Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 1

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WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN. LIBERTYVILLE LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, RIDAY JANUARY 17 1913. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR ïN ADVANCE VOL. XXI.-NO. 17. SIXTEEN PAGES SUN, NOT EARTH, MOVES compantes are taking every Possible A5NSUd TE'S precutin tis earto revnt te ie AT0M SAL ARY AWGeographista Are Ali Wrong, for Wil- men' bringing contagious disesf e ntMbrU SenVovaSas o th cmsen atme nslyUO N E MWN OF COOK mte rc eeri t ngUNDER TH NEWaLAW, LAKE terThe sun aon o on and t arsn preenayo ebesffrng mCOUNTY PROGRUTORNETSA h on hte ýî mnt. t th vain m ring bwthnte 8U Û'UrOA.mao, butthe earth oest o ay M I o tion of any kn ls h er.BELIEVES- RECOUNT AND PROPER $5,000 YELARMY SALARY. SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE COMM4T- ow ist heathisoIsnownb en. Thahey, ic e manYthing in rea- TALNGO VOE WLL--.-TEAKSEGLTUET cause Wilbur Glenn Voliva gays it is edthtthywiloouoïona PROVE HIM WINNER. The sate legislthre has no right PASS A NEW LAW. true. Mr. Voliva said so publicly for 91edgaf migth e udrMhenntiio olcetethe first time in Shiloh Tabernacle GUS LARSEN OF CHICAGO SUi g gios dsesesatnng e of state# iorney on a salary Zo City, Sunday Tastar-d he has JOHN BRADLEY OF ILIBERTY- AUitgGAN SANO ANDiGRAVELre rking undrthe scet M P TilON 1 ED Il BOUSE basi n nesdsano'c r n lLBlGCNIEE I.ce affirmed that he mesant just VILLE IN CIRCUITCOURT COMPANY PINDS le THICK prvddythnanaditsno titled to the fiées they collect, as here- Bwhat he said.EED $$UG PR TOAG. expected that there WITTllbe any labortfreacodgtootntnsme "If the earth in revolving around. t .robl e te lke tisseson LKECONT MA NW IQT-by former Stati Attorney John E. the sun now, Tt must have been re-ISAID BRADLEY STRUCI tronbe onthe akesthisseasn. L E CUNTY A NO GMT-W. Wayman of .Cook counaty in a bill LAKE COUNTY RANKS HIGHvoininteam wyinhedy 16 0RI GANGS ARIYE AWRDED YJTORY. Iled to establish his right to more AMONG OTHER COUNTIES IN o oha"h ad AWARRD ICTRY. than $200,000litsBaMM and forfeiturea. MATTER OF GOOD ROAD DofPLAYS TWO BROKENaNA. The contentione today caused srtate-DBONEAS IN OUBRT NDA", JH. Vickers, of McHlenry, Repub- wide interest, for * law which became ' $5,00DMGS WORK SEING PUSHIED AT THElca candidate fer member of the effective last Deeessber abolished te If the plan now under foot ls putOWDMGS VAsoiIEHUSSA gen eral asembty fromt this legislative fee system In every county in the through, Lake county, together with LATER-The jury in the IAne- LAKE CO. LAKE$. district and Who was defeated on the state and placed al state's attorneys other counÊtes in the state sooni may Bradley case ent out at noon andir i face Of the returns at the November on a straight salarY baste. In counities s electIon, has filed papers in a contest the size of Lake the salary is $5,000,eal ous ovc abri ul tuirned a verdict at2 o'clock givii The cold snap of the piait several which he will buring before the gen-iand State's Attlorney Dady received Ing and repiairing roade. e disp)atch Larsen a verdict for $150. days has causedl the water ln this Io- STRANGE COINCIDENCE IN DEATH eral assembly ln session at Springfield.'his Decemnber sailary en that basis. tq The Suni from Springfield that such WAUKEGAN, Illinois, January 1 altytofrez frtan j i lmst OFTHETOL STTER r. Vickerdf content papers were filed Because of that law, the Lake county .a measure is being prepared and will PHENOMENAL IMPROVEMENTS Erb oldyas ad the s ory ready for cutting for the ie h ouses. WITHIN THREE DAYS. with the secretary of state Tuesday. board at its recent meeting appointed bie presented ico the Illinois state leg- NOTED IN COUNTRY SCHOOLS Tod dyadterynp,. Ï in today's issue, the Waukegan -- V. S. Lumley of Woodstock appears Eugene Runyard assistant state's at~ islatture. An inivesigation of the roads IN LAST FEW __vAra Sand A Gravel company attorney for the contestant, torney on a salary of $1,20(1 a year, in various counlties of the state shows • --This s-teaale of the man and t for men to work at their field north;EL ND IN C IT Whlile E. D. Shurtleff, Thomas E. whbereýas, before, Rike Mr. Ddh htteraso hscut are much, fryng pan, a case where the man of the harbor on the lakte shore, pre- Graham and Fayette S. Moure (the was on a fece balle, that is, he was tetter than they are in the majority!charged with using the historient parstory tofillling the te house erec lte tobng neso eniaespi hat Mr. Dady saw fit to pay of countiesITT EOT SO SI - ;o;en.