*im un A VULUEU e hk. War May Produce an R.rPU.u at Any lime. effie Rtefuses te sataf y Austria s ~ as te er Intentlio 1Coas 't Untlil h. Mes Settled with ,.. ' Iaan . ovS.- Tbongb lu thé ~O 1 p teii.!9pimpýts tail he- thevietel dttiomnnt of auj l~ctaodea #irouboUt REu, je set quWced htirefusai efth*b summeakts ta give any blt te tisâ fl~.tuueb#lasinthe wui. %.b sbeu &"iai, et rcs. c the ~ ~f aluist teeansd dae aats h u Austrîan Cou, Ud~à dlappereimysterlity. lie lwaWm hld ofetilua tevu esitured Iff th. servias. buhs refusei te deline ber ait Oâ s heolata sciiith the On *o blis ai thilareport thers ameM iastr, tht Austria ces iiOut anultmatum t, Servis «4 Weal an #anery Blast Mo. US venu ai depndeatly ef the Yff"jUm tueroaodrible, in City" I10N1au>st lta. gWs vIllage of vee n arniaiBiukCbslsSdye. - ntiuedfront Page One.) Mec jaipteÊtIariel of Iu T se*______________»4_____ »algar ver. discussug the. prullItMIa Mdvînd 1ev lu froni the, eter sud ngbt. .Ma UMMsetcf l. se odatle furtiRa asm- I" mdff ete mISago e Iinjured. studi, of i ewmsArmistices Pmlmmhsrlsl. Shlrtiy etter the explosion tva men cblch e ' !'hey met aun amIral groqLi.Bs e- resfesn to hoplnnedtfaston one of aplantlnit voeis egeu e isef lia Ut cBel.th upper floors. Thelr screamg for sabas. egluusi y hé Vtc -W.a-shelp lasted ouI, a nioment. T~t tî. Was vuli a ot .ty tir luOt enas est tint long for the, flanes te rescb Here la1 eidetil Ï1teu nesd the Intima- tilem. fr eti tiet thtdis cas nOv going en. uoth-festth hg ajut bd cmsr.ne va al n Oe man, titer b, bat been pullet *ut Ài srnDi§ie etrelght i1s l frein te-ru anad piaced ou a atretci- Chicago, j"ereted te have been arrantel poliE et. crled out' tbat two otiler men voe laborersv a ieotof thte»secoufersassi pntAet£ut near tue place tram vbîch Injured et a"ms iuutgtiat t te ti ve«mies bo bh been re, plsio i wS ho1cM the. positions thev fDOWDeO- ÂAn attempt vas mae to aeai-ciitue Corn Prod Wauhegaî .w abs tu fe TohatalarlIms, raes t that point, but tuci, cere stîll I--nUtdle l'. toietlie isPpeflie OSblaing sud nathlug coud bo doue, tuhu ii Us Antrian consul at masd Ltrti rescuers tou a human leg, structure, fEm Prociiesa cornes trou th» Atii. tie haa oe apoit a ii- âtrlathepart o e building. . UMailoegars that the dispute . >Maftet imon Who maie tlteirl lice tilat tue «A"àustrta t i sâvlbasbeeu vay ont etftthe ruine unaldet vers no. crematel ,1" 9pI 5y aaravsted bi, dami-r:-badly burned that tbey screamed in tI ccre r M" q fia the consul bas beau doue agoni, chen trîeuds pichet tii.m uphi r £151 disptcii HerrThe nueal sud surgical equlpment Ale .AaeOOilng te thl i h et ofthe. nr iiifactorie. bal been mn. Mu US), the AUtri"amis""TdlBeeOeek brougt te the scene sud tue men vere aud are1 -et te est ltocoUlllti5iOtloqi ~d ru hll i u undgt eaebr. amui beasha. arsid a* V*uioutdece n01adbnae eoebn u ,c. U tasrday. axpting te go' je pj, betug sent te the boipital. dret feet. ,_ geti. Accordiuig te RierrUWt te Dsad Aiwet Unrecognizable. bodycas distancei «mr"a