Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Jan 1913, p. 5

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LÂK OUN!kY INDEPE»MMNT FRIDAY. JANUARY 24, 1913. CAREY'S BUckwxa AT JELI TRIQOS PHONE 25-3 -.ave Money .-EVE-RYDAY By saving it in buying your working clothes. How many work shirts do you wear làaa, and how much would a saving off fifteen cents on .ach amount to? That i8 what we are nmking possibe for you with- out changîqS the quality off th~e gaiinents. IWe carry the same lino of Janegvillti and Swset Orr Sthirtea a foxxnerly, but have eut the price- not muat for today. cor tomorrow, but as long as we remelît In btnsinss.uyon éan gtt > thin rgni*r 50 cent shirt lur ............................ C Another lhance for eCoenoiy le lu the jetirchase of "Wunderbose." 'ihepe SocI<a are miade of âine cotton yarn. to ineet thie demand for wearing qualities without exefflive welght,18 and you wilfAnd them exception.i valuq at ........................ BOX 0F 4 PAIR.... .70c J. B. MVorse & Co. : EVERYTIMING FOR MEN : TELEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLe, ILL1 We Are Better Than Ever Hove lied OurMil Overhauted and Now Read1j to Grind Ang lime:: HÂAVE INi STOCK BULK BRAN, MIDDLING, BUFFALO GLUTEN FEELPING CORN MEAL, (IIL MEAL, CALF MEA, RED COMB POULTrRY FEED, MEAT MASH. : Everything for Stock and Poultry. Libertgville Lumber Companyj Phone 47-Res. 72 Down by thse Old Depot For Pr ire and Life suac SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Iftsurance ýComp any Michi.gan Mutuat Ufe Insurance -Company UJBERTYVILLES lu., Job CL1 AN, RiC I [LIBEITYVILLE BIRIEFS T. Inhare publication ln thé Indéen- dant, oopv muet b. in the office no latm.' thaon Tuesday of each w&ek, Adver- die.'.,epmciaiiy. are asked to take papticuia. natice to tMgs effmct. Luneh sarved et the Lyrlc Restaurant et al liaurs. KenîsettiLavaîl ha@eaccepted aposi tion with thue AmericaU Baiator I.anîtany iu Chicago. The Ladies' Aid soclety ai the Preqby- 'Kat ait The Lyric andS enjoY jour terian churth viii bolS a bakary qale ut mesa. tha 911Y Furniture & Paint Store, l4tur. C. Miarbre ai Foi Lake, %vas a visoleur day aternoon, Jan. 25th. It aur city lionday. T ha Tiria Chapter of the wetrnister liMre. F. ().Boe »d ise PrariRowiev (luild wili rilett th e ofaiMisesEve ver. Evanatan vietor Sodey. OnRais Tuesday eveng, jan. 27. lira. Mary lic<avlck le reliorted quite Chapter thrfea iii bc tudled. éërousy il a be hme n Frittret. Work an the Firet M. E tchurc!h con- TeWu.yC.l T. hem homtont Fit 'sMrettnues ta go forared anud a nurber ai atb W. C oT 12.viiimeJtan th 2 ra.voîuntary aontrlbutions hava been ruade liathaFik onTuedaMr@e. W28 'thin waelk to ward thé env argen. ]diseBoniSmal vieted fom F ida lits- (;orge H. Cliard otAnstin. vlslted Mie Huel mae amîtiS ro Fnay londay with ber brother andS tamdly tili Mondai vith Mien titace WyDn ID boe, attending the uerai ai ber cousin, Thue gau. lireBSan Wli M. Mattie Jaesm, et Lake Forent. TIi liess Rwly, ooaudWiliam.. The Mystic Workesw iii halda basket took ID grand oporale the Auioru , social ut their regular meeting next Chicago, Saturdaî. Tuesday nigbt, Jeu. 28. Corne and Hubert Bae, bas acceptaiS a pooil- bring Four fiande. A good tirne awaits, trou&as clark et the Wm. Walrand yau. wroWey and market. We are now prepared ta grird ut any lire. Jas. licOregor and son Henry ot time, anvY day. LinEIaTYVIzr. Li-uiiER Bau Bernardino. Cal., seant itom Satur- 'Ca c-17-2 day untîl Thuraday vlth fiands ee. Specqial Sundey dînner served et The Thé Ladie.' Aid ocety of