t ji day sioeug, Nov. 6 Ber. Bieue Ot the ~J+*4+ 44 +++ FOR SAL- Vepawalle Fard tan;- chunch perlonmins i son carlu gooî concition. luquire Thé bridé in thé 7(>~SAL + A B $b1loll<. li. c.7-fe tr, sudt tin. C. 1. and hhgbly reepeel, FOR SALE-Flra ela vlunin»ig Bol- ~yaisll IISoéfa sefor the t»MbU C.s<, UAst.Vws.-pietertj ity n a aet qe 4srs.2 Ogeble jr'7; IBet, boan' 80,1912. Ire.Prnebshotava ~ dsSe Tséulon.1 d 4Vmsopnfodhlth147409,i)Dom Pearl gohbar iner viab m. IL P oné, . V e8078. -lait mosli prou future. Rsgtaerei ~N. iK Thé groom. vbîle LIbea8lBrownhasa 78 Wl. boe, ha. umrana '*r1*pullets; a RreiokM ald l i F OR&M *.wmnV forme, land bee isv ... 19 sMsae.T.Us a6" Florde, tIrnago *ouebru ~~## a.55Dnaa>I&4bePf. -O-f vbt..affr hssrt e *-u.g-ioupia.IL I. Red Mtraeté-------- Tbe<api I rbudi»rnpu, Sema p.PSê4 ur, 90sEnlea o. #.Aui b.et«wIlo, lu, L DOf. %av ugissd=mrn 0.81 brea.LmaLius besUile, mou -B-il W. areprepred b 8-1 #gond fama horm J. W. ++miait ise mteual luLbrrue I. --i.....+ 1À vle" jar.-..ataseroi ]FOI luI + Drs.Phone 176: em*iu bole d 1 mk ou INT-"Fion s 10h Park Av-. ~ e neid . ;. V to o o i et M V -b p m bIvM, ,I à foar Wlom asmcsMas$OR I-Four rom lfia. Tels r. W. *mie"&s 2 mou 09M as 065.e [4 FuelI el vàm e St af Lli.etipl. ------ PSI.. 0SNT-lprw i ta. ffbe of DIV.m M£5por, bredi xTsr!. . t n dlo. pet..40,0 >fur dm*$ 0.. Sbaouuo, tUbsmy- OMsm SSoR EXOHAIIGIl-é0 sers. t leaes.tms baue, Mt. #2M0. ~gelu 1ndIsaa booam ber, etc fiaim, Ireydai., p 5-5 ---------- ý - ---m Rw Emme Traoweie IL Vneeeo*ftmwbtd sy:ý=i Lakecoonty INtbe&Truetco. 1 IQ ssmos aS f teSos +. wAUYD + WANTiED-To ve-mtarai m80 ta 160 + + * + + UOUS+ Vire Iqaueaaoe.boue., aiê.oRe Usina, loessn.offmtl. b nau C. m. Ougtos s"d ifs tea3.H. Rtchardaan. et a&., 120 acre lu 9. 1-2 fsc. Z9 W. Aitioclitvp. W. D. $9.000. la aKauke aMd huabanil ta K9. t -Ll. Im r Il 2Wrii<h's AAd. thU etaof Titie. Ttisa Ouuteed KnI ot9blc, 9 rg - AO LlbertyvIle W, D. $1. lingule Temple Bid. Wank«gau, i. T. B. Reardan ta Angiut Barmman L,îcua J Guang£. sud vile lot là block 1 Kirk & PoveUs NOVEMER , 1012 Ait. WaakegAn W. a $ 1,675. W. J. Psrava te W. M. Frmer Ettatâ 01 MMrtin Hart (decessed) lOMbt 4 UlMa fub. of lot 249 Lake ta Catherne Hart N. 1-2 lot 16 blok 1Vun W. D. $M0. le Hghan Park 9. W. D. $1075. Misa"qIl SD7uuodnd dbuabasi ta c. A, >(4wqouiY, Jr..t, enéH O. . Bta lu 8lwomh'e Snb. Winters Iota 6#, 41 sut 42 bloct Rekefthlsrq. C. si1o. North C$ap.~D 475. f autes Krakera, et a&L.tea Joseph Krsa M"s lots i aMd 8la tena euh, ln MARRIAGE LICIENSES. we. il rsalt tv" W. D. Ile. Louis A. siés,-.Sion Cty . f. gisn"b aK" I M dvu iaeCorm Jula Kilt. mon Cty ...... t 101 lts1 "2 Stantouim liib1 Athur TbomatI., Mlwauke..3 la »WeIl Grant tvp. W. 1). $10. la~~...........2 IL B. CDouolî Mi vite. et &I., te Athur IL Mulis.Chicago... -.32 W. IL.Obbry sud D. 0. Eeaa lt a mmaB. Joues, Cbhicago ..........3 je bu amSe. àBanou t vp. W. D. oust Kullutia, Chicagoa........... 