Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Feb 1913, p. 7

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e~p4.+4 e.19.t* I -I fbdd6r sud bï. R U S iii. 0 m I,0 pP1 94v, I 1 Ve b*fea Ulm s t ory bouom of -ela ro, modem lmpravmiutàa Prle *1411 a mislypsy eue iei.d FCM &*4.-A feu fi» ebite Wpmya- doilapffle. waiied. luquire a1bie FA OU 4-Blacýk 1Langehane rochrele. etifa lare. $1 ach. ima Indian Ratiner Ang.. ilmac. Ila» b. V. brex, Phone rW C~ ouud Lake,.c-5t on Coul ook, Are, D9 jpaudi.auiadwood floor.; bot W*aberbe4, Igbe atgle ad haaempnt; baranead ebloum.ocmie; lot 100KI25 14i loweemm4ubMd vicn, fruit sud aab"@fiee.aidmalA fruit, Al las. prbè.eta,8000«ah or liy, 9amet. fuilae furuised cou le fdeu'dMa L. CEU,8O FOR #ALE-1 1911 oenlgie c@leor. Uida.Opiliy equ4ppm, etratire sud »be u inch la. ,'extra beAu, 8126 00 il I 191le 0,gho1 atv. 'MW gedacuiir, magnato. carrier,1 WMbt mtoperhaed, ew bouile bars. hup end g»tetn, 4150.00. 1. leu 8001r5 uemm*em overbaulel, FOR SAI.7OU gNT-Bàeilit. FOR SAL*-Bar.e. for ail purpome.; m~mo two-*eoad hueS biiem aid marne baromes. Lion'. livaxi, Ubertyttile, ~'l. c-il-tf ?() 70 MlNT 4+ W. have aIlito nmodern ut> to-date bouce wiîh % acre launt worrb $3500, fo)r rhich ttb. owner wiii take $2400. tu..1501 a quit-k sole.,N. Diot AuaTisi. îu17-tf L . mrvsslmd SY4Oos "aie Cauty Title & Trust Co.. AbstracoTa fitia.. Tille. 0nriatmid llasonie Temple Bld«. Wauiegmi, iii. P,' B Green and wUle ta IU. A Pease, wet part le( 34, llghwo od.Q.C H. B. Mcleam îand wifetu X A M. Ouata! son, part lot 13, block 1, Ward and Divers' subdivision, N~orth Chii- cugo. W. D. $2800. Mary M. Shaw and huiheid tu 3- F. Mmrc, loti2 3 aid 4, Shawuna mb- diviulus, West Antich towi8hiP, YW. D. -$300. T. J, Burns and wl!. ta R. 1). Pet- ers, west 44 feet, rout 4ý%fuit lot 4, block 4, McKay's addition. Wauka- gou. W. D. $1. Jennie - Cbaity and huahand fa P. J. and Auguta G. Walkèr, lot 3. 0w»- ra subit est. W. Joseph Sorenéon, sctiofl2 m 1 ý 1 Curebinl Wizi i ns sy teruo. boqu1ite nModern iuiprt>veints un Second tet; W'auk ai Oa. B Bo». Lbertvile. cI 8 f di5rouuiu flat on !ulcslierry avenue, D Inuîîre u.'ft.. E RAï, tito-rîyvihle. FOR SALE-8lSO pet acre, about 150 iPlionseI158L. c-17-tf twrnc acres 'nemi- panîdîig corners on, Eloti, Grand aveuue. îî'm 's nap. 100 perWILL LEAE FOR CASH RENTAL- 20, - cen prfi bycutin tasn>iîtrateltor 5 or 10 pears to rgit party al ll'ubig centpirtH.B. Prîce, i46i Cu tat s, of my laxn lu Lake County consilt .' '0f about H.00acre.,500 acres Cookr tiro - tenterCaa wly-1 mpm>ved Vti modern bouses, battn;cago l~EtSAL~~Se..tul, improveti Wiu.e Oand silos.. Fencod nl crouss eucei pet Situeian oat. ripem'>s otilgranIt-i. miti woven wlre fenc ut i ielbaud wepho 42 Rbas neuted biuuiel, o irtry janti cultale for truck farmîog. Aili lifth Thîeu, u bdi pronnc;ievsretyfwbiauar r xpencive d*alrYluk. A. P. MeKeovu. -ont@ aam Ires tvm foui anuI ose-i ede i P- L. - . hA ift-I g.1 nt t. (Mr", I4711 Lakte ave., Chicago, niI. Wky tii-SHI Flumac BoLte, Prairie Vew, [IL 1Phone FOR SLE-l0a. iP. electrie t4otrý l.goudrrondition. tequireL&vV àdmue UheortrptlleTel 2111. 1 . 