Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Feb 1913, p. 12

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LA"K COUNTII' NDEPENDENT, F'RIDT, FEBRITARIr 281,1913, --A1RY TO ItCIL POg KPAN proposes Using the jm Sotties to KeeP the Prodluot Fresh. erooi poapost sytem la cofront -__ .~aother problenlt An enter.: stgdarymslt of Wbeaton. I11L.: Ste deiver mlk to is C'hicago MMrsb>' parcl post. lelbas im-I WWo a unique bottie. Whlch Willi *the mitk, Witis ipnly two de- Ci ,d aance ltemperaturîý, for $%q jrcel post authorîtles declare W, gUI requre an extra department ïlog Method of deliveriflg milk i sSdb>' other dairymen- 'a b» orWlnatOr of the nove Plan 8 1 eýu- N. Hnrley. who conducts a Wy faim near Wheatofl. Ater Miu$g the question of deiverlng Sfor several mouIlla, ilurley delI sdto try the parrl-cet s ds 4N WO SWNDLED «NEDE IS IN MICII. fC@111t154 P rol age one) te ie to n te toai.oui for int»i. p ioice dodger wt a Pici ure and! ptiSof o the, swlndler a lu the' 'of the local PoIlice departient.~ Mele about 1.1 years, and! isl * lt about 5 teet. 10 luches. lie,, f90 pounds. bas brownisb eyes,î lues Complexioni. la round about-1 an.!du leight11Y hOllowcheie.!. ',he a burnt car on bis forearini ist SoIeswears aILgra> mustache bài the apllearauce of a woli-to-dil' ifan.! te very pofite, Mlus gettlng gimeul of!*'The Gentleman Farmý st a!legeneraliy sorla hisi veida M1e a novel. lite arrheS' ~ BI country tawn where there, beaker an.! a notarY Public. H-e, ça the banker and toila hlmi that lr*aWts ta bu>' a gtiod fatm. wortbi 110,000.00. Tbe banker laites te a fariner wbo la anxlousta sf111ll kg qafer to buy. lie asts if ihere ,bs notary public in town, ssylug tho vante ta tom bhis power of at-j over taaf rien.. The farmner U 5 a witneaa, andi with is sig- kd tiàt or tte notary publIc's ~ asthe deesi. by saylng that hie agt te b ok over the abstract. and! te a large town nearby. lHe ~î.eont a real esftate dealer and for a lean, offering il. mortgage lb tarin for fit s. ecurlty for the I %ai=at borrowe. The real estate baving,. a client iu mIn.!. takes bogues fariner ta im. Togetherý lit st the f&rm, an.! tbe real e-I itý elr's client le more than wil h e o min him the money. He re- ijWW the mono>' ater tunîng thel ' #s over to the -un vbo anc. hlmi b;J»ilotte>' and!niles a forgé.! warranty 4 et atthe itegiter o deeda offce' -g a ta gîve him a chance to make î d "getawa>." pa - v Me ashaworked thtepln&loe ',is ntod Étales' the total amounit of t1s ing a eccore.! by im running ý*to Ah. ituadMri of tbousands of dut- "4" Athough the police bave biadt track of! hum 11w and Iben. hie bas nlever beau capture..Laid' - 1mw.- esver. a dragnt bas ben ibrown uver - the wbole country. ies rds for bus 'C apture run up ta about tive tons- 71ad dollars. the diff"renl lus ns tbal ho bas opersted ln, ail olierjtgr,'- -SAVED THIE !OWN FROM A lIRE (Continu..! iirom Page One.) 'OM l4it vas nece9sary b c(itri tew los 1wefore they coutd get water. Tiiisý ,,'ot"valuahle ime sud te flaines aprsad l-ptdly. Zest thon a freight train pisledin-tl te the station an.! the firemen were tinrius thefir boss bacit overi qetracks tu lt the train passa, liîs lijgitght asd black amoke f rom te auculé ealan aslding le the excîltterîlý Mda dîffieUît>' In flghtlng bbe flamtes t qlOOenabthe lte tire1gain bea.! &paka Cross Trscks. MM' lmes, large embers. buring vers bown asrosa tac Iracs bulade.! on roofs uf the stores sud ,ýJ'MM.The tact thal. early lu the '%WOlg the eleet tarm ha.! ios ere.! -beuildlas. wth ce. servesi as s j b&Çui4gldigsbe fo. thuonbie toe l"' u i gie.for nohete o SstOrm of ! aturday di.! mucb la Ude oOtlIty at Fox lake, bis vlflgefrontbetng vipe.! The wind was strong frOmn the ha.!. People were running te snd fr0 boihwest utnd thus bletv dlrectly to- in greali-st ,xitement and! many wards