Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Feb 1913, p. 11

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NIfflLAIE C tN Y D P D~ ~ ] ~ FETMUARY 28o1913 Pg Om* wyae.. on. of the aminsinuit taiin etation and asked for a sufflons 0f rbcUÇg0, Who, with %M~ AX TIIf chance te diseto Canada.É Y W.&iAt. C Kniflt vwiWIoperate in Al ahntn i damed advitabim. Of. 1iR ~ iTiN p g abntn -Lahgn W U u K~gtl. whon questionmd 'about e ,II~~,4 Waslingtona trp aGroo, thîe tela. EL1 ~ I4~L thie matller sad that whitem Judg. wa e twaalt fy more arduous t? an AII I~Jatowent te the. hospital ta pre- wL~ JfJ was ethe iD,,,t or the )yoth,% tram Fort Sheridan, Feb, 25-1 o',dock. A year ago one couldn't flnd a Diamocrat in Loake OW.~, pare for the oper~iiton in case it Waukegan. In order to rî-atii tiire Fort Sheridan iroîp., sti, tl odas ty with a fine-ttothed comb. Now evrbd' rii e lethlng deflte ypet whtherthey railload they Iîad tu wade thre', ree,,ka for the Mexîcan frojîlier. A iliqacli be one. .This is a strange world! Verily it is! Many Lv Pigeon Shoots Helo weuld or would net operate. , Off iciai Notioe Received That anid th y were wet to the g kin. Thoy pp esofihe len.s'~rit____ Near Winthrp~ Harbor, thea. word., what -indrawn from Telephone Operators iI ,P tSaturdayfnlghli ia 8snit,,izan'8 fantry wa;',iarIt i ilI)(- er tub awa oresonen, hee ou- Reotephyticians remarks is that. shiaity about tbremli, s front the -rot-'<[1c. aýir iooi, ouvi IhI, il,,t e a cresodnt hrew Sàys 'Keôha Rprt. &fier Dr. Lydoton gt hure, if Get Big Increase. vtatîon. Their white cl,,tlirg jii anT2i of ('ajît ' il, ii o rfrbîgasge eio ur h ra he finds the patient in a cianditit m _____rucl the worseefro weair sîhîn Th ii,' iii,,îg ofII,'i( ,ii ., Lrfe en ssge -nMeio hreteg which would makes an operation gie ,'thiislilvesuI pi ' iti, au<'ias rgîs , îg a c,îîlI a, tîack. are raising such a fuss, ail the time, or in Iiondon whet, WILL WATCH PROMOTERS. Sdvtable, thmy wiI proceed :itli AFFECTS 25 LOCAL GIRLS. Dî)ioiland ltyaiî t tii,' i,lo, ,, "Sag9e r,, riiî'-d ,and the" ' mi'wnenae ntu a 'i i ha' the sn remont.e wlrpath? Tedifference i 'I be î'îIl b turcd ~ osaiMexico you could strike back-and in London, justb. If >hy Shift Scene of Action o"îîd r former cuîîiîtityIîgf. le New Raise is Effective in the îofî,î'r today t<> ie relkiii-î,l t,,%Vau l1eoîit,' 1î~iiia. cause they're women, you dare not do so. I nto Lake Çounty Dady wilI Witt l. lune wili be eaript-isc'd and Entire District of the Subur- kj fifa,, u tir t~raiingîî,station il iafî::oîoi ; r -f,,, 'îî+ A Ct Prmptly.g;ievedIo boear that fileformer colinanTerior.,cn'r' iitifled ut once ofthti,'arreet loaeibiiil at tiulijwl l oîîîi ,, Ac rmty yoMclail 1a very Betsk et hi. boule, bnut ior ftire desertera aiud flipy took mcl eatrz lxe(.T,,TllI;ý. eprsnaiehmsGaa ,atog eo Norh Serian ou, Waukgan afat take them back te North Chiicago nu flie stî,ccial trains. talks logically when he explains that ho iutends voàr' iiat Ilit a been declidéd hA must goutocweete llb tedfr