2-it FOR *AL.E-l'urk100 Ibo. ta 150 Ibo - euqiwU. _Tel. -291.1. .121 -tg te~ u uoo condidouu Cali or WILL DOMC. R00ihelllr. ALE-?wo gond treek harofl.. FOU AE-About 5Stune osi iS cDa «illet al barn. Wit soli b measure or WeIg't. . W. SCULICUZI, tWO 11111 morth *bd Y& mile wemt 01ai berty viio.. FOR ÇALEOR EXCMAI4GE=Xiigt farm iade flr Laie. county prapergy, topr:C dunimpr3ved. Large lt. Nell %Irtrae or ea§y tenu.- Priepe from sil -a ta45 per acre. lne inclmdinir mtoci. taule t@ -c. Ste POILE. the. N. Wamt aen AROOL Danfg 9» et the earliardlcuuo. 'kitheunl Bt»i trie la the Canadlas parlamiaf.-au oppoufo memb" i? isa«tett" *6. *mi"tl the goytimtcthe liSuagm m «St _ asu *.M ua%* m"gi m eg a iselsamlaugio." fIMD.. fflk OUven w, v a.bon miafter co th* liteWriréUid, vitfliebismmlib1h erea sIlis: "I hae obmsgvi thattblie hmoabua e @tleIBs ba basa ge et ice. hto laughd- Jndo ' . FOR RENT-Tb.. John CartIpId fibrynof 280 serr e., ale w, reot th. eRolling pletomr. $3.00 per ae. Inquire of ~ti.L.Cmriei, rs> elake. 111. #MÔNEY TO LOAN-4On fmp*.vei nmal @otage. J.B. OUIDLICY, FitêI Natinal Bank. 1-0t SALEhM% WANTEO-Tolot.k .alter Our it letan Lai.. n4 adjafflt couche.. Balhy or c.îmgneon. Ad- dreme Tat mvc U.Cl Ceveland, IQ 1>o211 :WA84TED-Pomltlu by orood relliabla s arried menais- eperintendeut or amîtant on farci. Expprieneed in ail branche« of larming. Oaa give beet of ,reterenco. Addreme A tNDEPxNDEET 3Utiles. p2- POSITiON WANTF.O-By married m au te work ou a dalry tarm, near G uraea preferred. Addreae H. Nelson Ourne, I11. wkly-lt Initiative. "IV# the man tinte a -trYing &mul tblrg neV chat gesl habet reveri fla. And ha la geamialy rgt-thi' teet ane vrosg. llomebody ha guI 1 boom anui ha guyed Lie a fool. andi bieau afarva, and eet - bis eart ou-aind tbmn . ._-'years and 7ai, the Ira t fLaworld chat Vas toc, lazY ta do is ovi fhtukiu cornes a-itrul- fl:up la Pst lm an Ibm haci and in- lm tu di"er--ad everyfliad Oouliula uIbthalias'.:«I tald y" mol, 0. P. MNeumani West ', W. D. $1 C A.N lee, ot Josephi whitie, Chiffgo .........3* Mabet Beattle, Mjlwnke .....25 Emanuel Reidi, cae .........27 Catherii" Burke, Me ...:e.......25 Arnold Bartlettami ........22 Louise Iteftel, smre »....>..21 John Pleurant, Racine...........291 Etle Oliistiaimen. lame .........19 Emanuol Riedl, Mlwaukte ...... Caherne Burbie, Mmea...........2 JDoupIIWbdOiit efl ..----------34 Mabel Beattie, Mlwake ....2b Alfred LABell. Pt Ue4b......21ý Alvina Bolirman. loipllle ....19 Jeste I. Laflelje. Zion Ciy . a..>3 Pauline Collet, @m ..........21 Fil, H. Edwards. 72mB City .......i Jennie Johnson, amrne ......2s Edwin C. Wcnnluger, Milwaukuee...29 Genevieve Cubler, Duct ....23 Howard Wlstrand, Kenoaia.... r Emma Cole. camse...............22 Stautcy K. Cochens, Ilault 8te, Marie, Mîch . ........... ... 24 Marie MeBrlde, Alpena, miel>....21 Martin Stranon................ 23 Heldegard Alleu....... ........ . 2j ,division of lot 135, Lake Flor. Adohph Vauzandt, Fort Sheridan. . 21 SD. $10. Nelle Freeman, emre.......... -.22 hGeler and Vile 1taMidi-ev John R. Holmen, MilVaukft.... .24 n10 acres tin aoutb mailt W.Tfiise L 24, Avon toawnship. W. D>. John B3. Pleurant, RAcine ......... 