Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 15

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~1' L 1b 1..O Âlloued. 21À 21.06 »10 0.ou' go 174-W Aveu.. "ifflý *s53.00 ........... Sl P& a FrWb".at. c omAIWd McAll5le cars 0f, OE ý re * 6300 *43.t .........O.14.00O *0#7.00 * 7a.00 £mIl 17v. ~0~, (4 D,.-T. - Ml 1~N ilat ooti. âm d o.. neam Br*., ............p~l r.rl.m .. .. . .. . 2. E 30.( 29.1 103.1 86.1 M0. 62. 44. 46. 143 lu 1442 1~led leu., ,au.............15.0 M-W .......... 20.14 *2668.U3 Amt;I;als Naumie.P.' Wbat.Magnti AtIAiOWeti. A. Gustls,, groc.rles I 46.00 Labo CCo. Tubieaiceslut. car* of patients ... 40.O0 Jo. LidebeIcz, oui ....................100 co d4j00&Mafld ..... 17. f0 "oa"dntiWood..... 5. 00 Mdea" u ait ...........0 to. I*l~girl 10 hospital. 4.48 . u....................,00 *131.0 Oo.rfiold. AmI. Clîret M r w . .MdtiAmi. Aiiewed. W&OWhu. Tuhe loie me, p#tJf«td 11.*207.00 eSo l woeti 25.90 ~S. nti net. 27.%,~ shfo....... ............ 14iuità sh0re 'aei & Supîîly Co Md iwood... ... 7.5 13.41 D oel es ... . .. . 44.55 Joln 8Middleton. $0.. esandti ý... .. 14'96 - . S150.40 .529910.1 il-retped-tfisliy sbmit C. W. Pettis. Chairînan. Saipevlmor Bookus iov t t thle, report lie accptetid a ous«i #MWt$l Mger siovedth iaIt the Murfl apointa COMMlltee 01 j%8W.Wbfl otyIl sal b. 10 look O*ate . iilng of autoumbIles for thse cirried. iViarnan appolnt.ei asae SSupervIsons Chtteaden, 9 porvhlor Welcb of Newport 510v- -4 ed'" lie tate's Attorney h0 anther- i l#ed 10 appoint one Assistant Blaes Attaei. Motion carrieti. Ta..esamlttoW ho were'aubome lu enter loto Coutrm.i ul4b Ii".léAg oaly Tuh@e0oàIms lnttuto saiit > ed the followlug cotract: Thisareement maie ttis 121h tisu cf Dmeeu4er A. D 1912, ietweeatlsi Bard cd opmirvist .5 5e OmIy, d Jlrnsois. pmot fle bra art t*romb tboir &Mblesd eormkntteep atW -.cbtte H. C, .*:Myer Mnd Ja *O mi, et: 0 the secondpat, .The aMiiiParty oft.e first part he wbm 1tapend lboete panon 'f ati M an*t tensootubercule amte, t.' mas Or !mi Ii.d te bers taslin cuxlPe albonheo ie rmi le eit 111. parti o! ie tsed p bIo lu patWib y a res 0trniai aIl ie eutq, fordse aroate atenbars- of In ~.cuidmlI lu salé Conu 8 a, da the-atyodepacod art bewi. e forre er. T*Pryo kt, tt, i i partibrbyar e s hei= .mnboard anduprimore 0<1,11. u% M id for- &UW. woen 0 -tti. Janafo te pri. for ou*TYse. k out obru Dy LRàl. Miangii Pr GO 'WH. C. BW.ton, e. N . lailis atIn o tseCoumitti oThe on*ireita e Bari ofen 00 upervnsitsrEmn. ovt ia ~~~~~W C.S . . Doeunebtais.sec.f 01 iltion cltiono. h omto 44 fervf s Watoskmegs atgo .06 Motion carrlet. OIt&rg UtMl i .l.HBxI gen inlbet f r 1.0 .261 Moi on e ge Arinltrto A ieo saDr. L.ii HqeH.s'Be4 -e ôrou a1ôo lense msne$1 pa00 .09 lestnid ofJohn F.Hoaerge oni ew21, M12 fl!cà ljanuary 1, 1913. 1.4 Motion carrieti. ~f40~j~pdhitOM was proe ff4t Hnonýalle Boardi o! Super .00 sor, of th&~ Counly of Laie anti1 .83 ~ vd-Ww. liitstem otlig a ettilegal voter-s« the To 4a tise buildigg owni ,%Lyi.S'ce. formeriy ocomU by join .Rfornberger, at HalS Dui 0.60 lIse Town of Verso. ILake Connsty, las, théfol- L4 t'el, 8lilla the *taf I hrq,ýaW Day. Ili., in anothi en. W ttake efeeS bd'rhfesdite of the. refund 0 or cancellation of licens. grantedti te J. P. Horsalsergèr. doeuel o f emre Plcaft leatwe. Provud thé asli- oe.ry on4furaisheil and tee pald accordlng 1téStatute.. A. G. itiather, LLpervsor. J Supervisor 05oS ofthe.CountY Farrn AuuMitlgCOpiumnttels subuilîtedtheii fobtowling epomt itate of MlIole. Lake County, et. Board of Supervlsors, Dec. T--.0 Bec. i2. 