Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 11

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Madoro and Fanu1Iy uniu r Aîestu RÉVOLTION IS ENOIEO hEJoICINS FOLLOWS W*RFARE General Felx Diaz Maie Com- mander-ln-Chief of Army. bt@xieo City, ra..lit. - Declarlog bimisaif mlitary dictatar lenéral Vk- toriaca Ilupi,a.Who bas been ln cent Stand of th@ fpderati troaPs. assumed full charge a( thé situation aud Pies- ,,lIent Frsncisco J. Madaro aud other .5ihors f bis tsrniiy were piaced under arreat la ib* national palace b>' Général i&qiset, acked by the ?wf.nty'Nieîh Inntery. whilc> arrivefi front Toifîca t., cInfare thre PIadprý 1812, cause th, previousns cgbt. I.Mmudiaîeiy toliowlng the parreai ut Pr"aldent Madaro. envoya repreaenî. IBsO cueral Huerta. conterrnd witit (lac ral. Feu i Diaz. wiih the resquIt ,ltaiGénéral Huerta bas ireen pro- ctlmed ProviJaional president. Diaz te Commend Army. GemeraI Feix iDiaz, a eonqfternr &fler ten daya uti civil wer. lq cou, mandpr4in ehlef 0f ai] thtP forces. Zenrai Ilfierfa In persan srreie, '2Us àv"' adero. a irotiter of te trsdu. ln s resîsurant osar lire police ai thý e neGenersi lilaffutf asa placiug Francisco Maderoa sut Mis famliy unrder arreat. Ail fireg han ceasesi sud te airpe-t are crowded with peopie ahoutlng "Vive Huerta" sud *'Visa Diaz." maali ie -fenon the firat signa et wavei'in 9 werpevesdeigeed bit Presi- dent Madero. fle maie-su citer in Oeiterai Diaz la brlng about the resig. SUllion of Pieu Suarez. vice lreldent. tud the cabinet, but inated titnhm blumasif remaîn Ir. office. This propu.- Bllfon vwas flot sccpled by (eneral $*"&te vote$ te Oust Modero. lu0 te afiernoon the senste,z a- traordlnary session. volt!d tao oîst 'la- dlerc. A commtiee was appointed ie, conter wit GCeneral Huerta. Th. coflmitee was entireiy airccssqtil, 'The federail commarder-In-citeief e the. dieultiou after gîvîns itis prom- toe la act es pruvlsionai preldeel. Thé senate ei once lrocialmed Gen. oral Huerta as head of the goveru- ment. Mesastfgers were sent te fleneral Neaz. wba appi-oved aofte action taik- e The rebel comimder consenird #0 Huerta's ppoinîment largel>' b.à cauIse ha dealred a millitary mans placet! ln "flce sud heesuse af hl& jconfidence luntHuera& abilit>' te quel disorder. Diaz ordered bis trnoapsla crase figitiieg. An attempf was mnad« le persuade tbe prestIdet ef ureagu. but bietderfu Angrily rf'ftged. le vas auported la>'bisibrnther Guîstaveu and hb:Islu ce Erimtal. Aller a conference belweert (:nera l uertaanmd Blanquet. tli ltter arrested >tsdern sud seversi of tb. cabinet and put them In prison. The .president vas arrested whiiA e t *a0 discusaed wItti bis cabinet ao plan ta declare the. vice premideucy1 Vacant, bavdng titereibyte <oappesse <lenerai tDiaz. Qenersl Hianriuef. s- onnmpanesd l)y bis principal affIcers. slfddeuiy enlered t,. proldn. lqprr rate oni', sud notified! Madern and bis adislars that te>' ere prisoners.c Pueblo RevolutIl* Ovarturned. d