Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Feb 1913, p. 1

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" "AIJKEGAY SUN lte VOL XX NO. 20, TWE94E PAGES LIBERTYMILE LAKE COUNTY ILLINOIS *AY F BI,1RUARY 7. 1913. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR ïN ADVANCE LAKE COUNTY WOULD °l 1°E4" SINGING Sl(ULE FOR 1eve the samne purpiose ean be accom . TNDTE IENEplished by the mure flimple mnet THlE GURNEE FARMERSI AND RE E M S ld I have outlined above. Our laws CHANGE OF VENUE IN VOLIVA OR ma edsm mn asbfr CHORUS OF SEVEN TY HAS BEENI OTHER CASES DOESN'T RE- wecnetrit hsgaatepo-FORMED; HOLD MEETINGS MV-COSTS PROMA Co. sionulY, but 1 believe that the'OENGT EK time ls coming slyortly when It will be' I E STATE'% A rTY. DADY là WORKING accomplished. PL AN IS WORKING OUT SUCCESS- HARD O KKE THE ERJU-Here in DeKalb county we have but FULLY AND HAS BEEi SG RV TRIAL HIERE. RECORDER EXPLAINS IN DETALl one abstract company, the DeKalb MRS. SCOTT DURAND OF LAKE GESTED POR THIS CITY SYSTEM BY WHION WORK IS County Abstract corMy, and its BLUFF MADE STATEMENTS An erronou impression meeme pre- REDUCED TO MAINIMUM charges are on a bail of 75 cents for; DEFENDING FARMWERS Residets of Gurnee and farmners valent te the effect that, ln case Over- each short regular tffaantioni or trans iliving within a radius of a few miles INTOXISATED WANDERER CR E- seer Voliva gets a change of venue Ii fer shown and 83 lier tbs dinal certi- of that place have found a new kind of CH ARLES ALBRECHT OF PRAIRIE AT»4 &iENAýi* AT WIN- the pçury caseth trial tune gong TRCSWD TETO "l"" å "' *"'r;" O LEADS THE BATifLE divertisement that la proving very VIEW, DISCOVERED 70,11110P HIcounRty, Lke. cont wll be saved the an opinion as to Its tomoleteness, this popular. They have gone ba-k to the IN TEXAS expns o te ril.being left for abttoffileys to pass up.- days of thieir fathers and grandfathers Ths s ottre.Th fctis tatMEHO I JSTASTHROGHon. PECISION MADE, TO RAISE PR ICE 'and have organized a "*singin' skule." - S B lED BI SHERINF o..e laet o- Tha f, .n, ome, MEHDI have prepared sm btrcsu TO DEALERS; CONDEMN TU- Practically the whole town has bnn h oie ra rayale e N G IE O ASD D ischngdfrm ae out t oe AND MUCH CHEAPER TAAN am handicappedl for Wac of tract in-! BERCULIN TESTING. organized with R. R. Laughlin as the of the other counties olwngae. DEALING WITH "TRUST" defok ako heya 87 hsit seems to be a community affair TH OROUGH. $ORUTiNY CONVIN· tition of the defendant, the éepene has been done by inp in a personcal director. CES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 OPlILTA A' o adtilaec a agisZh capaciiy and not as srecorder, and by Dairymeln of Chicago's counitryside and everyone has goie into lit because 1MYST ERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED CHARGE$ WERE UNTRUE. .cdunty freim which the chag is tak. At the relquest of the Elgin Courier rao ofte xra okrqiedsay they are through listening to the It promises a new form fetran.FO I O EO en, which ln this case, would be Lake, Walter M. Hay, clerk of the DelKalb because of the absence of the tract dmnsoc.ycuniornaesment and affords a place where the!NV2211 couinty. Thus, If the Vollva case goes tcounty Circuit court and ex.officio to.enlarge uon the work, n efr of health commissions and of t.he m aoen hr e vyoyes 19easts of an Intoxicated lumberjack to McHenry county, Lake county will! county recorder, hein prepared an arti- otCa eRasnbe "trust," and that hecreafter they wi;l ead haee au en er od y ime ththe was the original "Teddy., have to pay the jury costa, the sher.! cils explaining howv DeKalb county,: If the tract indicies were carried dictate conditions andt prices of milk JaThursday evenin-, ls the meeting iCalsAbrctapoietfr Webb, auto bandit, wanted in Chicago, Iff's costs, the witness' coste, expenses,' through the "tract Index" system in back or the government ownership, it Six hundred farmer.s frome adjacent night and already the members of tho ,er and weindigger, who for many Frdy o hmaniesotbe tetc. la fact, every dollar of the trial the recorder's office, keeps such a de- would beý a very easy flts not only, coun1ties Of Illinois, Ind iana and Wi chorus have met tour times3. Such years lived at Prairie View, south of thea woegn