- Cfoeeafy .J*en au*Qe~San .~ MMNSI FOLLOWS BOB SWA LÀKE'S EXAIPLE wAs CATAPUL.TI PAVEMENT c OFFICIALS ABANDON TUBERCU- STRIJCK A LAR PL~AN AND'REFER TO LOCAL COLON'V' Robert Spmart. superinteiileiit of IJIE8OLUTION POINTS OUT THA T close cail to death KENOSHA 19 NOT IN NEED Saturday afternooi 0F OWN INSTITUTION. berse an& buggy e - r anSheridan rond TIb. efficlencv of the Lake Brese, 1stree4. honling bim Wnltarium, just west of! \Vaukegais. the brick pavemen yMt ouly served as a reason for Lake consciousfless. Hi Connty Board o! SupervIsons abandon- as a resuit of th 1«a the propositionl of erecting a coun- tiier nlg. ,Iy tuberculesis intitute. but KenoalaS The ruilaway b ,ceSqaty has aise abandoned a projet te a buggy owfled forn eeting a county Inttute because Dary company. H ,ce thi.efficlecy andi proxmity of the front ef Ward'a rf Za.county colony. nton street but The. Ienoaha News snid of the mat- samethlng frîgbte tet Saturday: downWashingtôn *The. countll board cf aupervîsora on Sherdan rosît. ùirev a spoke Inta the viieei of pro- 'Mr. Smnart vasi pm tas amning when without ai- Urne but just bof, Xmti any cansideration, a resolution Shieridan road bric vua passedi deferrng Indefinitely the afarmer wboasa buildng of the propoaed hospital for «.nid buy a harse. tab.rculoala. The death blow bit tbe about four feet frc bc.ptta1 plan when a resolution pre- tiis time. -mted by Superviser Yul. wss passed A& he was tellil. b!a unaninooua vote or the board b. could get a bon *j vtbeut debate. The resolution log about and glan 1 l119ows: der saw the borai -Wiereas, It bas been sbown at down on hlm et 'Om a Ure that ail couîty tuberculosis There was sot ti ~.iiUof Kenoaba ceunI>' may be awsy. Hl merely uoeord fer t-tiie tuberculosia saiai- on bis lues-lise taxtunm et Waukegan. at a nominal 1e runawsy animali ,O that th number of patients th-at tween Smart'a bui âgrha coahned iln a sanitarium for'Tii. rear viieels ý.ecse.b county la unkown at the ver. amaaiied and .tpe lime. and axoela ver. badly Wtiet. Tht the. st eeted by tore himmeif loose )OM bomt u nattainable and it yull eeitinied hi s Mu i t, ater for furthier considerytion being stapped nez ffl Mrra suother site, ,The .iieck aeei P h toeftft e D t. Resolved that ibis Sinart fromein ib âwwutatin lndefWntely on the, on bisiside, bis las building of a mnltarhuin for ment and nearly osi f tu[bercula patients of censclous. Ail thc leasesi hie hold oe thsr»solution ndcates that tunately hie bre #O$,=ofheêboard vas due te th, avay. Hia bere cg thé »meleuto soi a de- f*clng seuth befor fer the. Indttulltinthe. rosi roasa rward tbesy vere Slaysag ovor the. amitarlui Siaart afier conal vas the. fact tht the. aged te Piek bini 00014 net agrueon a alto. vaY tethe CltY Y* eeunty i. cmnitted te ti* . a reut of il of mcii a baspitaL. $20,M00 aM andse ira tha raliesifor tht. purWéosi a>'WtSMot $tor a t sid tigre la a grave donlt cous.board coulsi uametueUhEAJD 1,ay othor purpOse. M I 'mc.>'for ithe boUidng cf the. LOST lm ta nov laolag collectede a of tue usE loi>. = ÇSCOMMITTEE HELO TIN6 AT WNICH IT la MaI ItIS WAS DONE. %RTlr MRI. WMJEOAN AI1W EO THrIE BRICK ll WLIMIDU WHEN BUGGY WOR K WAS SU4WVllb» gy 14W- Il eOrrla fii." fflasb»isatads Of RUNAWAY- ARD SHAW, LEADING ARCItI- a publibuilding lni the s515$.