Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 9

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ýjAK COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, _______WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI,-No. il. PART TWO. LIBERTVILLE, ILL., FEBRUARY 21, 1913. FOUR PAGES NEW. LINOTYPE IS puT INTOPERTION IN TUE SUN OFFICE FINELST MACHINE OF THE KIND TURNED OU? 8Y COMPANY NOW IN Usa HEftL MACHNE WHICH IS HUMAN NlW oLINOTYPE CARPIES TS4tEE MOAGAZINES, TWO MORE THAN O@tDIMARY.LINOTYPE. Medel . No. 17163.- Waraiegan Suin. Wouksgan, 111. 0 Theae are tire firt linos ut 0 type cea by Tire ues uev0 0 linotype vblcb vas Put loto 0 opeftlorl touday- Heren boplng P stret Werkegaue future sf11 5be as prospurons lu the mat~ a ter o buines ae Tire Euen a -blleves lit viii ho .-Ounr Pm *diction behia the basie for PÎtlbavlng suffilont confidence " lu tire COMuaraty tu instail " thWsthe. greetest typelettiug " machine tiretiras ever beenu " turned ouf. lieoitir le pr'seested apicture otf' ftm a »wlinotypeuhir vwas put ln- to opsps*ioi tnday toliovlng li rer- ion Wsb bas taeon ithogreatert panothe b.peut tie deî'e. The ma chine le knovwr as "Numrber Eil," tire latae pattern ttirned out by t ho Mesthletr compart vheb con" troie thre building of ioîpa Th'ie achiue vas orderealb tr Ou% ffl timo agie butfue doms.udà for tien ras beeauiuciithât tb.e Suas.on .- bid lo ake ta turu ad i tberstore the michmne did not arrive Imm ullaitlv.t. Tf is,- lhaut>ii. dîfers trou tire «M mi-, otla la tbirt iran tiréeC m uft o v onI kh are evîtcetu1 lotios~,iton by tire tur'n e a vireel soe, on tire rigit aideocf thre cut- OiL oter tnais. vben su eperter visbetu set a tlIfme et kind et type Ita teeofts'y te lift ouf one muaa mie an put on anot ber. Thinsre- qudires timo snd musucla a tilas hlcir la doce avay viti lu n ie uev ma- Cis. TIre Etlu's nev linotype jp the ti-t ou te bho italed lu titis panotheLb uoutry outsade etf ('li-ago and aveu la Chircego tir-i. are ltt tee moudela oft (irs Ind vhlch. it le tated, llqi e climuax of tire Meusnlbalcr Inventione la point eofiperfection., deil, etc. .Wth tlree mmisaeb equlpped vitir Ivo-letter nmatrices. 540 ciraract- eare at Ut-Iusntant coumeard ef the operetor trou tire standard key- pboard of 90 Iteya. Addtional cirarac- tore can ire lherted la the . uni- lino by band snd viii ratur autouâti- cally tW the sorte sMâcher p4e Vi box. Tire mchine ls capable ot turulng eut et higir aPeed latricate, compas!- tien requring sz ueny as six dlfferent fmaesfetype. 7h. Sun exteede a cordial luv'ta- tien te ls frienda W viltirhe oufce end vatci thre nachine lu operation. 80S fer an Passible, ioeve. such VI- île ehould ho made betore noon ho- eausoe ateraoons ueuaily are ton brrsî a tinet or thre operetorc to give uucir lime to explalalug detattsi. FORMER URINEF ,WOMAN 15DEAD Word iras rescheal Gui-sofethLie doatiroetDUr&. Heuriretta A. Nîchois, et CrokSton. Mim., on itIb. tboi Me ddled eithtie bormeot ber daugir- ts5r Mis. George Heath. Mm..Nîiibola lved ln the lova et Warren bafoue and ttesfo, er mariagre. Sire vas 76 yem o f ans and ias! made ber boe ta St. Parufor unny years untIleo tag te Bye vitir ier daugiter ait Crokala., Mrs. Nicirols louves tvo steteers, tn Warren, Mn'. James Orme- by and md Lra va ffty snd a brother, ILK.GB oudie, tire ltter héug t Dean- to, FI&, butire bas been îpendlug -the Iwinter' vitli Mis. Orneby et Gurnee. "n. Toug oet Gur.. ls a aisec of lms.Neos If Ilie.iets serlous and you neos! atrengtb