auihor!ties tl im hualt sas onsldereille dIfficulti, vasexpert Thexi Ut e UsaI17p MMi d muiiadU= cliii enet hi, tue officiais et tbe Retniug starchb i PrII*41p ~en ~ ~ onlusain ldemtUfilg tue test sud Plant oet I!S W on. vlmreuiu OnIerr ce Inljurl. Nearli, ail the men vere for- Company'. ~1 Wiier tic ralroatcom- u u ltin tms Ipn,1 *à& t(ppe or îs e h. s adtecltigofmn f ayI velen on hai, ~tterebâti been bmmci off, se tuai COÙ cornu lb&âncgpeamaseî t h their number chiecks lad been lest. ut Argo, «I&iutie behavior of Servina conipli M Iatie vouen tbrengethte boa ai tue sc ihAm IbosobUso.dageveuslî. ani pîtai, lnilating on scutiniing the dty. tb* it Ming Peter pauRsshWa geatumes et thiljuret. The officiais The di Umm U illa thee Ing lu Vie»&a tinayiti blte closttadors. The storibri iman veri 1184sas jtImatum viiihb0ai oie bodi«es ceesLaid out et the. morgue, The ex 85~ ~ ~i»d &IlBM a ftesinon sud evýeuIng siiacl- lu the &f ^if5b NSslci a MIiP& hOOtflel oinenpaset lu sdut tseek. lUatretS *~hagol. içv.36 -Ail"« lu t huasiansd mons. hour. pad aatc iius peare saet. 'ilsbe oy of braul tanleyvas ths Detc rép 4_ tui to beoisisen ont ef tue ruina sud Thsru ST bic ensubis la the ?uM* the fi-st te ho Iientified. At 5 O~clock fer mlas pilbS la te 0. is 1Vi s &pesed athteimorgue. rnb. Il * M th@ i resemmeudafticu et Au- The Mai cas go badly hurnet that abe o bissier ! ltochl met OostaatîaePle ldetitled the, bodi, euh, hithe rigbt Thturli chaussesbave been made in lhe lu- bail. the, second fluger of ciilcb d5 Tiie vall stroetions te tue America, qlidrou mlsalu. asfo »V'eute t te mePorts ut Asatie a fu 1%e«. ThleMotana, chîcucik Ii The, ti-tof the, rescueul ta dl, cas A nUs the , ennessee ict Gbraltar gundai. Joseph Zalenak. Tiien Chiarles Tain- tiat 9l-1 clIl tp t0ii ports of Mesina, aIls dtet, aIeoaiBthte hospîtal. Tii. Alilost 1laalla and Alexandrette. Ctlls wili Deit ta dle cas Martin later, aseelt- too l ie be jiaf by lthe commndiug olficer af sut superintendent of the plant. ro. the. Mtsua on the, governars t Blater cas piclet up bath, buned t eM daso pote ud , vli iseasei-ti 1e the. thers. Hi borne cas in Po- of tue1 viiat stops bave been talen by the I- M UsA eficites and lbheitarailps or arIa, sud iho belbeen sent t te iplant foundatic th qe rlpocers for lie protction t Waukegaauta urexiare tu taltu e cmutier.d et£msrieu ettizens et the.porteand a~ uperIntendency <ot suotier plant ao- Ev.r la tise lteriar distrcts. Atter m&aA et bi, the companyinl Pekin. H. ba t es tasisc ç»stops lthe Muontana wcll go lettbis cite lu Peoria. Onbils way t sene. hO ?Ott 11B91d1ta get bIaSuttbeiuce ,the. basitai later rouet sutdcatl»d crytng i Ieo %àBeiut and cruise &longil"b for ber. Sbe cas au ber esi, te bisIs hini, yuh et.aide, but sbe receivet a message nett he fles, -l u aneue dlistop ai Malte ta erne frein Peorîa, their home. 1 Te ààe-««-tia 1» te diuyrua. Azm- Nearly al the men killed or inlure, t&r~icii lonaboe ltckbil has Informed the tZZ 7bs-tetthtt i- ane» daiket for 17 