«cftin- l18 Oausîe>'avenue, TELCT O0 O CAeo. fil, Whakon nwiîî curvy .4!'e cii>' treels. hsad e sbiqaaddh h about 4 oclac-k on DIRECTOR8 SAY THRY SIMIPLY (rephy'e i 'bln wro o, n vîep a runava>' WISIED 'i-O MAKE THE 05ge.Ts u -la.t lsp- collided viie iz ni BUILDING STONGER. licesction eoftthe "ew ciy Central jugI south et Waier fias eatilo n bead fanemoat ontO Improvements tuai vill maie lie Auipntativo o his ppe vtw nt. He all but lbat Armer>' one oft hétroufeet huiding&ad the popu 84 bulldliig, w. lis buggy is a vrock ln lie c-t>'laîve lust beeu couwleti uhder 00o .. of conruciion end In- te coitaot vlla the andi the big building viii iii tbrovu spected lie arrangement hhoroughty. 1epen for a sociafNâction th. even- Wuea, ho hsd finiaheil,aiîuheuph net berse vas attached lIngfor lie fint Ume sInce h va' k»nogJuet what oach a pstlculir b>' lie Northhore ciosesi s fev veeka aige tg permt of eubla-Ig w« asdeaigneil for, hi. Oei- ie b.d been ied1,4lu repaire. Whilte huildîni vs. OuD- lI *»tua iitvs the mut atcbotE ostaurant on Wash- sideresi ierfecUyto> !ebere tbe re- jo t. atvaglng a polio.st«aton tuai brokebas.vienpaire vere mate, Itva etred b>' I e.idposehbi>' be concolved-*-eid ln- ;i. brt e alse w I thou Who vie Vo ciercthse structure IquIs' snonq policemen indthese vdho tlteyd Iet andame hlle! street tuaaigseuth tumaie Idl ecurs. "WliIle vewiliî luv.te ha locatasi theM e .w. drIving iouth e h et ly>'didnt cane tl a halea casa.," vas l ft.htrsighasao fre ho roacheil the the va>' oieetftue steckbOlders ex- thebuildingi lae epresoace ef nu- Idge va' toppu yese d b>' e tematrtoa. mei-u. mmiii rooms. ion,, han a kei hlm yliore - e Tise strengtleieng va doue under ciethussclosot, but .îlî tee amaliId Smar's uggy thle direction e! Havad Shaw recoi-- be tormes "a-coma.' nin lie vest cunis atnized as. proa-bl thie leadlingsrchltec-t Are The>' for «The. Third Degreel- o! Chicaie, a man vl aitha'deblgileil Tiie proence o! so mon>' <f lieue lng tb. !eliov her, several oethIe largo slysc-rapers. He amal rcema" vîithout vInilova andi rse be beard a ar b an nov pronounei the buling per- vwitout au>' apparent raison for them. cin g over bis sicini- t-i>'me. Imana latue hellef hhat poshbili te> e ansi buggy bearing The Imlroveulents ver. Inatitutei vore piannesi te b. ued a'slark rons Sa brealneck pace. alteç Ihail been lpintesl eut le lie -aolllary confinement colla. Inqutr>' tin. enoughi sgt tockhoiluers ofthle Armer>' Ibat bohah j g officers bings fenli atout de-- y 100k a fIrinea- beid Ide vells seernes te ho bulgng:slibIt- niai 11151 suc-h la tie c-ae. The po- enext -moment tly 1'te the norila. This condition of af- lice theinselîse dociare tiey de't souht topas e-fara hai existesi evor aines the builai- kmev viiot îey vene desiguales for Il iuggy ansitihe cunb. ngvas erffleil but for 'sonmreaaen net fer lie purpose et merci>' cnttung s ofSm&r's bggylitle attention va' palsi ta it iuitll up lie roomas. à ocfroninan bugyquite recently. 1h le explaines liai Theeoffices for tie poice depert- i bet fThel ans r theIbebuitng va' erectedinlu et voatu- nient, front, devustaurs. are no emal trmthrugya n sd this causesi tb. mortar te Bet- that vien Tomn Tyrreil, Bill Devis ansi n acose hebride, t-a-Iîîiie, givng thie buildng tihe Frani Trycu get ini lier, together. ar Laeie o.bulig appearauce tethie vells. Ctsu- there vcn'lt b. rom fer Police Cil. u.d te catapuit M. peent expert. voro summanoil frein Atterbur'>' 10stick b iusnoue lassie thse )ugy.He aned p-Chic-agos ansi the>' asezted that the dcc,. Asaua office for a uilllothe- uads'. n h. ave -building vaperfectli>se. BaIl lie 81er viie buthoeegirl sellîng tickets resti rng hie pave directoras iîsinet vîie te leave as ala- vouis be mointainesi Il oulil prove th,,~ i...