Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Dec 1912, p. 11

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rmir h - ?.rrmmv TvrbvI!1w.hvwhT' '1TIA f1C1E'NR 6.1iQ92..Tf.. ~JlJIJLl J. .1. Sa. .L~.5M~i ~i4&~5-'J~.& il f u ,tmam,,et Vmeenl. Mutg iMemory 'eebeoommC . cettes. i' NIé..,..Towu et DOOli of L té udg Ce . U ton Docember tem-Robort 0. Evans -4t a si»WMulieeting of tise DuPas. gt it vau ever bis habit, evenin IThre fIs-t case tlion up on tIse crlmn-Y ChIatl BUs- Aas.Oltioss, secotlY heu minor nmates-s, flt osly ta thisnk ho Dtuai, cetw ht a ss-ocbar e vi di*'Wbuaha, DL, for the garpous of vas right, but, frantcas-eful otand anti h, hebisrocman la, if. &MOM a gualltiom lnIDmemory of de. réeiaselà, ta know bo vas rigit. He mas-ch i is ai. Atongam e P #àhe4 m"bes. the following rololu. b.lleved the e osslggnls wl. tisat o arc hlt.Atre -m .f *à v atatedsa amamrialta he sudet an th worer.WeIots, ap»olntei isy the court, aie t Vu dopeifas meotil t tie sudet ai tse os-er.peas-etifor Danfortis white lîr. Dadi *é late Loft. C. W Upton. vWho wuI Wlh ail thse ablîty anti vlsiom lookui ail e b staies case. «»0f thse Judges of ui judicial ci- that gi-sceti Judge Upton. with ail thse 'ris.,qolltons asked thse jurymenu u«K for a peilai of 2;w iears. pinnce snd cuccts tisai came ta by the .tate lndieaed the. attesn , ll M.mery of Clark tWarren Upton, im là privaI. andi publie lité., h vas intention ta provo uhat l..nfos-tisknew l 'SiLos-day,,Novemnbes- 24, A. D. 190. ever foumisithat nature liatiendowed visai lie as daims vsen lhe abat berb »»%M tbe Pntt tebotter lit# hlm vW"lithe elenJent of Irue ji5suad that it vas a clear case af murd- 49.9Paioufli IBWYera lest liais.. an ne« es; and unassum- er. Mr. Welch, by ail of i questions, #Wsma-. Thse fluient RaaPer fouldIssng as a cbiîd. Sensiiv la censure sbaveî b.ho wold try ta prove Dan- *b rlpmesigran ft ta ho gsi-us-slaIn critcMOi, lhe as P055ft50d Of forth vas Insuansd 1ev flot visai ikaii harvt. Iu the fI5lflOl. <Of moral courge ta a iegree Ibat ai* h. vas ding, tisai lieoculd not dis-0 Tests, la honorable, aId &g, et, $ w vfs nableil hlm ta do rigit regsrd- tlngulgh rigisl fs-a ron O. *tc. H el gUet af bi& home, j" fS.tOii POiCO' lu~the*oof. Wbaî a lit* eord -10aieshesiremoaIf tbey bai prjudice1 1.57 Sund soremely Ias$ed avay. inapire lut the yonng lîke ldeals an agant usoan ad as ta visethe h W. snéed ntmalourl. AftOS 1MM1W51551151efts. .fact that a persan pisas Iflsant as tUblicfor-scor omeIsof active.,netul çU#k~ Warren Upton was bas-n at an eoses for kilns voulsi prejudice Bs. h. idalthebfluai deisi ef humaS Monpeller, Ver-mont, Jannary 28, A. D. Iheir minis. Bst, leavingt to'bis fsmlir thst 1993, vas admLtei ta the bar ln 'Ver- Itather slow progiesi vas matieln i horuis-e,.ubs mimai-y, mail lu Mardi. A. D. 1843. He vas a seiecting tise jusors anti at pi-eas time a bnorandrevrs is emoY, ndsohool lemohes- and practlclng lavyci- but a few isad iseen accepted bly botht MW Idvug Isibule ta bis vosti, Thm tula ars-e, Ver-mont, andi came to Lake asdes. fled ho roas-ed oves- bis nl-e tilg ., tg, iflinals, and began Practîcet ïjAis. no stately clunin on wvichtu to Ue-ua an attorneiyla c-partnerthlp \ Many of lthe Petit jurors eldaëltu outil anom a tasiiors-d bi ils ROSiHeny W. Bladgett In the gear calieti asketi 1 lie ex- §ÇO. bis age. bis lite,.Osaven ID the IMC, vas lectedt t the Stat. Senato cusesi, vasloue Uinis of excuses 016%os-y of ai hoba h hm lo the la 074hcme circuit jîîdge In 1977. being offcreti Tva got off because .5oeleie of!hil essaesoua ant in lYsad sers-si contlnuously in tise circuit of defectîve boas-ms. Titi-e ere ex- astspe, bis ablllty anivas-lb as eftal MW appellate, courts of tiis #iate until cusci because they conduet dalry e ts- gelli osltadlfiand. Jbt U00 87, viien lhe etredi ram tise benti farme andmust nuikt tiels cows tialiy. 