Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Dec 1912, p. 16

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1' TO PAROLE NLL WIIL 5h PRESENTIED TO NEXT LEGISLATURE ASKINO RADICAL NEW LAW. APPROVES 0F ,UNDER MOVEMINT AN ASSOCIA. TION lIAS SEEN FORUSDO0F MEN TIIERE FOR LIFE. Ilfe térmners" of thé Joiet prison Wul hé résponsible for a bill to hé zwé- sentedt t thé net state législature. *Skigthat s lav hé énatt ln 1111 leIsI, making it possible for thie Parole 4dfevtts sérvlug Ilie séntencée. Xo& aonde uorpnisaUon va» formed *àfflg thé "lietétrmers," Who viii iribiit ta Attorneéy James Walter Martin an outliné o a bil, whlch la déstinedt tagivo them, thé bêr éit et a palfolé 1e. # year ago a Joiet laçs7er vas Sgunmonédt t thé pénténtiary by a promineut liter', Who asked hlm te *freine a law of thié nature. Beïases j ,,tbe légiselatuire vas flot ln session ai *jý thimé and bécause it would flot * net util nert .lanuarY. the Plan wats Oropled e~> thé time belng. Nov it vilii hébroualit up snd thé bi1 ll hé bedratteti. It "tgle ot probable," Mr. Martin #mUulgy alti, "tiit thé mensure wIii b. actlvely supportéd t 5prngttield by os m«i reponsible for it" Tb* movemeut i. baceed by over 11»~ prmsoer servlng sentences at the j"le prison. It la sid that théelmen e0ving 1k. sentences et the Southeru, ý'unL. Tbrongh thoir friends on thé ze *aitie it léaeeperted tIsat consitiér. * cflencé can hé Invoketi vien aéu mo ré reachei thé tête legisia- 0111 ln Embryone-Form. TPe soî i astilinhIts enhryoulc ýiu Certain points are yt te hé *dnII'aInig theé--lite men t thé Accldug ta the plana the time0f Sth onuvicta erving, long wv"vr. la some casés it «0l~ "chome te sutfor' a Parole et 'm~d 0f Ivelye years, Il. theru Pa- -fie Wl» not hé niketi asti) a longer bau beaunimomadeansu ,50on hse bil. Ibo Iides bais met the approval of. S.t4n J. Murphy, as vel sas othér *à m urphy ila thqrity foé the ,4htPsqeat tlat the bétnmm. vitbin ~*,plotomare otivicta servlaa lité i~utor murder. 'D"We f lad théni ta h. lbth béat pisom ra" heoaà l'andi 'l psItcally bave no trouble with 'tbim. Ms» of then Who havé beau béréefor yeani have yVolte, bc givan a Ujck mar* for violation of the pris. qà ilie.. Tbayam prfect gentlemen Pa 11.1, coaduet tovards alber prison- P &id anito the officais. Perabnelly I vOulti rather gave 100 lite mon arouud xie thn a dosen of burglaré. pick. bfooh ar esea, bw&hvYmen santheu lUi. -A: lari percestag o! tihé mne 4«4 they are carge, wtb veste com- ulIteti an top spur of the moment antd *tb4fr Peut records show abcolutely no «IMBhIAItraces" CORN PRODUCIS IIASN'T EXPANDED Officiais of Uic goverumént tire nov uxemiiiing books sud record-; ot thé Coca Products Rléinug company vith s v7w of ascertehilng whetter or net t* Compauy Committéti théetinfaîr ractices chargeti sud la a monopoly ln îestrslut 0f trade. It la vélI knewn that slncc, 1906 thé neymna.gement bas puraué4 aun en- tirely itferént pollcy frons that orlite - ttsedsr.havlng bought no planta, Ma was th. common practice under thé 9él rét.mé, mer matie any égreemp.nta wlib tht. ether competitorA. Thé .eOrn 4%1rducts Retlnlng company banot madie large profits and ti îecaruings 'br beé's littlé mere then li per cent ni l îlepreferréd te tck, vit', a distri- rbution 'f 5 per cent aunual nu thé An tye Opceer. 