jLAKE <JOLNTY Dit) EN-T FRIEOAY, JANUARY 1ý7,1913. c~~rs h~iwheat AT I. jELI T jG PHN 25- a E .LE1 - G. A. FREDEmOKI. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Da.mrs le FANCY and STAPIE GROCERUES FRIESII and SAIT MEATS 0<isters in Seaçon We Are Beter Than Ever Havwe Ilad Our Mill Overhauled and Iow Ready to Grind Ani lime:: - HAVE IN STOCK BULK BRAN, MIDDLING,4 BUFFALO GLUTEN FEEDING CORN MEAL., (ML MEAL, CALF MEAL. RED COMB POULTRY FEED, MEAT MASH. : Everythîng for Stock and Poultry. ILibertyyille ILumber Companyj Phone 47-Ras. Y2 Down by the Old Depof ý.,Fé P ire and Lite Insurance SEE AGENT FOR .New Hlampshire Fire Insgrance Companiy Michigan Mutual LufeInsurance Company-J UBERTYVILLEI . ýN EROALm-lro FRME WEEK r >~ OON l 'mm LE or0IIEU WAXOUS Inoudina the - (swOOTE, 10H OEEÂY CENTUDI) Cntaifty-ftva de- liclons nurae thé pon.d, Esc dalti cas be toucbln tihe Othons. OtIibe ndeof Our Choolaii -woi ?UD0U5 for hur rlch, pack dtu une, two, thmee ad ove Pound boites St 60etu 81 the Pound. W. cteronli to thoe ASBORTeDCMOCOLATrE5Sho demand the bust. WfIU Sw.ebmwèt Urique" " h.patmi Swuwg Cflm»eti ez The Lgric Resta'urant - JT- Robeitson. M. sud Mms.B. T. Mneon sud hi on Harold, viaited aven Sasday nilh ilimr deagiter, Ms.. Barry Nicholu asa Astin. Mise Villa Wirox, a etarned ]Miesion- arr wl nîl pak in the Cunaregatlonai chai-ch ai Bockefeiler Sunday moralu.r, Jan. 1 ti1ilo'clock. The yonng mens@clame of ibm Meotho. dieu gnnday vecool bld a' businme mbeeting Thureday igit ai the home of Ur@. Paul MaecQtat. W. E Davis lft Sunday nighi for Sprngftid to attend a meeting of tic toard ofdireetors ofthIblllinois Stats Board ot Agriculture. MrndudMra. W. W. Davis of Demen, Ill, qffai a tsn days lhe latter part of léam sud ithe for. part n is nes ith relativs ad tnimadehe. Ou JaS. ltimi. rs.giga old ont ber teesi- b.of he ewp& Wilsmonstore to Uns.M. I. Wilson sud the stars nilI b knownn asTiieWilson store. If yon have a buse bumner and nant ihb bulilg for huaitny Kap7 sCoke uni .meith Peetoai. LOI 'n rSET, LITTLE ASH. Comte leus. Soid by LuaunrVnLE Luuzu Co. c-17-2 A "HBobo-Special" pased through boe on the C. Md. & Si. P. Mondai alternoou canrying a cargo of boboes.ta theic Ie tielde lun othnsstern Lake counie. Ur@. Carrie Giummiti hem purchased of Uns. Gri-Lieri cottage at lie corner of Park Place and Ochard etreet sud tooi poseesion lait nemi Tiuréday. If youahavesa base barber sud naut ths but thing for usai fi-y Kappoe Coke sut eise nîh Pea"cl. LOT OFHEAT, LITTL.E ABU. Coste ilm. ibId by LiVRrYVuLLE LcuNBrcCo. c17-2 Daniel Les net sitiquit.' a exions atrrident Buuday evsnug sebile opéning e bale ut traw. The nires nspped sud ha soutenianner @truck i bm lu tis ys, jsvsrely njrfng tie meruber. Arthur Itiatti sud sife of New Hampton. la., @pont lie paot week siti .%r. Blafu cm cousin, J. Rf. Alleintl sud family, w hile on t beir tunevtuuîuuu trip. The1 Dtre nî,w visitiuwg iho bcipu. Thsepuuunein Tdues of St. Jospi's parnhs wiii give a ,card parfy at lie tuwu bal Weulnesduiy eveing, Jan. 22. 