Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Nov 1912, p. 9

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LAKEOO1~V~~, I~FRffiAYu. 4XTflOBSR 1912, r ~ - - -- - w w w w w - - -- w w w - - Tfl TIW S1JRÎI~* W*IIAT-m'.UPrLSLNVOCATION AVRD#kMGRUlm"I0 WUAA ~*0 Thousand Cldldrrin f emnents Hâvç ~4~ Gie anutng-"Youn " Mothers are1 IlTaùh lht and Wrong Ways of Caring1 ',lFor the Bablesé 4rdeM br Camp, 5lv. miles sputb flown t tise Red Cross building there O<Wuegaa nears th, coit Of là?tan-, h alvaYs a busy scene, for s great ýiVpý by y l ime 1stIg ýd0 eto bandaging ad doslng la nec- Il Sioti tYli l 1515> i ssary la a camp of 400 people; sud ph rpCc gscaet'eft i.seniebcdy If bound te lie geasdaely Ili. At limes four or lime: Sa M 0 O nIe. . hbé alsu heRed Cross are belng or-! t.1jDIPaglu iudel ct- upi e th. patients. The work of est $lsé, it411 sîl an d te alirmes la la charge of Dr. Wthers - Umder 14 reers. TIse taJorlty e!' ef Lake Bluff, vIse visita tIse cam p par _ abblgtwo, = The 4Iy, glvag his services tree. a at&y heU of o Assenibly hall at 10:50 «dcock Is an. séiII ftheo r e C wumi land anmatcd scane, aine this la1hhe ur tbeeefr ouofy 88.00 -w uebl. < £înfftlc dancing. It la flot un- bEtw 00)ansd 12,ve «a meer -~music ad ythas te b, on theI loor ml dningrecu, an (t)u4 oce; cildren o? ail acs sud garb l n a, coeperative peopl.Iealnat riteofcsu ,rmp aliter their be lal a suail teat or ers.,ibevhsted bstblssg suit@, over- WIEALI =4ae and huy tioimeule , q ile and real dresses. Their leacherWEEALI dinngrooi n tls cae-mtes them werk Iard, hut It la ail plan ie tiirg ropon te fé- ac fi. nswerable for tIse klds ver-ry an- nallread tareUVery îlterlsate Douai la tise bouse on thSe beach "MI swerabîe. An' luve four av thim. Th' t iday la changtngi>dey,.the eld 2seLIpl4ustial department, one of tIse go ,r ) riebtii acr dging back toteChicago laIbo s aereerbaz places ln tbe camp. go odb rie u hsl e 55 auM a new on. cering ent, lNends oethtie association bave cou- rîilyl a afwell place 10 belp a poor liq-tb. afternoon. Tbroucb tise cour- triliated ieearded elohing, wlilcb la wtdew %aomsn ouI. An' 1 cer-rtlnly' of e the Nortbvestera free trous. earTaPflîy ISrted luto piles ad placed arn guin' ,,ck lu the clty au' tel péEtton le Provided fros dhilcago te du tablE-at oue end e? tise long room.th1 Me. Bluff W aol vho are sent out hy The other end les tlted eut wth chairs lim how fotie yez traled me. the UnIted Charties anli tise tae and benicles and reserved for thse mu- For lits doLpartmenLtubie associationr &rulIvauI<es bVilroad carnes guelaalisere, ibo meet au many morningga Ijka the tu-ip o? evesyone along the flit between ltke Bluff and Arden duriag thse veek as possible. Here, ahore. Donations of simple practicai oàïIé. vitS tihesutîtul lake for their front ctotbtug or ani' descripîtion wvîlib, Wsutean ssCetriutd. yard, they gatlber for mending, dam.s-taI elcoîce, shoes and rubbers for1 WaukganHeuContibued. ing and maklng eser tIse lobhing. On. aliacci,, siockinga that rau he dnrned0 -ry nortb sbore ety, f rom Wu> eac5 garmeut s lacaed a reasonabie or cul over, uuderwear for ciidreu Iran on tIse northlto Evanaton en îrce snrlt, Eah wosaans lime !a snd grursoupa, rompers, dressis, suAis,a w.' AN ALLEV PLAYGROUND IN CHICAGO soUS. lian fer soveral years con-i U" ~ More or letsa gnerously te tb4Otl; and, ne tevu Isan beén1 muroI= us or more loyal tIsait bhm Wloltega.1 lepng b ha )Paz staadlagi « tova slect, a mueSdur. tbt seluon. la wis*is it plans sneie 5cll. otertalameast for the 400 go1u thteicamp. 