People whoa rt'lved lera troutPtieb- 16. the second ciiy oftheb repuhil, brought te nou a tibe cii>' sud state ot Pueblo bave returùed to titeir allegisuce lu thte Madero goverument atid have Impriaoned dlonal Liuils Pradll t,.e ader ut te rebet forces.t Reveral days go onlnel Pradillo seized the gaverement buildings sud prociaiuad hiuseit mlîltar>' guvernar. Thé peuple apprnved the revoit andt thore vas 11111e dîs3order. When te des upassed vitirouttnewa of Diaz itaving received reinforemrents or havlng advanced îtpon te national palace,.te people repenied. overttr- Pd te reitel governmeqit. arrested <'lonel Pradillo and rpesoref te ted- oral officiais. Tiý te ite legisisturs eiected Senor BRrrilea Rguvrner. t nrie rpea commandera Pradillo.1 SCarlos Martiues acd flaudeucirn de lat Liiva. esca~pd walti a gmail fnrrc e s élite country' anti resurnef their oui ttte (if o!brigandage and itarraWnng t$MfederaW., ' toel Luis Pradillo, tgt*Ugr cOalder(id a mliliary genias sàf resiecta&'ft bs services under MWélèleslu Mfti.. kas tun Impatient1 at.',h.îiheaded h be a carernor. LILLIE MVCLERANLINJURED IN Mias blle pMeman sufferefi a ver>' palalful lunry yesierday imornin viren site feil down a flgir of stairs lu ber honte and viii lie confilesi toý thie houe for sortie tinte as a resuit et the accident.' In eiarting ta descend the stairs frOnt the upper mrneMion 5eMcberau fflPifed ai ithe top asnd fell. striking the sieP% In slich a mariner ihat one rit) was ýbroken and iwo other rites were severel>' injured. She was suffprlng cîult.e good deai toflay frou the effects of fthe fail. GIRLS iN8ULTEO IN BROAOD AýY1 LIGI4T. The girls of Northf <hirago are ln a constant state '0f feaerIn going In andf ram thelr wok of heing mnoiestef lfy a cetain woihiess Individuarl who seema to bave no fear of the yawning doors or the peuientiary îhni are aiariug him ln the face. Il was aulY a short timeý ago f bat e was arresied and given a jail sen. telâce on the charges brougi against hlm b>' several of thre young irls anfd there were several who would flot les- lilY On account of ilrWdlty. PETERSON'S FARM ASSETS ARE TO DE SOLDB ÈY BIS FAMJLY Fearing Peterson Would Sel) Farm Equipment, Wife 'Beats Him to 1t.' BOY FROZE HIS FOOT. Develops That One of Chidren Oriven Into The CoId, Meets With Injury. Doeuse lbey aisIotagî't roi ffIle farl i rraierI> lfo re e,, ir fsifatif ai,1ifat ie r, ) E i'el rso,,n guis ort or jrill wier'e oha.t heen inrareerît- isi util tire granrd prin> ets. anaucU tian of te farm asnets of tire farm lias been arraugefi for Tuesday noit ai tire farm near l.4tfert> tille. Peterson la tiro man wvir. altrr cirasing bis tamlly luto tire coifi re. c elui>y. kept Item oatail nîglît sd later, keKi iis vite tn dread Tar ail urght au a titreat Ibat ahe wouid cal lise outili uorning unlessuein aKree la hav'etisatuame vîtirfrawu trointire blaclilst. PeicisBon is lu tire couiy jarI. a,,d %litaout hni knoinuga <ing about JI, l. rwlte la said lu bave