coun ja il, moteda atd would be charged against Litke count- ted record on every plece of land in for me but for anyone else who doýir. consin, assembled at The annual meet s!ndprgessbegshwtatLetyipadwoonNvmber 22 th auegucut jimdia i y. The only thing It woul escape the county that it is impossible for an ed to prepare an abstract to do soigo h \ikPoues soi-a concert for 'lhe end of the season 1911, disappeared completeay and.seio for an old bullet wound and the atten- would bie the court houge colt i for, "labstrict trust" to flourish, a t a very reasonable ent. tion ln the Hontel S'irmnan, in Chicago is being planned. oral times afterwards was reported as tion of the Waukegan and Chicago, they couldn't charge rent,) and the He "shows how, by thorough install- 1 Y,-ould suggest that If there is a Mionday, cheeýr(d b)y fiery addresseaý There is uno are limIt for the memn- dead, la alive and in good health, polce Fo ieFia ih a.Jdesadce-sslre-for theý, ation of the system,at the start, thbere sincere dlesire to'correc any abuses ofert Scott Durand, society leader bers of the chorus and the ages range Like a vole from the grave comnel kegan people were ellectrIfied et the are paid by the year by the counties would be no need for any abstract of an alleged "abstract trus-t,"> tha. and dairy owner of Lake Blu'f, and from 17 to 50 years. Sons, daughters, news of Albrecht Who, insted of haw,. report that the much-sought auto ban. ln which they ait. company, and thtait the recordèr's of- the board of supervislors authorize other speakers, who urged them to, fathers, mothers, grandfathers and 1ing liassed to hie eternal reward, idit had been arrested here and was StaLte's Attorney Daody ts maLking Wee, with little work, could do ait the rte recorder of deeds to employ com. demcand increased prices' grandmothers--all are eligible to mem. hie frIends and relatives long Icked up In 'the county jail. a supreme effort to hold the Voliva'abstracting. peethl ne ieto fte Then they pledged their support -oa esi rvdn hycnso hycneei efc( lv a T'he stranger %aved m bottle of per. trial ln Lake county and Mr. Voliva's 1He recommends the adoption of the borto rat ip nder" allecthen rea tsh eoutosdnon te fi b. he an ordinry an so siningan coneted anl a b een in hP ide and cried: "Look out; it's nitro-, counsel are making an equally deter-! system to Kano county, and volunteers tate transactions froms the beginning les that attempt to supervise their ability. This fact seemse to add to the ail thune menthe without letting le4 glycerine!" as he reeled Into-the sa.ý mined effort to get it changed, hNs assiétance to the board Of super' down to date, and that fromn now on industry. that provide an increase Of' enjoyability of the affair. People liv- one interested ln him knowing ho W" oean of Charles Crawford at Winthrop The petitions askIng for a change! visor@ ln installing It as each Instrument in aeceived, that two-eights of a cent per quart for milk ing in Gurnee and vlcinity are elated in the land of the living. Harbor on the Wisconsin-Illinois fine. have not been preslented to the court Bease of the succoe Of the plan it be indexed by the recorder in its furnished by them during the summer 1over the success of the plan and as- Albrecht ts now working at the cx- Thfen he shouted: "ILok out for me- for considenation. ln DeKaib county (on* of the mont particular tract under a, systemn of and that outlined community organi- sert that not in years have they had penter trade at San Benito, Texasso« im Teddy ,Webb!" What applies ln regard to thécosts progressive counitios in the state), and transferable leaves, uch as we have zation plans for placing their product go munch pleasure ,As they get at thesewhehifmlyasmrnd a The statement vipe oough to in- in a change of venue lke the Voliva because Kano counity lu now conaldfer- In Use ln DeKalb ennoty. When this intehnso amr'aet. weekly meetings. Somne of the older dead for a long time.and thit pireathe fitie of the bystlandoes. Craw. case would alto apply ln cases which 1ng th@ Pian, It la interestng and pas- >orkt la complete quioie areful Super-' Denounces the "Faddists." onsdeclare they attended $initiar old was Sulrprie.l ý%n they board 6 ford~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vision, th dolag narhat Casen«ghtcomto tk conty(ro lt- sblyimprtntoo Lke ouny oti-visonchdenolbethee ill "Fadiss, heeist, bardloffasondhengig chols nan yerstasaltvote srane stuaio pur an Aimait. As the latter appear, or comun tu i the dtriot, that fin, sans and Officiele te know detAllé of' be further complaint an "abstract health and ail their Ilk--we don't need ago and they say it taktes thora -back that the relatites plan making 0e atner f th ianWo ewaioo the other conties would have te pay the plan mø werked aut Iá DeKalb! trust"A4 Kant 'en thmtielu u businens,' said MrU e tetun ubn 40&=~~~~~b Pl-4Pss.