1913 Prizes oit dieplae ah leer & Bonds drug store. Yon are cordlally n vte]. The bsrvesting o!fles tarted bere this wtek, Yore Bron. leading off Monday morniflg witb Win. Walrond a close eeud. The productini reported of au extra fine qualty and incheo thlck. W. J. Wells and family have moved from the V clsa Broc. farni on South Milwaukee avenue, wbich wae reeently pureham-d by Mr. Cudaby of Mlilwaukee, inc te W.iM. fHeath houeon Cook avenue. Tii. annual meeting aud electn of ultficens ot the Ladies' Aid eoclscty of the. Prembyterlau cburcb null be held ai ithe church next Thursday afiernoon, Jan. 23. Ail membere are regueeted ta be present. LIFE INSURANCE Neot. on. h mim m in îhirty-threm ImaquN fullyanynher. near money .uesa<Jm 4~uethe conforts io bas Distrct Manag 011 Colouy LU* eluenrec oumpsn Ont" tefu OesOfScs The Llhertyvulle Volunteen Fine Departiment give another ol their popu. Ian dance@ Priday evesngW, Jan. 24, ai the tosea hall. Music by Bapke'e orchetra. Tickets 75c, cupper extra. Everybody inviteuL Mi-. sud Me. C. X. Bes.irk of lielevan, Wlm., werebunlesand pleaeore visitonsi la on clfy Moud"y. Whîis bers a de" na loeed whereby làee Whitney becarne g> wer .nf M. Beseili. bouie on ivison minet. The conidensiion of thbeecale le not inown. We are son prepared ta grind aisy1 lime, ar day. LUuzsTYVIiu.u.î: LuuBEB CO. c-17-2 Tiomas Socsier. for one urne pai eunployed at ibm Wuu. Walroud groceni1 @tors aad maniel, hem reelgued and lMi Sunday eveng for Boston, Muse.. frorn nbilc place he salled Tuesday ton Liverpool, B.giand. Prom thers he nuli go to Oihery, Sonemetahlre, niere hie parents live. Arme Camp No. 176 M. W. A. wili glve their annal mmmik bail af the town hall Friday nigbi (tonigbt) Jan. 17. liasie by Ilapke'm tour plece onchetra. There nl be COOCMeun for al ai reaonabi. rat«e. Six grand prise. nlibeanarded. Yen are amé icordaliy luvited ta attend. Tro lnèure publication lni the Indepen- dont. copy muetbe ln the office no later than Tumeday of ach week. Adver- tiersepecially. are asked tu, take particular notice 10 this effect. JObsa Mattocks of Chicago, call0d On (Àbertyville trlends Mosd&y. Mr. sud Mne. J. E. Meredth and famlly Ballsd shavingaetaithe. LIDEUTVILLE LUmDcÎS Co. c-17-SI E 0i. Corltt was Monday reported1 confined to hie home with an attack Ot tihe gtp. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Crane thie week uoved to Chicago whens theY wnu make their home dsrisg them nner moulue. Mir. Ida M. Ltbaw lea &gaflet ibis week stte home of ber nephew. AttY.- Paul ilacouffin. Weare non prepared ta grind at any tîme, any dey. LIÉEBrTYTILLz LcmnEu% CO. l -17-2 Dr. and MNs. E. El. Smith 1me today (Friday) for Cincnnati, Ohio. for a two wneks hubunsud pleamure iit. Weare now prepered teogrind st &Y Urne, any day. LDUETyvILic Luu CO. c-17-2 Mr. and Mm. loba Barbour lef Mon. day for Ftag.reld. (IL, nmeétheY nl tm.d e '.Mcab or six nem&e nih rlatUes. P. Dl. Alleman of St. Chrnu. 111, and Jobn Aisimaa of Mlwaukee. Win., »Peut Monder and TOesdY nlsb their parente bere.. greatll pleamed over ibem atter sud it le stated a good part oftftibzOri aIt of the cosi hem already heen snbecnubed, tins practically aesuring ibm fallmeut of conditions of t he Carnegle oSfer. lu tie Crydtal Lake flraid of Thora- day, Jan. 9, we nuit au account ofthfi death of 5ev. W. A. Croie ah uht place on Friday, Jan 3. Rev. Crois wasea hi-llianf man and neil knonn among nId resîdeuts of un isy, iaving been pemuor oftheis %lehodist chai-ch bers about ihii-ty ypve a" «c. Dunng flue pai foui-or firêe vears is ba ofhlcated Dancing Sebool at Tcwn' s pastor of use M. E. churrb et Hall, Libertyville, every Sat- Meflenr.y, reîîruutg last fail. Thc av- ura qoaiatances and] trenas bers exfend ta rdv Nîght. Instructions thie bereaved fainily ibsir incere syun-1tI ro f ro.u m. s rp. Recep- tin rtb9yo 12.