•h ted there a few years ago. The tce on, MRS. CHARLES GORHAM LOSES understood Vickers bases his chief himi. The dispatch follows: et.ous na getath yiig the artificial pond which the coin- )TRAN RTERI- hpe in showing Invalidity in the nom- If Mir. Wayan eisupheld by' the su- prnfedIl.Ja,0mrex- male who wie:ded it to the rec pan ha ceatd n is dggngof LAW INSIDE FEW HOURS. n npn ebltthpsiioo preme court, the legislature has no tensive use ol' Illinois convicts in the'EXPRESSES GRATIFICATION AT IncrutCrtsbeghad &and, is now almost thick enouigh to thire Bulooe lallo pt io.nicandi-right to put the oflie on a salary has- preparation of material for road build¯ ,E RGRSnMD ALCiofcutLartse ein Chicag cut and the owners do not care to dt.Is, but can merely provide for and regr- Ing and the %se -of able-bodied con¯-VRTH TT Aose any timeïnnigetcinga teintontheeb Ihe petition Vickers filed is in con-- ulate, the fiees of Olce, so as to re- victs ln actual radwork when a sys- -1etvle aarinst rdey Çt hose Fr om tmethyand oth- Asrng'oncdnecss ent eformity with many of like Import duce them to a fair compensation for tem can'be• developed under which etyvll, aprnnntfrmea S er dealers were worried over tenndet)ftheffth let n o througagistsaive andiatjest serie" actually rendered. Lake count- such work will be expedient are in- T-v!r,. Fteo h dc_ town, Larsen asking $5,000 for a atprominent residents of Lake county'o h rgsiepryadi ss h urn su fteEua en nose which hie declarea arriva of cold weather but, now thaet Russell within a period of three 1) in these petitions, Mr. Vickers be- ty will be put back on the fee sys- cluded ln the recommendations of the. tiona] Bulletin conta!ns a statementi inflicted-on him ty 1using1a lit lesboere, they7 foresce a fine suPP sol hv ive 'g among the others, that legilative: temi which han been criticised too special committee of the legislature -fo h ueItedn fPbi of tce. dy.ThtteOsolfhv i candidates whose namnes appeared on severely that thlie salary plan was which han been investigating the road fo h ue:tneto ulcIloe i hnh nitdo At Work in County..n hesaemtretwihinaatlitefroresietprtobllt er gv-hahedasa isint efrm.qustonofth sat fo to eas. EtucoO fr seviesredeed At hevaios eehase o Lke each other for over half a centurY en hundreds of votes to which they hgratificationstatcthe wonderfulstproß-fAttorney Poporrepresents Attevr-sic osso a and then that all should paso away .were not entitled. MIr. Wayman# attorney declares When the members of the special roes that has been made in the coun- lan Attorne Field, assitedt county owned by the big Chicago com--i The principal contention ln this re- that -the funds will le turned over by committee consulted business, agr-ir coisl h alu otlI7n tonyFed ittdb penus, the arma arenwgtig teratcyr r .wo he spe n o t a Mr. Wayman to tlii county if they are cultural and medical organizations tcine iI eon cage wer appears fo houes lle, cttig o ce were relatives of Mir. Charles Gorham lot was counted with three votes in recoeebt Jseehial houhu h tt te on uhi one in which wonderful strides ln was gent to the B3radley là stated at several of the big housies. fWa. every instance where votera placed a necessary to sue tr hem in the name a wide spread sentiment ln favor ofis ieto aebe aehsCi e Itany of men have been rushd tmerss ln the cirele at the heind!of the of the former ~ stor. outdoor work for conviets that they eag l fmreta rdnr o prLHe Me bon teaestrain Chicago an d many1 Thêy were. Progreseparty; that this was durincluded the