Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Dec 1912, p. 9

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LAKE Co1JNTY- INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUIN_____ VOL. XXI.-NO. Il. PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL, DECE'vil'iER 6, 1912. FOUI PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN' ADVÂNGE. WIRESTAY SNAPPED AEROPLANE FALLS lie Fne TO EARTH JOHN WOJTON 0F WAUKEGAN 16 VICTIM 0F BAD FALI. NEAR SALT LAKIR CITY, UTAH. SABUlE SUPPLY GAVIE 0UT STARTED TO VOLPLANE TO EARTm SUT WIRE ISTAY ISROKE--SHOWED PLUC K.' Jo)hn WoJtau. Wsukegan's boy a,lator, had the cioset Cai ot bis lite on Thaukagilg day while makingaa fht tîtteen mles from S"t Lakte SCitY VUtah. iHe exhausfed ia auppîf Of gazoline whili 2,800 feet lu the R but auccesafuliy voipianed to wtb- la 110 feet ofthtie srouud wipiion@ 01 the tautawre afayâ gave way sud1 th@ machine colapsed. 4 Ater leavlng Wukegaunseverai Vweeksa ao. Wojtan made several suc- o003"ujflghfa ln the Southl. He vas ZIF129 for two ilsys ai Sait Lakte City vien the accident occurred. ht vas on bis lat fllght that the vire gave vu'. precipitatlug hlm tu the ground. On TËhanksglvlng affernoon h. was up 2800 feut when bis gazoline gave out Hia motor stopped and hls friends on the grounil could ses that he was la 20mMmd et trouble. Then they Mv Woton begin f0 volpiane to earth. He hegan ta descend abvly descrîl- Ilt large circesa. Wbsu about fîve b»dred feet tram the graund le start ed to make a five bundred foot spiral OS<k sCr.w dive and vas getting &long * lime shape untIl the machine col- lapilone Mhnndred sud ten feet tram 0 agmnd. ~ll friands rushed ta the spot aud #Ube»eedit u lifting Wojton'a uncon- M1111ls body tram beneath the dams.ged 11118hîne. He vas Jut breathing aud OUM vas With &I po oihie haste be-vaa onfved ta iloapifai. If vas ém hour kil tvelve minutes before gbysiciant succeeded lin reviving hlm. 19la iret varda shaveil hie gamenese. Ao h. opeoed i* lmeyes ha reenanteil: "Pt lu a stronger vire hy file eng- à" b.d. hoys, sud l'Il fiy that t- uSclue, or If vhlI fIg me Under the Thoge vbo lave seen hlm fig de- lan. that he la the gameet aviator they have ov.- seen. TheY SaaYthat illbgr are Jota cg gocil filera but that b. lsa e t the sganeat. 4ýa egaubuttanehoveil that Wodfon w.e not srouaiy InJured sud shoulil bI..lee te ke ont la a short Uime. s cilb t l eea la for bis aveet- &Tiwbfr patet. ut la the.nes- Uiono! the young man fa fIg forbils tther ln fthe gprng. kvFALLS IN THE DARI; BREAKS BIER ARM Mm aJmes Mann of Lakte Forest Sus. tbied a Painful lnjury Sunday Waukagan freuds of Mma James T. Menu, fsmely of Wauitegan but nov «! Lake Porsat viiiregret ta hear chat *9e broke ber arm Bunilay nigit viiOn etmmrnug abhanhome aff ro adlig De. day lu campauy vith han huaband' Vith fnend& lu Chicago. Tiey arriveil home 1sf e l inteeaveu. lag and, upon enterng theln ilomee Mss. Mann .tuusbled avar a settea lun the danee ud, lu h. fall, han arm brui. te h. vrlst. Bbc launuden he Unto! a doctor sud viii i. laid up $or @ornetime. APPELLATE2 .COURT .JUIME 15 NAMED' Judge Carnes of De Ralb oountyha ~eaappcu oin tai h. uprome court smmij er fieappellate beach *M tlitadistrict vti mue Chiarles *M#b flag !Waukegau »d othens vilo, M.. th . etli of .ud"e Wllls have ÎF * wafl dthéab ailumext. - fWe tl4eCanes la al kuavu Jurial SeouUt y, iviu&,If la sald. at PLAN ADOPTINIR DEKALB CO. PLAN 0F BOOSTINfI FARM DEVELOPMENT IN COA-NSULL_ FAORS IT New President of Agricultural Society Strongly Favors Plan of Hlrlng Expert to HeIp Farm- ers of Lake County Develop Their Land - as Has Been Donc ln Dekalb County Two of countys weaihlest men were