~ ~ le c-anc-e, asid ahiroal exuense bave an Idoal saie. on lie lUnes aid fer- s disi net tr> te run ansi buggy bail beau e tie acciden-at- se fac-i ne rti. Ma-. bderable effort ma- self up andi nakbis l ard lcroma tii, bridge. be accident ho sa se t i. msy net las aile ocv days. LATER IN EVENING WAS FOUND WANDERING ON THE NORTH MIE DV A LOCAL MAN Wlaai fer noe ie iappeeresi o be the blcîthueft ut a bhanse butl vil Inter deveope Inlto ltier lie pranis1 91enomer- o-emni ttoe et whIle ava k* *gas lo miirS ftte4ua bîi ay '01 the hors., sievelopesi ou $eah- iTig iiday eeing for the naday ulgil vheu William Moore of >m 4* dalg v eth.r or net ta 612 Rîdielanil avenue. Hghlandi Park, ~fieiml>' ho tuxe meool boardi reporlesi ote oWsuk*gRunpolice he te th$ liimai-1of 0< laUlOtis lappearance eoflaie boa-se andibuggy1 Ïý (oeM la lie Waukgan ebi sdtehretoterUn o pêub b. coaipilleil o take B al10 ibr.t i alu ~ate show vheiiov or mot ai Uic southosat corner et tue cour' 111he im nex Of iii. XO- houa, square et 7:45 o'clocii anti vien lie seuc soul.l b, appolatesi. ho returuesi ai 8:50 oclock the herse pogt ~ ~ ~ -an ladtaô 1waele ansi tg lad siuappearosi. baem bià 5liue for lie tiei.- Moore @Pent an kour lu .leoklng1 Xt ie Ud thht Umaroy>'Pal- about teityclin luthe. opes lisu boc MrV eretalned as Princpul lie Me tericioci anadithe aunez mlaht rua seronsalie i but faiied, fr Ot Itéremainde, ot the yer nd thonieuroerted te tue polio. tuai MU tkm hiuocidesi viitier au ad- ho blleve lie boiea bben itolm..c MUPU44 Risbpl (leho placesitu '-Me polic, ah once goi bus>' ansi caled1 ho qestion a' tn vietier or iel up tho anthoritlea la eeleofthtii ,tachuaof tue CIsitysal becoin- adoioag is-tuse liat I voulsi have Il ~ ~ ~ ~~t ttaeneamatolaprove been almet Imposible fon an>'-tieft Ir rzeeac ba Usnset Ide c-ar- ta hbave imade lig geta>'y. Lt The. agitation vas tarled b>' AtIl ~'c-bdk W. E. Nicierson o! 215 mhy ludge P. U Porson. mexaberý tie aciool board, vbo ilatedsiIn Madilson treet. drove np ho lhe poice a meeting liaI liae, are teas-bers station ln the rlg ansi reporteil thai liej t. local public .c-iolia sd ici issi f ound lhe borne valllng veon 1o a ti.> hck her tacirs oxmi('017 avenue nean Nortlb avenu,. He1 g. e nd lai s csseviscitsald be sar tierevau neoie hintthe b»ene hle. attention, saine o! tie buggy ansi accordingi>' stoppe& the cillra recelvesi - a' 10v as2 pOr animal aiddrSove hun back -k t h- ua- kt He expresaed the opinion liaI,_ oin v o er, inluthe cil>' shouisi b, ' station lel h ietier or nt tise>'ore 'iThe Police are unable le dehermine i(utuh e tôchb>' takilg a sub- boa'the@itorselhaPpteued 10 beobli ai Memte bxmastio dses, lro'art of lie ctv. This lite thîrd or .matrbsben dsuse outliewtb too he ek *oe. Man>' conteasi liaItiheex--fotîile uint rtreves igntion Ida, la a good oie, andt ta i similar Incident, have been ouers vho can net Pln aniti- rutitgit te lic-il.'rThe police annalînce bc .bould flot be teachIng the su- liat if "joy-ridera' are deuig tiIs that t le, lhe chilsimen. On lie otier id, 'it is belsi îiat teaciers couIS tiey hasi best hy camefti as ihey vomIS bcompeilesi te tale suc-i ai ex- ihavedifficiit 'vi n explaiing lie pan. 5jo and Il lo claimeti furtier 1essieuoli te outulit lncase lhey ucr, it sion>'toaciers vise bave been'caugit red-haîded. glinx ula lb. lover grades andi are e Mmgii>'c-emptent tiere. have for- lnus ranc ethie knovledge tisatýChilcago, Juan. lé- Dr-. William T. 091 ho nectssar>' if the>' ver, teaci-, Kiri>'. fermer iead o! lie Khnhy Sav- lite bliber graesi andi fer tual mB lilt rail lu a test. !ic-s iaik, utho reaentliy as ordereal ~etoprna report liat