Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 10

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If& t la~ lnGd dots Wý tmatysud -City, spéc a a = 9= 19t ilai, Coanty lot Lakq, es: -5gPerchassers notice to tké un-~ Wmoim ovnersansd ail parties Interet. ad àm the. followlng descrtbed lande mi Jota or turcela, of came. Tas «4tc. di.t flair. C. & N. W. fty', Co., I. a. &A RF. C0U .LF.mason. Edi.h J. 55fl, J. enchusa, Augusta G. Car- mfIý AX 01Os mn. !>aiei A. Orady. .Qe;r Mslloweil, WiMar4 R. Ward. 3. r a atk B. Kelly, Jame.s G. .LéS. ., li28déckér. . R u.ov William Edeurd MeLaren, D. D., Bimh- *p eofX)eo.e.e at Chicsga of 1Protest- Ast Uelsoii..lchurcli, Stéphen Pblllp osaS. AbertILE. Havés, Nellie Haves, SMary Scot, Cyrenlus A. Nev- Jr., Auust De Bons. Evérte Wépsa Ccbamo TitI. A Trust Co.. O.pM evard. récéiver of thé ~~aAMilvauke 11Bléctrie E.R.K ..î E. Wliey, Lors Q Wyle, Hoa- try C. Welcher, George H. Sargent, WlNUm . Sargent, Théodore I. WIi- XO-WI"lamJ.Nelson.F'snk Iuntsib, W. Z Nixn W. C. M=u:y I1'b ide, Mary E. Fovlér, '~ YPaIS . RILM.Hayes. John tWrd# WcL.TT Starr, Lymuan Sir ~a mt ie of landesud lois for 49@uent 4éze for thé year 1910 uad. by thé Tréasurer and Couuty lt.Ith», Cuanty Clori's oMfce Su 9&,Çemrt iusé u intée Cty of Wau- lMqWo eaty of Lake snd St-téet *laela. acéodlug te thé lave or thé ~,oflIllol.on June 27, 1911, A. U4»pn m rhssd for gémnra taxes % N U.sctio 23, tovn 46 £&M13.S lu InNevport. assésset! 10 the.£naneetfWt. T. Star-; aise ýlê la Cou)ttY C-erks subdivision ln - WJMe et Antioc]b, a8sessed ln thé 4i0 ipf R. M. Hayne; aise W ~ '14. section 2. tovu 45. N R 10. * MewIr. aud thé tinte ot rédemption W=On sald amal. vii expire on thé 27th 6W et Juue A.1) 1913. K uI ROGERS. Purchaser. (b thé Jsti day et June. A. IX 1911, 1. . Rogers Plercbssed for generai tý lUt 31 lui block 27 lé. Wshburn Îwk la City of North Chicsgo. as- emUsi la thé name of W. C. Umjty; ,:*$ U 33 la Ormd y & Hslioweire] 131«, dIYIlsin aCiy of Wauakégmn, ##MWM la théenaie of!Oasdy sud tt hul asis, lé«17 té bioS 3 la - «sbuWnioé la city or Wsu- *Mme«t *0 »MeetofWm. W» ise3 scis la M. IL B 6 lot 2. N E %. secio. 44. N R io East. asseesm »M o!f rssk lagri*skais. biODeS40, lun(bieé HigbJamds - àm teC. T. T. Dé,ai»elW& ,M- vuâbgrgh a aufdJvislm 1i 4& 4 Xil ment, *@nom" dta l»fuflm « Theo I. Wison. aise lMt Ttis imT es e. - Sl IR e! HOI&aiaiPark. la tbe mm eoftC T. à6T. tcaecAslaémeéeta, IWm rsiusg.District No. l'- lt&t '*bLd 23 lu biock 1a la Deeéi 11N ]L1aA àrnprovsutAsscia. tW *obdlisn, samséd lu thé name uVUpY C.* Welcher snd thé ti,. or V"%%tea trommsait! salé iii expire tý.e& tbe IBh dey et june, A. D. 1913. A. tL EOMPI, Purchasér. o thltè dy of JunpA.o1911. 4~J.~iomrs Pwébaadfor speelal warrant NO. 139. 