Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 3

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1f8* Jouophine l>adge el Peorla, la veting Mr. and Mis*. John Sonner. Mr@.. Ethel Douglas uf Lake Villa. luted ramn To.say outil Friday witb here siter. Mr@. Ecina 8Sinz. Mr@..Kate Banner hbsen seronsiy in @Ince let W.dueedaj', but at promet writloig le lmspraviiig. Mdiss Sand, lister of bics. J. P. Dawson vont tu the u(rian-AmerimCau hoslipai this veel tor an oporation un ber thiot. Cla roesceSonneratf Evansia,atsded tho touerai af 'bis sent. Mrs. L. M. Banner "d visiteid the haine folk@. lire. L. W. Wakefield a of rme, spot -91 t.0.P .5 A go"d croiod aitondod the catit Pariy Pri<Ssg eventmg. L. F. Book endtMim Minute Bruce wan lIret prises. The eSond ai ibe merles viii ho beld Ibis Fr1. day night.N J, W. (Jray vas ut Fox LaIe an but-. -e Tuseday. Tbo ontoriainenent whiet vas ta bav boom gîven at the e chel autrd&eyelle.. logg vaspouponed on accoeu iof ie lii- nmos. afansoaithe qnrttte. W. D. Waahbure adiRoy Studer vers Ccfia wvisitoco Mouday.' Fred Steudmnbuasocovered tram is i Ililmsai 1a"t yog. Thé ehildc et I. K. M ile bave beon n tha iel li thé emi iwo weeke. D o i g s an d a y ih e gof ,G r 9i!!!k 1..J. DruoeZ EItor Phoe 1 Ordure s ~for Job Work Advert uRate@ On Applcation Mim Magrce àWbeier @pent the vel ecustah a standing above DO. wltb ber Mut1er at (Chicago. Harold CI.eiasd ot Iis nity, whd vas M9». John JeffrWe, vho, bas been @top. one af the twelve boys of ai 175, piog vlib ber aiter, lirs. Walter Schute wbo made lb. honor roll lu bis junior for lame turne, lot Tueoday for an 808i- year boa bill appainted chairmali af nit. lime wlth ber daughtor 1fr.. Peter the comiÙmbs sud will write the con- Jorgnmonati autean. titutionflnd by.laws aud subnit ,a Jare n cine tman e an d ber bi e mefor the nw lub. Tb@ I fr.. R u n is W h itm o re a n d b er a ic .; m in a b e t a, th e cu b ip t a n e l l a Mbis humhel mork s lt esdyfr a. erlutrol Mon0g the bje 5ta etndveir ; hoe i eatck is. aber@ an soer ehigliverage nud thua lôïgot extededviei wh reaties bra. the bon&t ofuitheir college educatlon. j un dey vitu Miss C. E. Buter. U.-- --.!- -- -- utae hebg There was a misltalla ln dates aud the Ses,. . T. Smith vs a Mion Citr RusseiliKappIOe nrtldtobii- Rawkeyve Gise Çlnb dld flot appear ountil visiior liouday. scbaol at a socdal orentns et bis; home IrBaI tonday nigbt. Asher Ceitenden ai Russell. vas a Friday ovenlng. Te rBmakteB.ail aybake Mi.1r ilrspniaady bail gamn eded In a victory forithelocal e Oea. Jamissaon, Thuridai. GorgI Chicago frie'nds luiibcago- bqye by a mbureoaf 36 ta 8. The gamaine Mir@. jaue Beilmenaf su.n.iOIofeWkThvh dcb tthir. was pfayed betare one o! the forgent Ci muotner of Mrs. Mary Edanunde. dle P uuriis vapit Thurlly sveung. crowde tisâtlever witnesoada gaine haero. Baiurday. Jan. 18, eaithebonto f ber MUSSELL Boy ypQr mail for tue firemens musli;ibe hall litig packed, (thank tutaheho on, Wm. Beltinan. iThetuerai vus lunup'RlevEecm spet faturday aud bail ai tbe musal Drug Store spirt o f our local fans) laid Tuesday wth interuns et Warren sonday eut home. s B ayglyceri no ap-ane bal lb. Theolirsihall va. rather slow and cemetery.. Wli Muray le vorkîng'tar