Cîiyvukil c*s î1aspoqoaflc at LîbertyvUhi II * e Scoud Ob"ii U lbrhw et.Adrteg ,«Rate@ unde Kuoo aa eàpp1le*m. ............ . .................. . ... ....................... ........................ ..................................... ......M~ae IU AR ..... ....................... ................. . . CjyIi FUIDAY. JANUARtY ý, 19Ie., - I .We.koen wlli Igéi remneni rChrstmas J912 bouo 01two reagan.: Ir-the bautIM r Iather, whlc,tp.rmitted autailgts te .nJeY th. ley, V; $ECOND-b.mU aof the fias worlc dons by the Sun's Coo d-Fellows d1sllng Chrstmais 0fer. OW yeu evmw .tap 10 thlne hbw Yeu W.auld fiel and astiln c.a iime. M<ioi Mpai t at Otoitd remove trom cammon use th. pelic ôoe- Oâos: ThI.phseé £Il.ctri Li.gt, Case, Trains and Street Car? Juil Àt.i4oderi-^ di id tll wq hoir many compla&nte about people "ôi lq, an sd suffer materlal incoI>venlnceCs. And, aur forefathers had *00 ieethittei for nialy eneratlons! Wliéb twe pulleotors lnstalied by the ga&s ccmpary ln Lake County on »Moth #h ,4aîidd witb Ir. T. Fowler thinking of manufacturina he iung p>w W*ukfucu, Itloloke as if, poasily, this comnmunity may b. the le- 0 a, "unti"of etLi, which so niary have .aught for y.ars Wh.n à. c1 cgesOf deth, why It indicatces sametVIng,àëiosn>t* PE5~5ON PLANS. ~ aSail bulbe t te~io ta close lb. 5944 ~l ~5yfl5pfa i i~ g~ nadir frein -- - ~a aSi ~p 'y~fl %louera during thse year 1912, of which $X,100,63Mi90 wad pald ta Navy -pen- sianer. The. rgst went ta army vet- ~ifa and depend-ents. Therc were, 63;987 peuloners on the q mU atthe.end 0t Ibis year, a net lous of 5,109 froni lant year. The. lacs byý deahwus 3,907. chartes lIg. ftter of Van Wag- - .Aliaget là"*: #brustdied in Ç%ttscTusady is t, 15#go 79. Hi te grméri an cîdirUmilù the Sec. Med u~Oh il *1 g o a 7 e c r tb~I fOhicago. wilI apenea dancing school in the IL ibetY- . saturdii I~ vnng., icnuary 4. Instructions ftom 8 P.m. ta BpIOflTal\9 . m. ta 12 ocock. , SCEVIWNT I luving purclsaad of I. W. Boy'es the L4ettve Cabinet Works I-ý ta & poàltion to do ail kinds of Fumiture Rep.irinu on cshort sotice. «léé aiequipped t. make New Furni. tâo%~Lirary and Telephon. Tables a op.dhib% AUw*wmplyexecuted mdiler a te. of iatsfaction. à. S.Cabnet Works' fi. ~ CO fiKm Pop aeo 1 w»tltrnged ttipeople e lange part of the. day and ithere w lt"icones a1 automobile, parties. Tien tai 'net enou7gb tang ta the. air to mi Motorlng positive deliglat. Tiaumand% af peope 'vene men out waWklg andy luteai of bihhg bundled up tit fra snd coat collare turued up, ab la tge eustoranen Cittmascotp tird* open, funs$'voteuaglu; losel>' sud everybai>' see»ed ta bceulnoyluî tie unusual weatiier for Chnstmnce lIme. Wthh le possible exception of l1551 r-car Il ls man) ye.rasince 'W ukegsu bac eujoymi suei an open Christmas. Tt seerned that eecyaue la the cty 'viao wed au automobile 'vas out for a @pu. There 'vai ni aveu a rat tmGji blawing and tie tact that tiene tas no9 suat on thm graund tended to maké lie day the. mare mueal. -'Tie ranis ln lie cty are gaai asd tletscauaed th, maJorlfr ar molanlats ta naînin lu lavu altbough accrue t a achante witi tb. country ronde, lu MMi>'past 7M arsetChistates lm. it bai bien o col tiet one coul ual bunde on enougla ciotbes te keep warm but IbM esr« chilinco 'iihala cottan dremsisou ter* sesn playlng lu the .treecta sud- lie>' sceu o -ol