î NORTHI STORE Special value in Laces, per yard .................. 5e and Se Special valuee in Embroidery, per yard.. 1 5c, 20c sud 25c Special vaiue lu Dres Gonds, per yard...- 25eCs-d 50C Oue Illlr qualiîy Fiannelette Gnons ......... 68e Shoes (IIILI>IREN'S SHIOES, uoi al sizes, but somc god mizes ut jush one-half uguai pricep. LADIES' 8110ES at ouc.lualf ucual prices.. A sinallot of Men'@ Shees at eue-hait usuai1 1.c. REMNANTS OF DRESS (4001), FLANNELETTES, (4ING- . IAMS AND PERCALES AT ONE-IAIF l'RICE. PHONE 29- "It Io Bot capital that mon roquire. it in man who hau provod that ho bus the bdlluà habita whlch croate capital." The greatoat proof of business habite la tl HABIT0F SAVIN(G. Whon you start an aoQO1 with us you simply prose the BUTTON 0F PROSPERITY Why not cail and talk it o7er with nes O Lake County National B.d LIBERMIYVUL. 1 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profita, $90,OOêl SOUTHI STORE lllot Embroideries, edge and insertiono, [Oc and 150 value@, special clearance at ......................... Meusm Shirts, rnsny styles in the lot, values to $1. 00, choice for................................ .5 (>uting Flaxîntils, pretty tript@, both light and dark, rq I1Oc quai ' y, this sale................ Ail Flannelettes and Kimono Flannue at reduced pnie. Uroceries Fsucy Layer liai-un'.. Soc packages for ............. SPost Toa8ties, tirm Flakes, per package.. ,.. . ... .. . .. .... Jap style Rice, cLan, whole kernel, lb. 7c, iIbo. for .. Nice white llouey, well filled, per cake ........ W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. b 1 Phone 30. LtIBERTYVILLEC, ILL Jn ayClearance Saý-..,,', REMARKABLE BARUAINS OFFERED AT BOTtIi OUR SO p~»~CLEAN WO-RK -A FULL COUITI b l' Mach dîficuity ia warmlag tbe e chc SCiIOOL NOTES durlag the cold dayâ bha 'csumed mach1 ufferlng durnag service bour. The The lstudents in phyoîce are Derfonmitag Methodint coagregation reflted tlie sonm Iftereatin xprmnti nthe building fnom the Eplecopal socsty atid laboratorY in theweiîngo! wreeand pay adrance rent for beat and janitur fu"ion ()f sîlids and gis@. evices ti the rent of ibe building. Elizabeth Cook bas been ligbtly Ili1 Maih ave exprsssd their deiéion te with a soars throat.1 flot attend service aigala durlng cold The fresthmen bail a clase meeting1 weather. We wîmî te announce tiat ive Monday eveninig t, conhider siving a willpemnaiv lok fie th mateofatdance. Xc was decided to posspouse1 nul ersnaiv iok lle th mater event until aftfr Eastsr amso matay heating and endeavor t moie lail wbO ihingo are goinir on belore lent. coine comfortable. Many of our former basket hall playere At the. re-lidenee of Dr. H. S. fiekin, attended u lbthele-r.ik Hfighland Pari, at 4 oclock Wednmmdy, icame sat the.'fair ground Saturday nlght. Jen. 8. occurred temrig fMs Among thons lormerly on oni- girlsa themariag o Mieanimn aere Ruth We'il@ and Adah Olive Edith Irns Boobyer te Arthur Nichoies. Thos.' furmsniy on our boys Kick. Missn llocbyer came from tecin nene Morris Proctor, Maurice Traonton, Engiand, a year aga, and hem Grabbe snd Barry Gotti. roui"ednt Hlghlad Park. Mr. 