28 IL MaveaulaPatakia, sames....... ...2 1«MKnl*te at tvoula &Patatis JO"n Harld,,Milwaukes .........0g j4ji 13 blet 7 North Chicago W. D. Anu M. latormis. seame........... 22 e Heaea Paskey, Wa*ertown, l ... .20 a. 1. Mainli aid vite ta A. V. Mai- W Ellaworth CoInue. Mlvaukee.. H de 140 aes lau fss. il, 13 aid 14 yye-erick atamaýMilwakeé. 34 W5me5i lv. Q. C. li. Florence W. Kinlaman. sane ...27 NOVEMBER 7111I Arthur W. Sichumanu, Chicago . .241 101 l bach27 Wlghs Ad. Ibr1charlea . IL ermans. Chicago.. .. 25 1 . beW..ori sd, 12t0W0T. Bt- ler lots 25 a&M 28 bloet 10 DreeesalThsa. W. Jansen. MÉilwaukée.. .. legal Sut. tet h ieffl W. D. 8100. BiEla Raildatz, sane.... .......lgal T. uc. 501»»ad vfs tu C. i . & R;Beta Mcrnm - a e . ....... le lot Id' bloot50 Wmabuf rkMamie Ovena. aM,............22 regst C1.sgeW. D *su. 3J l.lu vt. et ai. t. KL Pit Lmer, Corliesa Wins. 22 4a lKsensmaivUsis, sol -=dffl AmenaS chroeder. lame......24 ileWWMda fu eiJ. lste tutdési $ic. John H. IoA, netroit ...........41 ou7 M&IOé et aL, ta Ec. I& Constance Nshr. tiai, Pa.....122 'àW w« 306 sU8 d 8M5tit Bearman, Milwaukite .....7l Pearl Knqtelams-..............18 ~~'Wremm -Md vIus toA. ILlaWcffdon. Ciîca.. ta21 &12lt5bluet 4 Wrçes ii uer, Mmne ..........1 ko$Mmodud Park W. D. OlP. .9.Peot& 6"i vfs te Pter lotr- Alez (lts, Chiel ...........t %»« klt 27 bluet 2 H « omo 00*..yia tMer, mue.....s .. 23 t, Vaité65i W. D. $1.John W liii, ILate reet ..... 26 Peter Kroner aidvte tu J. . l ayPw ,Ue...... lbisa. Jr.. N. 1-2 lot 2 boekc 13 Mo. aiPvr, 5fé... .... KapI eAid. Waukegan W, D. $3800. dviii 1. roeberg. Chicaga ....25 NOVIEBER t191IL Mary Paterson, Chcam ......... 24 NOEUR~Enlie L SuaIrez. Milwautee.... 2 C. A Ne....oamb, Jr.. ta Wittoria Margaret Hirriffl, Ml yankee... 27 spierki lots 19 aud 20 bloct 6 Wsab. Wlncentz Zabroweti, Wankegan .. .29 ira Park. North Chcago Dei $2,750, Elizabeth Botta, Wautegan... 2 3 C Tais and vite te Wittoija In CIongO. c vielki lots 19 sud 20 blct 6 'W sah. o C. Bardiclle iyvlIe ...... Si cri Part, North Chicago Q. C. $1. tdns F. Csaey, UAbertyville ....I J. M. Snesbî and vige tu Truste« Brlugs slparkllng eyes. rosy cebes, '-4 Sa. 14 Warren twp. lot Dn $60W. ruby lips. Evr girl and wornafl -4 Sc. 4 Warentvp W. . $00* shauld taire lt-Hellster'a R. M. Tea -NOVEMIBER 9, 1912-.I1i'earce's Drug Store. f ydls Selhg and husliaid taeIl. D _________ Clavey 80>lRes In N. B. 1-4 Sec. Il A.eonn salf- ntine publshéd le tieemflld tvp W. D. $12,000. thé Independélit viii réaeb fen more Vu. Braitke Md vite, §1 a., ta Jli resdera thai uMy other paper lu th. ton rtt'tact of land lu Sec. 14 .ounty. We have th. irculation; Tmu '..Wren tvp Q. C,1i, in ge th bausa, PLASTER-ING CONTRACTOR ALL KINDS 0F PLASTERING