Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 12

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rAKII N~ WIBa. hl e tut nec 'et Kenosa bas off icially ifted the boxing lid, but there's no teMig when it will be clamped on again, because it's been a *1* of "off again, on again"' etc., for some time in boxing inatters in Kenostia._______ , "The Tale of a Cigaret"- - -This promises to bé one of the fuatures of the finishing touches in the Zion anti -smoking cases joR now.appears that counsel for Voliva will seek to show that a cgaret stub caused the big tire Sunday in Zion. According to reports of men who have returned fromn Mexco, Americans who have been in Mexico City did not look to the American flag for protection, but sought shelter of Ger- man, British and other flags for protection. Imagine it! Lake County farmers should lend Samuel Insuil every .oWsble assistance in bis move to hire a soil expert for Lake ý-'CoMfty whose duty it will be to offer aid of any kind te farmers ýwoeorQps have. deteriorated and who seem unable to get thulo soul back to former condition. McHenry bas hired such an extDeKalb has one, and in the latter county it is off icially stàté6d that the expert bas helped ta raise the producive quali- ties; of the soul to a point where farmers themselves can hardly belleve what they are experiencing. Lake County wants suchi an expert by ail means. t's what the county needs decidedly. bad. Four children of Joseph Hatfield of Brookville, Ky , were 1 burned to death Tuesday when their mother w&nt to a neigh - bar's after locking the children in the house. When the bouse ocaught fîre the children, like rats in a trap, were burned to a rlsp. Here's an example for Waukeçgan mothers to profit by. And still many of tbem do it - --Iock their children in the bouse wtiile tbey go away, îust so the children will not go a#way ta play. We know how that Kentucky woman now feels- - -she , sýjes she bad permitted the children to have4.heir f reedom for thon they would bave been able. to save themselves. Any. inother who leaves home and locks her cbildren in, is a fit sub- jeot not for the insaneasylum, but, instead the Police Court. Gerim*e C ikeINTRODUCE BOXINfi w 1 = Il-,st5 f0to! BILL IN THE BOUSE e er ekfasPt a s rn&JUKn «b , titieiiomad Representatîve G. C. Hilton of if Kdoubert. asn rwtr Chicago Presents Measure imsa t wi l b lavgoc sirtc --May., ass Witb Aid. .ig rf ethuand warm. Sve = O., =aidt hiext SundaY. Springfield. Ill., Feit. rS Represent- E'.... ~L tive George C. Hilton of Chicago to- S day tntroduced in the Hotise te re- JLstueoo fKC ,~Powde . forin boxng bill. modeled afler 1h of (Chicago. Representative Frank J. %IcNchola of Chilcago, who madle an unauccess- -fui attempt in bave such a bill put through the House two yeara ago, la -. atding Hilton and C'arroll. lcNlchol8 and lilton thtnk there lo a good chance for the billiIn thîs - . session. . -a greietoptedm. eat te en, aid niIkmdbutter 1tu<lhe y tuniake one Md one-qutr-ca sib &H ther witih 7p% àds «= aTsi bssr. Tus oto und ipmal eve. Brusi top Irchi i h mete7'buttr. Sprinkie ugar ai=rtun cinnamon over te top. Balte i.mieasove. Dutch Appl Cke or Prune Kuciien cen b. 'made cth su ue btter by covenr«n the a pared and silceit eppîrs, o De&Ipaes ,.ith te pits removed, skin 'ie s . rdg ithsuur and cinna- oisti.un WfrCffee Cake. «TIi. Coos 5Book" contales 9o lust ,urh AItAmu vpAý. Vouc'nse.. c By defeating Armour 45 to 18 Tues- da:y. Lake Frest climubed a notch c-bser to the -litee Ovpe aslsthali rhamplonshir>. The victory practical- ly clinches te tille of the norlh shore tearn. The score at hall tinte was In te second perlod the home teams an away f ront Armoir.theite Icie" scnrlng only on" field baslie> lis b seiîg heconre rniicae eced Word was recelved litre today of, 2a theU eanfKCBkn<,ndr4' e deatitln Wad8worth Wed. mors. unso~' mm. a~aduesaplatl,. of Miss Katherine Delaney, one of thie oldest residente of the couaty. She ______________________ the sisler of the late Patrtik De- eupovisr Edard('onad s ~ laney, whoite deatit occurred a few flt <vears ago. Mr. Delaney was one of Jig mt ome of (ho Durkin fi i ithe counlys îeadng poltictan . The Genezene treet, over titi, elce-çri l 1gb' lath of Misa Delaney le satd 1 .0he 'Office. followed an attack of pntumonla. "Ilaiitlv!" Il's i lie "auofes' t the Foî-d that establishies ils ut- botinded jîî >lllritv - speteiallv with those xw'l<i lavv -d ive iv ia ý- ier andl îàîu.i iîiîiiroine c arsi. "haiîdy- ' tIi lt'as it is ur.n-l to iuaiiîttiî. 