WL -M~Dj "MRIAT, -JAWIMAY 10, I3 ýuhedfor Cabnl.ce. "Ft LWft~~3. Foru~m *mhm~m~ 311 Iwwiq110 laJa afer Feetbo0i, ? ~sacet ofAdralbisoBi and Ga'cv iet giViligsla ndid--Ada'a. ~STeks.Cqasti«n. ibtatlpe, ian. 9.-SMr dUard trua oraeamjister,bi Adrfin*i. btel rkey, ac. te a stâtement Mulé, bem.. ï7ret.atioiq o9 th.e£417 UliS 1b tu the ds q4nlaof the stiaais& dau nundrjr econon* i'Ioiosl.Et il unalerstood abat proposai a441311%aR q04d hace co Iltisle Powq. foc Deay. -ýÇMau.bore i oncd lb, Enrepel IMey.woudba e atIpdie ntacnt y- caim ethat Ils Buigar Ianemis. "S ntbi Dotde talrd as, larella l quter. antb ëM. tJadrein. -Tet pera.o t A boditcb gîes repoýrtaw th1gecadiakslb. Tiaicti il 'ta e dirUs ee n p uce 1 neetbsplgte bauaand rposon le 5.o!obain theWath.s n h îcoklsh ave DuI#riin eegte Q"eiauatitns a caperua ofe Tua-a iaai that i, b Icced1isl andtBuiramdea t e m "à isulasge fns ereoqculationa IT*Tusiaalanidabairt hiy bci Suatise n t Imi agthe (3ccc fflazol e in" tpel publicpstaa. i AwuMsfl lt Wo d r ture. a latefit in the Uer situation hal 5h18 led letecnnanllaopte. froc ogpibai il la capectefl that the îîýWbIcb the aetieathe Buroea M era bave decIded to ta i iàbg IeOrae sage diaplayung grec etiafaction ai thé les ding per a yItly. cuppoted hi Griaun * autrl-HUuagaY it bbe place tg L". t1cm oftheb.Islantds cf Imblros .T'eaDos. Itllieme,<Chf«ol #,& Rbodgas. foi' reisoas. whicb the] alattra bIle destituta ot any sensa « justice. 1%e (Irehu .OUI] hope that their or gaalents vili prevail. INISAI U eDIFE- SLJI P1ile. Unsble t e "a e ther mue bnd Wou flspos1i. P#ar-,la. LJan. B-Pciiqsare, unebl 94âdwp vhetherthe deallua of Wil = bl eu, Jr.. anti bis wite vie dui 14 mur4er and suticIde. 'or a doubi 'Ths iýgy cf the admanu Weiton fti-e êoat y&H o f île Noma hone moue nrtb boir e.. be ha, bolabh« tour bms ,.%ma fflYr vau disveretion e pl» (s ix-uonbhs.ld544i àof the culi fourni ll thé bouse. il vas Ba #$k" troDu coitimald huner andi ma IMkUSLE IN GOTIIANSTRIKI ltUen. sad Wraffer Maers Coni 4 Out andi Riti Poilew. ýev Yorkc. laià. .-Tbere ver. ose OW O"rein lucoi*iaectlon vitb lh 00 e cft the gaLrhest v orhers. wbil _q anks oet he tiei vr î Ooted by a general sîrike of lh omuuy strikers la the huain âlqwrpp.r ind*ry Weit.celleti or os iÉbeti deley ta u nu Ore about em00 cployed i induftry- 14bozsgarméent Workers'- sttike. degeLowge %25.M~O0. ltes Angeles. Cal. Jan,:9 -wiî k edly higber temnperiburgea pr - , lmdal4 lsutenceatl gorfalles ïdii ltons 1ha1ha onty slightiy nip$ied hy the eg e44 etf tbervIbus tWo isys. Ag u$'te citrus experts. ftilly bai M&Mc» may ibe fouti UpB éýRtble shape, on trou.the viciat, of tb, granc 4Lot te.Aft ot1 . ît;ci Mirsneeo 5~ bd New~hJ~-V * !0<até Ure.i by Logielature for Cabinet. Bismarck, N. D-,Jasa. 9.-The North Dakota letilature ln jcint session unanimoualy passed a resolution ln- dorsing retiring (ocrnor John Bjurke for a position ln Preldent Wilaona çabinet. MUNSET SUGOESTS POLITICAL MENER Wants ReuMbli an d Progres- site Parties in Comblai 5Waahington, ian. 9.