Ur. Kelly caktes for 10e. , Yor mooey bck If y ou ended Iua score ot 13 ta 2 lu lavoir of lieu. Anderson of Lake Fore, irau- la lte star,. Miss Nelson la havlng a are 5mol otellied. The Ilexali Store. the lc"s.Boot makina mois, 0I1 teP iacted business lu ibis vicinty gaudoy. vacation. le@ entiers hore roomed thoir work t pointe. la the second haIt the ho mo C. E.soeity vii baiçi s lbuiness mt- Mms I. L. Sîver le on the sick flt. the big Ie boume. bhai thne. Iend bi bal Shni n-r Inget ue um utA. . tewrt, liersi people haveevoie ecfide. Ait Mela t ebusy ntovlng a soed trom triboteitgreatly by sacning tour be.gte f etdeav eonsg, Jan. 24. IMYriliGaris rtoroed in ber dutias the Edvards building wbich ho recently white Book and Hlutchislon continued tua 5ev. A. W. ifford osef a Chicago on Monday, havlng &peut a vool at purcbasof ai ld Carfielit. HReyl rama- rmn the. ore np ta BO. f cletorthepas vel. ousvii hc mthe. a ilmiaa gtag. CHau'Y was grety haudicappeil bye There wolil ho snentertaîamnt ai the Ur. and lire. R. G. Marris visiteiltbthar MMY,avo plSalee0 goa th 1e big ths Io"ealRobuson and Bolack, vba ehorch Fab. 1. sitatr tMr,. John Bouper, vbo le quite iuuaait llFclly ev-Ieuln. re Iajtd lu proions goémon. Mens- Farmper sintitut@ vîli hbuhfid et il et ber haine in MdWburn. Hm" yKoobrer iraticted business lu gai Boster stacred for MHenry vitb 1filîburo. Feh. 6. Card of Thanks Cblceo Tueday. six of tWor olgbt pointe. Non@ofaithe Anuuunoet la made of the marriage W. desire ta extond Our Monte %s 1un11 Allen Maeciocklan returned to'uChîcago ocallcma ho pictait as a nartlcular star ofIime Licy Spaffard ta lUr. WQI 0(. ta the trlonds and, neylghbare 4forthe Umdal cter apedig the-weel 'ewth for the mauon thaltbahy ail tarreit. [i Mrslis ut NorthSBod, Nb.. an Butor- many liodoomm eshon os duclag the jimme Mlugg and vite ai lages [Lake. gvos te wrltarextrema plessore la day, Januury 18. eithde resldeuc of icklns. and death at our blayd atestr, ualiugtbe.lest tatament for noahing slow. tharles P. Connoiy. patar othIe ami aiso o the beantilul flouer. that Brnte ea utheRmlDug eboershawi aatdtsaad Plymouth Cogregaîîunal cboreh. wl- ii ers 'mut. More. i ubvotleeed vate. lieVIIn &tIaî, Don't target the fremalus mask al, Theé 'ribber" wyul moet probably ho _________________ lia. tae inKI. C. MUuýi, Friday ovaning, Jan. 31, (irajolakepssla acuaanurlpit lis. Jug (>eraboue.about Match 1. Neit Saturday aveingi LAMB' CORNERS ise:. . u GagAit. 1r. Wm. Kappla etrtaioed a nuni- the âtrogcjWancondâ teaimn cames under 11114@ Stellît Vowi sopendinza leur day. litie. A. C. Cas>. ber out ber tienfim ut a dnuen pary uié tralolOS* andt coine witit a "rap" @0 in Wanu*gin aitti er »dote, tire. 103 ol for Grayelaka 10tuwect ber firet <ertrude Jouhnson. W .rC.rd toi, Thariks Dr. Spuerlin: sund lamily have muved djiat on the boisa floor. Mixe Gti(io >eBrenn the Vosa Wadsiotu ext.d "'Ir icana thanks ta t3aru, lit. The lemnp aud @core ot gatundiîate' achboal bas resuniai ber dutias atter a, to1te findsudiad ueghbor. for the ics. Bondai Thumpeon returned ta gaine 10110>0: thrae veeks vacation. Manly lnduees the lime ber homne lu Woodîtock, Wadnesday, Ruttiust ..R... .. F-.........Paea Dr. Smith wB5 calad toatatend ~a