piaunefi tie sale next woek. It vas feared ire tsOrîld diPsp o f lire iropery In case lire escrapes, tatiilot, ai Ille 'ofiitig fetn tifrtcouirt. Boy Froze Fuot. lunfalineci ion with 1'clerson itar tsg fl,5r.d l'ls lanI 1>illa ite foi andi keiîing tirett tire ait niglt, t ilfi, s'elolîn Ilaitirhe 140.,lHugli.aged U,2 hafi one foot frozn e0 fIfafjyil tia, lor a filtre if was. iriire o wold ire a eripffle for lire, le hall n go aiiort oif eruir'irerfoirra trlff' hrrt 1s fl<ff apîrarectIv a il z glina. r" tras dirai-defi thif 'iait, of Illifis,.litk rrris ln thCir culfr i tCour ri l Lake cfrti t Y.Alter tire Lfecetî,lrtolenffA if 1911 Alîlle Stafford n.a Nida ris I Iln.t." ai. lu Chancer>' <leon Nol ,fiXf P'fiic totue aIli brCifv gisezi Ifai iry virtrie of order, andi derefs Cn iered In the abave entittiefl trrf.c ru i aald Circuit C'ourt of Laine toul>-. Illinois, ai tire MarrlITernfitA. i) 1!f1-1 ffu tire ifflirday ofitJrîir fd irfi ilir )ccf'ntfer 'Terril A.f1t.'i 2 onfffi tr:ird las u Off orirY A. t). lt :1 lrot 1w- ftfdfrslgtlef I.arrterj-f fil, anr'ery oani coudrni ile1firday tire i Iti, ia>- of Marcir A. 1). ('41. aiu tire birf of One o'ciock lu tire atterrcoau afsad day aitirhe East main entrance ta tiref C'ourt Illouse o! Lake t'otinty. Iu tire Cfty ot Waîikegsu, ('ortnty aofi.akr- sud Staie otfIlinois, seil airnt rr aucion nt ie hirgest tîideor for cashr tife foiioving descrlt)r ri eaiftoIn.1 sit: Luot Three (ilIn , ilock pi'rr (1 ifn tire Original TOvui or Little Fort Irf 'f City of Ws.skegai,î. silrate(jinlurife (200nty of Lake andi SI.aie oaIllirnois. subJeci, havever intahie rrtrladIn- sitaiimrentà Of Specil iAsaessîî,et Warrant Nunuber 293 of tire Crt) o! Waukegan. aud aiB»stibjec(t Io ihe taxes for lire year 1912, ifrovidodriift tire bld ripoun sall pioce 0f- pafre'l fi ]and shailire equai ta ai toast Ian. titirds of tire vaintlon put , ii,crthe saine by lire Ctnnalo as siravu liy firir repuort. EDWAItD .1 HEYDFIO'KER, SMatar lu Cbaiscery. Dated at Waukaga.n lilinuls, tiIs 17th day of Febitt>Y A, D. 1913. WkIy rab 21-28 Mcb 7 SIIIP BY OVER 500 Reduction of the Adoption Fee From $5 to $2 Seoures Many Members. AVERAGE INCREASE IS 300. Expeot to Establish Record this Year -- -To Hotd Initiations Every Month. the ôbI.tithW ain. It shal, have the power th puu' rent, constructj equip and niaiataln buildings sultabie for g-nuasiUm. bathing. swilng and club purposes, and to owif, equip. andi maininin athietic fildg. the Intent and object or ibis art belrug fa en. cfurage, promote 'anld protIde for: ir"alihfui Indoor and ortdoor recrea-1 tim lofor Ithi'people of theireri,t 0, r gr'ni7ed.f TWO VOTE DOWN COM. PLAN --- ONE FOR IT. Peimorra, iIl, Feb. it <fr rr,,iou fr"jr1rof gofemPnt as fir.faatpd 2 if) 1. t ire'vote poiled beInx thre lightest ar ný ciy elociion In the history of 1IF YOU W&NT to save 30 to 40 pe:r cent on your mas Buyt.hom at theKaj î33NRTL G~N~L5f ~ VIU~ùoN IU ~ ket that receives their, j I F 1, F'ý >1meati in car-load lots. S PECIAL-FANCY SGRCURED BREAKFAST i6 ~ EF Boston Butta ..........1 .i.... Oc and 6c Spart Ribs, short cut, lb ..........1 ........ 