1*12. )Ar. ChaiUlu anMd Gentlmieu f the Board of Supeqylsora: Lour Committee on Count Farni Cisimae wouid beg leave to report thai they bave exarseI.tailchâia Pe- aptl befos hein andi roeoiomendu the. piyment 0frtthe ollowtng. andi thst the, Cleri b. direeted tu lune Oiders for the m»Ver anuts te, lhe severai Âmt. - tL Nanes. Fer What. of Cdaim. Allowed, grocgiee...............65.78 W. F. ahf, grl................33 aO Deke-1 E. " . ..ohh grocerles ..............68V i. B. Eger, hardware ........ ......110-99 Home. Leb.rCo, iomr ..............28.84 tibertyville Lumber Co.. lumber antdcoal ..... 40.31 B. Loveilido.. drugs.... ..............62.10 %Iax Kobner, clothung ....... 69.98 Leuden )fg. do., mtiae .......................80hi 69 -J,. B. -Jors*- &C. eiothing ...............7.60 'ubiic Service.Co., listât and power ... 80.57 1. Pester à Son. roluins................32.76 W. Pankhural. ciothng ................21.&0 Rtay l'uruture Co., ntatrestes ..............30.00 North Shore Gas Co., "ffl .... .... .... ... 7.10 lcban'ck Brots., at.................122.62 1. l. Taylor. services ................37.60 . ElU Trlgga, 1 our ..................92.00 . Ell Trggs, Essat,....... I..........432.52 W. C. Trigas. abse.................29.35 a rreptow & Taylor. t,1 furniture ...............81.811 in,. $2283.57 lm W. have euilueth 1e iqiOrt cf C. 6 A. Appley, Superlntudent oetlise .-ennty PMarm antiSd lie saine cor- oct asdt ltIthore la duoe.ALke Coun- y $107.97. Aul cf uhi la reepecfully anit- ted. 0. D. (hm,. Ciairman. X. LU aimons. guP«evi D'd iaâtâtae report lie acceX .tetanti adopteti. 0 Motm cnaried.1 *pupsrilsO gin&. Ciatria of lheF iudilciary Coimmaitto. auhailledtihle1 Sa.0 Illii. Laite Counti. . Sourg etguSperviecis. Dec. Tlerm . M~Csa~Ba~a1IO05tlemefl oS the1 7riln» u uiltieg leave tb reporttlItI th"y bau. euazaluet laitUims pro-1 ieawd beforeomh and térecostineud ho payment of lte followng. anm .à"atàtie Ceri b. dk«et@dt o las-u rders for tie several amounta to the1 3everalclalrnants. to-uIt:1 Ami. I Nasses. For WbaL aofdaIM. Alouedi1 Walter A. Talelor, . Jpatice. Sees .. 8161-36 168.10 fled Radalph. 80 servce$ ..........8.00 80 Aibeit C, Berry,100 service. ..........10.00 100 Predierga lverY, 4Ivery,............ 6.50 6.50 R.. J. Dady, expenses......... 23.62 23.62 ii'red Rutiolph, conatable teeas 10.00 10.00 James G. Welch, servces ........ 100.00 100.00 JmIma V. Bals,. Justice tees ...-. 4.00 4.00 R. J. Magon, writnglesimony 4.95 4.95 011" em ......-100.00 100.0 . J. r-oe, JAlr accouaI 984.00 994.00 AA. MeMlBan. oualablo teee -. 9.90 9.90 ClIntosu C. fre&n Lt DeputyBIrtif ..200.00 200.00 services .........10.40 10.40 P. Pfles, ey mea lo Jurnrs 6.50 4.55 services......... 57.85 57.85 ~.,Deuis Ijusierry. k. coBtable saices.......... 1.70 1.21 isames 0. -Weici, e Ihiotce eso.... 28.20 28.»< J.