recommendation ln theirsttmnisomrehaodnrysmwr.Heay% thedaaiyiezorerthat, DAVID DWYE!R--65 years oldy died on 1y an error becauseho wa sints motne asatrwihh eiE mor ae ari gtti g Thursdayi funeral held Saturday entitled to thensmatuns a crss hadvSTRANGE Mla oPe f"19 rm Is ster atment e theodee hmfrmthOuue noue of this ldno weather for P eg t St. Patricks church in Wads- been placed In the square ln front OfSA E UTS cnetab.oeof arco-r l e, ,a,,ng o Par,,,ia n ,,,ed ntedwt tu tspl lntb ae da- Worth, with burlilin the Ml" theAnd e. alidity o he Progressive GRAY edaosa eraiation. ae omite,tenident of Publie Instruetion that that he might de*àandhis 'm ta o ctions are that the tce supply Creek cemetery, Rev . Safford Of~ party to a place on the election ballot Oeo h otitrsigcmi-wih dn y mo ta eenoolofficers are responding so hear- be wasbidden "te o be e thi wntr wllbeeve ietfr h ciating. Js also attacked on the ground that0.tin h bsen note tily to the suggestions of the Depart- hierapped on the door &@MM Tatiorsw ine lledeveetetan yAIBR WORI-2yar l;sb party existed in time to entile Icton htha en loe n the that the state will c"operate with ettbmroetepyiclcn T t Wasopened Bradleyh latfo, tisrealed heic ¶aly died Saturday at 12:30 o'clock; it a place on the ballo as required county in somie time la brought to as and townships ln the con- tions of the country schools. When face with a frying PR& H ot to thribck lastwter s aresul fanera Monday attern»ooåa 1bOther dectarations are st forth allligha atiohesab rtne rbe f t hree tr s on ndrmae intnce of mantheState Supervisor of one-room the blow brke bath of is W of te trrily oldweahero'clock at the Russell church with calculated to show that MunrO, receiv- seperaeatosbyFe rbenhgwyune h iecino cools beganvisiting the»se scools and that hie thereforsat prev&iled. •t burial ln Oakdale cemetery, Rev. ed an undue advantage and that elec- prominen stockbuÏer, living at Rocke state highway department. tour years ago, it wa sosldoms; that maneant Injury and d in Lake coun ty during the ticecu t MGniso akeaifica..tion judges and clerke in countingndnrelier. Road@ ln Sad Condition. h onee ntebs onis eivs$,0 ol bu ting season, it js estimated that a tallying the votes ýWere ngligen ,ln It seems that Crabbe went to Grays- Some amazing facts about the ex-s ola li t i ng. somie Instances in countIng the bal- bcoole which met the requirements clam. Teast 2,000 men are given emp oymen . MRS. IdBBIE BONNER-61 years lots. in the town of Manchester, In lake Friday evening where hie met a ten t of badl roads in Illinois were col- of a standard school. Every year the Bradley claimas heddle ost of them being 'brought fromt old, died Saturday night at 10 Booine county, Tt la claimed Vickers man named ROY Dennisonl. tIoi said lected by the committee fromt the ru- number has doubledt. This year,, with him, but Insiste that when Chicago- o'clock; funeral Tuesday morning was entitled to 100 more votes tha there was somne talk of a trading of rat mail carriers of the state, throuigh two men in the field, promises to be the house he coided wuith That 11 ingclocks oaththearhome -turned showing an Increase of 100 (Cnobexcption. Th year begnawithtma3and(thatthe latte Th barin huss n heva a' burial in Millburn cemetery, Rev. more than at first returned. Grbesta swrhaot$3,prmn.650. The number has now reached eni tnwt dipper which ë lakes are a ec o e f. safford off iciating. Insufficiency ln his petition not lbe-wieDnio' i ot rbb Rrlcrir o the number of 2,- 1,000).In hies hand, the inure classes and stations ln life Alsran Mr. Corris and MIrs. Bonner were Ing properly signedi ae fn 10 2 upidtecmitewt n The requirements are a good house result of that blow, touLake couinty's, lake region this on*i usl n allvdna qualified voter avigsg A little later, it ia said that Den- formation about the highways on their ln ad h os utb etd VRITFRFXLK byaechhthe lnthesamesteetallther Ont amehapearin rgnuber ItI, a basement or room furnace or The case of H. Kaping eof ut totelks'owryn h c n lives. Mr. Dwey moved into to a On