cents san hour en twelve. groundi ae higiiir thte Unite bouir shiflts. This means tiiey recelvel himers Ua.eui»arste go te COBuatan-$2.04 pei- day. coi-kln ____________Sîter Lent te Die. less mer Te in a*ams DemisMni Car. Mlarin B Blater, assistant auperîn-. dstance d., Wometiir mi-e man tendent, casàthe lait ta de..H cas Oflerw iuc*&WiE oe a th hIt s ed wxenat tue 'plant and a tcw minutes be- been ni 'br o rputat M i n decu ii, a foi-e the explosion rushet inte thle Tii.i cbomu** me Celée sin . Penn, building. Thi-es minutes later he dat aud bui tWeUeup. y OU o i tRch- bli-ed ta ihie n a s ylng candI- huildili IcM eb&,c4U Wlter Wtte tien. The tact tbat Bitter entered lu tueslire bs* b .LTbéî. eemm eecapsi haste mt betare the, accident has led b jàmpiol. te tue belief tuai s varulug of agr S bai been saundet snd te bai 1on. l 0 y #et.ItAreested. piiurlu ow~tw ýst Hor- '9s Iiistory iater camne lere te malte a starch nianiifactuiirng, atter jas to tale entire charge 0f the east. aTerrible Catastrophe. b wac sChicago telegrant me- eWankegan explosion: oNov. 26.-Froni six to ter were killet. a lîke nîimbe? id live are mîssing lu an ext nthe dry starcb bouge of thc Ddcts Retnlng Companyi, aI ately follocing tue explosion .ng, chtch ceea &four-aior, ýtook lire, sud bumci ta le olit utje bellevet y hitie po- snime of tue mlasiug ceme 1In the, ruine. Thle luJuret ret to hospîtals. Turce of lui a crîtîcai condition. Ai Deed A" ,Mon. the, deat eut Inini-ed are lent cf theni are tersîgners lunvu euh, byhck elnuni- ne man vas blacu on, lin- t. Hie crusietd n anglet àfouni on top of a bluff tuat tram the, building. plosian occurret lu the dry, buldilng of tiie Wankegau the Corn Prodncts ReIiulng F. Tue Cern Pratucts coni- an adJunct efthte Standard uany. Its principal plant ls ,Ili., mast ontslde of Chicago uthwestemu extreniti of the ry starcb building cas a four- ricI structure. About lifti re et coi-k lu I. plonlan came ati 1:30 oclock Lfernoon soon atter the men i-net ta co-k sfter the noon tonstIon Msard for Mlles. vasu a rote that vasboard o. Thes dstanatiou vwu ter- startlet evsry i, on uWsuke- rur-stori, brick building vas Slftet fi-innlis foundatin. las were blocu out The roof ut noime distance away. aber cent te theii- teauii lu et actul explosion ut dust. et immetltteli, tbe building a. Thius added boni-or ta hor- Mre spi-eai vith gi-est rapîditi,. ae to rush tram eudtot end vrecked bulidiugsuad tram oU te the tepnuost pile cf id brlck. s'y ati n neildIng Hurt came an sna"t ludescrlbeble mien citi éetbiug &Are sud îîteausly came frein the bàmu- dIng. r ere no bail, burnedtt eh vas drapping tram tusin. r taggesed ent ;of the, de structure sud telIle othe 1ucoalftansd crylua fer bclp. s vas ne a a nn ibo wvasst ltue building ei the tume ol Tlesien cho vas net moi-e or arfousiy Iujured. dri, starcii building vas seuil ce 'from 1the auber ,ulldlàç%. la.