lfOINTY INDEPENDENT., WAUKEGANWEEKLY SUN ____ VOL. XXL-No. t.~. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FEBRUARY 7, 1913. POUR PAGES $1.59 PERYEAR 1 AUAI vN.xaata. Ait TEURS lm IN I!LICE SuI NUL* AT LJ iPgAD I AL3IET -WANY W"L ATTEND.A~U WILLîOIVE DEMONSTRATIONS - PRINCIPAL OWEN 0F CHIICAG m ~eotio'e NOOMAL SC»OOL W#LL GIV9 1u~a* i~ip The MAIN ADORE"I.toe isFrtWI - - - - Woman c W:Md A counny tearnera- meeting mla10 le isld at [Aise Bluff On SaturdaY, Fois 8, ieglmanng t 1:30 O'ciock ln tise moring Teachere f rom Waukegau and trom li patta o tis eMScounlii b. péset as tihe meeting promiss 1 b ont, oftnumsual Interest. Onee flise mont5 inleretlng featurea viiile a chasn dérnonstration by te toilbulng lescir: Misa Mary Bell. prbncipal; MWlasIelait Glynchit-Mime Melnor Wesner sud Miss Clara Diet- la addition Mils Gertrude Miler of Hlighland Park ac&uois, yull bave te alxth gra&* claie lu geograpisy andi viii demonstrate type study. probat iy tekiag un ber mislJect elher ise Irs and steel iumdtstty or a géai constal railrmd. 11&10 Magne Johînsof 0<Nonià-Cisi- cage viliiLakte ber second grade Os milS be sud wiIi demoutrate tise seeused grade work ln reading aod autbrs. Teidte atrboo "oulon vili ho bell la h it 1wn hal anîd MilesCaumban of the ITWlani àrk cluse ln gym- &$*tic dancing- m-lu give visaI Prop- Tmg. m-lii al»> be &a- lIF.b>'Pria- c i.Ovjsm oç te Chicale Nof- M~Iti1r. Otten laaaid 1-li u ver> -abe speeha àud should Lave l*OWe ng very literelting 10 507. mi"s mi" aSeitis vii 0ioe ai. Lie Meeting. Tisa, m-o have been seleced to taise chaise 0f tise dernonsiratioc lu lte diferemt suisiecla bave been wmork- iag quit iard for soea 1111e lime 10 ge tise ,bet . recuits possible trous theïr cidresud lise otiser teacisars vili attend t gsi. te beneàl et su- perlor isatruotlon la nme one lins. INSULIL PAS EXHISIT AT SHOWI Madiion. Win, 1l. 4.-Anlmai aris- torate oocngr tise iv*W ekpavillon t thse univhyt gtamj9t.orses. cat- lie. sesep. valied pu-aisêbi>' aI$250.- Intitule, t15e gsul Percheron e.1*1 iliu ovned by Hawthorne tai. Ib esttyvWe. iii., la tisa mM tvaluabie of my> of te singie exihits, hie vorlt belng $10000. Ha veigits 2,250 pounda and la 4 Yoars On He vas tà»intlernational citapeiosaIette lwondon horce show tu 1912. 4YOUNG WOMAN 13 VICTIM 0F COLLAPSE 7Wslovlsg tise dance aItlits training «t"On 7Tteada, aveing. Mils-Mller of Idse OBsuffviile enroule 1tulite geai gala, m-ua esîedsi mlt paipaWa ten of the heart and *"keelai over" ---sarb tfrinds catcbing her Inulime t break tie <ail, FMiut &id %rasacalleil fé. tise boipial sud ste wal lter limoved 10 ber houm- 'Uxcilemeta te dancet'vItb ltha afier-electa of lie ezîreie cold ielr Io itm lek tithe all, la belleve tu t - qwe ceufelte conispueaof the Youug 'isbe idace wvU largel>' altendasi andi plVdavery' dellgbtl *Afar. URGES BETTER CARE OF STèITE'S SOI I IiWflSfel.ID., Pois4-A sou fer lUIf' lmim lu l luola a- prpos9- ed e.t thses Ig seson qs-thtie liii -a .aql Iplored tli m baderne' f 1555 Of dibb à wvbodt. tâ tse& uef 1blP.M 8. 