Dst ART SO IMÂOINE, If you ecu, a traPPirnahurle s*MU. Atir sses thle eebimmit aiherse te hp divne TS» i uan 6f»et tall snd vel Pro- and 1h99,00sthéi facto, If- la our alin'te$Iidealup t (tl' Or ivg'dajq potcni xcptlonally clear and Bt convcion t]4t thi e or* 0 f the ft- foe. bideath but aet 1 at "a n'. hl.o tmetiv4 feaurca. With a jouerai BP- natICal toachlb veWUli %t call Sodi- ipu W uffor adse trfi'i.t#that ho aàm4 iéineo on vie woud ]lot wil- c*lal ad aveu Iluthis Casea fr'o f for medlcal &id miii 'aabed W b.hodut 'Uag vnib to hlm death wthout a sliglt loging sme et .thelr influence wth to thé hoapîtal. But, reative$ gui, Pretefft, their veak-mlnded tollowr.' friande inalted ho venu getaelees i ANDi IMAfINz If o. boai a horae whch amlterod right-mnd.,acoordlng la reports, bla 'T'hotâmre Young 'man- lyin inre from lood-pionnor gnr4,h etotebveiuri Sov. 7tb lart, wth hi@ rght arm rot- would kIl! iý ter hedound a etortu- Aulted uhat. posaibiy couli haPPOun lSa1my at the aibov vithout &flY- ary. asrvl ý outi not sare It. to help the tIctIn', on. of thé attmn-. Idhit 41ug due for bilm. f one had à 4tegvhoao îog vasda<ammivé . istemecl AN 3AGNEbroken and gangrena bad cet lu, ho asOclt"onPermilthte càry QUI ttie SThat"men.youug Mani lylng ilu woutd shootiti. to D. i Ur an en ae. vith the. arn reaity rotted If on. b.d any mort of a beaemi h k a"O nswcav @aostbiug »btla *,usrly bauàging hy a émail woui ather troatit, or ]LIl It upon "«Ob, hOefP oitidBrIu 0( lal.fining * ame 'onpteith as bai - the ie the àuMh~co- X*O1NU that Young Mai, lYlng lunBloultVm. thèt WUtiisIêreÇt - M oUdl&to iOiWthotti thetoatbit -Tet, bors, lun aulghtenai commu. of h*boy Yl55au a& ic ci adkilcal aid being given hlm, ai- nlty. a Youn manIo 15sB&flced te the las o<fBaï ici ei O1 ùN v a ho holds a tate cer- atat of fanatlcin a l order to mk. BAVE hrmn ielmado . «q te prautîce medcine dld not a «teachiig" statnd up béfere a ueo- aertigg te mnedical molence. ugs t ILecesaary to admilulter any Pie who are veam.ne& obMW4ft And itaIlt»Us e i 'ILams vhsbre but of aid but prayr-aud the nd ignorat of vhat the AlgtWU thé ta b» qei~utaino& - but jlsmmna lire 'alovly obhmavay realiy vante or expects but go shead a amai lnjury te hi r.wbliIf sA k lithe tortures o oitalrgihbldt térosit ti lelf'edàw attebffliDtgperI inigJètbave requir- tg blécystem os hi&m stéîp vas rab-ta honest, incere and watciifcl o éd a tev attches, but u"«e ne cir- eis ic Poison their aécdm. - cumstanees voul4 have prorci .fatal. 