Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Nov 1912, p. 7

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Y, NOVEMBER 29, 1912. Gravai 1'rancle Clark J Eltas 100 FOISAL + + ?OR RNT +*Bertha . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .John rP FOR SAL-)l.Xw înodemn up.t-date FQR RENT-Frismbmd rooni.. Inquh' insu s@en u son'*use lot 5stiz27osi Linolu ah tusm office. 10,tb2 Wllsi âle Wli il NO an s' ternis. inquire clm of Guo. a. BoNo, tiertyvilie. -lU-tf ýFOR- RENT-Six r-ousbouoeson SthooiArthur ______________________ op"!_ tatre4 bath, dui sud electrie lgif.J: POU SALE-Two Un-t jereuifilL- P-*o. *c--f Amausi blondi boarm.Fitui n aiNu, bsty- ' Arthur Ville. >11048 FOR RVuT-Vuulabed rouni an Cookt Ileu 1 Av@. Eletrie lght. hest aud batii. AîIed FOR SALE--Tbrwu nl blood biroinze Adi .O o 7 -<-t *krabbk-r. n q ulre of JouN 'aou. lhîertyvillu. -tO-2 ' FOR UENT-9'onr room 'L.Te:l.- Lucao piSOn.104. .c7-fIockiî FOR SALE-fllviug bor-se iu goodi I red L ~fidllon. Wiloeil for ffl if tak6n ai FOR RENT-The Joun hirMWesam of Mancu> On..,Apph>' W. CURuIaLaite Vonit, jM98 aura, ose mil eeut o et i"lSîino III. p-0-1iptorm. Inquire oS 0. L CAmFiLIm Son Puois. Kap baih. laquir. tab rt, .. nfi0 bd 'bat r et t t Un- the "uid Part ford 580 R. --'o fOR SALE-SO fh A iouLake strellsi fl. Aise noma choie.busn esson àqwaukm Am euir of. Nus. LaUL UAmm - l . 010.4 pbfru print wagon. food ranatnu #»*, 9; ood sure.>' w thpo,$M = dle uW.010. Bzmssir tss. OU SALIIE CMEAI-8 roon. boum viti modem oouetuuoes and hem byC I. Càav, LiberVyiilu. Phon.106L. $ALE-ernevigoroup, Rom. rumb Riiode Ilekhod84d Cockuruia. Tbes. bird. are going cbw.p s w, rsed thu room. Kunit.-TiR(s Rc YanDs. Librtyville, lit. c-9-tf FOR SALE-1@1i White Orpiont4bai eckerel.. and piiiies; 1M4> hci.. ut torii £ut witit biud.r.Inquire ..fA. Cý RAPLOi.)b, Lbrty ville. Phone 2731,2. f FOR SALE-l guood farîîî hors-. J.%V- .1. .. .v. . . .. .+.+ SwEmr;ui, Libertyville, Mi. Y tf , dIOL5.NO &~ tnt eA i u]ocI cditî..r loi-. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE uf C. A.llAr.i .i .te, l.. -. 7.11 chî.-.. u*.Il- . .. ts -I t, l'a" thi ie ar' r tra;l.. TI., fir ..pWrdîd u- FOR SALE-Lui.. oîuty [arti,,. lad i ,l,;c.-nît» and la mehîrit .rm <tikt. lun Iolia.,ùu e iram and lo'î,ia T'lýrv jmail r.'-a at tflrataIt-guie sud J)yMxD kAUSTN. -I-tf I ,uk mil î,ur r.'adpr. tt., ,ed foi it - e-..P92 FOR SALE-Hors.'. Sor ail purixies alan hwo meecond i&ud hugai.'s an i dou *Il. c42-tl Elle insorsui', ioum- rî'utîîîg, t'llii>1 tiiong, lmî .gî'it. yDuoeî &1 t.USTI tt'-ILf MASTER'8 SALSAT PUT TO VARIED USESc State of Ilinois, Laike Couty. B«*luIn nvaiuablu to Mankind Though as à the Circuit Court of Lake County,, Condiment It Should Bc Emn- October Terni A. D. 1912. ployed Sparlngly. Prêtl! Meyer va. Iredericic Wlcker- shein e t ai. In Chancer>'. General If food 1i3 tateleas vithout sait. It i. Îi573. rle wlth ton Inueh. Unappetizng Publie notice lu hereby given thé cooklng là often due te, guesswork b>' virtue of au order and decreeut-; A