-ey m - 40MiépyPWwMgtMMay'c- 4 ol eDrand. "'We ors the fteOdnr We Thee am bee nnure or lIeste*i t ther to ra=tmern- ' t'Esll: traick. The mnarshali Ur. Dady igares that the expens inj plete article prepored for the Courier,, systens 1 have devised fer use here 'u are ertly capable of preduein& forming & large chorus ln Waukegan lowing hili'sto remanweeh thd ©asialman ntoa tain tral herea cang of enu ,i is ereithreprducd:An DeKalb county, more fully to the clean ilk.II We should net the price. but nothing lever has coule of the plan. chosen toetyinT bgcgh; tim -to Wankukeaa He takten la even greater for the coundty The article le as foW.ows: members of the board of supervisors I say, demand one-half thint the con- one ýman, musically inclined, today How bt Was Disevered. :;t uksi eharge by Sheriff lilMrceri which has to pay the bill than where ,--if they are desirous of beglaning such Sumer pays." ' said that Waukegan could well agffl It develops that Albreeht, afteor le7_ and was placed tn the county! it tu trIed right In the county. ln SY WALTER M. HAY. work, but want to assure you that ilV .Lmea ayro od to pattern alter ltte Gurnee ln thla 11ng prairie Viet sa4eny tn 3021 JULOther words, he sftatesi that a change About 16 yearsi ago the Board of have no systemn to sel], but only some stock, admonished the dairymen to plan. There la nothe excellent talent went South bd frous thaIt dy There ho admitted that hie had lied, to McHenry or Boone would cost Iauke supervisera of DeKalb county author-, Ideas that possibly I can contribute to "get theirs or quit producing milk." ln Waukegan and lit has bean said of- never wrote home to hisr wif,1 «Iln ho MMi his name was Webb. He' monty more than if it were tried ln lied the recorder of deeds to procure a cause that will ald materially ln e. "Yo ar drvn h osadgrls ten that one of the finest choruses in, Children or his sisters and " w:- said his right name was George Young. 14e conty. Voliva, on the other tract Index books no that ail transfers ducing "abstract toills" ln Kano count- fraim the farm because you do noti the state could be organised and main- He ýIowed. thema to think Wha tbr On hWB arun was tontnd the followi hand, ianits that he cannot get a fair or instrumenta of writing with refer. ty. dare say, 'Il want what's coming to tained here without much trouble. wished, he managed to hear frou tatou, mark :"1883-G. Y." Which in-, trial among Lake county people hence ene to any particulaer Section of land' Veyt1yyus me' "bh said. "Chicago cries out hm l h iebth ee s dicated thag he hald"given the right It ls up to the cou'rt to decide wheth, or City block would fromn that time WALTER Ni. HAY, about bacteria in the milk. Dr. Ev, SUS W LE O 200a fot omncate with any et nme, alffio-gh Inquiry of the Kenosha er the case will be heard here or appear upon a certain page devote CerofteCcutortadE ff-nsesbgsnevyhn. He's SUE hisK FO 2, nefreltives OU police revealed the fact that when he' not, to that particular block or section. cio Recorder of DeKalb County. a1 ads.H a': iewtotse Recently former Superviser WâIl spent Thauday night with them ho, These "tract inidicies," no called, gbg.H' uooit" UTI NATRAHT RM E Miller SI other Libertyville med' had said hie name was George Young- have since that time been kept up toa Elmer J. Fellows, of St. Charles, 1 INAL ACTION IN MWHICH wn aTxsl oncinWt, berg, MONOIR. FOX LAME MAN ildate. each day's recorded transfers ;president of the association, eXplained WALKER WAS FINEP $100. ladt duel Te inr con ing alte" In ~A livalt wound ln his right hIIP be:ng indexed, thereon as soon as re- that the farmers were "sick of