1ZWNE IN ]TACT thé e ot 10k- Iu Our mlud It te bigh tinie tle nu csm Yeuli*ain. Anyth4 % V r»? i~~a1of the ind that jour mini pld b tgi i aéhut nu s' ttset. h êipof ~~7aelvea~T«EN REALL cdpI. and DO BOMHTIIING vhtc ie ftta .cmipuuty rilo lt lhs aiébi lu iCl. privent mucb thinga lu the.future. api power imaiteslai that tale 14 vOuuty gu4 Mate 0f -Illnois. Ther. have bée 10ton Y la the Pat ltion hé ohIiffli If emi 8 'luimagine Ott -but they tui kbép on. an. ,vthin mokea schti dgé impossilie Ilutel, W4thata, the truc statua of thé a fév day. mtwwaitm. notblug morelghteubimga? -ty cae viieré Athur Reed, la hern. W. belleve sol M a iandmome a Youn'g n'as m But, ecdi im, a lits a acrlleé Ad#. *e belbve fuvtberthst théeaii i vlawh tW meet, assamfe- -and thé county, thé mlii., thé na- 1horin ofiet ocouuty yl brins the te *M fonatcan'orfth Volivaltes tlou PertasIL le continue. blést poce 0f credit iipou thiel *M e make goou onlueir cilaitl>munt iLlUme te Do BOMETHINO? melvés they'bave ever bai If they .vin 0 e hullng and no moeicno. Théeotate, the nation, protects, its oui>. lu tiblu pçeé.,k-sP afIn ibt dermii t» doctrine a&Ocat- homs, I1Wcatt.lelis heop. Tiié> gulît>' on.« sud péneeaiethate t l~hes.raderas e t lcer-t protet thea s ecaneeUhey arelinuer. lisit the Uic .a 44,ie e fev iaui h *n iiallow a ont. Thun, If ignOfsilOêln Ppofle ai-lobafor, . te te*e h vqe mm tg dle as this one di, Iova thon' to hidyprn uhanut 0mré pf u lJ trYiuu la the, béat tg relievé lMeus, ahoutint the tate, Uhe nation, and effort te hit thé espoachull': or gav, big 1»eby nu ethé couuty, DO SOMETHINO' te rouloua eal la tee ieàUa 1t u. MOitmcgc,but ordnar>'Afoorilnq to e6ru; a tàeé ricidmer. - Bamum!A. Mller*'"as borDApril 1, 17.lu 013e. couMtý, Vîipla, ani Wpéaed avaîtbt lm bUt ortx-*eUt Of Ur Ouikee.Novemuber t6, 1913. Ï~ At the a"e 0f ive yéarm hé came Wth ibit parentFot. Pu I Mou.1 TRIÀ Dowthe cPi t Chicago. lu the autumu ef 183a i.tabler. Jacob lMWi 'or, came te Laboeo.ty *adn e.ced a i&.LS ~ ~ S& or TMUL ealcfvat la nov miuri. Tne O CIES Lt u@Nu' faul>'moyeu luathé pijtg ai >utte 9-PuýomN WAS maRGH u .aPMI U& 1w ibâpday. Vert lu- dlmus, the ouly Peoplte thén iving for mile -mnd. ' «~iA INTALUTINQ INCIDIETT <WBWEEK WIUi VEIIRFi- - 1<WAN1LSTO SSVL Tha catlug ot me qisal vt*o'uon SDanterth i MWunde r ik t'him iagn»iaut ti ut t to« Isét pVMgu«oeiih e .~vmrJames. Welcii of Ncvp.ft a stfwv sla t94o < f Iu 184Q 1fr. MOiter yokei Up théo 1» hlm brOtherW B e, Wre0utg lu lie sprlng <j 1- S.$ ,iib «Ou e Loate purchàmé a faim, patef hlch he levaei at ibi dfltb.1 1 1OunPùrnary la, 1854, he Wei mar rwe to Miesa Flielié uHiO vih v»h i o iriuntit ber i..th, Sept. j0 » 1888. i» Nckr o Nepor wb--1 Irs Ou Ot. 16, 1889, ho vas Uiti lu zackevfo! Neve, lhe 2 'ére Mmaage tWMisA 1Ana- Wilson, Who caMi fr .rvpé u U ~¶lé Dec. s1,1lu1, on. 41ÉMIO ~Aua NMyoa,lf yen fini h deenéutt v as hoatue. thonsu. , Mr. i4tt1w jAa Mr o murervoté We bang hlm*?" j wiied, tEiahéhliGerT>. Nov. 9 mi thé ttes atorney.192Wh uvéeb 1'b r**er turuc i hme eyé towards Mr. Millet vawu a member -eft tità ouej mn, wactlilng hlm cloely Gurce. ChiUt3n cingholite a numilér ciaté: "1 holi a'y I voulu, et YeérM. 