eiected to bead the Lakte County Pair association for the cern- lin year ai file ainuna meeting beid lu Libertyviiie Wedneaday. Tbey were Samuel Issull, famiiariy knowu as the 'Electric King" sud rer.ognized as one ot the weatules and inoët proinil- nent mîen lu the country snd Josepîh Zediii Patterson, one of tbe veaithiesi reideuf of Lakte County. Mr. Ineul'i home la at Lih)ertyvilie. The officere' eiecfed vere: Pr*dent-gamuel Inîtull. Pirot Vice Presidenit .logepb Mediii patterson. Second Vice i'resident-l'autt Mac- Guffi. Sscretary-Rtty iL.Hulpard. Treaurer-Roy P. Wright. Directors-P . .iattereliali, Grays- laite; L. B. Ilamby, Llbertyville. W. Bl. Sfmith, Waukegau, lRobert Rouse, of Rockefeler; E. i. Davis, Libertyville. The electinu of Mesers. lusuil and Patterson cornes as quite a surprfise as if la the firat time lu tbe liltory ot the association that the prealdeut bas been a man ot vealf h or prestige. Oue oft .he reasins for the act. lit la believeil. la that hoth of these men bave aivaya tahen a great lutereaS lu the fair associationusud have awsysI bail large exhibiti. The membersot the association evidently telt that their intereat sud assistance shauld be rewarded. Rventylive men were presecula the annual meeting wbich proved lu te s very nterestiug session The election of SanNuel mesul. tbe ridi Clilcagoan, ns presîdent o! the Laite County Agrîcuiturai association f lifs annuai meeting iti Lihertyville Wednssday. Dec. 4tb, Leftle mont lui- partant fbing fb5t bas eVer accurreti lu the career of the association, and, vith Mn. lusull bas heen brougit lto tbe active Ilite of the. association, Jos- epi Medil Pattereon. alsa a rich Chi- cagoasuliviug ucar Libertyvilie. Tha. tact that fisse tvo ilanalres have aceeptal the officese iven Ilium by the 1"e e oouuy assocaton shows3 that their iuierests lu Laite cauuty aud Il&aveltare ia'not ludefinhte but la very teen. Bth men, previona ta being el.cted, &id they vosihd accept the offices snd do ailtbey could fa boom the agriculfural eociety. And, tram their general reputation as hooot- en., hilsineane more than the average -persan nsallaes as regards the future of this saciety of Laite county. May Adopt Sig Plan. Mr Insul ba long been kuovu as a stauncil supporter of fthe DeKalb cauuty plan af deveiapiug thle farma af a cauuty. DeKatb veutunuder the plan of iriug a siate university rep- resentative vilose dufy la f0 travel about the county and glve advice aud suggestious ta farmers as f0 bav ta deveiop tiair land. It le said the tfarm produçtions lnliefiret year lu- crsas-ta the extent of a million dol- lare. Presldeuit ManGuffin. at the annuaij meeting expaiued ta the hundreil memiiena preseut fil-t Mn. Inaull strougly favoreslelais lan anil h. io- Ileveil It to be the tiing for- Lake cou- ty fa do. te sdopf chia plan. Mn. Mac- Gufflu isa addeail cat, as DolCall baFkeft took up the plan sud hackeil 1k. no 0Lake couafy bankera ludividual. Ir sud aomvhat collectivClY. bave accepted the proposition as feashbl, anil fb.g bave expressmeila iagU sa ta go mliciteItluaietail sud pasbly fats up fie plan ot baeking IL. Wlfh M. Ineullaf fie hoad o! the, agrieul- tunal eociety. ch. bankena o!f hecônu- ty ane aura te lemil heur aId te the movemeut. Mn. MacGuffin adileil liatIf Laite couftyadoptai lh. DeK#àb plan, ho le aune a diffeneuce of a bal! millon la erope vwould ha MMseen le 1Iat Yeun fie expert voried wvltià ti ers. Hoe toit fiat lhé value niof landl voul< ha lncrsasmi$25 aux aarte i.first Mr after the expert's advice were given ethe farmers. He feit that, Ifrlteo farni- Serts of Lake county Join witb Mr. i enuliand Mr. Patterson lu rnaking ethe society the succesIt should be, ithat