aud ouorage. don't use slUm- eialan - tk*« uhihleeoILa-. MTea., Tt *Liiiput youo etop inasd e4"mak" t u 1ysudoedeg Sela"& . . THE DAILY SUN'S NEW LINOTYPE Above mec shown the cuts of the SUR%. new linetype kwown ne elmbea 8, 10,1 le. Bt.llcd and putlotn* opemuten. ais. a cul of ls limtype nons. ber 3. theme lwe me. chmIsM-09e t.nMme vo the Sa*'* type. ietilbe equlpuidit. SMALLPOX PEST CITY IS SUED FOR SPREADS UNTIL IT $12,5W0 DAMES NEARS LAKE COINTVÎ BY TWO ZDON %EN Smallpox in The Dairy District Leads to Sateguards by Chi- cago HealthDept. Snalpox. appearl'uegat finiI ie.iy-1 lated caeos tuKane couuty. bas spresdj as au epidorulo acroos ta Dupage coun- ty aud le nov lnvasing the nortirvest port of Cook county and ail tire coun- tryside betveen Elgin anti the Wis- cousin stete line. Part o! Chircagof unlk supply my ire tirraataned. Henry Sine and John Neal Sue for Injuries Received in an Auto Accident. Týiti-cily tof Wsttkegali ltas tii--ru ued for $12.51111t datîtagea ri Ijutries rucelv- ed by Henîry Sine aud Jlit Neal. both o! Zion CilyIt aur accident wviciroc- curred oit Northî Sreldaît road on tire niglt iof Dceit)er il. 1912. vîraur an au- tutîrtrlili- drivait by tantes Ferry of Thirtein nov casas yeoerday atiol iy trtkabsrcinl Wàrrouvîlle, vîtin seven miles1fonto).Buo' e oeo Wheaton, and reports thot sevorle rnttf i tîtîoisnv rrueo tima of tire epidasil e-e,u(M larmue Northt Sh-ridain road As a resuIt of vhero dairy borda ver0 kept. cauaad tite occidenît. Edîsard Ferry of Zion the Chicago beetb departunt f iy a-iîî.su ate ary ut sens! Z. L. Blaladaili.diry inspçctor. ia id etySn.tu trruc Intou Lire district- tu saeguard uilk eladiurSIteotr c. courumera. 'paitta tf titi- tiaritiie. ver-e badiy Inu CityTickt urad.t Seiela' sîiutg for $10.000 oui Dr.tB B.aSeranProc teuto. inNeai for $2,501. Tire sulto vere filet speotiea bureau doclares! Ibat b. didlhy Attornety William Fabry ut Ziotu net Llnnk aY ullk trou tire contagi- 'City and Attornîey Alec Beaublaru0o On ares vas contins lote Chicaga, but1 Waukegatl. becasise of reporta that tire 4pideuno A ie îui tth-acdui iaci vaws *spreadlng an inepectour maset Attehoorh-acintteoo eut, ters Jury wiiclî made a tioroughin I Tire thirteon nev Cases et Warren- ville ver-o reported irt Inspecter Crav- tord of tire etato board ut *hosti, &fter terrorises! reaidents of the vil- lage iras! ppeaied to the states at- torney. ther townsiîp superviser eand the sueiff 10 ake precautlons %galiât tuatber spreadng of tii. dîsesje. The faut step lu tire dlssolvuenofo tire "lrowdhr trust" vas takeît lit Pil- adelpila Tuesday. vben tire itilgOet the United States Court of Âp9.tie approyed au agv emet under wvieci Lire comblielad ~ddloteoLiii'. 5F arato compales. Tire "corualptlon," briovu asetire I . Du Plont de Niai' ours connsey. holding comuqs fer 37 powder eomroa, vuebel toe,r i. t- vestigation hitîo lite frate. returnad tire folios lng verdict: *Wa. tira jury. iud Liat Edward Ferry came tol iesdeatir trotu Injuries recelvad by belng tirovu froir an au- t omtoblealater strlklng a pileut sand and camnent lu f routtif Dr. Bouton'. 