@ thslogs of lut, muet havi ,ucb gi-eater. distance heiceen the wvi-ekqd urIni bflildiflg sud the otb « 4à of the Plant alec prevent -e trm spreading. sessd#»ave Benn Ppdif.r "atiUpleure.us, tbs puma bu lest seat us a taîegrma tm *L "omnismens Idet e umWu as la Seat auscelsg a dIsse Ws abunit have sIou..S,th unîcation bad tue aid gentlelusi Mt bis essae coeot-Jigs. .r 'nIjq rçh0 ~ 1 Sa bt*. IkuOm tuW Tmr Barnt v4e in ut*bie ~ ~'I bouse; tbrown fto th fourt i Ity wlgËow )y 14i. c tonli; tskén to *erv ie boue on brownhig avenue In au nile v usvn.Usfsflu. In vlew of the terrible exploslin er, sud ho cas sllghtly burned about stc ansd tire et the, Cornu Prodis plant. the bond and bauds. Waukegau pople a"e rec&lllug the oth- Trhe baePrevel ta be a very @tub- ho er hig explosions tiiet bave wreckeci bom n eeasd thi, myriade of sparks bi the plantt et varîpus tijues, Thers bhave tbat wgarg carrled broadc at iy tce been a few miror explosions but four strang wlud tramn the laite placed the n] big explosions stand out promlnentl,. ehtire refluer, lu danger. Despte tis b Fallowlfgla I a briet aLccaunt et eacb tact the ciler parts ofet ip lant con- o f the. tiree big explosions wblcb pre- tluued tao perate. Buperluteudent e & ceded t.iiq±of biluiy, ths vsek: 'Ebert dia vau ou theground ex-f * THE FIRSY 810 EXPLOSION. plalued tuut thus cas necessari, be Dr. Arthiur Radcliffe of thîs cîti, re. cause thie burstlog of a stssm or water i calls thie tact tiiat the tiret big stai'cb Pipe woiii b. rather serious lu case al works explosion lu Waukegaii tooh aliihe debartinents ver, ailowed te place ou October 30, 1895, a littie aver shut dclw. The tire vas one of thei0 seventeen years aga. At that tins nuetaspectacular the, cîti ever basci tuer, cas no dalli, paper lu Waukegan seen. Bath local departnients. the a sud resîdents bad ta depend tîpon Chi Amerlean Steel & Wr, company de-0 cago papers ta ful'nislithe flrst se- partint and the Narth C'hicago de- t count or the, accident. Pomant reapoded to the éalî aude The tallovlug la a short clîpplrul fought heroically unliî the blaze final- i that Dr. Rtadcliffe cut tram one ufthtei, y vas extlugulabcd. Chicago papera': Tu thi e eofthitifre as lu the otil. Waukegan, Ill., Oct. B.-(Speclal ers that have tahen place at the. local Telegran.)-At noon todai, the, peder plant, the, cause et the tir, cas ascrlb. milîl cf the Anierîcan Starcb Works cd ta snime forelgu abjet sncb as a * vas blevu up iii a dust explosion, and sal rail whlib got luto the grlud- wrecked. Several workmeil ver. lu- Iug niachineri, used for pulzertaing Jured, the. talocîng serlously: the, starcb. This caused a spark AudJ WILLIAM KAHN-burned on face the resultiug explosion. Tii, explosion1 and hands; cheeIt torn by s brick. vas beard very plalnly lualil parts oft (Courtesi, Chicago Examiner.) ALEXANDEIR JIMISON -skin tis elti, sud tiionsanda of People Wer. burned off face and banda. swahsued tram thelr slecp. CHRI13T HOLLTEIN-bady humn- At th iitre Mr. Ebert aunounceci M ed about face sud bauds, bis lutentîQu of rebulldlng thie depart- bey Mr&MrEdl U ce Al are expectai te ecaver