Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1913, p. 13

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ILL4 the Biggest Drawb#cks Wbc kegan Faces ira (3ettirmg- Fac- ýsis I-ghCoal Rate Mafntainedi IocrimInatiori Against-City by1 hwesern-PIaitl Statement of *III twi wil 1 lui 1 foi td bel Di cal mi Il, am MG&N. l»Ilols, january 7.- 6e no reason te sell because other ti Ùu j». MM*tur eot ettinq And. to thlnk thal a shipper eau' i orisela the faut that taie aty tfend coal clear tbrough to Mlwaukee lii, î,1W dbwdrmktated againet In (lftY miles tartber north) for theo Ml Me of CeS rates, for qoal cn saBie rate that t can ho sent lu Wau- 1 ï0U se fer north as Milvieu- kogiri. lAn bs à&Ma rate tht mItcaste toa Thereso something rotten in Don- me teisegen.mark surely!di W#r Wsnkegan manufacturera More Dscriminailonl. aF AYETTE a. IIAINRê Laecountys lsglolutor-Oloct. Hs «W tO paY ABOUT F1ITY1 For lnstance. if one wisbed to send la mentioned prominfly as a condi- A TON MORE POR GOAL l hpettCiaofrmMlva-dl o h paeul fthelii istemaufctres u olIlkoo, that coat $10, lu case ho wshed noie hause et Springfield. M go, uni, as a big concor u9setO10have the shipuiont stop off at Wau __________________ kegan Just for a train or t"o, 6e would eh( wsy flou 200 tu 600 tons$pe have to pay anothor $5 to send l on a *» oasly ieductWdthat l - h icago. This also sooms unros- refln 1 .CTELEPIIONE WIRE cera liksth 6 u e fla-tsnbie and inexcusable. wer $Mf;eo a os> more fori e:itM gbyveloAei lu Chi- a refls.y uses &bout £0tn 0keat friThe Sun 10 ex- mcl, but, because the con-' 'beom- alovod la continueE r lents vithout an> Ihlng éiag de"t0Ch0 ta1tnoI; Il gy, a" Ouebody too th1e ma =Rfactuer andi builior Stoda>': Wqnlu on* eft th la the country' for a lac- no tmmraneveu lasrions do; loume thoreareaso -c shOb 11* t4 loger fa- thor ea umno ieaufac- bw.m o eaus il le e ~ iW* la s'ilbegeuis woik- "1*ee eau wtetathir venr 4n plamemt hommes te ilve fibà d*tlbssare"a <0' 155 City, m a rnes- ii esuelb afe0' a PIFt PiTY CINtS A TON OC L e Cilge con- li, 1.616 : i alt ..tit i> -l conslvlg 1<au aite for ~C SIN GU bb eI-ta4te Cmmerce fixes ~diricomitles. but0coam IbI ib y ti=cm essIon. !Elcso manufaçluners, can wsbl a4 1-40 10 51.50per tan Uk~~fanp.00 ho12.10 ta est ~u Id of scat to Wauksgaa FLï0. bl:dUhp ilb 10 MILWAU- t« t16. îaue price Ibit-it coula t, I to WAUKWOM'. e " te . Chîcao f&-o uahe Ililuos a le il*ut 60 cents a ton vhile t 60- eits la addei 10 each ton tg, sblpped these Ir. mles tîfther kta Waukegan. lu olber vonds, Nbrthwestern charges WS'îkegau pffl about ONE CENT AND A t PZ8111 MiLE 'lUflTONfrarship- cal tl»nn Cbiiago to \Vi aukegan t tought it nia> au' voix.'direct i e mine aniii u ,'nt ercd Chi- Géoal Docesn'l Enter Chicago. 116 a toit l'Be cyêtem outbide, of *»., il ta the tact Ibat mucb ni icel oonulgued to W'autegaox, nov- $és1elcty af Chicago t al ~.ritco to the bit linos aud ýeI a 6 Norlhventern, thu' M5 hio yards. Tlerefore S'reenble ta figure lu 16' sovlpg the cars through hf yrards, an excuse wich, n( 1ogfoed by t4 rnillroads ile séen that l costs bu t0 86 cents ion ton te, shlp coi ~ilt 200' to 300 miles frai * Ix>CRCARJO and that 16ý Chamsea60 cents pe Il t16. shot distant te Wutugsu front Chlcag atoent Ibat thoro ia .