Pirfect'oOmfOr*lIe Public ntte, b bircby gla »tint lb. Subscribier ae t tue lait wuI sud Teeleeit corEhiob Msldeosaam .411 attend th* Casat>' Cort of Lak# oiuwty. ch auWrn tlbcr «f ta be bOldeaah imcCoui¶Ecmd ta wauloegn, isal Cent>, th*lb tlreî Monderif W U4" h nzis, 1 'viae Md 'sieremi pérose iccl - equeg. go ommivesn b.su CourAX =94116 . ýU -e Waukigs Den, 27. ;00L *14Yu BSN IN IAMMONO, IND., Word bai luet beail recelved hor* or Ibm dmatii ou Decenvber 20, lu Ham-, rhaud, -id., of 9'red Van Dausea, q~ yeau-a ad. a former teIl kunot Wsait- kegau young mani. He tas crushed ta deeti under the theela of a frelîht car. The news of his death cornes 4& a 1.1w to bis manxienamds bers ne i. tson. of tie most populer youag men who ever ltved here, Mr. Van Deusen ici heen employ'ed as a swtciman for the Indlant 1tct, bor rnilroad sud tas mwllching car et the lime the, accident happeaidý Joui of the f;elght cara Jumped tblia tracks sud he tlappmned 1<> bedirect, ly lu Its peti. lus bodiy tas crushai: eo badly that leas d 28 miautes siter, th. accident. Up ta thrme ymars aa Van Deus", tee emplqymi .es a ewitlhrn nlu li local yards of the Chicagoa t Nortb, 'vectera rMhitraa4HeBe nided 44, Sauth Park %vconue aI liaI tlrne Tr yecns *go, h. teulta oMiltiaukie 1 reiîde. Latin he moved ica Chd6i ciii tram' etie la aumoeau4 ; tie h. Uved upt-thletUme ef i destai. n.eddgs bis 'vidot b lu Iscym e u sîstere andcivt raSiern. The fuacc> Va4 ield et Madlson, Wts., ou Ma-na" :Dac. 11. t AUNIJONÇ%Il£N9Ai8 NT Mn. gaO xtq..A. tarr nolc yie eg4eineit ot f emi dgital, aa AlltoPsgy ta ir. WiIIlaa4.ACih" ler ioraca. Minesa 517Ita agraduila of the ]j ii6' ssi 11kn*ý -o ségUy in Me le edIýi e eh l 5. loi .- If you have one or fBye thousaud'doliars in city lots or real estate for the protection of your family, sbould yon die prematnreiy, you have jiist that ameunt of mouey tled up. You eau lncrease your protection by bnying 11fti instIrSlce wbich coeta no more ,..tbau the taxes on real estate or village lots; or yon may buy your protection frorn a comnpany whieh hbu it to seli-get the mu.ney tor your property, tnrn it over, and make more. A farmer needs cash and credit to tnake hie busimns psy. 0f course this la traie ini any line, and those Who do Bot make lite insur- ance serve them by making the futaixe soeurs, are not taking ail the ad. vantage they Bhould. They naay be a success-a great big succes-but one would have to draw on hie imagination somewhat to realize what could be don@ by taking hold in the right way. A great many are catch- ing on to this scheme- and getting ont of the rut-for the only differeuce betwoee a rut and a grave is one in longer than the other. -1 believe lu the goods 1 arn handliug, lu the flrm F arn working for, and linrny ability to-get reauite. I belleve that4houest goode can ho sold to hooest men by honest methode. I belleve iu woriug, Dot In weepiug; ln bootng, Dot knoeking; and ln tbe pleaure o!f my job. I beliove that a man gota what ho goes after; that one deed doue today le, worth two doue tomorrow, and that nunman ld down and ont until, loe ha& loaffaith lu hlmeelf.2 The life insuranee com panles do Dot ask yCu to oend anything. Ton are asked to lay by %i fow cents à day, and your reward is-two-fold. TYou are protected (ineurod) for a term of- ye&a-ehould you survIve, you are sure of havlng yôur moneiy returned Éo y'ou.