levul teaspooinful or sait ia suflicieul jfor a quart. of coup, sauce. cr vege ured In the above entitled cause lu tables. sait] Circuit Court of Lake County, Sat usud once a day la an excellent Illinois, et the October terra 1912 dentrifrice, teudiug ta keei, off ter thereof on the eleventh day of Noveni- tar. It las aid ta retard receding ber A. D. 1912, the uudereigned Master gurne. In Cbancery of sald court wiil on Mon- -Aball! teaattoonful of sait added tai day the 23rd day of! December I a cuP of bot water-wvhich rnany pur A. D. 1912. at tbe bour of one o'ciock Boos take esch porniug-will make fil palatable. lu the afternoon of glid day at the DO Dot gargle vitit sait water East front door of the court bouse lu Tbroat apecialiste consider It Injuri th Cît>' of Wankegau Couuty of leke, cas.ta tbe tender mucous membrane Md'i State of Iliînois, tell ut Publie of tbe noue. aotion to the bgbo»D hut bisider sait vater rot« the bir. s0 e nYz ým Op the tailovig deeried .M tti te.itse wli feset a as ;Uiale atuated lu f*b. Count> 0f lbo To mm colr luvas matrlajsu au iState of Illinois, to-vit: Thi.e Tebtoer in h ara e a South Esat quarter of the. North East emb ait acucu± ou.ton l quartr (uxcupt the South one rod Au excelleuuîtote for nervous teo th~ro,) of Section 36, la Township pIul et.tair. sait rubs twicu a dey 43 Northi, Rang. 10.Raut of te Ird As sua sait di6olee mowly. soeaci Principfl Meidian, fflt.Sninflg f,13 lacmbu la solution in a gIsas acres more or leu. Jar te be restdy vben ueudd. Dae iWaukegan. Illinois, thle Whs9cild Ilh illned toiba l4tb day - of Noveniber A. D. 1012. legs or to have a eak bacr, TubJIf EDWÂRD J. HEfYDHOK. sgtan oni ih b« u Mlater In Claur of the. Circuit A fad.d carpet a freshuned il Court of Lakte (Cone, Illinois. vIpusionf viti s vol cloth vrung tronm Wky. 4t stMog sat vater. Sprtnkle floor viti dmmpenedsasit asaeu» Wal Cl»s ansd purifies the blood; fresh- Ba.d dyspepsie can be halpud b>' dis. ..s the tomnach; buildi fip the appe. solviug pluches ofrat ou thse tongue lite; you ftelt lke uev-Hollster's ILaftur aigorwentralasne M. Tea. 835c. Pearces Drug Store. o ppression. LigUM Ratient Ina nnIOSW.Pr~tctng MsStock. lie. 'TonnE.the. hostea, Whobythe An Itlilau wbo kept a fruit stand vay, vas aveulI>govuesi, b>'buer1-17 vau mmcii nnoyed b>' possible oue. plongant mnia dded ver>' muéh 1 tomer. vho nmade a practice of tuan- th enJoynu of the ocsioB' n;dd Ulg the. fruit sud piucbfng It. thure- taIl pi-useit retirud te peasaat dreaini by leavlug 1h seftiued aud 0ftaen ast 1:30 s. um.-Nassau (Biaharu".) spotled. ExasPurated beyond endur. Tribune, suce be fil>' put o» a sigu. whlch read: "If you m~us pincha da fruit- Lake's big vuukly-INDESPENDENT. plucha das ccaut!"-Lipplncott's. 1E vof!e ~PLASTERING CONTRACTORP ALL KINDSOF PLASTERING WORK, PLAIN farma AND ORNAMENTAL L Estimates Vurnîshed on Request- Iemploy the force of plasterer ini couflty Dr Let me figure on your work o -' John, M. Detiene Waukegan Office a a 120 WaslmlnglouStreet Phono214 noe.witV la1 MARRIAGE LICEP4SES NONE RECEIVED FOR LESBS I4MAN j I-r MAXIMN Vc. moR utum .Opp. leua St. Uett station "bl. Phon. 848 ". .Pion. 18008 NOZTTU OBICAGO. ILLINOIS DL GOLDING %ors0 129 .M.