1 1tur fini tise r ed butoulook. an fs-Ousactive professal) Ie, ps- Ione mas vanted ta set off but ad- at* iid th jreicrds opinheIors bt lusbis decllnlng geai-s tise-after mtted bcoia ne excus-be just arflones tse profa pniosptien mghiod e hor ad rin v aistedt taget off, Be va. Dmde 1 évidncetheproounddePba f he ofWaukegan. lionoreti and reapectcd stick.TIse Norths Chlicago street coin- WeUlI navietige, andth ie spirt af jus. by tiiom andt ieir tiescentiantas, "til1misioner a.kesl ta gel off hecause lie tii andi jusimos hat ever guied sud clefto tise iher lite. Honar ndmigis be neetieti-If asything big hape - MoUlied hlm, wnul. th#ejournal of t" eSIate Sonate. andtheii State eflIet Os-ODCOuto bis nome anti memoy peneti" but thse court toit titey ccisit bIs visifom andti ality as a legisiatOs-. Ii*Slved 'rThalt th. Bencis anti Bar set along wîthout hlm for s urne. A psacîlcIng Iawyer for more' than of Dut Page county have recognîzeti in tweniy-flve years, a promînent lgs- 311de C. W. Upton ail lise vlrtuemi Elgit of twelve mon.,viso, by vrt"e litas for four yels-s, a juga pruuI- ssUitoed ln tise foregolng memailal, - f the. paver Inested lin tbem isy tise iag ln tho courts of the.agate tfs- Men, a"d liiia profount soesaeof ilie loua statutes of th.s@tete mayoai-may flot ly years, and eves- funi alert. active, ta, ssrsoivein tise ieatb of this brou, pas. tise dealis penalty on Lemon Dan- able, just, and honorable, vihs a sePIL or, and feeling Iliat nome thlng of hils forth, allegeti murdes-en af bis comn- tâtion for Il tans qualities a. if. lisud chaiacter shauldhtil commem- mon law wîfe, Ellen Weaver. a the spisere of lis actîvlliee. Hle afatif upon tite records of Iis court; Thom-a Atlas-isge. vas a sind strotsg and profoui. gyel ItleI furtiter John 'rc>nlon. btUiItst. in tise os-f iasg discisasge Eeoved, Tisaitti memanlal lic C. J. 0,.I4olming. et-is dtii.,ai 'attas-usi, leglator engrosieti aud spressl upon the records H. G. Sehîmacker. a"i joigo. h. might veli have rustud of Iis court. and a capy of the samne, Etivard Osuben. Iie Ue Inspiraion of the moment, anti no engrosti, sent ta lise famlly of the L. L. Dubos bave beau atou gnuldei th.rebg, ani deceasoi. Wlliaîm MUler. Firank Ilusser. GRAND JURY lN SESSION. aemuu.i Vs-ou Pae one.) Docmiser les-m-P, B, Huenhosand Cb"a-e.H. ats. Town tof Grnt. December term-G.e it oeth. Fax liL., Town of Av. Decmmber term-4Tbaum a ee Town ocf Warene- Decomber les-m-Na7 Louis. To*su of Wsusomi. Dacembes-lerm-Chasle Oehisruld. Mltbur Blanchard, lma Hods-ieuni. Peter McDos-mett. Towna of OSloie.. Decoenbs-erm-Wlllas 0. Dicker- ma, Laite "Fosest; IL 8. MeNichos. Là1. Bluff. Town of LIhe.tyvillo. Decmeoilios-tsm-Mlle H., Cas-rIl, Randout. Tome of Froment, Dcmber toi-m-George H. Hertel. Tomwn f Wasscnds December les-m-Ceas-g. Benwell. Tomn of Cube. December term-f3oitle H. Kulb- man. Town of Ela. Doemises- tes-m-John H. At 2 olock Tuosiay afiernoan elglit mon have been selectedti t officiate as jus-ors ln the cs. of the.People of tise Stat. verses Lemon Danfortis, unies- lndictment for mundes-. Dais- forth i. chas-gef vîih aving munderef hi& com mon la, vif., Ellen Weaver. At 2 oclock 44 men bai beeu exalm- ineti for jury service, Three meon vire faunti amang the, 44 examined vbo di net belleve lu capital panisismeni Tise titree men were Ion Chamberlain, of Wankegan, Josephi Lahman ar Grant antiA. J. Me- Vey of Shelds township. Danforth l viipleadi nsanit', hIs a Mtege-. If Lirmon Danforth la convicted of Y m egi the milsObluge Mrein 1 Maril of Quiy end QmaIy IA L:TY. Sugar Cured Hama, lb .............. 