'Kick IRhy dont the Alumni @tart corne-1 came tromn Brldgewater, Engiand, tour Ihlag. and Dot let the hîgi mhool do it years ago and bas ived arounad Liberty- &Il.!!1? ville dnnlag that trne. Mise Boobymi- ie Through tbm Influence of Mr. Burrie we have rmlclved a maeh nemded Élide- thcnaiies of Mrm. Jirn Kolri of this place. nali on School strset whicbla imefiurs Tii@ youDg couple wili immdlaiely go mnany more dry test oonmran daym. te houalskeepingoautb of Libertyvilie. Semester examînatlons are over! We extend heartest congratulations for Pupilee nluh an average of 90 In cheir a long and proeperou-, lile. studioes ad proper atteniance were exceed. Flgnned la per ceut chers nus MoUdUy Mrnrslng W. C. Saniorn 26-. excuse in the freamren clame, 19% rScelved the followlag tmegram trouis inophomore,? 690 1 juiors l d49', W. E. Mller, oo f ibm partioetLake tu the @@Dior@ cZ;ss.Thýome exicusai from couty on ho oind te ecuriontnaIl %beïarexaminations: Senior clame-- coaty esnbojolediii exuriontaMadolyn Zook. Janlorscm sIll "Sunny Texaa.' isevlng Chicagro iiWeielopfloein caey Pearl HughesON neek Tneday: Gladys Payne, Ilia ùaven, Blanche Brownmvillie. Texns, Jan. 12, 1918 Osborne, Emma Chamberlain. fiopho- Wu. Sa&xDO*x De, U ile il. amore ciam-Ruth sertis!. FPnuehumu ciem-Charlee Chamberlan, AimaeBlack, Elghiy la tbm sbadm ut Pharr, ldlng Turner Wilcox and Isadort N&adehofer. a&l day iD pbraw bat a" shIrt elv" Jan. 1luiopened the second msemmeler Yeu bave neoi ld lhait. This ertanot ofur ymr of ichool work. Doiay, a l e u ntltrmes orop Inventaien t nw tudy etartmd Mouday nltb aa m iocaitiy a mamcoald nh for. Rome, ofi ewDty-tbrsmsadenis. Cie:, ua nlId flnema, s, ~ ~.-~ cidy for Idm moriensam.silo noe"m wâd ow«4 paina, Ctrog. fuit aommter WlM beglunmt nemi. ailveneti. vbmibus gouioe uxui- Report carde nl bli given out Mon- muiiy. nonready for market. day. W. EL MLLRa. Ail the. papisla inMiesCran'@ noom The COncrete fOundailoufor ibm Juet momu te h. affribait trou coldsi, an sbey Mote o s to. gae sai Uerlyville le uabe lcoughlug endchu attendauce bu comple. and noncof laylmg briek for talles off from 40 ta 25. ibé bg building anii» oommehe ibrsiMies Roney. Webb andfoot vint 10f nexi nemi. The compauy'm garage te Chicago Satnm dai and mev the play ai ait "Day le under way ced M. Juil "Tb@ Dvorce." 9liforme nmhho a. th@ bit« for mo Mms. Lengworthy vistadInis Mis garaguesta le ubltlu l the Lake regos WilIMa' and Um Roniess mu eariy lealuhe prng. Tbm compusy bhs TUS5@d87 eltrnoon. éecurasd th. Lais county cgsney for ibe UmiWlliams and Mime Iley are, Palges-Detroii car. Thue 6S complote, dolnsg deparimental norn for ose p@nlod 1Inoclndng a half doza modae, niti mwo ,tibmeday. iesWtiiimuteedrn. o..'b l5ogein I n ithird groïae blie Mie, onle. popalar toaîîag cars, oelt 90sat ache. muasit ain thefuliasudd i «aIil.q«ipmeotnu d la big <-ar ai $1275, grade$. tully .-q.upped and i ntilectie oeilf- Mr. Simpson vliied ailt te grade .tarter. 'Tia.'Palliefine le ose of the rmomm TnmmdY. buetltutthe nioderate prinfield and the. lbvhyvills compazay le fortna la It. Ail ibm gradesliai e Or.eddrll Tnmsdm. Tno belle mme ,@t.op foi rapmfl11 hle à acqni.uilios. belle mal "douai stop lor mayadsg. Tt. nale oItry shon ai Wanie.