ai the doth of our belovei buosb»and nt er *fote,, M ise Torglier ef the tlephane (leB............. . F....... Martin hor.e et te Dr. Vuiay ltrn on Sunday. Ilada< hs h etfoa felg xbna iibh ber guast fur tan fHuaI .......C -.........Nicîbs arlt hou Wiho dent floral. R O . Hunto Coanley Neson spet 8undaoy 11110.ALi- PaM .........B.0. . ....... Behile Waulvgan. ANA) kA1AîLY 1fr. Kovno.vas aperated upon utiPa BasI*.ef........L. G, 1, Uns KIw. [,.wi.. baslien iiel v ith -C-àag hupitol the pont veek. Butsl-R 4 , an2;6rethae 1 [<arppe. Mc. BietloteIsstaylng vii POb ILL Borna.,tau1fr.sud lims.John Pesant, But<>iffl2, Hter 2 ; rethoé ber outil Mie regovers. liondap, Jeu. 18. a deoghier. Charioe BoUmsaifChcago, caVod an Mn telVgtapit u 8 " Ms 1 B *Irtm Un ouNoe relties ndfr#dain bi vioiy lntsud Susday wihb ber con, Mcm.WIMille. Saiso sud Mrs. Charles Sih of t "rgw"gm velativscitldsoisilut e! a i fntBonid 111.e. Osllsa eUgècots Mr. sud Mmi.sedit ihea g# Iow: WedusD"I ue.Mro. George Wallon sud souuhiiayd T. Ctio« in Evansion, Jan. 16, là -Jan.-21. WaukonIlliclh ochool ai Mr.. uby Hook sud Lever. @ptit ~~Wsukegs; Ucrday, Jan. 25, Wao. Tuoodav vitb MOs. Caca blinder. spent in yadTueedoy In Cheago. honnir ai ber irthday. conds, n et aaake; Sturds!, Poh. 1, Mise Bette Sage bas retoted to w orkî Gsma1'Iîlspnu~ - Waukeffl ai Grogelae; Fab. 8, eiSer. "bock l ter spandiuitacouple canutsof ets vth ber tiater, . G rsyalake Boy fs Honorait Brlînan es Brilgtom; Saturisy, o ekashm.Oliver Nal îb et Racine. The Chicago Sehoal of Phacmacy bas Feh. 15, Wanoudaut Wauconda; Set. aIvalWiLacuard Lenzen le choppîtîg voad for' recenriy adaptedaitsnov ides vherein orday, Feb. 22, Naval Training School Borace Vase sput Maday in Chicago. Lok Brus. -- ân ot«t-n nuda<cl5 u mon, I Bt Oaaskee; Metch 1, Mnry ua tact ho etes hu oislabetter th"n wban whom are gravu. He bas sean thoir îiprues(u efartng bis dotk.. as assistant pîctures but itl iii ho me reunlon trai veot are prepai arema on e ranch et Denvr. vbeu ha JoIns thera sud tbey are lu- campaign for 81gb.r Be bhe thrty-nlne day. lu vhlcb ta tnoduced ta hlm as thelr uncie. ilî et the ennl omplte thé jurnoy a d la tulin: th e It viiil e io. ttp q4 -bs le far M iII Producail' 9as ast lae aly. .In. tMcLaren. He bas iaoked frvard in Chcago. Pabuna ________________ta it for yeans anid nov that IVB aal- Charles H. Potier. ENDOEBED AT HON E1 mnt fhers, be la Ille a boy out o01 caunty, s&id Ibis M scboal. Ha bas arranged bis business aither get blgher pei Sweh Proof as this. Should q9nvinceafirnolect leavo. out of the milI hani Any Libertyville Citizen - - - îy Iomîeteb.menlone blî * i -- iat Mn. Mlianen bas fot senau Bie- panalso. hai., -vbev ter lu Colonado for the pat 29 yeaas, e anî eeting t1W The public endonoent oaie locaicîti- nd ubrcs la ahsnyrgaet litaChIna zen lse hstietproul thâi cen ho sean hon tamIly.ebected. producait N-npu bettar, noue otrouger __________ cuen ohad. W henu a mo otsaorvard and tesî bis tebow citizens. SICKNIESS ELSEWtIERE addneeseto bis friand. iand nalgbbois. youu _ may ho Pure 8e la thonoughlv cou rinceil xir 8e voulu not do ao. Teiliig nt e sROCKFORD, AOAu >.^ ND JOLIET expeniciiot wîeu it tIonrhm Ipublic goini ARE IN THROES 0F £PIDBM10- )bi ni t ut o kuidues tiat ehouli .