Na.GnWiii HCreron J4es Il. Karnese, agent of the Ke' tlsrought a mout,serlous oleretion in 0'cr one hîîndred oîîeralors of the OMQthywîî= rîdfr îjGe Xîîai 1 di, nobCaunty HurA*o Socety1 basaep- the tnunedlate future. Lake county district of the Chicago the offense whlch le coliidered one man.idantf of the' central diarfmn, any measure, whether Republican or Demcatc aam peM toi the Kenosha district attla- f tiie moat grave a recroît cen com- of the army. with hiesiai. [)ouard the strikes him as of worhy support. And, his stand on tbei ney te secure warraunte for the. arrest The. fact filiat hie Bon George bas Tf!ieîuhono eomîîany wlll recelVe an Init agaîtiat the goverrimeîit and his trains at 7 o*clock thi14 csening ai Senatorship mater is alsio about right-he believu a e of msaer of Chcagogun lubbeen called f ront Mîchogan c.hi're lie cr,'as0 of feuperrenit In tirrsaler-lionor. The penalty le a year In tie thle Park Row stat ion, Chlic'ago. "roî man and Stewart are entitledt lcinhcueo u obf m nIeré b a hicangogild lb aIng e buolne"ieIndicates Ihat the for dtieciob au fb mer jfer s conLiteonaleeregardeoldingîî ,'qbeginning Nerch 1. About 25 girls "hrlg" and bath theise ladsm'Ill thero- there thie soldiprs mwIII tras il iver the vt îe hmb epeo lios pigeon sbpots at a road bouse near moeljdrgecondiionhyarelardwtiv h lii oa. cag il elrefore facesu .ch a sentence. lîlinois Cintrai andi Rock1 Itid and ot ieth b polefIlnis Ihe Wioonsln statf e ne" ~Wn oadrbeaarab eaie, infn oailhng ilb ee heir destination._____________ throp Hlarbor. Thus fer no warrante Conault Speclalt. IitevI lii this iîncrcîase. flurlng the tirat few weeks of flivi: The, orders to entrain werc' receives] have liCou lseued aud attorineys have It le aIBeaueen theIscondition IL; 'Il'isIi lalu tonJunction with a huile Iricarceration they wiltl lictaken t t P.ini. yeslerday aficrîîoon, fra hmoa beau ea a le10s I ud any lu',under eauSlng worry (fm thle fetact le t itiois-ridtl'y the head offices of tiethie mesroont efore everY inemita iSecretary uf War S'timsorib ilt, o<j.ý John O'Keefe, head of the Railroad Men'a oea wI'hl tepossible ta arreet the pr.o- tives are gettlng ml ot uualniomîai, whi granistheb, icrease Uatl ni Ithe rn t siiig ,blta.ieri s riihag:ofqo v lrI d emcayfr h otistrhpaHighland Park, woh8en ndrd yIae ul.18. mtera of such uon~ilg evente. Agent uith a îîrotalnent Chicago sîlecialist n aaio oalolOStrel u al b aIs. te guard lîuill b tii îiiîariaet mor yfrthpst ser i tHglndP k, Karnma lbas bee,atvoit for seeerai l ito e tabe câlied f0 W'ukî'geîif) iîn rrltuaor or a ctlanty( ub a ck Ir el gard ob fn u As lsomu;- loilir<'t. doem efrth RaladM nsoethnayinI . weeke gatbering tnfarmatlonlin régard performian operation ont JudpJi- rlontrtryfth mayubefi andr.,îhagîî îf .o' i_ int ire fr'ce,'is l'il liiomei, <ifyinç nul' o ('icgo If iicreareanyJout iiv. i ~ lcair'. flic iti , ofh ual connected'with tat institut ion. Therefore, Masfie~ te the shoots aaisi he declarea they Exact Natare Not Known. iiTo helsriofti'lalpntwi