- g as et neminas lilhmill peiromed - bylocal lanclerma. Among film ninut a nalet: W. J.Murad e, loton ILC. WIt. dWyandotte cocienels, on.emtry- o.i a 8 . WiattOrlnhecese cptursA 1M ce e M ontos esIul ls. ta,& a" 4ib nau m ao laet mW:ad o fl t pollet iepa fou" ont of teta"m1es C=a. D. Pnoitorsxbibied19. C. Dut rOrplaions s&d non 1ob. Sud land' ed yosnlien, Snd ancocimnrel, Snd sud' éib oe 10 palimi and a speclal prise for Onrt standard lien la ugnO rpincttan ciam. Kimbali & Trimes mxbUbited il..C. fRbode a Ieiand iledla éad captnrsd loi, Snd sud fl 4th ecockrels, lot, lirland 4th palimi n and 8rdand 4th coci. This ls a good ehowng and mbouaid encourage tthe boys ho t greaier effort» lu Improvlnir thein 0 rie. Tenm byeo iRca An d re w Ca Lrnegie Say1 Leitens recel cd fnom forte~ Mr. Pugi and UnMPrq tel are in Wenmchee, N-hlJ In104 iug the balmy breexes. Tbe teaciere espeni Mosidaj e**0 witi Miss Webb aud Miem Cran. were piayed iu wich, ail jie heartliy after wic delicloni @a- meute weresenved. MleeWebhci4'1 Cron are aioied as being dslfS nteeme.and everynne speutià i aureabie eveuiuug. The Oli and clii grades e.dâ eiementany book biudlng le m speliug bonks. For laisek f =ui tion supplies@seai paper and mei" being preemed lato service. Uauy of ithe childisua rs absenit f the eecond grade on secouai of tbej The Basket Bell Geme . The hlgh ichool heani appeat.d deci at about 8:00 p. m.en opposing leam, et 845. The seuue Dot etort #11 about P:00 P. e. ieeI oas o! ihe'Giraysiaie tietadi kt*ý %beestliia littis ietoe-Y. lb. stabnted nuIt botb aides fou i a, The men that piaymd for seere: fook, Padock, r8 W Murnm snd ud ian. TheLl. men seere: Harvey Moss, cum Mous and Barry Oiendort, Phillp Protine andUqd 1 guards. The gala.wuas&ailY ofth i.hall moes cf iths tue. sure had a phenomlnee lyl center, meas esonby it.he s~ wns&ailthempointe for thmn playlSuffihe nhoq gaue hi lime nascalid for luh.eil tl score nai S7 ta 4 la favor ci0 W. etaiely have sme loyal bù 10110v uq vhmrevmr ne ccu&M~ ta ibank thefor "tl' ~ 4 ibrough thiqi aMd iish s tbhq nil b. sards¶ fr neme »d loyaliylu 1 u nltuef$« ues a iss *O la thevk"Mir.. SIack "ud tfos Tuhoufor... Childreum ibsI g Vudi»"s Md The yo = ?18dt, f i.Josephe peuhs null glu c uwpuasud dances ai Ms tonn hall Wedouday evenlng, Jan. 22. Carde froni 5:80 tu 10:00. Dancing fromt 10-0O te 1.M. Music by flapies orchesitroi.SiNx grand prises nili h. anardmd ninum st aira. Eveybodi nelcome. At ihm annuesoekboldeFO7 meeting o the Laike 00ultY Netional ilaÏ hld Janary 14, 1013, ihe old bourd of dlrectnrs Onmlsllng of H. C W. Meyer, A. 0. Schnsntncn. C. F. Wright, P. P. Dymoad, G. A. Wnlght, C. R. "aloway sud Paunl MacOMn nere re-eiscted aud ibm board mimt.d tbm filoig namsd ofiUcer. for iii. comlng vear: Preiden t, F. P. Dymond; Vice Prenideut, G. A. Wright; Cambuser, C. F. Wright; Aet Cauhei Roy F. Wri-gt, I'. S. Kfrn, P. J. Wright. Monday Edgar F. Swn and Mn. and Mr@. Chari«as aliao f Libenty ville andI Charles sc&bnidkU, of Highland Pari. departed for lb. 1 of Piste.Ummr Sauboru sud SR ge lé W vil eunter lnio à norteerehp an epllvat. tbeftarte landi onnel hy Mr. Ipbbu«dss, ms.tIt place *Mer penugeesi boum. UM. Ovea -d tii.trip for taiepurpome o0 lnvetlgatlsg hie holdiage thera nuth a viser ta iocahhng aisith" place. lnanu eveu, he viii urobgbly retarnsqorni time in lie eping. Rev. W. L. Whppie lu recelpi of a latter fnnm lbhe Carnegie Corporation o Nen 'Yonk in nbleh ihe corpoaino promîmes niti pleasure ta pi-avide the last haI' of the rosI of au orges for thi nen Mtiodist cburch, the mDire cenett bc $2250. This offer boldo good until Jan. 31, 1914. Tii. churrht board Im