the cO-n- olai bY Ulnited Sates District Jodge Cme vii meie to lbe sc-ioh board Laîdis, is lni a hosPital in a state o! I aotý ho kney util hie next collapa,. HI. condiin Is regardesi as eUg fthle ichont board. Il lianet ~ adisaîme enal> "k thît &aspecial meeting viiih sros n isatrnvWdns î-jýthe purvose. nWht saisi be tiougit Kinby cold not %, ilveooetisai a fer motis regard- $W Mad btternivi ln INDEPEN- jlesof lie aulcomne o! the tresent II- am MW it> cer veekI>'. Dea. f nussil the staengtienlng vori tu b, Tii. prlvate offices for thiitc-ies le' loue. - upeuiri. bac-k, villa al>-llghlt ua- Eitgbt meugler iron pillaro. four on minatlon. On theéchier basnd, the, court sL ide, bave bean placet! along tue in, tueS but oeccasonafl occuples ide villsansd upon lie roof sillprts the, bet nairezu 1m,, la th. front est. Tisgepillea'.bave beaueset lauTe rie nvti offices reell>' .110.14 h ois! coucreie foaniatioS. Wooden tuer, ecani tue>' vill be ouseditar forma vore tue. pafei arunsi ansi more tieonliii conrt r-omn concrt poureil 4s. Tii.resnItls Oust ,mCelle Re Daf*. hiere ane eluhi ramasIve. reintorcd T» big r-sboc-k of thesovpatar iossaet PIlisereachingtlathie roof. office vas beot vithon a sOngle means ['o lie.pillies tue aide valis have of venilaon eing peovdeil. Tiers boin strhppeil tiiasso! steel andi la no ee i igiiî ln. îîansi Det an open- teel plates se liat ever>thil par- Ing te ilve ventilation. Ansi iMIsla loch>' immovable. Accorduug t et heb. omm vere- 1.1ilanov planneSl ireciore, Arc-htect Shav saisi lâtIt tl (o tiers of cell I vii ho reitesi tu weul ho oisîle l hoc ava . hioisi City prisoners. The. c"t authori- aide wallIs vih. edge hamzners ansi les vîli tliestops asi ic e .Il la vh r of ied romain firmila lnlac-e triesi te provenu the City' hc-iai men on tougthPiles ontb.prtettup hln cban unsanilar>' reetufton .Thethaghttlnes o thepar ofdespite lie uevnese of lie buldIn& tb. atoc-khoisiers of tue Armer>' tue absence ot ventilagtion la nou in approclatesi gonersl>' ans ius tact lsa cconsiance ite viiiiaspa-ovsions ladicîteil already'b>' the. fact tuit a for caa-iug for prslonere. Wae la lthe large number of dateas -aready haveufrtaep-lcnvihpest Isee booesi.be piacosi lunitheupper t1er et clla. They'li die of suffocation even if the !ORMERKRSIDIENTMDIS sioms Said wndcw: ar eftI open and MRS. WILLIS BUITTERPIELV WHO diuii't Inlacide ithe opoulai cf deoraans WAS BORN AT WAUCONOA vlusiov., espoclaili>'ln iev buullilagi IES >QIITE SIJDOEMKLY Tii, cehréunms dovu atotl'. ar sianos mall lu fatl, tuat pisouers Word bas been receivesi hereof0<thOevlo enter lîkel> vIll have to bac-k ont deaihla laAurore, 111., luth e" .1insleii of belng able te larnaabout tIrs. WiIIIis utierfueld. a former Laie Tie uharvays leedintifrein the firaî ouaI>' vonan vho vas bonisaitWs. te the ecodfloor lac lo âp tuati i -eil-ad vIo uPet mDyy->' «'t vll b, nome laak te get "dl'uni." a ber lite ihene."10ifaneraos i#4d ld ddovn totei.court rom. There la on Tburedayad pred tole b» oa f ne landing on lb. long fllgbt andif Lie raet ov« eldoîiln Beivisiere, aIl inybody> taies a tuinli ievn tii, tie meats la the chua-ciibais.llled stairva>', the azntulmtcead lioplls ans i tus> vfeoblIgeS la shtid. The vîilsurel>' bave a lci. services ver. condncted b>' Rai. W. elomlaB"e. D. ilancrott. 