Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jan 1913, p. 15

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u, t mmi im omaRportid Ijurod, 8ev- TO11,em Serlouely-4&Cre Piled beaide0 Traci - Wrack e1 U'Lmted Sn WIUSmaSOnlà l t* Qfut at tatrophe. «q, lad, 3an. S. - One pr' e, t11.4 ad forey laJrel. *Mualywh.n h.rttIChc&- ~aedpatanglwtrain NO. lai Mi Four ralraad lomped the bta*aeMd plangalotoathe, Susg la., ar be. Y" lift Indianapolis at 11:45 à qurld a lievy Inet o pa- mmy or 1hm honi!for CW.- Oaa* due 40 reach sChicago at ai V athe ufatetBg FoUr 010m the tvo cties. illdy lalcen f rom Weck. iii omae5ger kieled vas lrwln sur et Itcetter. N. Y., vho ea w»y te Chicago, and va, fllir. MIl lute lnured oeil- ireIn that car ard the dîner. erlhe' I*lured are: Henry J. !purville, lad.: W. C. Pat- teAapol; J. C. Rurhmaa, h;Lecuard , ,asDuarmend, cxrreaoe ~~ualt'Chrles Bird, ;,,gWqr L.ary. Laayette, p4er, Clalneati; W. C. tuvn; W. . lrenaedy. Iternely; J. Hermn lad., and a. W eftadiaapollm cand expreee memenger, Wbe vitnueed the lvas a israclo that 66euvred at avebrr luraOàiLvuln. a 1h tolrthe -a«dretald l he IAll.d b>a aprein- & *es1 il iWh Je.LThe firat t»A Uf> - * la psal arace, ut vat rreage à* Poat.t *0 oanaual wntHnl* thevuiat vad morn eat elvered a paha thedhan Brilept aaMd tN ugovtri tp ua "'b: ii a sillar amouat. meUj Umbdules Propose motiva Firemen and E 9gm. te CVCpt the chr 1 b>' Ibo cuaference C(i setIngs f1>' eeteu-ar e6 ta arbitrale the que id uder the Erduan ac owm Solleom 320 &e.U-Tweaty ft stSro bibi, oving ta ,*-btveeu tva bodl $ qop vWob ad bag ~. y t'fQlUv ors * tala SfIc FANN ENS' RIEN11S What Th.y $&y About Fuel*@g th@ Who are the frmer'. frienda! His e aghborsanad kM mould ha 644 »u&UalIrare ready lu .stand br hm, Hftcocuntry la coatinually Liin evi ac no t ite parental itereat ix hlm. Bj lIa Iaws, i propentma lite are protected. OpportuflltY for 11111 eduotia. la givea by bis frad, Ut "tta la an eleboate ayatern of pub nec achoolsa"eh oulaea.& Ula.$am Holpa Farmer. la 1863 Uncle Sam declded that bit farmera aeeded 'help. lHe. thoeOtIU. tvotod lanad ta euch satu to t0Ue velue rof $256,0S0tu, provide mainltenance for a oollege la each tate, whIOb ahould devote île Urne efOIY 10 1tes.chlag young tarmers the aOUleCe underlyiag their great calla<g. To tha ln 1885 he added mateftcC0 for an agriculture experiment saton la ecdi tate who.e whole work abould b.'t lu lvetigato problema ofa0011& crope. stock. etc. Atî careful Inveatigation Of aon t- problema. the directore of tlieaO iattO ainstittns b ave published their opin- lon ln bulletins.and Pamphlete& 4 The offce of the Mddle Weat Soli *Impruvement Comnttee deafred a defialta tatoment on Ulis e va'imf- Pportant aubject. 'It addrceed a letter 10ech Of the @ lta experiment directars and cum- mlaclonera cf agriculture la the 14mw IEnglend and Other atera atatea. su- quirgau ceta their attitude towawd supplylag lhe needs uf oui mite la th form of fertilsera. The judicloua use o fertiliseabas tthe endorseenent or the foremoat in, ,bestgators of oU fertllt7. Ohio Experlment statilon acte. The practical varieof utch emineht &utbalty et Dr. Chat. M. Thora.. de rector of the 0hio experinanttatiU. fi o« too great importance and va,le tu ha lgnored. Dr. Thrne for,050ve l ygmr han madle actual farta testa on a rotation of cura, caa. 'w1111 a nd byr He hae foand tbat the le " gelpication of sultable complte tettillaer et an average cst for fti tlimtaiof19.78 pearempar rotatiof. lave an average goruertura et $3&14 *par ac rs rotatlo8. or a» averaga net mDro tof $1.06 Ver acre.par - Ir talle&ion Tis laan averaeeprofit cf orer N per cent. on the mon.y @Peut for tertilisere. ry The Juléloue ofeutfertilisera bas th.e edorsemeat of th. foremoet tu- voctgators of .