mbsmg oh rs a telophons rat IIELJUIô «»A fsr~ týr" .ràkM<~ ferpeau..r Mms J1. A. Stmai atrday for IM4PROVEI ASYLUMR nasyus kdn:t oe y Osa Kaae., aeeupmng ber es ___Mm empect t aeale to FlRouis Anderson of Lake Fores, on shortly." W'«mt" hme.Cottages for Tuberoular Pa- The tat that ho b" a* th F1 a~ . .D.*MMOIS siStUur*Id vsi eoaf*0 Libwvfle, wan a Tva ahigh ***oI oudg people W$s M"@bra reptosmm bU Mteow pissait Majoar 1. G. Bro« u, -> busdiLêailaiOhs p Aat&Pch ionlgbt Io et- P"u GrIffic *"eni Sondas lith hie tients are Now Separate vaialuc h Usi Tus.dq.- M"bà ed l Imf u parents la Waulkegan. woa kept a secret by the. *Mù& ««Onasim, Pob. ais 8h alteie. Pim >pl job*0 s Lce&*baBUh trausated bualnse B. P. Ob»MA ai Emeville. la spondt. it. sud Mms. Nick Lulken dld flot v- From Ote, in 111 hact lu wtnDuy 229» h al b*Wtg&WWWffl doestsld Airal 5. MOtihersud, robr m le- III. faut.m [It. outi only thieulaaum for thes osqasint À besiseuwpwei o<f MWs gas seote o ai « Shore<~, aaFxLbti@d.I hur waUh5VU bis he W..ri made boa mera ei. ni Si d Owr*MBQ% d W l lysb »ettld the Mésuse 0alry Slddlaom Mie. ti*M ologée.vwu a as Bame, lad. Tihe Voluais.. elas of'* the Sonday As a resit of au inlvestigation of a l'un reporter that it fieusltb'» tpM dèsd 85 oIà, adora- Sa"h jobms, Iw iâm 0"d u Agtra plemais<gUitmbere Tuiy on lber way Sogboul tegderd Mis. % m. utulle a Made by Dr. W. H. Wattei'son, of the CoyTU-1. adt iii. soti wle UomoLet lnre.s Ladd uMsu joi Wstt M I At@ Vaille. 10 boienîaumeoua eboyer nt the. home 01 lake County Tuberculase Institut. p<u.di as ào>o I.i Emes vlado' Gjuy Morill wltb a lac à- K. Bals.O!ii. OSDI Wewlhtouaifaliipbl" ha Ms A K SlaSauda ratenon Isae ubrclr atens iaaîuW OTCET AVtTlIR ý and doar ia. slo décorat.d witb Raits. gtait . *ibeu* sto anteiuil tir lather fgWm bave remetiY obtsln.d the agency for Ur.. Maelle reevdmn ueu nara, forin ctaes Jacksntle, fr Are teepra foraet »00140 icee for Inl cotae MWurt tramntO lute steak.orAinelp Umombtxwe&n f a*ro 'Aisergei sabotu uiybta SDglnat vs.the Victor Vlcirol Md now have gaverai hr r syl bsvcnt ne-dga.. hsvsmaekon~ 5CWU' i.pWOf eaci coin«# af il ba5lmwa -om~tP Ib alsth bo, TôgniFronas of roi Win. Wdaid f W~uqi tran- of thes uemesiOuirs t hhr r Ovef ln~ vlîh lippt anir Pâterte Goarge TPafler, cihar thîeo P. e daa ferul 0ofrf wr"l via.ed a Ul»ri LaMe, won the hlgh icore :j brasilgi gactiei busIons bersn Tueedajr. 100 records. Vq vUii bo gIed ta demn.a etroGogeTPlmrcir dsr rexc tpyfr i- Rail Tb@ grand .seeb vae b.adsd by 45 fOui ai paisible 50, Whit. LaiwentLes tBenvellsud il ai ound Laks, et-ate tbm migsim et aiy trne bo: The Ladies Aid society wll hold theur man of a scial cemmittee, appointedtihat, tatre à paper ta print Misâ Gaoc. KisSil and Imf L C. IleProfi. vite Bmschn o>f <biaeea, vos @m~oud hiphei wiii move tu Grayalab ln the oser oulted ta you. fu n a ii s of nov reglar monhlî meetIng et tb" cburcb, by the sate board of charities, tram aIl, gratis, the ponteraS aiIV lad the. couple@ tbraub many heautlful by broshing 42 ciel pipous, future. records coine lu sud heur ours. W. Maweh Gib witb dinner nerved by ii,'. A. Fran~k p. àobr.saeaine t U h yewud~.kp