*Ipdfinaiossomnevlereane 11sipo 0 bolocal augar ni @lo~iy aamflung abou * MORE FOR COAL tht Iocate lIn Chicago. Thi » »uetblrnç b Wîukegai ohipping malerlal north f rom Chicago toMiwaueeWauegn, ltTulh IIEV ES ARE BOUND shîppers 10 haveotupay as mucb for coal, etc., via the Norttvostei;h as TWO MEN ARRESTIED AT EVANS-'i thoy would lu case lbey llvedi 50 miles TON FOR THEFTS FRON CHIi- fartbor norlb, lu Milwaukeoe. CAGO TEL. GO. MELO. The tact that Wautegan la 60 mles sauth of Mlwaukee doesn't seem 10 George F1111 and John MWblslx re enter lto conelderatlcu ln the toast rocoutiy bound over tu, the grand Jury so fer as gettlng a proper rate. Itlnb the surn of $1.500 for each «_ tavo mighI about as velI 6e located a hat offenses and I111Iluinbtheaddittons) Mle south of Mlwvakee-it would sum of $1.000 for one offense, ail thfte gel the same treatinent thon as Dow. offonseg being ou the chalrge of grand RATE- largny. CI4ANGED LUMBER AT-l and Walsh vore irroated ai WHV NOT THE GOAL? Evanelon for stesilng cablo traiu the Chcago Tlephone compeny. -'The It ls rocallei tbat, a te', ieare ago, cable vas cut from a reel ieftt ' he 6 the proet editor of The6 Sun, thon compauy in a uaîîoy ln Evanaton. editor of the Gaette, vas one of those There have been many theftteof vire who ildod ln forcng the Northwest- and cable of leelu and about Evns- cru airoai tu cesse dlserimiatbug ton snd itlah believed that thé mou againat Wîukegan lumber marchanta under indictmout are reqpouulble fol lu the nialler cf freight rates. the Teephone compsuya IOBN ot Tlhe tfact waa discevered by lb. only iu Evînston, but aI other points vrlter Ibat Wautegnn dosions pald througbout the terrltory ln Wich il the same freight rate on tomber asoprts iMilanke--,nd e ad otersgot Filîsund Walsh vero appreheuded bnsy. by the Evauston police. At lte sta- The investigation ehove 16.1 Wau- tion lhoy coufessed 16.1 On Moulai, keg9n vas iia>'lng20 Cnt pet hua- Deceinber 2, thoy hlla stolem a uan- dred, the saule rate as ppplied tu >41- lily cf caille f om a reel lu Bvanaton, vasukee, 50 miles fatther oril. The that wasg the property of the Chicago agitation vas kepot up âni. our recul- Toiephone company. The caible vis. lectIon la that the Intr-StateCGem- accoring to, theîr confession, oo11 te u)?ce conmission flÉal> t-i:the60al- a junk deaer ln Chicago. The deal- faIr up wlthff the e enuit 165 the rate er, It vas roported, tbld the mon that ou luniber comlrrg tuWanlcegen ls bo vould buy ail the ut 0of this tini reduced. that M, It vas $%adi t that they wauld brhhig hlm. TWUNTT-M C ENTS 8PE1R MUN-I The Evanston police dosorve gréai; DitE!, Inte ocf TW1XNTt-mNE credît for promptiy running dowih 6el CEINTS PMR 1tU4ZDRlU ThIits P prlnators Of those caible Ihefttaa a diffreuce to VA*Watg adfl e f fla hoped that. If they aremobr about TWENTY DOLARS A eàATI of an organlse<l gang wltb a "tance". LOAD. whlcb. lu the total, lias in Chicago. the whoie autlil viii b. imouuted 10 thousauds of dollars uncovered vhen the cases of I1111 and, gire lion. Wlhcm