~EfCOUNTY INDEPENDENT STAl OMceTell;bne N. 1 Ciy Eitors RsidnceTelephone No. 145-L. Litersyviile Exchaoge I'.tesed at île- Pottffieat Litwityrille, Ii., aé. Specod Ca.. Mail Motter eu 'i - - .....-- onday jiudW peklTY Adertisiflg Rate@ Made Kuown ou ApRication. Cty au 1MSCRIPTION PRICE, 5.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN' ADVANCE I ath1 W. J. SMITH ... ... ......... ..;................................................ Editor the r F. G. SMITH -................................................................. Manager place. RAY L. I4UBBARO .. ..... .... ........................................... City Editor soe Ce FRIDAY, DE(EMNBER 13, 1912. brcint _________________________________might to alh Lakce county ferme wili surely benefit greatly ln case the. D*Kali county thoritie plan of hiriilg an expert te aid ln deveopillg the. soli carriezs ln thib decline coLnty. ft lias been proved ln other place. that the. expert ald thua securec At1 id a banefit to the fermer far beyond comprehêfl5iof and computation, Conrad weté t Did you ever top te hhink tht hat makes good news for thie ever- tt aga pron, ina mre way brings aorrow. sharne or regret te ethers? That's aiways the wsy of things. Anid e average reader lu neyer satisfied wth If tIse amount, the variet>', et.ý., he reccives In hits paper. ln short, he craves gi after theie soy lsnd of nev., that must bring sorrow. sâme, etc., ta at leiat SQMESOOV. __ __ Weil, seeing that cotored man. Danforth. was gong ta piead îuiity ,~anyway, why couldn't he have dorece nta the lieginnirig cf the castead thus saved the country hundreds cf colars? There neyer Yves any ques- tion as te hie guit. it was ail ' st a vise as te whether it looked p:ssbe te "put user' the" nsase t> pita. H S 1-:u: d dnt t3ke a fourtli as long a3 Me it took te gelt Me jury. A grand jury session vwherc wtno ies fer the defease as well as th c etate gise testimun>' in reaiity assumes the fcrm of a trial. There seemna ta bai a diversit>' of opinion as te lie ji-stness- and complianoe with the isw *n ps.ui.. ,tîi eh, - -; s tenarsti-9 ibrig Cl,. If et là dne In oecase. If aiiosiibc done In ail in justice te defeadants and, if It IS doncein ail- thona what'e the use of a latei' triai wîith six men lnstead cf twenty.!our? Negle.4 of stock opposes te be rapidly becoming a frequent practc aMnlsthse rural residanta in varieus parttaou. the state and it sa high trne tisai h_10 &Uthritlea meted out evers punshmet te the offenders Ini order te serve1 mn a waraiag te otiiers wiio are incilned to b. cruel toward durnb animaie,. ý-ý< lI4ba la aliglt excunse for ny man who wifuiiy sarves he cattie or leaves thneUtI:n-thesfields where they will fien. te death. 0f course ther, are ï: ftlisi515t511005 urrouisdiag incidentsaoft tua nature wiiich tend ta tesson the ros effense, but aeverthoeea, thore are fow reusonasl excuses which can be 619«8d. the mua hwiwll doliuerately tarve hlm stock or cause themn othet gla net à deirble resident for aay communlty and the. great major. ~" yluiu condeaihn actae oftua sert aad are aaxleus te lies tiîr of lndîviduais of thie character. Inve«tigatlona as showa that the 1 hbo am reil ta animas have aliglt respect forhmenss anc who cas "b issao" it wAlfles b fora smre one, me,. baidr than the rest willi net 00M t ist itis, but alf isl wfe aMWfaMiiy la eider te se moaey for -eter erpoêee. Se far thore a.