15e SPork Shoulder, lb .................... lic ... .. .. ... .. .. ..9c Bed pot Zamit......i s ~yNatveStuor IbRBouat Se à 1l ..................... lOc i ot,Porter Houas Steak ..12%4c " w 81t4ak, 3 Ibo ...... 25e ~f'rugu..................c UMOI=D MEÂTS #oked Spare Zgibe .......... . Saerg aua . ...... .. Oc liod SauIo................. f dockens, BR* Dreum......... 15c MWe Ptp40 .. .. . . .. .. .-12je Pork shot...,lb......... 5c P k e r"U ... ......l Kottle Un4ered Lard .......... 13c Pork tusds1otn .............. 25o Bwuet PMdked Pork .... .. ... 140 LAUM ria"cyLn prng Lamb...... 12Vc' FoeQ Ore prhng Lamb .. r Lamb Stew ..............o Lamb Chope .................. lic Leg Muttoni................. ..h0 VEAL Fore Quarter ............9o Hlnd Quarter ............M VZI Ihw............. .a Veal Ohopa.. ...........12142c VelKdney Roaat ........ 121/2ô *wfaag................ ft .......v................. 100 oettntry LPAUButterine ......15e Bauer KrAuqtUM ............. 7c esutair witl ho.- to hanged by thé neck until dead, OR Wilih.ho e untusod to thse liste penltentiery for Ife, OR Wiliho b. ..mtenced 10 thse state penitentîsry for a speelfieti number of yssrtltlt? ih 1-- jrursseîet. t-th est legal hailes ever wagéd ln tLake~ upon stating that lie la 73 Years old. Wednesday mormlng., Mr. Bull obiçet- Welch bas madie a name for himself Dady ehowed hli did flot underatanti which provides a 3ýcent fare for the ln crîminal cases. H. la rccogsed words frequently used in le8tlmony. school clilîdren, andi the clause vhlch as on. of Ilinois' must capable crlm- Charles Harter of Lake F'orest. got off compels flic ralîroadte lagel] twenty r'ive Iral attorneSys. andi anly receistîs- le becauae lie was an aldPrmsan aithouli, tickets for 11.0 succeeded in havlng satnegro acqultted referi-oce ta the statuiteasiihowed tha tiNrý Bull refuiem, ta make an>' state- b> a jury. The negro was lntiicted tliat tid not make hlm immune froint1 ment for piublicationi.[lie will liolil a on a serious change. fervIe It lets out u1tYOru', istaîjf',li5.onferetucé witl tise olficera or the rail- etc .lbut urit aldermen,' ruoa(k- andui take a report ta the colin- and Judge Charles Wbltnrxar e EXTRA PANEL. FOR 25 JURORS 13 Judge Whitiipy explirin- 1 larter 'r i atx ltig poed yti slttiof*]Ile nols ta UEO TUESDAV NIGHT-18 Ihat the bemt thing for lu odiaa NrBl eepindNtyrPdne flx th@ui. shment to lbe nmeed oui tb SUES A WA7NING. ta u tnfor uîayor, M. im tê arranefoar conere the. negro l ab la un guilty But eght men liasl een selected at .Bru aisilghr oarnefracneec lie cab lie found gulItY of murder, j 'ic< ihul cr rmr mtrl Another thlngs ta which MIr. Bull under the statutes of the state o were examined Wednesday they cere lecdwaacaseumtedb note. and yet lbe sentenùrd ta te Cexcused for causeprovdi state peltentlary for a sPciid num- dine Horan of Grant, a member of KAILKUAU lU that the coml any may t;pecifi the kind ber of years. the petit Jury, was lhauied belore the ami quality of rails used and asthie court today ta answer wlhv lie shau Id A(q~TT1 D V ruality aamoi int of balla$t. Mr. Favor Capital Punichment flot recelve a fine for contemiat of L1CCEPT THUIRTYI Bull1 declared that the e.Dunil has aid Every Juror selected by the state court, Horan was9 subpoenaed tvo ded an adritional cost of 5 favors capital puniahLflent. That wss weeks ago. He did not put Iti an aie VE R FQ N DIE franh ,e 1e wo Id 00 o te irt iiltOislit a c eaaneuntil Wednegdiky morning.