lun tenient nas »on as poesiblie althoughbeh e" The.ruins took tire but the main hulld- said tbat the tact that the departtent Stabls, Ing escaped damage. The, preperti, vas clown could net affect tiie opera- be liong le about S6,M0. tien af the otiler departmnts et the Mtbhs Dr. Radclffe vas cefled upon to cars Plant. no Ç 08for Jejulson. cho by the vai, stîlI rv- TH-E SECOND 310 EXPLOSION. a 5 h ides lu Wikukgan snd la einploysi by Three mien were kilîci sud a num- ln iri hesre eeatnn.Hsber vers lnjured, chen the. second L ~4~ ISas vr, mcd e sverei, iie Itbig explosion occurrcd et the. sugar vas ieeamed n'ceesart eraft ou skin n refur et 6:23 o'cloch ou thie evenlug ~~JT i~,~<~fr W eftage- sud Dr. Radclife volute.r.d ta do of February 24. 1904. Tiidaniage se~a .< ~g, a"J tuis for bIs patient. Wîtbout ea<ualm tote iplant cas considerably aver -~~~~~ ~f regret he applled theii. h ttete hitamlindlrs Sit dry lugedieuts tugethu httissez.caif et hie leg sud rmoved the racloir. Patîlu is Ioa]llst of the dead sudn Add to ilils the nubmmatu e e amount t ofskn. This donbtlessmIni-red: corteiug sud gester-ot miLegtk bu aved Jemisou's baud. It left, hec- The, dead: uïgeherului pefeet c a eut onever, ane finger ou bis band citiiout untor them ulind hm ovec fler ati.PETER KOZAK-34 yeers aId, maer- thenincem he bnt o be D. Raiclffes acoun oftheex-rled, Teutb sud Jackson streets. Hi ade îireascthe hlt O11msD.Ra,îfe. .cau o hee-vas at cark lu the. pocter roomansd andip bmm"a t luge ~ plosion Io quite comuplotesud ls very dled troin buron andIinhalation of gaz. Railb or urrubOMMYbuluterestlng at tits tume because It wu5 JACOB SPIESE-foreman ln poeder addd f ezre. htire lmt bi explosion ofthte Iindt ttbouse. body, recovered tram ruina suc tale place lu tbe clty. The Aniertemn Itaken to hia borne an McKnley eve- Starcb Works later becazue tii, prop- nue. t fthe Werner People and stili DANIEL HANEY-pump tender. He later vas sold te the Corn. ProductaIs l i.pte i, r tri os Petiing Company. 'vien the explosion occurred. lie va& TIHE TMIRO EXPLOSION. caugbt by a plece eftlUib.r sel vu i ou ggjp g~Tii, third big explosion te creck drocuit by the esater vblcb pourd j r ithe. dry ets.rcb miii etftth, local augfar over i. A large force of men vu ifoPrefluer, teel place et 4 ocloel ou the, Put ta carl seeitug for bis body but &frEspO)iiN * IJ iorniug of Pebruari, 20, 1912. At tiiet It cas several days belore be vas voter; £ to 9rLpm~ t,. mir andb a s wt.ge W gJ(.*j& tlpethe dainage vas estimated St 5p- found. Graam buster hcUhlslusys le qute oitproxîiately $40,000. 0f tue aaunt The, injured: In insaelglt and mait mmUffus 10.000 cas for the. building ltolf andt-John Atanisky-oboveier lu table Ta get 91 Z 6afle oips 4-d th-, ie@~$20.000 for the, valuable miuahery. bouse; jeniped t ranithee elndoc 0 lind us thc ertidate~ceed rn CVtI725- Tii. explosion teel place lu the, tocer tilird Yoor; bathly Ilured-takeu I cent amof K C a" andsu.ec u wcl *Mnd o"M Tiei.