3)1gb 749t. hlot 6 (excépt the WestAet, of h~e S)i ortuerly 100 test thtere O9S, blck44, lu City orai lghlad Oessmed lé thé amseof O. E OMOise vrrent No. 155, Hlgh- ]Park. thé Werly 102 féét of ', 0,,lé South HIghléd addition te 0f1Highland Park, sssemed in t tàIéé 6Of0f-eNI. Sealard: aise -OP*,a No. 167. Highiand Park, 60 1LOtut 3lI in block 4, Pas addition ite itgiia&d park. sss"sd lu the naine ef Au&. t» Bo. »;aWOase arrant No. 3. North (-,hl- éeaé, .lot 6. bloc-k 71, lunSS.111, Wau. kausO. City of Nrth Chicago. as Ofum ilu the nainéetor mi- ary, R180 is warrant No. I,. North CW*040. lt 16. bleckIt reubdl. vbdf t OrPart et Waukégan High- '40m la City of North Chicago. a.- 000 la thé nanset Steplien Phil '~;nu aise warrant NO. 50, North <hhAesele lt 7.blockt i, Wbotdiand lonl..ubdlvlslon. City Of North, Chi. èésessed! in theémninsetf jý r; wvarr-ant Ne. li, Wau l ot 28 Pearson, bllte & lire. 'subdivision ln City et Wankc- 041; a&Warrant No. 207. Waîlkégan, 14i l Pearson, Utie & li1regaries In luCiy Oet Wukégau. se. * t* 1Pthé mall et OfJ.Ilrgan; alée PWhIUatNO. 312 Waukcgau, l.i 32 in -Oi5*Halloveli*s ieofond tsubtil. VUWléà CitY et Waîîkegan. usseued tu IS.'naine etCiady & lialeweîî. -ihe varrant No 312, Wtukegsn, lot mttloc-k 2. la N«içio sstdîvîiun of '313 ta 8 Inclusive. Tiituy & Fra. 3WIl oéWivialou lnuCity i fW'auke 4 F& e.ed lu the came et J i'ésch- Saswarrant No. 312, ItUkégan, ~ê><SW %, c-ansanciag on North otrn-W % section. 7 chai,,, 9W.* *o crner thérmot. thenseWR oh t. leuceSouth te 2 36 ébai. L au dw 853 imw e.» a"lnè01 Park aSvéuil; tenoq Notth cai te OâMér or lot i. idock t, P«.- thénce Nrth 11%~ degreés, West 1.28 ehains te P. o. b. la (ltr of Whuke, gana.aseeed ln the came eofL. F. Mason; aise warrant No. 368, Wiauke- gan, part of lot 18, block 28, conmenc- ing ai a point vhlich le 51.2 féet aeuth et thé North hlint ai sd let 13 and 91 féet Ely. front (measured ai right angles te center Une of main trsck of C. & N. W. Ky.,) théoéé Ely. parai- tel te and 61.2 teet Southerly from the North Une Of sd lot to thée ast fune thereof; thallce South ta 01 E corner ef sait! lot: thence Wésterly along South Une of aaid lot to North Une or Witer treet, thence Weuelry along North Une of Watér sireet te a point which la 89.5 fet Eatiteriy f rom, measured ai right a.ngiete said center Uîne et eiald main track ef said IL R., thence Northériy to P. o. .. ln original town of ittle port, nov CitY Of WaukegU.asseaassed ln the nangeetrBridget Daly, and the Unieof redealption froint eaid sale viii expire on thé 231h day of June, A D., 1913,.&Uaiatuatéd in Lake Coun- ty. Illinois. A.L.RGERS, Purchaser. Redemption may be made at ltée 0-uty Clénka O2ce la thé City ef Wsukegan, Lake Couniy Illinois. W41iY P"b 21-28 Mcb 7 TAX 8ALE NOTICE. -Notice et sa"ésot Lands and Lots fer State, County, CtY, General and SpécialTaxe$. Bttéeof lilinoîs. County o1 Lake, ES: Tex Purchasr'a Notice. Te thé unknowan ovuéransd ail par. ties interéed ln the foiloing de- cribed landesud lote, aud portions et théesaune; sud te. Mai-, C. Grégury, LAu Tuttie, S["n- léy Wejton. Emelin Hathaway, £mina Cautie. Isabella M. Horeb,%Itartha D. Reéynolds, Mrs. Jason Carnéy. NR. M. Coulntryman, Carrne M". Black, mary