Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jan 1913, p. 12

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'1ae tount,2 1nbepcnbent Oapt. Walker of Zion declares if he had lt to do over again, h. would land on those fellows who blew smoke into bis wt'. face. On you blaine himl? Who wouldn't? Lake Gounty stands about asl much show ini gettlng a, new court bouse as does Waukegan in the matter of get-x ting a single Street where every property owner favors thet construction of paving., Tbat democratic county central committee certalnly is nice to itselt. It isi't every time that a bunch of com- mitteemen can get together and fi tbings so th,.t each can get the othere to endorse hlm for some >articular job, even a postmastersbip in Waukegan. They're somed"fiers"t That Chicgo ectr who advances new ides. for rais- ing money " i huce, by direct contribu~tion rather than tbrough faie, entertaiuments, etc., bas hit a chord wblch wiUl be popular. Ho'. rightl What woman or what man wouldn't rather "1dlg dovu"l in bis pocket and band over a balf dollar ors dollar to the church than to ms the women toiling at suppers, taira, etc., for day.sud weeks in prepa-, ration, when in the end, they don't net one-fourth as n2uch as would accrue from direct contribution. It is believed hie suggestion may resuit ln ministers trying out bis plan, which, while radical, is logically and wholly reasonable. In fact, it' busines-like.' ILLINOIS SHORT 0F SPEAKERS? Discredited and cast into the' "bu-beeng*l by the peo-1 ple of Texas, former senator Bailey ia now being foisted' upon the people of Illinois in an effort to retrieve loat hon- ors and self-esteem, the invitation to him to b. speaker ati the inclnI banquet in Springfield being the unique meaus bie friends in Lorier's camp in Standard 011 circlea, etc.,' bave reaorted ta in their desire ta bolster up wbat was onc a tower of istrength and politi4a influence. These Mifnoisians, reg&rdlesa of the spirit which in meant to surrowid ail Lincoln memorials, would by tlir pian, merely continue their effort started last year of llnk- ýi>n Lincoln's aiLàorimer' name together, for as Lori- merls frlend, Dalle ythius becomes one of the boosters of Sthxis league, uithough a non-reoident of Illinois. If certain Minois men mut remove Lincoln from the lotty pedestal on wblch Americans always view him1 lun order te boister others, why the stand taken by Secretary of State Woods iu rot using tg attend the banquet i. ta be commended. Somebody muet show resentment and if Minlois men as a whole uae under the influence of iuteresta whlch cause them ta 1be good And quiet utien such situations arise, It l8 gratlyigta ueo at eat one stateoMofcial who, no doubt, lovesnolu Suad his memory and i. wlling to ey ex- press bimeHf. The aemae man wouldn't think of Sitting down toaa toast wlth @mre person who had openly slapped the teach- Ing ofbi ipthe, is1lfeorhi. fathor. He wU&d M'- hpcttler n.olstoo keeuyse wlth Kr.Wod.B. Ie bs nsitd Lnona eoyby aing luein lnot sprislng t hbe would be wling to spealuL- cobn's honor.. *****p@0 *Long Lake. W D. $400. 0 A. U Nlllls Jr. and wife to P. B. *REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS *0Slathews, Part lot 6, block 36, High* 0 land Park. W. D. $l. *8********P. B. Mathews and wife tqCharlotte Jan. 25-John Cobrbett ad wife ta Lewis part lot 5, block 36, Highland H. J. Wtte a.nd w te, part lot 12,' Park.. W. D. $1. Nippersink Club subdivision Pol ___________ lAkh. W. fa $M0. J. &. Hoicamb ta Sarah M. C.m..onAWDM RW EIC G]I'8 Ioti 2ad 4 bloc 2, Rockefeller. W. B130 D As E1N8uuL' TW Smth and wlfe 10 Mattie A. Adro, Efinger, euperintendent of * 'ance. lots 71, 120 aud 121, Shaw'%lte Samnuel Insuil tami south of Lib- subdivision, Long 1akeý. Deedi $350. ertyvilie Tuesday filled out hbis bond Shirley Olcott ta W. E. Voikman, for poninster t te uew postoMfce lot 44, village of Antloch. W. D. $2,- to be e"tbliihed for te une of arn- rl0. PkYeu of the place. The bond, for ;Robert Boiter and vite to boUlas$500vas forwarded 10 Washington Sinon, part north on&ahaI section 24 and imniediateiy after the oMetcais and 3(i, West Antioch township. W. Pajm<jon it, tihe formai instructions D. $4.000. and supplies wiilb. sent ta 1Mr. fflng- . an. 27.