29 Vlie Cbriatenson, sme ... ......9 L. R. Jonsata Ilary .eusup, Arnoldi Bei-tlt Milwauket....... 221 21, block 72, Highland park. Louise Ilaftie, salue............ 21 100. Herbert Klie, Fart Sheridan ... 23 Short and Vifete ]FI. IP~.. Fua Daîner. Highlsad Park .. 20 kk Bock, lat Bylvan wbods Normani J. Joyce, Pt fberîdun ..,--4 on 1, West Aithocli township. Florence Krtîil, Highwoati ...... 21 950. i-C. A. Newcoub Jr. 10 wîî- State of!Ilinois, Couuty of Lakte an. 'tke. lot 35 block 105, North Id thl '.Circuit (2ourl of Lakte 'oun.4 Decil $50 t>. E. W. Parkhurst. lndivdunily, Bowen andi wie ta P. W. and a> turvlving Tineteeo! the i,111- Il tlarth ont-bal! lotsi 1 and: int> tille (bord> Association, er-tu 7, 17iret addition, North Bide.1 (ornîraliaut.vs. G. H. Schant l-. an. W. D.. $10. 1ail Defeniants. Bill of Coaunn Wieale and wîfe to C. C. Euh- 1 r1 ot 15, block 1. Orvitstsubdli- r Tht- rrvtulsitt affidavît of tht- non ukegn. Q. C $1. Anti lots reidcitcurof certain defeudants, atîd id 34, block 2. Muliler'se suD- relative to the unknawn hein, ut law ,North Chicago and lntof Juin o! certain diuase1 ;t 'uiein to F C. .1lt-llr, 7 tkfenldai.ts. hav!n?, beco Orotrer;y fiii.0 ls lu Waukegti, Northi Chi- lu tire about entitleti cousc. thenr.ore. ËWudsworth. Dec-tii $1. in accoruLuice titlt the tatut(u- in -Auna L. Hallanlay sud bus-ttich rase matie anid provideil. notrre W. J. Seberer. nndivîided one- 19 li ii-ui given to RobetRay rail b ont-bagh!lotd 27r. W.nD.itMilstP.Iluibard. nan-reeldeut ietrn- nu, tahînti orJu W. 1 tiauts, andti fthle unknowu heirs at i. Pallersori to C. W. airols. taw andi next o!in of EliuoHrîbbanîl, aIt, Foreit. W. D. $10. W. G. Furmer. Miary Ideaner, W. P. Sayler sud -If. tic W. Je.niltPanhatnuroPhilip Farnham. John Price, @. loIs 37 anti 38, block 39, n P5ark, Noq-th Chicago. W. Getorge Law rence, H. C. Whctlec, Wil'- liam Pri'ce, S. P. .0trattou, RSitu7u Hock aud wife lu F. A. 1ur1T-luliutey, E. S. E. Casey. Henry Cter. 54, Show's subdivision at Long.hienry Oshoru. A. B. Cook. George H. W. D. $200. Lee, John Locke, J. -& Wheeier, NM. Hamlin to James Baruatable. H. Seavey, A_ .q. Hutlchlineon. Samuel tke Villa. W, D. St. Galleway, David Jeteel, Gý W. .MyrIck, tarnatable ant i wlt aIo M. E. W. ColbY, Hartlay MendekIL . J lot ai Laike Villa. D. . Jewett. William %Ilerrîek, Gardiner 1Mlerrîck. John Austin, WIllim Elliz. Walrah ant i wfe te Caroline L. S. Wilson. Ediwin Wilson, John d bushanti. loto 210. 222 and' HoIromb, Joshua Jcwcll,' J. P. Norton, i w's subdlvision lu W, Anthoci Thomas Eltis. William BMlle, 1L Heathi, p. W. D. $600.; George TrIggs, Josiah Brier, John Yeomn and wlfe lu 0. .