SIXTEEN PAGES LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUINTY. ILLINOIS RIAY \ C RY101 WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN- si 50o PER YEAR iN ADVANCE L VOL. XXL.-NO. 16. g PRO O D E TAGEDDZ N MANDNYOLSN EXPL ISD A HI NTgESS 7 8SAD IL IGDROPS D 1EAD TESTIFYING IN L STATE SENATOR FROM THIS DIS- AT ITEMPTI O BU1INDROP.SETNG A0WDL TRICT SHOWS HOW BILL DID gC R I ERTY AT NEXT SALE. KelOWN NTJAADZ OS JURIT ORDERO THAT RECEIV- DeH L.ath and the New fear enteren BILL A& PASSED BY'THE SENATE ERSD ERTISßE FOR BU ERS --band in hand at, the aill.night prayer DID NOT REMOVE TOWNSHIP JDELNI UE AEl -V S ALLEGED LAX IN BOOKKEEPING meeting in Zicvi City. This Wasr NEIGHBORING COUNTY TAKES IN- POSITIONS--THE FACTS. JDELNI UE AE$ UKE COUNTY EXPENDED $15,229 When the Illinois propeOrties of the I AT YEARS CAUSES A tvealned enJahnilest anhe Dow h TAIET MRV SI EA NGON ID FO RLIF F HEPOR Chicagou & milwaukee Electric rail.ow funeNb JhnAlxndr ol n a communication to the Wood- WSSPRSE FO RLIF F HEPOR road are again oundier the hammer by SHORTAGE OF $&120154.32. le over the bod* of Leon P. Feder- OF THE FARMS. stock Republican. Senator A. J. OlsonWSSPRSE IN ONE YEAI. orde of FeIderal Judge K. M. Iandis, meyer, a hair, tOrker, whose home of McHenry county, aiso Lake coun- Tttisg that the Frost intereswillT was at 3,140 Cdttage Grove avenÙe, ty's Senator at Springfield, explains' atgipttobu i te roery. AR I A BI Dl2 A "'ChiPANTcagoP.ElNS t length his position regarding house, SALE WAS HEiD SEPL. SfifE CR ARFrTnES*REPORT u s u ---• d° ln"o°. M.Fdreé idsotyatrbill 175, which passed the Senate and gÀTECHAR ES RPORTtaining title to the rilroad property 1 o'clock Wednesday morning. He had ]s nteHue eer hc it la Raid that Frost wll again be just finished testjfying in the meeting plas nthe eH!o e ofimeasurfwChn EIIN FJDEW made gaeral perinteam and . UGETDhO&TA SUPPLE. when he collaposed. He was dead be- MATTER HAS ALREADY BEEN TA. as terea entot of ree sof comaE. SO F UGEWL SUPIIIERVlSORS PROMISE TO CUlb, ege MENTAL ASSESSMENT BE fore assistance aeld be summoned. KEN UP AT WASHIMN ties that desire such an offictal. (An1 ANOTHER SALE AT WAU. Thursday Judge Landis set aside When Inquiry was made as to h li lwil vr onyl the GTON OO TAIL EXPE"8ES IN 1913; OUT. the sale of the railroad properties, and ..ADE TO RAI«E AMOUNT Identity of the Stricken man it was AN Pffici SRE Eale whicv ey cou ny i he EANSO ordered fthatW. 0O Johnson, receiver lANDe tPLAN SEEMS SURE. bet wli et a bl in nee of and which LINE THEIR PLAN. of the railroad, again advertise for aulear,,,,nednhat hewas erhapthe Ubiest wLni belsnstancessptyre for'edoa uq'o wM figure muHt e eldt Teproperty 1As the reiait of anadtcoeigStates, a rmanwhose speel It was h ilCirs gaets rast oia.wt FdrfJg eswM . old for $1,660,000, and Landis holdo a period of ten years, the City of High-:creation of uniqque art works fromn Because there ls quite an agitation ote t Tes t is now far behlind Sitting in Chicago Thurs, aid ee Lake county expended 1$15,229.95- htti 1 a 2,0,0 eo h an akhsbe rugtfc ohmnhir Hsfm a pedin Lake county t ytouyt put through! most of them Receiver's sale of the Illinois p a per capita of 27½ cent&--for the re- true valuation. i face with the knowledge that a dis. across the ocean- the "DeKalb county plan" of soil Zm Mr. Olson's exp)lanation of this bill, ties of the Chicago A Milwaq lief of poar persons outside of Insti- wAtrgumets n lbeoioh teard reac f$3,5.2 xssi isf-Wanro woMdl. provement, the following from the which is bure to come up before the Electric Raitroad on the ground tutins urin th yer ening & iLandis tomorrow. Counsel for the re- nances and this large amount of