it wouid aoon become a power for igood instead oft Igingl the light of how long cau it exiet" as bas been ithe case for some years. He urged the Co-operation of farmers, show- Lng bow that was necessary If the of- fleers were f0 succeed. le bellevPd the movement was the most Important tblng that has been taken up in the ldevelopmnent of the farmIng Intereste 0f Laite county and urged ail to recog- nixe the neceesity of getting together to boost the thing along. ineui Not et Meeting. NMr. Imsullwae fot iresent at the meeting but bis election was unanim- ous for none but the ticket eiected fwas put Iu thse field and that was ielected by acclamation. 1 Ray Hubbard. serretary, wae re- 2eiected. The directors are ail new Ymen witb thse exception of Mtr. Batter- s hall. who was re-eiected. W. B Smith was vice president lest year. 4iRAND JURY IN. PSESSION; 1MANY t CASES COMdING UPI BUSY DAY AT THE COURT HOUSE1 WHEN GRAND AND PETIT JURIES CONVENED. MURDER CASE US TAKEN UP QUESTJONINGO0F JURORS iNDI. CATES DEFENSE WILL BE THE INSANITV PLEA. (P'rom !îlonday's Dally Sun.) This vas a lusy day at the court bouse, vitil the grand jury going into session. vitis circuit court In session uptairs vhite co'unty court hehd forth ln the supervisera' room dovu tirs. The grand jury came lu rather tard- Ilhy sud It vas If a'chockIt stead of 10 vbeu Judge Whitney atidreaseil hie re- marks f0 the jurars. States Attorney Dady then tooit the jurors lufo their chambers vliere lie started lin vith a long liât of Importaut cases. The su4ervsors couvene on the lfltb. George Beuveil, of WaucoInda, vas chaien ta a! ficiate as fareman of fils grand jury by Juilge Chiarles Wht uey. The jurora vent infa easian at il jo'clock. The tiret case called te theiri attention by Assistant States Attarney Eugene Runyard was the. case of the tive Grass Lakte men Who are charged with having wrecked the home of G. Herman.Siais AÂttorney Dady aeeks ta have these tive men indieteil on a 1maliciaus miachief charge. Accarding to one witness certain men enterei the Herman residenc. et Grsue [akel sud destrayed the furniture. Bight wltnesoe appeareil before the jurera ln this case. At the conclusion of tis case the grand Juron vwent to din- uer. The. first case vaele, thelr ait teution after the noon meai v5è the. 1case agalusi Dr. Risinger of ChIcago. r After Making his toPeUlUg reniank 1to thç jury, Mr. Dm417 turded them -over to hie assistant, Mr. Enayard. Who proceerded vtl t t.éliagr case. The lust of grand Jurors fer the De acember term foflowti* e Decemher term-Ra3mtîel Nage m " iCharles Maatkol. r Town of. Newport 1.December terl>-Cherlea Enwea (OoWlnaed oIa P&ageTIret ý"KIL HIM"---"'LYNCH HIM"OWES DIlS LIFE TO STAMPEDE SECUN WHEN SOL- DERS AEALIZED HE HAO SNAPPED KNOCKOUT BLOW. S. Goid, Waukegan îphotorapber andi offi(iai pbotograpb.ýr for the Nav- ai Training Station. bail tie sensa- tion of bisIlite Tuesday night at Fort Sheridan wbeu he souglit ti faite a flaablglht picture of a kitocitout pîunch deiivered lu the viudup of the boxing tournameut lu the gymnweiim of thle fort, bis effort belug tak,'n as an an- tagonistie dieftiaY ofen1ettri.rilie by the' soliers No soofler bad the fia'îhiight burned than the cravd of sldieres ho bai luaf seeu G. Fournier of the Naval Trainiug Statian kuocrk out Private Hopklusou of the fart, thau tbey yeiied aud rusbed towards the baicony where GIoid bad stationed himseif with bis camera atter having had permission trom Lieut. Stephenson that be migbt take a fiashlgbt of the final bout of the evenIug. 