-PoliticianaB t eWashiagtUn were tartied whea they vers colfronted with a fui!l page cdi- 's tornal article ln Frank A. Nlunaey'a newepaper ber, igned by ir. Mun- sey, ln which hie recommande tha merging of the Republican party with the Progresive party and suggeated la thLat tbis bie accompllshed througb the Iagency of a "politicai holding coin- il m r.. 71 The political leaders were diaposd to look upon lit aa a choice bit of po> itticai bumor. Lu "T'his plan ought to b. enjoined by ni thc equity courts If itlta ever attempt- le ed, uader the Sherman anti-trust ni iaw," said one senitor facetiouaiy. )e -WWatdo 1 think of It?- Influired a weli.knownà Progresive Repubican li snastor, Who foUlowed the fortunes of ri Colonel lRoosevelt. -I consider the 'y sUgestio. the aeins of asinity." ')s '"L" CAR FALLS TO STREET le EsCellusve ffled on Curve Causes Accident ln Chicago. ýr Chicago, Jan. 9-Excessive speed ln roundinga scurve It Ia now belleved caused an aimtmt unparalieied acci- dent on the eievated loup. This causie the rear coach ofâ, thr.e-car a. train on the Chbicago and Onk Park Rlevated road to jumi, the' track, run along the bumpera for a diatance of ,e150 test or more and thcrî iplunge into I.the strept below. le The accidenit came in the, eariy le morning bours. aiuile tratlic waa ight and before tihe rush of thre da), iead id ztarted. No one wali kilied nr was ýe ajiyont injured. Thére acre only two IApaseagers ln the coach ai the lime. Dotb van into tbe car ahad lust b.- te ort the plunge was made by th. car. eERROR KILLS TKREE MER4 y Swltchmon Sends Train Upom Wroflg Track lm'Terre Haute. Terre Haute. mnd.. Jan. 9-Trains ENo. 9 and No. 20 on the V'andaila rail- rondecolilded ai tire end of the Union e s»Mtiun sheds and tirrce men were killed and one serboualy injured. The l.d.ad are Chrarlea Smnith, St. boula, hobeggageman, and tuto unidentified ne- le gr' Charles 7tJlfnedr.Staunton. li- Bath traine acre easibound. and the 10Wreck wat. caused by tire liagman nesending No. 20 on tire wrong track. Duchoeaof Connought 111. Ottawa, Ont. Jan. 9.- An official Dblletin sers that the Duchesa cf Con- ., ntht. ait. of thre goveruor general of Canada, la ruffering trum a recur- reace of perit:initis. and il haa been deenîsd adyleabie ta remove hier to 'b the Ryal Victoria hospital at Mon- re la O WEATHE R OBaERVATriONS. of Toliena by United States Wealh- to j bureau ln Washington, D. C. -. Tempi. he*t York .. 29 Clear mi ....... 20 Ciea e Mjsaaiic City . 42 Cloudy no Biop........ 28 Clear ld Buffalo ......i16 Ciondy Il Cbt&dago ....20 Clear id Ét. ' Louis ... 26 Sacw IF 4WO leana 49 (lear Washington ..i38 Cloudy Wathd,' Foreccst. e. lilin»,- iliiloli. LoUer hlbchi- upe 855-55 W*%--JR$Àr and wam.r. a Wladcauin-a creaaung cloudi- MURA ýýtMJ IN THE qAnTACT immt f Bcbln eRturas ta MMus fstrou Far Souh. Berlin, Jan. 7.-LIeutenant Wilbeim Filebaur, th. Germais Antarctlc ex- plorer, rctuyned vitb bis expedîtian ta BUSnos Aires atter an absence cf fitteen monthe ln the soutbern seas. Lieutenant Piicliner cables tront Bustios Aires that the expeditiob bas beaa mont sucesstul. lie discos- erei new land, vhlch lie named Princs Regent Luitpold Usnd, and aj an ice barrier ahicbire named Kaiser Wiib.im Il. Lieutenant ïichnem t urposy <con- tinuiag hi&exeploratiens. Et vas not bis intention ta attempt ta meacir the soutir lole. Hi* déçied purpose va, ta, leern If tosshile ttes character cf threland the b.Auiaretir circie and whetirer It waa rclY a continent or consisted of Islande (Il vided by frozen atm' of tire sea, Hi'. si-sud ans eqtiîîî.