9c Pork Sausage............. ....4i ... , ...14C PigsFPeeta . . .. . . . .. . . j soef.........i1c Pigs Heads .............. ......1 Rib Roast il c & 8c Kettie Rendered Lard .......... 12 l Pork Shoulder................ 1. )use Steak .... 14c Pork Tenderloin........ ....... 21 ........ Bc Sweet Pickled Pork ........... 12) 1lbs ..... .....25c LAM ... . . . . . . 1 C F a n c y L e g S p rin g L a mn b . . . . . . . 2 ý ............10e Fore Quarter Spring Liamb.......i ........ 15C Lamb Stew.................. l MEATS Lamb Chopa ...........1 &IK. Brand ..15c Leg utton ..................ýi ims .... 11c Lamb Roast................... i .... .... ....locVEAL .........loc Fore Quarter ...........i ...0eo Hind Quarter ...........l busage ....... 1c Veal Rost ..........121/ .. . .. . . .104b Veal Chopa ... . . . . . . . . .l ast Bacon . -.16c Veal Chopa ............i tsage ........ 19e Caif Drain ............ S9c 1Caif Liver- *i-l , 1 xleys ........90e *oxl.ys Specisi Bmtterlne, the boit. ýbs ..... O ..1t: made, 2 pou nde for.......... 31 erine, 2 pounds ................................ 25e ickens at wholesale price. 7c, Gallon .................................... TIhe fffttber of new merrslherships ln f h'- 'rfý Te Ote: No. 59,f7)." 130 thre Modemn Woodms'n or America Ta, r rril lf Ill., FFir 1 tComnmis Native Beef Pot Roast. Jumped trou, :<1 00 f1150 durling te onsoir n r fgovernment in Taylor. lump Roast... mfjnth of .Tanuafry, raising the rate offfi4 ýdfetrlldv l:i Sirloin Steak.. -, Itîrreage for thfe' oclet>' trou, 280ftrf 'cf 'r id lufile City e' r 'arat Fancy Round Roass i 4fffifuffjýboû acodlgl h rprta'tf'Fancir Native Steer J ferelary. fIfirifwait madeprubiel irîiylooiiF'f I -o- 40 accrelai disthre ort Offered ci't 3,117. Short Cut Porter Hou thée lipafi rounicil.tire adoption fpee ff Beef Stew ........ tesociet>' wss reduced frou, $7 1 f'. r AUCTION SALE. Hamburger Steak, 31 $2 per memlher on Jan. 1, and thinsi lhpnderalorned havlng decidpd to Round Steak.... filet, fogefh..r wirh the decision of t bc quit farming wîî oeiliai Publiec-1 Supremne court or Ilinois. enjoalnngl lion, an tire tarI n kown &» tire aid Or e tire offIrers of tire aoclety front rais- <haýf' farm, one mile north or Gurnee Beef Tongue .... Ing the rates, hax gien tire aur an dfourr miles soutir or Wadsworth rratgn~~~~ foandemeaa addt i 'x miles weai of Warrkegan on SMOKEDI pifr nwmlusr n dedl :îru Pray, February 28, 1913 Sugar iured Hams S.i Another mane. ahicir. il labis r rttnnigat i a'clock p m sharp. Bugar Cured Picnic B a I bA a lbig fator lu gaining nelnfolown porry memirers of tifre soclef>' Is a regrflarr t'a.rr are. 9 years oni, aelghr 1.00 Frankfurts ........ litifton fia) each month throrghrrrrrlhs :i mare, I:2 yrar oid. Poluah Sausage .... tlîuate, on ahîcir al Candidates 141weýr.br1i,40f0 lts.:I black mare, Ill Liver Sausage. 