-1 1 R.M. 3. Mil Trtgga Building wltii Dr. J. LTayInr-Phonu 19 DR. E L MSMIT§t DENTIS?. lYE LAKt COUTI SATIOIIAL -BAR& orrea-a tc :ià . . nd 1to ô p. ni JAILT. LbertyvIllu Ilrd PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Ilo@veqt attentiojn pid f0 arrinzint nuctioi, mal"s and beut resulttsin lhatdi- img §am-, Ail kirdm of bora.,. waonm and hares fur Sait or exehange at 811 tirnep HENRY SINE Phonos; 148 or 48 ZION CITY,III W. ff. APPLEY Auctioneer FARIl SALES ONE PER CEN4T Libertyville, MI. PHONE 212J. Teiephone I4flt5at eer preeared th.n My expeiise --erto d. pour rký .Je M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 EImwoodA.,..Waultuaa. Illinois 3« ine bufor. ,aaking yr date DR. O. F. BUTTERMILD, VEMERINARY SURGOOI. &551rANT @TATE VEIMIÂIÀS. Llbertyvtlie. Ilîtuola DR, C. R. GALLOWAY., OFFICE OVES LOVELLI DRUG $TORE couze-from 1Ito à and 6 to 8 p. m LibertyvUlle. Iltuots. m A, IL< WifuC*L .Physicien sud Surgeon omeu ovur Docker & n.>'l Draff store Houm 8 o leA. M. 13.7 tu P. M. ft«clsattentonto Ere. Eae. Nosé and Tbeol GLA88ES PROPERLY FITTED Liber-tyvOltu. - - - - Illinois DR. te V. .SMITII QENERAI. PRACTICE dun$ t 10 .m. lSO tend 7toS8.M, Ole over Ray Fueutue storu. SPEOIAL ATTrENTIOn TO TUEE YB LIBURTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DF. 1. t. TAYLOR OFFICE OVES J. EL. T&1"8 UBLItO. mus:-7 to 10 a. mi. 2 t0 4 sud ô tu SP. ni. &s0q4enou -ni Broadway. opposite Park LioercyVie. illuolâ. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORN4EY AT LAW. lilbertyvilie, Illuols pfooN se POILE R. 0. EPKER e 42-L Phionse267-1,1 'a Applicion. Saihlsaction Guasmsnteed POILE & !PKER GENERAL AUCTMOEEIîS and Stock Sales a Specialty ABERTYVILLE, ILL. P-s-3m Victor O. Iloeiner [TEOPATHIC PHY61CIAN Aaaocisted Wltb DR. FRED 8ISCHOFF and Resideucu 215 Madison St.. Waukegan. Phono 226. oui PolimanS, Highvood-...24 sco, Dilevis, Hlghvood -... 7 Mungé. Milwaukee--------..23 tMh Meyer, IMilwaukee -....25 G. Scbulio, Chicago---------...22 aChrylr, Nev York .....18 P. last, Milvauke---------.24 Zulainier, Milwaukuee-....26 n RulIkofski, Hait Day-....30 lardling, Hlf Day---------..21 r . Crins, Waherhovu -....26 da Hulgundar!, Wshertowu -... 26 rWebbur, Chicago---------. 2 Purguson, Vlus. IU .....24 Natu, Jr., Highland Park-...1 H. Kellogg, Highland Park - .18 I.oLais, Milwvaukee -.....25 ma Marine, Milwauke - ...18 IýTaylor, Walnut. Win. ýjMarie Odeil, Walu, Wis. thlng vich youNEM13, but yvou do not feel able tu bu>' oea>'bu asivemyan'day tIse «FOR UAIN oolumi. 0. H. Morgan a" i ie ta H. G. Forelnan lot 72 RaVinla W. D $10.000. NOVEMBEIR28, 1912. W. A, Ritang ansi ife, et ai., 10 H. F. Gluseke iots i sud 2 block 1 Round Lake W. D. $12,000. NOVENSUR 25, 1912. W. B. Walrati and wlte to John Wendell lot 6 Bhavs Suis, ln Sec, 35 W. Autiocih wp. W. D. $1.000. C. A. Nevconib, Jr., to Adam Rata- % =a-o.Puumswd Sy . 