WORK, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Estiumate. urnished on Requeet employtii. biguest force of plasterers in county jýet ime ficureon your work John M. Detiene .n~ 0Wmugitm5ésetWaukegan af tblaeity *Md AMr. ,i ofChicago, vera. in Chleago,- Wedués- 6, et 7:80 o'claek, the ae Oak Park M. E. the oeremouy. eeldeât daugbter of ýCeas. veil knoos ced residenta of our :std yoIIDg lady nad afrienda uho extend bes for s happy sud W nt oua Wel knowu frieuda mades durnug phajyanent aItSalodan orted up tu a short s*lovd to Chîcaua, angratulatione e wli iake their borné ,a repsîr luralturao o rfurulturs to order glu and autoobles. set Worta, a. W. C. DOOCM Rus e lou StIimetde station ;)"s Phas e am Bi.Pioes 1800 1402TR CHICAGO. ILLINOKS Lafureta12 sm.-I tla p-.. J.,i IT,4. BuIldIg witi Dr J. 1. Yaylor-Phone 19 ams. Pione 1092 àbelylll. Illnala DL EL H. SMITH, DEWTIOTS. 3V»s LAIS OOUNUI AIONAL sAIE, awem-8 tc 12 às.nsd i ta ô p. lm ÜAILY. Libertyvuiha llftr.oa PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING (jlam asttenuonpaît la arraiugina smeticu meane sdhet resen lhmitl. img mme- AiE kinsis of borse, wagon@ suit bar"ufr saisor éxchaug at; ai tium. HENRY SINE Phomea 148 or 48 ZION CEY,EL W. Hl. APPLEY Auctioneer PARtI SALES ONE PER CENT Libsi-tyville, MI. PHONE 212J. TeIehobe 1403-M ScBDlte? r aed thon my exceye. tuer zb do mur o.0. J. M. Graves AIJCTIONEER 144 EheoodIAvu., W&«kegmms, li DIL aO. . UITERFIELD. VETEBINAIT SITRGEOU .. LIhertyvtI. maisa. DR. C. R. GALLOVAY. ornas ovsLovzLL'a nace «Tomu antua-troni i toa ansd ô ta P. nm Ubertyvn, is.hul. D.A. FL CHUCHilL Physhelan and largeas Oréeove, Doear Aànoué', ivlm H.amshi5A.. lieé.15'K $goea aDa ais $0 ".s. Nom, sud Tbroeà GLAISES PROPERLY FITTED lbertysll. M 11.1 DR. r- Va SMITH1 ORNERA. PROT ICI joursa à 60le &.u. 2ate 4 ad 7i$0Iap'.m One@ ovoi " tar ouaestore. SaCtAUL AT1TEMOI TO TU£ lYS LiMBRYVILLE. ILLINOIS DF, 1. L TAYLOR ornca avis J.EZI. TWéqS aLLaO. mous.:-? ta 10 ab. m. 2 ta 4 aud ô1 . P. M. Ilele u nbroadway. oppeeltePark PAUL MAC GUFFN. ATTORNEY AT ,AW f.bryl ie llîncile HJ. PiE II lt. H. EPKRIt PS,,n, 142L Phone 2V-1,1 Tertes on Application. Satisfaction G- aismierd POIL! & 1PKIER GENERAL AUCTIONEE'iS Far.m d Stock Sales a Specialty Or. Victor (). Motfner OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Assaclaled it lh OR. FRED UISCMOFF OMfce and Résidence 211 Mladi.lpn Si Wantegan. Phone 22ftf?> aIEAPER DElIe2y A T LASTWEDDED JRYRETURNS VERDICT FINDINO G î;: ses,-,i, WEDOED TO MIS$ DREE LLEN REA OESERTING HUSBAND. .i - 1 'n , t, OF SAVRE, OKL.., WHOM HE 1 .. . MET HERE LAST SUMMER. tIrs Ea IL Allen, of Cicago, was a.. ' t :!, i foîind guilty of halling desertid her i'tI.iil"z, The secret le out! husband wIlihout reasonable cause for s'III i':t 1~. Announcementa reoelved lu 'a tilk t.la space 0f two years by a jury ini the rr ilt gan today toid of the weddingi luIl.