W. Lee, Ilarriet R. 0-Dell, S. E;. je& 80P. Pioebe F. Clark sud F. W Genus& Tok. Notice Tbat ai a lax aIe of Landes ad Lots fer delinquent taxes for thé year &. D. 1910 mnade by the County Treas- urer and the County Clerk of Lake County in thé state of Illinois in thé County Court Rouge in Waukégan, COuntY 01 - ansd State et JIUi. nes.accordiét, te thé lava o! thé State Of Ilinois on thé 231h day or Juge A. D. 1911 P. N. Tonianon pur- chauffl the tolovlég Piee or percaes Of Lsnds sud Iota, to-vit. Lois Tw.,tY (20) sud Tuetycas (21) lu Bloc-k ftty-bree <33), ss- se8séd la thé nangofr C. Grue. i-y. beth ia Ctty of North <ilop, Béath Wakegaa. Tomn poty-Ile (46) -North. Range TvéJve <12) F" Of thé Third (3r1) Principal Nénidia. SitUatedla lu id Laite Couaty la 4&W; aisatf llinoisa" udthéetime af r. dempia.O e héabOyé Laudeansd lots wilii exp(i on thé 231h day « JIUne A. D 1913.1 F N. TOMUNSom P-bàhsér. Alon ai said tai aie on thé 2t3 day of Jume, A. D. 1911. P Ic. Tom- linson purcha.sed thé !oiiowîng paces or parm et b Auds and Lots. to- 'rit; Lot Pivé (5) ln Bloc-k Séventy-slx (76), assemed lt théeaineetfLoeu Tuu.: ttsix (6) la Bloc-k oghty., Iv (85). asssed lé thé naine Of Stauley Wejton. Lot Tén (10) te Bloc-A ElghtY.eigha (Ui>. Mseabed le éthé uliné of Emeu Hathaway; Lot Twééty.two (22> lu Bloc-k Nt<iéy.séy en (97). asésmd lu thé I lm-. bele I. llorch; Iot@ Agheen(10~ and Thirtytwo (32) lu Bloc-k Onel Hundrod (109), amsémséd lu thé nai of Mariha D Reymnoids; Loi Tveaty. tour (24 lu Bloc-k One jundred sud Sevenleén (117), assessed lé the' naine ot Carie 1M. Biac-k Lot Twenty. six (26) la Blk Oée Hundréd sud Twenty-oné 4121) assemei lnthe, nante ef Mary W. Lme. au lnl Sonthi Waukegau. Town Forty-dve <45> Nortb Range Twel va (12). éAmt et thé rhîrd CIidl Principal lleridian, sitiki si'-d In ssid Lbe CouatY, Itesaidý $tats o! Ilinolis. aud thé lune o!fie- deruifflon wlll expiré on thé lt)tb da"Y of Jun'-, A. D. 113. P.N. TOMlWI%3N puirt-baser. Aise &t naid tur sale ont thé 28ih day of Jue. A . 1).111, P. N. To: lillû Pnlichésdiodthé follevlns pee oiî ian-i-lé et Landsansd Lots, to-mit: 1,04 Thirty--c-ight (.38) and Forty- Pt r (4:) li i lock Niu.'tyoné <91), lsitdIiî ti.- nain, ofet rtinsCetn- lve IdI 1:1gli, (X) ]n iliotrk (Ou« lin. dre-d and Tii, t(1III, aessse.'inluthé nainip et Mi,. .Jas<on Caruéy, Lodt Thir- (I)la . lcs eéa itelande (If ~ MN. touîitrynian . in six (6) lu lilxi<ii, 'lilcel aJni Ttsnity. lirt-tR î'i i i ti Nli im OfqjIl, l.1<1i s -ut v ' lii ili-i > , fi liailit- of Eiîîiuî a uj - Id',i ,, 111 1Bick Ork, lilîndriet d S. Jessup Lots k'ort,: ti' Miaud FPortY.5yve (45) lu Bloc-k <)né Illndred sud Twentv.sî im 126). assess , lithé nlue Of 1PhnibF Clark aid Lot Raigé Xwu&ve <12) aat.