iiiikiicao."Iof guae nyluie ît o . i,) iai î'î'cîîiioiî Chiar,' andNo.' <.hv enwrigfrtepsmsesi nHg1 flit l ahckng a rlled eta. Th,' exact nattui e ofthie oleralioiin 9show a declded Inereaae avery mmoral] ii c afi,) lt)ît.' as]ii, ist¶.iîv Vielnt ealiissaPakwicifle antithoed .Ifi"ld iel l o lie alleges fiat at the shoot lield flot kou but, Li ait t is]tlît he as a resiit of filue order. Intheen-Stouhîaci. lite Chicagoi sciard., I' ,actu- nection with the home work. Aaked if ho pannod givI4g a eemk &go lm ait lrday out of 00 c udge lies heen li moat excrucîatîng lire terrîtory thoumanda cof dollare wil '-Thon,' contemplatiig eîîlsîing ai entraîiîi îdîg ta istilnaten ueitnec ftehoei aeh eaits pilgeoasntany vere u'aunded and tiet pan for smaie time ijasi and consiulte. bo edded to the pay rails of the coi-m- lol]îa is ulfil < ti'po fofiesci ,'îoiîl'ciiai t he sup r. 'Kde f e h: N o in c hyour li e-I t», ta d. lafthe cold. lie aleges tbat flan with physiciene brough-t aâssr- Pany pca etou yth cruIingta Il'.' lotir,,fpostmaster, M . for ad Nto woudedpiganeu'ee pcke uî al ac. hatan jiiratanwaetheonl MesisSlgGai.Lions. We have ta work froîn 4 fli Proiates Express Pesr not give that up frail the postoffice jobs in thocii . tite way frontna fou' roda tb îwo miles fhlng which would relleve bis pain 1sce ailfb. bot$2.00tiliirîlg nî 9a ngîTaî]hier eb.îcîaei 'lixidtîîî lla.Im inees.d nte ok fcark frth r1p~ front (he Place ah-r'thflic oting and prolong liIs lit..for, ILi iedmitte-d adtoa iIS de 0te ery1,nu fUegao of ti'bils iea i ert r, ut cai v rdîrsraminrodmotad an t to stick to l. rr diousof oUi iuatli loak place and] thai e mejorîty that, vithouft tbe opralion. he Ot 'a oi ochouertaeimthore nglieupn Ie e aou eauiamu, sgoosi Nîilgca dsite.ns" I is is ovlv ht or wbchmke of tbe pigeons foruitstovre bruites] and dition would ho mnt grave. urban district of the. cnupany. fo lbe a satior. I guess thaf It ail lm cusfes]ati Iilleost bttiricflair", of ileedlng front uounds. Judge Janes himuelf li; botide- Manager Ford of Waukegan, Who tiecessary ta discipline. lut Imih 1gettin0 iborniva igtiiiîi1 O'Keefe a strong candidate for the postofitco. As y.t be fitl s als]thaf tile shooté have bei-n liberating oser the matter for banie lias charge cf the Lake eounty offices was OuL fiwifl,. o oe elien me A few of the s,'terina ut Pb ihas no opposition for tho position, and, from what og; gcolug on for cevicral menthe ans] theltnte. aturally wisfing 10 e'.oid tii,' of the teleplion,'comnjany'. saIs] that get blitL lecause we ahIlbi' riisot i lne kakirnti-,lvc 'ihadClta aîi iaigm shears, lie will be the only avowedcnide put forwam4 .aei finie brlugs a large nunther of operaflon Il Possible, but If ts sais], lie the offIciaI notice cf the rais,' las ers fhen.' acre iess cpiniislic aut tii,' fusil for elaugbter. Iarne as bas nov arrlved et the saune conclu bei-n received bly bhln ans]It Secomes Stonarheays tt it ]i'sgirl liîadttires, of being on titcliglititig ]fln,'butl b te aiy.Mr'. Fletchor, a Republicanl, la new