'PIe lieutenant did not expect a kuocitout woîîld ensue or lite- iy the permission would flot bave been granted. At suy rate, the soidier t cli under the sailors punch aud as he lay there, Goid aw the bout was over and be tlasbed bis camera and the picture vas taken. Aud then thingg began. The cnowd lu the balcony made a rush tevards Gold, yeilg Eut hlm," "Put hlm ouf." etc.. sud Gold. dolng bis beat to defend bimsif tried ta ex- plain that be bail permission to taite the picture. Then the crovd began pourng up tram the main floo)r, ail trylng f0 get at (Jolil, vio natîîrally tiîougbt bis tîme bail core-for, auybody knove vilafta expert ln a rrovd of angered soldiers. fN'ialI.v, tbrougb the crowd, appear- ed Lieut. Stephenson, vbo, ruehing q to Goid'a aide. beld ishieband i) îand1 couvmauded attenttiontth e privatea.j Hie explained te ibein tbat heoliad giv- en Golil permission te tate a picture but ilid nat expuert It voulil be a pic- ture a! a kuoctout. Accordiugly, ho. like the others, Insieteil that the plate s ereofa the kuocitout, muet lie de- trayed. He and others accordingiy kiciete h ie plates over Sud thus emaslied tbem betoro tbey left the bal. Crowd Nut Satlafled. But the crowd vas nat satistleil aud tbey menaceti Geid ail file tîme vltb thle result tilat the lieutenant feareil If ho lt Goid go fo the station alane, ho might sustain itodiy harm. Ac- cordIngly, hoe delegateti a special guard of sliera toesecort hum ta the depot. Andl, amhd mirmuriuga of the soldiers. Gld vent t. th.eleectrlc station and returneil ta Waukegan, is plates al broken, aud, hie camera injured llgbt. "I«« tbaugbt sure I vas galng la lie iillail," said Gold ln speaing of hIs experieuce, addiug fliat ho voteli nof have been there exceptlug chat tSê naval lads vaut ed picturas of fthe matches. He te af the. opinion that r.ienfment voulil not hava hsen no iteen agaluat bis Retians If file saihare hsil heen gettlug 4~e varat o! thle boute, but, file soldiers liiitly became peaveil becauee they vne haing out. Nevis Wln Agate, The main haut, hetveeu HopkItnsan and Fournier. vas a farce for the nav- al lad kuocieth e solier davu vifi mimot tile tiret crack ho maile ta- varda hlme. snd, vifi the second. h. put hum dovu sund out. Il fook hlm 4et 47 seconds f0 vin the match. A noflceable fhila la chat the. naval îlads agaln defeateil ch. soldiena. this belug thi eonud time tiisy von the malority of bouta. In h. flratbout Ballon Coabrillo1sf tu Slier Piellaou a foui fa ch. sec- ond but bo la eaud te have iad the béat o! thé. bout aIl the.vay Ibrongi. Blailor POealY von lu a kuookoul lu ttint fu-e osmd ~EWe odàor, l5van. Salior cbuloOMaaoc lesoien aku" ttbosl u: -' FACT TuÂT lIE <iT MARRIEDON FRIDAY IF HENRY O. WHITE HAD NOTý LEFT MONDAV HE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN BLAST CLAIMÀED BRIDE IN WIS. SUN SOLVES MYSTERY OF MAN WHO 88 ANXIOUSLY BEING SOUGHT AV MIS SISTER Henry O0. hte otf aukegan, !roitably owes hie lite to the fact that be derideil te get marritedlIset Frlday. A rather eiartling statenient. but truc.l nevertbelese.Iliat I Nr. White net got utarried at that tinte lie iii ail proita- tiity wouiti have iteen killeil or In- litred lnifte explosion wbuî'ltdt-stroy eti the dry tarch plant of (lite Corn Products Refiing compant. Cap, Said by Some to Contain Fui- minate of Mercury, Will be Exam- in the Presence of Corôner's Jury; Subpoena Kenosha Firemen. Supt. Ebert Oives Mis Theory on Fi re. and Explosion. lnquest Continued l'le niyeterv caip-, ýaiî by some te contin filttiriftp f nert ury, ii-ked j -slarcb buse hiFireman Michael Jacobs, ofthte Kenesha dî-partmenf, promises te play a prominent part iu the prîobe of the biset nov belng cou. defed by sae»pcos The Inquest beld over the remains ô f the fourteen victime was cODtinued until Frirday mornlng at the