LJAKIýE CoNTY INIDEPENDENT ___ ___ __ AUKGANWEEKL SUN__ _ _ _ _ VOL. XXI.-NO. 23. TWELVE PAGES L[BERTYV[LLe LAKE O-OUNTY ILLINOIS-FRIDAY FEBRUAHY 28, 191:4. ONE TO EIGHT C .50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE CAUiJI ST WEN WELL KNOWN MAN DIESIXBOIR FOX UNKE LOUTARD FRETIOUGI' ý IN DYING VISIONS OF ANOTHERFORCNIA S AN I3EVATOR A»D LDW:~ AS PAILBEARER AT CONDITION WOMAN TO D~~ HRDY ENDORSED FORTHIE IEarly last Satu day mornling flamos YILU EOPSTUSDY F'lOOR,_ AN DIES lErmal l1jah Mumfrd, barnln Ro-', EVANS FUNEAoe clrelme ad INSISTSMARRYINGi E NNWEN LDYNAIT.I POSTM9ASTERS1IP.l Tlsuraday e,'enlng. Vreb. 20, t bis Harbaugh at Fox Lake. Completse Weukegaui, February, 111. Truoker at Barwell Factory home on thé wtm on mumord road Bodies of Husband, Wife and dstailed &tory willi b> found o. page Miss Lizzie Wennish Married Vision. of a repetition of the Pieu- Oiscuss Deadiock on~ Senator- West af Waukealn. Ho wua thua s681fte$OWe!n.aParexpoin r mtig AfterAccient.of te Maïns o wm*van.He w SameGrav. a ulmitot U Botbéin uas. Andquaameas to ame aaukegana Allr Acidnt.ot~a. aoom a wou~oan.H.investigaiea tionmotor waa mo te n sACriticat State. people at 5:15 and at 5:45 Thuraday is Preferred. a membor ai,1li e the Ouietatl lodge 331 ~-One wasaiLt MlwsiUkOe. There was evelng when two tril eot Chicago. Ibm romaine Win b. taken btoetoead btwai a hadi h onterriistrts SASM N A A ELESS. tuo bis former home la Rochester, N., MORE DETAILS 0F DEATHS. putal.o e head, o tise clncerho STSIE FERBESI'L.evedn the dOutiyn districtFAandOREWADP SAYS MA WAS CAY. Mr. lMuntord in etirvlved by bis1 wouald flTe elo r Stthe be remed.Peopl rau rornstore and onie -widow and bis stop- n, W . Ir. W eiaa i o u not lo ion t e e cur ed avnd ln ered htly waadi te t te R A K E D R DW D R Off ola of Plan $a s A cid nt ,oM d m unifrd 'à- a' M r. and M is. G . W . Evans R e- w ith7 C ieýal O md a reQ et m de f r o ng W o a W oaDr n d I nu i h ws th a tw h a tr . J h ' e fe u e i t n e le ueb, aelu es ail urn 1tso t- theise tim ep 02athe mdcirn ta s >FwWes. egeByefozngoud J ><5.ohnR. R. en',suHoe En-d Was Dueb Carelsnetail alifor Dmy geara, being a Waukegan Mirer A t eydynramiaefnbaisaL tie fiatstroketfeebsite of The Vitim.mice onstant auferr i asHia ori tending the Funeral. Ofhe machine vould ianse Nr. EF . For Ceremony --Content. Aliceusite. >w etîgotti.se dorsed for*Iighand Park mince evsac l i odtini___ana' death as bis vltallty waa ver> __Arthih cu aed t repo ts.The - -s-- ha encritical for a week put, pi tthstp. oea anks ofpak ere huried high into the air,11 belg onlnd e ishoe ortiat Mr ndSîa.G.W.Evns0f42 oyaitvreusd utthy oeedI auegnFeh. 20. Whihaause h eats.Tobg aukegan, Illinois, 9'ebruary 24. 1913 aucan euary 22, 1913. bluoDe matnhehoefo ta Bvra ansaogth ýing they went as bigis John Backer.23 years otd a trucker Marion street, returned on Friday ta do nlot the oltubtezt gond. One of the most atbetic marriagea ete or bouse. One ptank w Ma es fteLk Cut oa attJohn W. B 2 arwel Caif Mceal fron W atertowu, Wls, where they at-1 eat the on IW.