5.very tiie-ocar îs saioru Neariy Nomoit<ave Ieen sold anda oltvered. rN e w prices -runànoul 8225 tour- îng car !tlJl-sdllVfry car 3525 town car &1eau îtt ait equlpmen(, . . oD. ie- trott. <et parlaculare nrom PCord otor uompany. htacoî. gan iaîo iourteentn lilxeete --or front uetroit taclory. C. M. GORHAM, Agent, Waukegau, ]ILI The 'Seîài mAnnu'al -Rkound Prices Have*e . RuhIes*l 3agtee [SaleStarts -Témorrow- Làsts One Week The Round-up is our final clearad-e sale ut the scason; it rel)resellts our last and îuost exhaustive effort at stoc k reducing, W hav e ade une grand "6roiind-p"-a t.oiiplete gathermg together ut al Unes ot Winterninerehan- dise, invluding 'short ends, odd lott and and broken lunes- and cut' the price with absolute disrcgard to origmnal &%st. Thé ]RoadUp a~ Custom of the Plains The Round -np is a terni apphied to a eustoin of the Wcitern plains. The owvner of every cattie ranch send ount once a vear a baud of eowboys to round-ni) or hring together lu.s cattie t bat they inay be hranded and their identitv establishced. Days (Wt tedlioiis rlding are rct1uired lîctore a eoinplete r'ounId-tp cavanlie acconplished. It is a narne that applies uîost ittîîîgly fi' tins sale, as wNe have rounded-up every line uf ruerehandise in the house. - Domestlcs- Mualin- B leaehi- Sheeting c(lil îîîîsliîî, 1I1111 Yard bealid s] m- i d v,. (<îicîthiiule 1)îr a il, a ~i 1ify. iegilai. ilhread, «2p(- lprive-l e and 5c I9/C 8-4 Se, per~ yard'51 at- ...... shuewtîiîg, hleavv anîd 28e 9-4 a t .18C PILLOW CASES-Ilea:Y full bieached piiiow cases;, dependable qiati(y. 4.' aqd 45. Inîch sizeB, 12 .>c klnd. e&adi....- ........79c SHEETS 72 by 90 Inicit loch ful hieachied sheets. beavy round thread. dur- able quaiity, Ilmit of 3; 50c values.c TUOING -42 Inch, fui] leached piowtubtng, IleavY round tlread. 24c grade, yard 14c; 15 loch yad ........16c ,-DryGoods- UnionaBu i ta-- flîid sîlits, regil- lar a )4 d v xt la sîze, furnîerlv $l and< $r.25,roiud- pwe...79c F"ast black stock inîgs for~~oîcl splieed hldand toe, lieiiîîtîed top, isuial Priee 151v- .lict-d GLOVES-Womns o back and gray cashmiere gioves. Sleeced or «Ioca ileli lte khnd thet roll for 50c, gale price. pair. ........ 39c RISSON Pure taffeta 40 and 60 wvidtiîs, com- and moire ribiion, com- plote lîse of colorings. 5 e gr d ". lO lofSdup ofSuiCoas Dresses~ MWe lave divided .îur complete stoc(k of woili- vu 's and MNLissc& c oats into two lar-ge lOts anti 4-ut tile prices ivith a vengeance. WOMEN'8 COATS- formerly $10 .6,95 tw $15... WOMEN'S COATS -ormerly 9.95 Suits in Two Lots women'o Suits-Foî- m e r l y $ 1 5 t o . . 9 ý'0a ...95 Women's Sut - For-. inîrlv $22.50 95.1~9 . Dresses in Three Lots 't - ! $700 and $ 8.00 dresses. .. . .... .. $495 $10.010 t $ 18.00 dresls . .. . .. .. . .. 7.95 18.00 to 8Ê .00 c(m ses .... ..... $1475 Redyto.W ear- Dress SEIrts- a t h lobes - Womer's b 1 11e Made of imported arnd black wool (lerman blankets serge dress skirts conventional deigne, high waisted, a i d e plaits, $3 val ue, sale prite I.79 gale « 29 WAISTS-Taior Made Watets. etnhrCIng minues up (o $2.48. made of 11 linons and linoens, sale price ....11 HOUSE DRESSES - Fiannelette itou se drosses lu stripes and neat desigos, ail colore. 81.00 values f at ............ . c LONG KIMONAS -~ flasseleltes. er g e weave. formeriy soit at $1.48. 