util lThe oly reason the rate vas final-Wlhcme~til lreincod ac Wîukegan doalor& dld Noiete*se ua fo iÇllins 1ote9. ot bave tu, pay the sMme rate au Ml A c urions boruekilnggunétai ua e'Lue vas because Il vas PtOved Ibat 161. cty vas dincnlminatoi En-glani b 6111 horses vicit bavs &gainai. The miautee hepla eto b ajured 'oila nov bains aptoi 6y Commerce commissian fouad iloetI , A mla a.,.cmty Mmciuies Z il forced tl b chus. vich Ia nov be- muse 0f île m e[lsmeosa«i sUret eIng ejoed. 1Iot aitio. Bim llbt blow a fli# 1 If Iht Change couli 6e mal.le ti lea o"tiealyil'vsn lat@ thé braIset rot ereuco 10 tumber, vbats in pro- the animalknllalg i intantly, vllb- veut Il bing brought about vitn rèf oui; a aouni ta ittrant attention la a erence ta coal? 1 lhe ou differenco la that the eual oty streel, matter la @von ef greator importance to the etty than the tumber situation Aficah' Cia> Esters. sas a fev yeara ago in thé coiouy of Upper Senegal ami WH-AT'S WAUKEGÂN COING TO Nger, bu Africa, noir a place uimedi t O ABOUT IT? Detuy. exista. an odible cl, od Aboriginai View of Woman. whbrh the natives are von tfond. Itlal lebi. the shorigne froni tbhevii fnird ln a layer beveen trata ci D.eo Ce country, Ia lu a tain vi> oflilmestono. and a galien> has besu tlv bing damoaticaled. Already ho tasnuil on' mb lbtheoarth fonr the etVaIloni no wild but bat the gouttie passion cf '1te substance. l la Dot cli'eMt cau co016e bit avage bneet. Isah$ au on the %pot, but. broten... lut6 1beld a rocoption lu the anthropoldglcal pleos a tev luches acroa. la sold th id muaoum o! the affleltcdoliges. sud tlb. lubbtanta of lte- sunmufn sa amuueodaud lnstu'ucted bis guete b> country, over aàlaemue of 80100 20 .eveavlng a primitive Ilîh net. Of a Dile- it la laid tb> Freuch explorera le udon ho stopped veaviug aud flxod that 'soue natives coutume sevema le bis es« on a tell blonde vho vore A pouns of the etraugo food ovcni day. Lbit under vblch lehi could bide. A *Imier customn le touud la tbe Sou, The blondesa face grev rosier and Ishi dan and lu 9tlier parts cf Arica. tap t srlng. Then ho grunted sud gurgbed somethiug 10 iSam Balwoe. vho aho f lcoinhbn. it translates lahis South Vans putberals Data bave b::: gatheréé iluoGe a]Into Eugiiab. "-le gays the woman u undor lbe roof le more b.îutltul than imni v1 refoenco ta the dIstance e uocuhin on16elaie, orebOutlfuil i l vblh personu mai 6e realognieed ro Ihoane one t ee, mor bat1ful by Ibirtfan sd fihures. If orne bai ce The taîl blonde, blushiug turlouoiy. aoi reîens, a6e ermaà uliuqm m govanibed.-San Francisco I.ellert nou mt c ileu pai IL gb b. ja a New Tort World. humé- bt cns btoe *a.s-rtdal>ia ai ad ,ut il Book AneyewHlm. ..OU, pIsase do awag iti Ibat bot' wasthebe nak of a a - ta the beuch, vben the convictiou bookt vas pnodueed te show Ibat i was bis fftylsixti appoar aoM cu Provod Power of Logue. Thb. Profeero f 'logIc(te himueif) -MI laid MY bat Bomeiere Iu thise MOu. Nobody bucas ineaimlueIr b»& bore. i camI es Il tan>er*.