ît adstrweCl et. ld D P C~Pi f tended thse tumoral of Mr Evans' 1i that has ever taisen place ilu a- lhropvn across the streets. crotte Central commlttee met titi. Iatr n th a Maiso t reapt ieot d 5U I~ brother, John hvan». bis 'brothera 5APT fD L Î K kegan vwas perforaied at Il o'ciock i by o d achurth e 8and taateonat13 ahntnste# 10 ocloc tha mouln as he rsuî ~ w vîe andil m nths' aid cbiid, ail o! this morning in a mont at 1M.cAister t eplsv.ta diseuse polittics and ta .ndora ofiwuisreevd bnhe wLIî ILL BE ELELLI v hans diail of asphyxiation resulting O D -FUL hopialand, it la abare jîossihiiity rTbe openîng in the ground wau candidates for the lsostmaster Va.,,. crushed between an elevator and a rn tetbilgo oal gs.hedtfilt the bride iunlihe ceremony may nmad-a se that William Tonigan. who coses L.ake Forest, Round L*e floo t the faetory Ibis morningt UR LfTSuEK ne l hihwatpe w5poS A IN not live îiroughinaît the day as. at 2 bas tule ecvto otat ol rylk nlHgin ak 1~ s-otyate lito'icn udaoneo! te rgeitexaaton.funerals _____ak ad ihlndPak Tý,1 'f he death la au unusually ead one i 14111ne11te111,stfueris o'clock her condition was reported as' get a good start on the job.floigwjeedre-Jh ~I iecaune he vas married only four su the hintory of Watertown. The r . fe. supg erntendnt o! tJohnai9ýA fiemuh tt h ma oher and babe rested in one colni~Confirmatiosi.of Riiiýored Ap- The couple lu qîsestiolis: Kef, upTRYTOGEtofth liemnh g.SaeReprse~naive TrodThomaoe.esadd o It vas notl until trhe middle of the Grhm tteaheehe wile the father occupied the ouiser. 1Z Iz- a tern on that Joseph Hing ser, one G a a t te h r e The caskets were Placed ln a double I po n rn news Re e ve y enn lh . a ed 24, and' e Yoch p Y T G T W D E o st M ae s-homet, H lnd Puzkfe ofgede3bea allicereitnouy waa epar- d b o! is hU fcais ofthe Barwell Sad n eao. grave. The igbt vas one of such uw>- SnFr1 W intn. fged 32.I'TherRemoi se paeGr-,!li SAN OFF ria for hlond at; W Pln ual alacats Mr.se-èri tad nSeao. usuel saduesa that bundreds ed u rmWahntn pln u be tm 2 er.Tre fMs en'uan Catholile rurch lu the presence JU TC DHadfo Lake Forest and cý- wife. She resîdes e 41Mcl<lnleyl sr. Trebrothers of MEflVEvans aveue. Qulte unprepartd for the i and three brothers of %Ir. EvansacLt. Official COndirustloU Of a report tisat' Of a fney relativ-es and friends of the L E A I Wtghtman, chairman fts terrible neya sise cllped vien Mr.! FOR SHERMAN AND LEWIS. ed as palbearers. 1 Captain George asnay Clark o! the couple and, wth the six week' old' L ER AN J ST Central commttee for Orho Haher brok o tie news ta ber. Ever' It develops that the accident re- battles ip M lnnoso 4 isi been made abe of te womanf lyitg t ber ide. e i . F t k v s e r s a sincetiseaccient his mrnin the suled trm tie st th t esOve- Commandant etftthe naval training' The ceremony 'vas aissiunced ta Milwaukee Couple Corns 10 position ot districtgan Officiais of thse plant bLd bpn so-Decares he Intends Voting on ppew1 t5.d1no1,e peig ostati n, Oreat 1Lak$e Minois, ta suc- faake pince a fcw veeksa go but ber " Ing te lacate the widow. ~~~~far tiat tisere vas tittie or no veut. eedi Captain w. wu 1llm vsre- condition grew vqrae and It bail iseen akgnLt Study hclan petetmB»b Tise