'Tie floral ttîste. fuMit l obiocSoI. Baent av frîendu andi relatives vire profuse, hlai.ecv eîni cm o Midesi l ba coverlng the coffinand sibelng ina'si a lhrgo e en fou- re heagi lat about the, cbancet MieJente Green rlief baseout. mer. te nlalan- o! Wauconsia vas eue cftie oui.of- n>' t hebes vithe orent us bpla bru people prienn tIlth ue ral. silo te vashit out rfeuenly>. In WeII Kaicyn ln Ccenty. tula day ansi age it aiould not h. nec- Grace Wels Buiherfiaisi vas tiie essa>' tu e 1e» unforunasts lu a dingy daugter e! JohnR. Wells. vieovas-ansi dans isseineni. ît'a uicuncîviliz- one o! lie ploneer merciants cf Lake e u re.Btteplc erte c-auI>' aid o! Hepsia Mllt Wall&s. heswil avei cre ButlioicutsrIe. speni hem griosi ln Wîuconda andivl a0t eer etbccri tie Wameni's Colage ln Evanston Of Firemen A1 iRgin, v bic-h Frances Wllard vas prnctpsL- On tb. other band, thei tire dopait She vas marriesi lu 1879 te Dr. Wihs ment seema te have "M oteapare Uo Butterfielsi ot Barriugten, 00Cl - oua- re ansi Sari' The rocini for- hE t>', realiIng there untili1885, vhen fiaemen are lange, aii'>, liii ansiout tieymevei t ilevisire.ficueni fer a muri linger cIl>. It rtoâ- Ii, c>ildren ane: Ada, nov Mlylra >Iooks aIf lie police requireinu Fred Ranger; Fannie Ma., vho ilasu- have been lgneresi enlinol>' la the el- pervisor of dravîng Ia Webster Ove, l fot ta glyo the fia-e deprlmeit huxî- Meo..; a suburb et St. LoUis; Janet, irions ansi raom>' quarlors. TcS vie la a senior ln tue Belvitiere igh beileves tuas, not forin an>' tansipoluI sciool; Wilis, tise ouI>' uOp.vho sileiet ofporluait>-, but becanse 1h. tactes ai lu 1890 muci beloved homesi cf iiî, - apparent tu ahi vlho bave vialted t sunny dsîposition and attractive vs>' buldinlu. (dly Police officers e ilihe te dis- Every srnangemao n mmben rmasse Ceca the matter but them densemns for thie convention cfIlilinos &Sha h iows ver>'1 clearI>' htt 115>' MO dis Dairmnens a aocmiîlet Sipringfield, uushesi villa the arranasiet andsia Tiiessia>, Wed»*iss>'andi Tiursda>', ot becisni forvord vo0'much tle hi Januar>' 21, 22 ans 23. Hofal Bt. Um e ie' ail move laie tu.fr ne' Nichoa vii ho lie e ",4uatm an" quartera. The frimen, us lie Othe] %miag thé l hehes.a, te viiot ' t 1tasb-I IEgfM~. obl-ptu sans te bave' beu car- 041ell $TA5Wli I. T ANOGSIý TAità wRuku. riesi througli on a geai. or acit likin "V"W"Q" liéST ux w~ North Chicaw luntesd of Waukoan, l-onwGA AVOr at AT quiet ua ils qê$0~CON VENTION. m, fers'a s 515,gooa. Andi et tilt te#~ (oear Weusso North Cklagols. mgreron, botter umer&TeftleFrt os ala lbh(i Mdlbotter flarragemnts b>' far After a 5 mlihast ezillin u Ti aioloFrstr iavoir a thSfl Wukiasnd mUch latter. Poari 9e1two or une vwailis the timluinWankigau Uuday wvla oql desititIs soll os"id. Waukeigaa VOIS".On tbutrOgla ite cors for bre.lods. eré "lhied bW t 105*5 iliii.a os.. of viire Wau- lassi the iatiati"Ofetplaciag %Radar 'C«laie Ranger WiliamP. .Rsas, kumgan a s. heu."iOna.' areit, V. W. Eon4oulat, 26 yens 014. amsted i 'Saiêsecretary .N. V. Ulaa- Tow rin Wrong Pace. Who la vantes t' tii, POlio. Of-9&9or andSi Bat. Trutes Hurthlal.. Porbaîpe on. cf the. vont feAturo. Fianciaco, Cal., onuessimnienî The Installation teck plac, la 1the, et ie iol bildng . laiiii la..charges, Be va' a fermer restlent Of lovte vhiceblauiiga tthefer eWüXeifihaving Ilue4 ibore up te Armor>' and 176 persons attendosi. lu- towr hie l usd ordralalng'va- 1905 viien ho vontte aCiicago vierse clusl meirs ot th. losiges ai ter oui cr hm., ha bin pala. lie l4e uni 1909. ýHo thon vont te Highland Park, Lubertyvle, Lii. Fer- sisoi a a er tual Itextoadh mo alfri.Th rein ~~ prefe.<jes tNorth Chicago (iwo court.