ý I%çtoeore"--putting bis han beneatb .iu'.Iau atlug on I. Amother t" eIal ~rr0 te) - If the pinson la eneitove la oe e u.May'recogulse blu et fto9 fltty la oe u iudred Meteri,40pd Ilh Ilsa m emberonees familY,11it 150 meton. Tue whltem tt o mal' 6e seen aI fnom, twentYaaèvMll Ivbénty.olabt Metere, and S01 thebizolves it aoventy-tvo ta o èvm tbrse metera. The d1fferet9WS the body and the lsigtet u(MO,9 are diatluguleba'bla at lu*E Imoeora. The. limbe ahow St 113u: Aut $40 motets W a'ostl$~ i Onlu se n udl ifei-;,ge=t M" , lidS i rI MO»u (2881-4 fie>0et) th ,OU W I 72 tn re ce tc Bc 00 20 on AI et ai ol ai pW Un *Pd orne-bwtSailes veot orf ak lia.L Fer lnt e oIen yoars.M»1 fe lied Auguet. 18, 1 To 161 dpïiïè e ver î ail ol0- ren. mine 6f Wbom are 1lm U itse une aad iüx aughtere. oùï son 10- it pspod Svay lu lnfancy and orne at 14 béi n podr fiwq& w ei. tilis ad St length sublnft- ad to àzt ODO 1ration *hlch was pir- eudt bh1.oms Tuesday, DociP,. Reporte vere tha± ho vas jflum leoy, bat-tp chango ame. 1Tis ame et .&ait 56 ocloe)tsltè> >rnlng, Deenier 28, 1912. lbt Aim? ! 1e oolaâty s respecte d o* BolideS île cb9dlmen ho. baves b ie. s gvme6heE.bre.eluttOrO %M 'Oý "geritq' FâPoudrai eervlcos con- oetdql.tlaeboie MondaY, Dec. 30 et bleIod . ThIâ*le 'Villa choir fur- lhed nic. l'h. sermon wae de-ý 'oured by Rev. lewry of Lake Ville 1 th det chuzpb. MarbeaUtÈIfulfloral offerIngs vere iovîdance. aurl was made at the. ,ugois ceietery. The ModernWood- ie of whlcbho v as a member, con- ceted the pervicese t the grave. CARO OF THANKO. We dodu0q to express our sincero anks to ail Who helped us duriîxg the Ie5peSoind dath of our father. Al- othose Who gave flowers and the oir.-The PFaiuiy. LAIE TRAFFIC INCREASES M,»0,00 ons Reported Throuih v«es eeelli1912. WVasblugtn, Jan. 8.-Last yeara aMc ou the lGreat Lakea vea heaior laxever'betore, accordins to lgnre mcfe~ b> <Ceptaiu E. P. Bertiolt »IU£detho 1e revenue clIp] trvic& nPou. Avril 24 10 Dec-.»,te >rlot 0naviation, nearly 72,600,000 n@ of freluht paused l hrougbx the Bo caisai. The year before 53,590w- >0 toue pusd tbrough the cu.aL Tbis comm»ierce, coustins Princip&>. lot ore and grain, vuectrriêd la B1,000 loade. the blgheul numbor of vesse]@ susing tbrougb the canal lu >e day beini 124. CZAREVITCH IS AT HOE Mténde Pr etentatlon of Chnlutmu aifl o bCosuàch. St Petersburg. Jan, à.-The Ras- iau Imperial crowu prince. Alexis. '116 bis fttber, the Emperor Nicha*& itended lte distribution of gifli fra. te Christmas troc to the Coornach tf the body guard at the palace of Toarahoe.feio. This vas the crowu princel O ret .ppéaranco. mince bis i1lnes, aud die, oueld ofth1e reports tbat ýe b44,be"n sent to the south of Praee. IS MAUTRAILWAY Umts States Grand Juryle :etgates la i aMI Nev Tork. Jan. 8-Tbo tederal grnd jury t611 indici Prseldesî Mone et the Newlv aon u uPresidffîi Cbobelanof lb. GrMa Trout roi tosi aud Afre-d W. 60"tieS. *el>i man cf the Grand Trunli board, le- in. filvas uuidex'alood,AsuIveltie tionun outhe entine rallroei. ttoîme> Ini and steamnboat situation IfnNew Eug- land. lu determine vhether the Nw Toi-t. Nov Hayon and Herî Ri ll roid campany ls a mcuôipoly lu re straint cf rade unier the Blermift anuiltrust lav. . alt a dozen clerantld MinaiO tlciaIs of the New Haven BYDlem tesll Iled at the