'Ht vWa ei& fe ret-tnWar- -. bprn thé loobs otthé téllow. If ho rau démêler>' Npv. 27. 191L. Ix% ill the min tla im, ho sure- Hé usé beau iM for over a year. 1 vil kîli sornebOdy else beforé AR 0.T 9K8 1Lîd, Tacher vasu't far off, for. artonr miii fnlenhishtbo m e i~h- àe uMi lai boon ent to pisniti for usn ulgtémttpaaddauc 0in thé Lake ceunty man, hé ktled t our b teleé haan efthaor, * oel-mt. a Jol~talc the singer aud bboié Who enat He Was lnà a md FIL floivérs. The abOri t.ais190nov toli f a Lake' MUS. ElIAABWI'IlMILLER. Vtt> min cailed te the Danforthi ANNA M rY. H. returned te hie homo sud, i «Péaklng te a fnlend, showai peér- %»'« hécause he vami't accepted on iéAiMf ewai. e m.A leipamu l (e4m ém. elelmatlu ,'141, vhat did vou sa>, Iiat thé> tue fltietb annIvermarX' of h$a»t»" 416%aCCopt jeu?" asked hbu friends. BIc, dra ml tî tiottbimord et 140 thy &kýhappy mannmugee t 1vhlcuhé& M*o. "WéI, té>'aékd me if I vould olted. Oui or 4.»0Teepl« ea rrled. Me b"lg' Daforh If hé ereot'Ioculsbv u tuc 0n-u f in urder and 1 saiI______1__ ae." e rpcithe venireman. a.pi j -Wui, viii diduet you tell them tiét Iniut 13illat ftla*r-Itév lail jeu li weuldt necemmil>' vote te bang aroult ét home III. eVemlpg? SUMe y-l on jlimight have hten - Ditto--My it li lu a &b.d hécu:M li.h phs'adied the fnlend. baed Smp..y mrt *f4ho wan't. O*b«wlc as thé uaê7-the nman ex- neai>- 18evfjaà wsmt iu<ji befereme bad ald h,, wo.ld witea Mmd. toe; ohé gel remi> fr ot " te bang and they dîdn't c cmuamu>ahil'd iû euuY- et Wià s, viii ho thévworld ouîd I gî. soid to make mysehf atisaé-~ IWhtle a dock. g4 aheeltwvubolus 40&ni, hvas runt-lt &va a7came iiven mima thIC lauDe mai Cgrilsi igmé the tage vol<h'tcepi anY.-reai. néar the tovu et ,IéooebsW O>' «hoe opemeul lbang mg ué théed- SStOUBi, thé ét! Ur. Ba Tlm ma", vould't îccopt auybody taho bt l lVlts h li ta Xlénlr adecated héngng. ~ 1.d..p~nii~Ii I IOP t lle muéd:eean; sorili1k. . muai-" CU~W ~I lai, 411 ji* O stasMm MAi*,C1'PT WUbe: aou The Ia*Tbees o, aue- M tiétf léotWtdl4ng wvgtter the$ Ç!uggf oodo"n from &il lartS, i1eéui raI0" t4 mc f hor b cutaMOteo ôt the couaty vue. Umm lu Woodtmeqi 18b èontae o i. Wh one tbtde.ita ltl u bm e Iid4e..m; ut19, ad that osem.n li esu b ç hoprofesli vi eea ttréliwr 'n ièit o cci pue sué Ret th >iAttorney , ft 4leY«. r inalpes. 110continue . hhqr amgaaoé h 0 Jt4 ' p l V s , é h d b p lr P é i!. H p p o lu lc i e u t te t b * O a th one emIabuluigtêay. «t" »theé~4 héy ateod tIr a o vevrtlbva ty tilmn bveSt Uc'theprofitg ont cil golng agaluat thoinand mays tht the buuiqè 1 j" haves 'hbolsm théna' mmotore ra"x, t staud fimu rer ~ a tbl~ m. com« fitPua jaiodw vhen thtngp ar. cming thi ci fr .