mon-l The construction of portraits and 31eHenry County Republican referring next Legilslatur?, tis intere-stn--dbdingwasupeed and ta temer1,191.'It slainlues organization committee of the proper- ey moust be raised to balance Its spe-1 landscapes from human hair b)y a se- to'esestkni htcut ln motn oLk ony hwng purchase price was over 62,000,00 fief to and the burial of indigent soi- tien declared their intention of appeal-1 cial assessment fund. Highland Park cret process 'which, le salid, was th e amne Ih a 18ir.eresting ne time. as it does, that it: 1s aptional with low the true valuation. desundte reaof thesick. In 1 andis' ecision came at the conclu- people have been electrified at the un- known to no.other living man, won tecony hthr>roiin helw Wednesday,September 25, ait W The upevisrs ssue al orerssien of a hearing to confirm the re- expected knowledge and have not yet two silver mendale for Nir. Federmey-1 The execultive committee of the Mci- rasse7s, the county, de-sires to h:re kgn tonyJcbNwa ed ln the offiee of the county clerk and kgnSp. 5 aswhnarera ide nt o hdeb isrmleTh oe itePai xosto nsociation met at the court house last We quote fromt Mr. Olson's commut auditd, tgethr wih th clam 1pe. ain commpt. 5t repes entigapro-out of the rather bad mut ri AThe 1878 and the other at a San Fra n- ona.Iwsremeddthtictnteslenrfrneaso fterarapuhsdalth sented by the Poor committee. This ximately 95 per cent of the bOndhold. audit %was made by theGutre Audit- cisco art exhibit in 1880 at least t w ets e eldd in tols:linois properties of the companys fo er'ar, purchased the Illinois properties Ing company of Chicago.-The Technical World, infits oe-$ 5 0.Hh Co bany committee reporte the claims toa the for $1,600. h ytelfkepn'oosi e sse, publshed.n artcNeemaling communitymcetesins e ch ltwoI h odcmmsinr ss:s wsteo board of supervisora, i th the total for 1 Property Worth $4,500,00. HgladPakunt a oth g,risseir. F edeersunsaltletof the couinty. This seems to be the derstand thatitwsnvrntde His bid on what is known as the each township and the total for &al' Judge Landis heldi that these prop.Hgln .r i a 5mnhsao i .r ueree' nuultl niiaillnmous opinion of the committee todo way with terfieinilldline, between Wauakegan and Eva the townships. No yearly- statement eties are reasona wcrib,0 i svry ya ugetteautee ndstreferring to himkar ioss blod sthebet aytoacomlih t o. .d The conty upeir f inedetbi .teLklhoe a 1 oexesssmaebthcertothe deelsion, the reorganization Comn- tering the system have been made, but The hair picture wh ich won the imSe of Selo a en u e-, ,er ods wuldve o boeoa civiL .ande$5,00forAtthe wtie b the board.1iteepurchaied the Wisconsin prop Itneglects to mention the thing that medal in Paris was a landscape, 6 feet Scear1hltnhs to ut et-ineo r suraveyoraor smenonh at Nak ewBmf.atex ie fthth Eleven thouisand, five lhundrý-i dol- etls e6t0, ncoha at a receiver's sale i oteineiglndPrkpopeth on nd4fetwie ofr f$70testoechdretr fth ol mthudeae o) Soeoihaoutr.NwmnexlMndtht; larà were appropriated during the past ' Charges of Suporession, most--it dosesnot tell them how they: was refused for the picture. provement association, ln which he €ng.nee2rin;; workto p iass a state ex. bidding for Harry E. Smith Mds year for the relief of blind Persons: Touching on trie alleged suppres- are going to raise the $34,000. In the Federmeyer gallery are a 1Urges that they appointwoast-mit!nadth idahtIr.mnJ.Fdf Chicago, wh in the county. The practice of pen- sien of competition Judge landis ln- 1Alleged lax methods of bookkeeping number of life-ize portra',s of statesat ohm i h atroffnn-ci ews t-athecuysprn.m.brofh'odhdr' @foning blind at $150 a year has been 'dcate n i e c ira ayn tateisediaHgladtakhoemna wl bss fVito-uging the association and organizing tendent of each county was to confer tien committee. on e'have been active bidders for the 1111. years, in blamed for the big discrep. President Gardeld, Napoleon and Gam- 1locl ea en.era apne t re.ekswt te s updtaiertene gt c other ewmlanchadmeposhite it lieved are not published ln the daiy Into Chicago hadl they no e eenuhattonwpdtotheae oksLk nrvig Henry county for the perfection of tem of ne county as nearly un!