(til court Thiirsday and as a re-raiet .uoh. ." ' I OSyre, Okla.,-last Saturday evP11111gf' suIt Ford J. Allent wah granted a dI 511> ýIl#Il al1' 1~ ~ t Misa Dée Ellen Réa, daughter 0f vorce by Judge Chiarles Donnelly. I~il igisiiiltttii ,lttt0 James Wilson Réa, ta Ralph J-L ady F. J. Allen brought suit for divorce ali .iur" theul it Ihill, I , An exeepîlonal oppartenlty I. offeiu sates attorney of Laik5 o0Utity. It a vear ago. The case was heard by iaPri dii. etifîs erationliv nie.1 r,alz- livs b. aI iman whîî dellm goode wa, knOWn thalt Mr.Dlldy bal fi ttoi ude 'hlîne>, who disised the bill>,'un .rtnc' ith, ns.t,'.ithe. to secIIre Ih, a ill. rellalîle n4v'l.5l Judgrid utteYun a)'ini e lb motoir dîtisary Truck et a taDediï, getmarledbattii yong adY nan0for want of equty. Allen appeaied 0111.,. ol lapresentative in a state liLet irice Trt k tat $gIgtl an&,,te a dld flot corne out Ultil todaY. his case to the appeilate court. The ourm aId I.-cOgnîný Ina Itti respu.neîiilî iYof the îe. .tie t in51andmaut tks The Sun was the tinét new6paper decision was reveraed and sent hack sud img oui.y nlui. la the' roL ai , i11i, tory truck.nosmSufater~ ta tellaof ir. Dadys prospective mar- ta the circuit court for another trial. 10 try to @iitisI.ctt i. 'illu .ti, veYslgala ihi% I ar mort gel nag, héadusla blu mdeInanAllen in employéd as agent for th. reprellent thei n thie lîîwer hou- iseOcornîcal dIlt,.ey .ystemu lase Interview wlth a rePresénltative of thet Chicago, Milwaukete & St. Paul rail. thut k 1 0 è1: tJîîAHs A'ddreaa: OWNEA,. Car. Thte peur. Sun. The tri gra pflfted exclusive'- road et Barrlngton. l' lu thîs paper. At the tim, M li ad y H. J. Barwell, of Chtîcago, had con. ____ admitted that hi wau ta be married veyer qquil dlaIm) to Wilson tarey, pl but wauld not give out the ioîîng wOo! nighiand Park, ail interellt he holde' . o D ... Y..D.J .. v mur anIénm. MgHlmcoueet Mrende have In the property whlch launder dispute A l 9 i= l m Es 1 555*rVFm declared that they dhd flot know bar Sti thé prisent time. Thé qlqult dlaInsNealy evwye yn wadas wrape attracdvely Ilh01, Xm usis and for thii.rognonl it -as lm- de<!Iraisfilet t aukgan ii'lday. before mnuusin"S lDCY -1% - -CVd,.l1dd.? poaaible ta learu wbat lit was. Mr. Carey was found guiltY of having labels Wo decoraian. t lBB 19 ycle à P." Z aimagréty Da*iy said that l would be made ln unlawfully wthh.ld the property tram ta the Xmas eentuefilt but i pusdàedIna sgo ethés. goua time. the owner, A. Stevens, by a jury lent decoratlonsamare épecellvp Here Ils ez goeIromoelmt weekAtony laen uyad l Judge Danuelly han heard ai-gu- bowever, ta saerbi"0 lue afom : pi.usluga Tada. Atorny ~ueueRnnyrd.meute for a& uew trial, but hm, not an- Mir. [ladys partaier la thé iaw huai- nounced hIs declalon ta date. aS mII C"Dd 8L"wUB CAIII& 86 au"E I nmm@ reeil. a toeégan