î(d wU mire lems teltgrai.h apparatue. le emcm rild a nume-r ct hardyiiiLcglt pool-m for vork oGibte be. PREPARED FtIA DEATH Congretanrsn Wedcmeyfr Wished S' 600 for Wife and Cildren. Waishixgtcii, ian . '- ire ltle ( 0:1 gcesî;man Wedeîriem t-c(f I iyar, arote a ictter tb Ep. tkîr t i,rlr iiig hlm tu mali creltat b're .'edî-ý meye-r aiudltheî-lriîdrî îîlad tire $7. .-,0W sîjicir is uzeaiiy t ailto tire tamn iy of a deceaired menîler ùt cune tsý This pîrovision fer iris fasmily, , itiî other prcî'aratilctafcî- iahi S- made by Mr. Wcdemeyer ntire a tb the canal zone. He tailted constantr airout lu-eaiiy snd bis coming diath ir a iS nator andi M?.lrsKeyorl cf loua, iro tried1 to cheer h!m. Speaker Clark sad ire iras net re- cei'ed the better f-cm lir. Wedemey- cm, but tire vear*a pay all go to tire famiiy. ns Ilcuâtcnuarv NEW WOODMEN RULE APPLIES TO CIIICA60O daz Ch STATE DEPUTY HEAD CONSUL PUT IN CHARGE 0F SUPER- th( VISINC CHICAGO OFFICE Tire ezecuive council of tire Modern WoOdmen or- Amerlca bas appainted Beniamin L. Gocibeant, state dputy consul, ta tahe onarge or tire duties of tire city supervising deputys office in Chicago. This la regarded by Woomen as one0 of tbe mont Important moves In the recent blatos-y of tire crdem Tire are 200,000 Waodmsen tn Illinois, vitir a large portion reaiding in Chicago. John F. Harris, Uho formenly beid tire Chicago office, bai heen asaigneti te do generai vork tirrougirout thre United States. Mr. Goodireart. Ubo la an attorney cf Bioombngton, bai beeu a member cf the Modern Woodnien 10 years lHe vas electeti te tbe office of stat dep- utY head consul In Augual, 1911, ton tirree yeara. "Chicago ta tire ast city ta do avay wltir the office of city supervising dep- u17.' Mr. Goodireant saidt oday. "The orber cilles bave long sino. ýpiaceil tis office in charge of tire ate dep- uty. Thia tacilitates matters and pro- daces btter resunta.' -"Wbun the Modern Woodlaen acre otganised. 80 7mars age lait Uuldi lb- vu resolyc t at no hlrg-oit, should b. aduitted bouaue of the unsanitamy conditions thon «»inta' I neanly every inetI-Oplii. la 1903 O. E leshime vas Instrumentailinhisbv- inig Chicagu aimitteti. Otir large cities 8ean bugan te come ln.t Today: eveny toan ln America iras lis Modern. Woodmen,' QUITS PRIESTHOO TO WEID Rev. Father Gailaghr Renounces Vows and Marrie. Girl Me Loved. St. Loula, Mo., ian. 8.- That lie niight marry Misa Florence Layer, a nurse of Louisville, Ky., tire 1ev, Father D. J. Gallagirer, aiso oftht clty, renouneed ina vova te tire churcb anti biought ber bare, lthe ceremony being pertonmeti by the Rev. Perey Broan, canon of Christ Churcir Cathe- tirai. Tire Rev. Mn. Brown said ire vai avare of tire bridegroonis former po- sition Ini tha Roman Cathoîle church.L UTAH MINERS ENTOI48ED One Min Dies In Cave-En andi Two Others May Die.. Bingiram, Utah, Jan. S-Tvo cave- les bei-e, On.eât tire Unibed-ta.tues Mlning colnpany's mines andti tq: cOtbem al the Htighland Boy mine, re- sultei In tire deatir et one man, the impriscnment and possible deatb of tvwo thers, andtIe IinJury cf five more. I be other tbacminasignailedti tb ver. alive by tapplsp., They tudl cateti, bovever, Ibat tbey ver. idan- ger of deabir. mtl tlappinu&S a boa:l.duithbwabo s oril daM. -Atlànf& .