«bossonly one. osaInaLakec ounty la à mam bualsooeag. with faliia te providu proer car for hie cet- 4R tbat Ieldm*esio offeader dld not resilse uliat hoe won dolng. lieum hW aret* abould »P» aas a waraiag te others and snewid -cause thse 0 o.tti.ceuaty te a.a s nlIvestigation on thoîr own accoui IlMer armmmpllous asto te way la uhicli thir elaeghbors are carlag llse proctiWof etleaing horios unblaakoed la ceid weatiier ln aise oi~e ~d nuioui as.lner b. toeraed by thse poserai public. ii. fallures of the, rte fmail» tflit tise homos uf Il sufer from the cold la the. causaeoft tus ,"le MW Ik wWuld b. a wlse thInl for the authoritite te errent oe er twe ~iesaller they have falled te hood previous varalaga. In the. majority of "Usà% eheisever, litlaI.probable that a ompiit tegtthe owners oe.théiihoesulîl 'euàs# tie truisiie asa the ownm ooertalaly wil net car te rua thse risk ef los 108 tir naMOS ab bogete. Cruetty towards animaieslaunesort ot barbar MWl ipeele slsooid resssebr 1hat1 isetntail tien. JUdge Prson' declaration tliat ho will not permit the. : ~~ la&wymr to impose on thé reltves of ro flnery vicotin laortune and vil b. recelv- wl saUs§tion bythe . ybar~MMbers. At 111»hil a time those ffo n en- need ailthe. prtection a court eu on ive the m, o.p the, face of the too-many « shy- strflwyers there- are iCcao OPTE WAY 0r HELPING BOYB. ty Coroner Edward Conrad on, "You botter b. a, ma- meetin« audiy. %y atternooqi ordered the. Monufor 1aitsahpool th ides Off the. oc- itiorities ta bring the. body O! tors and sb** by statistis O! the rRee fa-nn Mon CitY tu Wafrj New york h«beaiboard that, by. thefr ln arder that the. new jury own teotimoay, a lsarge percentage, Of bad been aworn lu, mlght view doctors are dope fienda' remains before the. hurlât toaic Ask.d if iie did not, lu the. hottOml The autiioritiefi lu the Wite Iof i b ieart, foui chat youus Rebd City refused. Then \Mr. Conrad sbould bave iiad somme medîcal aid, or d a" order f rom Coroner Taylor. at least iad the. wound awed uP, îndlng thse Mon authoritliesto ia &d he body ta Waukegnn, Stilthey Voila-ia ai h tetinb ed , * ,and vile tiey ".ia i i.atninh ed flot have ohjected! ed; eight or tan peepie were with hlm owing the Waulcega t 511 day and ulgit praylng. Thi epmort ln ls ta bring the body here tiey as that ii. deafr.d tobe e .7d ta id ta cda au themasei'es. fi.t eO il o'ciock Nionday nlgbt. Mr. a hoapital. He inuisted b, dia flot i go bi Juy to~tier.Tb. wisih any medical aid because bewas ben gtakenjurtaion Cty ie ata. abeiever ln divine healina. 'se la orer tbat ieyiYla to-ew '-The.authcIioiteso! haI»s,Couaty are esins. ordrtatose igtvl maling anss.of timtvea la thia Juryns. cas antbey bave lu otiiers sua a abstantile oredtsof tWaukelo- Chicago authorlis dia ln others. i eubsantal eslen s1 o Wake.have faugbt thia thing befors in Atîs- ter cDeriott forman tralia and bave. *On out ,verY tîme. arad Hlzlitein iI've iiclced tiies betîe andl oaa again. arlesM'etzl, jTiere's a difretence, in îaasecutlon riesWetzeiard îîereecitton sud ttir a iwat the-'. in Pîtadt. are tr> tng ta do ta nW e.iracite me k S. H-eiilça.f "if lie>' vaut tamat!e ','aiva tihe A ilutton. ringta ita ii.dtiity oolilit ý geSt man la LaVe county, ltt hem it once to the bouse wliere the ktcp ont ns of the Young man were bgln4 Cholas _ukeian Datora A: xlia no îto e 10oW rtn Waukegatî îeo;ute havc u ice jurytuen as tie awfui aigbt WPn i r 'dered 1- the, docto7s ln the re% ealfed. ,its .,'r' NDbedy knw bit t: rP j (;01, it do' 'li«t oem possible %vil e nany. cf Ilînt lit-rt- l no doii'O tisacnoue for (!,il-lors here andi ,ýý,h athiiý,coud ristlu cii oni liase tclu h tere îînder an'. cir u'i'illhy " zia commun ex- \v, S . imFel-nef s If the- aant b 5MI the- soie roni dilitPrelt mediters 01taî': 'aai utbrluie.e îh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ji> intcrn he i 1r eXeil e le-! The d>'ecaSed. a FrRsîP'"i- f ooter, 22 years aid. the pcture of vîgorous 1f3re nnil can do it Dow. manhood. wai as hardspru a Young "If iii'>'persécute ri- n thiqa ae in man as one cou;iIdeéire te se3. But it other cases. they ailhelli me to 93', was the slgbt of One Of bis arma 5,000l more couverts, for peuple then which had ail but rotted off aithde el- Séee%-bat there reaily la to our teach- toa, was. what caused the expresion inga i on. of Indignation from the Juryrnen. 'Sunday afternoon I'm goiug te say There a-as flot a man of themn but de, "omethings about dortors which wili clarel that In bis opinion tise youn.