'Llfe at Arden Shore. 18:30 te 10;30 aci moraing ,AfUty or ulixty 'liai, happy fafed bëd au lsest *olr lu the assernbîy tAide.ab he r nrsongillaad -e7a" betOr10Dte the Playground tb lb.Wodfs r o e beach for s*t éif- er kitndergarten. After bO» IRVOcomleted their tanks WdlSed tberni ep boorbed lat a ebail game, orprape etartlng u a. bla " or Ssblag ttlp. ;ân o01 et lo ess Wctbing cies.un. dot tise drshaO s f antart intitut, M~. lari, lnteresting te a great asany -.4'beveittresu girls, vîti their tend. M-~are gwuped la some Inviting spot z4zArnft l maire lace. -nockiver or 0ot prouytinlgs; or pontiape -tbey &M reeding a @tory or discuslng aoe ahiteof et uoa.rl lerme. ihz gis couse froni tis seulbement dis- t'lts g O Chicago and for the mnt PR« are employod La avoat-ehope.and tuànloe. They oara .11501? .Outing hi a*lng a, wltrgases 0aa dining ru. ,Ovor ln the baby-fold, from 8:30 udE! 10:30 o'cl c M0 o ntisers bstbe -lair babies ad h OYhê learsi a gsut manî thiag. uOuàt -tis are and ef1Jâgo! chlld T hiiSaunier a 1lMutilera'WX a t« onm sIn laeach gro 1wlsiL en>este enare a good mny girls istwecn ~uet o! 9 anll 14, SI»laonahor mt et the buienafet téadtug tie i4#igorbrother and siters lnOttably ta h " 11lW. thera" are la- Ï& tue lIe aoulîte, baby.told *.Pml bno each veok durlug tSéi badihugbout vhore tbey are la. s*cted br f5. aur,. sabout thse right wrOUS W *aWys ef caVng for babies. recorded at the rate of 15 cents per jhats, sweaters, in fact almost any- hor ad *ben CIsc baves the camp; thlîîg that lai wearable, ean be madO ahe Is permitted ta taise wlth ber !of use,;flot forgettîug odd pleces for clobing to thie amount due ber. If t Patchiineîurposes. site do.. extra work In other parts of Par the waitreas donations of bits the camp. that alto la placed ta ber of lace, embroidery, rlbbon or romi- credit. la case ber tlue tard la not 'nants of rida materlal, sultabie for sufflefont ta psy for thse art1cle select- tancy work will he greatly appreclat- ed, she la silowed ta make up tbe dl? ced. The camp la also in need 0f ference in cash. Nothing la given battîlug suits for botu boya and girls. away, for ln philanhropie sork as ln1 everytbing elee, blessings are appre- ciated osly as thier vaine la reabîz- cd. On. Iriah voman who worked Iard ton tises, days at extra scrnbbing sud washhag va, pertectly dellghted wth tse cloting se earned. 'Sure" oîld se "tIse odds and lads uv ivaists an' thiugs wl be ven-ry1 PMesse do net delai' your contribu- lions, as tIse camping seaaen 15 ai- ready Issf gone, sud if tise dortatlla are to accomplîis thebr purpose tliey must be sent immedbately. Why It 's that thse sajorlty 0et isOer Yota meot, ln referring te avyylhlng of momenti n lise dal ly .lewopaper world, always say l .I111 w Itlnluthe Sun." - . JAN1TOw AT Tuf Mou 11SCL -Te RECEIVE $10# ~NOWV OCHOOL BOARD WILI. EMPI.ON ASSISTrANT-TO FOAPEIT HIS OLD OCNTFRÀCT. HARMONY REIGUS NOWI Io expected that a coatract with thîs end ln vlew *Mli le drBwn thle *bek, Miss Aima Siater, a graduate of the t'nlveroity of Wifeonln, han been ensployed as a teacber lu the cern- VI Q imerdiai