4.. ail 'arnps wili pass through h in m %r i d, weight 1,150 Ir)s, 1John-, Ixported Summxer Sa ation erf.nrony la momberàliip luIn e, ston ir,rrakp;i 1 bo y k5 IDeef1Belogna Sausage... iaclr. A 9treorfofls cam.paign n o m rndior: 1pulverizer; I .rrlkeyCrdBeaf fifdpr way, it lésaîi bý officers. lr lraror, i1 -horse cultîraror, ua CidBraf gIve iis year anoiher reCord ln t1fr, tne'f ron drag, wlth a LI ad .3 Ixported Salami Sau ffaýraiof meuirersRhip. 1bors"- evpner Z2 14-loch sîrrýI îeau,' Blood Sausage ... -Jrohn BH Harris, foruM'rts Sie rýs j 1 iff:B. inch ertIre tirucir wagon; i 5 Pound Butterine, Mo) !fri '1It Oifffti 1,relty o rao andmirl,Ilrlafgorr i buggy; 1 ser of manure Ltte ig.0to 0 tfow national lecturer for tire Noderru Planks, 2 sets heavy tewm bat-ces.; Ltl i974 o6 %Woofdueu of Amerîca. has returnpd to irbeauy milk haruesa; 1I igirt tyggy Country Roll Buttei C'hicago trou, a two montra' lecture lrayflf',s 10 tons timotir> hay, ln tor rougit(lie soffti.Nr. Harrisrn.7tosgndu>and bay; 23 Fancy Dressed Chic saidl thai conditions titere pointed]if) irusirei,,or barley; 4 tacks of buond]led Saur Kraut,qur7 a blg fincrease ln southemnrn mirer- cors. li)ffboghies of ear cornu- %15W ý shlp lu the sacieiy. hushpla of seed corn; 1 goosi shep-r Mr Hlarris ieft the cii> taie todia>tierd dac ir andter amailart ices looi for ftie sorîliern lait of Ilîlnoir. 'nrmf'rorîs la mention, ab lrp h., %fi lectrure forfrhrp ee wkg. ,al ris of sale, Proprie a. _________lerrSine,. S ubseer retrfltin iree lu tire mi11"1f1.De009%Il TUE SMALL TOWNS 15 LATEST PLAN Bit) Prepared to Authorize the Formation of Recreationý Districts For Boys. MEANT AS WELFARE MOVE. Object ts to Provide Healthful Amusement for Youngsters Out of the Streets. Tlii" veltare of tire boy lnIlilinoia raîsca - esîfcfIâly lu lire smail town re sbert' rea reve inIfa 1>1lt. ae lrese , la conSingfil a f11la bhe1 w reseter i rat r5 printiei it hî lite l.tre cil dsy i> Sflior Wïltlalm Il. Malean 0 ai W met ( srrr'i a Iril 'pa.r-d tirecrenate and reached iilý rd reading ini lie house n lirelamI leglaar ire Titis tintfe Sen- star Mari aif is ioprfI if Paiti car-. r>ý 'lbill IrrtInos dea for local approval of a plan roc croatlug a rrecration onn f tapetiti101fof ifltrf ffrs sud el(,'rlon of ris local ffero, io uhai liras' ,i irlfîrlstfriIr Tii' orîglîmators outhlirebill paliniout thi rI . rrear thire lange <'it> ofera i'arks. playgirofrnrlr sud aclerlatl> niainageri plar- f fnl tiertaiîrmezî iun- ier tsaeand sffurfl los pubicfçad- ifniffitration, lire iffi of finef.fwns anrd stîralrrietir,rse iranosurrit or- ganizepirIfreation Iflaf'f'jr ' lietsir- alreirrt ira trantirey drirtltahie sirrets,,somelitues la ire pooiroous, as tIre oui> gatireriug points. This la an esîl wiloh tire fill seirs ii rerne- Pif (' A. Iirrieofrf esîrialîne la arolîg tflic imttolfrsofritire meas- rire. tir. Farte ifsa relat vi,,of l'rsîk ,rf I î<hîcag o andi-iirîreut Io r1 iiddlecoinrr