'M»78 bave a glass mediclué drop f- p seMd a bottie of roce vatés in thé ~'gIschat anti ln your travelinéj M vbm cnM oSotga sforeigu la gour cye you yl hésparéti pMast dlocomtort i thé toi VerY siPl* anti harmiesî ilupursucti Put lo ic hemadi *400tcsix udropa et thé rosé va Cde« lvath.lover lid, Cea, ~on thcsurfacéetfthé in og6Atter tihe roue vatér lbat -t 4 « for a tev seconds -piy«"Wmédicine dreppér te *alif M hefreg - m » t-om D Plues a out Poloce andi Pre..., Who Try te Salve, Anomasle. Chicago, Dec. 1I 5-$'ertyaix bore" vere burneti tu death Whmu n reépt the barn of thé W. Wolf Teeming company, 2037 West Division street. When the building lihléti vith emoke thé horses stampedeti, anti altjiough efforts ver. matie ta remcue them, po- lice and remen vére driven back by the amoke. The barn, a two stei7 brick.,vws seveti trom complete destruction by thé quick vork of meinhél ef englné companles 20 andi 30 and truck came. peny 28. The cause of the fore, vbicb reaultéti irua as89Of $10,000, la fBot knowm. JURY HOLOS WIDOW Fermitand ties Accuseti et Death of Hîrnbend of Woma. Bloomlngton, Ill., Déc. l8.-Th@ ooroner's jury Inveétigatlng thé kili- ing of George Gottschalk by John Burton. a learinad. heiti Burtn vithout bail for thc murdél, and aaie. heli Ms. Gottschalk. vit. et thc déati mao. as an acceeuqr. Sorapa of vrlting &554 photographe of Burton and Mrs. Gottschalk together caused 'the holding er thé voman, Who strouglr Protesta ber Innocence. Justice Iisnd t. Recover. Springfield, Ill., Dec. 18.- Dru prik Billinge. Chicago, and ýL. C. Taylor oft tus city hélti a consultation 0,cr Justice J. P. Raud o! thée n1- note supreme court It vsu an. Bounced et the conclusien 0f the con- sultation that it vas thé opinion of the physiciens Uist Juige Handi voulti recoer from hle stroke et paralysie. Danton~ Pardons Chicago convict Sprn~ eld, Ill., Dec. 15B-Govero Denee. coinplying vith thé recom méndation of Uic board of Pardons, commatcd the sentence of George Fuller of Chicago, servlng a sentence la the Joliet poenttar to expire Wedaesduy. Fuller wvssentenccd for ferning hie father's namo to a draft. Be han become Insane. Trouble on Wsy to Grave. Pcorla, Ill., Dec. 18. - Becanée lames Burrell. driver fer a local de- psrtniot store, lsbhétiJohn Irish, ohlcf moumér et a fumerai, la thé face vith a vhlp. hé vas fineti $6. Irish protecteti &gainât thé départ- menit store rig paSsing threugb Uiq 1taneral procession. 1 The condition cf Mré* Mstt Hoff, Jr.. vbWo lé ilI et thé ,heepital lé stili cr11- BÂRRIL;_TELLS TALE SUGAR REPINERY VICTIN lHAS IN. TERESTINC ACCOUNT or Ex PEIIENCE NOV&MSER 25. CAN'T FIGURE OUT THE FIRE SAY$ NE CANNOT IMAOINE WIIERE 80 MUC HFIRE CAMI «RMLAVue& Mdul-I M. Mik. Gorman, vho, vitthiblétather, va asie0(f t wsga Mlnr icii antido i rm th o=pta*te we* telle an Iuterésting expérl eucé ai thé tinié of the accident. He esys that ho vu .tooPing ove,. wlth bis e ad ia aébaeraiiftlnearti- clés frei the bottoni. Just thea l:té explosion came end ho *àà -tbrOvu off bis fést Inta thé barr1l Thon héo .- éd to, hé thrown out of SI anti, asho stooti. sométhlng droipped On bis head aud hé vas kuocked MuénéélésB, Or deéi for thé minute. Hé days ho then 9 aw a door -an4 madie for It as fast as possible. fMe nov reollséeeing Matt HYland as hé' vau paaaing out. Hylauti was aléa torrlbly burned. ..I cant untieratanti hew 1 got hurnéti," said Germai. "for, thé ex. plosion diti net séem te. brl2or tire with it. In tact. I cau't imagine where thé tiré came froni, anti, bow ve vére all burueti. le a mystéry indééd."' iJormaws uers are nippeti off a lit- tié. hie hautis are scarrei. but othér- visé hé looksé tairly liké himeelt. Hie father ls burneti verse than hé. Thé 'Towdry jeint." Sit. Etheireti bas bea unfortunate insamuck aa ber neUlOrY is perpetuat, uatetila he icdisareablo adjetve "tawdry." and she'la sointMOUM4even réf orredti taas the "Iavdry Saint. Ir the joie of Ely, vhcr. @bo