%l Patlrron, Willam Dyund,. I H. 50 lots scattered aa-ound Wau Preric. DaniliHarvey, Caleb Wrightl. W. D., 86280. Hulbert Swan, Ed IDean, James Lind, eH. Lindsay andi huabanti to P. G. SfcGulre, J. h-t. Faler. Cia. leser and Vife, lut 3, Apple's Hatei. Lewis E. Penurnia, B. IKMa- lon of lo. 1, block 8, Hlgh. sou, E. Ttngley. Emily C. Sprague, rk. W. D. $2250. The UnkInown iembers or lte Unin- eof J. L. Tweed, deceaied, lu corllorated Society of the Ladies af lorrIson. et ai., Iots 66 and 66, thé Churcli Namoti anti Styled and sPîstakee Lakte subdMvsiox. Comtnonly Knowu as the Ladies Union 2550. Ohutch AId Society anti the Unknovi 1Monter anti wifet t j. W. Partuera of tht Co-i'arlnerslbip Datag n., et ai., weet 80 acres norlh Business Undier tie Firm Ilarne aid settion 28. Warren township. Style o! Anderson Lrnd & Compaiy, Il. Deceased Deteudants, lhe original Newc-Omb, Jr.. lu T. j. ron subsertibers or Sbotkiiotters of thm L17, bloc-k 7, Northi Chicaga. Libertyvlile Cînrci Assoiionl. Deed $1.000. 0. A. Strauas to W. P. Haughton5 tract of land ln SeMton 10, Grant township. W. D. Si. C. F Brri andl wlfe ta WMr. llrumm. lot 2 block 2, Parlchurat& ville, W. D. $626. Electric Power Pumping The muot practîcal and eco- nomical woy te assure a pleutifiil ail cotiîtaut water i.uppily for Home Office Dlair>' Farm (arden, Etc. Muicipalîîies can opprate ilicir water workes ystenîs; che.aper by electric pumpiug We Furnish The Power Public Service Company or' NORTHEIN ILiNOIS TItI he Save nanreil uomplaînant heretafare, an the lStii day of ?eym- ber, A. D. 1912, flicil hIs Bill of Con- plainl t tjuaid Court ou the Chan- cery aide thereof and that a sum-, moue thereupon ieeued out of te mif Court against the above natned De-, fendants returnabie ou tha let day of the tern of the Circuit Court of Lakte County. held at the. Caurtitouse n lbe Ctyof Waukegan linbmhe ald1 rCouuty af Lakte ou the trot Monday I af December, AX D. 1912. as le hy I"aw reqilred, and whlch -quit la itilI pend. I LEWIS O.LIîROCKWAY. ClerIt. Waukegan, Ill, Jan. 16, 1913. FranIt H. T. Potter. coriplainant's So- licitor. wky Jani. 24,91.1% b7-14 An Exception. A mmtelt Informa us liaIt tae av. erage mai la 76 per cent. water. Won- der If hoe means the average Mlwau- i ke men?-KItlwaukee Sentine]. d Adjudication Notice. Put-ie Notice ilue eltcr tIl .that Oie Sutu- ecrnher Executrix rit thli 1t uWiii and Testa-3 ment ot Jeein Woolridne decessed. e-fl attieindithe couuity Court ot L'irîe i t 1%et 1 ternit tierent tn be hileiai iii.-Court goume ln Wtiketas, in rsait! Coint>,. "ru the 5,-et Monday .i Aneli ni-st. 191.3,cireur > ar tere an pr-toue tavîne claiiesauaiit îld «rte ame îoified and reqnested t ru'-rrent the mane to sadCnurt fri- dîsdicatlin CALLiE Wo(ijl> E.Execntrix. Wanelieoan tan. 27. 1913t Jan. tVeb7it LADY WANTED To Intrndiii-i-niti-very-ni,Ite 8pt1ba Ue nf enîiflniwîînt eitanei. >b. mcliltt.fancy ivaitingge.tilts. etc.. Iudl9ilii, sotid Dttlr#M.. Att u t date N. Y. Vtll Pattl. iatUne on th maret. t)eaitiuir ii r tirUe unii i itndounr cni-ies il - P iout t0.00 weettpy. naipieu setl, uitll etttienu nae luina nel geinlueires, shloint *express1 prepad' No iiney iequlrd Exclusive territri. Wrte for pcnirart. 0Be hin t lgk.utse. f. Y.P-19D-8o DRCIS ET Additional Lbet A meeting ofthte board of dilrector of lb. Mdiiik roducerw' Asoiation wu@ held at the otel$hieruian. Chicago. on Feli. 11, but tWU'Ut the, tWentY.Ive diiectore bing abotiît. Althougb the~ meeting Vami starteil et Il a. iw anîd cuntinued aunfîlie trr iv. u'clovk the amoutofbueiness was eoirreat tbat tii board cuuld moul ilnîeb i une day andl adjceurnedntif neit Weduesday., A mlk bo.,rd waë naîned, wiîoee duty il wid bo to bandimal mttera pertain. itng In, the. irce, djetgihtioîsî, etc . i-4 the awàou-iatlun niembee tuilA,. The tîllîîw- li nqu Vetrsapp-,inted: C IL. Patter. Elgin, ifi ; lluh. t î.Hurîtl.