«the Thiel (Wut) Principal Meldiaub eituatéd la nid Lake coUaty,' la n@id Staté et Illinois, and thé tinte of rédemption ef thé abové Lands and-Lote 1wil èex. pire on thu 231h day et June, A. ýD. 1913. F. N. TOMiIANSON. plrchaeer. Rédemption tuay hé made st the COunY Cierk's offce ln the tlounty Court lieuse In thé City ef Wkaukégan. Lake CountY, lilinois. Wkiy Feb 21-28 Mch 7 DEATH TAKES OLO SETTLERq Newe et te death o! Lon Fenian, ene of [akse Oounys oldet treai. dents waa receivéd hère Thursday morning. Hé dledý laie Wednesday evening ai bis home In Grayslake et cancer et the stemach ai thé age of 70 véars. 'tir. Féelni as bée il! for nmre lime but ht wae net thoughi th4t hie condition wae serious. 1-to qut fariung sévéral years ago and took up a résidence in Grayalaké. He is. survIved by hie vite. tvo chîl. dren, Le, of Gurnee. and Cora, who l8 marrled te J. Wlghtman, an ln- surange agent et Graysiaké and two brethérs, John M. oft!SaundLaite. and- Varlot, wbo is employedé bere ait Frankt Whapiee tfeéd antd grain stor. Notificstion et bis brohers deab' vas given hlm by thé Sun. Funéral services viii hé hold Saturday moru- I And every marn who owns 'a dog thinks the j animal has more sense than bis neighbor Choice of any Overcoat in M ra .. Wotu Yto the house $30.j- Choice of ail Coats that sold from $15.0O0l lf f to $20.00Onow - - 00 W V V Closing out ail winter tlnderwear at Less than Cost Price Phonie 85 Now located next to Pierce's Drug Store F. C. Setdel q Co. 105-107 N. Geneses Street Wid dosais ous. By'. id flis' fOIIhog Boy's overcoats in chincehilla Boy's hoavy chevoit and cas- and other heavy maherials, ai- simere, ais. some velvet suits, so good quality boy's suita abaglutelya g, od qua'>~ that formerally sold at $8.00, terial.worth $.60 '. Wo $10.00, during this 48 AU better grad e cotats, includ- wînd-up sale aI ...g ail large aizes that former- Girl 's coats for clearance at anyld' spid from $5--0W o greatly reduced prices. Bmail- $10, now priced ta meet sizes in heavy 1.98 anyone's pocket- 3.48 Clotho at ouly .... book, at........ About 1000 shirt waist8 taken from our regular $1 stock that were soiled si«ht!y, prce...-. 9 Inimimed Hais Lvëry llétte' a'iin thé boote for W înd-Upî sae White, Petticos Flouncea arc véry deep, em- broldered a n d lace. A 98C Valué ai Corset Covers Theur néw and s very Coed grade of muflin. Reg- ulfar 35c value ai m.* u*gais on a Some1hin e r y in th. coats hhat ,frl atill here for clea.rance diripg this wînd up ale. Chinchillas an dheavy cloth coita that formerly sold, asyou well know, at,$12.0and $15M0, now priced at only .......5M0 At $500 you know what a se- lection we have as youn have evidently had one of our $500 dresse& before, but when we tell you we have for clearance now about twice the amount we usually show at this price, and have added znany of the high-priced garments lot you can imagine what you wil find here. Remember50 ah only .......... .0 a Moats aid DriOsses8 At $8.98 they must ail b. clear- ed as weil as the rust. Better liming in tue coats,' of -course, Borne are only hait in4ed, -but tuatilailU they need, being made of such heavy mater"ai. But tue ciass in ther id hIýmir ail worth up fr9m $18.8 98 and now priced aI..