Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Jan 1913, p. 4

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COUNTY UND W T - *E*)oeN. 1. cty Edtor'asi.ele i.soe PC.11- st tii, Po.etoihe t [. ibrtyv11ie. Ili.s Sipond Clams Mail Natter V00111Y.Adertisilig Rat& Nade Ctiowu on AppIkçtion.c *$CRIPTION PRICE. SI-60 PER VIEAR STAIOTL.Y IN ADVANC< .il iT ...................................... 1....................... . . .dtr 43.SMITH..................................................................... Manager Yv L. MlUSSARO ..... ....................................... . Oity Iditoi FRIDA 1. JANUARY 17, 1913. F Vlth the. freight business of the 'J' I vln gbed 30 ir ont laoft year over the. provioua year, It if*kthe fil 0apany should, instead of raising swtcin&nateo to local ifactrers lower them, f or, it la generaflý kuovu tha 4-à or aunything are gauged by the. quantity of business Wauk.gan 15i passing through tihe delights of butilding b3idng.. The. plans for the -building wm ac-t wM'&ab"tsxmostbs go and the mapefintudetof! qui$ton innow on the VoUfld. itj.the "J M14fl t i, ~~nm nt gouiafor ii. uiréing should b. brok- ayear-Kenosha News. Unzigbt, the.notorious Obipago labor luggr as l'ora pardon-theibo.aus ari. he: igt, the, promlcuu, manner la wblcb pardovia id i nwL-dy, -Mm gnou 40 sy a pra~ orpardon. fact tàM PreduIdt teele of -ti. Firt National mmifratertalu prloe-an«lbf.-Swl 1w M*ihig about to d4cépof his interéntheu ii -PA P Ck Obuical Company ia a "bug company," "buny." The l1"alenthusiasts dece lfflita ~ps *j Inluthe. worM -and tbat,'a wbz up »thus f4Mbtgainst bugs o! D ow là Igtdewltb a #re- 5~~~bbaaBefor *ô*~ by the. local o«f Ppoultry shiow. are a mgsi- Imm w ofoual r;*grae4la dul ~a~'uefor hl*4thon the ech U odae Uwre'u hope. ý If that fellow Whio a settlng ftes in Highnd Park býbawaS it i Ue some concrted stops arn takmn to sp. liiod i bfqr. vez are buét as a resuit of.,bis- acta. 9,-mm».fares slould b. suaclont to stir np the.of- 5 ïot fie.C ityt0ac#ity wbich 1 must eventuaiy resuit S~iirrest. ;hère iane menace se dangerous to a com- r ipteii because w it h th latter, ye -cn pro- ivMi a ter-bug, on~e bas no means of protec- hévlts in the. darkneus, wheu you 're unpre- Rxpectoratlug on the, sidewalks ta a very filthy habit and a7elies have pasd ordinauces miakiug It an offense. 'UIl Ates, howevér, the. meaure shortly after its adop- Oibecomes a dead-letter and with ail defereuce te the uien o! Waukegan who promise to look after the viola- se o! this measure in case the council adopts it, it is our l.!f that they can accomplish more real good by staying Ïme and cookiug a good, substantial meal for their hus- ad, wiio, while he might accidently expectorated on the Iii goiug home from work, la nevertiieless huxxgry and rd. perharua tan tired ta remember tha± his wife has mot 3îuIJVA n 1IL.LU C WMF W 1IL. iMqw a PROMOTEIASSAY THAT- OESPITE PO$iIl'O1',MaNt AFLOAT IN' THIS8 FACT ANNUAL SHOWS ZION AËOWITNSUOVA& PL.AN WILL BEI4E E . ? CHICAGO. DOOR RECEPTS TAIS VEAR IT 18, T. R. DYV,'WUO MAU CHARGE 0F CLAINRO PULL *40 B£- 11419 P"ANT SAY& THERS i HINO LAST VEAN. NOTHINQ To RUMOP414 Deapite tie tact tint the. Fourtb The Xlon City lace we rke are te bo Annuel