11,1mw0<To> l'ounîeoffIIahis of 'iaukegan s-ld Keisoaha are making eVery effort to locale lsruedl Prrotti, au Itllan, mho on Oct. to 1910 carne to Wauk(opn troni Kenosha and eeltresi a uaMb-vl liceume 10 yod Louise Goiroolib. A young womaun e8Idinglu Kenouisa-A warrant itaa been sornu Ot aplst itimu stiarglng lim mltbig&my1aa it la said ho hail unother vIte vispe ha weilsesi Mis (loiromsa Ili WWalg. Indications are that tise tel" ba» gose to LDotiMIim. suad tmg PoiIe officiais of il lCty itavp beau a484d te keep a lookont for htituasd lhsçoe &ema to 1 ehoan indication lhey VuI locale irn t liere. A iroJier of te socotîi lIr" ]prt il bsa heen in waukegail Off en4 qn ton'». lad t am-day-«. 1i0OD<*ln<tt flading alie-n te lîcense v-14 tgbMe ont and wvien lise couplq uer. SOrTI. al, lie came amli te vay f tro »1lIr- gis to luvestigmae1stfato 1« big After being married here M.and MEALTM COMMIMSONER' 00Sf FERS WITN CI1tF ATgfl. DERV 0ON ANTI-SPITTINQ ASKS THAT ARRESTS!BE fAPi LIKENS CARS TO SLPUGI4; 9- LIEVES ANNSTI'WOPJLO & ET 0000 IEX^AhPLg MEt-P "FORCIE ORPINANCI **Ns persen shall 001 uspff "Y publie sIdeUSIlorf 05011the <159V ot anydOubhlo eoflvey~, e.or 0509 the floor of ARy lhsatif.hall. 04r sembly resu aso publie builif mider penlty etetol es thon , nos more thon $5 fine for *ehesV Tomorrow morning polcemu$q ."u ha stationed on tise treqt CarsW, Ii rosI ail violatora- of tise anU.self" ordîlai. Tisia la aootshao Vit tiseh su aea, 0< Dr . . b iqWOL Police Atterisey Mo *#'go% T Commtlission isutk%@ gp duSe Thte BitaW*, et£g nthe. ile0 Dr 2qtiey rew lel le..: podele b! mabas mgel"doe> wmi l~ on-Cilty etreet ee. Mir'se a frtt;', sai Dr. im.'l floors 0ofIhae mrstlatbq Mornip r semble àalsougit mure ltmSn *iytin else. lve rdu la teop ad i itliG 'vse Mr< creva tellâne liaI k4te ie au ug sudý m-Is ibc le' verp. eto ai, Titortora. 1 thlnk. a feu erres, as in exemple m-euh do mach #M4t c-K 4 bs*ieang sam-qrqng.P- , i- pefll5Voffenders May expect ue r eàe*i'qiyeterday ansi can ho lt&k" âea office of Dr. W H. Watter5fnq 1 Noitli Oeneae streel,. At a msàtIug of tae oaiue.-Ciq MondS>'afIérnoot a rosolutlin #00m !nt tis. Crade *Bd offel te p*.0 ts>'-Coteaiasi v as 1!S4l~ GAVÇ PORMAL DANCING !4e1 à formaidanting party m-Ilorj lapw Par i alit igisb ansi t - pro t0 be . & vr 'del.igtfytl attar.,J reiosa reptff>' t.aal>rJOeIue #ivo e oftse Ra.es~ wek M1AN WIIO, jAMY IN CITY fD VEÀRS A(i MINISTEIS' ASSN. SENU RESOLUTION TO PRES. WILSON WAUKEGAN MINISTERS PROTESTr AGAINST PRFSSENCE 0F RO- MAN DELEGATE, PLAN TO JNSTALL SUB= CHIARLES BÀIRSTOW INTAKE JS DROPPED FOR jolAoURIAEIJ TII THE PRESENT; TO PUT Il IN EARLY IN THE SPRINII WITH lT ME MAS PUNCMASKO THE