pet Co. OPTION IILL'BIGcmicAGO oll N .4#4a UP EFFORT ~4PAK p ivo p V< 14Z THINKU BILL WILL PAUS Neop NQesooè PA . ECOME LAW DY A VERY O AEC.LIE lAISIiim i tLO~'. OJO1N' NARROW MARGIN. The tee barveitlqk 1b* Cuttiy la;~t iesh ~rlscms - adieflintmeut m90fW t'b ssur aid bhneR. Quayle, ecrotary lb la dediared that o 0, f. thtse ii4 cage ot W'taýd 0iiqiâiar o- a 'et atua .ecluei d t.AabO-thbee l, poa 4t y tgpl ;lt ao Cuty Law sdOdrChicago coiflJSislOOare- pl"Iig < PJYSteB5tl u~1lt bas about maie Up bis i. m adontehrra i <elk o aite.baye bi' arii 4 tllte'* ý it, "lui4drft sau<iu- " Thb i < la 4*iti esl t» n Yg t snigloi wthn the r IecoUty on acCoUit et<tu ceatbk ,i*WiBi'Si'Ui iialuC-. a- (cbbvlk<* ~lovers ii nay etM" t e o libyfor the proposed coure- ue *oen"wlnor.Ti. tl1 aagllanOt 161a7. 1 od ne-'15*UI t v t olwwii. m"am* y , ~ voilentigse o * 4 y wl u. .Ný -51.bll. He aysalie expects the ifmen are glledi r utl a dé. '2imsmbd Pr*the SMill' «I0005groin bllitiilt eyokand <bon iitls A eitItvlis.Ifti wka e vory close but hopes the S<~ hem vMjet iaIlé Lqke ldcul-auryan u i fV3i400fI i vili win. He expressed tece hthehe e 6ig ty ,mythe, mtjtane-foUtea139 *, n tatIftîs ihvee ad afroin the lattes la of dsuil oci qulfty -. ls* eiiJLuthe treu9e ig<tthe ténmiyfr<i e tk cty ul bileco me ar ~that Lte men lu charge 0 et eivBtnd Ù ISIfllthat hé diitl bave rri m~eoie h~ f1a-Wbcesitimitia avprait« 0111, con I Lk oayfear tirai tlbwlllbenuit for- caonsum- ~auii4eitbeesipietcthe -tact, 444 ,Monk ' Oatior prOpl>et. 1di"w lt i ldvt ayrbam tba*4Ioylu short order. bloc. Nt a singe &aï0figo a du t <at vbéi li. ne- i els i1 i bc wu ~.- e r.GOUuii MM Tii. poi4l là"s »mr0dhi*tb14ps Ofcourse Waulc'egan, Llbertyriltl gbsb onib h oiali v ib»tt 1hilitI>tM-ad trte pfidas au -Wwlr aded aollta r <0ait<ba4tt bje ab t)aywould flgt the measurebI îtrsdalUe o egit i Ieii a'pnlio a me. ety .lj > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -r hn i aue aoaos pla declared to me Iof "pas"qui..eç« l9 psthe uîov. *llowlusolpal 1e .mm 5i tMIdd carry il,'.le sald. "Ilhe faim-1 ty. On some o! theo lakes thebodel 1s ý«4vz 1-lie sIsqo Ul'~ ii stf~~Movr oe tsbygl are ol<.ssisi anmt Jr abbave no muci trouble wtb drank- lïive uhs hc, u soteiLP*7 lber, a -cert4iln tU5ilft tMmis- telteW*ti 0 f .uidtcO.t by a ppear o* bthe.package., Ti Ide* tae ýM belle that they wouid lie gasi tothe men aie haisilisi tee 1le ibis *y. 3,-BDe sent tiitii, bémc«cor.