thé M. E. Lyri, etaurant rDit Sunday tramn cbumcb viii have a bah..,' @ala at the. 12:00 ta 2.00 o'cluck. At 75e par plate. Gai office ttturday ettarnuon, Jau. i5. Il passible leur. or telphone Four order Rememhér the date. early. ThPee iii b ' celebralfon af the Boly The R. N A haiS thoîr installation or Communion et th@ EPiecopai cbnrch afficers et their lait meeting with a]1 nextt uudiby st 11:15 a& m. Sonday large crowd tlaàanane.Lighti achool at 10:15. lBer. Bernard, Rector. reirp8bmeuts vs,. srved. Ail report a Cierenca Coli.y returnkl Fridey tram gaad time. Monon, Cla., where beh asbeon during ilire Mattia Jans edled et ber home In th@ Peet tva Yeats. He expect@ ta Lake Foreat Satuvday afterrro a n. romain and enlipt bis lather on the farm 18. and was iuterrmd ID the on'k@Ride har@. cemeterv here Mionday alternoon. lira Baiied shevingn et the LiiiEItTYVILLE Jarnea wvaaselative t Nlire, B. T. Lumtu Co. cl7-tl Mason. lFrank Niebou euS Jas. T. masquerede bail et the town hall, leSt Thers le an agfltatioq on the street., Thuraday CeveDlDg. The Duuelgond havlng It* sonrffl v. 1kuov Dot vhPre, crowd attendsd and apteasauttirna vas ito "ek an Injonction pmaiitndr th. enjoyad bit ail. lcorpo ration reag* o bulir hearba. Ludom fNo. 101, M. W. W. wil 1corner oa i lwaukee Biu.eand High Si vca agrand hail etit ùm ML W. A. hall, trpt romcrovding the r building into lvahue, on WedDeeday nlgbt, Jen. 29. HIOhere 6,M dicl. Tiàwa 75e. Ton are luvlted taattnd.Tha. anul unA.quumde given by Tb,é loMtug",Jnl the a. N. A. conimet Ame Camp No. 175, UL W. A., at the vbchomd "jmlmeing laDmusmber tov a hluat P.'l4 nlht vW» v5lglethar baquet thevlnamg byea large ào*d. Efbtw. .1. t thir Dmt meeting. Wednemday tr, 1lkt wn Ll7i lrpor*b. cvecigg, lob. r. Ail memhern vulcome h*t,03vasUrmaiîsa a" eproeue.s aiguo vwidug Nghbborm .Word il ecroed bon of the lniury ai Local Poulti'y lfcnc«saibited OIr. W. J. lical«. oninlav afiM.. eteOIvely etthe how 01 the. Racine1 aud lire. 0. 9. Churchilli of hie place, et Ponltry and Pet Stock li»t w.ek and L. à ngle. iMmt eek. Re vas ndleng luac0ptnrDMtheir shareofaithéepotil&()ver' an automobile vlth others vhen théir 1000 bird.. vere enter.d ttithe shov. machine collided vith another, the AiDnSthe local axibitor, vers compact tbroving the. doctor through Kimbaîl & Triggs, J. W. linudes and thé vlndmhleid. goesuffeneiSaebrokan Chars. D. Proctor. oller boue., Mm.. licCuelg, Who bas Tuesday tho Wetern Ferme Ca. ai beon mtui vith ber parente ber. icS Chiesg>, conducted enother ai their Cbrle$masvilii"y@ve co for Lo.Angles popular excursions ta the Lover Rilo vhor. they aspect toiocaepermanently.. Grand V alley ai Taxas. Auong thoe We ae nov preparad tu grlnd et any tim, any day. LiDERTYVILLic LuiMBze Co. c-17-2 Ordero bave been iemued irani the postoffico dapartuient et Washington D. C.,* for the establishment ofal epat- office ab lawihorr Ferm), affect vs upon the qualification ai a poatinastar. tndrew Elinger bas made application for the eppointment. Potunaster Taylor ha@ received instructions lrom Washington ta supply the cffilce in question, whenaopened for business. by iocked poucb by rural carrier No. 1 frta the Lîhertyvilie office. This annaunce- ment ruîrnes as a suirpri*e ta the public, in generai and the exact moutiv'e for the mavernant va are et a hucs to deterruine. Vine ue Lyrie Rensurant opeued Monday ulghit with aebcicteën dinuer vhieli vas nerv 1 ta perronH ait.a'enty- icee eute per plate. Over tva hundred toot advuutage ai the occasion and partaok af ane ai the bent meula cvr oerved