-formison, two certild e ckfR. papers. oogtff" by the tn ca assesmetfud I nmbr Inm artes yeursMr ee- the Soil Improvement association and a- possible the other counties. and 11150,000 respectively. I Dr. Brown, county physicien, receiv- ers, which later tarledits Interests of casses where the original&ases&- moyer used snethtr pint, ponec o nueteepomn facut oif sad il adbceea law wre certidiedtoyth ed 2,00a ea fr ttndnc uonover to the reorganiutim Scmmitteement did not cover the cent of the erasyol, b4At Ui e of ti, ha gn. wsrporertdyeMn-o i tMvrros e oe w nemm and CanmgiI. I io4 tb JImdth m t ae loi, eqn 1 al Improvement it fiaffi at nO supplý>dubéid workà thlat é€oué 'Ocarcely be, day)that President Wr4btof. the fatur,- Hny oayoe o h éesndivi.6 lof Ho furnishe *s@smatmaM egaes- mn n e oementenratlo ewcthCn e ntlassmnse weemd odfo selegaig. • fareft" institute, reeived a tele- ty, would not have to apply for a m patients whom he considers it nates- irailway Intereste in which the latter 1pad to this cause alone isascrfibed, Mr. Federmeyer fought through the gayfo teDeatmn o1gi-cunysueinedetunes they e iso sary to remove to the Jane McAllâ- practically agreed that they would not la large portion of the shortage. It lis Franco-Prussliin wat, rectiving sev- culture at Washington requesting ta wanted one. They coutld nit byad Six days after the sa}e of 1ýb ter hospital. present themselves asbidders at tenwsgse htheheesplmn-ea lgh o ews7 ers they be notified as to whether Me-. take notice of how the cother counties te tWuea eti At a recent meeting, the board 1r tbond@ and otherineet al assessments be made at this time l ad iu vived by 12 children,Herconywsgngtmaea eegttgalg, heerhy appeared before Judge #U memer vte t alo al Ositl held by the Milwaukee financiers the ln an effort to cut down the discrep- most of whom Ilve in Chicago. The, demnd o afrmaenln conu-rreporesntfse and bete fdeal ur d trn bills up to $800. ln other words the1 Canadian syndicate made a covenan anc7.rprtwscurninlisthtFde-qetly take advantage of the $1,200 than we were, or ln other wórds beco an p Jane McAlister hospital will receive ito pay $1,122,636.25. Judge Landis Another reason why the shortage meyer's youngest child ls but one t epi yte¿.S oenet tnptero h l ytmadstaietesl eas $800 a year for allowing- the county's I eld that 00,OWof this pricet a swageioainobebcasfheyaoodran easaobfreteWe understand that President Wright let thonse counties that wanted a su- suppressed. Bond holders îI poorbaid space In the hospital. theauee teetorailwy intearet. t e v a olreha spaid te ieeasthits rnso ntiearaays eLre conhe mediately tellegrphed to the De-pentdntg algonhe ewoicas ersuonedn The pesthouse on the "flats" in used saeo h seset.AohrsrceM.Fdree o ol partmnent that McHenry county would system, and It would show within a, vestigation conducted by the for contagious diseases. The city Of ARET HRE 0Y '"t of the system of bookkeeping contested race ln which ha and an , make good on Bts end of he propos .year or so which counties were pro. judge. The hearint was Waukegan has recently patid the bIlls RET HE BY was that the rebates never were!other man wheeled barrows