ý ICS OF amP. ETC. app-,';atel. TIe t. Iieiiug Platemieint bziveilt> hY n'ade),f ,ii.rtyvile o ddm -w iie,,ne tii thea[linu«yV aMe. ofutHmo Whie the generol beaiih of Wao- '"doýner at Z whi" b ara hiug pub laeboit lagn Ii5. lid t a be excellent m a i17 Of abu koa ildneyPille. Rendt it. the nsighbanng cit.leo are ln the tbroOS N R LddMlvne Av@., L.iberty- of epidemcs.. v ,il. ., lae: 1 coutld ut aloy dovu Roclord la experlenclug an onuanéàl s- @t u rouiainghl on seaunt ai pains in number af es Of tirises anrd as e my kidneys. W bon 1 gai uP lu the result the îupply of competent nurs niorning itfalsu ired out and I hed vsu oxhaused sevarji veils&go. troubla lu stragiuemulug mter etaoplngt. 'here le nsed of 20 adalilsal oises h ernei thalt my kldnesver, the ihere. caiueof My tomble no 1 umeitDau'm That City ia havlug an epidetuln 0Of Kidite Pille. The gave me compléta grip, for ltae tilUe. tvo yoeu ButMS collt Md hilre loug uMrhukIwue Amteim and-Jol4t ans lit 1the ain" fn iit1 siuuçu res mn plo' < uM a M*p»4«Màl, *»bongag - Lbi ForàieSpdidohsU.I'imeelOst, <ilBemoes a ur i i es0<ba. tUZday N4fi&,I poeter-M lbru Go. NSae w l 1v TrIit TM »iy utce 611pelt wto ftos au bo 8P. ri Batuember the naue-Doans-4d are nuwddté0«»sMo t»tu bl tels nu other. 18-2 6 For Rheuustliu sud Gout. GU UINSSLE. Ia ta a a i lu.M ioosqj inesa~ s b. t 'Ire,.. 10 'o,, gu - - .gum Btte of Illnois. Cauniy of LIàe, me Fred Bloau nt at S. hai totlephanes intaiela utheir ml test-_ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ n u C uy Curt a!LaÀ . .191. - Mir. and lire. Frank larkand itfamilY deutas racntîy. the mollir af the PetitlO f lHat- of Wculagan, speot eihChas. Jlhu Hrte.l u Wleco1lnat ROUND rI,.AKE GAlGuadi"Sf Rber Lamb ami wlle. Tueitay iii buy milch cave L- --C- if ford PerBC. aM G u Bel o!ro« G a sa e ou t on accaunt ai iho Faniro' In-titute Mr. and lire. George BunvlailBiet Gang of three hundred mnoot5ted ta lire. A lien leYivitinfgliadstLiberty'- Clîford eria Iat.1rs et Gourne ag eon therirat auater nsuida ait tbuhome of tMr. audlire. Le, fl1Ariaun Ice baume Tuolda mrnî'ng villeansd OakL Park. a!vrteo a decretel onder madoeFRI DAY, jAN6'4u311,I meeting dey, -teMerB tm>r ues a on Vlt). buthitd ta qut Thursias aflernoon an lir@. Cari Sbreek ut Lihortyviile. spant andt entereit af record lu thoeabave lo A'u iili meet an Weilne*duy foreuoit. 1.n r.BrPadc eeIDsontfwrmwatr Gk 0 elia Jeu. 29, viti. 1fr,. Balliue imy. Ch.caott Wbi ne art adtoc re lu ncont1u wam vethe. andt Fnlday vitliliber parants, entbthod ceose lu seld Court on the îGrea a e OP era 108 1fr. snud Mra. Warren lb'.t s'il1îaiily Cieoia ausa hc hPtin Fiary end it ie ore proud parent@ i Mr. snd bics. age. .Savantb day a! Jantisry, A. D. 1913, 1]RZ hL ea40re otebt rsaGnba spent gaturday with IL K. Ilouk aud pnaaeta StRacer automobile. of a baby gl, bocu Tuaesta, Jen. 14. at r.e..ntoirsntsalnTsdydeHlveiltb dai aIor I Svi lb.aed h bou t dr osssd Gene bo La it tl u di.R ti " heattd'hall Can'euehasydretseiElubeostadrLadiesCo John ilrawer ias resleneit bis Position Thos. on the id liai 18e Pas, veel '-k lbray .D 91,e h eu f 1de t ai Round Laee vre: Ji>Fritz. Clint Rende. andt 1r,. Sn vy ith rien eai ound L . one 'citck ln tbe