ENTIRE GOURLEY COAL BUSINESS IN CITY. SAY SECRETWAE AVAILABLE I TAKES poSSESSION AT 011CI posha ls Bcbng Sought RTE ESlOA EOU Both Engineers Falcon and Allen Inf orm Coun- ANOJElISNETOS by Wornan'Ciaim .ng TvON PASSED UNANIMOUSL cili That Relief Could flot Corne This Winter; REMODELING DOCK TO MAkÏ md by Brother of V AU OA.PAT S Dr. Roberts Suggests Individual Filter inTMSTMOEN ed ln Waukegan. Each Home; Several Express Views. (anaIarso ofteiinfP'< -T 1th ilin Woodrow Wilsonî, lrsi-siltairstow and sois'. today consummat' Mirs. Prot etuned lut Kénos es 1.-ut c-t f the United tate- lu ntuilitg ilo., am (lt- aideicel spli îîg tom tarl rk 011 Illene ie. > d a leal wberel.y hepurchaaed the* sudli cdtrgeore u umtil e - i Aîm t Athe regular session of te %ltini I ofEligi ner- Falcon orut E. allmi.i <iiilu - n forgna1 d 1>1'>ils mion t gardli ng t ieJoliti sîtouricy Coat Dock and en ne aIly carge 0 bigam beu m tadi ~ a-sociation of \a kevan inmc ie rs outt- ie l ikegaîtnu ladvh. bi itIif ut îtti ng liea statndpiiw. couieabusiness lisWatikegan. The dde.! Timen stddenly lierrotti dlsai,îeared 0 lialo.edaebielli.Sîî co iiond> ii i -.lmîm0ftoneîn uitientgtliylebas t-d.au 1 oietui.ha lee pudngfo sm sud u> iin nins-sashterd t mni. lottt ins ere passed. t-wlt I Calcd Ill Lii>eiil% hall lits ioîurninilnispîrobable Iliat action wilii e lakei t inî<. alihoiîgitvery little bas esaliàJ.1 A fe das ltera aonanseu to 'M len-as. Thse Romlant ltran ty lias, tO dl-caiss au>.>andtii ieiani.(ut altevi8t on Il SpcivitIcatlutîa wil be drawn ion>. il.Mr, Bairstow takes os Kenoiha f tom Chicago and cIaImfelî1 te ha> e been Perrottîs l§ irs- t ie. Sbéue iitiîîald a ptapal legare a> WVamh- IgletiM-alet- >1 a îîVt 1>*\- wait.top and tplans wil e malle, jus>, as, ;on lmiu4adIatcly. Il lasaid ltat 'Mr baald msie hadl been lookliir for Ilm for Ingtti durng Baveral récenit aditîlul' cid juisnIîig ii>5 andthé l- ofis> ut asir ite i-ý nlivineir rettirus frmnt uurley wisbîs te couccutrate bis e l wnetim ad bitjua ben bl totrt:)Ti pesuaby fr h, mupo I, o ou lm etitii lvet Xladvice Iloritia Thi i a-II e luabout îwo forts lu Highland Park where ho saov loat ils.Snn tik ha osibyof t fliîeiilng leglalatiori and té dis 1 Yu>I ..di>actionî îîtil l yuîm eeks. Tue mv-e outhue lutake willl utig a large coalbbusinessali caocale hîntfecivl Sou ltei let6linkl îhsn.t mte. oituel ompny IPerrotti uiay have iearucd tient lista ribtiioîiof Ioderai patronage for euln il ii -ifiil>-î i.haii 6lt iIndantrIiiirctlifY ealleted firat wlfe bal tocated ilit thet> i udt> of te Roman i-îurclî, aid. ever, yolei le-.