across saition, and that the $1,200 appropria-! gressing, and If the counties which three weeks agoe, but Judge LAXIIII 01 sallox atietsbutan efor isFOR ROBBING CARS shown. In order to find the amounts the United States. He outstripped 'his etin fth goenmnt wud eac ad the sueritendts er e gettin not eter is dmecision antil od being made to regain at least a por-' of these rebates ordered by thelopponent by nmany houre. cetýe inohis IfcouneIltyaonbttet hentMher w ou behno oderwil eantt Wanoiher tion of the expenditure. ST. PAUL ROAD 18 DETERMINED court the auditors hadl to consult the Edward Conrad, deputy coroner, It eems ndo as if r lntheis ltte.doubt but what Me nrây co ut I y oducedatWaea The facts noted above were gleaned TO STOP THE THE.-TS.,FROM county clerk's books-was summoned to Zion early New Ikelcihoo ofa falre in atiica te ou dti w te e syste, butai many das pli state charities commission, which was' with the old system of municipal quest. A verdict that the deceased sured. However, the great need atiwere not getting along as well al state that as a part of the r published but recently and presented WVýAUKEG.AN, Illinois, January 3 -bokepn in Highland Park, ls the came to death b)y heart failure was present is to awaken the farmers of those counities without superinten- tionfit was intended to issue$ to Hon. Charles S. Deneen, governor' Three boys, the oldest of whom wasmanrnwhcmoehsbeno-rtued ytejry fZinCy the couinty to the value of the work dents then It would not be necessary i 000 worth of bonda which "'If of Illinois. The report was publish-, moyears oat age. were arrested hirowne rgi hconeyse senb-order edntsThe jrmaf inshav ibeenand to get them to takre the Initiative to change. This, ln my mind, seemns Wil elyrpeetn n ed Dec. 31, 1912. 'J. Morrison, eetv nteepo opytehlso nte.Fri-fraddt hcg.iln the matter. They are the ones' perfectly fair, and that anybody could wâ"aever"» 4 comparison with other county re-. of the Chicago, MNilwaukee and St. stance, when It came time to pay for The services in the tabernacle were mnost dIrectly Interested, anad in the findt fault with such a bill, fi leaigt Calle It in Teeth sf LuI porte for the year ending September Pau'] railroad. They gave their ad- onmid fteewsntsfiln cniudi pt ftedaho n they are the onges on whom the optional with the counties themselves, Judge Landis scoredtsuch 1, 1912 shows that Iake county spends dresses a vlaukee and their namresoneybodin therndiswansu enpatcone ofthelnumbierofassembled. Inobuen fspotwl ag yrs. sesrdclu iinaddcae tt a"eb as much, If not more each year for OrRobert Meyes, 2yasod t aetemny rmaohrfn i olwn1paesVlv,'i ad would certainly be against any mulated "in the teeth of " the support of its poor th'an any other, Albert Burns, 17 years old. ln a sort of "Rob Peter to pay Paul" made no comment of the death of one POOR FARM PATIENT "°oe eiltota ol n tt a fwsos na county of like asze in Illinois. Henry Jorgenson, 17 years old. system.Issi htaohrwyo i ubr crease the taxes of the farer one' tution of Illinois." The courtg Recently Chairman Clarke of the Julc s ara d n vwhich a portion of the shortage "'An amen from the Almighty," Wasý DIES AT WAI)KEGAN p.nyfrmdpross ste r ther that this feitre of tlt, board of supervisors wasn o minated of disorderly conduct and their hear- miay be accounted for is that many the comment of one of the 500 pangterrprtntehraconwgedeviynfrml to takte charge of the Indigent sol- ing was continued for ten days. A people paid their assessments at once ent. MICHAEL KENNEDY REilDENT OF but the large cities-Chicag, as well hiseitn #fers and sailors of Lake county. It special officer fromn the Milwaukee, which allowed them to