atron of <j omicst h aud la ependmia s ew day. et the home Geo. Richardson. I O>I N'it dClevean~sd shippei twovucar day, at the Hast faronrath1e Court rsecoptatcmil eu q fLdte" The demand for auto plate. for 1913 a i rtî i u rJABee. Gi vtatnat1em~.ueiad ' @ hogbugsnsudcaille Snnday igbt. Hanse, ln the City of Weulngau. n Al di~dgron ue fCltrbe n, ml cuag l dArsesoit a bacbeu a rea tai18 innuse FaulI>immu d n#ie hi et thebaill Saturday uteht aI Arniontahall. Hanry Straelmanand friand oftChicago, teCui fLieai ii !11Al C OSTin U M Sî Aune12YBEansOlURd. ATTsE tA m turera bave beau unabla ta kaep upl store. setSna ihtefre' aet os fe o aea ulevnu vIth it and the pouice bava uot been Esther Forton tram Chicago, vae ë pu udyvt b ouim aat as le ae uli edeCh oST m e Ae f OCUrge. AT TH liOtt strictiy eu!orcing the lav lu regard tu chiMr t. ndMo. nkutrpent Sn ayguet nt ber iter. 1frs tiiitiin Lilvler bore. ta the. blgbest aud bhuaibiider for Che ll otmer..oone arge : t acbçg thern auniai accouathlrno Ao esen a dY ven Sunda y. iAntlmuy Oonyu bas returuied t) Cash. ail o! the nîgbi, tîtie sud tutient NOTICE-Unlrinffl olm 00l boe adscbI vltb tir@. Upnmits parents, Mir.sud Ede ae im du"kwëa hc,,, rte aboya namait mincir, in and ta Music By Brandstetter's Vive PleSe OrM - 1r.. . J iraer EdieMaarfron ucr [st, asa Cicuth1e follaving itescrîhed ceaI astate, '.guesi ot Mat Kimbail. Sonday. Mco danghten lseigie, s8a uIeCunya ae n disinScsPra.Supper SOc a Pl"s M,.oesI ou clp tr. Ed Bauminan sd lttie daughâtacs ý _ a ttelnteCuyofLkndAmsin0caeù. IcrbsI orSap visitait ber parants, tir. anit bis. John Ouets at A. M. White'@ Sunday ve ne:,au ednedy with fiends i4Libierti.v-StateoaIllunois, ta-vît: EVERYBODY INVITED. By Order eutC case bldo.If yesam ustrâtlngWells ai IRockafeller ana day tat veel. Sain Ricrtandflthesud Lilifouortandville causls batines. etram Atlocb, Edua fSîvan fromn Chicago, J. î; Keller @pont s tew days with hiait acres o! Lot Elgbt in Schoal Sec- bain try aur rmd torrs.M,.,.L hmo pttMdln eesfo iie.Bnfine aie tion Subdivision o! Section Sîxteen, lu DPc.olaUisui? ut Garmin De oua le iao. erkt omGyak. r.Sbua. thert Vtrmentylaa.Alhii cLachlan ot Chicago, ie apeit. Township Farty-five Narth, a! Range Derna.lgit, ai tâta imA- Mr n sd Mia. SimoinDavis sud daugb. emmiýaOuitalý. d a th trilDoac, pize waitz ab the OPeraHouse. ilusascw days ih friand. at tiagaiero Twcîva East o! the Tblrd Principal thrIe coineid by,5 aln budred atadeitthe fumerai utf1Mr.. Frh. lst. Goo uitoic and good ieclub. Menîdlan, vhich Is describeit as fol- ~ c a s l r S ti se,ii,t.. Th2 icrobe dctro a Davis' ller, tIrs. Jaunes t atk<e Foret, aceurait to ail. Jh isesnvsaWuea lowa: Commenclug et a point lu the the blîr fllicles. iu timte cousinfM ittJhSausJameswaon Wuit han sono S sh. tbeiavait Harry, ai an ielde on LaeI1vîsi u r Tnasday. enst ina o! State Btreet (nOv Sheri- bcl ..t. edosansd the gas t beoresiny Tben>îuslmebiet ilondLaedan Rosit>elgbty feet sauib a! tbe noth ilI mvvýe i rh. If vliere tbey ru>n asture ln what la now LAKE VILLA tir and il.George Ceveland sI andý th lina a! thea soutb four and ana- .oay hco-orome. S. C. Ltwiler's hardware turs. 1fr..'