the -- -the strete o f San Benito whe nae causeSheriff Green somes speculationa DR. TRUMAN BROPHY, WHO OWNS celved at the office. The result has 'n rules andy reglaton ofe th hiao Anatrmt o h riiaato Young explained that the wound hadl BIG LAKE COUNTY . FARM, been that these indices have now be- health department.' against Captain A. A. Walker, per', a wd and man hothefelt they tu beeon received la a debauch at Sheldon GIVEN BIG HONORS. comle the moist frequently consulted President le Re-Elected. sonal bodyguard to Wilbur Glenn Voli. that It was Albrecht, the Mau a m dO . D.. ta.t September. He said he and books of the recorder's offiee and The association re-elected President va of Zion City, ln which he was they had known ner Liberty11%Uean$ [1- escum had been "«foolig" -with al Because Dr. Brophy owns a big fir we have the:n su arranged that if a Frellows and named other officers as charged with assault with a deadly who a upie ab ".W 18gun when lit was discharged and the' at I leLake and spends inuch of hie, telephone cal la received, asking with ollows: weapon again st John Reusch, a ZVon biefri hem baie and hear t"Bt bullet tookr effect la bis 114D. The th"e there the Item below from Sun refterenice to a certain tract or land on First vice president-John Gruell City boy and which resulted in Walk' liost "dead man" they hadl lever- oes tdperoxide, he sad, was ued to cleane'day's Tribune Interests all Lake coun- an lc rscino adi e IEHM NMLAKEAE f Hobart, Ind- er being given a fine of $100 and coste And then explanationsl came tu the bon.tpol:K l c ounty, t n calland e anse- FIEOTH OF MLWERYVKEE A Second v Ice president-C. G. Small by County Juilge P. L. Persans, came quick order. Albrecht told thems that Yong in about 5 feet 7 inches tell Gifte and compliments from many ed toc vrtewrsaigwoGTE YFRE of Prairie View, Il.this afternoon when Reusch by his he had had domnestle troubeanhd an 1eih aou 40pond.Henainsfome hemotmora t onte poertn the e eincum-OTTD YFIE Third vice president-William Le. next friend (his father) Alvin Reusch, departed for the South very suddifé ha& a sandy complexion. In, way this Part of the testimonial banquet given berancesl during the tant 16 years. bar of Delavan, Wis.j started a damage suit against Walk- ly. lHe admitted be, had left m ent answre a description of ïWebb, aIdý Dr. Truman William Brophy ait the These indices are referred to tost Secret-ary--Albert E. Jack of Anti- or in the suma of $25,000. ReuSch is debts, that he had never written oe thoughb the fellow han not the mole on Hotel LASalle Saturday night by the frequently by the attorney& who de- BUCIET BRIGADE SAYES IT och, '11- represented by Attorneys Hervey but that he still had Managedý te his M fhee that Webb le said to haVe. Chiong Dental society. sire to assure their cliente that noth- Treasurer-John F. Martin of An- Coulon of Waukegan and William bénir frain'his folks hog te dAfter asaking a thorough Inspection, The distinentshed Chicago odonto. Ing bas franspired. sInce the closing jtioch. Fabry of Zion City. Merely the prae- Sources. He knew of the deauth of -i heraf Green declared he was pied- logist was given a bronze bust of Abra- 1of somne abstract to affect the title, TheOYE WRE I Op ries oution stepefohtr h ipe oftote st wpa ied Jot hne Hil e ewudntrve 4 tive fihe man was not Webb. hamn Lincoln, madle fromn life by Volk land who do not desire to place them' EMPOYS O RED KE ET praIea by1the proer fornd mikttonyCusnepandta h erhs e e okohr 1 IAsutenant Tobin Of the Chicago in 1860, on behalf of the Amnerican ,Selves under obligations to the ab- JAST AEOEO IET aalaeae$.0pr10pud tsuit was started as a result of an In- how he haed goit the news dromn bou detective bureau, bore out this opin- Dental Society. of Europe; an antique stract company. COUNTRY HOMES. the creamery, or $1.25 per eight gallon jury that Walker is alleged to have but It is evident that someone near ion, (or when telephone a description silver tray fromt the International Den- Go Back Sixteen Years. can ln Chicago. This 'S 3½ cents in inflicted upon Reuschb. He says that Prairie View knew his aàdress and, of the man said "It in not Webb." tal .federation: .a bust of Dr. Chapin As you will observe, our tract ,IETYIE thb LFreb e cor unrtry ohrm1-ent n Chcagoth W aulddt en h aviong mradsl on llingad tod let hisfamily biet A. Harris, who established the first' books going back only 16 years dosountes ERTYViL F eb. 1.