%okm4 oo" by limes of the, dry starcb mill. There vas bis bonie. bant Mde=e 111HM. lmdoomeyillo u ns. o n ee man luntthe tacer, a toreign- William Bsley-taremau et e1 trmed. jaques Mfg C... Clieus.ý AView of the Ruins as the Fire was Fiercest, Taken jFço M lteMorthse western Tracks Just South of Retl.,ery NearCeiiliètéïy i s a Tony liennett-jumped frein third story of table bouse; mev.ieîy brulsed. bon»; eut by Itlng gins aud =sltubt y burned. Cliejie 4l2g"lqt qip 20~ lylng glas$ ebîl, sittlng ln Chicago bouse ner factmer. Mièbael Ucard - et Wi" atreet; aller ln powder bouse; suftsred freu shock cf exPtoelee. AMbert 3lltCbel-wôitman' lu table bouse; blocu throuth do. way and eut and bruleed; remcivi te lue hu. one aud the 10lowlug blilungo w.re destieyed: Barvel boWse. r, dtiç sterâge hou»e, hlin boume, taLbla b4iýïe, ou barel bou e onma ioulg tower. The. explosion was not 10110w. ed by tIr. as suddeily asas *mthe. eus tu the. flr.9ou bMondal 9f tuls we sud thls.-dcubtîces cut dogun-4 ligt of th ii 11.1and hhjurqd. 1m cal, ces Who. vers huifvOe, daces it ned tlst lucIde the, bulldhg as à reenit ofth ti. aling tivubers. As lni thi e e ith the last lire aIl the gssJlable fireinen wore put on die Job u"d fa a fev Instances tii.y bail soms earrov esicapes. Kesah vas 1neaty coffsred wlth deluris viien efoeni. lu tact the, oily pal't of bis body tuat wuasnot, caverei vas one 1arm and baud. WIthithîis h. bai manaileil te grasp bis bat wbilb b. wived t.ebly toand Ire. )MIclbo I 08514 saW theeavlug bat aud Ivlth - theus mpped te di t te vilUm frein Bhi% pellous position. He vas re- moisi to a uearby store sud died la lesitila an eur later. î_ The cmeBlca follevlns the. big ex- àplosion was felt lu a1l parts of the City rM ludin everal instance, Windows vers gbrohen. The. bunireds vhc ruibed etrou tiieli' ousfl more lu tune te seis the. blaslng debris chut aver a buudred feet Inte th., ai. d Mr. Wamner, ovuer Of the plant et tuat tume, stated ln u n terview eltii the, Sun tilat bo could pzoc.cd at anc.eliith tework of rebuildlng tiie jeplant. îFIRE DW?ÂKTINT e.TO SUMA IUBtS li If Supt. Ebert wiii grant permis. as sion, If ayor Bidînger clli rnd the Bi Waukegan tIré departmnut lmie Iue as ruins ta search for the, tbree mîssing utimen.1 ai Wred W. Buck, oee f et iJuroga heua lesivins toi vie thle ruia lo "Peraonally I bellve Liai'mai, .bai* ie tes vill be foun4l lu the muins. 1 do of uot beileve the . stement that hiiqe eo are tirepti bodisauthe, riislps.i but 1 would sot bo surprise" If they Slnd oil six or Seve.» 'n <v.---. CO. 01 VARIO0L RD TC Pralin ty evani la Waul dîscuase mastiug Temple ln. TE vera Pi o'olocki hi, the i Tii, t o*clock arrange on Doce bers of Chicago the pro Vice cru1 bers of on tiie mient£ I as a rn Tue@"a: Ibat l erneen ber Sini F At 8 iliste ces ha tien of foileeli Preul ier. Vice lAKLe E et Wat Tb@ firet a Setier I ber.'- diDner. be sec mintt won t supp the mmi tien Ti A cas h revival fait. 1 i-rst]1 A noue Ou* nI' plu HM5 fAme obrp, Wd 1 Sont ka M goplut tb se w-ý- -r- m 1 .