>s) isi 83111o poce bqu a strower cfao*l walust hlm b>' a largeo joeIer> houae ail the aukogan courts.. mai. Brne 1h1 li lvercolin Sn Pancj la ibit asdresa Mr. ltyan stalesi diat » ust ne viii have ben t Abltaçreivekaaie tehe -ne doutWaukegalk voulil gei tb, ros ettii tie .a±lu Qartr. iikeÉ&n police recelivod a letter asalIngclaie convention twvatsiabohucs, ad- vhlkiacii ie iueis hae givtea tii.thons te k.op a sarp Inoitent for diii that il, Weald have lait ih ibis pboliaut. .mr fedi t eRuUtiuludt a rola billson olg>t year bail tii, dologat«»os is1ovu ua ShuIl akt6 b«% 'stl o ud g ui belli fintce «r oldiuch a fi» bal s. the. Armai-wa. t Ull athé oie qOuateOliala mthed &rive»Muam. Franciscote4t0ihlm teavaliabuo for the meetIngs vîhl iii. poie »«Mrtes' atate >,,< a ,* hotte.is>dlic.«_ Thé cemiîtee a Ucharge of tii. big vpour. aMon sysctona ois l etprion-ver>'essi is .opinionthatlie. vouild e- meeting. va': John Hayes, John per. EOOt- haied m-tii. imet pi llitunu a ehieolsihome. viere h. buaIo OKeoje sud W. J. Lanis, enamb tea a.havn pos mssi beais S i irOtM 1 VM .-Mi a t kplae'Belev are siiovn the officers etftth. t<irsladhloisteshavef ai osibefr e it te hoSe or oe. of hmabrothers.,three Infliges wvilch ver. Inataileil: 81,ans i cis a I tus ould nflt Eiad Rundsquist, $03 Helmiiols ave- Waukgan Court No. 122 la4 Posible sulus (lIftes s g on=4 nus..W. J, Lange--C. R. tiota. It teck lthé local police but a day or Aton Zens-V. C. R. tve atter the lette, vas reciived j Jme îaa-? .R learn liai Rulilquis ut alu Waike-; ae aibnP .R WAJK!G»AN OrfICP. gan as oeau caling for mail et the! Jacob "Gomitb-Speaken. 9 MAKES AN INCREASÊ osofic.À policeman rai statiened George Schnenemaun-P. S. 1 ~~ltii, postoffice te er-est hlm« it POSYMASTER WATROUS REPORTS vb.u la. came le cailitornhi&i mail but' Je. Bomkamp-Treanurer. appar.ntly the. folicv hadilemeinlleil a John Hayes, John O'Keefe, George y I11PER CENT INCREASE FOR rat" for- b. cessesi te osîl for lis mail. Sielnderfer. truatee.. a 15 DAYS OF MONTH. A veuian appoanet astheii.vniow and, 1 iatt Recktenwald-8n. v. - aikeil for B. The poiceman question- Thiomias lr)y .C - The. amaunt of postal business trans- .4 ber snd vw u formed 1h51 tuod- 1 s~luluyJ.c -acted,-at the, Wankgan postoffice dur. q ist â i on. te Chicao but prob- Edward NMantuu-O. E. ingtii liai 5 ay.0f anuny.~, ail>' veuis returil for thoMalil. P. C. Merna-O. S. t ig te tait15 ay ofJanary ao .Tiie atcb at thie poitoffice wu1 John Haye.-Delegate. 1cording ta Postinaster Chanlet ..abandoliod tien andi a watch vas kept Bernard IDawe-Altenrnat.. Watrou.. establislaed a nev record on uhe'home of bIs brother. It va' for the office aud he la nclinesi te give netountil Thurada>' attes-oon tia is j, Wsuktiaai Court No. 53. muhcredt te the, Installaton of the sus'veillanc, va' productive et reâulto.! W. A. Nelody-C. R. muclaThen the. police ver, notlieil that 3..J. Cunningham-V. C. R. iparcela posat systeun. i ltundquist va' at thi ernoe of lbis D. A. Grady-Speaker. 1 Doripg tb ii.mrt 15 day. ef Januar>', brother. J 1912, the amount of postai business liailI>'leapIng Inte tie Police ig1. -. Jenisit-R. S ChierotAlen.,>' andi Asslisant CblifWilliami McCaney-F. . vas $2,129.24. 