- . Ogay, 2.20 3.00 6.75 13.15 1 .10 101.1.5 i.3E 2.04o 5.75 1.00 J.W .ay, W. m erlie........ ... 7.5 se vies - .. .. .. se rvices .....6 .8 l".4 Th. fOlOwint bils ware *1927.1 ti th ac ord "faflot b itte f he ten lzed. services . .. .. .. .. 54 .00 services 7O- .75 AliofRichf spe u0 £M oloIgils. wcerfrbc 10 li o r m ovemlthteeothee Mhotin We. bwen Of Owen,'lr e loe o $4 rvc.00.0 el i that.fb 4d, J i Ban J..o sahvnng Jurbao*e.......76.7 thettetionbm dfgatrtewr Ja ale ýmie .billsgfor havmný SuPervisor Bger's med thatee lotadteiia otion cu.rrled. supterysAtornWlioeyDdy ubtiitbfth bib~~~~ o! we OJar 0 au.d o of Wervlaat W[Àtke oouWaykeIllinoi ead that. ol5f PLk.ipratJr Stbe' otn Y lad ftor athe wor Supervisor EDesammedmet aî aPursnt t e cStatue lansud> can e o! thue ]etgalariese unt, llii Aite ite.Âtonyluat Supervlaor Waeebo! Newport, chair man o!f Fées anti Salaries Conimittee sumittedth le tollowing report. Waukagai-, 111., Dec. 13, 1912. r. Cbarms, andi Gentlemten of tlb Board of Supeevlsors: Your Cosultte on Fees anti Sale. le begs leave to report anti recon mendtilaI the malary oSflthe Asaimtas Statesq Attorney be fixe i athle ami nf l1200 per anaum, anti that lthe Cour tyCleri la heresy autiorletissulai urters on the County Treasurer fo te payinent of sncb malary anti a)* fr tise payment of tie malary cf 19 Stales Atiorney,, In quirteily lu"a ments, accorting 14 t taSIule 1 ucis came maie anti providei. Respectfnlly smnliltted. James <G. W.lch, An(tonY'. Sonensen. Superviser Brooks movei that tiser Port b. acceptei anti adoptei. Motion cariei. The. foiioulng Resolullon uas Pr eentei: WHIREA, DivIne ProvIdence hi taken fron or ueSi, Mr. Etiwai Ferry. a leatilng ettin leoun cor mnlty. brother 0cf Mg. Hiram 'V Ferry, Superviser fbrou the Towni Benton: BE IT RESOLVED T7ai lb, Boai osf Supervîsors of Laie Coubty borel express their mince!. sympatby ai condolences lns thîesmatibereaveme to Air, Hiram W. F%"ryand the e lire Saznily of lthe eetif. S uperviser Welcs oS Niwport Mc ed *bat the resointbon b. 4Iopted ai spreed upen tise records. Motion carrieti. Bupervisor Welch of Nqwport in eti tiat the Clerk lie auitiorizeti Issue Warrants on lheCommty Te unes Wto te acterai claimauls for t, several amouints allouai et titis ine Motion canrlei. Supervisor Deatton movedti Iat t malter o! furnisling an office for t CEounty Surveyor be leSt with the Bt lut Comrnittee with power to acl. Motion carrieti. Bupervisor Wolcb of Waiskegau ni, e tha itahle Building dOMlflIte bei thorizedtri Instalil *lftt1 lghts te dounty i'leni.!aofficoh Motion carrei. The Odommitee hereofire appoini 10 enter Int contrail for the audit of lie County Offleeru' books, subi le4ubte SolowilIg contr-acl: TRIS AGREM!sENT matie t tentb day or Decemier A, D. 1913 th1e City tof Waukepae.itIllinois, treen the Board 6f Supervisons. 2*11. dunty. JllinOisi tirougkilIs C( mlttee, James 0. Welci, lR W. Broc anti A. G. Maelier. party 0f lhe i part antià S . .Silrsdoing ussineai lhe B. E. Sima Audit Co. 41rty o! second part., Il3SEH TluaI ln conslieration cf Nine H dreti (1-00.00) Dllars W lie pati 0the party of lie firâI part aSter berolsaSter described, work la em 5eti, the saiti party. 