@1U tcrtilltl. The fée- la lovlns stitement. a ream a tel' a1 la1h00. r«celd by the Mddle WestI r LoiImprovement Commîitte. ln *0- *we UW?10Inquiet on thia aubiet. M»or0f 1hmeaquotationm vil be giv.a a la eitelaue& . Diretor Wm. P. Brooks et Matas- la ohustte AvricaituraI Experbeenl aM& ld tic. Ma": à "11 la eaey tu, mae a"ce e»Y 0! P- 0cir land hlghly productive et once W' mutabla baad1ini and application c le ftMr&ll r.The producllvtl uft th ,Q lanid. and ls préstaut terttY oaa s la doubtedll la mei'ncd and laree* ,d hi JtidoUauset heuhai i86lM ae Izer." f Director, Jacob P. Lpma of MNe* Jersey Agricultural ExPerLJaat .15. lion maya: -Thé. judicions usé of cIaeta» e. profcter U XA.Chaton o tOuM. Conniectict t. .e: ..The productivences ot 1lseitate bu h e areatd 80per cent.larins the laestt t'a ysara ce a resait of thebbl ter methoda of terrain« manmagaaui thelb use orutelected coud and th» IuNa M.cloua Ut. of tcrtflisce." as r.Aretor H. 3. Ptterao aof Mare - to land Arlclturel EXPOrLincal t&tiàb eW ,The.laad la thia tat' buhe aea cd la value, approximately $10.00 V«t acreer duriag the lent ton year. lfa at lacreaau productlveaeee bat been du., Lse tu latter methode offaeremamnais- 418 mnt whlch laclade h. Judlclous UtS uen lad Ineroasad Vlue of Land. Director 3. N. Harper ut AgrcutaI. al Experment station, Clemao Coi. legs. South Carolina.saaYs: --à greit dea1 ut land ha. gone a, tram $20 ta $100 to $160 per acre. edRafereuce t t h. United Statea yea, hoock utagriculture, shows that th, a&- ec- ricultaral production ut thi. tate hau En- more thati douillet! darlag the lent tee wd yara. This hae heen due tu the tact cv tc t t h fermera are learnng how te rail tarm more ltelllgeatly and boy to ume tsrtillzert mre latellgetly,-thlis eii l pte outhe tact 1ht they do fol aci rtat' ta a great altont. 0fcoeurse, it would la mach botter for them to totata thir cropt. la 1900, tarmer@ .# th ai taf ... .5 4.494.00 fr a merclalfertilsera: la 1910. $15.130.000 aler "d .ua pald the fermera ta ami this Ber gjist amout o!fertIlIsra." ttw Tb fle xputiencot fQ1.e, th. tap' cosdm oMd it te th 4m.rigaa j~aury learancea Stirrintp~ Attraction Comme!in9 aurajïDe il ~ ed, Çoutnln i li Swing for On.W eek -42 inch tub- ing, full bleaehed, firin weave, soft finish, ful width, the verv bcst 22e grade at, 1 yard .. 14 C B3leched 'Miln An excellent raeof finill 36 iuches. wide, flrm round thread, soft finish 1 t yard.. WIDE &H-IETINSS--Great avigà wvllbuiound on vide bleached aeetingu, lacludlng Aueusm ang.P"pprl brands, 8/4 yard 22c, e/4 yard t4r, 1/t y<d.2.6c Wauikegin's Boat and Bfgust,Store' 'Shaker Flannel' Il er lannel 5c- cexIam bleaehed Shaker fiannel, heavy gr-ade, finîn w~eave, lI'e value, offed iqt ele- haf rce ali ..5C Shaker Flannel 9e-.32 inch full bleached Shak- er, nîllI ends, 3 to 10 yard lengths, lonîg dou- ble uap, 121/.92e- quality, yard ....9+ Colored Shaker Plannel -Pink, M)ue and gray Shaker fiannel, extra heavy fleece, long and soft, 121/,e quali-8c ty, yard ... OUTING FLANN ELS-The best 1214C grades ut outing extra heavy fieeced, stripesi. chechas and plaids, tormenly IZ%c, yard ...... 