Poultry show -ciiieb closed nievl frem ZVonlCty te the big bonld- Siuday' Ovenlng et 6 e'chock lu tiihe In violtasnear th, riverln lu OSoage Hope building, on Northi Gonessea bY Se*-Riebuek; tit rmevat. et tue street, wau the. largeat and best tiiat bigl pýM" tue resuit of the many It ever bas been. P. H. Miller, 32j^ deprsdatik.n@ eemmîtted lIn lC ity' Wihllms street, declared this mr- in ",4no ac eepin te. plant, et. Ing tijat the. shoqw tilla year again Tii. above Wl. the. statement mmle Was a fiuancial tellure and as a r.- lu Zoniait it 1onday by persona elle suit. the.members 01 tha Nortieru nma in a lu a nner that ludleated Illinois h'oultry Fluiclers assocation thaY bail beard aemethlng detinite wblcb pronieted the. exhbtion ciii eevan gItL bava te dig down Into tbe'r pockets Hoev eTi, un et once made lu- and nit. up thie $50 deficît chigli de- qui' trou the man wbO bau cbarge veloped. Of tii. liidatrp land bo made a poi- "1V. ilpretty dlsceurs.ging ta ihave 1tive d4cial tbat puci s steii ban been thons delis occur yennly, despite ail pisunel Oraseau cottemplated. tbat ce eau do tu prevent,1" Mr. 3111- jT. 'B. Eddy eorNdarhal-IMold a ler deciared." At the, poutry mshows comp» al sthe, man directir et the. whildiame ield lu Racine peani>' theiea.d ,of tii.lace worksad iie ens ttendauce ulgiitip le areuni 1500lnterleced ever the long distance and 1,8006 cili!. e do not have neari> lielu*o. Tiié report lu subetance as thnt ManY attend durlug thaebhe glven abOve, cas repested tg Mr. cours* ef one of alcm hows. Tus Eddy. 'ou, bkegte oftheii. act tiiet the. show. 1H. sald: "There ia absoltueip notb- w. giveare luit as good or botter lus tutheeport. 1had not boardIt tiist Many attend dornna the. ciile but You cau dan>' h umot eupatica- thal thionse gven lu Racns. Oar ne- Y*". cel4e~tt.dape-tle ear irere Mr. Eddy kueca dbeeef b.spess 140 lower thoen they e4re lat year, [and bis -positon la sucb ttiat hoe-do" [it pm tiigt thçse wiijO attenkd Our 1"n bave te coesuit witb etiiers te show are jtist theuas be are poutrp huer' ciibetier sucii a plan mtgbt b. tanclers or breedors. The Racla e e- atout, fer Ir it ciere, ho wouid be the Pie aPpreCîate the shiow we gve hee a no 151te 5at 1tIL. and many of tbem cameo br te at- Donied nt Plant, Alto. tend. 'nis la tiefourtb year that we. And, beaides, Mr. Eddys Itataunent, bave iven the.*xibltiouadeasciithe emploiet tie Plant scout ithe Yeur a siierlageoe about thé. nome1 report. altiieiig, no doubt. my et amount bas deveioped. It geens lmn-, theni ceald net b. suîprlsed te bear possible for us te put the show on of snob a stop ln tace et the. damage a psjrîng hass.1 reWTuglit by mscreauts during the. put Âsked as te ciiether or not tie cvi- leverai menthe lu tiè matten ef eut- dent laci of interest lu thie show ting logeât, etc. Tiousands et dollars wouid cause the. plan tu b. abandoued 'were l09t wlien theIOO leouscrcut Mr. Miller replied tint b. did not througb a desire to spite on tlge part thni se. He laid are glv- of snuibedp agi t tiie tua It as en te, ke.p up intereut among pouîtry rcerted Mar'shall Fleld ceuld net breeders te strive for tii. verp hast stand fer snob actionsad- unise .the. lu- tus lino and te maie couverts et