LE Ilere are 82 Items, Each Onea ncmarable Brp'-s ~~ A Round shining silver dollar wMI do an awful lot of.,'o<l for you at this sale.. It wMI purchase D~IImore than it evzr lias before, for it's buying power has. been Increased 2 to 3 fold. Th Me urgent Il ePE ~need to quickly and decisively reduce stock has made this sale possible, Wî4 ýrjtenno con- L±~!i1 sideration to the worth or cost of articles but have placed*4the dollar label on ttseçieof 1 These Prîces in Effect Friday, Saturday and M~h*-e&3IDe "'à tts are Repestd $2.00 House Dresses $1.00. *Woînen 's gingliani and per- cae ouse dresses in stripes andl checks, dark and light col- ors,8 values to$20, sale prie $1.00. $ 2.00 Long Kimonos $1.00. Ileav v flaîncletl e auîd iuî ling fleeIce kimonoi<s, Iersiati and floral patterns, self teiint- med. values Up to $2.ftl. sale Women's Winter Coats $1.00. Women's 54 inch eoats in -black thibets and novelties, garments fortnerly selling at $6.00) and $7.00, sale 1prive $LO.0 Infants, Sweat- M $ 1.W0. Made of s of t white varuî. $1.50 values, sale priec $1.00. Infant%',Bonnets $1.00. Ill!cldý Il gr cor- durov0, velvet andi frIt, valites up to KWO,0. ale pric.c Fine drae0k and sheer Thdia linon, hand uade yokc, lace trhni- mcd, $1.50 values' at $1.00. Otrich Plumes $1.00. Bl.ack and white, îni ce e1 riirled, 81.50 and $12.00 Valuies, sale p1icee$1.0». Ohild'a Sweater $1Ê00. Boys' and Gi rls' anl wooÎ1 sweat- ers, ail sizes andt eo loirs, $1 .50 and $2.00 values, sale pice $1.00. $2.00 Potticoats $1.00. Wouwîi 's higlily înercerized and heat herbiooni petticoats in blaek only, $1.50 and $2.001 v'aities, sale pricee $1.00. $2.00 Muslin Petticoats 1.0 A splendid var-iety of sye ua'liidiiig lace and enihroideev triunuîied, inade of good eam- brie. $1.50 and $2.00 values at $1.00. $1.50 Gowns 'at $1.00. Woinen's naitisook gowns in V. high and siip-over styles, triiiiiîîed witli lace anîd en- broiderY. $1].-0 kind, sale priec $1.00. Couch Covers. Red, green aind hrow'n tap~estry, 60 Invites wide, formler]lv 5(ld at 81..5ý, iSale price $1.00. Lace Curtains $1.00. Fine Notting- biai curtaîns, 3 y"ards long, fuîll width, fonerly $1.50, sale price $1.00. 5 Varda Curtain Gooda $1.00. Fine etanune cea r ta i n i n g. creauxi and een grounds in von- ventional p a t- terus. 25e quali- tv, 5 yards for $1.00. Curtain Swiss Our regilai 121<'V grade of euita iî5w iss in dots 11and iguîs PiIlow Tops. ered piliow tops and hvîid hags, iîiciu<ing values up to $4.00, sale $1.25 B.d Spreadz $ 1.00. Large size croc-het bed spread, 'Marseilles patternts, heavy quality,812 kind at $1.00. Thre SWC Shoots $1.00. 72 by 90 inch full bleai-hcd sheets, R inch lhein, fine quali- ty, 50e kind, 3 for $1.00. T*elve Yardo Muslin *1.00. 36 ineh bleached îîîusliii, flniu weave, soft finish, loc grade, 12 yards for $1.00. Men's Dresa Shirts $1.00. Excellent varietv of pîat- terns in nen's shirts, foin-1- erly selling at $1.50, percale and madras, choive *1.00. Serges at $1.00. 