cbinobil (3oate N6velty Mîxturtl ~ ~ ~ WV M1~izs. Biekpsy, juetanbrw Clioit3è 6f 200 $nits, worià-h è ,0 ée . . . ýie. uàa*ed W 1Ét,ýL 'z 4'1 ÇOATS il If Hhi» 49ightffr Spot C ashf tes"üNzfactuers Noie 1~ ANU U IT ATLEM- THÎAN HALF TZ Obojiea of, 10<> (bats worthi 08.00, mI)elto6n" <Qtg,, korsey -Sàata, fane), mixtitre%. Iheie 'Peots arc ail clo raR,ith »todjunm shawl colavW O-hoice of 150. Coats, vor th "1 ecd, blguket loth coaschpeula oasbroad cloth coats, tan;, gray, navy and bae,50 t ....... 7~ <hldie's fln ~ choice of 15o rafkod Wit .5eehlre n'e flan- e iiel lejJg 1.50 1riîwess Sl79s and White pt ýt 79c 5)0v (chideiI'à an.- Jc lueette pettieoats.... .35c re g19 hiai aprons ....... 9 'i5egighm.apa ons ~c 7e.blark iier-ee>. 9 *.0black and col- ored heavy petticoatsa Bat pins, a big ai- O soraiet, 7e,25e.. Poar o all clr . .... O Clroie Qf 300) (bats, worth Pla o4ot xEaeuI18 sôft. -ap pooket$, alcolors, al asimeW fow, en'and misses, Ohoice of 1M< coats, .worth ~9eaeh, chncill eatn, at claracl - trinîèd l oilai cif f 8 si kf rog f asene.1 *35. Make dà1itfu1Iy accept- abè itâ Utï1 "0 O apf pro- Okin sets, inu crète-n co.lois, $1.50 valuies 9 at ..............9c ';Chi der'a -fsncy --beatrskm beaver çone.)v and mwek rat nuets, f roua $1. ....... ...... .Chikiren s and Ladies flan- Ail w"oo1 serge skii ts, Iaork anad bine, wven S 2 4 ý»ndi misseSs gzes . 24 Hiavx ivool serge à»4 diag- onual skirt, butt 3.48 ôu5e r -{eyCaps 50ée toques, fihi eolorsa a......c Boys ail wol grOy ,blousies.....3 C Boys' gingýhanî 5 blouiseR, 35e values.. I Boys e3.00 hea'vy weigit. eheviot and cassimre, çsuris, 2 to 16 yeirs, .9 special at .... Boysi' heavy ehineilfl&at 48 anrd $10 gar-411% $5.00 fur igo-ca 48 Chldreu's 81.54)gai-mLw' ate'a dresses ...... sud serge dpou 2 Childen's 0"i~*Oo~, of caraéul, be&É ~ni,ec., 2 to 6 y cars, $3.W lj values on1y.. duroy, chinchilJ4, pluoh 444 fapey clotia ieo#ts, $6.01ale . W001lceeiots,. 32-inecb coats. r'i.1 pleated skir-ts, ImtVy or black. yarn dycri satin liiniiig... Ohoice of 100 veloýe.' $1-5 Tailored Suit-Flinely, tail- 4red suit$ of goodh*qualty of velvet éccu. New hýiiglnr gî dle krt. Bra.'d trimwring; browîi, black or 9 $30 Tailored Suita at $14-98 Made of ehev lotsaiid ide wale serges, diagouals, in" tlpw cutaway o01, ]î1#i tailor- cd styles. New hieh gfrdle a.......... bouû no W i&% b., stored fme STQE~ OPPI uoit,~ YOU5j .4, ;inything tliat 1>lr(>ls lMore uiseflul or thiat is worti ofteu- er. Every sweater ini the lot is brati(l new andperfect andl made of the fihest se- ]eted woirsted yarnis. , Norfohlk and ipat<'li poeket styles; $1.5098 vales. ......9 Ohilcrens Fancy Weave Sjweaters-h> graY, ardinul amd white, $2.530 Values... .. ....1'41 $t.50 Rbper 'totwOiï3..........98 75e Robes§pierre and novel- cy ollOris at* .......... 5OC Té' reA' coamAfA 1tu -30e bow tics nt ................25C $100va"' .ý.. Childrcn's hQafy ,(eaif and 351- auto sermes 25c pateot shoesla , are at .............worh 2.25, 15 75e, auto scarfs 49 $1.50) auto scarfs 9$4~D.0 i1t81e. , 2 nat............ yards long ..... 25C wrpe du Chien 18 ffarfsg...... 35e tarcy lace 5 eollars ......... -25e childreu's- nustin daw- ers and pettiecoat8 9 at ......................Won's et' 35 eco>rset covers tk f ll»Z el w dU, v*- ah............ 19 lMur, tan"ami eÎt $3Osilk petti a 8 $.O0oesa) coats Woinen's anudoSes' suede. $5.00 silk petti- 34 velvet an& buekk l ' eo~nts$5 shoes rat *3.ffi S wltcleâ, al sha4des....... .$4.00 switcrem (laun tan hg ir) .24 iýcUes long," 1 attes, et,5 ç Kid gloves, .1.0 alil olors...... Chxoiee of ÏO0 heaN'y winter aÈriësee in seîg'e and ppus all sizês, for woîneun and mnis- mes. IDaeh and eveiryone is ,îièfeet iu fit ind finish. A veydcdsirable da2m8 Choice of 300 desses, gerge ho ç>ôrduroy, $12.50 values. iniade;with ne(lw high. Robei- pijere collars, long sheevee. AIl stes for wvor»nu 5 a O*~~fl~ÂS. 5c, 10e, 15e and. $2.50 kirnonas fôr..............1.< $2.60 bandbags 9* 35e hose, 2 pair ...........21 llevyOmael 89c, Whiite lawn and white xaietsý, full length eaeh.......... r4 T Lades au xiuss'higir toP ptIout and g ti ey 40W $ $7 "laues. ... Womten'g§n Maes'lra patent colt, peut ,kW,. ivie, kid dilIlut êlor eraven- *3.5 h Iosgs at ........... 1 2 fred, &Hi w1orof aat *1.50 ta.... .. Women's timnrei motyof fe#t 'and v 1 ' leu,