8- LakesOonuuhy- Iti & TrustCO. Abstracts ni Titis. TitI.., 0u.:,anteed Masouie Temple Bldoi. '%auk-gan. IIi. Lavlis J.G1, RltN F;E. NOVEMRE 19, 1912. Nov. 20, 1912.-W J3 Lit tîrJohu and vite ta John Gritb.h part or lot 332 Lake Füreet 'W D010. E P M.ynard te G M St eîhens lots 8 to 13 block 75 Higbvood Park W D 110. R P Chapin ta EXsoor Country club eau 170 faut of lot 42 Hlghwood Q C $1.00.1 J W Fryu sn< 19fa o C A Baud lot 4 block 47 Lake Uluif, W D $2,000. Nov. 2.-C H Wbrn wC IL Har- dur Jr wust 30 lei of lot 1 sud 2 lu block 3 HàghlmO Park W 1) $10. Guftav Bei-una sd vife toi.oulsa Beese lot 19 Brovua aub lu section 13 Vernon tovn*àp W P $200. ien A Orasi>'Me hushand to C A Blanchard lât 17 b1Iê* 9 Bord-du-Lac Bluffs. North Cbàoeau. W D $1500. NOVEMSR 22,1912. Lavrence Buck Mid vite ta H. K- Legler lot 3 Buchu Bob. of lot 55 Ra- 'Ili W. D. 82,M. E. W. Paritbur s i vie to Isaboe C. Itedali W. 76 ft. E 90 tt. lots 9 sud 10' block 1 Pagkburst sud Cu- siugbams Bob. LéerItytlle W. D. Jezak lot Il blocit M' ashurn Pr'need of a gond reliablI.' idn.-y medi.'. North Chicago Oued $500 Foiey Kldney Pif s ame- kînie- sfrerlie, hi- F. G. Pratt ta P. J. lield part lt i ilan sd remtorati-e. 'lisev iuild ep lise 32 LIte 'amut W 11)512,013 itilie gand reguuiate tlwir action. 7is,> 32 Lke ores W.D. $2,50. vil i Rve' vu qui-k relief and <onthan no iluaa tM me cartoonîut. habit f,,rmiu druits. For sale by aI,, Part>' enbleïni tiat figure on beli Dru29iete. SOtU rprueunl liemore serious puLr polos "d tYPe thetraditions o! vani- Muet se So. one poutI ca oiiovlngo' but the un'i « adie' said a nsohber to ber amall bleueta tat he cartoonieta and humor- daughter, 'wisy Jfit tisaiyouansd] lobtav a.mtablisised arr tise mare yvour littIe isvtlsrr are slvayz quar- Cî«piilaMohecn ewhich amajort; of de,"u iess1ake after yeuansd ho Pur-ons attacit polîhica vlthout aiisn- take, aftur fast." ____ dcningthie earnesh nim tCalUnadenilen lm Mniufetatlou.-Judi1a. For C iadXvr 3 Hie, f i-. ts -G wSata n lim saees, -rt,>'- v Ou rS'.:f.l S e,,. r r. ~ ~ 1Fr, r no t, or,~-atr'or i oS s . Lézrsp.,o s.c Ze, me,.4rTV M.W S VlîP t . O WttO P MO .1'e.dLt.. t nIlua Write Ideas For Moving Picture PIays! YoU CAN WIWTE PHOTO PLAYS AND y - ý UEARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY We Will Show You How! If you bave ideas- -if you eau TH-INK--we will show you the secrets of this fascinatîng new profession. Pos- itively îîo experienc'e or literary excellenîce neceBÉtary. No "1flowery langtiage" is wanted. The demand for photopisys ie praotlcaly unlimlted. The big film mannfaçturers are , Jnoviug heaven and earth" lu thelP attempts to get enoirgb good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100. and more, for single sceearlos, or written (deas. Nearly ail of the big fim companles, the buyers of photopisys, &ré located lui or near NEW YOR (CITY. Being rlgbt on the spot, and knowlng at ail times juet what sort of plotp are wanted by the producers our SALIZS DJPARTMENT has a tremendous advautage over