lun Libertyville et the price. The service yen excellent and evarytbing oerved vas prevered I hteIl td an nuet. The valîs and celing oi the rouira baS. but recantly bsen rede!oreted anS the ireeh and elean eppeerance aided mati- aliy lu affarding the satisfaction feit ganerally by the patrons. If the service' rendered an tMes pening nigbt continuai and v e ai surs It vii. ve predlct for MIr. Rtobertson the suces..ha b oitel d enarves. Il you have a, basa humer and vaut the hast thing for heat try Keppera Coke Duta ee ith Pe&Ccal. LOT OPHEAT, L[TTLE ASH. Conte leeu. Sold by IDOERTYVILLÊ LumBnaa Co. e-17-2 LIFE INSU'RANCE W. a»in lacsaamtitt a thd"ml, eaua am- mte. m Cu ettemmfl "Or trou Lakes county Who accom.à tlisu ver.: lMr. and Mre. W. B. Carr anSdlMt. and lire. J. B. rldbey ot Lihértyville, Fathar t)uinn of, Ehuer Ciavsy oi Raviniaaned lUre. Frank Hoffman and son George. lianday nlght Arthur Miler vas the victini af a pieasant surpr i n the sape 0of a fareweill arty vhen about fi teen of hl@ associatem gathered a% his haone ta @pend theeoveîiing. The young people enjoyad a very pl'usent time until the vas @ma' hours ,lieu air ldpartad wimihing Arthur bon voyage an bis several eaes' tnp t,, 'ew Yark. Cuba. Parto Rico, the Pioiame Canal andS pointe in 8Suuth Ameri, a. The tripvilii caver about 10,000 unies. He latTues- dav rnarning. WIAT D[Ors fi- M!AN? From the Lake Farestfer under datet Saturday, Jan. 18, we clip these fewv word,,: 'Scariat lever et Liberty ville bas spreed ta such an extent that an spldemil ti the diseaee le feared." What doee it mean. Doce It meau that the residents of Lake Forest and the north @bare etili nurse thst grudge against Urbertyville au apparent during the ouinmer and autumn ai 19101. when through their efforts they nfflrly @ucbeded in putting the Lske County A'gricnltural Board out of business by repeetedly and ursrently ré{pletiDg people ta keep ewav tfram Lbertyville bacauae of an epidemic af scerlet lever stating the village wae under quarantine. It la sure at thet time vs b.d a few cases, but the situa- tion vae Dat as sariona as Our (salicitone friande on the north abore were watt ta believa. At the prement time we wlsh to remarkt that nat a singl e cas- of ecariet lever existe in aur cit,. nor bas there been auj ince the latter part 01 Juiy lest, as sbown by the records kept by lieaa Limberry, who ba@ a record ni each came of contagion in the city durlng the past ix yeare. Again weaoak, what doee it meen? Why are the resdente of the narth .4hare prrtlcularly Lake Foreet. everlas;tîrîgiy hammering Llbertyvllle? W.e would advlmo that our aiter city an the naorti, e'rore look a littie close.' iuto ber awn affaire and let the reet ai us take care of aureelvee. We are not quite su, large as Laea Farest, but flatter aurseive. that vs are capable of iooking ater aur ilv affaire without tbe aid ai others. There le a certain eeteemed retieent of Lake Forest tai wbam vs leel q ar iudebtad for tbe little banquet jauie us laat week and vs vlsb ta, thank hlm. IMost ai jan know ai 1dm. Ris unm ha beon in the papere quit. f requently ai late yeare. Hus greateet Intereet in Île seems ta be the affaire ai otbers and the tact ha puade aur city a visit one day lest weau leade ub te believe it le ha wham w. muet thank. The Lake Foreeter. we believe, made the atatement in goad feitb, but a littIle adrice: 'Ti@ a good poliey ta veriy theme staternente t.elre ..'vîug theui Publueity. We trust brother Hasrtuuau silîl explil fI h.ces ]IL ILE. ehuroh Servioe. 2:00 p. ni. Bible achool. Subj "lCaft and Aboi." 0.