%Ira. M.C. Declter ia apending the OThe ea lorEeso eTatiS n 5 ly with relatives In LihertyvIlle ed tom The ORtIEthe&home0fof0 rt48A.' NMr. H. 0.Thompion la a caller in Hurt. orwa tetm o r. a le averted ysaPenueyvuMla an; ML8,cbJ!A ýhicago oday. 1 arried beiieath the. top viielidot0li 111 bicago today.The I.arkin Club met yesterday att- une and raled lutc place and lastea- U W I Ming Nlartha jenson waa arnonglernoon with Nlra. C. Carlson wbere c br ytnin ar0 '0~ewt' wee i thecit toay. an enjoyabie time waa apent piaying The Euchre Club wiil be entertain- ca rda. tui Buy Now and Save T4e prices are right, so don't walt.' Suils , nd Overcoats for Iess than cost p rices. W« Mùst move every dollar's'worïth of fhfà stock thé next 3 weeks. Wheà ou can buy a $25.00 overcoat for $15.95, yoia to buy now for next year. Manhattan $2.00 Shirts ýma. Lié n Brand $1.50 and- $1.50 Shirts a- !$1.O0 Coati isoys' $2.00 Suits - -$ $10.00 Coats and 'Vests, sizes up to 35 ý Phono 1352-)4 119 Gene... st. OPEN EVENINGS F. c$q:A '*The Nouts 4 dttrl<,g -4 It pays .25 a ?5eOyer ClqgiI and emul R AVE solà thdr leas and are post2eJyiviga~ it*'e SocQof "54 Nut, lakPus Waists, IDresme,. Hsey, Coreszt. à"esok o rgadies -of -cost. Bargains such -aeLake Count ej neyer before have been offered. ______ OUiUEhNWIL *0@@G@@@~0éWANTS ALL iltE OICIL NOT QOGo*BODIED lREMIN A LAke Co.; iàW tk. Abtract O fmTitiTile wefd ~1A uiiLu.CuiVE Manonic Temp;o ildge. Ph*O e MARRIED-AT $4EIGLAND PARK Iô1f LR Eê.ÈjIVE 1_____mli Yeaterday alieoon tre crthbound - an.7-T W. Smith and wie 1 A.I eiectric ceu la charge of John G=- SAYS ALI. WHO HAVE BEEN REG- J. Scbroeter lots 77 and 78, Shavea iey bail for Il& pailengera a very hap4)1 ULARS OR GUAROSMEN sub~division at Long Lake. W.11). 200.inquire qis. .- pycui.They wer. on their way1 SHOULO RE IN IT. W. V. B. Aines an. wit. Le V C. Ville, ]IL. py coe. M.leie botacra Pel-kIna,unadivid.d oae-thts'd part mase r . iOied atire bride --nortir one-half, southweat oni-toUrtir 1 .Washington, Jan. 7,-ln arder ftina tîo 6 erilitwsb .1 O AÉm.g~t. lie waa an oid triend of te North Chii-, a reasonabiy atrung reaerve may beic HLarn.t iCLwrneW.iaamGap*.» ,a&go Sun correspondent, airo happen- eatabliihed ln the Unitedl States with a I.Lwec e0 arne .Cahm neq M the pas pôsibe deay.ailmenwh et a"'10 iotasiln Lawrenoe's aubdl- ed t li onthe arabctoit blni heyvision, Lake Forent. W. D. $10. wcre going to surprise thefite have aerved la the regular anlny, nma- Jan 6.-i. C. Wolff and vifete 0tire ari ge mrrid.rine corpls or National Guard. andl are Cahll lbo tChcgoit 1 n sud get maMed. ~~~of proper aae and phyaically fit, should ahl 08PufCigolts1an Tih. bride, Misa1IllInie Diraey hlali authorized te enlistat . once tu the 16, bliock 13, Deerfield Park. W. i1).base 0i et bIic0 a nurse andi ormerly resided inti ireserve and recelve pay of S$Za uontî l;. , obbirdue City. The groom, Mr. oescb la ofr wile reservîîî5 in the opiaiono a .P Dmn n e et altMandt a Highland Park and itlia ilu that City idorseil the Leonard Wood today ln- F.PDmndnd ieetataC nt1014 tàio d-,- hbill Iitroduced hy Repre- A, Butler, tract of landi in section 17 the. uJoty.t, '~lm.liI IlIn and Aira. I.osach wiii makte their eatvTilsen of Conneticut, provid- and 20, Libertyville township. W. D) . ama0Ciçt 4b$riL f uture bomne. Ing