'isalaYesr during lb. Tyrreli startesi fer the. bouse. On the, Daniel A. Grsdy-Treasurer. ecorrespondung 15 daya the. buslnesd va>' ho>' met Policeman Nelson and A.F. Conrad,. N. T. Reardan, W. T. -transactei amounled te 82,366.55, ai' the threi cf ibein prooeeded tegetla- c-rosa, et practically il ptc tent o. în. fuIs>'trustees. wiilc* i. alvas coisideresiapi"racheil thi, N.T. Reartlon-Sr. C. e wichle lwys onsderd nusall frntdec, and tiier tva vent J. 1M. Siields-Jr. C. geoil. D areund te thi e er e!ftthe ouse ln or- Patrtica Mc('ann-l. 8. "IPhe six menthes beglnning vlla O.edo ilat the. !ellev miglat net escape. NV. T. Dunly-O. 9. - licher and ending vlla Marc-b are ai. Tie ibouge va' found te lb, empy1 v aya tbe boat business monthe lu the' About tis time Chie! Atterbeny wlo 1 Highlands Paifk Court No. 940. b ad valked toe i 111 distance frein Louis N. Benibe-C<. R. rear," the osaatr saisi. Durigthe bouse sav a man approelang, jalhe Kîne-V. C. R. *the 'mentbs et Januar>'. Felruary sud that ansvered Rundquists description. Jolin P iky .R liach an uneuaîllylarge amount o etTii ellev aeested suspicions viien .Hcey .R le a. svtle pllea officor, but fil>' William MI. looley-Speaker. *advertislng malter la sent out o! the veut aroulisi te the rein of thé bouBsE .Fariner-R. B. cile.adi bis alva>'. ktept Up tlbansta e telagoiu.Jesi. neb-1 . amutc f business. .TAie aminofe! There'. ont mon." Chief At",:enberJ>'rnb--. 3 buSois utranssotell a year siu duujas «ied asud theue ialt hiCle!rad the Jams EL liyn-Treasurer. tà ri1 s' aiaa> - os POOicman viri.d ad chaudsthie feu- IJams. I»'ilig, GeOrge Bchvaniback E bth ft1 y ~ luis fer mr, u 10v lw ietj ueffl.la8g vitta hlm, trustees. butthi Ysr t l fa mre hanweHe'vwa tales lte thepolice station. J. Deerng-Br. C. aanLlshpaed. I attrhlaute liii. ln a large la lis POchet vas teunsi a tloigram iO. Bchvaalback- Jr. C. moutre e te lrge;Oime t p r I ie vite iiin "Francsc. gel1 i ea n but l ine" la nte oume Ifler-Informed i hm tat ah.l e lId arrive Josephi J. Leu b-1. S. colus Deaot uinues drgthe ;aCl,. pfrtOln Chicago Suada>' aflenoon and soit- Petes Baam-O. 9. bu1 eacn)ne uli tels ates i te1' Most breher Si aute PO Louis N. Bererbe-Deiegate. - t the moeuh aM î las. ilninthe irai, depot. The police 855hnlneie te b- John P. Hickey-Alternate. the anieunt of business Ibis year viii ]lae.that Ruansquist vouli lave. lefi_______ roal aboa e eoefrtovu Thur.day evening if lie>' bai not- paSaabl' etai~isi an'yrecru er ablien uma' u.ey 414. TmlIÇTK the. menu 0of Janutir>.' The.police on Thursday nîglal sont T55iL ATU INWAIKEOAN a iciognain te ithe Ban Frînisco po-- lice lforming them tual iii,> have the CARL KETTA, WELL KNOWNGER- 0WAL'KMMT EIM T felov ln cualody>. An anvorng tee- MNRSDN ISA l grain la oxpectesi toila>' tolng vîiat MNRSIET ESA I IFAVAD SU Af BILL teode vilah ltr. Me.nvil. e lsta h.- HOME ON OAK STREET. - ~ ""' ~ lai; ield lin tbo coun>' 181. Ho admita h. lidDorne trouble wvlhbtho jevelr>' Tha-ehomnes vos', vislted b>' death METI400IST PEOPLE VOTE aV .'flr iebiici causos iehI.arreit, but i aîgaWdedy u on a S80 MAJORITL IN FAVOR 0F uys le wva'net v.!>muclah i te uauasecf upterla, nea benr d NEW LIQUOR BILL4. Hie irreat la oeocf the cleveromt aid chlld va' the. vîciln. 'a i>ieei cfaleutung don. lu Wauisegan -'Tie tire. yeass ad chiîos i cf Mn d il On. bundred andi seventy-tlanee in a long lime sud retleci. inuclu cresi- M.Loa 0 omo vne IL &doit$ la the Mothodist churcla Suis-lupon lii. local siepirtint. rLca70Hemotavn, -ada mrangvoedlafaorofa en:Telle Hia Btoiy. di.si frein diplhherla vhich developail s dl' mruhi vtei la avo eta rse- Rusqule ai W15 lon a Preliminan>' ver>' uddenl>' andi ville 3,000cunte gr i lution vlalii va' le b. forwîrdeil te hean unil Police court th11 mornIng. anti-toxîn vere admîulstgrod at 10 ttCengreiman Tees ailai ainte aup- Thio Oaa" VUscontinu.d fer 10 day. 'clocls desth came ai 38 e'clei. port ad usebislafluance for p ao-sd bie bond& vere fixai il 81,0ri portans us .5On Ho va' unîhie e laflrniuu satietctz-> Samuel Kempan>'. 