department at the bigh E scbool. iss Siater wiii offciate asi D V physical culture teacher at the v! ;hools. She wiii recelve a salary of *850 per annum. M.RTO VALU IOO F PEftFCTION Absuri Dovélçpm.t cf Mmule Hum Little Part Ini Production of oerfoit Athilété. ILLE TiIEÂT TION AS MANAGER O00 PALACC VAUDEVILLE THEATRE. LEAVES HERE WEDNESDAY MAN DISCHARGEO BY JANITO oo h nie tae a loy thi WILL NOT CONDUCT A *Iloin J RAN TO A NEWSPAPER OFFICE out sugmes.It try bi*s ystmoef CLAS8 IN WAUKEGAN-TrO WITH HIS TALE OF WOE. physledl development. shows Iboit the BING IN 141 »(Oft. fu iIdesef phyical jOlfctbais ______________- hlch ebtuand tor go may 70 l ad Last sprtng the board of eslucailouwhicb dsniaaded bu el laobbi entre ito cntactteIlIlaorylmsc l is Iudl"Wdf>l " "l y 7 M. R. Tournier of Wesskegam a eutredlOo acotrst t py Hrr qutodied eut. 110Tbb tffl0 1 Totterdale the sum of $215 per month perfeclien, oce .ulêful parlt o accOPte a position as Ihienagor oet ' to keep the blgh sebool building lnal bang Armor OP"0, Ir"atlgilaIo Po* tihe Palace vlsldel théâtre, comu. sanltary and healtbful condition. 1Boss the saction Of tHé p>80"1al'ofet BII lIad avenue and Tweltt ln other words Totterdale was em- eof lrtiBtry vien the lubll I? l ployed as Janitor ai a salary of 1215' Hercules came te Il ila be ballse "0150 per month. sas supreme produet ot the érisES nthl recsatly Mr. Tournier one W.o l It MIin letR a U 113P10 ef clated as maa5<set tS Barri= it was Impossible for Totterdale teoeaetGek et 4MPt live up te tbe terma Of tbe contraet 01cahe abt ektandot. necm iitbeatz-. Wob Ée l il "1.eI- wltbout procurlng extra belp. .Hel cee. Il la naught but a tigle ft hé tien b.e d fabule* te esaluota' dld this and psld bis assistants <out of stroag mua of vaudsylfl.ibIs itMall. 0" la " Ciy. heo the sur e received frorn the school elumsy masesof beetad bis brêla board. ef a sB"U"od bld. fit oafy tm pa5S bis bu nZ è li5l b .P i - ie awkward durnb belle ft to e9&, a lMié's ttraciUg. Last week a nu aber of comilainttajenviable, suas of acbt*veMent 115111Waukegaloues a ogimalisl resfliot-~ THIS PICTURE were lled witb members o! the aoeli&fter a IlfetiMse of work bye elVtInl board relative te tbe salary they were1 buman belng. No IoNs tl t t% l.ld01One« lgb bt lil r IlrI. n~g~rpaylrng Totterdale. ore spoedad grae , demande of th# Mr. Touriet *M wh1tt nt oc 0<tie ..USEV..I ENDS iJuUII Atfthc board "meeting held Tuesdîy IdW a tbletes, Ilkewlse a face of ré leadtLig rllan1the Ig whb 13 Telis alegIsPrploWI.He eul ught s member reported that Totter-1 fianmt nt teli o etel] Of a te h. stagsd la WlUkeEann-t Wvqsk Do tu Tol!acco Tdale bad lnformed hlm that be would baaetsat onrha imlskvnSlrls mpe.o h s cone t10tak o(10s motofoàadIlî the aMUlt t b Il g! e club. conentto ake$1(0 amonh frývictotios ltbor of peace or wàr. 1.005 He wtîî not ave Waukegaautil Raleigh, N. C.. Oct.2, ' ,rtb C'aro- services rendercd, if tbe board would upoa the tVollo Belvîdere. whlcb amn- Ilna furrle a ittlng liJïnax le h, furntsh him witb as many assistants' bodies tis, true dreanise ofbhlth SMd Wedue4sy of next veeS. "swIng around the r!'"LC '<o- as was docinef necesssry. a..ntujad pbîsltal omclc, Ith The ne* Ilsêtre la (Chicago whicb ne] Rtoosevelt ilnlsbcd lier,- Poci No action was taken by thse school listuace Of esqulatbte bauti ebofe