agencies sitnated in dis4nut citMe. We have received many letters from the big film manufacttîrers, esuch as VITAURAPH, EDI8ON, ES- SANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, *RELIANCE, CHAMPION, COMET, MELIES, ETC., urging us to taenti photoplays te them. W. want more wrlters are we'I gladly teach you the secrets of suc'ces8. We are selling photoylays written by people who "lnever before wrote a lige for publication." Perlîaps we cau do tbhe sanie for yoîî. If you ('an think of oîîly one good idea every week, and will write it out as direeted by us, an-d it seils for onlly $25, a low figuîre. You Wil Earn $100. Monthly for Sqare Tinie Work f'l[Send yoaur namne and adciress at once for free copy [lLof our illustrated book, MOIGPCUELAWTNG Don't hesitate. Don't argule. Write NOW and ltarn just wbat this îîew profession may mean for'you and your fuîture. 1543 Broadway NEW YORK CITY GETING CLOSE TO NATUREIPROMINENT MAN thon aund servedoervorsi tins. O t ______DIES SUDDENLV'village eonneil. Hevew" relilr meins Au One Who Underiande It, John uf the ilupienient lirni 01 llertolmeu Burroughs Writeof the. Biet>'Iy G~i IleuY ny ud pregidelt of tise Fires of theu Country. 1Jm téI Nnroflhti, oa ,ational if tnt <f flolua, lu. inn;tie - iive, 'îdli a i , oreFriiay', ist lve> ear tise hAutliad dtobied l1tïâ To taire tii. birds out of nyI>'11e, No r.. 1 112. capital aud four foi increaaed iîtst ver. the loppIug off omn y brancbes &Mr. liertren hld b-n a enieërer for deposite. fronit te true; thora Si thst leua sur- "mne bî t i1 , roI ýat Ilets- m te Te îeai ih- a îelge facu of leafagu in, sboorbthie sunlight day priomt(Io i-i;@iti. le 9dhe1t e rThil nr l t.irî., pathe iug t aud briug ni>'spirits Su contact vltb eh adtsa ,tS 'reud it,,,,ihee.-tnin whoici otii raard wth the vitl icurrunta. W. connuotpursuemIn tewoury the wi torrn lîca 'd",he hldmi,,tnein tie omtunit, vas iurg, 1an>' naturel îtudy vSth love sud un-, i - ,,Tewr ,g ey ehi ytenir omntwsbli 1thualimn i thout the objuct of lb.- aver tai-O biniself, taug a break. at tfie \i. E. chtircis, intermeî lai Omilng a part af Our lvua. Tiie birds, dovu vic e esuit.-d ni,.is -tl, tb. .i,-t,, .nery tbe floyers. the trues, the. rocks, al lfolilo % lu;des.__________ beconie IInk.d vlth our livesansd halO r-le1t4 survived [y hi-i wif,,Po ' the. bey teoOur tlsoughts sud enoioos. 'daughîtero, Mr@. [,aura Glruuy and SPIECIAL OlFFER 1 curtani>'bave fouud "glei l v Martisa, E.; ui,@on, Arthur N.; tua 0 erftblng-ln uail naturel pscese To Ar« MfRt andi product--not the 'goos'of th iWssers, tMr@. 1. M. Ketchum of iChicaga, Sunda>' achool books, but the good o!. and Mr@. Sophie. Bougon of Omuaha, Neb . éatraI Ilav sud ordur. tiie goos of tir. Berielsen vas bora ou April 17, hruh lpeui cubbing ta" systens Of thlngg Out Of! vici ve 1852, ait Hardeelaben, Scburury, a monimde ith The Prairie fermer. - cua andi vhich la the source of our Bolâtetu Germant'. At tiseage0ai sven- a farm magazine of the hlghe*i orde «' fieal asi mul brngtb. 