Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Feb 1913, p. 5

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1.LOCi HIgh, Grade Biscuits1 Graham Ocrackers loc package, 3 for 25o ~E>uI1 ed...........10e packa4e18Sfor 25C E Bois louit ........ 5o package, 7 for,25e Whw suger Waters.. 10c package, S for 25c Kenwrood Suzar Wa!er1oc package, S for 2fic Snowflmk. Orackers.. 15o package, 2 for 25c Cheess Waters. 10o package, 81for 25c Colonial Tes Biscuit 10o package, 8 Io r 25o 2.00 1.00 29.00 25.d 4.48i 9.60 Ih47 .2 5.93t 16.56ê I12.00 32,00 $73 YOUR EASTER SUIT 0F COURSE YOU WILL WA)IT A NEW SPRING SUIT FOR EASTER ANID WB IMAGINETHAT TOU AUE JUST PÂRTICULAR ENOUGH TO WÂNT Il you, bave been waring tailored-to-order ciothes you kuow their good featuro., and if you have not you bave nover worn a suit that was really youra. W. have Juat reoeived frorn Bd V. Pices & Co. thefr spring .ampies of ail wool labis tram wbich Fou may ohoose and we will take your mesefure and déliver Wo you a suit that la reufly youra trornths firat ont of ut hears 'Don't forcet that Emeter ornes early thia year and W b. sre of havlflg yours la tiMYe you had better place your order now. Why not çorne and ohocus your fabrlc snd have a suit thât you will really eW~oy wegrlmi. NverY garment of liIah grade woot and muatr-taiored W your mossme $18.00 to $30.00 J. B. Morse & Co. s VERVTIIING rOR MEN : TELEPHONZ 14. LIBERTYVILLE4 ILI. NOW IS THE TIME TO READ llow to 1lertilize and Plant Your Farms We have our Unçie Obediah ALM.ANAC Now. It is weil worth geur lime. Please cili for gour copg mow. Libertgville Lumber Company Phone 47 WE BELL FEED WE BELL OREOS E. H. CORLETT. G. A. FEDEBCES. CORLETT & FREDERICKS DernIes lua IfANCY -andSTAPLIE GROCIERIES FREStI and SLIET Ousters in Se*,çèn Phon»o 80 LIE~aTYVILL~ ILL LIFE security am s»Ce campau paver. si SCIIOOL NOUES Eptaopl services Plana wor& - Bserviet thb.e piscopal cbureh every Aiden's Pion. Shap 41 Wês5 Sunday ai foliows: Cburch servies atetIlle Place f0 havO jour piuano absent for a week but i. luca ii n mcool01 1:301 a. ui. and Suuday sehool etto30repairs, reginiahing, nov sotlol, agaîn. Ailars î"ndially lnvited te attend. Schuîzpiano. ll4Northflherda. ByMue ai-ut to, Bentitu Fcar;m , s -XSV htRalrWaukegan. IJ. ELI TRIGOS WIE Vlk 1of the Antie PHONE 2&3 visitor in our ldo Fred O Vthat she will @$ore the last i At e oiiect R. N. AL AND l'LNUUNAL MENTION FORS THE WEEK ilIMcian r rda îd1esa a _________________________________________ y__ Dot ~vet rotuurd. publication in the Indepen- iriday augt (to-nigtî u t the- Preghy- Mr. Burrim scout Saturday ln Chicago. nust b. In the office no jater terian cbuneb Rev. J. R l)ii. pas ter &verajI of 1the higb echr.ol pupihe ay of *àch week. Adver- of the Christian ehurch, WauLegan,* viii enjoyed the Christian t.udevor social et belalIy, are aiked ta taits give a stersopticon lecture oni-Ilankest R'yWright'@ lest Friday cvenlug. ôtic, ta this effeci. Chicago aud lier Wais." 1.0 original Myrtie Srouie and Francis Blshop ai-ut viewtakn frur eéd ie iewiIg he u Chicago Stàturday w ith Mr. Bishoti. ___________________ veve akenfroi ros uif 'ieiîîgthe