1 humne un Sheridan road ln Weukegen, betwean Rldgland and Stewart ave. nue. viiic hbas! beau places! thore by Contractor Nelison and aloves! to re- main Liere by Lhe City 0f Waukegan as a menace Lu the travelling public. If yuur cook g,ts otostrepwe'us and! t18 Inclined to rtu things, buy bar 11#1linterta RiiM.Tes, l vilI regnlale. -uq*eber coei nsd pmeceful. W. W. aint wJnoutorvas arvtnsaeast.sand i-er,,té --,e»wo-,-, *vot o,1 Justice -Chriatanson flned the ovuor 0f thre gun and lire vitumees as vili. Stewart le said Io ha an Indeperrdent and Jobnffons parents are minthera of ZMon. Jobneon's fatirer ratused ta pay the fine ttrlbuting tLiracst of th@ J. P. to rolîglous prjudice lu fting hie boy vho vas marely a vituese. Clar- once Pool cama up iafft niglit betore Justice Blliove and pleeded guilty to Lire asoauit.Yes. 1 punched Hoo- ver a coupla ut coud eues." ho sald. 'Corne around sud ses me tomor- mvw mornlng.' eid the J. P., and the yaung mon vas froid. I'u gjet tiauvin out betoro long.' slId Pool, a lttia hâter. Anid sure enougir about elgbt oclock botb vere erjoying liberty. Born te Mr. and Mrs. Frnk Kooiey et 115 Northr Uticia treet. et lthe Jane bteAleler iroaptal Tuesday nigirla ton popus! sou. Mne. Keeley le tire qaugiter et Frank T. P'owler, formmer ettor et the Delly Sun. Mr-. Keebey fer nmre tino vas employed as airk ln ePar-ce' Drug store ans! re eigaod receetly te taire a posion sA teve" agsaesman for a big pairt u ne." Deurinucb tira-rumit e utbr ar lu iii- aectcd.l iriuuid tira numbar ot candidates for auy judicil office exceed tira nîrnber lin ealected, the otitrar caîîslng the italots to ira pint- ed s3hah hbave tire namtes ut suri can- didates printed upon eaid "Judàcial ticket' ln ordar as foliova: Imme- diateiy undar sud !llovinc tire title uf such office, tire nainreur nauras ut tira eItt.iiu Jîdge or Judgas tireurau ciuibeut ot env office harem spee- fied, accurtiing lu their sefrioity. baaed upon çoutiuuu service nexl. pracading stîcir nection. lu suri uf- lice; and lmmediataiy tirareaftar un said ticket tia naines ut ail other candidates f&r sueir office, lu surir or- der as luo thair priority as saai li daterminad by lot by suci rceri: Ex. cept as irein othervise expresaiy puuvided. sfald Judicial ticket," up- on the officiai ballot s-. atoreeaid, shahi contorm tcina mari;ad and voted and tira returna lieron nanvassed sud certlfiad as lu otier cases under tire gourerai elaction lave îîow lu forci-. Fach voter may axpreta bij choira ut candidates tipour aaid 'Judinilitick. et," by piaclng a cross lu tha square preceding tire name uftheb candidate for vbom ire desires te, cast hi. ballot «ndl lie canddat» (or ceriile.m - leaves two bugo Mountains Of los, 15.ý if John gi-al te habîit of itayiug deapite tira heat, ait of theiie la %MnU ont tlie juet lualal on lis laking Mt.l consumîd or maltad. 'Tii. flWftIl' lsirs R. NI.Tea:.l illii ns;tili regu- Of tce vii, as le lvays Lb. Came oar habits, 35r. W. W. Pearce. stand thone for eeaks and serre s4 a reminder of the blaze wvicir ooul4 _________________________ ie seen for mauy tmiles arounit. vhere more iban ona are to ha elect- Wcrk of luifndary CerteIn. adi recelvitliehilgireat umbnier Of The genou-aI feeling prevails asio vote$ t-ast for aucir office, siralire vorkmen and among peoplo la tbW deciaad eled.Tir a uaurofutno lcît.trttr ievsdr e1 canrdidate fur jrdgea or justice o!r y ocaty f som e ire a. dTie 5,0t» cour of oco nluths Staairal Camp Liake, \Vis.. iast euminer va b- iriîrted ulton said oMiai ballot laid ai tira door of a tire-brug and lb, tirrisa Lan lu tihe irt calun nh ar osy eua Lu le fte uei . tire lftt ide tiiereof. designateal "Ju- ifl is ielaetlr blhtr dîna tiket' s henln rovdad 1j ettinge baveastained. la tact, * sac. *,. Eaci candidate un sald Ju- looks as tf somne diagruntled peiii', dictai ticket may deaignate oua voter or persans saam tu ha foloini