-y, Ill Rony I.ewîm, 111.u, ii; 1). E . i.aar. Delevan. WIN ; oand %% nt. N.wtun. troc il Point, Imd. Tb@ tuiotter of bovitig an oruraniing conieittfflsue) eiieemtiy iocar.. hi C. O. Bruil osud S.EL Otzert wne ichi-ui up and Iovueeibiy paru-ilupoîl .Inâ whu the organîizeroe Ilii hi-. ther telri- tory, ec.v, Wîi ittMIO b.cttledl et itu meeting. The.- embere ot th!@ tutti. mnittte are: E. J. 'ioe St. Charle,. Ill; A. E Joek, Antioeil; Nov Lewis, Wbeatotî; ikibt. ommonu, Buuîtl.ry sud John liend. Lily Lake. Ray Paddock, Round Lain. Ill., molil a reslgnation tu Premident Felowm. lie meaeonfor but actinîg ne direclor w»n nul piolyl etated butit im a known tact thaât lie artueth". honîronaecoitt oif the reversai ut Lale cuuuty'o eug- mested ecandidates A î-onu.y meeting will be calimo ln the- ni-ar future bv Cattiruan C. G(iiali ru seet-ct a mon forthe va.cant directoreiiip [,Sie COuuty me n1heîiq bave ezpremed lhe opinion ihat the paret - a.iîtion did eut du rigmt ohen tbcy did but@eta the- men ouggeeted- and are giviu« iniîuctiuns utf cauming soute trouble. iii. buard ot direitror areceuning uea@y uiver thetlol ituation oedlbbise to >, e.thie mtter uiintewd nt the cuuîing> nmeeting. Aln aeooi7iatiun wace bruit- i t é.d cord»ýe i., 111 i u îgahoti t 400 iiîenîjlwriTiiau, nrrubseal1ii t ~ ~ p- ii-re.lmtîî. î v-< i tihe Mii l'r, ort ~e'î 'tlu ltheii laig..r urÀtiir iiZtli i i i r î..j i îullg iii Iliit a ii the.- nîH. îrîi- SAVING MAKE 1EASY Nickel Piated Banks Loaned ereq, at First National Theî- Finit Natiotnl batik htîntstnrr.d n a -ititi iîrîpiiualoneti h iie inu fl ie anm doiit.-d ly thouiiaida ut buoi l in tr uit;ied S'tat-A ortimtulatini ti- aiii linte ruirn itmioluute d.partrffent White tht- saviarei- o'l iltiie batik have rruuwn te a c-s'iatisfarrury ciii %et tii xtra <Sort bas get' twben nmadei t.'-; iin tue i. art cii-i and it îes vith theie-vi. of exreeditig tii te cliente ali thie ronveti'-urc.. eepeei. aily tu, lhe vioung, thit titise anutrolîtu ii ruade. lbi uekri-ise uifotht-. IIE'Ni.TCOUnlo S ahall paet advnrtiq-ment li whiicithe.nature rof thi. plan le expiained andilthe. methoil of nperîitigauacounut. A hanuilome nickel plateil batik le loaîi.'d f rte if chorgh to t-véry mon. wiimina an chîlîl who opes an accoutt wltl the. FinI tNtional batik hyiv naking an initiaililepo«it of ant dolliar or mors. Tht dollar la eut gîven am payment for tii. batik but e-tarte tht- arrount and letecrpéediltothCe Tbpiqebatiks remain roterty ut the- Fiet Nnti!inal habit. they relainiug tht- iey. Tbl@ latter fealurs le especially vaînabif for theoe blickle platril bankei rautiot ho unloe-kel emcept b,: an ofilcer of the Firet National hbi, andl the content@ epeur bpt-freeufficient amountt le acc-nmlated iii maie a ilepuit. Al cînsees uof people willi fitîd tliisavitiwiu evetetu o very cunveui'nt oue and wili mak - savinga enpier andl murer