olhY spent Saturday in I ofÂntiocb, va busiess groatcity b.V day sud by îîghr. This Wlkfn srtyvilie monday. '*nieWb.vreuraîng Florence Spate vent te, the touchers' Ppinàng, educatlina and religions troatmetnetLkBlflstguriy eb of Big Timber, Mont j and yau0hould maire plans te attend maeeeako Bluff Maie..t Saturde1. ow weeks vltb relatives andt Admissoion 15o und 25c. Rernember the sud Elvira Mundres,11, aiea atteuded. daste. Friday uight <to.uigbrî lFeb 14. Stelle and <Joorgia Langwor Il epeut nit ie at home froni the Fniday joraon excîternent reîguoj Saturday, and ëunday lu a stio.I. 1Wlscobnalu et Madieon fur eupreme ,on Newb.rry avtnue a heu tire The fréebmen are boging f o o r s.k. brOke eout lunlbthahoe of William Scbley. quit. grown up. Chance UbCamberlain noair preeldeut has even donurd long u. William Weslrond are the The alarm vas immediateiy turned lID eu.a Dts 0f a bbty girl, bhum end ta esethe manner lu ahicb t ie ~ orcineol o:ael u-i Ceb. 5. department ru.pionded and nmade these ~tA orewchnaoleadi oeaOf thse W. 0. a. 8. viii n'etvos gaond for, sorse yes. flowever, lhe sehool notes. Harvey Mass did Dot l i of Kr. Surah Maaou luckîly Mn. Schloy happened tube ait fooee his tooth lu the basket bail game. re. Alleson.; home aud by thé time thefi remn arrived Hielontîr wilie in au argument with hit Ian of Auttoch, proprieton Ou tihe sne the conflagration vas itebobrfoeik eGarage, vas a business extiitguisbed. But littie damage W&@ The juniors are nmkng great prepara. lions furt lItIbasket social. Don't onget rcity Battrday. doue. The ira la thought te have bo cocus. lesa Frid"y, february 14, uydam vlishesto aunonncee-started Irom as overheated stove. ai 7:30. Tbink,Vaienttn'Ra i ti Juit ho u thsLestr NoeityIFEt supper st lise Lynrie Restaurant the nigist for a basket social. Nio one îe il; murday ofi eh ments 8 na.Aut Ochiidreu 25c. elloe acsl.rhna it Supper sei'.d Item 5:80 t, 7:00. prograni but frouisat vo heur thbrougs N. A. dus. c-21 -1 t h. crack lu theerdour, itaenunds in viting. Ald oeloy 01the . E Friday nigist lest, Mno. Putit M"euffin Don't forget every lady please brng Aidaoriet oftheM. . Ierttertuaued tler unday ocisoil niais@ of lunch for tva. etertain et a thimbie pamty young ladis end yonng urisu at uer The lange reading table and the mana- of Mrs. L. B. Hauby. Tues- bonte on Bralmard Court at a Valentine zunes have been moved froi tise office m, Feu). 18 Ail ladies are parti. Tbl,'4ix elj<'ded tu ivit mb eo corner of thse sasmbly I*OOni I d.Thse seniors are penfonmiug sme electri- ti,îns sent out mid tise eveanix ai mont esl experimenta iluth. office, visicis are lugseta tise LIDEBTYVILLE agtretia y pet lu gà%mes aud music. vuther dangerous Wu amateurs. c-17-tii 'Alter refreehmeetevwere ser,,ed a business Alex Boehm le nov lu Phoenix,L- e of the W. F. Bu-osCo-. meeting va, bldl ut wvici a vonstitu. Arizon. fHe weut to Albuquenque but airr cf eavings de-part, tien and set of b7.lawg ar drafred. iaund thse climale there toc, cold se vient ' la L.ihortyvlle MoudaY Tendering their hootees a voe iii hanke an eta oebenix. e vas fout 1911. le lutereets 01 the Company for tise pleasat eveniuàg