54 rears Old, ied il saie. Ibe Ken>'on-Slieiarsi bIhl, novbailad vili ýspensi tue lime lni lb. at is laoie, 739 South Titica itreet, II hefets Congren. . e isvotesi on i- conu'laju. 1late lu thieafinrnoen. lHe wvaPr- > rus>' 10. Ho tOldsi iler>'lr e a Sun reporter, iande la The bill prohibita lthe silpmdnt by th mornJus. Hem>'.&lii hasi vorked if nteatae cmmece awsof fer lb. Brilliant Jeer>' compan>',a Carl I<etla, a vel knovn German t laersateco.ie lva f lquer ibouts vblcb dcci business an the la- realdint cf lthe oit>', <ied et bis homo bl frolin s vet ternitor>' lintôeue amrad t>'lalimeat plan. snus jul>'. th@.sane ai 224 Oak ilreet eînly lu the evefung. a] inade dry, tuc Ides belng that. lit bis menti a luahlie i as mariesi. He He vau 77 years014 ad lidlired la 11v o,.effctIv, î valsi revnt a' knpioY4d aua Itiaveling salesman t lawwer efecIve ItwÔld revntand iebusterritor>' coveresi sevenai Waukegau man>' years, belag amnîte a big exieni. the oporation et bllnd- staés I Butte, Mont., bes a>'.h-3 the. etya beet kuovu (Germia» wv re piga. .rau short et funds andi pavned sovaral for year ga proinent la the affair-s in A fov Young vomen vbo sud notet oflb. vitches thixilîni te redeein o! lb, Germen clubs cf thee cIl>. r- underataud thae mesine sud net vole tieiu a' socin ' auegot hi. pay. He founsiibia ta be more difficuit liai 1- but lie expression vas practiîai lie h.ied bought and bo plunged ni li tl le unanîm,11uous ot tii. cougregation. The deeper, pavnhug moregols valciies. y ' 0 miS [n resolutlen vas forvardesite Congrrýs- ITire. das'sbelore Chi-stinas hi.-, FV JU man ose.came te Waukegan ansi veut te stay' - anPp.Iwth bbis brother. On December 29 ieb, à. 9Y fYs le sent ali lie remaiulng Jeveiry ln bis caae lack te tie frma, expiaIn-1 yt TOWN ELECTION APR. I1- lug 1u a lett, tbat b. volsi ais CANDIDATES' FOR TOWN OFFICES He Psces the value! the jeveiry be sont bock at $400. t- FEAR THES DATE TIHIS VEAR Lelers frein. lit i vI,,lb. sa>'. tld ip MEANS RAD LUCK. hlm tuai lis cempan>' vas seekng ils Pe arrest andsieb requestesi ber te finsi Candidates fer Ivo offices are voin- eut boy mucla lbey figuresi b. oved. È_ He says at fliot tlae>'sald It vuas 1250. à2denlng If ths tact thht the, annual tevu thon $300 and flnali>' bave placesi tbc- élection ceous, on April Pol'. da>' la allegesi embezzlenaont ai $283. Rond- suplaifictut teo hein persotialy. Tbey quiet says li. figures lihe sàirtage eaob.osiever> eue rfertisaitîheamen aaisto al>' 8240. moeüs b.d lac-k te îii.m.Asei as ta %betier lie would zno in Ltu esanta b Be-usi> okvllungi>' aud face trial orviieti-T hk ~-- t 1'l j- ta Apli. lie fhaathel>' f lb.musa. er bh vOnld tIgil extradîllon, Runsi- 118 ~ ~ Ifl~ tu ArIlla he irat de oftb@monb.'quai treples blat- isi.brother stands r- t heeae.eevi -ae thal wîIliig te male up the. siortage andsi 1[ e h irdfa le lsiii.T e>' bias sent a Isiegrain te lie Jewelry, ey-O compan>' hnf<irulinbehboinie,liiiu. .f-. 1Our examinationsare horuug sd cmpà t INSTANt and Ailun orpbans a 24 bours, Lte uppu Cliesu Andi th lie Lake lien a cari M nune, log sentence 'nea' lM vîfe sent te b» Ina dren. noî Mm-s btreet a' -uabar dik ids are sou. vea-king 18 >eanl to e bect body'. The fa c-aineuî boy bic ciildren Here bomee ln ftoin NI Ton chii @am@niel And,. t legan b a" tu tI liltlu helpeil than es utoi Wiat practica lavne as for.noti are ne Tihe CasesIl n~ ome i DIRI lf.re¶i saidia euth- preain! saulîtac Tiiey d Ifiý, il ana ikah put lu sure. OEO FORM TO The remr Ing or 9as te in os vIte Il ,& Collia vho il lived i ose i -oslag M. LARO of( w' TrWO FAI CUILC LEI ARlE Mi