0f lie second i .prornlei 10 muake a tlsetou' ai c5 f lie books oS the Connt> Stsps tuaient ot Schools, lie Shenilf., Ctotit o! the Circuit Court anti ex- Ici. Recorder, lie Connty Clork ex-offîcc Cierk 0f lhe Counl' Ct 4be Coualy Treauvrer, andtie tii S A$tsorney ef Laies Comnty, Illinois. fi ilectisIer 5111, 1910, to December1 IS ;$M.subralttnt aelear. complets vrittun reporto! ltheane %l à. 16iale lIssu froin lb. Pre ldate. It la fsartber agrsed thai consiteration o! One Hundret ($101 r Dollars teulie pald îy lise arty of ftet part oie party 6!flte sec 15 aler lte Ierelnafter doer w %,à# o empletei. tise Party Of sepu iv-mIses t. Malte a Cimpter 34 of R. sàe vised St tung Motor Owned by'~ôa Frak . owerGiesHAS GREAT LIFE-GIVING AND BAVIXG Interesting Interview Regor4InWo!tdr fui Machine Which he Owns and Whlch Promises to Eclipse, Pulmotor ln Accom-» pllshments Along Life Savlng Unes. From the discussion beard ln Waii- kegan among medicai imen and noiers on lhe *lunginotor" exhiblted by Pl. T. Fewler , formeriy owner and editor of The Sun, before the Lake (<'ouly Medicai Society lant woek itla1 evi- dent liaIt ew, if any, inventions or rbusiness planis ever attracteti more ai- iten ers. .Nir. Fowlerliai; made #a miot. Wainteest Insei;tora and ln ct lehan ba ai but httie tg Bay tlon: far en the wonderfuli almust infinite. luVentien now;owned by him. - The Sun bavlng had su many in- quirles about %Itr. Foweri iIntentjons I antd Inventions. roquested blt to10sayi .osnething on te use axid oiiiortutiiY of sal#,-Or lte littho lire saver andi lite- ti ~ijg Invention of Prof. George Poe or Norfolk, Va., who Dow and' ince shortly ater tbe invention waxa ooIàlpetet4 la aecoeJhmed paralytic.I une ua irt(h important. SMr Fowler was smen îoday and ho,; gald: . Thorn are two-oiily two-ne-1 Sehanical resplratttrs (breatheral atiap-! teoito general use. The pulmotor and' )r sy "inngmotor. As lhe Darne.. In .lies thee lunginotor lsan artificlal lbeang of' àg>itiuKt- Or eatabhtUfgl-- breathlng. cither at blrth, in came of drowning, poison- by gages, filmes andi aicoholism, electrlc slhock, le hànglng, strangulation,. aptiplexy, r- r.mic coma, alter surgical eperationi or thle admuinitrationi of anestiietic. t4otd 1. D. Says Dath Test. 1 r Besides ail hhese opportuflities o b rnkTetlr Lk oilý-i, ,fà use, one of tiie foreinost autiiorities Frn T.FweLk u tvnâ,foi¶l on mecianical respiration, Dr. S. L. and owwvIie of tht' Suni, who lias obtained one of th Mllier of lte Rockefeller institute. es ft ew Yor, Yslnefe thst BOrne- dr f 'tiîîie. a devie. for estiblishixîg reatbin~ r. houtibe sei n nearly alil ctss o!r nies y t)lt, the d(rowlled, asphyxiated, hoked, e1 death, te, positively estableb deatii. death es lsî ltlie says ln the Ameican Metilcal A-j n moclatlon Journal cS May 11, 1912:tladadwtrtasrtto ie. a mef roil» n-u -Thora is always the posslblllty thetlniad ne rnsotto i"wy yeforjlamon-N thse actual cause of death I int be, Luemmotor vs. Puimotor. é tock of a aoderately caI inl one case or another, aspeclly In HlOw -bout I)rice and Otberctr com pany PoieOf. lmaI 0 e, go t officientî atfililspir- tor, your cnly conspetltor?" wai; th..n1 Whataboutl Wake aIýation migbt santal ln temportsag naca aam« lu n roeocagnal ii a lu- ". The price.of ny lugmotor la but hati anyofem* tieed . Sucii possilîtles thougi they UitIle mer one-haif that oSflise put-1 "Oh, Indeeti yeW, Mi, may be raistidoniy olice ln a thon- motor-the weiliît]e stissu eue-haIt, 1plieti. 