1himlit0cotsumesteeun bucause to, uierica, settling et vublishud iwice s monih in Obca... poutr béas; l1h Sa gond unit force Di-splineu, fl., matin; from tbere te llie. Are enaiiied to ofFer te, the fermer* should cmubI. uven if lit cruabea you; Libertyville. fLi Il Sa goadsi I atgan mould fai, uyen ln 1880 be mtarrIed MimaAnneaM ofLae and mdjoining coumnies, the te lit deutroya pour cropa Or 600"05 lreuton sud lu 1886 moved tu Cushing, INDEPENDENT and Prairie Farine,- , léueandi pouillegs attst e ooa. Aflter speudins a fev jean oa the both one year for- the price of a, 'ý slanser et maturai lav. rie>'out usltrni. lue ngagesi Su iL. hlunber buellit s.. .0.This applieua te the oid ssii' ta clenaulunou riar otionmte Outvardsi u Cu,'hint. mortng ta Boistelin lm 185 crU»espaying Up ailarnears and eaui nature, OuI>' tu a lUveuniversu olsi vier. bengsgmd lu tise Implemenl buui- Olsoasea"si deth prevall.Da4 la afn.-s.Dur-lu; t ssa eventeen >eau year inaadvance and te oeeubscr-lben. % Piase. Of l«t., saredlrtbulins of tus Mm. Pei tAel-eubulup one of the most Sotter taie sdvantfga of i noe., tar_ type. Decs>'la another klns itf £iotâ profitable imlerpnuent isusinemaseID Be dos't know hs.w long we wiff bu The uhov andi spieudor 0f Brest nurtiswestern Ila able i.te, nuiretehimeffér. bon't delsy.- boul..elaborat. fumniuf, Miatal>' a@ wa&@us 01Hoîstein'. mMt prom- Do IT NOWI halls.. oppbsa nip impoule Upon 2» Tb"> St he attention upn on tOyak petons sbit philanthropiec itizes. He mu,. the>'set; up a taisestandard of wvas risent ai the Board of Educa- lndependevit ada-read by- 26,000. besut>';tue>' stanid betygen me andT li 'lfuers or obaracteran" avoe heéd vinter ansi umnmur. andi Di1 I à gcod chimnu>' aud a big voodptilal vlnter. >The more open hig four WngvsllmL Ù 'le aMre Mo.raie fl'esbair bo yll i, aud 1OK UtlT M tIse longer ho vinli lve.-john Dur' w1m il.0e,ô qomae taféeay,.. toige raUsa. lnth le Century. srissitstaemlhka vu l-ysries . ae reu Ca eemie vi im t etS5 - food s" Les au t ps, Itas h uuare,d. jointe sud shouting pains suali e wyuur -=sdoes t&-t wtuM cshPsbout t ezs gessaMd kidneys are not vorklng rlght. LUrina y,-tasad t a = Wmes mil slie 5,uuetéaet -~ lssa eenea,.thîk«.helitweaut etee.. pe irreuîaritist. issa of ieep. î,ervauu '. y- t=1 aersr= er Vt.-v5 owPM a »_«rarisit wrsk heiai-nsd bore kidtsvs t-l the ý-4 i5 u Pp SALE-S Alidal. turner Dmp., ~WhI. for rugistar ehos» 1a~fmwef L Pou.a Limxrtvtn.. Pimo.. o-IP.9 4. WenTECD Coms &CLOSE,40 M. lsrbm St, Cilaa 01- wor. ppl a Leefonon"Nto JWANTED--Cbgdat r 0 a.aeo. nirrou, to re4lve, » &Hkiadsotfnfriture àWANTED-A $1000 lom ion good Lake count>'rua seme wll pe àper esat inteut. For fortborprttcelar addr.. Dsçouags uoe.Oraaaka~ PC-9-2l + LOIT and FOU» + LOST-Hfolâtln hel1on, 2 years oîd, about tive weeit ego. Revaril for informationau aln;tu reco'-er.vof animnal. iý. A. dElgtor, Lîlertyvilie. Phone 278J2. c-9 2 NATIONAL AUTi-ORS' INSTITUTE Il. e 1, 191WANTIRD--40tow-0 wtllimpmw" bil % ------------ -. . -1 -T

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