erolotiona. matches. drille, etc. Aux. bl ti h etam wilistie Wm. pester irsnaased business in have saone gond oun. alo eedie bath K. Bain kk. oThey Inetatainis vat ai thek t. wfmu Satuq SebursudM.Vlet~. rapendnttDTuedayratbeuon ti wau as- mugic Chl,go MUaday. eteel andl fbre. Brou tbouzb yon do MrS. E. A. Martin vieited ber sister Madle by Dr. Watterson ai the requeit came, iii.,. would bu ua eafl * fots i fshgh dIgi shapel badgpes. tholr Morris i i e, a n plo s the U t . and Mts Wm Elih, vlho have flo tiue toibuhave vîirab. inad fi s.na eob.c mgzn n sarsi ato adl a iei guuowtbd lmles, adthelr tubu rral s bobenonstth op au I n New York and Wgehlogion the any tlat a.pueul n lin* ________ ai tes. SPAGE la the aniy u lap eed lu d anod tbeo ien pas tus weu.. more o.eee hoetiet oe o[mot-DciEpD Co.- RSEL"Cottages ai Peorla, Elgin ,and flewopspei hm. te slI4 peuaaltlaealalu <0 ee, toS- am pli m pvot tva» voeu- ILS 0".C5be The l.,xall B5tons. Jackisonkllle have been flxeil no as ta of the. papler itaef entait. a telite,%bedepareref the Cigago son- folyteda L tCku.îlrit taerspet onter «8ffl Ithons voi a ams aud tth , .Y.Bilstaare'b"olnLent Frlday, Veh. 21eî, the voret ice cars for tubercular patients »ePareto »Delly. of. crmee pp& mbmC imw pot timuer. va g du e ot the ils- o« L. 'dy Y.@u rnat uiesl tart u bah flln Ineatrs svePt the fr0. the reguter Insane patients," Th INDEPUENDBNTIba agrhsr unss b maS nptWdedyqrln u hcg usly ObituI'y. coufnr dola8 avant damage la, iuner. the. latter atatea. "As yet ne luaprove. very Ioulent ln printing Y.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~g lureomt dlvtleu th mu Sait. laursoa lmbe cetpantaprovide returu Jo. Turner prehaeed&sVietrola No. 9 Ira Alanzo Foulas vo ashrn ai Sand fruit $roe sud eirely entlng off bath mont, aebe al tKnae. sddentIinlt rW preon wn te iao Sinid Mm Ba-panae. Supt. Fllti l snrrounded of the UruS. Drug'Co. faut Uaturday and L.ake, Lak. C., HL, Match 19, 1847 and telograpb and telephone services. The cottages tmere are Inadequate inluino very fine naw. HOWovev" lais Jahnkeaeelssd bylfOimsislnldmu 1hl a cordou of 'peles' under cnomanl l6 Dov treating bis frieudo ta nme flue died ut hbse lui i Grayake at ou. Tihora lne great d"u cf eekuege la sanîtary arraugements and especlally requesta for notices 01 6h lolg n t Chat Websb, forintl tihe etora cntre mnusic. o'cloek Thoradiay morulng, Feb. 20, Ibis vlclnlty. in bathlug faclîlties." klnde have h«eino nuunaiU~ FeTu, popularo 1110g stu tilaid e arouu ill blb a astbng multorn of Mrà. Jolh. WaihbuMn vwu a Chicago 19 H e bal! liud la Lute couny aJi Thora vas a surprige parti on WilI This Investigation was conducted i iah ta malle lt citer Ibo. Me rmellan o la thé oti s erai ubmaisrewMYdsieltn iio ma.o bis fil., MelilI. lait Tbnraday ulght. AIlireport by Dr. Watterson about six mouthi after a charge wlll ho maIls Isi brusdov aiit "À A ad hurllng as.utosait the Ofl. Th 'le Mgucints.