Oet.» te act as challenger lunlire alection o rotirera lu an effort te keep thffl ï district or precinet viriieucb 01cterian- iems gar shall be a reaidant, viro hMuy re-! mrain vithin tire polling place dîrriugý Rate en High, tire vating and until the reoulte are j Titi rata on lce bouse ineurmes lit anuounced by tire election judges. sbounthie highea of aDy bJn4 et b Sec. 4. Hereatter. no political par- sîtrance. It ruia$3fr a thouisad$W (y ur group of petitioners shall noni tire cotupanles viii useI take a urbt, uinte. by acura, cunventloti. irimaryu a longer perloal thon a yeaý 8*. a thie or ptition any candidate for any lit rus. virile tihe rate la very blCgir.4 dictitoffic'e oentlunsal lu tiisActas-t tirat suourany ticoi ous Sac, fi. Aur andal al Acta or parte makas Lt necessory for owaffl cg 'f Acta lu so far- as they may cn-dlnge WCarrylasuronce 5 efilet irerevîtir. are hiereby repealeal. j1viit tire rate mer b&. ZION CITY AR1AL $ INGi BOY IN ARREST UT Warrant .Carried Since Decemn- ber Ffth Is Served Tuesday By Marshall Hoover. 4 Exciting Time at Zion City Over n TNS FOR R D CA fSELECTED' ers, two hg c ose -ihh Arrest of 13 Year Old P A' RA IA SIURTLE LF ust bAntl eb.ih sn Youngster. CHANGE IN NAMING i AS MEM4BER 0f PRO- of iesne a& eer bien housôdln0 mnammoth house, was deotroed h7 ion aCladofe 1 ii -**liY jjIItiru John I ~ tire Tuesday nlght at 9 O'cIoCk. entali snalaof1 enOf age, was O~f Ow'ps JUDGE POSEDCO M M E îng a loas of about $75.000, tile bui* arre sted eterday whiie litcoîuîrany ings, contalning about 65,000 tees 00 wlth a youing man natlard Cla renci, Bill Introduced in State Senate Representative From This Dis- ici. Pool. Pool la empioyed b% lîiv ~ n$n io ocie trict to Help Namne House Whether the lire was of incoMdlafl 1lokslby S nat Idas . ommIîees. origin and a part of the ePsOn 11164 &Johnson, undertakers. oni 27t1i St. ew Ies o mtein ce houais. the rire roIISumèd th* lie was out yeaterday driviir ngsd i -buldings and Ildael*mouMtàilt ej Mlarvin Jobnson was ln lits cotnvany.1 DOES AWAY WiTHl CIRCLE. ýRADICAL CHANGE PLANNED ici tad there s the only morli* ThICty_____ oh I Hovrment of whatrmalle up one of til 11lac. hal lnlis psâe&ln awaran fi,,Interesting Features of the Bill Shurteif Gives Funk a Vote for The iinta Inhi«ti oUn too t hp boy's carres hc ehdcried ý Which Affects the Entire U. S. Senator--Sherma 1 ee aport- around since Dec. 6. Yetterday tire State of Illnois. and Funk Lead. Tire oldest aund targest builifq iarsiral spied the boy and gave chramp.I ontalned ton oure and Waal sbOtI Poo aaed im f he oy iai beit BeçairseIlt mearis s radical depart- Edvard D). Shurileif. of Marengo. 24iIix3il feet ln dimensions. The su Pool sked lm Ifthe by had lire f romntirhe metliod now follos cd Mieery coanly. une of the ttae rep- er andi stuller building vas 1600 e Iplaying truant froint chuol and lie ro-1 in eîecting coit) juîlgem in Lake and1 resertalîives i a Springfieldl trat ins. igtv 1,8 frt Tire oid bonse had)bOsU pied that be bal. Tii. bpotw"a lskal other colunhleti or Ille stale, the i le elgitt idstrict, has beisselected tflleid aLfi-w dace afin, the IlS101 en mbt custody and meanahile Pouli bill lnlrodiiei-d by Senalor t)lsui n, as une of lire iepublican miabers o!f building was about halt filied. i~*i le . . n temlite Ssenale 1ta orv f il te î-oninmttee on commîtteos ti fthe callid pnit the chool to learu tire tactsa.i lItrs.Ardi i. he Sn Hus This oiei s the Lb e Strts in Engins R M. He round tiret tiie charge waaafotherewilir