* * a DRESSES-We would 1k. very much to show you whiat w-e are off ering you on sale for Iii. balance of 'is.398 week, ah ...... At $10.00 we have a littl. of everything. To see la to be. lieve., W. siiyou to1 see. Remember, --- 1. , Corne in and aee what WG. arte offering 79 at ... . .. . . . .7 9 WlidUp Sale on Ladies' enamfi lra's Shbos Women's shoos in suede, very latest toes and short vamps, fully worth at any time $3.00, 19 A clearance of one lot of chli dren' s shoes in patent and vici kid leatiier, also heavy calf, formeraJly sold ah $1.50, ta wind-up, priced at 95È only - ChiId ren's Drawors Mualin drawera, aail, suzen àa nd worth 25c go ai only 4c Combination Suits Our $2.00 quality alil itéW pic-éd ai Zia VER STORE." Women'a and Misses' high- claas han, gun metal and pat- ont shoes (by the way, patent in the latest again), woit~ $5.00, specially prced ko for three days ......297 Mi ÈÉve congre Goman buinséif i toriane 1 attend ef ,,lent Pr Members élider ai- Géenéral frein Te Preside. les 0cm Général. 1h51 Cet clalned Dii aller ton mandpr-lh Cipira présid-nt police ai Easplat, hie famili Ail lin are croi "Vive fl et waverl demi Me< utien of tu4d thé blinsélt r illon et Dias. sénat 1n thé dpi-o. A etonter m ('otmiitlé the depiî The le 5' Tm en meen Niez, Wb( Pn. The #0 Huert etn,.'he plaed iln jronfidénc disorder. cpsse figi An att. thé prési magrily r Eréé,,le. lutter arr the cabiii The prés aedise plan to iniddenly calé of&it bis advînt Puebi< People 16, thée, broughi statéetf F allégis nec suid havf Pi-adle, Severel gelsed tlb Thlte p ibère va, deys pasi having r havlng a. palace. th Pd the t Volonel P ot-al ethel éeled 8 nlie r( Carios Mi SLeva. ès. thé f édeti ai.' h.'tbr A Carnival of Deep Cut Prices that should iot viar $811! Stir the Entire City to Purchaslng 2h-l Wimd up Sais on Sais At $&.98 we are offerug yo ingh grade, heavily lined stuit in woruteds, chevoits, serges and mix- ture materiais that it should flot taice you long tsgraspafterseemng them. Absolutely the Puet sut Offer W-eever Made 0O ue .Ch suit& as these. SUraigt culs and cut-a-ways, trfrnmed and plain tallored model& Poutively worth al the way fromn $1250 to $20.00 and we say only oge »rlco f or any one of them and that is the smail sum of ..................9 Another great opportunity to save considerable money on oune transaction and that ý oo]m the pur- chase ofone of the.nuits that w-e are now ofer- ing at $10-00. Remqumber these are our best gar- monts and the former prices ail ranged from $MM 0to $80.00. Sinner satin lined, garments of many, many, materials and a good slection ~ of colora stil remnain to b. closed I out and remember they ail go at .. 1>e Ye. d sul t ses 1 l Usas aïdi esisof ,ew Sprntug goi earivlmg dm16 from New Tork We have adtded M0 mnore $1.50 value waista ho our 98c lot. You should s500 hem ah once.. 98C Fun Sets Any tittiif. ecarf, or throtv, fo rWinlup Sale at 50%&off

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