- oron ielr oyez, and, t ail!liea the man' s lie couid have been saved If tptth. lie had recelved even the allghteat "This oung man, Reed, was a flrtn medical attention. ilver ln oui teachinko aned heail- Tiie date for the second lnqueat bas l'cred te thern te thie last despite re- flt yet bien fixed but t %Ili bo the ports te the Cmtntry." latter part of the week. The plan W5 A reprt uprm.adtoday that J._S te brins ail the Zion City witnermaes Neai, aue of the. mon injured luttih bier, te testify. 4uto accident MOmdayý waz a foliover State to Talc. i.ift00'&i"&. of Voiva and that wvisn taisen ta thie The. jury which iooked et the. body .fonday evcsing. udjommu<ieitasession 1boapital, h. rsfused to have medical until auch a time that States Attorney i attention becaUse of that fact. Dady can personaiiy tallitscbsige o Inqulry shows ",ié a utru.e thie -tate's end of the, cae, for, I itaVolamsudhl ft saidthiaistala detorrnined tea«Iwas Dot atomlialmanaidTii.lacDt l clear tiirougii" wth titis ee.Zr opposedtemdcl&,Thtate Dady 'W nsow la cdwt. w5rkand theInllutat, wbeu tairen toi th* bospital. Neal quest ýè* t essan as lilckly as ho rnerey Insisted that ho was sot bonrt gets tb*igh. -P 1 eaaugii ta require medîcai attention Tii. bbrruble detb of Arthur Reed anid therefr, would net bave anytiiing la MOUn City as a resuit of failure ta donc for bim. ! ia wlfe toda>' tated that, had siie attend ta a badl case of blood Poison- been preneut, siie would have lnslted ing. Overseer Voliva evidently realiz- on hlm being lookeci ater for, Dos es that a proteat and ciamor wili corne Tii. toiiowlng jury bas been select' up tram the public, siown by tihe tact ed ta ael In thea case of Edward'ýFer. that ho already la planning a big ry, who died as the resuit of inJuries -received ln au auto accident Modi.» meeting Sunday la wiitcihe plana nt- nIght: John, Reddlag, foreman, Jobffl taclig doctors. medIite. etc., aud Pundi, Tiiomas Grady, John Wbaien, maklag a defense for the. falure ta Thornas Burke, Phiui Brand. Jr. Tii. inqueit jih ei eus give ithe youing-man medical Id. 1y11btlj iihCa ed WmdnHar Speaiing of bis plans, Voliva said uudertaking reoma. 140W LIBEfiTYVILLES u.gw bie for severai miles arount. Otb.g MAIJSOLEUM WILL LOOK citig ae bsuSie ilcitr more or leua ln k.ep&sag wtb tiie dig. View of Waukegan Building cives an nity snd soiernu grandeur of suc Idesof LzalSuliing-Mtelielct Monrentai structures, but ik la ra41 d sE e L l l i n e e ec - In d e oil th at, a s iteSno o v e sle n t la a tf çd Exellnt nu.the mam Ume Sa weîî £idapted ta ait -- off thea building te the. bedt advatage, The Waukegan mausoleu, a Photo- An împrOV.reýtotht kind la a traph o! ubicis la rproduced In * ref -0aa ornuti ji tig issue la rapidy uearlng completion. a re bit o nyc for ai, ad taslUt i and It sbould he of isterest te the po ail éune, t ia ta bo boped Oilt the pe o! Lbertyvilie ta know .thb.at they Libertviliie mausoiessm wlll corne up in view of the devotion Bunday lust of the whole day are soon to have an, of their avis. in Waukegau churches bto te conideration of tii. homne of wich we have hein aaiured viii bel 'apuj.fty nd lthe Conservation o! Childbood," the stand ttiliy as fiue lu appearauce spd sp-a polntmenta as any lu thua part of thie taken ni Chicago Baurayby MncplJuhlavaGemmill, sae le, tlmely, interesting and important beause the judge The sit. aelected ls mot apliropri- sm tehvhi igt idea aithough naturaily it wiilb. at t., overlooklng Butie r 'Lake, andvit viaance wihh that upheid by maùý persoas who can see oly oie aide of such a question. "Bevere criticiin o! the. methods empioyed by factory hlspectors was voiced by Judp Gmil. He accused in- Jptrs of refuaing ho permit boys te work aler school tuhiereby earuing money for themaelves and ueedy t*lliesand expresse tihe opinion that thie ime was coni- ctg v-hon a change mut b. made. *'Bo decided was the stand taken by the judge tiaI ' Egthel Shanks, one of the. factory inspechors wiose THE WAUKRCON u~%osare under fire, broke down and wept in court. 