-.ler, ttvi.ait toe cOMes <le Cstins êtuM4JO ,V fo ntiatbat promlsed relief. eîgît luches <bld. The emuocf <theI 90 u tand "iexuldy abou.t, dived valetitîne JO0tbis 15*15e ssi lea ie As, mi opnion lb vould lbe the but faut moutt have piayed bavcc vlth<le 'He cose theIS l58ifl g Pltt Mithebelicilbt lq le pof glttbelug 0175 tbeii la ltnOr9ee trhe m.i*âbill 'tus5 tlit coutil happes to Waukegan. business and It la declare tht oeDiT cerew4ay <00k place. A Wu aswtis*bemgp heocam. miibs qle 1. .olUi f- nover boa sper a etbit o! te eut ls part alunie. boni-*ameleenOi <lotir , aoàïe.4 <bat ho oull dt 1* 'o "le ?bis 7557alenttlau the,<b. itiÎle I*é pridisess tisse wth theosaaoons WIsi Litte or l'aie or the Ie la lois airâce, nov kqnÇrd, 'aeio#Qb for. s tix 51:veee. Tblws <t, sas ai hiethar nut le mIst 7 piuvoit lial egi ouc- siîrdfrot I- tkess ho aboule le ir» eulb- "tiMq" piseyof piN fs vebe « 0f ét onOr 11811Kas liiet o"usa "0iLT ni, Mueîn Ws 1ed. ciarcd thatnucb of the Lake cauni cue ueaoslefat.i.taLler .lntsi ,r,, hoql uol poai Ueubile uier «.atiel locI A few Isys sgo the board ofdirec-; x Ill nhave en lieumol as "rofriger- cf ftheo de haff "Ixc ltr0 eIMlil c ptille lWit day cf titih tors ofthe t.Ake Cousty L Orad .0 c.M-de: theboard be Som* cf Use vldoucto vas bo e 'w.ebsz'>o ofte osù n h ti, oangad r cs wl b a , 'Mow. lce,îns abe a, Dcjovmn e, toeis. li fô pof Sas- Loague hbld s meeting at &e home6, laies lhave nt been openel et Il and <i oun n lo aevi si oe.siov, more iet. 8 thew alto a mn culotpe viiiadc -if George Fftsdiey at Lake Purent lu morneueo! the. campantes are vonicini tii#rv . b.P.00' vllbt eyli ln o h nfl ini hfo e n fteeMottons Overmued. 'tion.Cbkt, cold, cold. IN 1 Msau Pont sB pu a h aAse iic wihteladthei lnsfrte l ouyasusi h.t'fmo u I-hr bave to lbe opeed or uIS d ft r pcst- Pus ai year. According ta Rov. Quayle ta nat sonde change la the weather 1Jolie Wbliieî overniied notion* cccliii'baies la this tunnel amind dc <bey dscllei te continue thoîr lgt whlch wîli give promise of btter tee for i0w trials la thue euaes and osn- Up ail -tbe BAieloyer of fat 1 put1 on __________do_ apom avlessIses. lbt la probable tiiat thse companles vtll tril jtdgments: wbez, the h wis as goaldlest îear. i T7Wauai meeting La to b l ha ve to mae arrangemenltast p lu Peterson xis. Mises, $2,300 judgment IL ma«i.. m sors. You £It ont cf CÀTIOLC LENTEN 1111.1 ~asoa m d ortla being made W Ie groin othen places vhec the vin- Lrev.Daly, 8150. hors, and gut mlghty tant!"~ kit Congrecsmais Hobson tu a5dlles, ter bas been more favorable. Ths Voel11"g Ys. lCniiOgoi$38. No cmANaGE MADEIN MREGULA- meeing He bas been ssiodd o yl o! course meuan u neuse ln Kaldngvs-.8ciihsrts erdict for N TCTRIC T S DIEVEOR 8. fie lesrdii n and t ho dteof, LIe me the prcee of tce not ynar. 111901216 eut tW 845. ARIK$-A VNT. o jigg l u beid ln aboyance to suit bhlmiCouty court vas ln Bseuson toda, 1 ILuciaiiit cr! deyay t UP beimili c , $emeure.. Thti meeting prolaîîy Supplies of Ie for dlocal consum P. 1eey otievom loa~nUp t clleseller untîl funsiser notice, aselleeglton îctcl ii ytian have sot as yet bien etn. _________________ýn p.Lntnréulton detia Ilh a tweusllieofield in Anderson bail. Laie. the managera o! the catnpaes dolnur-F . oP Rde.