thon ny iitier cay. ECZEMAI GAN BE OURED!e 1 WIlI Prove kt To You «At My ExI3nsflS YOU WHO AilEsur dmomlb iegO à-, lIEBEND Yp A TREATMENT WIKCg fAS CUiIEO UNDItEI> 09' OTHER& WEtCi I BELIEVE IVILL CUREi YiOU, t WILL SEND h"T~ FREP. POSTAGE t-AiD TlO YOOE0DM WITHOUl' ANY OBLIGATION ON TOUR PART 2(W 0OR lEPLtEàn-l. J. C. uU'rzELL. A New Diacovet-y rlee Provçn in Hundiedt of Cases 1 lecleve tint I have dlacovered ti viii. "le. scientllt teatme,, t rErzeuir Rhnam. hlcl. AcnS. PsoriaM alabrelt PAlel OeIl ever uftered Io Suffetrs or 1m i la a iouititnutraeuntfMW talutn neurlecn beeor t our wrk. Itidsu Dot unIle oruieve te auferise. VhichLil. aMt o nImediately. bot ta effcegt a oninI :mn îatîiz curetiidrlvl!C out ni the biood t li.-tswmuus aclut eble u eJihuettln dIgeta& Foe suti-, ani I tht Mt restment ih e-t nstiuu ion tilt at iriit. iou bave foud aeCur-e Ibalte. wpli- to ar ilarge vraortraanenl t 6olor liete ci .o or oligtation te sur aultore, wb ill seI ord tierrDare nedîaddtivison 15e 1-rpion r utif ru. ai-n atisýIi-d1h hiDeon o til.'i 'urs. 1 l'atve >trttd te st-tut eri--der oft inI a'iOuuffl~t it I.ii lrrifd tu rtmtir ee 'and t1t uLL DO IT, Jusit[Il, out thecomupon tu-loi or e-i-îe nie a irrter. I1e-tii send Oie tacutm-4uoî,wt!outamiirî i.; ot ta ruc. --- --: mur .a .*u ut J. C. EUTZELL, 113 Wml MaIe L,Fuit Wayne.ld. t' bnd Itho.t ee't or oilrgaion toS ion.'1, z.e Prol Trc&îuucnt. Htoe..................................... t-ost OfIBcu................................. ..s adN.......................... yvMie News __----J Mrt. suriMi.. ttiiv i'îhPer are lthe happy pareii.ofî n idie hiiiy boîy, hum Wedtîeodni. F-b. 12. Mother had ruaide iliit4eutw liante tot, atiiiti. lie e ii, laiîîedi - a> îg: -Tt upIamîteare tîgliter thoun)v &ksin -" "Oh. no. jeanr, « l isimbrîîîer -tiit catlin'*,-Ye. t i-mi.'"iei-lJclny. -( a eun f ilium tiiy kin oiI c i arttni tht-ce pan ta' We Se- c oil I <l1-iithe.-.ilaveiof t-e cauilaite m r116 lIt reuîîole i io the. rae-otf D.-ai-,Iî Jru.iee Whi. wbil guitiig Widow 'Ailiîetri ber ineurîiiiîc M o ie. Tht- membare appointai que- Winttr.'.kilE. Tuînc and C M11. Wîlcox. Bron., iK. E Thom", gue unthe tirayu- lois treamery aud C. N. Wîtcoi chipe ta- Ciuagu. A nunuher iif new mnieiers îoined the aocicatiouîatheb.mieetig ad an efort to grearlill itîeame the. meiheréhip ulîli lie made an a uWoodl chowitig 1lewanted bv Atiril, smhî, n latht- etarting oft tii éuuîieir monthei coiitr Li. Thiilera imetti Di( wiflbe.ieli theb trow h ail. ibie'r tviile. Match B, and the piotbu be fîllcwed id tht meting1 pi-icemutwiii tii-n ie prempsitited 1t. I deuPrs, i-oaib se Mite turtt-il ririn the Itact reeting plue- rof lier tijirit iumt.aiid, geîily trie Council Proceedinge ptieedgerîrin iiber Par:.' i kl,) w it't Oa 'idjurit-l meeting hi'b. '3. Dollen- littI.- oi. rîtar ciqter, but il >iiti tver maien abseut. Thet nCtutllb. bal chlînitlthîîuk iof làtîtrîti, 1 iiop- vourwil regi>iar hait adjornrtii meeting were rem-iriber ,i- 'r!iauki inn. Iluajî, reai ond approv-ula. roui. Tht enlid the aorroc-lng eidiow. 'liOt Osaiou treailurereoand vItrkA,. reporte Vere rendl and auduteti by tb. finance comuitte. 