00w .... -95 FLOUNCING27 1l-ch elu hrotdery flouncn, blIn n sad open wor patterns. an exelet 1.50 quality m et. yard.. -Up Salé i. vo AN] Percales - 316 inch Veour43Ibletts percale, fast dye - AI i c> duekliîîg light mitd dark col- dfiees "-4»i anîd ors, in stripes, with cunivemîtl1oial d c - sîde bauds, 121/.,c- igns, 15e #nd 19e qi,îality, at' 1d gradfflat, i, yard ........7x yard.1.... C I WOOL CHALLI$-Flort. coveu)tblpand itPOr stan desgmns. splendid quallty, usual prigo 46C. thin PO% VIA ....... 6 ,PREMIER POPLINS - Permanent euh finish. sun and cop proof. 25 diOler. eut colora. 36C 25 grade, yard .. ROYAL MêALETTES -ins. itU &I&ilifoul- arc. mdq, spigAlla. Blue. aiso bback.igroade4. wdli patteeti g« .24 Men's Coats in T"..IM Look over tiiese three lots featîîred heluov, seleet the prlier that its your puerse and then corne and see whit a splenidid garnwttean Seeured for the înoncy. Lot No. 'l.-IMen's anîd vounig mnens overcoatb iornieriy eold at 50oand-i 112.50 , made of novelty materiaa, yeur choice for the round-up 57 sale .......... ........ .........5 7 Lot No. 2.-In this collection of overcoats are garments htretofore soid a( $18 and $20, attractive novelti is and plain blacks. 9 8 at ..... ............ .. ......... Lot No. 3.- Ind'ltded ini this lut are $22.50 and $25.00> values.' taliorod splendid manuel, f fancy .7 chevoits. novelties and [3.< 11.75 for $18 'à $20 Suits About 300 garînents tu seleet troim, every one a high claie product, tho boat value that $1800 or $20.00 cas buy; e heavY and mediunm weights, many1.7 desirabie for spring, sale prie ... ,- Furniture -7 C hif o n ie r MNad1e oif soliil Oak, duîrable <'4 i- Sti-lla-tioi, ai-go size, 5 d ra %cî-s, aliue, 6.95 Davenport - Re- volving Puflniail bed dtavcnpoîK)It, oa k tîraîîe, sîli- lîol1stt-îed in iun- i uîitation icather, $3: 0. 0 0- value, priee 24375- IRON BEg-Neat deigo. lias 2 Inch itotâ wi five fillers, common sold for $7.50, 10W ....... -.... 54 brusels Ilui 9x12 size, 10 wjre heavy q ual i ty, speciftlly noted for their durabil- ity, n e w patterni, 22.50 v.. ses at £54 0 AxmInstýr tais Handsome n e w designs, h i g h pile, fulîl 9 x 12 size, splendid $25 values, M sale prce$2 Waukegi's Bout aW Petticoata - At- POttb4bs9ke - tractive sty le, E x a le p tiojially mîade of good finle c.mhric, ele- (Ilality caînhr. , gant j;tyleB, 18 e ni b r o i der v mclI Obi-oidery flotunce, 75e val- fi o u liée, $1.50 t......49c irti 98C CORSET COVE RS-DatUtiiY tr4pmpd utilesl made of Oine nalnsook round . O up prico ............ OOWNS-V. igh Dock PRINCM',: #N - and elip-ovor styige, ex- Ucw #*i *wêt' top tra qualiti naiUSeook ad booIeeWOCpuI- lace andt embrot4ery 5113' Sma flwr bain. trimmed. sale .00k. fiàs , prico .......... ...79c CAS GLOSES--oPSI giobe fo«,uPrýt fl ta p ins e a prie ........ c ALRMMaL.ofKsTb oéSo st- . 8-0c ts e pri.................. CAO1LO OUTpoud akg C lego hi Pri m or. .----..... .......... ........ c WRSI N-110Inhquar, hea,..psy aolpd. saprice.. .... GUYSTAL COFFIUE MLL-1«4lis o . pounit. air-tig 4bfbt el>pi.. ~ FRYING PANSe-Largo e.bava$ alwayi coui id.* . . . 'f Truck Died SAYS Off ioi. Wa Wa John at te factor) In the 10 oCI of toi crushe >hortl3 bîeaum ice m aftersî of the plant wife. avesui terîtbl stnce officiai tsi te * The big fi te .Il Ing bi ay d sud. Trhe tweeD he bec and tI the th near,-ý dent. Impes off tht stoppe late 1* The SUMID ta thie andaW doue bourg .lobî of the ter,di tor th hbaiti and t was 1 truck. pense, Au vietlle la tho lily h. In t Hebrc couit, real ( ,Mrs busha Hebrt 1051 ber g years, est Il comte tling Mnr childy and t of ho one a hn Cb faculi Elu ot M BM -Footwea Womeau s hees mens Shees- A - Embracing a wide variety o f wide variety of styles in gun met styles in ail kinds ai, papent and Ruisie of leathers, as weIl as caif lesthers, 85 to $4 Velvet, val- à values, ues to3.50, 5 pair . 2e59. CHILDREN'S SHOES-Patezit and vicl-kid inathers, black. brown or roit topm' 3omrl 1.00. 00w 69C SOYS SOESButon WOM ENS HOES - SOV' SHOB Buton Warm lineit. wtth or and blucher style ln box wthout tips, flexible caîf leather. suzes 9 t., soles, low. beels. $1.50 Prce ....1.29 P'er...... . 119 ý 1

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