aMr. Teutfilei la te manage heus * tih, character of bis recepi ou sud ln board. but the malter was referred to yet *m w evUnes rtb teranreeiles, t.lanov riiaMy of ,00. tThe ti bis proposai for srea l rfor the h cmtte n echrtdin- lIat Atato uw y vthtior wea 11eu uic ti renetminepinrs. H bacce trstmade bcfy,c <o umen thecmteors chr ndjul tfor îctoa cnes. vigreWhouthe.lalen, and womnnpacked in t!slctgh Ao. os u- «l tmto li iditorium. tbe colonels , 'ýt Iio tIsa It was pointed out hi' eue mensber'tb. perfect savagu. aIle regemfbted i aelu tb maamet<ts. state bias hecoaiutc that the board was paying $2.600 for'l.Fieonosrst,~ theatre on. Monal. Cltobor 7. Thse People belkti, r,, jrp abouttalior services at the higb school. Il lators ot wblch fend tieir pleotua Heprogeu le rnt bis taisbel the tobacro trust than i1! y'. îIle ot developcs that the contract wbhh modern litese mucS botter filed 117 est oanM. l~Oegse street. thse uorth and vost. T! c -. wbo grose Totterdale holds was drawn up y he b derrick-New Tork Medicl Ies. tIse weed balpe been fr r yrats at ths u eme ie har.ord. oAteunT.S Mi P R Y FO i. mnercY O! the colInation sud those The Sun learus fromn a secret For ..armn Te PARTY FOR wbo work lanlthe fact,,y cnn dircon. A It.! of cube sugar mubbed eo y tuqA N 1I tete wtb lIe n. ,sunersource that recentiy NMrTotterdale -u uraceetaiXcraANW ARIlti Il htbbey Istur. Su v. r c colf, dtscharged one of bis assistants 1tisone Savon by asihs11 selspke lutwlit ... ..:Iddotewhom, h is alleged. wassfound gulty oni. sugar thu- prepaegI ad uel the~ I.bac.-u truat Ir , i.. rccced o'fthie art o? cursiug lu tIse Iallwaya'ln tes, impaftu ote b lttera aet dis, A isusaer of the Young Jevhsis Poe. IE lotich(cd a relun t i the School. This disgrunted per, lceut fiayer. saUng ag VieIell a theaer parti at thislNo sou rau te a local newapsper office peSo,. Orpheum placIS, laut alght fS ll* Poru lu NIr. sud Mlrs Jlis. Banner I Witth atale of woe-thus al the "bol_ purp"ofs0e#"**ig Bay Kubolsk islgbt Pound boy. Mir, nnnla la ler.' FIlnkIlvbrdemecralbo candi- of Wankgn. liil aon tise 115<' l petty officer ln tIse t' S av e l Todderdale la wlltlug to accept $100 date for coagress, va, a Waukegathe b. ddftgl Who b» IviseargetaI statloned ai tise Nasa che a mouth, for services rendered, and Il business visiter teday. scquahilsi la tkht city. EauHouse CI&u ,,[ 1 Continues for one more week. Bargains in every department. W carry the largest lne of Cook Stoves and Heatetsi Lake Connty. We are sole agents for Jewel, Acorn. Hoosier, Cole's Hot Blast and P. D. Beckwith's Round Oak. Cole's Met lst $10 6 fiole lande $17 Jewel Bester 28.,45 A range £iarant.ed to balle end aM" IiIf. du. Ieex grate,al1 Iraqllninça The etove that saveâ ceai ana Ibrnasany ]Kin SOLWZ f ael. eire WI!R P ADMTS f'or 49 4ours, up frai $0piets*u e. r..... Irov Mo*, 0br34,np from $W.6 t .d Pedlestal Dia.. Tabe, 1».85 Ion. La1b.Pqrk- 3.0 .t. ktlfir . .9 ei. lie le. Ither Chirs f1r LIS Liir I hU. 3.50 id11é $r Priung, for . 2.4S il Oak Buffets, for .$1395 C* UtisiIIesfer 129 M. ail fO1 Eahtfrss, for il35iAUOùk haers , for . lASLl6 T811114 W, . ii Cou. Oran ad, fer .. . Art tag, d2, for . S .45 0Oùftkt blé . 1 Deliveaji té %t~ Distance Corné i~ oq*r 7., .Ï. 3URNiER ACCEPTS PCONOW Co'mè th ý Our Mocpi

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