for a national military reaerve. $10500-: I ml!a'5 tiko Tirey bad Intended tu înarry on the ficherai Wood enumerated tire reser-ob ]:t ft'ves in tire îcîîowing countries: C. A. Butler lu P. T, Walsh, tract 10A48 a mothbutthoghtthe Grat ritln-16,00.of land'la sections 17 andi 20, Liberty- t'on1 11151 â b wouid "Put on. over1" on thetfriands .iapan-,000.000. ville township . WtD.I. !b *F* I$~aZ anil o lbliers. va takn ontyes- taiy1.500000.Peter Pearson te Charles Pearson ru4,a' terday atternoon and tire oeremony AustriS-2,500,000. loSboi ,iucmsn&C.se h - I)eiortnd let eenin ln ighlnd rance-3,00,000.lo2,bck3 uhIon&C.su- ietomedlat eenng n Ilgiail ;ermany-4700000. division, IVaultegan. Q. C. si. Park. tusla-5,400,000. Rohert Seller andi vif, 10 JOiepl Anzinger, 80 acres In section 36, West l'lie unfortîînatea catiedi tra!nps", courage Usie lucesa Antioch township. Q. C. $1. ~Lt, bobo'..kaigrte ofthtie rosi." etc., MaaaY a -in ba 4rIei up hi a little Josepir Antinger and vif. te Rab- 5lU.& U have ireen quite numerona at tlir ecty ayalde opportunty. merely becaua.ecri Seller, tract of land ln sections& hail iateiy, %Ince tire reai cote! has net hi iscked the. courage te acknovledgc 34 and 35, West Anltocir township . Ct but ÎÏ, e n. The varin furnace route provesi tlu hlma.if that is judgment hati land- . . very gratetul place of refuge for e11ml9hevon pt. Frtn tT te niglt or "knight " Aogtedisain. mer. abiU1-brain tg noth' KEstate ot NV. T elson deceaie ing he1«wtbout braery. The man vho 1E.A. Dunakin, lot 15, block .57, Nanthr. -tayovera are Young men. middle agei mace .tUraahed by a aneer ban MI Chilcago. Deed $4,000. 8ev men, and mca aitir grizzied locks, and treaied butor. ho la defeatd.-He. a<>LI the oIT icers give them aui a sheiter burt KaufuuLa. uea Ntre - ltough hunka vere erectedln tire fur-_____ t Why 1 l," sakedthebourlous 1101 u , e rac romfo tei aoom~nîon. GrAY FON MIRS. CLEVELANL 1 "that poor nn uu&U7 gve larger Wcrk on the Clifford sewer iraa heen 1 iDe uthaà ricli mon?" "WeIl. euh." Pcaîponed on socount of tire veatirer, Waigcn S-ey netain laid lb. vaiter, abo wu »Msog ieb g WJt wereon té jo qes ofa phlooopller au veil, "10011*10 un troug. hisemcrii v eeno tir orqi-Ln hi orMr.1kade pu' man don't vant uobody 10WII worka. T- -rJgtieeoesoa Walgtn a. St-Elaborate ià"adout h.'s po', and de i'lch -nd.on't effectiveiy put a stop le ail out8ulde pan brIi'-rtertaintrient of Mrs<I vent nobody to linti out he's rtch,"- ner pr, - idtn :1. rI' i engr zizi di, U WILL HOLO HOUIIE CLEANING lresid,i ru id )rs. TLtrunil Mr. nmdin m The ladies' cf tire Preabyterban bouse ges ýh ire l e a hile isere Ptnti." ?bosai lipr. DApyV chuncir vili hold a bee toanrrowai t Titis la irri. (' 1arida fret. social yUl lent twlcs as long if 701 vipe l the circi for thre purpose cf cleaning 1vîsit te Washinigton airnes Preaident them off ôc"ioaly with a soft doI rihe interlar. ICevelands term. 1icr fiance, Protes- tatbsbema vrrr .1 o' livc aiL AIl ladies that can attend are 8.8k- scr T J, Preaton ot Princetbn un-.Keep the ciath ln a cX, ouAp p ~ g ed te lie prenant et 9 o'clock un-tiat bai a cover, ai.lu lut Dinner viii he served t n t e ver-el*), .ti tonne te Washington la'-1 theFe attending.non fer asa nlgu s t t ficre ,r-id-tlal din- a long lime. ind' w -ýl ý'l