frnrm the Circuit court wua adjourued Thurs af T *3 taffl Te M Imme 3 newly made béaedict linvlilch lie de- day eveulug by Judge Daunelly until A AiUsSXl8k ueny ilopra e ( udge oaieyltt D "0MUex wm w clared that hé aud b4 bride at the Mnd ilmrside g WkenlllldellWlt ut iela indw.nctlydeu.am lebulfl - pressI tAilléare speldlUg fa portion Waukegau Ilut nlght for hi@ home Ili bosseZ<on fine white stock ,ud ul qu prus s of their bousysmona uMeumphis, Tenn Waadatock, Illnois. qualey to the hlgheg da aubés eeSb osemhl H. oed that bath oftem are %ery MrJmeRadyne!thod prices; a weli balanced aaaortment, sul gant Y.uo~l ha1,py. est résIdents of thé aounty died ai Hé lannouacedi that they ilîl retura ber home on Bradley road, near Rond- ta Waukgan la about a week and tonBura rngfhe .v m Farm & Hom e, 3 'w1i1 rIde&l -au Olir itaene &tbey76pant I II" al Nov. 22,.>laus and purifies the lood; frésb Althongh Mir. Ddîa friends dens ..n. thé st.amach; buds up the appe, any tuovledge ofIl, there le a parslat, tite: yau feel Ilik nev-Hollisters R eut rauor th11 If a11 the tacts were M. Tes. 35c. Pearce's Drug Store. maid. kuavu, tbe mariagé so.ild héo_______ ane af thé prttoset romances th ir-ety Thé Réa, lai R. Hicks 113 Almanac évén has seen. Tt la aditttEd that TIrise 1v En Rl. Hicksi Aimaîse for Mr. Dady met Bilon Re, while she was 1918 lé Daw rids. t ld the mcl vfiting ln Waukeau lasIt.ilnîmer. OpeP did number rof thîs popular vear The courtmhip Vas cotlnued t..ý mail, bit.ûp ver printpd Isg value bas h1~s It le salit, and endéil vhen i m as d~e-1 more than ever proveri bv remarkahié chedtht r.Day l~ul ~o.~ flfitî mants o? itm fstorin. weather and - cidd hatMr Ddy boldgo n e arthquaLp >iir.aqts i1h15 year. Mise Reas home for thé wedding. Prîlpesor firts jupthy marital the onîî The marriage aoftir Dadn st,îîîni!-tildéee andulnppoirttof DUl liaspmtp'e nally Important, ual oniy htaise 0f' tii-nt fail tua senil35, for bis 1913 the position lie bolda but b. iase bit Ilinanat.. îîr uun ly osie dotlar for lit. suplendid Marazine andt Alînanar isa was one ai thé stauinchusti nimbers saur Thte et one dollar Invoesimant af the bashelar club and b h, frienda! Possihie lu any home or busineRs. S-tii thouglit that lhe vonld be 0110 of thet Woriid anud Wtrts Pubtiehinur Cit few old mensuer who wouiim bu-tt 0 tany, 3t01Franklin gAve ','tt t.iî hiii vov of céllbacy. Mo icou L AX Lakes big weekly-LNDEIEN DENT. For Chills unit Fever. yT cavera ever1'thlng that bas ta do wth theé km%. i g or ittle; st: ivea ia readera juat vha thtey vint, not theories but practical fact whlc bhave been trled and prôven. Et, editors andi contrlbutots are men and women who 11knov," who liv le' the mâdai of thlnga about vhich the; write. FarndmiHué le pnbllshed twlcs sanionth, 24 isauesa ayear, of Ironi 16 ta 48 large pgea; dcock. ful oflaIinformation sMd sgentions wvhic, iouvilii fns nowhere else. t d.alsith everythig of lu.