sesslin. Il vas declared thal the grand jury contemplateil holding onu soven or lteb4.more ait tingu anidltat lurtbei- indictmOeRt irpuld 6e found vithu t«n i>S OPtulu veetu. URGES CUlS ON RAIL RATES Oov. syrne sooree P14494W'COu ,1o i"Tr*Mlt~on OhSMte LAWe Pierre, fi. D., Jau. S. - »It vomI sous Iliat uo effective regulatloM a trelght and pusaeugor raI55-.vttht Biais Uines la psabl Qs.S1 u li lover faderai c '* r eutted t anhI ahi brimg to natxgbt ail efforti Di the pan th 1e people of the clate te socuro elif.sai Govermat 9. Byrne of South Da À Ili 1inà" »Se to the 19M iîatue "Tbe P60140,» ai be, "do ott = doaerpî cf amy speolflc 4d a byus he .courts au of the cOM toupluona 'ga InluVblcb 16e> Itno .a. *1mb lavsad sud h -b" tael sciais in the pertrusb o f tlb wiilohbave forglabomi 1stIâe Mtl- mrmbonet e , lsleg&"itoiret.0 -M"4 e ePomoe lo aI se me gos Mvosmema evi IWboii te an leromif'W11u r8àaIlna yoi rouastbaru. Ilion etl twytoodurt.isâtu gthe isio.u m-ee romthe latano of $.rio thaut 16 domeotied.>ls osts oamo~ rtlepobeauo'b>thérodat- lat,.ion lutsabore S il paodet biuge beai ws mon theblol vii rlUe, JohnoM.etrouber pooWlton H. tvMty-fuAlrt M lie la.10Um, n H.u. relout, &9. Je sionP.ile wopuLeUs. lmeaI. ecmu A« vpolinoga r erto1erosi snt* Seal am6e da yu omaie au lbov eh*sltuof tae amrnlltvb baiw bees tmade n 1e subipte fo veI m aairman et6e url tesf and 16 of berns em., g are n 3 gaM : ria> J"nM baere téain. heH mmdw sE.a M.U ubelI.the comilto la mralhe au Carriersbau mie a »«K mivst by 0f e calc âb., o,124eo W1ie rral mil ca toms of seSos DImoa.'Ter r 3888 r raimai eur 94sMla lest pubT- nils ttémi nhrlo tactre la unl* liemai motuo utaue Md& 10".' eut 1 ccsntos mAo-e ~lh.m ,134 er m ni crriers- Md oir 16e ao lllouer rotes oioe Md 4 bMOUL lw34,00 M 7"0 p dà» f te y he ronde vhoro. ttar mmai o m ho almg ade grta ont4»dua bal! tons md f ore ora gibtft jour.Asu- ueya#" vyégoutts, te eotea solthlue a#be 1of.5 ays on li es at wié Tu"rofg h ie SerI Te oari- rois edli a bo oon at voro I 115w ihbémaus fndvhlelasisi tothetrae nporet. Aalymlst mg ioontles1 6. rpts a vid usae ofvragn.e? ol lio 10traof eora reotas Ooeutr. 9 1J ............. I UA Mise ............. ....0. 0. rior............0. mi Nlla Mone........1425 u.: miL Ici~1. ..............4.. & sLe.. s"80,t ......... ..... 4. L, Kg Î 1 Wliubo.............. 9.6 101.8241 L.àut Antekttnt errptIon. Av*hk# s muh. of de>. repartit .... aïs m ta 1 4à.11 4.[ Leg ............ ai .8KG M4 1.e . ~Là Ku il. Usu6E~.t.e S L5.8 S&. * .......o .... . e MI to A rmdn«_* beAiZ o amu ho ffe t »te fp ullIliolout o ». là e'1bnu. a-- itlo là* leglltive coumito.e M eItuvmotasi b4 o mi mb$,o 4&IM ~t le moin sor'evotooli hojau r lsoved on an averag et SM, o lsatb 0 1hewOn. '0.1 *Ov t Ura10 p ea U èk~i hl httoslsd la Ihhi etqm eou the A$latloegt I «ILu xI v - s "tt. =~saat oomuuulcate vltb the PatberbY SKIN OOF o a 05s W BY icht Doe ormoffmddli tiniqi Operationenit.tLouis, St. Luite,Mo. Jan. 9. - Iles 0e trou th.e tomachi of elgit n>u bée boom gragte opi the legu OL~ Kortu, i »osy*er 01lue>.' . eity, whe vas burnai Dw, 8,wliebSai Jolén a c u hgt lre. .T VM part oftheb.injured aresila ovomoi butllive more doge, yl ho nurlloed beforo the boy r«evoufully. Tho olSbt puppies fluest ver.cbloue. tormod. thon kilied, and lb.o elastia si*i of their etomacha removed and transferrod 10 the boys loge. BSHOF SBISOT .1AR 1 SIAD Pbiladelphia, Jan. 9.