~ tiose of a ysar ugo von aissouiseldm lis the cty fool certain that N!EwS !ÔI AN__________<1'lu ail Rounin Cathllc churcbai lu h 8mw Bcx'ng Match. - -there viU boiebotter cuttîng weather A .A !Sharn il,ta Usd Waukogun. Sundaif. lu thon tbero lates itev. Quayio av bs gmat boxing l1erAuSte vnte ad t GRareVE. 'no refrçnce to March 17. lSt. l'atrick5' latr i te -ntr adth ar t8- It le a known gut atbationin. Cod heur M ý,tutcb on Tuesday of hmvol mthhisch ceeIebeto l es l nt (cpntinued Prom Puoe Onc.) ilt, rams thiewanîner linsbleg banha dy.Rg IIIi o tl bUa ,»M omrl a sparriug exhibition lsscrd<l iurtted viii nil rom th@sahitnSad wblcb this îear faleolis Holy WvOsi secra onthe Lae counti laîott ICI a.uhuek. and oeuh s ins! ptecs.afor, have not boen recolved fronmthIe ati-- ~ha ymuslamof the naval tralinig yul ho uecesseary for the cupply te bel Lbertyvîllo 1umen brougîit bac word nscop apss nornal bseu ,-tin, lut ho sai l ie bas leeomie shlpped is next year. Thp failure o ofa!hlm bing ln Toexa. fadcil p otsi n oBlI sneie 4îaslen otermlned thon ever lu hie aven- thse teharvest ln proving a big dis-, The uneswmuvaslle tient 17cm the vise procure it lisatoutd fit ifrn NatWdomammi# eise <o thie gamin. appoiimeut ta many of the peope lu! krsve for 'bis relatives ad tienis loi é Io l. tiss Pitcha ' ieitfronde- a dey, and fron tht dyiiail Mon85ter li"2 ay ythat more meiiare i on ao-disi, «, '*e., witb ils utimata Olenday. March 28,aib days except fotbllbIis western oni cf the eounaty o s-long &go lied giveli up boie oe vr n.e<t1I~ oefrt h vlSnnsaels aufral a¶ ~v.oy yar laiisgcout o! the fat that <ho bg vInter seelig blmu sîve &gainor o! hearte U r Io leune WaI. oer. 16 filiste lie omail, "but tiiose <bat population hbafai tiltomat.,-lize' fron liti. b. abWoabdiv-. for@ e bbuis isrtuI Ouit Roman Cabisoles. unlemi ux- 0 afotalarekIdlled ybx l er oLuv i ;n. mMdltimtcl lâ aof siqUor, iu&deW iempl by the exceptions intetionnel 114Ibe fohél iox-thî yer. o LaveHlmAtoe.a; f i sbo là l. 'islsvfriiist- tn Uicn therule, MachoaidiaifootieblSvuesla - nquiry 91 bis %inter amd i ster-li- etia' fX*ti$ 56 liner iJoU ooAre ixstonpd. inêi al afoolsal gitestateo f hIllnos, Coaty of Lake ~-MI laat Prairie View eeasti.fact vai e&¶ te. e5 ~%pfieforerinaauc tv ni'lns the Circuit Court cf Laie CoUthatb beosuso Albue iredwfbi'IE<basTi.m'e. h.verttei ii li1 fl I I*ba s*ltirvu njt.