& Farpuere' huanit bave Hel 27, 1871. T ta union Va, boi, M, s ar Melve Al0i su ai Versitamd. tiruhu dfeth sla dnotices bye pro fr &M'i tes me oml tueotl possible for tSuit pistdkaengaSi ânon1 rumtuy ball sera vr nés aigu vork tApi c27d, Mn. C. J.i unihn wa o lit@.lMary sp len hndAî lvi ai Ma 01 relutc bise Bhr u meeehloonu theY ette i b eluomettreru bgh.lecirle alga diamo s veeo;ne". a h ri ebLbhl okdo aocidsM .3 ihmnO l.dlsaalng iii. luestiom oS the ieitài&e. tii till hh alhaei nta - doue on ibeir Windows. 0lrayalakg, aud Loo F. Penlion of Gunue. MlLle'hspt hrdyag t nclng Ata nesu tlagtoie auce Mln- ou pisusa:110y fy bo- 1, eiqao -enii te i crovde hurplng op sud d<>wu ira eacues baueli np ta the depat henr'y Kuebe hm baorectsdl a nse lae amn. i ae i v l le@ due.n W s maInsao, a iuD. tf mroamon.s 1 y taireugli dr Nippermisi P~~70ei phnt't favli cani aglang la front ai hie MW stare. two childeu. Six KCufldebildren, three Mis. A. Dixlon @Psnt Suuday ut Gurus. atro amt nIvsiaIn tc pefn uci sU ýen Nipp~~~~îendak avenue'. Bu@uilmi taboard vblch kept the conductpr bumy t6rOt mleainsigio tc pecnqnOuO*M 40 ivelooed lte thesuper rrage n UIO g f tise vo middle couche@ Barry Whýeek ho& rgenty aold bie itere, hor. Mary 9. Wait oi Kanom Mre. G. A. giver l. entertainînu a eftihe waconsln aaylunu la regards paller la entiiai ta ei vh were 150 porbona vire s.rvsd vith a suShou ie be al.i~ amoon bnaiimses ta Me, Dugdill of Citv, Mo.. Mrs. Jnia Wbuplea andl Mrs. grand deughir andl a grandecu. to bots tubercular Insane patienta are fori ti part ju« m ns h ie*b 016 midasbtlucitton.etabeewh"eumpmedthe'boo oe. hicgo.Eunnie Wieer 0i Grayelake, two hall UT. sud Mre. Page Chambers are the. bandied.' Leiters la about 40 differ. gracar who may oel «gp,45l iveH .Dv.elrale h 40'ea' hetanfolydpre for "Tb@ tFavorite" ui thse Lîbenlyville sistere. Mro. Charlotte Tarrence Of Pmund Parente of a lîtie dunghter, hote eut instituions vere nuileil yester- fou for us et the soctial *r t8W, iov enebes club Wsdmeeay alternont aI Chiego. the@ rmohlug train the Foi tavu hall Friday nipht (tonîghl) promie Austin, Mina., aied Mrs. Enmily Greselîtt Fsb. 21s.. day asklng for Information. ohet,. sehieli ny furaoletu lit& s'd party ail lneea. The pise Laire Rsgloo ibeir pittoresque pronone, tap P leine vfbo attend. i you nien lt, af Nebrioa. tvre brothere,, Viloti of Dr. W. B. Lewin va, a Kenosha calsi Alltoffing to tse ioctor, b. made for the occasion. The ~i vlaane vae: lai prise. litre. F. W. whisb viii sot decorate t.he seery you'l ho sorry. Wankegau. aud John M. of teleld. lait Tueeday an exami nation of poei mortet cases ouuuel u m b Schultz, Poil pise Mis. J. J1. Waish. 3rd agaln outil thse opeulug oS the. le@ ettung Mia ara ts.I fae t al e ues nta~utn re eals ________t Kankakee sand foulad that 42 of or$*. 5 cente per llus0MPo5 pela Mis. N. Dcv.. IesaineX ter. .daye i.oenily vltb lire. Nelme MaH-ai a ifiau itu s.-.-~tbem bail tuberculasl.te.Tert o ut,~~L IE Tlbeofr Insan LaeaL.PtDhlsutarteman trou- cents a line fer the UrsS àaet ta Th om lae ar D d at as r,.Str -ro besatra.dth Ern e tW Havy ams lu eemyhbe, 92a GG' bled vîith tuberculos, Mfxed vlth sMW a cestts a l"ns fer mat guli giatamagubh carl arti Sitii .Gard of' Thanka eea m oeatuh b rs kînil lovlng buuhad sud father. a true Tii Ladre' Aid Society of Gjafs. LAte regular Insane patients andtI ib dis. lnetIoui of acb WstalauTu.dm .enlg.Ws viab to tu.