minereants g.slsted, the, compazip people cie cre net over--eultbultlc u igt decîde te reovthe i plant. Pos- over the. poultry bipslnesa. Ail those xily> tbat la b. tii. report &,et tat- wbo are couuectad .cîti ithe assoeca- d about t ha plant beiiig deflnltely tien test iadly over lhe finauciai tell- made te MOsevti.faciOs'y. un.o e i.showc as tbep 5My tic>' The. repeitbd*ever, asboId serve te 1 treve sud sueeeeded lunuaklngthei. use 1Ost" ete "ait UP Ud taie DO- shwthis ear 'the boat adl argiest Uft," bfla e it germa O th e oww5s (thi0ver bubaseof this ftery M Dnt alcaje bat 8p George Bslrsto . a member ofetait hi611,011i nefrleus actiots ou tiiepart association and su entbuslastic P&4- 'b ,of asite-wrers as they h ava tseed 1try breedar, deciared that ou.eofthei during tiho puat ear. l est obj»cts accompliabed by tii. show Wetad Ruln the. Town. la lt.r.ating beys of lbte cnty ln ris- And If tiie lace wonhs ever sbould lng the finest tralus of poutry. Me, me. roi Zion, the. tocu would bO. sald lt tends to keep ticun off the, lltcraily "kililed." The lace cenks la itreeta by holding theî rattention in tie Mainsta>' 0f theaCity sud employez nome ýnterestlng subecet. He and more People tian mast ail the. other, otier members, bowever, bope to bc tactories ceminud. able to convince W,,'kpgan peopie*l thith annual shows are worthy of ROAD SUGGESTIONS patronage If for ne othenremason than Induclug breeders te stive for the Leglalatuve Commfttee Seake Expres- ver>' best. Ail the irds were removed son From Formera and Land today and the. cooping s belng takenj Owners. down. - 1 The Illinois Legilative Committee WANT MORE rOR MILK appointed by tithest 'Generul As- sembly to revins the County and 'RADICAL MEMBERS 0F ASSOCIA- Township Organzation, Baud, Higb- TION TO SEEK RAISE AT AN- way and Bridge lacs ofthle tate ai NUAL MEETING. Itheir meeting in Sprlngfleid recent_ 1>, with a vie te obtalingn as moch CHMARLIS H. POTTER BELIEVES NUIStUER OF PARMERS WILL DISCONTINUE SELLINO. '.More mney or no milk.' This expres"e the attitude of tic more radical of the meuniers ofthle Mlk Producers' association as the timrnears for tue aniual meeting at n hicu timue demanda for the. suin- information as possible trom thes farinersanad land ocuers o!filine, prepred lhe foiicing liât of que- tions te wchcitiie> desire answera froun the inlerested land oculers und farmers of the stute. This information alloua he lu the baud, of lie Commttee net Iter tian Dec. 20, 1912. Ail replies suouid be uddressed ta the above named Committee utl nt thie. da3rwatching to see whether some other woman's mer sle of urices cIli h. trmulat-Sp n.lDo Iyou aoihs cniuto baud has done exactly what he has don. in violation of "' Do y fa-of.rontinuain law-spat the walk. iirectors of the, association welli of tlepresentsyîietrn an la -pton th mk 1eet n Chicagp tomorroe inuit.e agement lu your count>'? What __________________ - __arrangemetnts for the annual meet- changea eoull you suggest? FOR CA T!