tbu en thi. Iaffer up uitb fln afte bu- elon af is doctor ans] oliers, tînt operative on %farcit 1sf le tates jutes] hlm andi that heoament iito the,'li(!' iion Itonolis if,' at tleit,' ý postmaster. niace soclef> ans] flat argeniatiiun lie must go tiroîîglîflic oruleai. lI e f ereage nages o an afieratar nassi three weeake ega tii fîrget hii ,, I.i. tait ci'. ancofflic ivlii hes declared that one u'ay ailI l.ieflevaus,' flieformeru-judge lis 7f)nom, isabout $:Io, and,. the increeise troubîles. knowlngtt it I a',floit ail (' i iý%lci atheioit.01Eier5 ot. founs] ta proc'lde for fic cigorou.),cars ols]. aniy kiîud of an oîîeratîon ciii maleif tabout ~pleasure. i î'ýr. irî'Ic,' «mais lrtliaîIt iîglîl- Iroeecutioui of tIie' îronaowrs of lihe aouid b e grave' iiatt'r luit tie,' ovî' Overcomne Storm Trouble. Wie ltes oMuh i'l frc'isand is fe.s ,'i'. shoota~~~~~~~~~~ cotmlt. esi]blÇO, i r Ford statcd fvrllîr thaf it hi w,'liai a chance ta get illa y bit (110 m'h v-î111NCf tii e r,, r'tii îrî'e ~ ~ rite eîaots. tL ia cals], lase been aft- mretlien Piiiisng iilîitortnce eni ine i eas now have IlIon, servccic ,' s ui oties wre uiorh leuded b>. large cramas tract Kenosba aiicrlty.cispenes] mb e.. eory ban o cf .,mt (Ithe coîunty \ ii"îsni iii'trs,. alt nof,îticai. and laite Coulition. nen traveling NO man Ili Lake cointy etIer hooulg h aocno SfrdyTm or us,- Le d ,tonbach. tii, piati-sfIlock(is] 10lleiii, ot (lirn nalmles ta Lake part l Ien t .TIheI îrary cablea acre laid fa accamodaue "ie ds.No? ilîrîti iigliii. iowever. ashoots have bemit held just over fhe ,,the w irea and now gangs are working 5~tlf c lien tiie actula cork ofrîparking wa'. étata lIn. ln Wisconsin bence, g0 fer ~replaclng the ples ans] u'res lfor jjJJAJ R QÈÉJITa> comîîied,'îlere file nien ahleic, a 5151 tii. pIîmotere hbave flot conite. iîn permaneney. ciiWithtli n "sxtrun teleplione aîîî tIn zone of fIe ILake Couly authort. R CEmla astjtoitl i 1fi,'l'ont wicei,îso 1yaa i fvrt 0FiMAN FOR E RIur îîîecitlnu frîn ~resiuenklctnfly, the oven May be Wjustr ajt..yom w ala s&ïM i May Transter Here. ON Of0NRICU 1AN iRiFFIN ENT ERi T s h-: l ernîlinu"ePwr v ihDSh*i otdr ollmméip It lm salît thaL if the Kelfosa il- .,I usu tborllmget ater fo.pronotersi, thejv Mtay eeek tu transfer their shoots semas the lns' into LOke Couuty. [ Hovever. If the>. do. they will lie met Pit b PrOkecution here. secordlng tO ittes Attorney Dail>. wlio, ia.. log bisi attesntion caïluil lt ti., mt. ter declared iffloitJc'l, fl tlie %souil uot.permsit lice pigeon iihootliîg in LakerCaunfy. île sald hb e lelIc,'m tIare. ln a lau'. pveating It in 1111-. noie ans] c rely ha wauld go after lhe niter bard in câe0ae tne t %-as mas], goll aoff miel eyets ILre T t'vOwnRiPASSý1 Fc l'rger. count>. Judge D. L Janes. a bq ven% taehîcAliter bospîtel Tues- day aiterioon ta prapre himaeIf for a miflous aperatian lis ca-te Dr. Lys] Mes o0f Chicago, upon examinlng i lu thse evening déees]Ifauvîsable eaa , af toperated ulion. Dr. Ly4stou came front Chicago, and, vifi Dr. Kaîgbt. u4de