the MlunrO petition are also set up where both teams had been Put up1 of the mail service would be increal- jacketed stove. The deska must lbe va. the Y1odegrand Schws1tg tomoerrow! morning it is expected shttreet a little over 50 yner ago. They ln the contest papers filed by Vick- and declaring that the deal had been ed by good road, fromn 20 per cedlt ln of five aises, properly placed and firm of Indiana was vots111:1 no leus than 600 men WIll have om avn awysbenfat rends and had er. Vcer ay e brought the made, drove away with Grabbe's teamn Kendall county to 55 per cent in spaced to fit all pupils. Theres must who rouns a hotel at FOX &&bu employmentwt h aos boie very prominent in the commnu- content in good faitfi beòanse he bs leaving hig own there. Adams county. The average increaseb uodlbayo ueieho' edc f561:.Kpn pane@. nt. Ileves a recounit of- the ballots and a Grabbe returned a short ime Jater ln efficiency was estinated at 35,1 suited toall the children. The In- board bill for mon working en a It s xpctd ha teettng. h rs. Charles Gqrham of Waukegan court ruling on the lglt flgs ogthsta n hnh on tper cent. -terioi" must be clean and attractive, ing ob lhe bhadgiven thbe continue for at lesast four weeks. Thea RssllanSaturdaY lative candidates of the Progressive was gone, got into an argument with The rural mail carriers reported thatg meninchrg dclretht heic i ws aledtoRusel 'n a Iparty not being entitled to three ieyan rn oel e o ek tatmepbi od r The teacher must rankirau fair; good or clahn being an oftisait againstthe menlachrg d«&r, b tMnte aformring by the serious illne@ssOf ber untlessa cross appears beflore the te vrmn rn oel efr ek tatm uleraeaesuperior. The i.erm must le at least pany's claint forwokdsint4 of oodquaitybutit s pett t siser, Mrs. Bonner, who was suffering namse of the candidate, would show hie charges that the latter struck him made Impassable for lads averaflg mnhs. lnthadch taheirvsWgC putig n hehose. uc o is of uraneicpoisoning and hadlbeenlasely ntitd ofisse n teoe h edan rv i rmhi n n n-af os h o -receive at leasft $400 per year. Attorney . V.- Orvié gwon ie out ln the next 10 days w i h d M gnrlasml ta f. place tee draws the conclusion that farmerseetwihbstkn gis aasadC loaded fromn the lakes into the cars unconscious two or tree deys. rM The papers in contest havIng bean Saturday Grabbe came here and who are kept from market cities, are The ImproventwchasakngantJmsndCet t-Bonner resided on the large farm filed wth the secretary of state, WIllpaeTToeBrd ytenme utfr 2 o oiio' e and shipped directly to the larger e -owned byrher two brothers, David and be trauiaitted to the speaker Of the started a replevin suit anst Den- heavy sufferers.ofpainntard schools. thee inobeanuitifon withfoa soit tes 1 li sto relieve tce famine. It 1s Probrn t and )&ter the elections commit- nison, ln County court. Tc regain his improvemrent Not Durable. ofsadr col.Teel wa eto ieasi h iMt able that no ie will be put into h ie theGrant M ise hMrs. A tewe pone. h atrbd eam. He then appealed before The rural mail carriers also report_ oty hthsntipoe t.aantteielLudTo i bouseJanuar Whilerthere2anotherJsister, r . WITT take up the cane and conduct the1 schools along these lUnes, though they Park, wherein damages for elotbe hoss ni atrth 0h s C. Corris called her up on the tele- invesvtigatn o itlis likely the ballots is team. He then appearedl before ed that oly 36 per cent of the road have not met all the requirements. was the tissue. if, cars can be secured. Thee11a phone and explained that her husband ln al] the three couties Of the din,- Juatice Welch and swore out a war- improßement of the state ls of ape-Asonaasterfdswl per- TeMnscamdte a large number of idle men in lesh i1 was very 1ll, asking her to go over to trict will be taken to Sprinkfield and rant against Dennison charging him manient nature. it theys sthifL will metalpft e. reeiedMnu aifrmeOvi the ta this year and the ie companttin h er oe r.Gra i oadrecountedosilhwvr htar. ihlrey H osoeota Ms ftepaetrad m , The atroious wtayin wf hichthe fel