11have aetually gg sandt Umed jutlfy the, makias of such spare occuiiied lems tItan one-hbalf. surances, voluntelwlyovn., An attempt ln oaci andi every instance Ntiw, remember, the puinootor la a very keenest minîla kt re of deatb." wonderful, wonderful device, but mny mont scrutlnlalng t*V.swsulà Word Wde iel, Fr Sle. lunruoor illdo hatIl illdo anti kogan tut tbey ileoliptite "Wbere woulti you oei lie 'moSg- mure. The piiiOotiOi necessarily munilot est la such a c'ompanylit rtor Mr. Fowier was aaketi. "Ahl have a chargi tank of oxygen ln or- opotily. lbsSa* over lie enlIre cîvilizeti world," lie der tu suppiy motive power for elier- evde" eo the Wood SSIi as, repiieti. "In lte Unitedi States alone ating il. This tank la also necessariiylintlthe tievice And wlth tri there are over 600,000 leguintate pros- eiarged to about 2000 Poundsslires - prîde, *m on cuddeae tbey- ,,. pacte for sale. t do flot say, mimd you. sure pier square Inch whlih oS course, lnyaelf.", W tiat even a majonhîy will boy the means tihe siipplng of tisese tanks to ir olrltçoigII f 0. ng. n -tor rpulinotor lnîmedlately, central charging statIons andthettice- ter. Powlinerview lsMe td but a rnaJorlty wIII buy someting lie- turn shipinent. If the tank gets emnptY taie a cent froin Waa»gn rdfore verymn hmnla, thal ulîl do theu the poiinotor la useleas, Nly lung- r y, company te uhlili 1 AM -b t i east partly what tbey do. ittor boing operated bty baud andini- kt wiliIbu because.1 fulîyuesq nd Tiser are nmre 125,000 mines. 125-, ing ordinary alsnsopheclc air maies lte investinent, 21 t tu tane, 100phsiies ndsugensalone lu it an everywhere usable device. tely sate anti eecondy nI' tien- tei ae; hnle, r uI Has Simple Oygen Device Too. aîuured of alleiuat. ièIitDI. meosgag anti electrlc companies, aadeQuate returne on. tii lhe af iv. dentstrire anti police tieparîrnonts. Shouid ox ygen be leeined necesisry a helieve they will b.e xceptup p dos aab.mMm. dnM stores, amali generater patentetl iy Prof. Poe, tofactoii, exen *WM hii~e& roling miliie, fountiries. Ice pants. anti controllîdi by tue, aiti thte lung- ning.' tireweries, ciemical works, yractlmoter will îîrotioct oxygen as needet Tte. Monthe Bahmnd tlis e lo. 'labo, lite saving stations, genmtallant Inluany quantity. Prom a littie The puimotor la aintoat tomanufacturing eitabilbueflts, vetrl- can welgiîin c but sevei ofunces I cao monilia bebli !n flnlinlg o0. s nary surgeons, isols, deparîment produce enough oxygen for a sublect alxiut $175 .aach. '.The mep oef tc tores andt tbre yet romains one oS to lent l10 minutes or longer. MY, il ai tie Commonwealth t1~ me !lie uldest fildts, vit., the water front- islulgrntor ta trul', a portable devîce pany in (chicflgo b ave effltttnlr4 ozfS sud batbing bouches, as well a.s because it welglis ouly about 21 pouud ,i 0Io240100 lungsoflrathe dit '.tbIIshmenta. such as athletir as- asud o( tilesa f t or sa,9f nmre 8%, 'rot, t'oe's wontierfui lite s~i il, 'icatill. public parks anti ichools. 