request ot the state inspectors, lu order tbat Jacobae mlgbt be subpoenaed. Ebert Firat Witnes. Charles Ebert, superinteudent of the Corn Products Rettuing company, Wauitegan plant, was fthe oniy witness wbo fook the stand Wednesday more- Ing. & f9 Supt. Ebert gave bie tlieory o! thle tIre aud tbe subeequeut explosion, and Bîdînger received a letter frotti a Nirs. every step lu tise iroceBseut starcb Kelley residing in Greenbtîrg. M., ask- manufacture. ing witb regard to INIr. Wbite. irs.1 Keliey, wbo le a ister oft Mr. White, declared that lier lroîher bati been employedin luhe dry starcb bouse of the local refinery, She had writteu blm a letter Immedilateir sUer the ex- plosion, she eaid, but bati received ne reftly. For tbie reason the oniy tbing left for ber to do vas to conclude that hbelcther liai lest hie lite lInle fatal biset or that be was lying it a local bosuital, seriouely buàrnei and inJured. Site asitedti at the mayor do ail iiu hie power tu iearn s.unt'ing detiniteiy abyoutler irther. if remained for the Sun toislte mystery. The S'on, uhon 1investigation learne that Mr. White of flua clty andi Mise Olive Palenake of Medtord. Wis., lad declded f0 get marriedl lait Priday. lu- teail of going to wont last Monday, if te salu thtat Mfr. Whie went te Meti- tord. vliere ho called for lie bride. There they completed f beir arrange- mente for tlie elopement snd took a train for Ottawa. Ill., on Frlday. Arrived there f bey founti the court bouse closeti, but the couple wended their way fo the boute of Deputy Caunty Clerit Robert Smith and se- cure-f the utarriage license. They vere married at the Preabyterian par- sonage by Rev. D. K, Campbiell. tater they left for Streator and fPeoria. lui ail proftabilily tiîey viii return Iot Wauitegau lu the course et a fev daye. Because Mr. White vas otut of the city the letter sent bim hy bis sister was flot received andi esuseti ber to tear tiat ho vas a vlctlm of the ex- plosion as ils lunal probability vouid have been bailie net loftth le lty ou the day it bappeneil to maite arrauge- mente for hie vedhing. COLORED BISHOP VISITED IN CITY Bisliop B. P. Les, over tbis district of Atrîcan M. E. cilurcis visitai Rev. H. E, Johnson yesterday alternoon and evenlug, ieavlng ou thse 7:46 train ibis a. m. for Chicago, vhere ho la lu ai- tendance at fthe Feileration of churcli- es. Hie visit ilai refereuce ta thse local cilurcil vont, the oelebration of the 5til auniversary of fie freedom o! the negro aud the 5Och anulvereary of Willerforce University of vilicil Blsh- op Lee and Rev. .Johnson are gramiu- atea, sud tfi ladest acilooi cautralled by negroea In til country. The bîsil- thia caensunify ding file year. INCORPORATE AT SPRINGFIELD. West Coul Roing andl Manufac-i turing coneany, 12.000; mauufacturlng building mafenlale, macilineny, mooflg materblas. e.; Mar D. Goodman Dinh melatee, Walter IL EnH. o-f Take PromInent Part. Tbrs astate inspectors were preseut snd repeatediy during NIr. Ebertas tes- timony tbey "eut lu" sud requested a more tuiler explanation. The tilree ln- spectors preseut vere Harry C. Mortz, John Fitzelmmone and Dr. George L. Apteibacit. Thory of Pire. Mr' Eberts tbeory of the fire and the explosion: EXPERTS SOON TO BE BROUGiIT IIERE TO CONDUCT TESTS THE DISTRESS OP THE WALLS AND THE WAY TIIET LEAN CAUS- ES MIE TO BELIEVE 'PHAT TlU PIRE IRST STARTED ONK TUE MAIN PLOOR 0F THEX"STARCH HOUSE." I BELIEVE THE FIR" STARTED IN ONE 0P THE CON- VEYORS IN THE BAMMENT. à IFOREIG;N AGENT-A PIBCE O1 METAL- A NUT-OR A WASEEE PROBABLY ST1RUCK A SPARKif N THE CONVEYOR IGN11MlNO TUB STARCH. 1 THINK THE TIRE CAR- RIED UP THE OONVEYOR OR ELM& VATOR siSHArrl INTO THE ItOP- PERS IN THE CUPELO AND) THE EXPLOSION THAT WRENI T'EU BILDING ffLLOWiD. 