£au Surenson hie beau fili for the past dauglter Mariole. @pont Wadnesday latarso adlt n unn Weko Intigthat b" James itiaivany situdenly 61heurt Ibuceaas a a In.paaill vtt21 bs.Suar - S giveru sncb univenssi satisfactoninteltalure. ev dojo. t_________on___________________2____.Suge tbehe.abp unitair n R sO nrhlio fu unrd e 93Bain Tome. Il boasbenu de» Tho lolowing pupils outhie Fort 01I1I» anhtdlFrank licCano ,sltnat a our bunrait et;)6bars Amercan !amil Soap le isuied xiter long sindy tao vfrastte. Cornac, iiteit Lake Vla inonda thence south panaliei wltb the aast the cause Utfaling bair ondlwe o~ choul rfeivait panteci ailandauco slips or Aal.hieo adBtt iet(o Sa-6br el ataSa 8v Pr. Una, Dr. Saho ai o a h uintni: Tovumenit mibrocntily. fn fsi tt tet(O hr-6b Fl ate ailerboit pailttan Md for tmmssnI W0 m a , dan Rosit), one huudred and Ibrea suit 'ta au Geore Toest, Gmarengmor. orei Osartare18e i suutin BelI(Jta-6 barsntWoGMaln6 bas Soaap - va bbevei i>do more thon m"-y, aig ThiniinmGorLoumirr MrriuOsar orathnla asitin Botl(nlo thingeis aentotemov"dndfiff d Brca'îBRaymond Luk, Grace Bauoinn, gbec vlth hie tarin vorl. S Ug.of fU ltIL t bec Wsto si doopftle eiiai;tan b.fwClana DMaie vis.a u Fa aOuol ndlns.Hera!t elsni1d batin lirgObtystour..fhfinm-f3aidlutelCt, ouror Pac1Oc eager Pckae accoc Wa vont you ta mata un r" t. Aun 8 oaeprnsfcatwvoa It isu't only that your drait feet ta -tbnoesaI Uneofo!Btta 6 5c Cuts or Package Tobacco Waw vii lor-a xonth'amtmm mn t he n aatus of tha tveuty Thma MCaun 0filipeuldînga Cor. Candy l e ogood, or your Street -(nOv Sheridan Rond)> aforosaid. nIBes1~9" ai Tul ueddu"' pairang ai the Grayalako condolisittg ur,vlited rlaitIvshr ois nt box«s no pretty and in and thience nortb lan: the eaîîno 3 aneesPuIed Rioe - - ccins ta irectu ins »*r, fsctary draving the ]argant Checs ftoc atnded the ataietMCrthy's on theMMaeves tempting at- qf .aldBtte Street (nov Sheridan 3 CoId Blast Lestera Globes thoueby aetisfld. Wb e n ii thé pas monib ara: Bey Paddock bu "y* B7.traiUol-it's the combi- Radosit>, ubndrcd and tbnee ét, do t i, os l budmo it tw&b m aflcec, i5. 4,ýnrntion f o od thing- more or leu,. ta the plac, o! bogin- senthe tete~n, tdYOI FleaitConverse drew toutb 25.2;Balied obavinge at the LxlugaTyvwut.uat jod cBfdy, retty boxes, nng; the nortb lina o! su ;d four andt WE rAVE SPECIAL -P ".C m bwk f itelMfe evl 211;VeyBa.Lus aLibeciîvillo. 'c-17-tl îm lolaoycleail Canon one-hait acres of îaîd lt algbit b.. --- w Herbert Devis, Hit emnna, idre. and cou rteoeus service lng parallel wîîb the soult hHue ot'sait ON M'OUR AND tt> Ton * ar ou"mal.0>3 saiT ?eum ulCehbe, Laten ra&s.ud tWalter Lake's bg veekly-DWZPUDENT. that niakes the Bexall lat. fa Ib omoww caiV liet Ourmm ' MowIW@ uis n bloc .0appear amoug the Dn Soethe O NL Y Dated t iis Nlntb day o! Januery, A. tw«t lghet. rcIftniM Niu lace in town for me to D. 1918. DEÇKEiR. k BOND àA lu enoube afFred Obener.sp R.e LaeIM. 'eqtsUs g'5 uy caUdy. HARRIZT LOUIMBÂ T, U 7auulesoBjmng frIands gatbsed tet bis hon mar VTRN-tA E RX L TRE êG~uar no! Robent fCIllant Perine, C e . H .s B A R I Fwet on~(ter lut acak Tpsadby = ni~d Save hlm a surprise parby lu Office et GarunljmorHotel c_______Jan._10,_17,u24,i31. bomptd Ibis 9w4oqj.Scs bvitde. Ail Phone SIr IJI, ug a.q>ueamt tie4vSIgBalloit îbsvluge ai tbe LinEavyvîLLE - wuaf.rnreiteaai b~iug, GRA SLACE IsIoNOtS Onyulae, Round Lake LIýna agi Co., Lihertyville. c17-if 4;.