die&. a fair vas forin.rly beld tu ber hon- or, et vblch a pecular kind of oe but shovY lace vea solti. vhicb as qSt. Etheireda or St. ÂudreY'à lace gson becémn. proverbial, sud Tawdry, au erycorruption of the ssuintsAa- brevlped naiewvas ued 10 dcnote a&l thins more gaudy uban vulsahie. Merry Xmas Suggestions For "HLjM" Suit, Oveat, Raincot, Bath Robe, Night Rbe, Pajama, Hous-C=at House Sfles, Underwma, UmbýIreIla, Shoca, Shirts, Gloves, Hosiry,, Muif er, Tics, Etc., Etc. HAT te givo hini for Chritmnas is a Problem we solve many tmes a day. Our store being beadquar- L~ Jtors for Men's Things, lthe ques- tion ie very eaaly answered. For Men, Old and Young, (Ireat and Broali, We've Ideal Gifta, just the rsght sort of girté that will be Appreciated the. most after Christronei. oyer. FRON OUJR STOCK 01 , i'e excellent garîients. correct head- w, nr ind choite haberduahry, the mnost ap- P wr):iaîé Christmaa (ijfts, it is possible to make can b. choaen. M tke yt>ur selectiona esrly, whilo the picking ie the best. Better now thon later. You'Il fi id( .tr prices no barrier to choosing exactly wha you'd like ty gvt «im' 110 Gen«ee St, Wdukçoan, 111. TuSIZE 0F'AÂ1b>OLLAR IDepends'on I . Whether It Is Coming or GOing. ThIis B% Sacrifice Sale lasts buft a few 'weksà longer- We want evcry frlend we have i Lalc. CoSuty to, ofit by th~e wonderftd low prices- It's hard on us, but it's good f or you-Take advantage of t while the assortniqit is stili good- A great showig of Neckwear put up. in single Christmnas boxes 3.5c and 50c-BeautUl Coliar Bags9.Ssçner-G 5e St-SI Mufflrs-Beits, in single boxes-Ail bou;ht for the 'Chuitrns, trade before we Icnew we wiould, have to sel at a sacrifice. Ph.4. 1352-M 119 ~@iies.. St. OPEN EVENINGS Fe c seI4ee Ce "The Houso of botter Clotho*" *end &The Indeptà@ender Y' as. e ~'Xmas Gift to foÔrmer frièndi now, living in *the big chies. I o b- This Is The Store Fer Oif ts this year, as neyer before, wlI be mostly V 4 of the practical sort. This store siuggests at every turn what folks want moat. ~ Things that they would buy f or th e mselves Girls Lile Ceeus, -Suits% Dresse, Shees, -WemenLlkoWaM Sweaters SkirtsW"lssFur% as, Heu, i genre pdh:e isa ~Boys', Suhts and Ceâts, Girls sfl no ciianee' to ket a e-Ceets,- PetIcbats, Under- céPee ioi 2.98 'fneone fo War I l ives, Sweat. or.5. .. 00 egCorsetst WB£ns *. etc. Puxt Chldens ed'gaKlimurnas, bSath 9 ,HIud anChie'boisrayfldgNecliwearI&Jewelery 9< at 8e....150 NielIes. __9_____ If you want your gif ts to store and 1eaàn what be genuienely appreclated corne to this delightfully tiro re thngs wc have 3.00 Moab Bag.:4ç 2.00 Hand Bags .. . 50éOcCoibs ......... 3e 50e Barrettes . . . . . . : 35o Comb & Barrettes 25C A most complete line in Gloves and Rose. rJuliets Largest line in town, ail new stock. Womnen's, al colors .1.29 Men's Juliets, .12 at 98o to...... . 129 Children's Jits 7< Moccasins 50, 60e and ....70 Veryr Speclal Items White Petticoats, 18 in. lace or embroid- ery flounce ................... 98C Ladies nigbt gowns muslin lace trimmed only............ ..... 98C Extra heavy bath robe in Xmas box 2.48 Ail wool womein's dresses in good serje, et.................... ...... 2.»5 A Grand Line of Neck- wear in holly boxe$ at 25e and .......... 14MI length flannlette kimonas 150 6< Flaunelette Dress-A2 ing .......... %O Fer Irethes',Sister amd Children's Fur Sets, s"ecil sale on thein tomorrow. Boys Suit», very special Toques.- .25C Hockey Cape ...........$»C For Go-Cart Robes --...M Boys' Wool Blouses ...... g or tao" . U 1 r r ke r- il- id Io e 1- -

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