-Dl#boV Joseph P. Berry orthlb.Mthodilut EpI$Ooal churcb, ln eddreaulng th.e vaSSIliak Allianc eat the Arcb Uà~otpfflby. terlan cburch. aide a pies for a5 bien« u otertqjaing varif 5000f1 sary,- th bring about a a ghou ma just desllmg among nationu. "i aum ot one of 160.. vbo MOu vheu Ibere are 'vas and rumor of0f via,' ddiWfred thebo blop. Ir"b1 promoters of peace adlthe bsoristU1 vbo are abautlrng an tond for ualwals poe*cebave 10.1 sigbt of th. tact tlisl there la a subimelu.piogpby terualional disagreumeutu a«d uti4to. *'Ontof the greal vars, Oo4, lu mis. Inftnilo vledcom, brought a benollcton on the people. Be dli mol como mbt th. worli tabrbing p«ee, but brougl a avord to carve ont pose." 0I68 FINGER ENDS UAW Wotkman la luriod lu Clii. of plia of COOL. Franklin Furnaco, N. 3.,1 Jen. 0.-- lgbl" gta dit lits vay gt 0f s a cf coes that thretM*nod teongut hm Jacob Graver, uhe o rk4 thip 3<41o Jersey Zinc cou pany, volle1eod of hie Oungers raw by is 'rutia 05. ding. Ho vas caugbt ln. a aîuiq et oW l t the coupanyà chute and lr.uà q Ove boure heore tqllow iMlUf l coverei bis pliSIgh. At eSE.Uflha vas entirely bured by theo jeu>, b vbsn reecued ho b"i hi& eadondet09 the plio. AVIATION :NEEDS ATTENTION Grmen>' May Boon Have a Miniutry of AoriaI Affire. Berlin, Jan. 9.-The (Germen gov- ermoent la seriousiy conideftng thé création of a mlnlstry aofacrial f- l The minisler cf the Ineror le moW iraf lias vbat la itage as a %«WS navigation transport bill," tle vert- 1iug of v6le6 vili neomemlate sucb a larme clerical and admnistrative staed tbat au Indepeidenl admiMltion 1us>' ho very necoasary. STILI FIGHTS DEPORTATIO# Generel Castro Anxlouete Show Right la Lind More. L Nov York, Jan. O.-Attorney H. A. IContent, of 1he firm ot OGorman, Bal- tie & Marsball, vislled ill11e lslaad wltb a nov vuit of haboe as opue suod by Feieral Court Judge Ilt for Genoral Cpriano Castra of Veneuela. Mr. Content retzuel 10 Bilbleai-l *ami vilb lbe nove that lie Voene- i4l Ia e uh iproved lu beatth ani le tager t10 0gli bis deportatloi t tt * Guher Ont 178 gréei D.ep. NewvMb*ny. liii.. Jan. 9.-Amodier I Mibr. the firth lu th. district,.va aibe ltuon the nevi>' devel<ro glàl of the Harrison Coucty »i4lftoe,t Company, tventy4kv miles souîbvest 0f h 1615,31 - 011 vasenaountered aie dept ôt 75 fet.This tg the chaI * 4,est olelng velI lite field. PreeldentJamese in 'Moeffitai. Chicago, Jan, 9. - >. Edmud J. 3 apm, prouldeni t flailvorulty of .t inis, la et the Pregbylerlan lune-. 'W tl a ffonln troum a muId atiesk ou t- heurilis. 1He hopes 10 ho able te, leave ' (or hi& bonr eat trbata, Ill., vithie a Rehhoé iu ltii MesoonwyChihl. PeXISI, Jan. .-Cbinese robibnl gbpt d bhiti na*1e0 S, bi*, t l.Calil &4ýaMsalol8thé,aiaâ paWi dit iutl *.a01l det q. s . - i.tobib4s wlli lte i*0804 MPo#* declarsi at the lim 5Mdpimace hov meS. Bald work viiilot 30o10the GenOt roapqflbl 10 4 Mp4tq any »d *Il bidesau teonW » lolllit trem 1.twm o uo, 9Ila Jidiement thbo Mae im a b OMM"1. ie Itriet my bhob'ci naie, or at the Ouficet ~ UIL~ C, Docker, North ChiOBbS. DMi& ,l Dated at Weakem% MoDhtbbs dtky of Januar>. A. Ô>. 