ý LW PrhftidvdfUDort r iiv of Set t'wajy Ith assied dnià,ail vho. lecausle ofai M ue, lez tgai litaivi.b ySKW anuhtet Iniviue it lia ve asudbireî to get alousg uoebe 0i 111111011dtOUplygto ositiaseorb« lbos*. e»- * hîa muse ii aBau-or- an asu ,rtvlng lnsetee f bbctheb- M tw<o yow vitbatit bqulrngn =sii<liUU4~I1 a mU otppd tu g oute5i ortyrle t e h iAm5OcIstlOa, e o. atten tiieta or1maoiesmos# eft t. aji o . ' 1< l IMCh< b pti uh<-CclnluAtvs H. licbauck. 'et h. <at tb. Id aé blft for bmlUI îsl obnus iiiI adt -l, oftn flee ti e, M" lbu- ai.,' UsaliMts. teBill f Comspilttfo t4er bave msiagd te,Ut106aepiiiittaeUa ia plat b.êatti-~' , N. fon vitiiont liti Tiey idai bey lur I o>t suiy a eail,.c bta se le Tii. rsquillbo affllivt of db.on- viLIInue n»s<fort t mtsM fibi . 9k tiiesce usrouaiout cmt&B. yss Mew elmsliR Ïcifon *enuireiîdeuc 1 o! certain dsfflimiss, lMd retuin a"i li, lla is , to the -uÀ.MÙ- #J . 0eun i. vs. ywàamAch duo"s.Ia , i 11*U1 ' Irelative eW.tie usibuovu bhein s« 10v leA*yviilce «isat be v<sud utnetPt B sJhRAfqo5iJoba rdas vie ueloel- ni cs ~ flito b ! urai psaiplan umin'o Sa* b.c nepinmilsaturety15 oi e Wasupprviintfe te hal 3fendant.s. bavlng bois proprly *151 T« ~a le gttbng alg ailactor- 1 Kruger. ý-*#. Tham iis Indie1w»1 cf Obiismsî lath boeenile aue torfrd; iy Kfl«,Uokuowq bdtie a4â daese cf T sju vsraii e tb aa etlte o ' 'h. r a e ite thé tatuein leuny outle. d-oWowà," .,Uobeanyeu ago. The reiiilatloui. bovi4.p Lak<e irich" - acolasc vbl <le tasiboisl"ienmor dovlosw t ïÉol ey5111. proilbt ail' voitlagmei sda" ut Co Zurchny Wa- bs ecb cas-made and privlîel, notIce O S C EY" m mes te ti csa n Colmp5i5yla bereby iven ta Robert 5." NsiW RTCAEVT IN ce Xaud .' ane.aiI'w rtrCsI1 luidopait adi-ruai 17 iso. IlMCaP. Hublard, nont-resleont diffuse. 8. IHaler. tiisaool twSaIsies-. - .Rushmnt et tise asu» moa" aieu daube, sud tu thse uninovu loins at DAI FUR.ADE ZWESlr, *le@ (iicii. tatlaUhlm*s- <uit <th"<bey perform aiseOle lavandi sext of kun of Blbu Hublssrl.1 RINGS .UlaAT îR0WA18 tof niotlisatloi. eueb ai alotal Youw~souss W. G. Fariner. Mary Meser, W. P. A RECORD CASE. math. augnfflî1 '~ Ing frote ntoirbcatimi lquore* arubsu. t'illllp Parnharn, John Price, omath, or bed O lm ib TOne Fllet «Daos".retrcit pw frfieteh15 Wset I i 0t seoeLawrensce. IL C. Wheetn. W- Mn,. Audrev Zovie, ot 16o0 S lo r 94a lurf ThO i os oligeai e fam dy, ltre e_ tt yilieE' Homeii îiric., S. tp. Stni<Wun, RIjapuJackson street, à d at VSO o'elock Nnae sel Il' Uunow&'Iua4 s si uniic Tablasseoir Bulley, lB- 8. E.,Casey.Henrmy Cater. thissmornitng I isheoupiltl.f*g1oW, or, devisseu dit.,la-*qden ft4s.ll., pemteàt s miQniyO oimuHery Osboris A. B. Cook, Geornge H. lng viat le sailite bave bef sa .iliii" Ui owi N5lu tuvarfoodILat orninndug i tnitAbstIn- md ofcy Lee. John Locke, J. S. Whole, .orat case of aptisiilitis andt pere dl u .81 !Ctain" tbt* ecesrinialoinuit, ln phessi vl b h&il mins m tH. SoaveY. A. M. HutchlnseaÀ,, amuel trouble tise bOPlbal huit ever baliale - bannaiy, Oo,)o.615. ce»of uicyndatosIvpinpol ed wi o dmi"Tenith EW. <Vo.lby ieHrttei Merrîck. 