b heitusincaisectilon of SIte nove.! their litsehobd effecla mb I clity.1te streets. beleviug that thir homes Charles liarbaugh la the owuer ut wvould surely taI! under the tierce fire the lumber yards an.! also owxts yards 1 whlclî rage.! for boutm. in other places of the county. He Chickens Lsck orignality. carries insurance on ail and bis Foxi Abby, the lttleet girl of tb. taml! Laike manager, Mr. Nagel, ittatee that I was seate.! at the breakfast table one5 the loss la covere.! by insurauce ai morulog. As usa. eggs Vête serve.. Fox Lake. -liber se as net hungry or she ha.! Excitemtent Intense. grown tred ofthbie Inevttable bll Of Tue ireservd t caue ie gral are, for ver>' eurnestly and snorlY The iresered o care he rpa- she remarked: "I do wlsh hens vould est excitenient the village has eî'er lay'somethifl beides egUs' INTERESTUNO BARGAINS THAT9LL SURELYGU MONEY. SHEETS Made of extra good material, pure white bleached, -uze 81x90 inches, our regular 75c values, on sale tornorrow59 at only .................... 5 COTTON CHALLIE Cornes in very pretty colors and patterns, suitable for kirnonas, etc., regularly sold at 7c, 5 spi at yard............ 5 N REMNANTS A table full o! remna nts. velvets, crepe, challie, calicot percale, tic., slpecial for tc- morrow at ONE-HALF PRICE. Blan ets ulil InwIiI8 eîySIlhtIY7 mIled. fi 1-4 .1,e aectal SUIT CASESi Made of ratan or matting', steel frame. leather handkes, bound corners, 1' with brass trimmnings, special at . UU8 COTTON BATTU I 10 ou re rll for 15e 8 ounce roll for 10 c 12 ounce roll for 25c 11 oune ro ll fo r 5c rIOUSE DR Sec our lne of bousec decide on purchasing. and made with the best ýESSES dresses before you They are finished o! care, every one. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY O.a.s.. St. What la Soivay Coke? It is- the heat elenent of a mixture of superior t-tals-varefuîlly seleeted for e ookiîîg qualities. Tlîe jatt'ntt'd olvay proess bas removed evei'y iiîpurity, Ieaving îîractivally pure earboi-a perfeet fuel for household lise. R3UV WAUKEOAN SOL VA Y COKE -The Fuel Wthout a Fout" Il vai ei it-îsed inî any fursiace, ranîge, stove or grat- stt t' for t-ual anti does niot hum out fire- pots or- gtlts. [t iiis sokeless, sootless, dlean andi riothil-eve ashes to sift. it is thIeaittýi' îl.iuîîîard coal anîd gocs farther. .I',k lt-t ds'j gt bis idleal'fuel wiii ils use will lie telivered ti) (e\*k-î\ îliîst oinî t f tut' Ntrth Shore I lis G o. Ilease icaîl il (lrefully - - il vi1Il bew, tutii ytuî- while.z t) f N o goili t îetuta Opy, please write or fl at. t rI ifie NORTH SHORE CAS COMPANY Plckauds, Brome a &Compasny 72 West Adents Street,-...Chlcage Gentrel Saest Agens flh nhIwubehrs of a Chicago gun club wbihh»basFox 1*ke st*te repreillntative fton onb or thee dar bit!ui*tw 01411111 Wbf AS K YýW IA113 been léolding "IlIve bird"' shootlng' thîs district, carried or honOera for ring out of theotrapu wbeu lW waaise I~contesta at a roadhouao on the state' amateurs and bis brothers, E.! and! tum ta shoot. F O tHOK EI1 WHO lino just soutb of Konoaba. It la de- Jay. wero blgb mon for profeastonluse h Kna I0.Cu bsise clared that many prousinent Claicago The shoot was belli hy Ibo Central boKaaeOuclbbisud KIL D LV portsmen are connectie.! wt the Illinois Gun club. 1ablIg oayfv-a oe l KILLEDLIVE 1RDS club, wbicb bas been coisducting sentil-, Horeta wbat a Springfield! paper .