1 DO NOT BELIEVE THAT TE IRE OR THE EXPLO9SION TOOK PLACE IN THE KILNS OR THE MILla. TED WALLS 0F THE KILNS ARE STILL INTACT, AND 1 TIND THAT BUT ONE KILN D9R 18 OPEN-TEAT DOOR 1 BILO?' HAD BRUN OPEN- ED BT AN EMPLOTE. 'uoder croes examInation hy tate la.- spectors Supt. Ebert admltted thet «N pfoliately - 500W panade o& dry starch - the finiseild product - bail been stored lunfthe happer, la the, cupelo. He admitteil that ho bail boOm unable ta locato one plece of vOmi <Cotinued on Page Tvo.> IIOSPITAL ASSNe lIAS MADE AÀPLEA fOR ASSISTANCE WILL MARE A REPORT SHOWING DEFICIT IN THE TREASURY AND THE EXACT QUALITY 0F OAS NO MEANS IN SIGHT UNLIS& SEING FURNISHED. THE PUBLIC AIOS. ARGUMENT FOR REDUCTION ENTERTAINNENTS PUANNES ANNOUNCEMENT THAT LOWERI RATE 111 TO SE OUGNT« CREATES INTEREST. Accarding ta those vito are intereBt- eti lu the formation off lie Elglify Cent Glas League lu Wautegsn, thie bringiug bore of experts fe test the quality o! the gas vîi le une or the tiret tblngti tilat viii be done lu fhe campaigu te ilammer dovn tise rates. *We intendti t brlng experte here vbese teetimouy canuot lie doubteul andi vînse examlnatlonâ viii carryï conviction," Attoruey Claire Bilvarde deciared. 'It voulil noftliea good tbing for us te mate the plain stae- meut that the gas le poor aijiltIen net backil IfUp vitil substantial proot. It la this kihuiof proot that vs alm ta give the Waukegan people. At that 1 am cônvluced that f iffie matter vere f0 lie put f0 a vote that practlcally every citizen ln thse ity voulut ieciare tilat the quality ofthfle present time la abominable. '-l am net baelng til statement au vilat a fev have tolil but tram vilat 1 have boeard lu ail parte of tise City andl tram. vilat 1 actually ituav tram my avu experience. Why tilere are timon vilen file gasInl my home la so poor that ve have fa vatt supper ustil af i- are have tiniailei sa that vo can get auough ilsaf. *'I have isen Intormeil thiat gasi igilf lu file court hanse bas hecame 80 un- salsfactary hat te bard of super" visars at thein next session viiili e aikeil tamakce somee sort oa aecange.,, The snauRceMent that fie league ta f0 b, fonmlnu the City bas creafeil (Coatbwue on Page Tvoj wiTHDRAWAL OP SUPPORT BY CITY AND COUNTY CAUSED FINANCIAL EMUARASUIMENT The' lane NMeAlister hospitalsso ciallen lias mtade an appeai ta thle pq*. lic for assistance. Records for 1a year show a deticit. due iargeiy fo the tact ltat botb the couuty and it iy vitlidrew their support Etertaie- mnte are te le givon tila lier lu an effort taraises tunila but t ta kuova thaf the mouey ralsed illiinot ha suE. Ment. For til reaaon if lia be found necessary f0 make the. plea for aid to the public. Thse vouderfulîy eMcient vos-k et flie hospifal lu caring for the iajeWtd lu file receuf explosion aIt the Cote Producte plant la stIll tfneh l inte minde of'. Wankegmn people md itlal very probsable filaI the. pies vl a« tali ou deaf ears. Tiie uscesslty for a hoapital vas vert demonetra' ai ou that occasion.1 TPh. plea ofthfie hospltal assoIation la faund hIntthe foiioving etatemeat et plans: On Dec. 3 file commttes o nerW falumeuf appointai h3' the Preeldet efthfie Jane McAister boapîtal Van ralflai iy the cbairman, Mes. P. MC. Kuight, tW meef ber at 529 Northi e13» ses street for the pue-pose ot os-gaalb- ing sud planning tbe wait for fhe c. log yesr. Thle plans for the chanify bal vM compiefeil sud vhen perfectuil vIE W given ta the public. It w« a so 4e cidedt tahave a aerles 01rs~0 uoou card parties duriag IbM W *- 1ta he glven hy tetiisIxhilM e* r (O*Umu au es. ý 1

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