81111111M epuke tg)in- Ot tht grave.- sud occepted lon motion or Ellswavta - ___________ aou Clevelandl wlich carried. In oviit inebrureof ur ove aTht fulIlowing bills watt ren t-adi lu ui-ui reiiinlrace întbeoi-ilodîteil by the finance committe. and, con, (Geoigo J. Dit-r, wiîo lied Pc.b. i11, warrante urdereil lrawn on their rempe- 190. tu e fond. un motion uf Ellsworth aad SI.u. and îaldei-d ni-ar. sîa .ii 1 i eveland wiicicarriel. ail voting aye:-- fin-e irelaid youdn toisetest. Lak, Co. Publigbieg & Piltinar And hl orstif tarli are darteet. ,Co , printingt ..................... 3 D& But the Sevioue tnuiietibeel Public Servire.o, îigbîe-.......1750(IX Anin fîe e pope t th Ves. E. E. Ellsworth, mantei...... 45- AsSi thedt fli.4f'J. l)îllenmilaier, binkit...............ON~ Andiln henven itlytu î tgît-et tW-e. Wý%aukegan Oil Co . ga@oliue 76 8 where no ewei-iil iret, are shed, t. Sliw.-, etret wori........ .2 Stee uon dear tiiorge Sud taLc 1h) i-cil, lito Trigi. t.reet work .... ...... 3 utc liod hlie. rau-uth-- orne, ito uuht I l est-n &, repiaire ..........1 e. tr.ilHI. flres. c rt-ct murk .......120 0i0 Piiiu Liberlyvîl.- Idmhler lu ,tfle .. ... 11 36 i.iiîi'rtyvllui LumruuiC.,tuai ...10 04 J. T. trvie, dra3 îing....... ........ 2 50 W. H. Stnd.-r, Rsurir> îug........ aof* LIBERTY VILLE BOYS DEFEAT N Il. Lmîduu. llui-r,.............. .... 4 jIJ H.W. aiaV........... 50 WAIJKEQAN ÂLL STARS.fiLitmierry. rtlarv«.............. 65 0on ___IR. W. tatff,)rd .................... 10 44> They Trim Lake Forest uin th.. Local r ietingl tht- coetit f sixt e -t of walIt Aiieys Montlai fight uhi-reth- tîurt I dry vuuuihofttht' t-hi-rfi i. rai ruinil ______ Nuit. l feliuui anti Trigum thAit t tt %%-r-ku 'ltr i M ay iligit th-io- ui i le lt e.rk îîrtîlv i. i i. Pi et Nationail' luiti, em ir .n<up it-il %%i. h .îî k-Iali Ail ltiuClu-, t u rtii ii- eoie taikow -tar vti-n fa t %% . iâei,'.uii cîuuîuug mo y ligliitiret tir itar tht- waik uthe tiithi- tulle ot 267; pins lu-tii iii-ouit h-r ut îilding snd thia lij u-it> îîî thet- rta i-liore iif tire t-iv tuiot inuli..ample protection over ,kauues 1.fliiwaik on lllwauk" caveniue durlaR 'lie litaukeîraii At t rite rînth le the> rmre of tiruuîuui-rîton ai heir boild- dittiuit oeiuing tht- i.-diiug toclers luit Cen-led aIft oiîg oye. of tht- routtiand itheric-tit> nboftht-lui-i uetilhy Cttvt-iuitd oandBoyeu tal boy@soirna t.-ariruthi t aîtidiig Iilied 'rù turn to eilteetay, Pt-h.12h ut tlietuiwitii migtu erinueit Ttipytiare p.i. a waiched gnou.e-noiiduled for th" hturr E. B1. Ct7. r-r, Clerk. fuiturn-e.nito lietru' Report vof Cn-to tAAi1ï,";Ay AU Si-Att of the r Saudero......................15i 1W1 o1) Suuw ......................18015 13 î18IIPlIT ITI IDI Birown ...................... 143 111 58LlIJUII IlBJllDht Tt Bob Iltecrmott........125 140 160~ Ed MecJi-rmott .......156 1Z)2 178 Ai bertyviUe in thue tate of Minoils. li lIa loeef husines. Yeurari 4. 191m LIBERT VILLE nasOURoxa.1 Seller ......................206tl1-0 l155 toanueald sui dami............. ...157 2118 186 oveedi-stta. séeum ameec' .......................... 179> 169> 15t) -C. B ond£ tu seocuretaUo.