9 J. 5 Se vas bàkeistk .41ie dé,nian wox te, Canrad Pi. ail otiion lais. oxeept liii.4a>e 4me odsetfoanteqi Jewett, William lerrlek, -ardner terKs5on, C. F.ondaaiansd Frldaîs. anid<tie atirdays 150IW Galoay Dv% J1e, .y. and u tavau.Tm c %M> ldvtnt ap.a. Kue. yvek %ý tilodec .t Into vida rai -boni m aertyvsclcoa ud T '-jp q. bo ire or detime lbei- nk adHouve ius i aimusi sot~' or v.raaissg Nierrlc)c. John Austin, William Ells, alle vasau rdirsel op«entci uois. ay ae ile.,"Jko ashaul ibody vis. L S. Wilson. ldiyluW!isoii, john t'oa-AWle a! Chicago, &M ori u' HenJpé o tryit, cf gliais vithinafslent la uobiddes àiu tpaei o! R estI Di.- I dtceSed. fUttLe d eWl orordeviose.. at bthe saiemédial oves onitniidays lu 0%Tsh'letm su 'Rua em~pet.- Hlcomb, Joshua Jewoîl, J. P. Norton, Bmn l î~chartel. ~c ay B$. lcaed' iîuouLent. The use o!fut rend'ed rin - i r Sop <em n yor oleTat. Thomas Ellis. WIlliam BUlis. 1. Heathsi or sielre a i lbe 5005 iviser orrhuler ,uo ,itset@itde-. l amnnist eprto sqn ietionthett andviiSeprovo - George Triggs, Josab BalDber. John sucb s case 'lu hlm vide practice. Dr. mcited le tlb maotUeorecorded lï n y kndof e* lnte Preato uto rmo ettheyn nn.w lml<OlMsrka.epp 76" !fod.laprm<td se«"rom otheing ou.Patterson, Willam Dymond, R. H. B-wvu a OallY Positive lu hae u de-sl M s p~ciagAex16of fodl.%er Ite Vo bow wat lssat DyPetIa French,. Daniel Harvey, Caleba'Wrght. clarattons te tise saine effec. Uni.dcg. mi~Uian Pesigtemetto i dc ri We uaant. heo t rlis mi- Hulber< Swan.. Rd Dean. James LInd. 1 Louve* Six Chlltdren. uvuor4 otanr persaons tutenc.ted in bts. Roa. "at' theaygaltinhAonsno >, to si rp . iid P. G.1cGuire, J. H. FosterCloe A5real cstata' dcuc lit tthis of 8111 attdyal rlhAmria vont ne.bifLewis fE. taedego pathtE.sH. o!atecase 15that 1V.mpîaint" eainue b. ftoand, îse thtug mclties are delay'lng planti fur tho Ilaesuit tan tareaan hatv~ at-Is Leis . Punlnan E.H M- lreZewle la survived hi a buabani s.op's hrLa àc&OOq& cs erlv«o pen social fonctions fiat tusualîy coin- wc Dot crtain ItessilDt.pei snEa nleEmily C. Sraue adsix omait ld db.theelddOut ofthiew >)eitisroC - -»4obatUpolu memorure îrelanda patron saint. ralets wili .titfy sau? Thisco oies. : Thse Vnknon ember a!f tIse Unin- whicb ia but 10 yearm aId. bMn .Zewle dilIpeuie inquirytbe plaes of resldenne _________ Y8eean sbO-ccntw. àcDypp8Table coriorated iSociety a! the Ladies o! va. formoi'Iy Anube