gives Ilhe polenlt eatires ut:alîlch, tnder the new plan now be- Thea workmein vio bad hemn Wot- sustained viioreupon he.remonuîtrat- temaue aflos n osieel eniete Je.Ig ntefed l at a Mý ek! wth Nir. Hoover for arre8îlng alie eauea oow îgonird.lturaetr nmIf nIeiad ilaybagt. boy o young. "fIl the boy hitdnflt liereafter aIl Judges or the 4iii.reille liers of tire varions bouise comnJttees ered lu tire boarding bouge WbES.01 been a Volivite." soitd Pool, - urt. circuit -otrts, tiewrio court irostradi of lîsvlng lbem named iry the' fasrdn n ftani~e n would flot have taieshlm luelprison. ut Cook counlît, lirobate colirts. ihe speaker of the butise as; bas beau fianmes leaplng fromtfieeroof oft tir Thats ailf yuu cmn do lo to arreRt chli- municipal court ufthte t-lt voftChi. dueln fle ps. enl1 om Thre alarmr.Ira sounê dean. "cage. lncludlng the chie(r Jr th iera- lu diHpoîrbes trotu îingllct u i u ie athre scele. bet of, the ctty courts or ail cililesi, as Strlefs rante appears firit lience for moule ltrauge reaaon. a finu t The margbai touot ext epiioui ti te a c os.oc treI remarks and orderod Pool fron thl en0 or heu-after eîtaitislttd andîlail 5morne hersons ihave concitided bu Io a ie oue, od n a e r.eod FiraStaion.Ho ue ath o lase judges tif cotrnty coturts in the tatSîsilated for chairmanshlp of tire new i--rce n uavr hr tha lad. ud Mr. Hoover assi«4îed fil utOr111luots, shahl be piecteti at tire comnitte hose powero are tu aaoi îrldn a nfats from tbe rear. Pool thereupon turncd smbimurttus tStiiicllIade ucs iepa ans îis utrteina umsv e sâl iU$ on tile Marshal ad eccording Io hie1 tions called tirefore. as 110u% pro- Tihe Reublilians. Progressives ad bildig tth fonlameand cc leoçe own etateurent he "puncired îiuialvided lîy law, iîy tire uutieornon-par-, Suciallet memirera a! tir o poLstracras h a U 5 f iotgaead b. -o»£tO couple or gondou@&-s."A ussia au- 1tisson Jttdlcial ticket.' vitirnnu tarty counuritlees bave lbieau tentatlvoly 1treîtetue ale catib fie- .b6irui5g1î euod ud vlir esiaeacetiajt val rcle" oo-calied. aptpearing iberuop slated as foliova h runsvnbf0i-bj bandy, Pool vas lackod uri pvvlloiteloiis nomrinatioins or Ratrimîtican-Edward D. Ebtrtiaif. tutr ued,. , Petittous therafori'. as iiiltite A Moron D. H-ull, Wltter Provine. Clay- just boy thre Sam totd rWg~ The charge preterred agsinst John- provided. ton C. Parvier. ant iliomeir J. Tica. the vorknien eau figure ot. uf,-& [ht son la a @frange eue. The warrant Set' 2. Aty iecson, iegaiîy i1ialîî Prograt;ivas JIohn Mi. (trran and la wiry tbe report le curront ta.-Oi reasla."Marvin Johrnson vas on theaid ly aý i nm rnp ma'oin Grimait. iapsa Ibis fila la another o et 079fq 5th day of Decemirer. 1912. braught cantdidats- tpon tbe 'ludicial ticket" olls S.mît Stedînsiri. leriolors luettiires wlrich (ihlce before E. R. Christannon, .1 P , on on subditofficial ballot tri lie votld S diurtiel! Was une ofthie represce aîriioritletbave lîaen worklng on C complaiet aud affidavit of blarvini he ciction ut viricir sîch jîtdieiai sanalives who. Tiîesday. voted for' some fimie puait, and whlcb . A 4 Johrnson,. eetlng forth Ibat Marvin i illico ii;-te i fi iug a iitira thîPuk foir li S. terator, in to larsve cae a encarO nl < Johnmor did on the 5tb dey of De- tîfficper vit a-hotu uomîatîug lelit ions iaimenietecre Ttîesdrry in ectI Sher. 1,Iîg arson plots for soute years, I111111 cember. 