54 icli Imperi- ai serges, pitre -woi>l, for stuits zund dre<ses, Po>p- iîlar 0lolrs, $ 2 quality ait, y'ard $1.00. Radola Poplin 42 inchies widc, siik and wvool, as clegaut as an." pure silk fabric, ail late colorings, $1,50 quality, yard $1.00. C-B Corsets $1.00 A late muodel of tlhe C-B corset ini coutil and batiste w'hich sells for $.011onsale at $1.00. Tropical Suitings ail od, ceam g r o i il i ~'th, stiripes iof hlack, $1.25 anid $1.5~0 $1.00. Apron Gingham Best Indigo bille aprol i gg- lîamî, splendid Se quality, 16 yards for $1.00. Quilting Calico on Sale. Ouîr regular 8& grade uf qîiul- tiîig ealico in colonial, floral and Persiaîî patterns, 15 yards for' $1.00. Three 5Oc Towels $1.00. Lar'ge size bleaehed kath towels, double thread, 50e kind, 3 for $1.00. Two Yards Damaa for $1.00. lleavv Union Table Dam- ask, f îli blcaelied, 54 inches ivide, 65e quality, 2 yards for $1.00. - .- I 50>'! DUITI 1 CIombination Suits at 01.00. 1 Girls' $2.00 Dresse at $1.00.1 -Madle of a spleudid qualitv of nainsook, deawer or.,sud -ý <omnIatioll, trinuned- with laee andci enbroidcry,, $1.5i) values at $1.00. $300 Waist.s at $1.00, Iu this lot are values up to $3.(K), inade of flue linon anîd pure liniux sale prîe $1.00. Trimmed Rats at $1.00. Yoîîr eliolce of our *3.00, $4.(X) and $5.00 trimnmed bats, inelifding velvet andfet shapes at $1.00. $1.50 Princeis lip#ý 0. Naiiisook, daintifr with lace and embv6iîlry, for- nier priee. $1.50, now *1.00. Flouncing Yard $1.Ô0. 27 ineh 8wiss fiounding,'iii beautiful piauen patterns, ex- <'lient $1,50 quality, &ale price yard $r.00. $1.50 Comforters 1.0%>. (4ood size eomforters vov- ered on both sides witli silko- hune and fllled with cotton batting, $1.50 values at $100. Men's Underwear *1.00.' Mýe'3 ficece liied ion.i suits, splendid $1.50) grade, warun and cunîfortable, Fale Men's Hats $1.00 Bflack derby>is and gray and tan sot tliats, values tîtat heretofore broighit $1.50 & 8*2.*00, sale price $1.00. r Percale, gingliain and %vorsted dresses, in a ii y 'attractive styl.es, ail sizes up) to 14, $1.50 anîd $2.001 values at $1.00. Hair-Goodsat $ 1.00 18 inch switches and Ma- laide Cluster Puifs, made of soft German Il air, ail shades Children'a $3.00Oàéats $1.00. Mad e of Ladvsezloth in al eolors, ages 2 ti; 14. vears, val- lies lii) t» 33 sale pre $1.00. Ili i tis lot nierly selling a miade of nov, ail sizeb, $1.00. Boys' Overe Boys, iovf gailuielits that 1 lear1ly adi-si2 $1.00. Boys' Knec Tvo pai pauits. iliii plainMilie in. Habutal 511ik. A puîre silk fah- rie, washable. '27 i il (- I e s %vide. Nvhîite g îr o u ild witli culore(l stripe, 59v quali- tN', 2 yards for $1.00. *$1.50 Gloves at . 1.00. Woîuen's cape ailil *,silk iined ,Moeha gloves, gray, blaek aud tan, ail sîzes, 1$1.50 Values, pair $1.00. Zephyr Ging- S .hams. 32 luches ide, wbits g r o u n ds. with colored àtrfpes;, cheeks andi plaid; 19c grade, 7 yards f or* $L00. Émbroidezred Voile. 27 inches iide. white g r oiuuil with cvross barý- and emb1lroidere(l dots, ini colors. 19c quality. 7 yards for $*1.00. Chidreu'a Underwear $1.00. Boys' and girls' Mentor Unjion suits, fine aU ivuol gar-' ineuts, $1.501 values, s'ale pri.ce Wofnen's Union Suit. $1-.0 Wornen's; fleece lined union suite,. extra fine quality, extra sizes, $1.25 values at *1.00. Women'é Buckle AMCtlc-A.00. (iood grade rubber, regtla>r- ly, sed for .$1.25, sale prie $1.00. Food Chopper at $1.00. No. i Universal food chop- p)er, chops ail kinds of mats and vegetables, $1.25 article on sale for $1.00. Women's Odds and versity shoef patent, lae and $3.50 val Women's I Feit lined with or witl iies at, pair Women'a Rubber he patent tips, price, pair $1 KnivesE Polishe stronglyr handie, $1.00. Sharbet Glane- Mens Sweaters $1.00. *.0 Men's Pants $1.00. Miade of fa.