OIIeea aulter O! detiendiaute i ' ais J04, tUitiatea portcuiprildi la poar Sa ibis commi nti oly at Our store; tIse Church Named and Styled and Josephils. he.. <le 1efauili heu; Radgers. Î!, j. 8 Meff Pi dabOitY tovrltu vIl A@u t a RA? AC- Comnsonly Kuvun as the Ladies Union well inownI th ie cty aaioig the G«. Cathernse Kr gs,15Msua t-CoIEpLM I O Nlf DCKER & BOND ('burcb Aid Sociîety andLise Unbnown inureidents. of troll; 1 _____Umu DlotsParbuers of thse o-Psrtnersip DobisiMr. Zevîe varie at thse vire verbe. Illnnoisîtgo th g; laa 6Mt dy-y Business UndertheI lim Naunie and - ivhi thiî Li batrec tais- e ii.ul"id &M.% Ce" A" Styleofo!Anderson Lîn & Company, LOST--On Jannary loitil t, ars 6" eam pSofa t,, 0li fS asD iefoidants. Lie original corners, a iam hommeusaet, 2<1 oibn t51Pla 'EeêS, eIlisr lssthle.i I subscribers o Bekoiders o! the yllov anulbluck itilp-es.boiai i wtbb seld Cens L e to* lbo Pm" gb« ç*«%m lAbertyvîlle Church Association. gnay. Fluet-pleaae Joeeat 314a*, Krugar, C.Ir Bec.he bvelacet!Colplainant $Wgulm treM'.tls 7r& li#ow bire ~ i o itla o up _______________________ eretofreon ho I8tiday of Noveme H.Wlleon. vli. t+ nut , .1;isî 'NO ga%<ruatbunspeau ail me, . 1.1912, Ifleis ll utor Caul.-o " triobinupmtal F* BAIRSTOW Plaint InutteseusaliCourt on tlie Chan. Plivaies ale d'luDi otet 4, iicltly1 aulea em corY side tbiereof sud that a sun ai- o<ieeie rondate 1vii sil nu imeilbedla l plti mi Mi. ~- MROFATURE OS mous tiereupai Isuedot.! et tengi UitoomiPatUy huons, oagemui f - . Cutagaisat tihe above numnel e- D&1055aallaalse Uba( 2fdu Pie UN ll a i ra i e ~~uid ts returnabe on the oit day Lria, psUo ¶' Mo u ets Lake <aunty, eld i thbIe Conrtbouse 0vp1 o le Illflt6 -6-» vo i In tise City of Waukegan ln tish ai. 18-Ie l'eIs < l Coutty o Laieeon <heofnît Monday Lma-ti. An4M CoeurtW on crti. tol W o rk o f E V ery of D ce tolr, A . D . 1912. a u l 1 vfil, ,leiw< -ton 'Mn> neutet, udwhcbsut s îllaen- A1 0 à'<.< W Sl bufl tt e a SOc ox plie <b. the oi uat- 0kkw f a SU li. b",o he Wtt mlie uuU üe dui amm i il ii a ter obal *retutasi bhop& Tb.u b. r- 41ofied tbs ii lai bued lOtt uêt atoe tin, am t*hti1t4mat dr. ki thif "0 e m nit bave b.d bis ' e 1:" a lU a ln lllbook wbii ai-là&aidme Poc1»tTb*. boW ~e cf atthe *bd that mm*lder SU tal"ka tut wb.î'tàe 4îie Pfle p Baua la hie poobet tiieSb mnut .vu~t tlliiiAgiolffli# tu e -. jerbiu ,ho ..aiIewpliewuaM lalth@ bl- Ha b no. Id" as Io the identity. me. thwta"d Ir tbelatter la captur. d It mut b.ovieft h. attempte tW mb i liortioni of' thbl. Up tW «. tims no efort bas beau mside te, 10 tht.. IRE GUTTS TI4OMP8ON HOME (Coîtinuel ?rm peeOne.) moe corneto tiie plae aocorpanled )y Mr. Tbompioni, vio. at th imse 4the lire Wai