- oe oect per quart inhe fame nwreve the assaultý whaen.e a ntil homead a kepthm otdbu MERGER F LIGMTCO'S dental °°iiege at Baltimore tu 1839' not give the recorder munch of an op, out intebatflSurhom of 2an% centsqur during the sumrte rmnl hre hm aters. MFRGS OeLIH from Dr. Vincenzo Guerini of Naples,,pruiyt rpreasrcswt John R. Thompson, jutsuho onad3 et uigtewne. The case is one in which Loft Job Suddenly. IMORAN MEIN I CLLDthtough Dr. B. Holly Smith of Balti- an gortm degrepe of efficcy for at 9 o'clock this morning. Resolutions also were adopted de, Walker was on her way to church ln Al.brecht, It seems, hadt been dig. iv -MPORTN F E N POR A M- more; a cheutio silver from New York ack ofth yeare 189 he ilhage to For a time the residence, which Is nou ncing the tuberculin test, and fa- Zion somne little time ago when abhe ging a well for Lake Zuric village at Bit- F~~~ORTN PU.24hFROSE.M friends; 21 Étiver plates fromien d ru back th rg the c l n ame gat perhaps one of the finest Ilummner voring milk supervision solely by the met the Reusch boy with two or three the times ho disappeared. He dropped .ÜY PRTAN PUROSE. in many cities of the Vnited States r ad grntee usnd esan thisis homes on any Lake county farm, was state board of health and a state live comupanions. She claimed that Reusch his task suddenly, falling to show Up The, aril beo1 teJle and Canada, and a chest of flat nilver juto hrw a rdgn e wnexa nd our wor ln great danger, but the employes of stock commission appointed by the was ýnmokinig a pipe and blew smnoke for Work, after having been on the Job He ricl ofnerest I th e ecauet tfromn the Chicago Odontological sce_ js here w r ek norwr the place were quickly formed Into a governor and applroved by the milk into her face. Onie of her children the day previousfly. The fact that he suhea dal ca nrest thrug te ues-f ety. he badsoudatoiz.h e bucket brigade and their efforts saved producers' rushed into the barn where her hus. hadl uncompleted work, that he seeln- d snob aises: Dores t mean the onsl., Dr. James H. Prothero, president of' corebrd hcompeen asshoisetne to the place, although damage of about A fighit laver the election of dele- band was at work. Walker rushed ed to be prospering, etc., catrsed SV-I dtin arfes:he gs iman ec ilh the Chicago Dental Society; was the cardr th trco t a siorkabck to $600 was dons. gaes fromn akmelouinty developed on out with a p)itchforkç ln his hand and erybody to believe he must have met inet of Wae ga and eLakte coun- chairman, and, Dr. Arthur D. Black' a the einningandten auorizea the The damage was restricted to the tChet nlor, wheni the names of Ralph 1s alleged to have struck Reusch a with foui play while ln Chicago, or iteaso Head a s a d Laay: n toastmaster. Those who responded t e erder to d make attse thte roof and a huge hoie was burned In Paddo nen of \ aukegan, and Ray lilow whiceh caused a compound frac. that hie was being detained saime place At heanualmetig f te ubictoast$ Included Dr. ChalsNJon to bie guaranteed by the county if per. It. Considerable damage was dons d ko on aewr rps turce ofbis armu. Walker claimes he Detectives were put on his trait Service Company of Northern Illinois' P1dhe ;D. n fect, but to be passed upon by somne toteunsig ftehm saSmall, of Pairie ViewthoseM struck the boy to avenge the Insult but not a tangible clew was obtained February 24th, thé stockhôlders will of Parla, Dr. W. A. Evans of Chicag coPetent attorney before guarajâtee eulto the" smoke and Water. That zrof Libertyville. The last two iagainst hils wife. A body was recrovered from the Chi iconsider a proposition to formli a mer- Dr. GereFlBeo inie n i given. This would give to the cit- th joe ,Structure was nolt test be. were reomne athconyo- Attorney Coulsn declared he wouild i azo river and it was said to be A4 ger with the, Northwestern Gao Light teRvWM wrneoHalonizens of the county the guarantee of caus of the absnc of-. a1r higvninbt hntereeto a be able to prove that the boy had i bre, hrs'. beyond any question. Many

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