îre a teiitîiire ilief, After lsttningtî u th,>- tuggesions l i speakiug of t+- matter titIs aftsr- Vi lîreas, said papal 1eégae la afor.! ptace ai] atiliai iipouiatlt Ile! i of Eiglisi losephiiFakon. of 1ýuilsI N r. Balretow sald that ho iR- for hlm sud tat possibly he îiecldpd einuir. a trained difloxnatlsît tiderl e' deadpip Ir iuY1 utn rnli peseilyfr1tiietuulr tebsen tits4 te tbentplan woiililbetoskiîp te ontroI of te iiolle ai tutne.iitltllng a%-Il l>t tla le>.i-îl ta> liroise, Mr. Allen, Englus-er of. eraltly. le asserted thataIai sosoU Out.wîio,-e cair esttemporal sov.,reigntyl10 flualitoei lte iiake.ite local aSter atirls, antd lir. N orin- isble ise Intend8 10 equlp lte. lisno no rcogizd b ay ipot- Aselite reulttofutelsiiguiggei.st, 55 ai>au .1Rolicits, Wal0toetof aomeu wlhthorolpgily modern machle Theetiret wlfe accompanicti the i u uwrcgizdb n>itot lirthet 0 lie scon ale t IV nke-mlovernemelt, and Ilas a sinisilar suiggeioln made b> lavîiglucarry water lu buckui wlîch willi mail If as modernias*aBOY bruhe ofdtheecd hl r tauk ie1 heras, A large utaJorIt> ufthlel Xater Works E Mgineer W J Allen. lo u dotîeirwasing. MNi. Orvîs gave j dockou thlie laie.Ho aise Intete"L nuIadihepedreneroreellthete coul shedm 0absg fad i tsecae T tolceofiIscitiv-es ofthe >.it~ jted States are radi- te sulýiitahe pipe fron tsehéwater ttatietlis egardîug lte cost of build«I as thnO ey ae Idy u o aig 0< 5* i-rail> oppoaed te, ail orgsnlciut of plant lu te iarbor twill lie laid titis lug te sub-intake. Dliission fol-let able rnn0uee ltsitter lîîdoaln haoihureit snd state, and ftuaitinlerfer- sprlug. NMajeur llldginger %lis5 not iowed. liiiwhlcit ail declared tIIem-, pairs. b0wr tsé e 0 utIch o lat s ite ad as lénces With our Amserîcan liïtittîtions îreent, and (omtitiesiouîr ltOrvis tire-selves lu favor ot a subîintake, xiii At tse pressent lime there are è le a wrong 10 iterself snd t o th e thi y forelgu potentatets, and, sdh îeohriomit.niriveelaut Wrivlt suggested that a stand-. d o nd0 FMr acie "nYs eU iwoma n l te case. Wbereas, Tite officiai secrelary utpreseu It %as >dsîcidffii 10]et thi - -- ______dcsadM.Birstow ey h thePreidets abiet a aRstat preseut situation stand, and lu tite (Continued on Page Tain.) more st orcie ii itrtp -tius maklng it possible for bis fori ______________________________________ lwl ol u13 al elgît manter te b.s advised of te se ilSîaled acin1e eJe t Ie ct ci uuIdaluIs..cret aqsurs.? tlus ofilthertd acton 1 cjeandt bis LI ceteltseis lntieePrsîtient lie. WIIÀT NbtIMD EI-wox d; 19 YNORTH I CAGjOComxpany tron thse dock hecasa« Ifore tey have '.>ebhed sucis deffinsite 1hK W C dockton ba ot beus. reEeWCt.. conclusions as tlb muay vîsi t 1 1e ivI " 'efL3 E L ~ Ubd flnhmrerna.1*, S -LIÂBLEF O R-'A te te world, therefolt. I N W À 4A E AS E ICE alstio uc vas rnti Resolved (1l Tbaitise Nlulaers ITey ail aioutLJtodasnounoed isstu tion of Iightlng thse natter ln the assoiatinofWaukgan 111, re I 0 1ATIT( TR UB E 9 F RI protect bis rigitîs snd t lu rl nominations o America. bereby ré iytos.etn l.bl - ROMINENT LOCAL ATTORNEY spectifully protesta againet aîty sud INTERESTING ANSWERS TO QUES- INTERESTING EXPLANATION 0F ofrte property twill cause ail tIls &AYS TMERE WOULD SE NO ail officiai recognition of the araire-, TIONS PUT SV PEOPLE GEN. i CONDITIONS IN NEIGI4BOR- actions 10 be droPPed. WAY TO ESCAPE LIABIL11TY sald legale otrte POpe by te goVeru - ERALLV IN THE CITY. ING CITY AND MERE.