vtctim bild loaded a truckful Merits of Measures, Rte This la believed te have beau, doue ceived by' the Sun t , > l u a dispateb! pootpoued frn iet iute auegnLae atray wbchn aloiten ad et MOW Mid h*d Plaçadit tupoq, tise Rthr ccidentally visile tise stôve vas be- trom Wbsaingtoen._ - theitse i eWednosday thé Young volunis, earing I 'Dead Lroke. Adscsio !the.deadloccal bi rih lvtradsatdt Ta at àkn. trdiStOd, -oral days tisere h -'borna ,a'gortB iseu WW tv ot g ta ePull tb,.u'g' - & 1Aaeu mioblaLtrn o f it: bai lg fogh eme ntto m the thd t hnPrt aknMother WaU uusplcloa. &bout tise naval statlion that the. Navy ber oit kness, insisteil on havin.g the i -tliroas sili flors-of the plant. lustosi of stend- 1Mr. Evans' mather viso resîdea Department veelil ta» one but' weddln.: arranged in order tIal mWORK JUDGE--NOT CLERK. and thougis ne vote, vus' biitai Ing baide his truck, as oeela sup. Waukegan, Illinois, l5ebruary 24, 1913. serans the stre-t from tisa John dellnite word vas not releveil until case ste dose not survive, ber lti feeling vaa tiat en neoaaq"t. pesed ta edo.itla claimed t4àt-ho StaSe Representatlve T' 1s Qa-iEvans' home, becazns sligblly -auPI- today. Tise Suan vuditit s-tutcon. l babe would bave a name on vhichis etisre al-et egs.thait Lv. laydow ontopof he ruc. lts 1 0Sg 9r ýcilusthat ail vas ot an Il siould hbe vey te tise offices-s of thse sation tisat à.o tirough the vorld. bea ad holdes roecieissunhe1 a or pot IAkui n v u ssn tdvison ealise detectmd ne sIgu of Hie lutise oMil appitiet bai beau lnt Hospital a MOCtis. Clerk Hendee Insists on Dollar senatora oeed. col. J.,1au bsld. ssudeapo-c ve b ad ho statei ta tise Sun tisat beabe-iber sonas bouse e t. ten o'ciock in tise!made. The young veman hbu been iu the itrt»Talo u..va nUe4tu L 'hre-e as not sutient reom hi&.-lioved ,the -91A10 legllature vould mes-ning. Ohe calledl up a brother- i Csptain Clark bas ses-ve tise grat_ hosptaijust a mentis. Her bbaais aitae Tytr"ee o u ct e-.vfU * tveu bis ieailand tise fis-t floor andi elect two U. S. Senators tisâ mte n-lavo e snLdaae smta or part et bislite lu tise naval service the-et.îre vas two weeits aid vben tie 'Trusts Thei,,'loctIen eorm»Y Deacruet fer UW ho homame lammeil btveeu tise truckiMi. sahant stated that bch. iimake an Investigation. et tise United States. Ilr za gears motiser vas taien te tise isoupital ad tise fluor. A felliow voritman en 1 adeaareement te voeofor Sher 1 Wben ha ars-lved bhouord one eof and one montis he engaguul ia actosi sufferink vitis bloos poisonlng. Tise tr a ge thetiir foo vseba iee saningmm ml evs orSeatrs bllr-Evans' chiltdren la tbe iitchen.Hli e Ba service. For 12 yomanmd tbree babe of 'ourse acconspaniseilber. George Guza aged 21, n mmoe /'Tise ony speeches maie vus nears, valtIng for tise elevator ta make Ing that hls pasty, thse densocrats.1 calledl for ber ta o>en tise door and montbs be served on shsore and otber' Since ti at time ber condito grev Duprey, aged 18, bath et Milwaukeemaebso teup fe etdsOm th getiinsdteftl*e. hve iin;uMcidat potesteBient tva iid sa. Thie s-t slgbt tisat met his dattes. Cakva o' nbetter a ,rou msbut eleheiatnWans-d