16 luIche-. Iiima eau ensiiy 0e plekedte-n'îtinliasi had eaaiiy a ar th., up i , I li, v arrieilreadily ln te dollatrs or more pnblilty, whi uil, .,entof he ecepts.andexp0iIturý lai. , ii, aii auitorobile. oinaaîtoto I- Tti' s-t',lia, iot licou <Onfiliuti .ccl oul eietheurcoipa the preceding year. uhîch sdate-cyeoriiciuonabyd' ianîn', Eenenqt .uent shaîl contain a full and accurate tYhat aré, oiir plan% about îlac ,i'111Ii t oîitiii paliers. antdsi !~ escription of oachItemin.froin vhom1Ing thu lauigiuotor ounte nmarket. NIr. journaI., ln 16f orcign. coutrIta au- anti on ubat accounit received.. o Poster.wnrtd i5 t hoin patiti, andi on wiial accouitî ex-. i hav- Ii l.'dt(iiteii as ,i."lie salId. l'le î,ublirity thus-gîven uh penàdeti, logetier with an accîtrate buît will iii.a tev da% su'iether li great bellitoluthse lsale ofS tbê è 3taterntlofthle finances of the Court- wIIfnnet ho iroPoaiton in a sînali tor. lie ty aithtie end of the fiscal ycac, lun- ung ildilng al teita andi liabiiilles or 0v- ~ r ecilo.adleasl niPROFESSOR CALDWELL SAYS SA- in thse curreitt number of lin »W tier mane to discharge lteisaine. TAN uS NOT MENTIONED IN World Isatiet yestortiay at tii,- tiis 'an iti tn thirty days lhoreafter toi THE BIB LE. versity of Chuicago. 3 in cause the.sain~e 10 b.lieosted ni) aitûne 4_- b,~ Court House door, anti at two noter No siCh lersotu as lhe devll-Ë n f paces in thse County, anti publishedti ..(Id Nid, *lias leeî iti iiig gnoseditionai theoiogy appeara lu t So. or one. week in mornte newspaper Ihere- eks. in. if (haro le one, anti the saine cao tiesh ou thti îretlîîloi., for centiuries Testament, Prof. Caldwelaaet iret b.e doue ultisOut unreaaonable ex-viitout te s,îiirtî watrrantt lie in coulrary beliet, bc saya, lla des, pesdet rlofauly translations anti lnteipml th : iliosup e of Laie Cotinîy, sulîiîo.;td tOl"ses crdn atu Prof. Caldwell affirme that eV liinoa James G. ttt,'iWProeaorWmllntserpent i tiheGarden of «Au Hun- CyJmsG ec, laldwell ut clt Worth, Tex., ln au satan, but merely an exliio#4 th aryorte iA. G. Maethgr. article on tb. e Doctrine of Satan" snaiti ise ro iet.irat part. siet- .S. E. Bins. part Party oS the secon part. «> e tdi» Supervîsor aotmovedtu, 1 on osdn' irMnthie action of the Conumiiiee sud ~ the luit the contractlibe spread uspon the LO-recorde anrti Notiosn carrieti sor. Spesviaor giratton movedt 0o ai"'e OR Woer til lte !,arci meeting of tbti Sroml Scrd.K esIsSrn7' Ithin Cerk The large can of K C Last it il_____ 25 cents rrth of other Jtie b, 2,0w A. Hendee, ('olnfy (Clerk pw erlunn ate o -ond &W flet said County, herçby certif y tise* takes to get to the Lottomn ied hIeeotins 80lbe a true andi correct f 4e tIM*IMCpt o! lie preceetloas o! the .Sp3oOflU1s tasgmÀ A a ne. 90erd 0f SuPervîsora et saliti toty . Kn .:. .,...... ientl i eteDecember 1912 meetIng. . c imae e hei as u 6. ' bWHueeWiereef 1 bave boeouit cakes and. patiy you evc tutes $U siseMIlet My naine anti affixedti te viWich sql et aiti dountr, tlii,19tbdey of is guaranteeci pure and Sst7I»temb«, .1912. ytO~~~~ ~A OââAHNEE ~Fn 0d"UAEI a*& ' ta

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