pent. ie gueste Don't loue intereet iu theentenlalument ie.j counected. departed for tbeir varions honte at a courme. Theme are @titi tac numbers l aut yack tinlshed filling hate heur. left and they are tac of tise host lu Cile sn at Tare Bras. bottiug At the tcwn hall ait Titi,l'ay uight, visle course. F..brnamy 28, the Musical f eh6, . Wlte Wison Favorites and Mar-h 13, CoibY tbe uilding is 40z4S8 etedand Fi ,J atrWloaccompanied CurtocuietThe, Musical Favorites are Ilng ne 1000 tous cf lCC. by Walter Elowe Jones, ri.î(,,-ed the knevfl fer and aide ai oune cf tise test accompished the taik lu thîid uînhr of tic high se i.> .1enter- itinl c omuînîesouonthe Lyceum tuiumeuitcoure ue nlsised l.vthse Red- Circuit aud Colhj vai forutemly epecial u. C. F, W imht and daugs- patis Lyceuni Bureau te a larize and nafats o h hcg al es TuesdaY ton a six vese appreciative audience. Mn.Wi lson Insathe eklin FIr pr.ogram i-n Fna idea rhTennessee, isiaeîppi, ltup.-reutorot n mean a',iiîrv aud bis'trn r, eiruhay ir4, isîili i-lai ilGeoraia lit Wright viii reuditions ver. Iborouahly r-îoyed "ai dcu't t3,iiou asu ad heur msiijouif these'? ninto Tiexai on liusiness ver evideuosd hy the rounds oif applalîse We mealt'v have nearakile talent right ug. which grrseted bis everv t-ffoit, white ths u ohigis sebui pet et ,,rit Restunrant numbers given by Mr. Joues ou tii,-'MIes Mueswas ifl Kmduy andwaa ual 5.20 tu 7:00. Adulte 50c, piano worm entbun.ilcaiy niicii-ad. taci Ail lu ail theseantortainnîcnî -am po« Mies Wlliams vent tW DeKaib let tito postal dlerke freintise nouucad ae goasm the beot e-en heurd] Ftiday um5ht, Satutday @ho pl.syed on the Alumul basket bail tean' lu a gere îoffics skated ont froni that hy neeidente of our city. vs the Normnal scioci. DesPlaines river enrolte to Don't fu" cooklo e big dinner Sun. I MigSs ont isnegoi xte her homo lu sturning SBuuday. They day. G0 o te s Lyrio Restaurant and !Chieago Saturday. Ig un the river âue ail the buy sa chicken pie, dlouer. Adulte -,Oc, Miss Mon@ sntentained thse teacisers ait tIl a alunt tbey perfotrur cildren 25c. 1her-horne Wednesdy uigbt. Everyous at au outng. 0 AItistheesrace0onDg@ laite. Weu- b.d e loveiy Urne. Everyone alvea ug t hoe cadieteforcouda, lent 8atu.*j! Harry Puluasi dosa&t.the Mou home. OMM u atheb.comini Prim- eutered a yonng bfi tilrougb L. V. RnthJohnson ltMisen owlsy's rocu rg? If se, wby net lot un Lusk of Vole. Tihe inalleone, h o t tmd &!luter'@ sehool lu Wauiogen. tbvough oui _crôlumua? receutly punî:haied of Dr. Stevens end MiessRnag's acholars have made music ;your card nezî veek. The wviiib.abai beeu tiainitagat his stable. note boots e»d have alec m tenclled )full of candidats@,aund jon bers tiiawintet. lualIse racf, ulisch urtatus fôx their mont. te Ciret, se huit,! vas supposed] W baveb.n for "green" Ravi Kaiser le absent vits a broken Witislet raiie Iev iormea vwer. entere4 hora s slged t atmn. 1. rigt 0 Priri Viwhave a mark, but neverthlce Hamr-lu Miss Moqs' rooni had e Lincolns@ binlis- ughter. lili» Lucile Owen hors. W&as anay vianer' drivnb day patty Wsdnoaday. Thse raem vas go, iii sevefoi sw Yrk M Lus. Net Saur "D Rr y iidecorated