bogh p fr ei u lt e den. I lokedau f te aidet cusin bingtha asgaze vas tise fos-m ofthe blts-d man Captain Cak t br a Go o' bnot fdanger heur, s, came taWaukegan Entus-day eveuing Wliavereroied;té impong andl be bastenesi tea but Shrt ant dàvi euri is e-lying on tise kiteben floor. Simul. jMas-ch 20, 1857.. On june 9, 1874, ho e he kept gro-ing vorse, she Ineisteil and at 9:30 'clocis tbey routed cuni ng off he pwer Theelealoi wa pli"s alorty ndoremet etthetaneously ho detected tise odor of vas aPpdinted to tise Unitedl States that the wedclug be carried througis cierk lendee aut a! bie home wberse -.thk1ametidtome stoppaid but lit vas Juat a moment toe ballot, tisey verse entitlsed te the of.9.nvlac-ryfotbi gt laeaddn tet atthtoepa-ha vas enJoy'iug a good tiree fes- a! appointmenta for thora iant a *uW fate ta ave tishe accident. lices seeing that neithes- party could «Wisere are marana and papa,"ise mmd bu served lu the navy continu- ticaliY2y la t tie peint e! deatis. th i e soiwt evn eu-ttealiewokosaymr Tise (ons-ad & Hart ambulance vas oiect tvo men. 1aaked o! tise child. eusly oves- sinre. Hia laat coussanil, priest e as os led and evesything 1 «pullingo abznshwtI l sumoe aifte iti wsruhd r.Gahm elae te tte *Tisey're stili sleeping" the child wuvasthe Minnesota. He WUs promot- ýpassed i Iamoit tisy. Imqeiiately a!- that ha go ta the cous-thousse and go sxu hwta summoned, edto ttise vîc Cainnonvas rushehe] Ms-. Graiaitsaau declaaresuetaearstate-icesMcta nn- d'claCaeddetused ths oanoenm.l« tandtheugosis everthaiug posile s tisent$upovithiso e ulli at huncs.la Thlnkiug that al vas not rlght ha 4. 1910. Tise Januar>' list eof fhcers smileis ,sed--ver the sick wvoman vento! e eprpos ai hw goMr doue ta gave his litesihe expired two au n istîce. ezplalnlng that ha bas aakei tise cbild ta enter the bedroom ibovs Captain Clark on tise lat of lips. andiaie saemod rosîgneil te ber île lsoued the license andl then state tas- seelng talit thae heu. ats- nt oti it tie.bu o ee bîg ad avakeu tisem. eBeeiavaitlng os-desg t appoint-'tac fa t e.i-tev.s- It migbt. mi ieuui eath"n ola splelof ubds~ John Ryde, eue of tbe-4ead cicals -tis he itlan ent of tise coinsaîttee A o ent ltes tea chli bal in bee. n reeted lu cma ndP Plone*e"Iam entitimita the &o atoln of tise plant lu speaklug of tue ta"! on commltteSgln the flouse plaun. In etvtiTaitl cein io rllea i omai LA ST o i azement, tise groom this pas-t ofthte atate.Tisut ter, declareil tiat carelesanesa upen 1tiis, ho la isacitei up hy thinklng men Omamma acte as If se vas httie time aulo sud giVon ime ta re- PLAN IAIFL Ued hlm if be w.uld net let hlm aîîov tise governor tu select tise tise part ofthtie victim vas responsible. vbo forseav a long ileadlock lu case dead,' she aobbed. cuperuto, a custom prevaleun the iofs~ ~ rî,îr f and »end the dollar later. expiain-trse tm oie-pale fortu acidnt H mal is teio te ffot asproonedot ryng Ahast>' glanee prsctlcsily 'bn-navy later an offiter bus completed, IU I IV1 L ing that the>' didnt have the mene> ty front- lirmeil hie vorat fears mmd ho hastl>'an onlistint Of ses service,. t sae ortieliene.T adl vorsi tl lthe p anger hil.. e oire pr tio nbvmmthdà.s-di- da phsysicien. Tise latter JusL vison Captain Clark viii as-- T Mr. Hendee aaked hlm if ho thfiught McCannbas pailmiffl 09 P s.