a thor- ouais xamîpntlon of Judge Joncs vitI .liero@uit thaf It was è,'clded nlot te riperai., at leant net Just et preset The speoJlaiîsfrefurnes] te Chicago, ans] It la understoas] fhe dvelaments in fie patient'. condition willlbc wat.cid Wth cve ,d thse adulssabîli- ty of an operat$on wîlIlie coneldereil aloag nwi t eum Tie:ad]Yanced'.age efthe judge u'io a 70 ,years oi, le one tfieng whioh causes] fhe daciore taeliever>. car- fui about decld4ng on fhe operation1 aud, I4Is sels]. tbat wa the dlilf rea4on for- derlding fa abandon if au )ea4t for now. q'1s.Judge ln remaann ls the. boa- pitel, boweyer, and It le eaites] flere fiat,.21. waa relitng. ulte safistaeto. ni>. aisce golng there late Tuemday. The, bellef la Shah,.If the Judge'a condition grose Iatorlaîl>. worm. ans] fI lecouttudeal tbat an operation la the ouI>. course ebt opean, then fbcy fil tae a clhance deepife lil as]- 1.F.,veceul &go ans] perform If. Ilowever, Da oPeratlon wi bp ordered now un- ie.. It la deenmd the- .last reaort- BIILLKTl? Waukepan, lUaa5 ei. 26.ilS- .*d" Jones w4et to the hospî- taI thid an1e" 4 aom a*& propre himmaIffor' a thor. JUOGE D. L. JONES. aormer Coutnty Jus]9. of Lake C.ounly Who is in Critical Condition at Hu& Home in Waukeganm and Who la To 'Semt to Serious Operatton Unuler apectalist. knos-n flan Jiidgv bines. s. wi ih ,i several teriemas couîuby jiiIgc f Lsei county, and wsho yers ago w"Sa.'.,Iy attarncY Of Weukegan. Ile ' as alui, on,' Of the cOngPlltiîi caîîdIdal,' foc MaYar ln Waukegan. under île irsf lectian for a comrnsian ferrm (i govcrnmneul lplan. 11a>-1as llni Waukegan e gre tnaniyeyarqi s 's 1)rouuînent G. R. mai anduîîliu,,as ls utn"frîcu - clo ii, ahiaixiouiisy s-ait s-ors] laIhi conition hlas Improves] to euch an exteni bat ut le felf holeaisoutf fdanger. If i16mais] hie eldeet son Georgest gone througl flie aperetlan wilch ls nlov said] ta b. slnitely declded ulîin ai moanas"Il,' sîîeciaIisft'ean ioiîîe fromu Chicago. If le tnownthuai iudge .on'slias made severel fripa lateIy to sarlouis apringmiè n hope 0f ImnProving lia con- dition and reIievlng hInaself cf the Pais tis'oUgh wbl ie ho wupassîng ans], bille temporary relief a en. coont0eos.It vas nOt msuhd ute) liher. Manenily &dais] Ibm voiding tlic opera- flon alilcl lias now neen dnciilcd up. Wlbaf'e thit,'ntie Of elending So ivue-li Inony Iat heautY Perlons, al yoîî neeri le tiolliefers RI. M. Tee: begîn boday; watcb Your mîrror. W. W. Peeri;e. Nobody lotte. e fat nmn or a fat vna;-e<bus>, rogulate >ourself vîtI Hollfiatar'a R. M. 'iea-; keeps you tim ld a« uppi W. W. Peau-os, Joliet. Feb 24 -Two mntis ago the fav-orite clîild of a weeltly New- 1'ork tfami]y andI f,dJay a descrter 4 [Tîî ii, l i'îlStates iiay, ailI a firme îîîil hs heas] k4ft,' 1 te lîlsfory 'of .hlniiliiiliacli. egeil 119, belig liels] ho' 01, cPoiice P)i. as. ut the,'arrivacalo tIi,' s ithii ihtins frîuî iihe G re'at Lattes lNa, iii 'raliiiig sstion t Wau k gaii. 