1918. - On»08GWQIUfl'IN, bilLES 1t LAMY. WIllIAM HWflN, Commisioners. Mertn C. Decker and P.lpb J. DmLdy. Attorneys for Diollot. Wkiy. Je". 10. 17,234. . UANDIANS SALE. siteoof Illinois. Cou> t Labo, lu the Couuty Court of Laie cémm- Vy. January Tem -X A. 1.191&% Id tbe mater of lte petioetofBar- riet Louse Ra", OuaillseofERoett clirord Penine, a minoir, b oeilUrsi ostate. By virtue cf a docretal orier mals and entered cf reoin lu the siero eutitled caieslin sali Com tOS < Sevenlh la>' of Jacn, *4-xk Ui shaU on Tueday, the oIeitduy of P'ebruary, A. k 1913, aIet thebour -et One o1ciock in the aftermoon eofs@id dsy, aith1e Flut Door of the Omeàt Houzo, In the City of wmobl la the Couuty or Laxe M Mu S taG ufli- noie, offer for salet54.puieovuu to lhe hlgbest and bout toMer for cash. ail of the rigbt,, titIsami htegqst4idi or the above nuuod mou, la aMi te the tollowleg doerlbod resg otBhiý eltmated iii the Cmar r ete6, Md S1*1. of Illinaois, te-vit: That part 0f theo uaulàfrMM se- half acres of Lot WBla B ebool»»e- lion Subdivision of Section Oiateof la Tovnsbp ibrt-dve Zierth. et u i'velvsi East oftheb. Ibid prbwuwe Moniian, vbicb la dcSttliéa fu, 8- Iowa: Couinming at. a point la the sut lino of a81*10 Street (amV flerf- dein 1108> e1[ghty foot meutâtet -the sfth ulno of the soutb fourami ose- halt acres of said rasl*g tbence east on a lino par&uill itb id mnorti lino, tour bonmid foot; theniceo .th parallol vlbthe lie gt Uneo0f sidStat.Street 01(nov S1ior-. dan Road), orne bondrol aMi tWre foot, moreor lous. 10 bthea" #nee of laid lot eigbt; Ibeace vwéon mm1 sotith lino of sai lot e4Llut uroa drol feet 10 the onutlilue ofStatt Street (nov Shriaa Rond) eforaosIé and thoncéoforth slong th16e u'ligio Of Mid ltate.-Street - (nov Sheilim Rond). onoe hrnred and tbree,1551 more or leau"1, h lâce 9aiboUM- n.1115:the nout UMe of nul ogo ont-ham acres eofUMM lot *ek hé lut PU>sO Iltb the SOlbhuti lot. Dsi d bis Niat dy of hasualY1A. D. lo18. }!ARR1Wf LIIAMBRAT, Guariam of Robert (jitfond slo a minor. Wkly Jan. 10, 17, t l s1*1. of Illinuois, Oolinty or lÀdq a&. lu the County Cmutc it ss ly, February Toi-nA. b .t u the matr of the ostate of ë'Az- thur Moullon, deceaSé. To Frant Meuitou, Alice John H , Maynard, E=- Dorria M=lto, iMary A Cliarlel Moulon,HaI Edith $Uuster, George Koin lotte <loyette, Nello Wlard, Jitltln. 061e ShutçIeS ale. May Berry aiék. hoirseti m ielfmlk. 44,1e.o sudi doêùsei eKam. bereby notiflei ýtbat." day, the TenIli day f O rrmt 1913, at thehour of 14~Ol~ foreno aL âdé$ 1eicm nil the L"sIwmUsl'otl ment Of J. Arthur Moiton,,iosé vill prouent t th 16801. l, Inue t othe Cui wI~ ainal SoQéIItlr S ets Msai il$, A apprared, tob ho iaobàl'md a bave the estate et si1 5j clarei settleia 10.:S lime and pap a asm" hooieed Datadi ble StItday of DUeOtb., A. L9> ' I~¶ I i g I a .2 b S Il o p e i t s I t J I s E I 4 4 '1 - j ti fi 9 c

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