1912. at 7îon City, and wvirean lcr iae fnotiinatli)n arel tritiandlPiuk ltelire sanate. senator cn'lni(vltavlng lirait vialted by th* as upon a trial. duly hadl, salit ar- nowreqîired tii lieI-hed, ntt cas ititan Oisonî tamt week tallie, gave Futnk i jiscrpants tretitieutly.> vin Johnuson vas adjudgod to -pay a :W or nmire itan 60i days prier lte th ue otei ie lry-Oit. Lost HousLast Yiau'. fine ut $300, anti atnorder vas then îîaîteif tîcît lection. a statelti., Sprnîgfieldi. Fth 19h -)iuratlc 1ieitin g Brothers lbtia buge le@ hou"S anrd tberelmode n ysald Justice lirai ,,,ttstaîtîiiîy ah followe: îx. î itrie neberm favoriabltie bu bipro-I hy ire ]amt vinter. et Camp 1* saidl Marvin Johuson lie cobiîmitteal fte the clty prison tuntu such fine and Vs uIt-(l t tatemeul siailibe icotmplet pe:;Ic<omirlteo ou eorrniilessdîe- Thre lomsa heu vas about $45.000. coeire fuly ptid. bIcb fi e t]nd id iîyllitia litthe uecssssry Itatin.,fealed byta vote ofut 1 to 1 nigbl Tht' ios u îeiday ulgbt la o»e cuaia sald Marvin Johnson bast neg- and data ln set-ordattua witb the-futact 5meon0Ilo osanrd for fle old systole, ared hy lnsurance. iected and refused te puy. You are and sîgn-d iîy the îardIidato; audou appolulmaenti of c'oniutlic.a iîbY tit- rirows Min Out of Work. tiierefore comuanded te take asld wslieni lied iîthtfle Secrî lary of Sa speaker. Titi- destrurction ofthtie buildina Marivn Johrnson Into custody and mureIl offiî-îr thalil erttfy the naý tîtn t T beu m'vemot tagainîtitltanatrtitrg la alarge force Of Men fortbwitii commit imte thre clty pris ] c cniaesa notfO -mllt e;w4 hrowniî ofrl t rk for tbêy b"l on, and you the keeper tinereof arc esitoî prîîvlded by iaw. sud rf the l.ýab y Le ONeil ilrowne. Juin .1.attttoveî' oevr ett comnianded to ras-dca and confine lu cierk ahose dit l tîtîw lalu t int NcLattgbiu, A. NI. Foter andtil O it-t-finisith iiiug the big bonne. I1141%t»,, prison accordingly tutil fine snd coste and distrllte officiai ballots sitali lorinar ieur ocrats.bliding~s razed. thare ia no ftur7 are pajd. or ha shail ho diecharged rtn uh nne hru o adIRelresentatîvas Mlcltrgbtiiu inued tt, -for Ilitentat Citauneli Lake heloc. -by the courseeut la.' aisatiotî. the nane ot surir candidate 1that the bouse Democrats recummand matiit ut tbem today are comla te Mhat mokas tire story more sîtrange lu tira irst cohtîmir or opace front iett the adotionlifuthelirardes ufthtiraast Antioci teumoake tbair vay -hack - lu riglîl, thereon. wiich columun or session. vio i cluded tire appoint-, h i ils la1 the tact tirat Nlarvin Jobneon was t icket shah licrheurfadlug or t itàln ment ut cômnittees by tbe lplae. tting cilles. ae yem O ,lu conpany vitir a boy named Ken- plae okthr.aryOctelatiotang tltreenthare Poare Ofred .lelb- plaenuelieStrtyapallaionsudReir-senatlossostr oTard asîr uany Ice bouses and tire coueltl5lOp anet thewlart et arime at ebrparty circie as now reqired for otu- tituta Lte ate et that tbe speaker taereturc îs Ibat tbey uWinreb*4l lgun vas discbarged and a little girl ci- tIckets nîron surcit officiai ballot, sirorld apoint the cououlttoî, ioav-1iheir plantt dttriug the cotning au*-. f uh va prsen an irncirfribteed elaîeiy iuder ttile of ut ur uîttreference te otiier nues of the mr 01 wo ws peset ad mlchfrihteedice to ire hlled anti precedlug tira agt seslot. The ltoiter eriietîtute r notifled her fatirer and ho had a war- aa ttr addtý ieau. a oe oniyaaaau 41> Mountains of Ice. rant evaru out for s ofvthe adiates theurî5 ", for, I:11 - r Tire destrction ot loe 3uitd, $1.50 PER - YEAR IN ADVANCE.

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