vils liags and buu tlng and a vfl dails eadviiior saeionkM. - etSaudyHar illange number cf rnother'a enjoyed .the ,wediterenan wcmilon enter tise animai again ila e maîtreidprogran'. v meiernisormos. Te trace aut the same place. les raciug Io Mies Webb'@ mcm are golug la have .a aw sumor horme.T hlexciting sport aud leversaioftise pastirne colonial pregran' Thuraday, lteb. 20. sa etamr hme t Hll sbenld endeavor Se go lu Weuende Tisera la bu hoeaeuly teaciers' Saturday and wiluss Ibi, race, meeting Fridsy, ÊFebruary 21 aI Laire a ,relishly businusms.ting Fcoet. 1tise Preebytelran Chriattin8. M. Diugee & Sou, pickle menu- facure@ o Eonsonwih t auon A numhor frmmhbrs etteuded thse iety vas et thse bornm atri tEaevseennonce Christian Endeavor social ut tise Prssby- Mn.. Roy F. Wightlfauttisat ley viii ap">'larmer. of tht. teriau isurcis au Highland Park Tueiday ng. About tventyfive vlciuity tht. jean 701c per bueisel fon vat nigist. Refresbmeuts ver. served sud ýand alter thse ragular ruuc ulmbens. 600 ceult ad aIlnder everycue had an enjoyabie time. ines. a gancral soiaU ie four ibs; 30c fiet hushel for medinni Tise toeasr@ubisa a kating party pickles froni four iniheu up tc lire and Tncsday afleruoon aflter âcisool. ekn pie dinner et tise Lyrle ensi tacises and 10e pet bushel Ion Suuduy. Adulte 50c, uubbins, creoke-tianj round balle, Ge% 3cur meas t the uew Lyrie Piuner senved fron' 12:80 dalivertsd Rockefeller for sipment to Restaurant. EvOrYthiugueuanad cloa. tiroir @ait bouse ut Wheelig. Thts le s, until teca ntly proprieten tise Mnt fiberail,tofo ve, made fatnsers Notice cf Share-H'olders Meeting tyville Cabinet Watts, bai cf this commuuuî.u fer cucumber pickles Notice is isreby giron that a special Breot haut building et aud shouid Lec ni.omded tW liboraliy. If mneet ing of the sisamehoiders ofthtie Firet 1 iii open an up-le.ate tise patrenage at-î,îrded thora tiis jan National Baut cf Libertyvilie aill ieo ne aud repuir shop risere. je suffilcieut t..warrant il lbey viii next ni-id in the hauts@ affine iti Lihort>'viie.. ' Ilioise ,on the elereorli day of Match oopen next ?.fcday. Tisereaoemet a suit et'use ut Ltbertyviiic. 1913 ut the isîur of fotur oclest p. li., ur stcre tiere ut uneent Reiieving tîtat a better acqîamntance, for trie purpose îtf-ersidpriug lthe- i beiug a large oue, w. ovee tet ajtshrsandqiteutier et iuneaig thse capital etaxk im oui-ees ru is re entue. secure a greuten t.' openatien and auaid .1 S. GeIIILEY, Caebter. eht the six veeks cid mou. eucis lu thair vor. vits the cbiidren a ý, of %In. aud Mrs. A. A. muvemeut hbei-bn statd witb tis Piano Tuning claimed by tise Aniet o end lu viea-. Ail i mos and thoe Ciave tîrders ut Rtayeè Furnitune Stor. asontilinees of pueurnontu. iuteraeled in. ch.