teattllorn wasentl hads little or no,trouble recruitig thed a o be1nth os mr hn Tnthepostaesupeeortat o aratagintroeluhrgn-hmprvmetisfunThnteeothr cu tr cols wrelnheatedtattractedhpay.tOr n loed waf ter is om me o teie ils.I s xe alf an hour when Mllr. Corris passed one of the chief pointe raised, namely1 with an assault with a deadly weap- part of the state. In Kane, McHenry'Ilittle attention until the country Mr. Field representtteil the Mman that large additions will be made toWethr legislative candidate« on the on. DuPage, Cook and Kendall coutiso the forces daily. The hobo camps away. vermained Progressive party ballots werle entitl-1 The case of the People vs. DennISon1 an average of 82.3-8 per cent of the school supervisor began his work. This afternoons was started th* tr shav beel Mr. Gorham would haver ed to three legislative votes when. only i Now, probably 4,000 of the schools of Louis Dort of Chichgo A ae along the railway tak aeh al nighst hadl it nt been for the facta cross apþeared ln. the cirle at the ln whIch Fred Gralibe of Rorýkefeller roads are found to be Improved. I are proiterly heated. drew White of Grayis1ake, ln whic,11 desierted and most of these men bave that her hustiand ts quite 1ll in Wau- head of the party column. If the Su- charged that Dennison of Graysial,-e Boone, Winnebago, DeKalb, LakeAles90prcnoftsecho usfr$500dmgsor.b gonte to the western end of the con kegan and shes feared to leave him preme court should pase on titil point had etolen a teami of horses. belOng- Bureau and La Salle counties 'the per- werefs t edhacen et of hsshaolisfo le ,claimdaomavees r&sai ty t getworkon te ic. Th op n orte ht. Mr Gorham has and rule that Progresivepatyba-Ing to imrawas dismIssed by Justice icentage of improved roads runseri in Of the ie harvest brings a harvest aoefrteng. .klots po counted were invalid, Vickers lchTedyatron tirsi 5t 8 hs 2 them were sus,)ended when the White auto hit hiM at g b been 1ll in the house for over a week- would clearly be elected, and Munro'WlhTedyafeno.T ssad 5ti8 Tee1 oten nair instead of resting on the Jour. ving Park boulevard and Miuwitaq for he frmerboysin te neg o Shortly after (10 o'clock Saturdayj would be unseated without the leasit Dennison retuned the teami and 0- ties are found to have two-thirds of A ona h teto ftetah vneCiao atsme hood of te epousg eas athe tenight she received a telephone mes-- effort.lie hti wsalamsae. h mrvdradftesae r, and school officers was called to Dorf's attorney la A. P. Bý»1î paie ae mpoyngnerl al nfa that her sister, whereupon Grabbe agreed to dismi33 There are 94,000 miles of road in the teams that can be secured and hun- sage- orming ber sdaa Books and other printed matter now the charges. The: case of Grýlbbe, state, and 66,628 miles are traveled byi this, mnany of them set about to, remef- while John Pope appears for Ww dres f ak cuny oy ae ldngMé. Bonner, hadl just pass laar . handled as third class mail at 8 cents aantFakDwlaGacaeth alcrresworpre.Ol dy this evil. In many cases It re- Dorf claims he was run downW tir"& f Lak coutMr.ysCorris death is attributed lage¯ a ,pound soon WIll be matlable at par---eadn r gia rn oel mslk h alcrreBworprtd ny qulæed only that the desks be tal:en up Mr. White drover "'recklessly" la maýTg the harvest. The big Ch- y to a severe cold which he contract- cet Pest rates, according to opinions' liveryman on a charge of assault with, 8,425 of the 66,628 miles of highway adpoerl paed. the crossing. Mr. White tan cage colmpanies hope that the harvest ed Tast fait and which seemed to cause expressed ln Washington today by of-! a deadly weapon. will be heardl this are rplylc ln ti county will be a record break-ako MsBne' ficials of the Postoffice Department afternoon.Ti sacs hchge hlalcriesas eotdtat Many libraries were found, but they that he was driving Slowly, a ing oune this year. On accounit of the ageneral..bre--. . me esaledyhv-be'tkntoi- out of the other the grading of roads is done generally cnitdo tnadhsoia n a hfe rm hg os

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