- _______ment eaI Waaington. eltiter formai or _____SCHOOL TE&CIIERt Informai, public or privaI-e. fiL DMAO ELEF Resoived (2) ThotI vo reapectful- AM SIEERGLTSI EEV I EP UHW114S À RAISiE #L DM N REIFly peition thte lon. Woodro* Wilson, AMS - EULTSI EEVOR HLS M C L. 111119CORO SHOW WUKEGAN President-elect outhl[i1ited States,Atameigote ebrOf.W REORS HW AUEGN18 to make surit change in tise personnel THE COLDER IT GETS THE DEEP.! ENGîNES SHUT DOWN WMEN IcE board of education lu tise CatWe AtONE IN THIS SERIOUS of te officiai secretaryahkp of tite ER IN THE LAKE ODOES THE TROUBLES; WAUKEGANS l las>. evening. Miss Emmi» 0*> STATE OF AFFAIRS. cabinet wben bc cornes lnto office as> NEEDLE ICE DESCEN INTAKE; MOW UT LIES ake.alacerutieCoisg wilIIhremoveoail grounds for suspicion _____a_ sil.va a ardl ed riel 0< i fltescret revelalion of thse plans iol ara lu lt ra i e o "la my opinion ftere vouidu't ho a Whi i kîd tr- lias lieviut logvging >iVy bas Nrili fîticagoî,îaîdil tee, I llerrat t couipieteliecreO possible chance for te city tu escapei fCmtlnued on litge Tolo.) Ille 1itytmintti..? troubles ai its iIntuke thiI wlnler de deuce course of lihe Chicaogo unive1t liiabiity lu case a big lire s'as t0 NEEDLE ICE. spile lte fart tittt tise pipe exientitt y. soussetime ago severai of,"1 brelk out ut a tInte whîn te val-r %Vitali.>mies-ulIce-? Ionly114) tee>. front shtore attd licesI lu aséaree ain h wark ssinpa are dewu un account utH ADào Needietice saIthe ice formation ln buti 12 ftet ut water atitIs ettd? aud a prizeserwaitîrotnised to lis.- th ti: iL~TALK IS II auD F the sha:p1of noede h;sii:it ie ThIIlte question wbhit 5t VakP -lacouaplete tiret. The, n«uieoe iu tise cihy declared tu a Sun retire- thr ntin itcn c uetrigt oleadnte r be e onmhol o el u> o setatîvo toduy, "Il seesil me that lIOLDIN4istin ryiiglt> a tu riug 0 ole ad ou ar0a.e tIn scimolnow Setbe ru0. vUB lmpreveut its formation? do su ln tacs- utfte tact ta>.Watîke Iiiei1 ei> ettb i ll iy in akIug au exlnemeîy large D fh i~I~ Aisolutcly nothlrtg, but te ftlier gau bas iteen bavlug so mucit trou- respousibility upon ils bauds for titere otitoFORkeoegos h lg ia l.Mra NloreyN»uperri@or 0oflbhepfl la> nos Dtelîing heu a tig tine tIs hable I1 UEUuJI l you arlie takene orse. 1h. olesiii.bTheol n, uth usi nar>taies ?i aefrJle rte break ont sud to figitl il wouid be _________ t1h .tuarhuercute iiCnhicTt ul us agoliter uestn i., iis week te inspecl tise'bimary .1'O -6 prncticai imposslbilit>y.'tothe. Tise opinion o: Iisemattorey ls c- LOCAL BOOSTER 0F NEW PARTY %'Aimt> kbs te tact? bs Nesror wItcgo lersystn,0 tm1lient Be as te atoar hee:Tiohalos ar e r anvlr u hics ilslna15,00use______ 1trefloly Important because ho bas prac SUGGESTS GETTIN>G MUNRO Bcas ieatsrehse Tn glos0faeradvisti.nlse t idef lam- lu Wuukegau andi Lake AND MERRIMAN MERE. needie ice fot-ms In a body of water te vater wo"nh engluie ila sut dom-ni ZERO WEA FMHER Fdb he. oitfomay eassdwtere lter0 le a current or agitatio'n un an average of six tu .1ghtb>.oursmE Cobormnyya s andh& .t and il forme down lu a deptit ofthlie of escit 24 huons. Titisfoi-rltat REST 0F THISW ~<. a*ad apoalJonof xtree oinece.water proportionaîe 1tte mercury inlenglt oftlime teagitation la remov- - Exemeple Last NightI. SAE AD N T.AFIStat ocaîiîy. For instancer If lte ed tramtlite moutit of lte lutuke and An exampfle of buter serious sucita____ mercury registered S degreles bsiow 1titere la nu formation ofthlie trouble- Zero weatiser again visited Vt>isIIb tire migist ha occurred at 3 n'cielck zero, needie ice would foritmcdownino mb oe needie Ice 11urterniore. h atTusa iis u iireSqiU ibis mornig vison te lire departrnent TMINKS THAT WAUKEGAN MEN te waîertoluà certain distance; &nd, ýwuîer nearer sihore la alwayq waruler for titrea days, accordng 1te. titi vas cailesi btiste Chicago sud Nort COULD HEAR SOME INTER- If the mercury rogislered 40 degreas! titan ta>. out a distance.,lience at le weaîter man.Tii mornltmng tise t1u b"l western roundisouse m-bre Il was 11o- ESTINO DISCUSSIONS. below, il would pentrats thîl mucli possible ltaI this tact aiso tends@f0 lieralure dropped 1tu 10 beiov, Al 8 0 iervedt a fire bail broken out. TIsev-fatier, In short, te colder te tam- preveit te formation of *'needie' ite o'clocit It waa Ivo belom-. bucis SUff latter#a een off ail day Tueeda>. sud perature, te fartiter siown lte needie ferlng wa caused aulong tise hO At.avn up tu 1:30 ociock lu tise morulng A promnitient tîtember of tise Pro- e wili penetrate. RtrorHlsOtMç. ls.Aptei antisfe 0 ~ sui tter va uoleilngm-iou co reslveparty tuîIuy staloi lia>. ho Tiitî, wite. If te Inlîke ai Watt plIia nt tlutt exreaIlie sunpise Ciiaougt u ie Nriwetr ig- utga galn cîog tise Inîgite. iteieved a meeîtinîg uf te adhtérents keganwas shovesi oei ahcre te wan taî udyepessiSrrs iii eru so)imn.,wder"rs ht a slis1s uls lie] tise sitelteriaif ltise freroubleeth 1, As luck woiiid have Il, tent was nu of te noe;pariy shouisi ho piannesi fer la 40 teet deep, te maximtum tit leItaforteyitasicintouletlleteaetr ftefegteu Are. lnufteepoyso h ondfrWue ite fleur future, sug- ieratitre encountored lu titis climate 1te.I siëffarlîsi a lir-. Titey menaail b", bouse vithout maklag bissintentions geatlug titat a dinner or banquet bce luclta>. usclelesIce ulil itlpene- due t ateix f, elgtlhoungner3 de rpdI tmdn tte111111 ..kont noeele ottak l oled hors I alîlcit para of promu- tru