îcy striped woratedaà,d good assortirent Of styles,',rigli- lai- iie $1.50, Floral cut, fine pattern, ighËor Iow footed, sale price, 6 for #M. sweater coats, V neek, commonly sod for .$1.50, 1 -- - - - - - .- - _,ý -ý- , 1 - . . ., - -- --- - - -:- - ý et ý 1 im-- j aftié. . . .St 1 il 1«117;>i ooôd asiortmùent od stylosip.4 gnamptreot dresa ,11 striped snd Ïchocks, self trhuaý- )e va1gès up to. 83.00, sale prie$~~Wit t*.0 Dainty new modelai in flnf' li gri e- w ai "ahig li nek, brodcr triiud, values to $2.0<) at $10. Ve.lvet uwd ftt, atrim- Illd ii n y .1 .1.flutioV neým, inehi4in :y ! tà $4»O, saie pxlce, 1 ,>,ý irls Uathl*;, 0. 1 vol oun YOUNG ou$ ^si mNOw-$LO.00 are values for- as higli as $4.00, elty mnaterials, Soats at $1.00. tsoid 111) $4.()0, ýzes, sale prive e Pants $1.00. of~ boys* k'îee *uig regu'ar 75'. or novêlties alla ateriai for $1.00. E9mbroi.dered voiles. 45 iicli FÀgliîsi v m 1 r E%) i e r 1 voile, %Vide bol.- der effects, $1.25 rîuaiitv at, yard $1.00. Sulas Chahs Wool fiîîished vottoit fabrie. 32 iuches wide, dots and stripes, with floral 1) o r d e ps, 18Se grade, 7 yards f or $1.00. Linen TowilUng Bieached or un- bieached heavy liuen crash, 15e grade, sale pmîe, 8 yards for VO1.0 Wide BhoeUng 8-4 and 9-4 lleaclied msheet- iîîg, lieavy round tiîread, always brings 26e, sale ý ive 51,.>' did% fer 1.-00.' Ptllow Tublug Bleaehed pillow tubing, 42 and 45 ineches wide, soft finish, 22e (liali- tv, 6 yards for $1.00. iShoos at $1.00. Sends in the Uni- s, guumetal and and button, $3.00 alues, pair $LO.00 Lined Shoos $1.00. 1shoes for wonîen, îout tip, $1.50 val- Julleteat $1.00 ieels, flexible soles, ,81.25 values, sale 'and JForks $1.00. d steel blade, riveted, cocoabola sale price, 6 for 1. i 1 1 Fj&& - Uiversllity 8lI04 patelît leatiç,r, outtu 1a IIieh9r, odd lot, *3.00 ild 4.00 values, 101111drç, Il èvtleather slioes, oratti ,tl'ps, al.so .White anîd red, tiilwqfre ly br-ilgipg $1. 0'q $ 1.00. The Ilollan elace etyýle in i patent; lIsites ui)pto 1éli values wMds &M on4s 0f beys, but- toi, -and lowe slIbo4,, iwrth u to $2.,50, size-s.up .t#21,eit skin icatiier, s"le $1410. Riabber4 M4l'où0 Méen'a and :wn*a1 rubbersand fk~4former priee $1.25, thips L WomaI al en e -- and broken its, J t now'$1L0 briev o b t~ ene $1.25 quality . assortmnex4 QC:jçpe checks, alwaya 10t, 1/c,12 yard. as" 4G 6fi,< nebThovy gray ca ton ilanel Idb htattrac tive bo i1r8 *il* vaues, pair" Pure ien ii tola hcemed, bave w4shrder, a4l 8o daniask towes'> and 59e-ý valuès, 3fo*L $1.50 v2ai.,,I~' water û ' .ba n iV 'k gme per bot Nx&- $L*125 vaut.and bine -and:,., Nickel' pisla with 1arb1wl, c thNo article for,~ . ted wi ~ ~ aRmEs as campe Who con r.Sult, or s etafalit The com atirred o IOg bod3 Station the fauct hours. es relatiesV'. Thecic t hbas Caspeffl ainmarrie WcIork a to the mi Dlot bham bous» wt happened There at permam's tbey boit rUV" li wltp led agal IL appo repSort opinion been sel throw tI condltlori Camper Casperlée EXPEI MIEN FE9 Before culture 1 ty in th culture. ltadustry, ment. 4'raI SO in gi'rini the righi Wtil tell elle of CÀ ,fore. bol or a fant stok fc on. Mo« oeuflty t mer wol >88 ho ma Secret tbustst ie tari vaUage. cougn begnn add to tb au appr et Instri 1The d 1Jtlte tar ,,&app,.pli eS in el Ited api tour cou tb oçtvr gttics At th