- Toýurs truly, JOHN 1400Q&, mr Phase 3641-2 itiiri Nit IN T uIN0AwA~g~#NUfM. ~ 5~iT A*0~IUU ~ t AI<$ ~ ~ &8AA1ITM~Wzml ~~mueprsiim ~eCo10 Iac IP. taz iy'm"-?Orb.f*1 fdi >SM * 9W ~ t b B - *o~ih~cz~da ' *uta an loir lb. '.omill g yw WM b.hesi un*edthe tV CabOd& art 11dIid i'be ýo ý0 iee4Vxl <' ~ s sthlbUja<beto 'lJpwi5e !ft bu1*1*g 4M, herd draviménBian ,*Ott inf ôt .~** ~la ce $l P ob Comib On fia ibtd"y i 44M 14». hiiey *Ar ced tb . tapayli ri ee ,â,LO ,Nopwiod Park. wb, ý*s i $ -.. . .lbt îidf lot ~ce *bu* ht' ' lia< u ' -t thé il Wk.4.15 4 ýica1KUie e p êM55P* dr * *' uiuiiuitis*bave Chié&, *e4 *;Lu u Is hf exa py.4u in ýb~1t~*2uiiest a$ 5*rtdl*5 et irMsd#. .WUl, tMOib by oC 8h15 nattéèWIl "»d" iaii *5 ya.ri. Mr. 'adefwr eLng e daimprbabl InM are ea# um rnýe 'îbt iétax Ji troiu wîet cf RavIais.Tii cther - tlosai . . obe 531, *5* Wtti 701M& itCr. IM s ptn en atne, r .411 gotf a tou reraices obi" o the i is 0fOcattsleWl.c 1us t. liai de CbrglAg* . ertoaiIlida raneaobtala thrgontethe holtaxes. 0 Ukf.yPtaIOIbor~5~ortueit,194addevled the. irectrc clâin «,C~ egbua brougit acatUi aetopositions bhieu ]lelgw are showu the varions rates 0Ad tP Qu t0 ?Ogthweaer*I% ira*~ afUcasoaintt80 e .po~ra4l~c rmbrb~adWi utc ft Pu eew8 thic Year and lait: WtuI< cgaï. VeÏOMta that-ibth came 1teuru f4!50itmhrO'it autW ro er & Clama. CIMM laa remudan ea f ustilcleson ag ouent.B.. 191. 1911 heir deatb by accidents 'were u 1rnur« mon 601 im P grOUmnt. cagubtu embut ttvs la akre couat ourit . lb acsarToe~-' 'tate .................. . & b> th* jaties. Mn ut7 -a aecucyta f iibentM Coanty .............. .52 The , alla 0f ,the. accident as ai- The. fplaiowlultter. wuicbis golf y«era. alouer ta tak rytte~.~e ek Tow ................ 0, .9 raid rlatd"t tb sa, ere 0zPlaatuorY. leilà bo«. tbis 514 tan s«tii unts w«Oeni11.wthi Crcuitl ta deutlfy hlm no thatl, muIT.I rown............os..osre.y rlati b'TiS>~~. ~'~e> b ii lroceudfroua Une uL 81. Cieri iL 0. Brocbwey Satunday mioru-'hie voucher cash.d. -TUA e310 hond and Bridge...............38 ticlY igt retetd by the vîtueiseson D ir:-Wlli rJee etWaW u.cas noaruaaît b rc b fgh School ............. -si .40 the standby Crobur Taylor. t crnmpiaeewte oux f5e. eu»ger chnies. etOee b 11b cbOîn<........22 .ïo .IS they 01£rof tue ftueelal proceifijon àiWtue haér o n lfoaBm you that SlateaAtne ap 1 )d City of Watcegau . 1 .3aarlgfo oruteaiPark to'Cal- 3(Jcsuary1. 1013. fenidt tram thisdi a Attorne oy Rl J. Pren rna pnkmgedayoy he City -Bond ...............64 .72 cary cemetery and 0f* lhe chaunteur,.prmettl b cilbefd a ela iroed ohn . cude Paeloa- r ig p ley grlstudr NebI LUYbrary .................. .21. 0.becomilit cifused Il ils directions opraîéln wtiieloca#v'&l@ngercetoqetcehili A.d Meen aImaet. shulipstakeryt-ilanrd R. . T City Schaol .............. 20ý 1.54 acddi vîug te,: apoint wesef-Rayi2nb¶'ia 0f Meranr> w Ulti.helca gniai.lon-sho o aa ere rsSa. City Scho.l Bond .......... 23 .20 itIlthe automobiles, t btie.exceut- ment of à couuty agent Wio til-give holfrby.Pae'DngSr. Ion !î11of the e lsttwa lu tie process iolas tiiole lime ta the lqprameat - - --- rOTALS ..... ..........6.78 5.0 lai lreaiy crosseil the.tracks. Thei0 gicluetat~cut.x \\ i!le Waukegans tax rate la hih-uext te Ille last car lu whlch Peterité1h. 1 oagansaton Io compted ~~u-îu~~ ~àLudwig wusaridngb.camq .,.Stalledb."