'il lier ilcsert,'-r. aaiki(j l ituo flicpolice - leî,i la-il niliit u;i, îkeil fîîr liel tel. s iîî lqitiel, le,, are omu s fur- loligli eas] sccc unlîcîr ssey back ta y the training station, Tlîey wcre gîsen '.li.'llfcr frnn i, cn,1ld sud ftisnornlng a <ii cie g trI'rakfast. "They acre rga'l',lî'iii tIttou ic ciili cu hiey afri s Break Oown ans] Corîfeàse Wi yen qtietivneuI îy flulet of t'a il l, llarrv île Millpr, h i rak,' iloau eus]d edmittts]listing des,'rfed froii i tlraining station. alter lias- liug bfetii tiî,r,'btbaa erk. rStotîbecli begged foîr s chance ta tgel acey suis]returiiti lils parents ln New Yo rrk, sayluîg Iliat le would neve- hble hI' cistand flic lite ti lie nsvy foi. fouîr yeure. flhc perlos] for a lih lie liait l cli steci 'NIy paretnts are wcaltliy andîllIcc n11 West Forty-elglifIî street In New Y'ork.' lie sais]. "I lefthoe, fso îîîîîîîllîs ega ans] have blinnframping aroimnl tii,'country ever Ince.' "Ts, cck8 ago I landes] lu Chicago isti lut 101 centfs lu my pocket andl ut, tplace to go.'"lit sai]. "I met a- Ollier fellow walo wee also gdos-iands oîut iatds]lie suggei-fed Ilial w'e uîlist, tri fli,' îasy. lie descrityiîig lu glow- Iîg ferutieicwonders f0 lie ceeu.j Awakening Cornes. 1 "I- waa booklng for jueit aucli a lIfe1 ans] w, enîletes]. Tîten came the sas]1 awakening. Wc were sent. lu Ile,' traininug station lcier Watikegati and] iii place cf the, wons]ere we aec to1 tiec we. worel put ta work.1 'Anis] ucîs wark ae If s-as. Iront early inornlu ts1nlglt If vs acu.on 1tiquai round of work with not an1 hoer of reet.1 "Sure 1 deaem'ted." h. mais], "an] ha.1 Hove nme, neyer agaln ln the, nayy for mie."9 Langlola, Who enllsted tn Fond du iÀa, Wla., mIsoaspoke in "giowing terni. ai the lite of a recritit la the i Charles Tliayer. s-ho, sane aeeis aga annouinces] that he waa ta Se a candidate for sherif! at the nextcorotn ty ciection taits] Nlonday that lie lIed rceconsideres]lils plans and ijusý decidcd nou eon'felrthie race.[lic has vachoun, reaoss for- rhangingli-s nîns] sud sayn hi' lias hinally dieideis not tu con. Tliaycr's ait luiras ,;ilfrointuheicrai'e Irsves but oui,' as uccîl candidat,'in the field], forUiet nýiuirl1f George Ifow. 011, w i là in ur v liii fîrueT stiorIiff K. J. Griffu iii ]] - hi'a Repuiolcan candidate. lutin roe,,ker Is the' on- ]Y' evawed denioî ritw -candidate In tIe fiels] te date Grifft.n A Candidate. l"oriner sherllf Elviii J. Griffun an. notnceus ho lu an atîses] candidate for tle repulican riuîvtinîaion fdr alan-. lIt ans] aubnits ii'Lt already meking a quiet canipalgît iriirîig bis frlends tliiînig11liii l(iho vls Mtr. (riffle Is nom, in the' ga.rage lîisia inluVîs kege aud pr-es iii iv, entrance inia thet uine, le sci ced as sheriff, Seing Sh,'rlff Gr-ea*2s îîredcccssor. NO PETITIONS ARE FILFO FOR TUE CITY The Reasori Was Tha t There Was no City Office to FiII This Year. Manda,, wasvII.-, l.