- Bîrtii.........12 158 '168 uther oeto acurePosal kadausg emu USBonda, becarfttese ............. -».q 1M .......e............... 2o011 198 Butnlnbonme. furniture aeh ams moteJion Liberti ville ............................. 2(S84 Duitemm sua911ndPrivste Bank@au=4 Ail bltars;.................................24211 teniiers. Trust Oonupale, s»d avgaB"inA.. ..... OUnMonilay nlght of thie weei ou lheBNtes of ther Matto"asnks.... 11101 Luceaile> e th" locale met the L.ake sud ctona Paner (Iurvencî-. Nickela rFureet tenta ln thet bil tif a merles Of Lawtul NoneyReeve in BanikW ganiuesand aab. came out victuioui Otecte...............ue .6. iliei'aiîi ni viutue b o ota t lt-sti-tender tnotes..... ..±et-,0100 95,iUM4 delatng hev iitrt hi t toalof2537 RedemPtion 1usdant il U-. Treas- Ic '86 ra isgo i 11pins for tht utcr 10 ner i-esttof circutation> ....lm thbree gauteý Thtiret îwo gauceeof ushestricewemèe Tot............... ...faucO Wotîlu> yL..uertiille stîtti o tuhotaultiel LIA.BILITIIS. maîiîtity, but i tie laFt gaine tht- lait Capital atout irattiftn............... ee. t-lt down Iaiving Lake 1Forest lie game uni-l... tond>. ..... ..........em . eidvded Profits, tesu Expeulesuad by oaulargin of 55 pins. Toses tatît. ...I........... - Tbe Meurelýluwe: N&atinal o eteentetandingt 3* teMdl idep-oits enuleettsue i, .5nJ1- LtiBEICTYnILLE Dcmetidcetifieates of depeme 150.. 7.l. Seiuer, ....................... 182 1111 122 postal i« eoim......... Init du>aui .................... 1lOt17, 124 Tuil. ...... ..........--mu Morris .... ............ lt-l8t917- >lt tet Of iaCouty ef Lake.,se Buorton ..................... 174 156 141 i FWill ehr-e Milie ............ ........ 192 17.1 21,14nai.-edS o kwA. tleeuty aelest ltee.,.e idtenienat erclui thebeut orfil novieda. LAKEit.niEsiaund beliel AI Marwede ............... la 1 155 11 - CF. WRIORT Cmdws. flataé........ ........ ...... 15 10134 Subferlueutansu wern t e lhr, e tMilaS MT fbe------4717,t PLORA A. OTAPLE8, Notary Publie, T. Shie ..... ............ 140 158 133 correct Attegl' G. Botemau..............146 149> 16(t Pý P DYXONfl. Lîbet> vlle 537PAUL MACUFIIN. Laie Fui-est ...................2356 d1eo Repart of Condition DAIRY FARIERS AFFILIÀTE, of thu MILK FRODUCERS' ÀSS'N ADIRINTI iR[BN AtUbertytille lu Mmetieof[ilatla.:o Ata well etteude i dtîmiuraliec urime et business Fttii-ary 4,.19>1 metiuuohthteIuiry Faîiiiiei-' 'unVrir- Et tîve Atsn ht-Id lamt aurdi ta ightin lu .oî,e theto lio halt, Litrt.lvli'le.-jaie infuite dioprotuu iiti tht-failli A," ast'u Cae perlec-ted ao.l ileler' yea hie, etc ago. tue ru, lu tbe A c-ou price wm u rr 'u'. Youll get yoir-if you place an'early ôrder. Every day adds to the already unpreWeented de- maud for Ford cars. In Ipite of t-le greatly' enlarged production - late bîîtyers are almogt sure to be disappointed. Get pursi tôday, 'Evtyboly lm drivîug a Fordrî-more than 200.000 lu ServIce. New pie-truuabout *525-ton0ritig cor $600-town carst $00-r-- teitu aIl equlpuent, f. . b. Detroit. tit pat-- tictilars lrom, SCHANCK BROSe j Ubmetyville - - - mnois 01 'uoa-o -4 - ý. m ý ý . m- -- 1 - 1 MW Il

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