~ ment untlili as confeirpe jurors by Stat,'s MOtrne>' Ralph J. Judge Whitney warned hlmn that lhe reorganîzation ('oiflrflttpe'of!th, r Dady. If the. Juror otatsd that hie dld wonid deal aeverely with bilm in case Mlayor J. F. Bîdînger le confide t1 flot favor the deatIlsentence., le vas lie again violated a court wrlt. Horani that the recelver andi members, fthie, Net EftIrety Bîblîcal. excuseti for cause. sali tisa he underslooti that he was re 1 ato omRo f ie~ Whouen iIbI. vas translated iInto 1ta appear on Dec. 6 andi not Dec. 2. coalation llwsuke ee fth il ee'h i, aneB. an eQiaent to the word A Legal BattIe. Icbapt& Nlllwaukee tebecfoiind. and tii Itali uro supoeate ha reelstaaccepitishe thilrty year franchise word "Po."bad! to b. used instead. Wlrh James G. Welch. Waukffan's ed ai least $3. Tise cage Promises ta which lias been offeret by te cltY Do that Jagase. biblcal students are ,SllverTong,ýu,>d Orat, rewre.tlng enoath,, .counity many thous11andtis1of sulons of Waukegan. acqualnte wlth a persan named thie nogro, an aIlied. murdérer, and dollars. R la fot expected thMi a Jury Joba the. Uoaker" and wltls a doctrine Ralpi j. Datiy, s at torney, bat- wilillie avora ln thil day. Attorney Bull of the railroati and o, oakUlotr misslon of sin&." tllng for the people noie of the. grand- N. A. Griffin vas excused i atonce 1 te city salons lield a conference eariy IfIIuRtdVSw(i il UIDis HEIN'SsiliE pl oi11@1is hiSore Poli. Imm, SWOYou will find here the gifts you will recognize to be 1 'just the thing" and at "just the right price. The. standard of quality maintained here is ' known to ail and gifts purchased here are certain to please. Permit us to suggest early shopping. It insures you a larger stoek, a better selection, and a servie that cannot be equaled later on. j~ s orlo tbaCilta uh ~le agsStc iIt CHIUSTMAS SUGÇOtSTIONS 3kc Combs fer . . . Zic 3c Barrettes fer . . . Zlc 3A0 SiIk Fettçuutsfer I1, LU Uubrellus for .Ç& LUi ChNldiSwaters, .Oic LU Weae.'s Sweaerî, 1.98 IM Wastsfer. ý. . «k 5.18 511k Walsts fer . 2.98 12.04 Fur Sets fer 7M.9 Ut Us Hll u lýoe I[Ck îts5e- IsWn& e I'nII oês iae h This is the month of coUd winds and the month N'ou wiUI most nced a coat Are you i ready with a warm coati X oIl h ,i a coat you'l ie here, in fact, you flîttisi-ve'l -iii. î hard to decide whioh you'l liko bost annl l hý thousandu here. There are countless 0t l-1, ,î colora and models and many more here than any otbi-v store can show you, at 4.98, 8q88q 8e989,9,,989 12.50 and 15.00 __________________________ .1 -. __________________________ Girls and Boys Coats for Ch ristmas ilete are the Geats the Boys and Girls will like, waîît and appreciate and at a price you care to pay. 1.989 2.98, 3,989 4,98 5,98 and 7.98 Boys Russian, S6lle:, Norfolk and Double-Breasted Suits. SomÉe wlth Two Pair a# Knickers 1.989,4.98 3.98 and 5.98 IF IN DOUBT what Io ulve, nothIagwilIcoe um 0 e weleeme =See. Tu. Cbris SUive fer, Lades', Gtis Il» cm 1tm CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION~S îk Iïfihr% -. 49C 1.51 Olives, . . 8tc 35c Bose, . ZIG2 65C W,,eu's IuionsoSits, per sait,. .. ... 65c Vomom's Uuùrwear, per garaeut, . . 48c 35c We's fUderwear, p pr aet, . .23c L HOLIDAY GOODS Dought now wg1l on request b. stored FREIE u- tl y.. wl1uh them u verel. LN"I:. VISAMJSZt 1 LN

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