-- - ' _-. i I CI ~\ .fi* t &Y AM ÀTT*1 24,1913. IAN N 2U E ElE MES TO SEL TU Ma»fC1 fTOPS AT UBEU~Y VILLE MFER TWEIITYSIXYEAISCOUNV< SOARDo;t--0. COUNTY ACT$ 0 W. H. Chapinan 01 Denver, Coo., Who If you had a mother 76 yeare nid RESORT PROO# lon a 20,000 Mlle bile &s a re@ult ot a and haid a brother and a sster with wager. inarethsd loto LbertYvill oum- grown familles whlch you had neyer At leaat a score0 ' layai oonon he astbp f 8. tp een, and you had flot #sert your pie were înteresed to4 Thetars, f he age aa 8 letomother and brothers and*liuter$ for leszned that the pr.@i mare every mile 01theb jouno.!byr font the peut 26 yoars. dole poear u osl- arrivlng ait Miiwaukee, Ws... fot hâter And If you had flot had a vacation The foibowlng dspatcb ,Il tban ll'b. 28, 1913, having siarted tram for the paît 15 years, propooad action: Denver n May 81, 1911. Il ho Wlns he WIlandT YOU Musle aMc.ioJn.MW oi bo pald $20,000 o; one dollar for Plan taking a trip to see your rela- so ndM ckrnalacton6 ach mile. Thora verseight others wh tives before fate intervemed, and made the ?rutitdaie sommer roui etarted, but Mfr. Chapinan in the ouiy It Impossible for you to ses then, wan .ardored ta 8e 800111 ~~~ne~lie rbaonteahr hvn ie 1V~hard of superviseras« * due the taaigatheo rdhins. aThate exactly what Heri) McLaren couuty today followlng lbe: up te tnk a vaiouepoits.dommittee appoluted b87 Ths route mapped outla tram DNover af North Chicago la planning to doinvetîgate rte PrOPueitt ta Cheyenne, Wyo, ta q.Jmhga, ta ln the near future. About March 1, port aleges that DO»e e« Kýan4asCty, ta Chicago, ta N.w York, he plans leaving Nort Chicago for ed lmPrOlemfta h ad lieul fromâ New York through Vermont. New an *xtended trip eaBt and into Cana- that no attemit lad b" Hamshre Min. Rod Jladda. He will first go ta ova ar ker or others te oli ~ampshie. MaiNovahodeIoland.of the lots, of wblch oVes Connecteutt and ail New Eagland where 8e will vîsit i. aged mother been sold.' statas. thanoe down ta New Orleans np wbain 8 e bas flot seen for 26 yearz, Rupert DeversAaeU :iirough Arlansa., Missouri, [liitRdp1b He wlll spend saine Ume wlth her resentOtive f9r the 0000p~ Chicago andigtram Chicago ta Mlwaukee. and tal aven events that those yeans ed eal isalngsui < go hasa arge flt of ltter. tram bave developed. I willi 8e a happy posed clty in Mlchlm wse.?' offices af the different citieg reunlon, aone whlch only an aged moth- tîcing. Sainelilttle tilUft> trougb vhlehbbas mpasd as proot or ami a son caýn comprehend. B reorat that the peih ho u kpt ie ar 01the agremet.prosecuted b aco s.t la te as epihIepar ottheagramat. And, aft.r bis vsit tw bis mather. town wsa flt asrep lo A Mr. Dlcksy oftDnver la following the Mr. McLaren will go down lidt Con- cause oothing ba.d hu padosntrian In au automobile. nectIcut wbore 8e wlll visit bis &las the many promises fl"i Mr. Chapinan Io a white bared man tan and brother whonm ha bas flot sean that astlon Ia id Mein en and vus@hon 1 a n i. luofseau au &&meher ilr-e hn, anevaeMLrT. f I. i. lu M

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