> mmd ultnertodln l tisda.ne h «cl dopurIte cf psavtions methoda u lpon hl& .arrivai, immesiataly ent for rfve ut thse naval station lane kuvuRU611Uflu CO Uatise caunty vas îsning Uceuses "on ing aboya lu Waukogman Ld u.tM vastakng a ylu dou o tse I dnt atnd a te D v tissyto mos-e physcens aho ars-ived lu but lit ta Lbough t ha vîli isebori he-tick" addlng tisat ho muet accouat togeties- itu tue facitthti he trucit.The. eompany ban made or- faction," Maid ha., for, If a good re-, utmoie.Ote rneet opyalteuerl« uiim esrlaup Wblcis 1 ba- 1an atmeie.Oi embera of cous-as of a few days. lu tise men.for ail sucis toma and that be wasn't vaaBhbeu a ISmàmrt, latg... Paents p>al ie u hsaie UileL. lieut 1sre tvote tes- it just tise amîl>' vsa os-m esleeping on tue finie Lieutenant London romains @ct. Leave Waukegan M ornings h la tise habit o! trustlng couples vise electei alderman on tuaStih , An oxasuînation shovei tisat tise as quleitly asif lit veria ademocrattscn lcrwr afyoeeman nComnatwihdtgtmrid.«Tegomagu ntw aaou edi vctim'bailbeen Injured Internali>', at meamure." somie o! tisem hail te bc cars-led dovu CaPtain Fullan, la expected ta se Autos to Vsit Noith Chi" wisipsed tengt mas-s-ed.t- ise groom thearg umethoyensroU.ldrevie leaat one s-lb baving beau breken. ît at ke ceunt>'votera generali> ly tes-t airefs-o.ofthem scolil.o ui trtoothevain travin115Wahiygtocago, Gurnee, Etc. the cleris baal ta tell bim tisat. ithout! out vismu tue boti gbitla inpasam la thought that tisi broisen s-lb proha- tisat Shes-man ad Lewis, because ot!rlgfo h od ooto n ilmv i alyt the dollar. the wedding couldn't taise itt ily bavng puuctured i. longs. tise vote theY receiveil tram tise peWo-and iebiy !Ma v WasutnonMna' e vsa--place lu Lake outy. plear________tthgeteinheans vas lying isall ln and bai! eut pointed an aid to Secretar>' o! the Rvvlmei.stBs:pldcs senae.of thepn, he cuise, resfaieuWINDPIPE WAS TORN OLDEST RÉSIDIENT DIES __________ loor. Tise body o! the busband vas pisarge o! the inspection e! the navy. couiity was the pllan suggested ait aheld a short consultation et var and ' IN ELEVATOR ACCIDENT. lying craavse an the hesi. The tes-m the. position belng one o! the best ln! umeetinîg of the usinislera o!fXVss- tise bride finslly dug dowvn*,n er In the deatb o! Ms-. Susan Rave, of BUYS BLAR LODGE. o! the cbîil vas lying in a cuàiel.tise matis-e navy sn- kegsu and persossal worisers, nov, stoeking andi îroduced a uev doUas Hebrntyf, inis luat acro o tise ae-Jnearhy. Thse latter aPPearei toaihave Captain Clark cil came t te t coîdiîtinsç theiti- -ial lu W'atkegas. bill wblch they turssed aoes-te tbe. At s postnortem iseld Sunilay'O Au urerantroi stae rasfr dedwihon astugge utth t e on vitb thse iAsest rcme ajclerk, took the license, thanked hlm ning oves- the romnsso! John ai- real al nettlers. that 00k Place lait vomi vas the sale tva pasenta put up a terrifie fight vas litiens. His Ion, service lu tise navy for custngout n Sisstspecal er-aud r. utvas ond