- lereat ta the Houseéper Farmer, Gardener, Fruit Grover, Dairyman, Live gîack and Pouitry Keeper,' each issue bas aeveral special articles by wel-knavn wriers about the tarm n d bow to mate il psy. Farm and Home ià the recognized leader lu thé farmlot ri lacnlu tors are recogri2ed anthorîties, and lits editora practical men u"0 "kuo." Each isjsue la read by more than 2,500,000 readersansd a yearamnr04 issues) make a volunme ai aven 600 pages; regular puice la J>wba~. Juat to lEtredwi Fera s s Ho&as to nov reéders, ve vilmoud k on tral for three months (6 issues) for amly 10 criaft (Coin Or Stampi>. Portier, If you viii sensi us (at the. saine . n) lthe name ai one curer persanta, iens ve anved <tcsaple of Fýarm d Homte, u. v.0séd y« duM a »1is M.Iisce X,é as»irtmdUt freesud poeaipal A"mes FARM & HOME (D)L' ),ChIC*e, IMob Ir a gc-Ui I Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! O U CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND Y 0 U EARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY We WOi Show You How! If you have ideas--if you esîi THINK--we will sitiîw you the secrets of thid fescinatitig new professuionr. Pots- Itively 110 experience or literary e-xcellenîce neceFearý' No "1flowery language" is wanted. . The demand for photopinys i practically nnlIhniteil. The big film manufacturera are -moving heaveti and earth" lu their attésnptrs to get enough good plots to supply the ever increaslng demand. TI ey are offering $100. and more, for single scétiarios, or written ide&@. Nearly ail of the big film companies, thé buye.rs of photoplays, are located lui or néar NEW YORK C t'l Y. BeiDg rlght on thé spot, anid knowing at Ail tmes jutî4 what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our SALES~ DEPARIMENT bas; a trémendoua advaîîtage over agencles situated i distant cities. We havé received maîîy letters from the big film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPU, EIION, ES- SANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, LREX, RIEfMUCE, CHAMPION, COMET, MELIES. El C.. îîrgiîig us to send 1îhîtoplaym to thein, We want iivrtu writers are we'Il gIad]y teacli you the secrets ouf sle- We are selling photoylays written by people who "neyer before wrote a lige for publication." l>i-rIîapîawtt car) i d ttei u- utin ft uit. I f tt g:11 tlîiîk o iii itîi(itSgooid ldnl -a tru %- k. taivil wII ite it onittis ljîected by us, aiîd il msIl- lui t lutN'*a 1,w figi tev You WiI bEru $160. MinthIy l'or Sçare Tine Work FM Send your name and addrE ssat once for free copy Iof our iilustrated book, -MOV>ING P1CTURýE PLA' iii RITING- iii> 1t h.i1tîe 14>4t t.1L'ti l.t ii- NOW1 /and lt-arai julat wlijtt ti» 11>w 111;1% cî:î lîtî îeailu 1-fiyou andî 't our fuiture NATIONAL AUTHORS' INSTITUTE 1543 B~roadway NEW YORK CITY