok 1t o secCt trom .100286,000 170,ffl t visd ith iiaesota .... 116.000 16.000 80,000 When Unr. Tean esterabe o it, mis*lsipzsi -.. 4.009 500 3,000. Keller, duesse la hie blachuntviMldiComgU IN AND LOOI TIIEM OVER Missouri 331.M 3146.2a8 21 r.698 tipedut assée lOwud ah" ile s l Illona 44M0 #1.0W 2,M 1tiéssit y0%wO »er t «couITeagic l Rg" Nebrtaka ...i96 4< ,WO 69,0 vua w» ot iuesslyfor Ur. Tee. Nebank - 10.00 7400058.00man te tatroduce blseIf Nevada........ 7900 5100 800 teler gave aïr. -Yims a sent by New lampabire 831,749. 17,802 32,964 tasslite. andteloIthie s tis& afme New Jersey... .174,691 135,938 768 celi-mète hati toit hlm tisat ho - IF IT S New Maxiica ..15.149 Z.800 11,259 one* 0f the.trio of peggmen vhoba SCH N U New York . ... 650,721 387,463 450,469 burglarlredthle Yeoman jsvelery store FROM North Caralina.145,000 60,000 30,oCO at. Waumkegn. Û1 NoriiDaga.. i~009~ ~<~>'The por brute dlUti of the, *con' K Noth....tý..40.317 1,0022.00 lv sentheisor no mn, but he msade a[ S IA C ' Oklahorvîs .25.000 100,0e'>. .wbore the, sluff iiad hueu hurleti," sait ITS Oregon . 6000 44,000 .95,000 Keller. I' Rhodte Island . 30,2'4 1,4gg 27.TSa i1 olgit, do youi mcv that ane of the. trio d (1000e g os Southi Carclita. 01 3,s0 1.210toat beblut a feuresat the. rear if the Southi Ilakoa , 55,000 60.000 . -store wth as4q 4 nIr in his hid.t Tennessee -133,000 4500 S Ste vair.., 0li, 'Y n1i07 : jC:1 , . .d ont -f rte vindow0 queriet Keller, Texns .........4.0001",000 36,0001 Keler ld Yeoman the, Nil taril Uitah ....... 3r,000 1300ô 40000 orthtie bmrglary. He talt im ii oy tin, Vernmont.-15 ,397 22»Z2 23,247 ýtrio Jumped a trelgbt train at North, Virginiu .... 7.000i18j00 21,000 t (hicago anti vent te Chicago. They Washingutonî- 95,000 125090 75.000 West Virgiiiia .10!.000 77,0W14154.01)> alyv accept aasile ou lhe 13 acres MI- Wiýconîn . 146J.1 1 r520810 108,67 Hiussey purcaseed juat Souths or tn. W cmîng.16000 7,000 17,554l1 sewCylon Fncecopans dan 5 lscîsa p!riiaitîr oser Rooseveli ne CclneFececopay, pan-2,091,692; lossî'srlurallly oer One ntller oompany ls dlckerfig ng a at.mI,'1 Il ls beievd thy wll coseup frý yrns Gevernnr of South, Dakota. the location 4uon. They are not qîîfle Yanktun. S. D.:ÇNni- At tiemo- so large as the Cedar Rapids corni crattec ieaéYnsrt'-rx lîrre tl vas ceu- pauy. ceteti that Frank ilyrne. Republiran. Blegins Wark nt Once. Ilat been leûled go etumr Thal the ew compsuy is anxloîî, Moes Demnocrats Etected. ta gel ta vank on [thein nev factory is Chicago, No. 9 -1at, raturus evitient tram the fartt lat yesterday 1tram lthe %,,nissoutites lu IlliIn's une oflihe officers toItld.Ir. Sayier JtdetCokcuygf Srar aud Williamns, FîumocrattC candidates tilat he iiopeAt ta senti men bere ta for cougressnîen ai large, a pluraîitv break groondtistamarniug. or more tissu 2k.00, wiicb maies their election a tertalaty. A local man today made ,. t that Wilsona Illinois Leael ISi06. enerybînis in lthe <o nIr 'wouldl, 11e Chicago, Nu%. 0. Complete returns lo.-ed for mouthh afler Wood,-ow wi receiveti fnom ail precincts lu the sans inauguîration. Ho receiNed ~a 'tate cf Illiinoi s gIse WcotrOv Wil. taker anti aas paid rlght away àter son a plurality cf 16.105 over RoomO. Il, expainedth le bel. Mr. Wsonvieou volt. ta Inaugur;ateti March 4 anti fout Roamvetsa Leati ln Califoriala. IBan Francisco, Nov. 9.--Corretîted mantiis atter that date le the Fouit li figures tramt Sauta Cara ,CouutY of July. a day on wiich ait banks cf siovffd that 414 votes bat iieeé l4-é* the country uaturally wiii reniain iteti ta Wilson by mniattLie. . Wit4- elioseti. this reuit lnuted, Roosevet Sp- peaet ea as e a sto f 59 Vote& 18 the sade. semK Tilt IIRE BOYS FRANK SILJESTROM GPCIFERS A REWARD 0F 60 Ogr"%,AagaST O F DARINQ MR M. <LUI . IRE TRUCK TO SCENIE QV IRIE AT ir #1-NiOT-OFFIê 1ALS INYROTfflATa.I*OeT. lu thse talle! that su a MndhwY S taitad thse tire vhicb Attacb.d ài --. o~, -prperti. Frank i SiIstrep 0f 1à [at Parl4. atié a'net a no The art of ulft ao the "wnt4é.pl t 4 Deelualus t 7:.» > S . ur making watces ahot. then an aarm v.'w@Î t h frz t*0.J. H. B"$&aina rad~ehi Ha& beenmarchilug ahead tmedily ff1' « 4PartOeut uofla 4i*~ or jears. Wate. h ave More l[ainai5 le elbu IniOtil 3 1 o &nBde ilii put into their mbkusgto-déy u mflhig sMd M---a-.7 U - .nw hAn etd en. pOe t~a S.,tt hi- t irh la*tt - . t nir* îposl bt4eetgs I 8 r s I I Lt i te i ou aal Iiikl t staboy nsedt -09 esIt cuoiêghsht Ia h atehihi ehg,art ha. f.t. t lat thciesmI~ ,a,.»d. tueh is l laftstii come, 8 wu* vaowieqs' M& D youvitàh ta find t Iboy be vs' tlewmru -u , m:sl.W arsclîy failt.vatais au . IiII Pot UOtaonViS viat tus satar. m hayfs'Mm~ Our vcteb toei contaîns AIJ. OfIPl5VN thal tho arI o watchmmailng ha- te: Att Ws villtngly place aur t ie L sêU àies ,your disesui. * btat" vrs' t sv foa hoaç=î- k .ttylll, - illis ~< oe la Deerfljfer w Fi n. 0 It ti S, p tg e0

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