'The laws are meant to preveut flagrant violations of TtIRft uORSESBURNED 00 piipala of humanity ln factories and stores wiich i pyoung boys and girls aud work thhm long hours,' (Special te the Sun) 'Thoro are stili pieuly of such violations. tUll you Lakre Bluff, Dec. 8-Pire o! a mya- tious oigin tuis eveniag at 6 o'clock inhere day alter day cases lu which young boys are iletiroyed the large barns nos:the de- alter achool at occupations which thoy 1k. and oond by MoQuire & Orr, and Om- t lu i a litIle mouey,' said the jude- uî y i teamiug busineas ot ,. A '[týý in far botter for lies. boys to be working i Wm ilint.: 0 -tobel a round the streets. Thé boys1 Despile the heroic efforts of the ý7 an gý1 arWho village lire departmieut, tire, valu- altoetra, itable horses owned by lint vere burUi- os ho worlcandd hohp their Parrnts. mi a vell as a nurnier ofwaos 6"t1"'olmemuet rnesoon w eh boys vil b. aflowed -eta.uf larsiest, etc. Mausittgei'work a! er.achool hours. For mauy o! hem it Tie liremet, o! the village have al- 4 y of ý eady arrangot a lenllt tance for %ý,J& ù' Î_oiare botter off, as a rIleif Mfr Ft on burde esfortheIonI te ocmpythhoniselves alter uchool. Itlie asais lmfo i l gstting i to if, bad compuy and 7: 9= sdordut ado-*Ud b7 115,.ë- offned tiseir services la befldlng it, mad It aurela- viii, provIdins tisose of Our citiseus - who recaguflsetise neei sud the opportanlty viii givo the.pro léot titeir encouragement aiiâisuPPOrt. bis eesiai. tu MAUSOI-EUM WAUKIEGAN O. E. S. .ÇCT8. >At tlié ammual meetingof the Uadlq o! tise 0. M. B. ibid Tllsday RiffI thse tofowis omeaver. bioted foi thse qssifg year: Ma-a. Clara Howe-Adablt.i gatron Gilbert H. Risbarda-Wortliy P& tr-ou..*1 Ifra. Clam Uew-eocahmmto lM &-vas rand-seres-. Min. Adie, Orem-Tleaauret. Mr#. Alloe Eatiaa--COdtof-S.- MIsa Once Brad-Asoclated CU installation 0f effier@ :wlflprobabit rtaise plaue the. fiat,ÙLeetng tuJOt s". Apgullioonut for otiio ffee wilU b. MU*0lats?. mm-o Md boiter. »oa hmotV ME »UW is p tli e1 wbilsk. àM N;géu.son.dsto Bright's KIDN~~Y miactori rrwej for long standini ""MM. . i Mi-aicir 7meOur dPM MA& » l OuTr El Iiprovement 18 the order of the age. Earninge ini Ibis country go int Improvementa.lu Lake Cotinty alone a vaat sum Io pnt into new buildings every year. When a mnan builde a housei or a barn, ai; soon a" two rafters are, put tutu place and the building in enclosed ho drives to town, loks up the flue Insurance agent and demande tire protection on.the new structure at once. lu so doing the man w-ho builda exorciss good native senso. Al coni-- b"ltble property Phould be insnred. But what la tho une condition? 0f ail the. buildings iu the land ninety-nine out of overy handred w-i l obnrn down- only one In a hundred w-ii ho e etioyed by lire. The nine-nine wiii not burn-they w-tii h o ru down, wiil fai dow-u, b. bliltover or moved away, but -only one out et svery,i;Wndrd will hum. The M», .bimaef-and every other man- t-omewheie. soometimo, willjie. The building bo inpuresata once. but' never sili he buy lif 9 Insurance until nmre persistent, god-natured if e man puys hlm off the fence and forces hlm tb getlun t of th. -wet. Ôuly one barn out of a h undrs'd hurn-but every man muet die. And. w-hen hie dies he wili be dead 8il o7er-lhere w-ii hoe no salvage. The 1f. inalurance busineps is stililunits infancy, thougli over a quarter- of a billion - was written iu the state of Illinoiolanhat year, 14ineteen klundred B leven. '[Le Old Michigan Mttual lias lifo insurance for sale at cosl. you can buy your 1fe. protectIon just as you buy your ire protection. Why pay for ai ~ .iVj<jd"wb-h i ina luraity imply a refund of the overcharge, liaI ennq,, )be guar l and Io doubtful, aud w-bih bas caueedmoedstsaconha hhrough ail otbcu sources combinedt, Youra truly, JOHiN HOOGE, Phone 264LI J JOHN HODG DàirctManager. j e S i Plum advise me regucdig the M icigan MutulLife. givig full "Mrtculm atonce, and -ourligely Nam 1 wboeeon à ý - ayo! 18- a DISTRICr MANAGER