~ PO ULA CO PL!WEDlng wiici eili be ld Fdi. 3 ut 10 2. De you fayoT tii. construction FOR A ANTEt POPU AR CO PLEoW D 0cock ut the Sherman bouse, lu of' permanent ronds lu your Countp, the, meautin>. localandl cont>' ieet- cîti State aid' IT SHERIDAN MAY SOON 85E EDNA A. SISTV b3ECOMES THE~lg ub el~iee i itit 3. Do yen tuvor the. ereathon of a ESTORATION 0F AT4MV BRIDE 0F WILLIAM CHANCO- IAt ti. cent' eILetIste distrite. laHgc> omaint lv CANEUNUNER ILLLE 0FGUREEto theanunai meeting elli he seîccted. genenni 'supervision over tric hig- usIlusten. D C', Jan. 9.-Au lm - Last niglt at thc resilence et L. Farmer& Want Moe Mone.. ais andl lhe seiection b>' lie count>' lg arra>' et armi' officrs headed A. Starr, 313 Asll treet, ceurred lie F'armns gena"sIy belleve ti.y hourd et s ceunI>' road superînten-' heetary of War Stlmsou and lu-, weddlng et William A. Chandler te, should necelve More than lie prîces dentto10ce-operate cîth the. state ut the cief et staff, Generai Le -'4lsEsA t>dagtre Wool, ail gatiered te coumaluer is t a A Ss. . uht Mra. Pald lait entamer. The. average 'for bigiien>'commission? tir reorganizatlen o e tirinn' Rev. George M'cGinnts p.rtorined lic six moulu cwas $1.26 2-3 for alI 5. Do lbe fermer% lu your <onth &Oau befaire teoyause mithe, the ceremouy ut 8:30 e'clocit. The 100 pounds. Tiie prenent eluler av-j favor a ciiange lu tie lac, provldlnÏ, doiar> affaithe oa>'nul ngel hie home cas beautitully decoraîcd elti erage la $170. Tiie radiclchours are ton tl,. improvement et bigicapa luý ratinet the . aflt b i. The' Pluk sudwhite. The bride% teelit- In favor of decliînng te in*.ie con- aticordance iii me*rn demande?, udemmtttii at siielAti'h,>' tide siters actcd as tiower girls. Mrn.trtsciit. îcopneune Aid peIbn tb martt 'Ws prmunlît.. tbat aine tiiha.1- William Nbhleciecit played thieed- tat ihtebgcmaisufeàAdd e ho h aoiy eus~~~~ iioibtdduhnemblding marci. wd ahilgiier pail. Othiers are'nôt,. hie farinera et peur cont>' coui4 ine luheb amp accoupauied A weddiuug supper a serveuu after expresling themnelves. agree witIL pour anacera tote aboyé dre.d dseuse. tii.'Marringe rite cas fulfiliel. CaisM otrcel ic-qetos Fee net of tempernlehp "eoi0 o et cere Mn. Crinlesi otlte whofaa e PlQuestionsc is usin canda hrNierl rs. D. J. Lewn and fumiy ofltri h soito,%poesst laease hs uSIn mï bw b, tempi ?selii. i'1nlMr . elleve liaI a namber et lainiers ciii nimber. Tuf .AJI'"tsle ">' Bssi, Wlmete;Mr C. W. Chaud-' diacontinue selllag te tfie big bottiers de lri er alla Mr. sud Mrs. 'William Noble-1 undmanufacturer%. He believes lie>' A cboiesaie parolesland pardon ]lot ~~a pur t. 1%cf thelr chieck, Guru,,.; anudMise Rule Eddy ei ice ' 0cemolaalua enpeprl derîat u -ti>,Russell. The bride Ia on o! the pret- 08 t t>' sim ad popular NorthhBil, gins, ee te silmnuel mlii 10 iogga . Cltrnd lufimalereceivel bhersk WR *é ýthon tMr. and r. Chudler sîter n ccl- PelloWe Refuam.d PréedItIes'. tla dapsuthi.e ve liiig ef 0ev..- vmb'@; r - ' din g trip te Le Fange, Win., wcliIo1.