î . Gty.on s-hici la file Lfwtitioms foi i vii'itj elecl.ion, ln Illinoia, but Vi aitiegen s-as places] In the peculier ans] lnterentlng piii- flan of having nu city office tea liii. Thise. aa explelnes] in the 2un recent- I14 wae due teli ithefet lIaithe ,-oun. misasion forji plai iit dîltes]twî y carsi ega, Provides tisai ciiccrsi laid for four yoars instradlofit tus-asuniler the, aIs] plan. The police itiagîsti sicla lue only ose'supposeil te a l<i'e e affoctes], but City officiais aS.îidoned Uri epe- tiLi for i lis ofilc ,i' i ilin claini, thef ,indethie comniieeii,n forts las-. tle magfletrate hldts oser tîntîl flic nom, Commission forun of officera agaîn are electied. Borne pereana question le tact, but tbey are taking a chance on it boe.anid na apecial elsetiout wam Sayitt91*1. Wilite lîrotio4es] ail tiglut, aki'd tic' o îî0îîî,ll iii dai i lit 1 uti nsint,'s]ontu inishlng Iîiy- f it t luri' cîor iljiaer's If . Lii l ',Si îvuvî.riiii' XX-. V Vi an nake a mgnt dugelublcwholesme. Gadbalcmng wthout good bakin powmjer im ofo Ioqoma ite k.wl ana lanthe cesu- maku pied tad duc ~, Tais..nochane. .1of de - 9 aad hou. "1o41.&,M" , *u At .1aeu s e j I ~7N~IT=~~ E k' ~ NO F3Ft.lui Hi S PECIAL FAFCY SIJAR CURED BREAKFAST, 1 lb ;SP CIA - BCON SMLL EANSTRIPS AT C.. j b BEEF Park Loin .. ............ ... ~ Native Beef Pot Roast .....1cand8c Spar Bibs, short ut,1.......a Rump Roast................... 90 Pork Sausago .............. .10 Sirloin 'Steak ........... 14e PigiFoots ...... ....... 5 Fancy Round Roast Beof......... lc Pigs Heads ..............6 Fancy Native Steer Rib Roast 1 2e & 1 Oc Kettie Rmnderod Lard.........12,1@ Club Steak ................... lic Pork Shoulder................ lic hotCut Porter House Steak .... 14e Pork Tendorloin............... 25c Beef Stew ............ 8c Sweet Pickled Pork i...... 4c Hamburger Steak, ......... . . Oc ~iNiviA *ssl, li,.LAM Fancy Sug a r ( Hams9 legs than wl pWrice.e Whule they luit per pound.. i ,Corn Beef .................... loc Beef Tongue ....... .... ... 15c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Hamns S. & K. Brand. ..14c -'Sugar Oured Picnic Hams-------. lc Frankfurts............ .......0ec Polisl Sausage ...............0ec Liver Sausage................. loc Imported Summer Sausago .....18e -Beona Sausage .............. 0e Sugar Cured Breakfast Baconi.. 16c Imported Salami Sausage ...... 19c Blood Sausage.. ....... . 9e 6 Pound Butterine, Moxîsys...... 1,10 10 pounds Butterîne, Moxelys . ... 1.85 Fancy Leg Sprin Lamnb...... 122e Fore Quarter pring Làamb....... 8c Lamb Bt4w ........... 7o Lamb Ohops ................ 12e Leg Mutton .................î o Lamb Roast................... le VEAL Fore quarter ...... .... 1c Hind Quarter ................ 14e Veal Roast----------... >----12 1/c Veal Chops----------------- . .luc Veal Chopas.................. 140 Caif Brain................. ... 9c Caif ILiver............oc Moxîsys Special Bmatterine, the boit 1 Country Roll Butterine, 2 pounds ................................. 25e * Fancy Dressed Chickeng at wliolesale price. SauKraut, quart 7c, Gallon ...... ....................... 1 j 1 . vvl--ý u r\ r, LD /-ýl kýj . 1 LI b ý1D Pol-. Feý-IRr, IL,

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