of Warîkegaîn. T'Ir,'bill1woitd lmuitonue years tax- r-. in er cent ni taxalefproîferi>' ofi tri Iftreding test-s eqrnaiiza.iion. Foinh un îîrelase of lands or n onstrir lrion of buldingsr thedisitriclcis amI ho- rizerd 10 iste, ou tavoraifle voie, not euxcefllng i5 p*orcf'nt nofni,'- laxali ifoperly Valiliati. To Provide Healtittut Esercfse. The grant o! atiirrrity ls lunthe fol lrrwing section; "Aîîy rerresîionfdirstrict. arganizesi under tua acel shaJi bave ipower itu reni, to acqulre b>' glu. grant, or pur. chase, or b>' candemanation uniSer tie, aoit of eminent domalp, aay and ali reai estati.. lands, dr rigitta. and al üirer property needed ln carrying out1 Women'a Rose -Fast black, ex-super heel and] split foorg .35c Women's Rose -- Fast I)Iavk, heavily f 1 e pe e lîned, a il d made (, f gf>f.fI ft t'il varins, ain ecejft r 'ialiv good <of- ._ ..._ . ......9 c Piliow Cases -Niacid lini, piof f % lali I iii stt'î<. 'j/c .-) iX,, n- rInfant's Pillow Cases fo i ' 11 elti i n f ' g , heu tit'iîiI i -i iTb' '39c il lies, Sp (iI I ti 1î i upsale ;f k . ......29C ed( f4,td fl, l'f th , muiners nerk Siliii lfr ll c l ('I.if f oi . 'f' i j - .>1 ;si ', t .............15C CLIEAN-UP SALE Clearance of $15-$18 Coats 7.50 \Id off tfhicî'~est aterials, coul n 1)ilost al ~li~I ,t aifled anid fiiîislied with the titînost eare, ian ' aeiais, serges and diagonal go0ds, iione iii fwt worth Ifft f fil l lin$15.00, sifefil ffoi.'a ftijf.k anbideî $15 and $18 Suits at 9.95 1 in fi iiitii test stYle, satinli iiiid, f'fflie iiiail sililfis, tifv lllitilfîlefi, ff'ui sold at ai f'()) lid foif.i 99 L a d ies' Morning Wo me n 's House Frocks -Vil .should lDresses F 1) r Itouse dresses ý im do i ot want stel) f ii ( st f f f . and ii to 111155ssesgiiig o fi ne, s. e tilu piettY Iiiii <of liîîjlfi \ tii flichebest frovîii. t~ks XXf are ; (j îm iadie of the su tili i ed fti fflbest n at eria s, priced t(ý ý4.911...1.98 SERIGE SKIRTS r rrr rir fî sr1. 1 10 ( ifIf I o lf'r rrf li mir reg filr,fr"Ilfrf rrgr' shfrti tfor tfrrrrroa , ili r3.9 Sec ou" Wfodaw Oiapiay of Specral Prrced Waista for To- ,uorrnw and Ail Nexi We.k. Specfals ai $tt9. $139, $149. 5c De oc. Ac 90 Stikolines - 8 /h o r t. iengths, j*r etty floral patterl)s, cîmne in, ail' ooran extra good bargaiif for tomorrow, at1 vard.... . Madraa-Cau be tused ffoi- over dr-apes, .alIs, dens, etc., coînes in very pretty shades, 85e vai- ties, special, at per yard .......JV Suitc"aes-Steei frame, made o f immnitation leatlier, brass trirnned, 24 illeh size, a good case tonîorrow olnlv ........... 98C Conic iii tan, piik, bitte anîd gray, reguiarly sold at 10c yard, tis ai, at, 3~ yard ...... ..... ' I#a.Wi-Dainty patteî'îi.; anîd îretty Colois,i good bai-gain at 7vsj>e- î'ial 1for toiîiorri't>watt 1lue Muslln-4-4 widthi,pîule wh iite bieaulied w i tif it dr-essing, special' sale foi. tioiow a t per yard .... Now for the 1 BEE] zephyr F ý Gingharas -

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