~l t large fate thno a10gn,. si~At41sI Â aganît $678. tie train a ceeu approaching and boratti. o;100 If pet.>-aS fl 'Jre ti Below -are shownuthe rates oai cher aseéon, called te Ocher occuffals of towrd te co-l e moIft i et 0 ota' corporations or tie county: the car te10 lip.Whieoeue0f lthe men eltetcoebcn it siecIl__-__-__-____________________________________ Zan Ci13-4C.O6. wavcd hie ariafor thu train la stop i OMIem e at or cu- Iýae orat-5.9,paent uqu go taue charge 0frl.ther Mgake Fort-$.2. the tucks palot g aue dt ooe off1 tict~ek5 b t-Gb'~ ~ >asiIXis reffpesl liii bureau reluires 14,ryi:glau"5r~.2. tihoughl 0f gtding a danser signal l tefa Wewlmtereture uras ulooethuoku Orayalake-$4.30. <ica aulWiDg sud 1t wil"lipon Ir triesle.h.1. fe ndtoe r Mee.d. ipatrous fwou*s. Antioch-$4.99. télrcs.iiu wwn teda ic .c aSuue oiie- .~a . One~~~ir ggaterccipIcreaus orter. Tie Dant mument.litheb b ail l1 1Éhbas rbi-arsdIUu p .aeir, docroeainluthe varndus rates by qoin- cme ouus io cr hd nar- aa twns mca. patns he boe fguig t W&Ùl o-atr&.d--W*jfl oud bYluthIrsV'o.teseQutforth@md latthtoh mus w wew un frlathle taboin.g thl W.ne ralk b'îq - 00«'i>ht»ban f o uieu-omaulfe ian fr lii Ita tahe alIe UI' tôa sant e kt> esig. w S go~rmo e tstha ir $W l eM tao .CWrr- gêsigoo" The rate lu Wieukegcu cil>' la baagd rJl'a anMmt ob(élibg.elUOU ais e .looked Op aetOo. *ou the isst4 YiS1àM5 « 0 ,Tc m seldne applled tic T Ioui M 4»slew Mgos 90Mi )78; and tu tié towp ce 'tb* aied &&W,80005aslsthtifret M tvw ,alu4tlan of $4,11? I.cr p*tt sb. aB c&, a0 b. sold Tii., tax race bas beaui determIned1 o . fit veebouIî out atilutuiti Cam. a>' Caunt>' Clark eHàdc tic bas abeau olealiciea.lâ t8*showa JobaGamasiaWho wuiai sstailhim!Wss o N A Sap o workiag'on tlifgortésbaa th. clati itfsI4 uLk Ibue f aa mi at en ~ e~t~~~ reshm teedl athenrty saud taiâ fl bmlr it for edon-IR Altr.retutran> h"mwiieu lithec"dent ditar.____________ i~peac~.~ wie men arrltd i ~d eni.Cal4 whqw i ttienao ~ ~ 0~Ud5. . ~ ~ te pusebamiaal e iln ok r.a"o ,MO*$aucceejyad w acAJT t lu in"cdr lAt a flading a mg E. -miglt bet 8 h oxoé, * hancik Block LIUElTMLLIB WAS TH-E W-,%*MU$T CHISTMAr Çb» Wbontc ric hSaici IIIY 1 WAUKUAI k n m vu AN1 nu. nrqfs*e uis alte ' "tIfor a A OEAT*5W YAf~ iol I.~sm i leprewn4 ilsFor XdWOlye04 Dlddor ID»eo U.f -. 'vs lee etrain wlilcb struci ami kilîc ABSENCE Or., R4.W W1NDP Aeft lMelanaker. --- SNOW ON TIHE GROURO. MADE ,Whc. up f riands netruaed home THE DAY VERY UNjiSUAL. Cier sugepcsid he bal gaie te bed -- ------------- - ready. -'lu tha marnng, *ien Ibm saw go fer ai teaher conditionsa go. be haual toccapled ics bed tCherCII- %Vaukegau probably neyer hucd a id the. police, Xhualng hie mtgbt have.i Chrstmas like tht, rear. The, .ky b ein arrmstmi. Laler the>' heard A t J il Ijs a. ce ( u was cear ai a- summer day.. The! desd Mau had beea f ound ou the, truck p u a cC n mnercur>' huug about 40 or 60 eh dey. andIntvestigation sàowmdlit was Chef lu many wsys iltes ver>' imilar toetlaecompauton. - lait year ouir fil tai mach marc baimy sud more pleesaut. _________ The day »Ainmi! Justilkle a ,pt,,- rOMRr. R RSIDENT DI!$ D o______Y -OU ber or October day. thc aun ahlning ail dur and diffumlug n armtî quit. NEWS RECEIVED IEUE TOOAY 0F ______________ uu~sua fo Chalm.. -T-----et nUm-ra M 'r Vau VAN um w 1 .1