escape paying COUNTY OVER HALP A CEN- as, aothera - and automobile owners The chief objector to thé eomà ts the bellet of the board members eCourt andaed th auMegathis t ed the interest. Instead of taking up TURY DIES IN HOSPITAL. have realized the fact and want to tion of~the sale was Mrs. MatWàd that the appointment of gne person to over to im, saying that he is wanted the bond with this money Immediate. AUTO ïNTrO .AKE help in road building, eltiher by gen- holder of $12,000 wort.h of the a look after the Indigent soldiers and in Milwaukee on a charge of lar ceny ly It seemos that the old plan in High--¯ Michael Kennedy, 75 years old, an, eral tax, or by auto tax, or both. It of the Chicago & Milwaukee l sailors will curtail the expenses ma The charge against im helire was dis- land Park was to allow the bonds to Son of Lake Bluff Woman and Related' inmate of the Lake County poor farm is different today than lit was prior railroad. terillyIn years to comte. It will be missedahe cereturned toa31ilwaukee maueadteIneettathda- n Waukegan, Ha* Exciting Experi- at Libertyville for the last few years, to the times that we were not run-1It is said that John Griffith, I -is duty to arrange for the burial of Mr. Morrison ln discussIng the af cumulafed ait the end of the' ten years cen•IddThrayngtoolaeintenng uombe.Tectyppecag, contractor and holder of bocs the poor, both sailors and soldiers, and fair, declares that all of the boys- were tie was a dead legs. Of Interest to Lake Bluffers is the' Jane McAlister hospital. He was ta- use our roads as much as we do, and la the railroad, la also intenstet, he will likewise be compelled to take guilty of stealing from freight cars, Highland Park may have much trou- eventful trip recently made by Mr.i ken to the hospital on December 28 they are agreeable and are not kick-' havingthe sale net aside. care of them during life. nti n te 'os were wearin bei etn oto.t JemabtH .Warusno r. M. A.Wat-, tounty hcian. ie'ng about themtaxes thae o reaipuft' l ayin nte lest ee Bught The inembers of the board are una- said, had been astolen from cars. it is said that unless several other, rous, over the Glidden tour route alb ee asei pteticonete cuse frhe ingeupo n em btemt nthe lam f Touchigon theallge ads upre amous in the belief that the expenses For the last several imonths AMr. north shore citdes are very careful automobile. Mr Watrous' ittle Hup-1 ha benaresientof thedcuntybisfor stha e sp nte ir oe onthe eof compeeiion tJudge adisin don nteill urngte nuigefforts tongstop>thethie in, hat hr The plan of borrowteinonefunde.tobhae madthe lon g rip 1ve 8tisyouth was considered one of the best how that money shall be spent- street railroad interests would I year. ~~~be oy thoevesdhavebenarrsed.Iv opaeh ebrfaote ud a ot romnDetroit to New Orleans; known and most promine4t men ln',McHienry county could apply for a been active bidders for the IHui wasony ecetl tat iv bys er bencarie o inWakean orsoe ith a perfect score. Starting for1 Highland Park where he resided the superintendent, providing they saw properties ln order toet a Iline4 wNIC A IL D arrston a sila chare Iand tey y ee ar but n inwa ha en on oe in theabot oip e t caPontehlatraingreater part of theUtime. that the other counties which had ut - Ohicago had they not been"b AN IC A IL D wre bounuover tothetermndjurty uhawa'htnosotg hseebfv iesfo hre the boat sank Hle was always a hard-working man perintendents were doing go much off" by the assIting syndicate, stap utth pactceasthy ay evloed ,to the bottof of the late. Two weeks and succeeded ln building a comfort- better. Consequently there would be sisting of canadian bondholders BELIEVED PROM LETTER FOUND'itais hurtingtherbines hs advl ld.