91-C Tetupiù4 Prices en Fine (Undermuslits 1ettlc"ata 39c-These petti- coats would be a grand bar- gain at 59e, have a 12 inch flourice with a 5 miu 9 enibroidery ruffle PETTICOATS 79c-Excellent grade Of nalîl, 14 Inch flouace wlth beauti- NuI embroldery Insertion aMd edgng, also tuucha, $1.00 values 6'7 PETTICOATS e.98-Equal ln quallty "n beauty ta grments ellng t $2.10, 18 Inchi Swlss emnbroldered nomue, athers beautlfull y 9 lace trlmrned. .......19 Gowns 49c-1{igh, V and Slip-over styles of fine nainsook, triînmed with Val, rib- bon mun bèading and edging, 65e49 values at...................4 c GOWNS 9o5E-Higant ýtyle;th. tifflotin-i sook, prettil>' tmmed in lace sd rbboa rua bead- log, al"c embruld erY. $125 values .98C CORSET COVES 12e- Thete corset covert would b a bargaîn at double Ilf price; modie tram fine quall naiasooie trnmed wvttblacE ad ri-ohon mun beadng ............12 Embrolderiesw.e Laces Cambric miderlÙlc--Fipe .guality eamn rie mbrodery inchidhl inidtths up to 12 inchs, many have inerios OC to match, speik ypriee ai;, yard. CORSET COVER am- SNOIOENY 20-18 lnch corset caver embroldut>' a qualit>' that vould hob cheap Kt 36c, man> pat- tera. t0 chome 25 tram. yard....2 VAISISU ANO INSERt- Ti a 5 -,Q ourua and Prteneb Val lace. and ln- ses-inm, i.1uty nov pt- taots, apwcloly priced for F1oucln $1.9-45 inch -goeing, in baby Iish. Brié,:eicep~~l~ 1 sheer sud dâIntY, yard 7 FLOUNCINQ 1Uc-27? nlchTOIIOOW 'LACES-'Wlth fine svim fiouang. &beau- Ilà.0a1c, ov UNtI Plauen paUoIri . la PttsleI»8 1.t 6 many teegnm.*kIOodàd98l yarg ........... .89C at.yilail DRAWERS 18C-Waa1en 'aM drawera madle ut goti r.- liable quellty musla. fin- lsbed et bottam wllh a lcemttched ruffle and several rows of fine tucie,, 25e values 8 - PRINCESS SLIPS 7ge-Vc'y bc attractive alyles ruade trOru c dependable quallty o!ftnain- y oak, trlznmed wth vide ri- e b>on rnulace. others vlth enbroldery. $1.<0 C values . ..... 9 CORSET COVERS WCe-Madie of the very daInîleet nain- Book, trimmred vlth rlbbon run beadlug and French Val lace, othera vlth linon lace and emlýroldered. 76e50 Values/ . ......... 0 Dainty White Goods White Gooda at 1Oc-2,000 yards of extra fine India linon and Persian lawn,~ 30 inches wide, soft finish, positive lO 15e quatity, yard............. o LONG CLOTH, DOL? 98e L N W E AV E 1/C--A -10 yard boit of an ex- beautitul quaelty, 28 Incb- ceptionally fine quallty of et wde. neat stripes and long clath, 36 Inchet vide, fine checkes, very aheef nover muid fer le.. than and hmt a alk finlmth, a $1.25. tae 4.8 matche.. e ILL prIes, halt .....8 grade, yard . ....-- WHITE DRESS VOILE-A very datnty qaalIty o! sheer white voile, an excellent grade for embrolder- I~ lag, regular price 26c, yard .................... 15C 64 by 70 Iach hecvy leeol 001101 aàimoblenketé. longasert p gray oaly vlth pliek and blue I*WOOL, F?#ISHKED SLANICT-lteavy *ttoà~ sdà4 wM omSUleblanhet, 4 Shoot. at 8c-'72 by 90 inch hemmed shootat, nmade of heavy ful bics ched sheeting, splendid Nec values, 3 to a customol', N% eaeh .... ..D~ Ptiow Oumis 1h- Our blýt l2Yec ea- e,45~ by 3q$ and 42 by ï36',inch mies, fuli bleached, sot ORES. CII'4HAU $%-100 poceset 0est$ -aamghanla in bitte nuse atrIpes, an unequaled,,quaiDUtd4t . 12%kc, yard ..................... ........ 4. 4 FURNIITURE 4j x fron B.d $5.0- Co- Vernis martin bed, estruqtedà f elect bas two inch quart5end, baJ!,best continuous ]p 0o8at sgolden IMsser- and five large fil- pentinç e *r4sei lers, finish guaran- front, fiked' 'with teed not to tarnish, 1ar e' 4rewers, predvery 10 yfor French plate bey- this clear. eled * 195 ance sale at J.7J tnirror,... ï BLD ROOM ftOCKIE-Of .troag darsble ,onttitOtSM 1014 quartered oak ïwith mecea et. xceF- 14 tianal bar&lJn for teClra caole M . UUFFET--Solid qffltoed DININZI T5*-ol Oak bueet. ha, two libed qaare,44V5 tomelo dravora for eilveware, dînn al.a rubb.d 0'.o largodraver sa"* an .3lg. s4ma lin«n cicet. reud I#l<r a qalcie clear- Clearance Women's Ceai s Coats Reduced to $.98-The grmnts in this col- leetion sold lieretofore at $1000 and $12.50; made ini nunwrous styles; materials -are '.98 gray, rw and blue chinchillas, novel- - tics and plain baeks, sale price......................... Coatz-Reduced to $9M 0- emrtly tailored gar- ments of chinchillas, broa4c!