-T. W. Smith and wfe toi er wlio 18 ta acte au powtumater of th@ Alfred Lingle, et a, lot 22. Siiaw's sub- private postoffice whlnh bas been au- division, Long Lake. W. D. $400. îîîorîzed on th. e nuh place. Methodist Deacones5 Society to te The naine of te postoffilce la not Methodist Deaonees Orphanage, the Yet known and juat vital plans the south 100 feet. lot 2, block 41, Lake governinent bas for a buildng are not Bluff, W. D. $1.kuw.BtIe fcemu ndii C. A. Butler to KE. SKeeiey, 479be iown athe o Mieo vu. and l acres lut vernI of Libertyvilie. W' nti l rctedno oueavren-n 1). $1. 1e1 lt ii rece nd ietr i. mail Mmiii. chooth ta J. W. Ragerson. fr m i ehele andhichstands onhe lb. lt 7. block 2, Grady & Halloel, e ub-fnh- shuewi tnso h *division, Waukegan. W. D $2,000. ar.ntfrfrmteIsuiridn, F. A. Sewart aud vifs ta C. H. Cor- milck tract of Il nillunorthwesalo»e. - <0w-lb section 3. Dserfield township. P. A. Stewart and vîfe tu cty 0 Lake Forest, part lot 306, Lake Forest. Deuil $L Logan Counil Bldg. & basa As. mclation to 0. A. Rstilg. lots 6 7 aud 8 block 2, Bureel's subdivision, Highwood. W. D. $1. Alice ILebey ta Catherne Mailden, lot South of Wahngton etreel. usar elly limite. Wgukegen. Q. C. $1. _P.C burchIll to R. Il. Ungott, Iots 4 and 5, bl>ock 36, Lake Bluff. W. Jr. PC. a"&ng t. G. A. Rmei. at ~00a41 sst%.section . De-febd a SLU" 5amâ i vife 1Grâice I. ~.%#0..>M 24.Shows uodivision. PIEPLE CAN DE CUAED AT HOME- tlnsightly pimpies. ecbma, and ail akin emupilons are som reileved hy slmpiy applylug, e1-- ternally twa or three limes a day, CRAIN'B PIMPLE REMEDY. A dlean, liquid.l non gusa> preparation ihat gela rigittthe seat of trouble4 as no greaay salve, that dloge up the poree, ran. Mild, sale snd sure. No InternaI niedicines ta rulu the stomarIL . fnil60 cents for a ,fuit ise boule of CRII PIumc E MEiDY Iodai. Er' bottIe guaranteoil or yonr mouejr refunileil Bond n»w ta CEAIS -DRUG Co.. Chicago l"gto6 IIL Tto postomfte Vas authoriau h0 e4lwsipgiolo va 5*u10hu bean tla expined 14er.are aboit "aRô~ s ow and that go lpermit bailboom given for on hn dmonen gtoyod thora ____ liettg510 u iI oovui verioua tUmme. Thore amrelght '1440 amOi. HV ALthea give howPalnMuerat sud Chale Ila al the lime and thei comn lnt m N. OPOO11118NVLALb ie'n'PlMoe1adC"1l mer vil) eo meny more. ThuIm a PLANS COMPLITED TO PULL whitet, vbo stallid tbrohgb 10 rounds argued that more persoaswiîî get[ I FF7141 SHOmw. here ou a former occasion, Vers MMt-i mail there at the Imeuli Sc. than .1---- ed ta go aailnst encIt ather for a Te- at thie Prairie View office sud othera' Chicaga uowspaper men hav e Imeut. turu match. Flvery effort la belps i nearby. sa on put'tina Icenoaha back on the made by te Cheago pofote ato cet Mfr. lnsull'a mail la hoavy eacb u ia Sht. map andl the papers on Sunday the gainl good standing ln Kono- st hlm home and bis auperittnilet bail a columu report of a hoxint show sita again. The luat .op oul ýla Ko- recoiven ou an average Pt flo«n lot- vhlch lje1ta bgiven la Kenosba on nouba vas auch & lUlCY ontet tthe ters a day. i Fobruary lotit. 