çe CRiI la tile or Loweli or Ham- _____weekiy ahottng contesta. says of Mr. Graliam's work: mon.!. md., to attend Its Biret atnla Konosba, We., el h - ,anes UTIl. RA MIn thi.sertes thore was but on. team shoot for $25 ontrance-0one Iarnes agent of Kenoslîa Immune TMGAA WINS mani that finishe.! without a singlo bundrod birds-to bchetel.! onlits society, appealed to iii' dlistrietat HONORS IN SHOOT. miss sccred againstt im-Tliomdugo itu 0 torney and! the amuicipatl itoge lier, Gâtham, membor of the boueseof Top- grunda in ibis City on Mr-t31 iodity for the Isituance of if ly "John At C.un cliii, shoot W~ld in Spring- roîse1tativ train Ingleside. "0 was E'ach eain muet be compoaed of pure- 15e" warrants for the arrest of mntn- ibid Friday lasft. Thomas Graham c-.i credited with a clean kliii for evory 1>' amateurs. Thursday' s Round-eU: ýpcials The few day~s tliat ri n ai ae ging tii lii iramîied fulltof tht gîtatt st values on record mues tovks îîîîîst hi sold h fore the spring sea.soli opeils. Bïg Round-Up of Ladies' Coats The Final Price Ct Yoi îîuay have sevîl ail the splendid nîodels uîîade of chinchla anîd îiovelty weaves show n ini otîr oat deîsartment this fal-per- -haps you aire wearing mie ot them, paid $20 or $25 for it-those 4Lre the guients offered ,îow at less ht oe-a! Lot No. 1 WVoîuei',s, nis-ses' anîd juniiors' coats, the latest models i iit>velty weaves 9 $'20> anti $25 vaiues, no t . ..... 9 LoNe. 2 This season's garments in çbiu- <lljîla anîd novelty loth, ldiws nmisseus, a il ( juniors ' sizes, values to 12.'0, nothiug reserved. ----- uowt......... AIl w..i Serge Dress Ji, mnisses,' womnens and junior suzes, the very latest styles with Bulgarisr* « îng. made of heavy grade storm serge, àý'L aIl wool. in navy and hrown values to 10.00. nowet ... Ail WooI Sweater Coets - -Wo- Mustin G.wnm -made Of good men 's 3.00 ail wool sweaters in grade muslîîî., ernbroidery trim.- White, cardinal and gray, with Med, slip over style, 50. Par. Lord Byron Collai-, $3 1.8 i nth, sale values, sale price ...... 19 prhce.......... a3c Percales The good Mi1anî- chester percales, :6 inches wide in ight and dark, nov assort- ment o! patterns, 15c vaine St. yard -13'c - i- prints 27 iîîclî Loraîie" prilntedi yîrî'ale, large col 8c va Pure ien crash, bleached, fast red lor asortinent and heayy thread, - alues, yard 12%~c value at, yard 334C 84 - Musîlu LBleached muslin, yardI wide, soft finish, round thread km.! inclding flop muelin 10e value at, y.! 74'c 10-4 b le ach~e d sheeting, very beavy and durable, oli lin ieh..agood vro i o ia yard, s"loe lord Houseware s There is Profit In BuyIn~ ilouseware Rer. Tomsrrow MIXING BOWL - Modinin .JAP ROSE SOAP-8 lOc NURiEAV CHAIRS - Wil- loy. amoothu>' mai10 Up. re- TOILET PAPER - G 'ood grade perforate.! tollet Pa- per. large rol. 25 8 for-------------. 25 SINK STRAINER - Mm. Vroomnan's inamstrainer, blue enantOl large slae, li Opeclal ....... . l sieGermai wiool Ifinîshed pla i d Iblankets, $2.4 8 Ivaue .691 sîzeG arBenO 'L 1Mdiu loy mlxiug bowl, , ..- 2 WATER PAl LS-Galvanized, 8 quart size pail. special. at ...... - OUST PAN-Japanne.!. good grade, et------------------.. 3 MANTLES-tiood grade, sin- gle veave. 7 uprlght--------------. 7 SI-ELF PAPER-5 yards long. smootb paper, -vtth froc>' colored border 5 loc value for---------. 5 bars, tomorroW... 9 for---------------. 29 CLOTHES BASKET-Large spint, ovau. double a reIntorce.! hottom ..9 CLOTHES BASKETS-Nov York willow clotîtes bas- ket, mediunm 48 sTARCH-Argo Glosa Starcli 4 one poun.! pack .-..15C ages. for-.... ,PISH MOPS-Nlce cottan mops,vood 4 vlving 71 table .......7k LANTERNS - LargOIÉ00111 veather proof, pate.! ypd an.! green, $1.265 & value , a .. .. gray, heavy Qer- Mau Wool1 fin"9h4 bue bor-der, values, at. s, ~ tvÔ. ille SULLI Exci PMo te Spot itIcal Actng meeting tive of pre s bave hi leader about t MIllar * n bu'lta The roi the ch$ positioni He th& that h. Ovey T'C cordant bave b -s ti Plattne r-mitte.! This ne-w Pe at le"i vwlhacn crk a dres 1 bard f0 and ho been Pq that re grs 1 ta beg that v sai.! M -À f alure. What librarif and! a wouli spend compat effl ln the ha.! hi -parti1 muet i for a atraigi enter, ton, si dense darknt gulsh ern tr Mvay, 8cr-e

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