edowu f lte îtakes m lb .Thiti daYmonteer reg>sicred a tew dedcl et buteaia hoer andbi clîmbesi ou nonce situuid tc invitiel. almospîtere would, ludirectiy, tus prol ouete1 -lrzr nde rwýs Ls5tq ofutise rouinisouse, A teilowm- n- He slaled taI ho îuem Citarle leorlte clty. But. If you wseotlagoréevit r.lis rsrorthlal this idlyt>tward dav'igs. TUdaY. on is grun am- it iiaz 0 lMrrhman, candidate for mayor of Clii-. lte eAri regions,toit Dise sould, m-alttwm-Iil r ts.but lit wlp. - ploya ~~~~~~enlue iuls dom-n unlil lte siipply 'Codrtia slela.-anim tub 0el rouf sud litl ookeil as if te lire cago sud a former alderman lisere and posslbly have tb go dos-n 100 foot . itsrcds apitem-lrIlîagIn e t en eralremas awbonthe - ra' 4id eaten a bis lte ieroof and m-s F, S. Munro, Hightlantd Park Prog-t>s- gel umay fron tise needie ica, aneeed Bilanpoansilt weelue onetotmr il ris abutedtie1 - b4 leslng fiercely. Thse tact that te ive mmitr llte letilaluro, would Thete act sli tatan Intake la ltus mor e lotsbusy. Tise City consumes Tsili beginto laerie. teth ma - ns as parl itdden by. a eloud ho villing f0 corne boieransd give a protecled front neesile iceaccordiug 1 bot3t,0eo 0,00galn Ptrliefbcernn erpete bt o of locomotive ausoe addod 10 tisermal- talls. Tisespeaker dalare tisaI, an te deplis uttise Waler aIslte Mottda.oo seusilt lte re _eau _______________ reli tinu. tise parly plans sticklng togeliser ts>. Noticed on Bottles. voir Cotld taise car. 0oflise omai -- tLT FIS Firsun ls Fohd. scba oveen. a ecssryanlif An example of tisa formation oft tis for salmost a hoit day. u M' Le»sing rom I-l'ir Warn boteansd 19 saisi, I-bal If sufficlent inteneat le needle ice frisagitation cans ho seeti I Trouble mas encountored ea>.Nortit w4- donnlng lteir lotiing lise firamen mauîtestesd te mon referred t10 mould lu hotîbea of saler 50gb as are deliv Cicagoliant minter but îî came mont. Ou Fabruary 7. ini the cdt i Ail1 *larI-d for tise see oite supposed strely conie as tite solOresi gutts eresi about tom-n for drlnking Pur- y froM "ancitor" ielisat le, lise big tise Nortiseru i111130114 oUrW R re m-iltis tis ermometer regtsterlngl Mr, Ouro voui4 make su intérest-p"ses Somellulos intis Coletseuls. cituuka of tee viicitformos inluthse 1 ot-5 5oAtio0 'a"ll au *bptveen 10 sud 1 o dÉtgre e bab3s9 1 ing alkl frou tise taudPOiut Ofthtie or, one may see one isottle trozen lake, "However, tftla te ancitor Ice' et vhloh tit. mIees:eSu ,@ VO t3-e tisai re toolail 11'thse/ ap- dAret Progressive legisitaosfrom titis quite soliisiy sud teone standing viticis0e snet figisI succeastuliy.' mneu la the tuadi« a _______________district aud Mr., Merrlman's 14lk _____th______ ie lloIlti'7 4111» 1WbM w (Contiaiied on Page Pl'v.) wouuidbia aloug national lins. (Cioa"iues ou Page Tvo) - (COatiflued onPa"e Twoj la in1914. A bâ t wom - ~UM -t flç~.a. rm f PÀR't TWO.