- Presîlent Biner J. F.iiees detilel non Deneen .111 b. caierael aiý tbi. i peou tic aid homesteal tari n o ctraypqjtoýpatmUr b h o£l lds tii. est river rend about îeo miles ooera>pedco.leintsT >'ia eulon i- mm Grne. IDiraclers for Eau. c6unlp are: C. he or abouiiet 100 onaviela. A largeý ci~ ~H. PoIler, Miin; John Rea, LII>' upapir et pardons area &lno iiider - l eeimly-INDEPZiNDLENT. Lake; F. H. Ranse, Dudee. eOligletleo. ILLINÔIS STA119 Çèi & Y9 F Pii&kM$ 111UM AL IhMTD,*OF 'OEC F L~S~t Mers la wbat thieRMlaitat. Regnter, prilited e atnlUflald, said! edltoriallp about the. ne, representa- tive from Lake Couaty <1'. S. Iunro. of Mskgiand Park>:.... ... ... .... WrI&COMIE, 'PROREQ8I VUS." The takte Registèr bus trequent- lp. 1u pears at. bad .tI pem.urs or extending weice to Qgrtnq8ld to représentatives ottIie deipoci*tl. rm-1 publcs.u aidA othe;arties.We rance tiiat weleine agd Als»taks pleasure i ejtendiog woeho* tte melubers of the new 'progw«esl." 05*4,o calied. As ce watciied the. members et tuis nec party yeSterday and lstened te the. fine sddress.ewhietcbcam from tint group. w. cor. lmpreased that tiiese 25 members la the bouse iii prevent a potentilisort. tu tua algis- lature. II; la In b. boped that tiiey work aiebg the. lina" et principie. As ne Party han a majorlty. sud a au lui- ter-party arrangement la n.cessary Iu ail matters. ce Invite the. pregice- sivas te eork lu harinony witii de- mecracy. We comnend the spirit etfIthe ad- dress of Repreuetatlva Mure. cho declared that It cas the. duty of thie legilature te give service for tb.e people prlority oear service for party or for faction. Thenimm a"e emiug te Spila- fle ¶iwitba grnt ,pportunity Aefere tbem. If tber amite.te prlàcil>le tbey wlll do much te etreagtbiuathelr party ln the. mate. Tipbaie aui eiiportunt'y te 0f1grat service ote people of Ilinois in the prasant logis- atte criais. VOLS VA TRAINS ARMY ' Sînners lu tiie capital elties of' lhe1 United lStes iiad better beware. WII- bar Glenn Voiva la training saZMen srmp. Lat nigit the. usuai midceek ral>' cas couverted i e oa seogtapii> clans anul24 oethte 48 Mtates cers lis- cunasd. The. remalniug 24 ciliib. takien np nert week. Eiers cere asked te usme varions ferma eftgov.rueut. Vetive boffl te put a traloed army of cerkers tin te ifel Who cii b. tbotoel'lv uiCqaa't'ýd citi tiie terri- 'Ory appeinted them. The mlbura insarauce Socelty behd a meeting lesat Salauds'atterfeen ai wlieh ts qanua lctiou eor afiecr to Place. WEYF.RE RAY DIXOi Olv C%~i*$t EAÙMIT$ TO THÉ lSUN TI4A? TS rtCOL- IJMNS WbRM WONDERS. OURNER MAN PaRRDe@ADS ILAS? DEALS WIRE tURNERD Poeubly the. Itro«Meetendersmeut1 ever give li he"cagt," "for aaie" 991- umuso et i.Sun came Saturdap aveu- las frein RAp Dien et ournei lncidentally Mr. Dix«ea moel a tact ebîi ce later akailpermission te eution in tiieme coiusans. wbiîb, te our mmnd. moretercetulp endonmestié eelumuns oft ts paper fer adv*rtiaers than any et lbe manp recordcae wbere thea 11111e &de bave breugi surprlsing recuits. Mr. Dlxon eaeuaii7 inentioned the. tact that hast cinter he luserted lu The. 0»inet Vartons lime.s I VU '"FOR SALC" ads la chini ho oeffrl fer mile certain beases aud lets lu ibis ]0- Conty. - AN'D, HIE ADDIID: 'Trough tbome five ada and througb tiem sioe..1 WAS EI4ABIAD AND DID ILL PF1UR 0P THOSON PLACEB."1 Hoe adaI tiat bo bepel te bave as - odrasues luis 1ou» ila esluasbis ad.erimment »d ..A --ad, hmt we TITLE OP tIIUNIC990 LITTLi ,POEPM. Thi e liring -original AM' os', missel po.m came tbreugb the. Ual. tote @iun tedi, malledlal Mts gan sul la re-pgnted hbmese ft aurai>' appeai to tboeeWcbue avraa *,LiWe 0111 N,"lu thalr borne. "MY LITTLI