«ater when tho boatwas ralsed, the' able home in Highland Park. About' nobody hurt by this bill. lit would later turned its Interests over to IJ·OKEfOBETOAS ncahry, serl uiextr a dcies car was found to be virtually uninjur-ý 10 years ago he sold this home at a leave the supervisors absolutelv ln r glaincmitt0e LNSPCAUSSANOF AENTHOCH lonial seach.xhwha tkees STATE O Ur O K anaeat s"ready arfc n ith his son-in-law con- contral of the situation and It wouild .eraztincm cthe nhe.ti eemto bTe mcomitedoi return trip.--Lake Bluff Chat, ducted a saloon business at Highwootl. not do away with the road comi :Mrie Bi hia An unidentified man, believed fromn the compas ardat R ondot A state examiner to audit theae Mr. Watrous Ils a nephew of MIrs. This proved to be a losing Venture and, sioners, but would continuç, that office iijured a wPeekaowe h a latter found in his pocket to havei counts of all county oficer will be G. B. WaruBfti iyadagad eonwntruhtemnyh as before. They county superinten. of a wagon pasd vr i Heen Thomas Schaussan Of Antioch, FiRST LICENSE IN YEAR poiedfrinab lltbe submitted'son Of the late C. B. George. He visit- hadl secured by the sale of his home. -la iuougqite rapidly and le was killed instantly Wednesday night tovthe nextrgneabilasmyb y h e smtera Lk inff, this fall, Hie and his wife then oe oWu dents would be paid out of the stat, o, f aneracoring te Vas klled nstanly Wenésda nighl 1having driven over fromn Detroit. He, kegan and for a tIme lived with a treasury from the road and bridge mnlt given out today by hW at Mayfair station on the Chicago &,The first marriage license of 1913 was sêpecial legislative committee namedt at; and his car w ere seen ln Wauk'egan' grandson on theB West Side. At an- ta%, and If there was not sufficient They Say that when hoeubtt Northiwestern railroad, as he attempt- issnued Wednesday by Deputy County the last session, to inquire lnoadRI numerous times before he continuied other time they occupied the basement money ln the road and bridge tax fund hospital they had but little ed .1Ó tros in front of a train. The' Clerk John Bullock to James Riley Improvement and kindred subjects, his trip South. of the houge on Sheridan road that tihen they would be paid out of the his recovery but be lai11gett11 lettélrfound in the dead man's pocket' Gargu of Wasco, Cal., and Misa Thre-1 The bill will provide that the offieer, Mir. Charles Helming of Lake Bluff houge.bytetteo"h ane personal fund. cunaesthaTbteysMWth uras sent to him the day before Christ- da Mary Haarhauer of Waukegan. to be appointedt by the governor, ali has been going about with hi. wrfist Becauseof hie advanced age Mr- 1, personally, believe fitshould all forseen complications %Metu-i mRby Mr. M. Doyland of Antioch. 1The tiret tmrafer fIled with Circuit have jurisdiction over the accountsoOf in splints as arsl f rcia endfly wasagbletad tle worknd bpidu o hegnea fn , breovery uis aurted. r.d odywas(lst f ama of45Clerk Brockwyay foHlows: Jacob p., aillcounty officials in the state. He joke. While serving on jury at Wau. n afwyer go o e=d ishina:cud be gd. fiaroughaup ineaukegan and li o eê4tiv feeot, seveu Inchen Retsenthler to J. Bellg Gridley, T. w.111 cause an examination of the books rkegan recently, at mel t Othme .ne afwif wrsenliedyt ot;hepob t o rane.:fie cndihvebn. vr ot Ru a-the other Jurora ln sport pulled th vfrm. M rs Keney who isasaid t o re.adhis condition.NEPE e«qM sd qwho weighied 165 pouands D. $4,M0,atsaeditrvl1ndwl ise c hair away and Mr. Helmin elt.eseea1er1lerta.e u' oeadbte nw nIDPN W#14e pNT. nade by OffierOGe. Hicks. correct. was endy Injure.alhuherontoniqutfeb. COUN Y KE O )NE TO EIGHT