ýuut & m"i MI',H.mgg tésW OIT. -u 44"i p thee .are W fthe vlctorS e b imeurgsnts Q11511 t. towe an> tlibug r M li Ve va touis fat mcan dicbsi dan W* y eur biuolb, veugat et fîgit ho Loid ofthé lu ~icqo héSoButh Bide bPrbéTj mbt hé hbaheen maklng for Yeam te 1AémI ilrnéfithelr r" m ~MOiéaMOrTOadéquats adjumiméit ,TuE NWe -wî* IaetÔ'3olu Whethêr" Yo u rch9se o0r Not 203 ýQmese $Stieçt. 0<074e 241 Waukgau vercatsend St uren cts ourisi. Our Wp j! ous.t time te do business sud durm' the few day. Icft ~ dLrpQwg qf Our rc&<de' -T k Ia~uec our necessifs and sove f rom t $IJnéur wlnter sM#4~ overcoat. ,~ OP2N lWÉ~ttKNGS Au entertal'flent vit' lié held lu TrIpp acheel ho»uée moit f Lfbei't ville Wniay, Dec. 1304 ut 1:30. Md. mccbi nteret copIea luthé e ai "C"" a.oi thé pree 'peaker et Prof. W. t.ciate, t bWyIertt r 0finoiuslawk« psaka "Preévt'tu or sf ell ërility moi ocuénïal Fam Soonomlc.", t~ea 1*k, as vati as S 3 Ee oie ate éter tealures 0f n bar. becu prori e r sudtbý ~p pism ot theemcehlngla, oc fat~ .610m Maue tlu tiê couat>' asitla OofetI tintb tepe Ié*UI4 aàmut é »M uMM9 oeheel a moial' oster for h o munit>'. Deaéer, tînu oi mion ln Rody.- M -fl'L it.nec. Il.Doo vwie -epired man utepa' loi>' et li ra- WreBWhoaiér.. v- dao* lubn i tiata tlé béin oit 168 th uusa(eh é éai Burvoushfta 0 UatStk<i" ilned $5 frcnp t tthécI court becaumu he lit'api die Bpeod, a nqesshargc i vtl,ý malait te Herê t' bailbeS-1 pitutîci hitle écourt. Pékin, IIl.,De. 11, - Thé' pct8 ef GIerge Ber weà oft Cty i>, am Bcbmefcr Of M e biarviage. ColInf. amer, roai t'ngc~ê peusiilndtnêl7-fatt s1,mft of théel 11 Ceai oup mine at Là an. and wam 'pa1 C. Kemptin, 'vWd Zo J041éi ggber. a féilot, iiuploye, leur q mico, rotunu.d amlii aadneei vu emi, à, Opat Ulé e> . d&S w , A beau . Fe.c Si (éi4M ce -The 19,Uo Boter Cltho& sI. 4mOS eb smn -4 4 bd m ai 4iat thO Mapuoieum wil! bulosg ta yo., h wili be the abSolute property of those who tub- uçIb~ pgç bkh youW111 aI on ta îransieuihtoi uaieal esate, it is a grod invegnt t*0 «- pérvestorewili need, at the vem wb reducà lftràdtàctofYPrice. The entir buildng wil Z 7 -- bc h.d wthniil4W 'DJ It pet:'the walls audZartitions and everlasting. A Chais- li" or 01i13providsdgo that sr iriAi 6,avices and fitl uaio tt may bc bold promOtl l *$P~~lBl '~'~any vesiier. TKérés." pftUhhIa <P~ very adv4ntae iiitat«r ubelb At ammch mo ~demu Mauaôiu>, att p.4eundpl4 ~only question W. o maoy i and ýuteutPeeple hère apiiweclate Iblu opportunit>', sud. viii pait _____________________béfore 1h je tee lité. Infouiaion -Ilbh.cheerfully fornioW dIf lnquiry umaéattiGi Mie or If you will mail a reqtust to; mli fojwg 9,,,P*ful Aftmatlon' wil bç Mnt to you. Pléie * adt0: L$&X Ilt L!DeMý IMe *eseOu vm11 i Î# Umm . o'-bo. yu s4* f s, o. ~0 a 't go 80, 'id S e. i 1k lu' lia as lé s, 12 i- 17 1 si