étb9s4 traculs and at- tractive novelties, belted and pain styles, large and smafl button- ove r e.50 collars, $15.00 and $1800 values,,sale 7 - price...................... " * ' ' Coats Reduced to $11.50-1n this collection are val- ues up to $2000, embracin.g a wide var' riety of styles ini satin linod bYoad- 5 cloths, seal plush, earaeiils ,jiicil las, novelties and boucle lothl,'lêdice Coats Reducad to $14.75-Finely tailored garments of the niost dependable mateila in- [eluding chinchillas, sealett(w, rièh nov- .75 elties, garinents that sold al 4mon for $25.00 and $27.150, your chifice Men's Wear DeeplyW *ed Owercoata Reduced to ".75-Men's .n Young mon 's overeiats in plainî and helte4 -lmb17 styles with convertible anîa plain eo14 , 4& lars, ltylishly mnade of novelty niateri- ais;, $12.50) and $1,500 valueS .... # Overcatse Rduced to $12.85 -A splendi$B4*ction of meri's and young mon 's coats, superb- IV tailo-d ffane y mixtures, h'n- ehIllas,'cres and meltons, belted or IQ plainl hack, excellent $18.00 and $20.00 values, clearance prie... Sut. Eeducod to $11.75-Splcndidly tailored, in fancy worsteds, cassimeres sud chevi- ,7 ots, sizes for men and young men, al this season 's productiê, for r PI iCes $15.00Oand $18.00, now .......... TROUSEAS 61.96- U N a ENWRAR - FLANNEÏ SIIN1 A clearanSO. f troua' Mca.ail y wodib- --Mares a aa pedld et. lacladiag values bed shir» &4aUj 4v. arpiin in fiannei that muid up ta $3.00, ers. came in gray,, mhU3t; tb*Y corne l8 madle of cassimerea the klnd thail 41 for blue, bln a-d in aobby .atripea, $1.00 and $123 peJ, gOj 8$1.0 Renia g, 1arancxeévl pair .F gaemet V.... ole619r,-' Foofwear Women's Shoes S2.69- We have made a radical price reduction on qur Wonen 's Amnerican Lady and University shoes. We are now offering you regn- lar $3.50 miodels for oniy $2.69. These shoes have an e8tahlished reputation for quality and style and' the lady who buys a psu" at this sale will secure a splendid bargain. mil leathers are inlud9~ cd, sale price pair. èV Mn*'à Shoo-A large as- sortment of broken lies of men's shoe, includinLr gun-metal, tan and calf leathers: not alI sizes in one -style, but ail sizes in the lot, $3.00O ',6 el.50 values, pair aF BOYS' SHOES-Broken linos of boya' $3.00 ahue., ta be closed ont at $179. Iucluded are buttuji ipd lace stylet, lu aIl Ies, some high cats, pair. ... .17 S read> la ftnd for n .f lb parti ted t the pany eut loge boue, er dt t le At cota Paut, w Imim "Ott pueu la ti so OhI1 lac mi lakt wef tn erni pan Il cul] mel pot le lmt amn lei lcr thi bac me Dry',w4 Fine nibbed unin ni ta in gegular and éxtra slaes, t.aped nck, ,nffiely fin- "sed, regular eLO079 garments at .. 1WomeU'à Ve.a# 4 Paut. Hoa vy tteeed ribbed garinents, eNfle In ereain, usîîally 35e, gar .1 I ment, now . . . .,1 Ghai I[à»106elO-Pine ribbed stockiiafts;lGr boys sud girls, slig, lY'sBrondis, but you would , evà' know if you were not tpld. Ac Golf and Gulad. Glovis -For woràen;, ý navy, brown, gra.y ax b lack, regular 50e #a lues,'çlear- ance prîce. ,~ .5 pair........e5 EIbbon-5v/. înc.h taffeta, drm4den an(!d striped nib- bon, splendid 2.W-' quality, cleatance prie15 per yard . .. CORSET& 79c-Diatoatleaed lin«a of C-B and Kabc ccýj.unmre glightly .olled fru. ,lply$1.50, 2.00 and 82.507o7e9c et .............',.Jc 1 à

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