'The tory vas pronKters are stili'oi ,g gjei1 Illtemai far the Insanil bf nvii*,dope,,Oarmthe tandpoint of lbe chope. lu the »tory ldlllns of lhe pro. be sent tram 2..itatyvillél. lok41hiao :tfasan0 hu et.a- poeul show in Kencoaba ltheChicago pouch -tg ta deliverl by ffihsl ani. t4mtion oft Mayor Headl vas calluil ta men deciareil 11*atIIlsorts of reforme er.'t lt heprmpily announceil Ibat lie'vers 10 ha offersil for the gains. That, âia à ttko. vme tabe ob ~ r thoir woulà i t easprovlrod for adi luat uo tickets vould behot#ole the, door on the ulght of the show. 'léWvu am eioclaroil tht the doorg flSdng ta 150 Colîmenin vould blierop4d esa BO éà to make croviling lipoeulble. Mair ' NeMitatoilthalt thlr~oe reforme woel ite nrfio rn4 ii hlm sa bis Or5*V againat lte piiov la still lu foiesami offect. e5md li w7~r~4 t101. it vaS. D04 h159wa~uremb h I K 3mth 'I M Mo . m d o t «a ý + r I ~ i a e a i 'a-i t la" 154 Li u au &a& dr*a laitwaht 04 the liawe Mue nialbrui$, Untvamwut 0f Vinap t spooler ,eem»Mtle cqaumuaiWo amIU4,ta thote ors iolany of 5.5ta l*dro. Cal. %pallIsIBey% Fm. melasat wo 5 b~~~~b aslhoMta oES4mBl O *kth" rice or 1al stand'SIi>Pieo ~i W. en's Ce Seu asnd Dresses Former i iag~t 15,*18and $20, now $9.09 à. é hav k noti*ig stand i the way of our efforts *t ir stodk riddg We have -eut the pries on CÏais, i4nd Dresse m hg boueIdfeec oterc~-oi ~inbeing. to lolfer ie m at such a ridiculously low wT'ifà,- flbe snatched up almost hitantly. It is a sale tbatI fI qut with boid promin'=nce from ail previous dearance e%ïita am -117 e -The Suis Eleganty tailorcd gar- ments of ail woot serges ini bliîe, blao'k anîd brovrn, also ehoiee novelties, eut- away and pîlaini tailored styles, sorit. effectîvcly trimmîed. A hai galî w ith- ont a parai- Ét leM............9.99 C4Iats mi*u. an excellent varet~ ..f ~1esin chin- ehllaq,. no'vlties, caraculs, phîisht'w and hroadelothit, béjed ù*,~plaiti, 1lodse baek, b;onfé WitJi large collai' and sulle price... .. Trhe fDiesses Beautifuil nelv eînbracing , the est ideas in deffigning, a- e liided are fine ail wool [serges, cordîîroys, 'velvets Iand satin e-harmieusiè'I:dA Iwaisted etTeets. Ierre collai', effec- 9 1 *tively trinned o4- g ...,., , i I - Nen's $3.50 and $4.0 5h..,, $2.69 A grand bargain in men's gun-metal, patent and tan shocs, broken lines in but- ton and bhîcher styles, vahîces formerly selling at $3.50 ani « t 69 $4.00 claranee price, pair.. Boys' Shoes. A sulbstantial price eut in boys' gun-metal shoeg that formerly sold at $3.00 Goodyear welt, wide toes, solid through- ousizes 21/2, 01 t5,pair .......24 ~jgGirs'Shoes- Waces of style and qual- itY4 hiçh cuis, mnade of heavy caf leather, solid tjîroigliout and will give excellent, service, $2.50 values, staca 1.95 '3 to 5 at . ...0 Hosiery, Gloves, U,O<w'r Womonlas'Golf Ob Ldrn H- Govs-Blue gray, FinMri 7 dstock- brown and b 1 a e k, ings, reinforred, fine knit, from w o o 1 ribbed, slight sec- .yarD, 50e 19c onds,il9c li kind at, pair. . values, at 1 /. WOMENý8 UI4OERWEAA WOMIN'a pm«£;1lie -Ve$ta sMd pauts, soIft Fuet 1h05, )o tomo Egy7plian contiUlhttSe<ei..i yn.OcValuai ... 8C valew Pir - i e ia~sksgmsi w.. Boys' suits and eo*s, 'ai and dresses AÉeihcbûde4at tb The boys' 1gar enta r of 'styles of -d:pndabbe 'noy - Tp gil'gr1et oi 4thé desirahbe.mat eutaa are ulely ed vil $4.00- 'and $6.00'uIfeprie VOL, fer Weumen Mines INTOXIÇA ATIS CHAI Webb, sut friday vu tite Wanku for an oid lIon of U pOIit-e. lF( k-,an pet report tha ilihadt b .Ocked Up The utni ilde andl glycerine! lbon of CI Harbor oz T'hen ho m lu Tedd3 ',Metu Thord il lO WB lu 'oe mm »DM,&la police ne' spent Ti cauahn Young e« heen recel chum peTonS.., the vouai Tonag i sud lielg has a sent anavwers thouab Mie face Aflor n" ,j>ýbom G «N te 4m detective ion, (or * WERG IMPORTAà FOR 1 HeralS lu such a it lion arise dation of intemte 1 ty? Tii. 1 Service C Febi'amy IlonaIder i ger wlth and Coke The. Ni pu-iigi netl lîi viioqi &ri '9, coats Drice.

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