a Mrs. Rave camne ta linois vitisber o! "BIais- ledge" ln Laite Forest. Indicateil b>'the positions lnvisici s' s sufficiently îlîalifled hlm te as- iitld atithe Waiskeuan armor>-. They' and deparleil. caused iy bis wlndfflpe bieng tre., huaband 70 years ago and settiail at J. J. Sisedl, President o! tise Mar-- their bodies vere lying. It lookeil as' amofnbfn tiprtutcoman athonlvi l m1 Hebran. Five years ago Mss. Rave shah Fieli Cempany etChcag, is If they bLd awakened ta a îrovsy thenaa tanigstation. ln, nd- As riwhc gu dert1e e-, eywÔ,-k 1h. agItrlpeatd..eo i s aîertainTha rue a ottl.' font ber hushand and this afected tise Prisases- o!tise propertq. An- sense o! tiseîr danger but 5h. stupor :wr lSiittî. R-.Osrîsm va ltnl oae aitaeTyoc sltihtest mark on bsis necl ta iser greati>'. Ms-a. Rove's age vas 97 nouncement bas been made that tise vas go heavy upon them that tisey 'T * resi-sîl anl he matde several stsg-l gred ta perforus the veddinq. The rate tisatishe winsipîîe bail becs> bs-O-, years. Hes- famî l> vas one o! the aid- Place la te' be a vedding prescrit ta coulil net reacis a wndav. TeMusical Favosites gestions, 'llit- ploatmw, doîiled and corda were said whicis tted them us up e. Piysiciana admsit tisat bad iS est iDtiste country, ber forefathers NMr. Sbedd«s daughter, chose marriage Friands mmd nelghboss ere vos-k- ff!be Musical Favorites, poitlvkîy fie o iili.,,5L1551i101s-dlluaafew days ciseu1as hissand andl vite and thesi. lt e ti.'tts ih o d ielerusine thîs f camlug oves-tsustise Mayflower-an eset. tuait place Saturila>'. ng oves- tisebody o! Ms-s. Evansvhen 1bhat aumber of tie rti, rie -tssteanint the consuitice atsiîîolted consisting o! Juisce cas as nuch am.azed as lte iiniitiedlttt-h'aster is accident tisee* tltng la Yos-k tate. 'Blair Itolge" hlaona o! the finesitishe physiciens arivel.. Tise latter ecomme, gis-en Iiy the Libertyvlle ibi.hetii-Ri's. J.lD.ictsarilîon anii L .J .nînycekve iegol akd oti tv-b.saiosbanebcs Mfsa.Rave la srvîveil b>' eleven and most deairabie places on the lake assurait them tise>'ceulild o nogoal echool, ahillie Ire-enleil ot tise toc-n lYtsger, ciii iale iltoîr rî'iorl hn*if ouldnt permît hlie, ic ts rtt itre bvtheachecii f cis~~ildlsen, tventy--!our grandcblîdren, boire. aMs-. Evans doubtiensa al bee iaIlLibestyville. tlîsuilt <ridayi Feis1The planslalis -iea bt-rt' abotut 10 't5dhlm ait" becasse theyver, tn'y- il OlierttOn ver-seby a andtvlvegratgrandchllds-en. OeIdeail seves-al heurs. Tise ebililaise 96.0& Gpt your tIekets reeervsd aSDeelsir otis-isin lte sor'nrhg on Oit-k days reait ' 'bsoke. The magîsirats'o rore itatseavre ~ of bes- laugiters ta a scisool toucher- Enteat IL ugliea e! Sprlng Town- vas deail. Ail efforts ver. tus-ua l n Bod' drug storp.EWRsre& aa'irl itmiils Ssls'i h u-ied tha h blssiffairhtd11 ip. one and suie vas possessei o!faIl ber,1l4 is tp, oon unty, and Henry> R. an effort tu Bavete lite o! Ms-. Ev. -i.unn1trsabes 1c;snl rudîcoisnlrvsidi. Timtis ta aredrafothocîos.tsil- ii InCîag.11e etbvsa aualGaer !Mcmr out',hy aaa iInin- itOn;g rîs aeieomn7 5c; il sed luthe(' S 1 dviaI re lcssvefort'eocchinelf l ho tiii aîesi is ititatOl