la Chicaobut Piams Miig to tii, fam as qulkwy as pui- lle spon lieing toli of the lire. -Hlm !mlly vas at the fans and naturaiY Bach .acltement vas created v4n 'e e mbrelle, ot, au Mur a tims it vae ared théii. bîginwlsicbptevaiisd lgiit pro?. s'erlos, fBot only tath~e olo, but even to tiie big bains. , .i-i p o" le hiie jbalg botter,' lb leas thbi.e I biroaiKn uItCe I «é maies It det- 'Renmer, Cal-' I not lamoderateluin *pricc-bihsSt in q<tslity. As,,i yornrgcer for' 2gust.DnttIes POUÇ th1e riues$ tba $hv tke th # U no vlth t Il îw ptott*p l 00egor~ v. ti ii f saphaa w tilagmn% leJohn mble, a rbedsotflut sie. bb ubo repart 4là4 e00 t.t6 e il"@ At the th», bhonMWi1.1-I4MkWPNa lilabt-tbe m usa vas tRÇiia l It 0f' astore on lMarket lot ail V48 risbblag bis banidi e tlit.Tt at fisn «M"a the 10 <O - b. e-i'E ln Stpt ais fhuer e wu*vs r Plat baaleg by treods foreil'. H« IMS4l bo didflot am e 10the'mm c"%.bul «envoi rom M sOPerati on l in Utats botii banda Grahm n soai t tobave beu la b»M clcmbanceafor.moome tino but iwby ho vos co5<pelled do aleep ont 01 douro kt neot kmovu. À policeman viii-le dlqatebe4 tu look for bhlm ln crier <bat a Pbe'slila may ae. just ho* simi bis condition reely le. Ine s»e . o ai adOleh la s -bai siape as reportedihb. pnb. ally viii le sent to the. bospitai for trestment.i MARRIAGE LICENSES Roy Ssb. ,Chicago ............21 Ruth Rolton. sumoe............. l Ernst F- Bidlar, Wa»kegau . . ..34 Anns Larsos. mdse .............27 John Oion. Milwaukee .......... 37 JouaisJesen, $e ........... .42 Robent Ouretsky. laukee.... 2 Girecs Osllovay. same............. Victor Lahti. Waukegaf.......... 29 Mazie ICultalsItI, unie ..........34 . John T. MeDosali. Clicagso....29 sumo Adta. sue ........ .....29 Jobn Sebutz.r. Miaube...27 Militai Zaglciek, smo ........I2 Boni. Targu,lit. Louis ........ Se liarah litrohu. ma» ..........4à lbert Michasls. Milwauksee.. sophia 13deis. me ........19 William M. GriSbi. Antlc .... 24 Arthuar J. omlass. ,mojaubse...a L4«» KOes.mrn , .. .g Witlifl mmiGet.s Wbeianuate....2 Lama, Iâ %«»% ORA ......... »Éo ayvAr& o-.9....... fflbArtlcher, Wmb.kU ....... gataivaubs......... l Jola Clis llvau............32 ary ret........... ..........20 Ule...............ukee........42 Cahein WrdClwty.......214 x4e Tobin,,lMi"...... ........27 Hele Tnret.m.............9 Clef* uarime, MUee........4 Maou]ooe, mile............26 UMrll ers, mrnety...........24 Isependeouis-ni...... 6. 0. Luismeber C @ .. .......2 Roer onJr.e tlorntg..2 Quk .uMberÇ*.' C 'tt > S .d l !jotur fi11Owg 0-0 I~. ROIShu I B i Srap~am~ Cfekd-~ Ud - - f& Tel, 1 FOR Viol FORa Ham" FOR 1 FORS led FOR 1 coner0 n0 pul Weui doml luie H.ui John suylil cornPr mut PBerm eu Omo Ne mui lOum