-45 p. m. Spworth LmWue. Subl "Premens Daky Ooudltloalu àrie.." 7:80 P. M. Pu.aebiug. Lov. W. L Whlpple, sub], "The Perm of Chbrist." Notion The. slghbhInstailmeut of Special Aamseemot No. 1, the eeuth luiseil et o! Spoci Aumment No. 2, aid the third Inataimnt ofo! peclal &moi*. ment No. 8, ais nov due a&W paable si my office ou the. second Boor of tbé Lues bldg. c-15.ti A., R. &CHNàiaEELz, Village Collector. Ge% your mies set the nev Lyrie Restaurant. Everythlng neatand dlean.1 TWO SPECIALS!t Black and taffeta Ribbon, regul.arly eold at 10 and 12c a yard, on sale for Bc a yard. Six extra fine blown Glass Tumblers for .......... 25c Children'z Ribbed Fleeced Vesta and Pants. Children's Ribbed Fleeced Stookinge. Ladies fleece Iined Utockixige. Ladies' and Gent's Ma"ks JOHN LESTER Successor to C. A. Beswick Bulkley Block Piano Work Photo Studio ta Reopon Alden's Piano Shop nt Waukegan i@ Reswivk a Photo Studio will be offl the place to have your piano sent ftwod,,arekeer w repaire. rvtorshing, new acrion ,etc tOdveavnteev v es Tbpy sl the shoniger DIa) an n I heîounng on Monday and et Schulz planý. 114 North Sheridan Road, udxt w'c. Jannary -17 and 28 and thea Watikegan. c-il ti Felruarv 10) and Il. lkmernber tii. Itailed MlluaV!gll ut the LIIENT% VILLE1 dates. C. A. B>Eewi'K, Prop., i.t'MBER GO.,Libertyî île. c-1'i-t« -1. Andrew Carnegie Says:': 'It ie not capital that men require. it ie the man who has . proved that he has the business habits which croate capital." The groatest proof of business habits is the HABIT 0F SAVINU. Whou you start an account with as you sinuply prose tho BUTTON 0F PROSPERITY Why not eall and talk it o7er with as 1'OW? Lake County National Bank LIBIERTVVILLE. ILL jCapital Surplus and Umdivided Profits, $90,OOO.OO E.'H. COBLETT. CORLETT & FREDERUCKS Deakla fANCY end STAPLE GROCE IRESI and SALT MEATS Oijsters in Seasn mu )pened a firgt ls' and Oent's TaÎi rt- ls hment î: PRESSING and have il ready when promed ES - GIVE US A TRIAL -tville Tailors : : J. Cichq Block. Milwaukee Ave. Abertyville 1 Jlianuary Clearance Sale I REMARKABLE BARGAINS OFFERED AT BOTII OUR STORES' NORTHJ STORE Special value i ri Laces, pet yard ..........50 and Oc $pecial value ii Embroidery. per yard.- 1 5e, 200 and 25e Speolial value in Dlres. iodspter yard..... 25o atnd 50c One Dollar quality Flannelette G vans ........... Shoes CIIILI)REN'S SHIOES, not al aizen, but @orne gooul aizea at just anc-haIt usaual pricep. LADIES' SIIOES at one-haif usual prieus. A emaîl lot of Men'@ Shoes at one-haif usual price. REMNANTS O>F DRESS GOODS, FLANNELETTES, GING- HAMS AND PERCALES Ai' ONE-IIALF PRICE. ,PIONE 29- SOUTtH STORE BIig lot Erabroidetîcus, edge and, insertions, 10e ant iblc values, npeciai clearanceet ............8 Meu's Shirts, many etyles in the lot, values ta SI.00, choice for..................................... 50C <)uting k'lannols4, pretty -otripte, bath lîghr. and dark, regular 10e quality, ibis sale.................O Ail Fiannelettes and Kîmaona Flannuls et rcdrrced prives,. Uroceries Fancy Layer RaiÀi ne, 80epackages for . . . . 0 Post Totaties, Corn Iilakeo, per package ........... e lep style Rice, cluan, whaia kernel, lb.7uc, 3 Ibe. for ... 1 Nice Wb<tç Roney, weli ililed, per oake..........n W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. ~-PONE Phone M0 We have c Class Ladii ICustom oo Establ CLEANIN( * REPAI INC W. guarantec ail1 our work. oREASONABLE PRIC The Liberi o R. Kaltanski A 2 Floor. Schanck mmemmo

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