OIt. W.USJ' Toeu May MsBingeUttie Boy Dîne, I Mia ebeep and bis trumpét tee, But tiéesneyer cas pet a b«or 0f luS Te compare dlii rnplîttie «Wml ina Her dancingftesad iaugbiig ilpe Maite munie lb.ebole la>' tireugi, No etiier vole.teau be isff se0scst Asl the.vole.etfMy iltle Èlri bline 0f ceurme ber doilles sometimee b»eak, As dellies a" surs te do. But ber faitb la streug snd te kW. Whoe cafi moa etiemu asgood psnew. And If ber flnger gets brulsidor scratcbed, Tiiere*s n eue, ase.ceautel. liii. 1)sUy, te laie the sait aca>'. Anud Ms J sud maki olt trnsted ho ceal net h disappoînt- And se ri aui the. lver or li. ed. ,Te guard bar sudScoop ber tlime, But theifotcthtat ha sold FOUR Foe lbre nmuwcae *a àboy wq us Bouses AND LOTS luit tuieuglilit- To oeuffla*'wtug m litai, lm5lue tie' 50 cent -10r) saler ada la The au, MfAàNe soMWIrINGte persons cio Arhbol4d recer et WamomliI lvestlse la Tii. Son. It aoboa tllaf tergel cliihaaegtUgW,. 9&#Çb oir cozmas anreseit-gturs of the sutierWancouda ermero, a$Mcd t'ret catsr. the big metroglliteu net $tr ili'bp sà3agy lu h-be CkU daoles esneot scempllsb morets$MIa- 0ouit. Prida>'. bdOet*e ceote fying resuita thon the». la fact, ltM tctlssff. liraluft8111011104te la bepeul expeetatieus to e b mii.te hIr. boau icevel Circut11110111 seln Foua rror n" IVUPLACES Chale Whitney adjournouetdit Bt6 ADVERTISED citiuaa bort poriod- el99ii VrdRY flgbIt mi9 8 '01e o pet tuat le ciat Mr. hue. admis hb. MOdai mecIn& 1ue"MreJurY clIi <iî. report for lut>' Monda>' Cou pou ask sny trener endorse- ment 0 etinS-oColumn? NOTICE. Mr. Dixon la ceili kuecaln tue City Tii. annusi meeting efthte stock. and ceuntp and, beesuca he volunteer- boiders of the Chicago Hardware ed thInfoutrmation aboya mention"d. Fnudry Cempany' cl be bid at tua ce mec h. would gladip asurcer que$- oelle, ef the Company, Northi ChIeao tiens er suybodp ehe aic< b Ilhlinois, ou Tuesday @venin&, lanear> snch a remartable thing cas possible 21, 1913. et 8: 00 p. un. trou a tsc mali adà signei: JOHN S}oeRwIN. A marriage ilcense cas lissued lunE.P. SIJW1IK. Chicago satnndap te Cari H. iCrmi- JAUM T. RATM ler et Elin sud Augusta Meiiaud et AXEL GUBTAPSDON, Rockefeller. aged 22 and 24.- P. 3. DRUALT, hlaepeuleut ais--ruaI by 38000. ciiiJau 3.47 OFF FOR CHICAGO siNCE LATE IN TUIE YEAR NixErEENiiUNDRED ELEVEN TUIE UNI>ERSIGNrI) lIAS CONI>UCTED AN AGENCY FOR THE 0O,) -MICHIIGAN 7MUTUAL LIFE Pji- SURANCE CO.MiPAN)Y. WE HAVE WR1TTEN U'%%ARI>s 0F TIIREE IIUNDREL) TI!(>ISANI) OF NEW BUSINESS. AND, II(NESTLV, VE DII> NOT FIND L'IE TASK (4001) EXERCISE. lI(W WE HAVE (4ROWN! TUE LARGE VOLUM'NE OF1 BUSINESS ON OUR H(OFIS ANI)TiIE COL- LECTION 0F PREMIUMS, TOGETIIER WITII RE(ENT EN LARGEMENT OF OUR TERRITORY, N ECESSITATES OUR MOVIN(O TIE OFFICE TO CH-ICAG,WIIERE WE MAY BE FOUND ON TUIE SECOND) ELOOR 0F TuIE MANHAT- TAN BUILDING AT 431 SOUTII DEARBORN STREET. WE CÀN THINK O>F NO REASON IN TuIE WORLD WHlY WE SHOULD NOT TIHANK OUR MANY FRIENI)S FOR PAST FAVORS, ANI),, LIKE DAVID IIARUM'S HELPER, WB NATURALLY éeXPECT MORE. Yours truly, JOHN, HO5GGE' 1 . DISTRCT MANAGER. - Mu.-wao77-- wtwwUw --I b f/ ------- ------------ ------- --------------- dM - a -

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