- geueral volie.of Watt donc by Mr. Alden. c-ut-tf was belld Wednesdiay usiet- ejildrmn are inviteti te attend e meeting aieo Cathclic chutis vitb W hob.ieid l in ite higis sciool teem, KIDNEY FLUSH tishat piace, W. unit. lu Fiday, Feb. 14, ut 8:30 p. m. A sisort For Kidney aud Bladder Diseaes. Ir ;Ympasta itute berauved piogram iliibe rendered alter vîtics Miss Smediey. principal ut The Neyes Baiied siserînga ut the LiBEuiTYV11,Lt; - 51gb scisol Evausten la sxpected tu LuiE Co.. Lthortyviiie. c.17-tl mmrd of Thanka rgslairupun "Thse Sotber'.Club aundit to xtnd o ur ied, urWorkm lu Evarîston.' MinaeBoeediey le Be murs and go ta the n cxendte nv hend on vall qilalified te speat upou the subîect iank@ for the kinduse« and se aiss bas hoen aequatuted vils tise NOVELTY STORE tauileated linlb. ilineu aud vont mInce tise ergunizaion ofthtie club, ta select your Infant sou, John Roduey._________ B > M»a. A. A. GRANuT.--- ____________ XM.IE.Church Services. 2:00 p. m. Bible echool. SubI "Thse EiNUAC Cali of Abram." a n i Md tàbiity ,,Lv, issus. 6:45 P. M. Epaorth Leege. Ubjn f n t Dy là ou l 780 P. nM. Preacisîog ey. W. L Whippis. subi, 'Esseontieàl Religon.'1 I have a oonipIete amsrtment Eit uWhJS~ Notice From lC to 50C., ti. ihb nstli.ut of secial ue i OAssenient No. 1, lb. e n .Mýt tùal,.lio iietue po0S t 4ar S. jiou 1> 9»" A ~No 2LSTd &à OdOd 'Aimes. Someofo thms days you'll be asking yoursesl Tom Watson's quStion: "Where Arn 1 At?" Yes Fou wiIl, and the answer will ot be very gratifying either, we fear, uniss ou'Y"matie" nmre Good Sense and fi d out where a aood, trustworthy baùk je ai. It wiii flot be neoessary to look far. We are anxious to help Fou gain your bearings, my non- depouiting friend. Cali and soa us. Lake County National Bank'ý LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Capital Surplu s and Undivided Profits. $90000000 A Few Real Estate BargM 9-room Hans sd tva Lmscorner SeondvsY &su$d Third St, modem Imprwovenients.fruitasde .... 7-r aom Hou», snd Lot vith barn oenScorndrSthl u pAveâ. ............moen................................ > EASY PAYMENTS. 7-room Hou,. on Division St. witih ein, ýWall h- $ provsd. Lot oexflO. Finit ansud e .......$........ EASY PAYMENTS. Stncty modrn Hontse vith dsilxe Mg vomi, inoslo. lhall, a luxge ee bathi, a tomr van, iasrdwood floora, gmt snd el«adtW vIm w large datera, boa &Wfumra.. Lae barn. Coner,1Lote. er and sd.uwshh inn d sb.m..agtspaiLd.PICE 1B VERT E3OAI S-sonàHo»uas."dLot a- Dividsiotreet. »va w lM *:*madwu ai improvmdeats lot 48%.IsOhi uth frouL A barl 8 l ita nat emoe46 ................ .. .. .J 8-roam Ho» Lot wlth bo-%,-u hBwsu&s.Av-e, Uls, townau knds f fried ehade, om..halu. ai tovu EAY PAYMENTS. $2 For Pire and Lite Insuraenoe SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Ilampshire Fire Inurance Compae, Michigan Mutual Liue Insurance. Compaiy i' LIBERTYVILLE. ,ILL. Manufactures in Lent Expenience has tausht us that anuaumay large nunhesOa Quilt. Conforters sud other «hou ha-6itcls ameoa"d aIt ts sassa., sud w. havatried te proide for theL. aus deuusnd vith sa40>MPsPlY ai tise fcasay mteria BATTS 0F MA14Y SIZES AND QUALITIES. SILKOLINES, COTTON CHALLIES. CAUICOS, YARNS AND WADDING. APRON AND DRESSGINGHAMS. SHEETINGS AND MUSLINS. P1LLOW, TURING, TICKING4 TABLE LINEN. STAMPED EMBROIDERY PIECES. SILKS AND COTTON FLOSSES. HOOPS A14D AU. OTHER ACCESSORESU Xany o! the New spring Tbings are ooming in 1001 W.~ WCARROL DSNSCC Boulon ta AI yemr ut > to bis 0 faim. on rua- to Monu

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