àk the. people of Fox' P'"ca meeting BtWseas É fran U sol a- u obliging nslgbboi. 0e vili motet viih Mm. Fred Hllier, Thura. Gf . P. Landrj proprisiar ai th@. local Lakg w<>gdu kindir 5eise na protiett mvnn su asitsevnru a Sihelsd rtoposd by &Il Who knev day. Match 6lb. la ait day aeptlng. Do0 soumIse s.roosu yi vent tu Chica- laimeOu puapsrir Sid prsvetlg su Congrffstioclbub Frlday ei 10:30. doi. Tb hi Sabo W Srice Tor oteu ioe lo @ sa ti s inuais h It ~~goet purcbms MW isSes su&- M meslir. le hi is Prilay nigbi sied - vu Tbis vM bos ar mmppartualty fo Epun pa dilmuré by 3I ob . T o f thesy tre umtgs c ti yues.. .r nd plsalabéhe s ur lie ca onsa mea, appeeslste vY much lie prapptWh naltuted.Euoleb&fCicggudy tahW«Km Jedge lehliat ha. manned hie r.. ,,spasOf 0<a voeuntier lire depaun vira htaaiu. b. 22, 1918. ______ :, tlreat tromtboms ai aW Mlat. for Mdu theo ezoallomt work t>s 1.Ms hiKrii .ume ri .Ho va a noUAit ai Rlslng Sun lger- - - -- amyar. Be le w mcv fo1r soea . Cana. Qaaaaupz Lummum Co. sngan icepitalor b d reseuy smusr Na. 115. A. P. aA. M.. a ramber of vooS mu epslanSerau s. cmhapterNa 829. 0. B. 8. sud T. A. Rleynalds vas a Chleago vWtlia @ai aebp qS.0 M. W. A. Camp M.adMe .S baa u o . Wsdas.day. Ne. 1841. of it~ i Oeorgsb, am .11. relatives la Wausa 711Utndeim sud. maSo.r# qlubC *~ Y Mn V. Raidr vt.Ibd thoas Davis matu Pedas.day. ard .8'VakBistdol., T Ms. rwy'ivak b avr W.us b am, o,à tie ,% iasa kidpeolu cm m L~U Y. em51 L*ulld Wi doter. Me .....l... LÀ» IIY I'CORud;CK LMm * sansi hallt pf ffiud n 4ireh d édyC& &U M t~i hePresbyt s",bu - - saslalaid fasassl anes.tête "Memge saut dessa&d* put huebsud Jobu Las in moet teai i Récit swmo4 Lut 108:110. FI'tM IIUI $250,000 Woulh et Crment Counsel .1cr FWMNY Telle ,t of a, WllS eiiv aeiih. u aie.Ae c ieau lrlIii t GtBaydibi ta hi bs tiens faim » Wlle te Feb. Firât in Mooiey gader Hl nVe;fe Th oui u plaes and tise mil. tiers. Laie Forst Job. BnDxoiLne- tsadsi askets mette Thur@. Mas. LA. Flwt.oy, The Aid eocîeiy vii meiut is -dei morulug retor aru d_.i_ Mis. Q 3. Waewrsu. L. Thomuson on Ttmurhdai afiernoon, e- umo,6P i AND MUCH MORE NEEDEDi WAR MADE 1t WORT11LESS -riergo a Fo. Mrbf.A r &Zîtut 8fmuigreta s zi lii.deS Tbs ullrouiors of the Comntrcai C lub aThero vaine iShool, lait Fmlday on , umo4 u »W&i thea A hms. Reportod That Many Mene.~re' MoIrtgagee Threatened ta Sue mont t tb Bank Mondat *oelu«an sd aNu cun ofthle touchons meieting et rm f»4 4 uha disceaaad thid rond Qustion. Taixes are nov due. I yull ho ai Highland Park. tow% 8 caI hdet hit, getud ibsde. et-s as. Retaining EffeoItS FroMf the HlM On Persnal Note iV- Dan Book la ici e ai e bora on Hav- Round Lake, Tne.dye; Lais Villaln.f»Wi a« oo @mGsl oe.. 'Air Treatment!' en as Secuity. ley etresi. Thurelaavs Grayelaie, Wmusy ud CBrd of Tbsnks Ssînrdaya un til Harthb . W. wlsh tai thankt ri rendeo ii. ou H« oen as Mivami. AiMasai baih, 8110= That 'the Mexican revcîutlon, vblcb peury Keubker urausat.d business luJase NIdAonTai Colltor ble adrn i nm nldal i.osa em oavoalmont Up un February 1, It la etated thal at e rpril eieeulb Chicago Tueda. e-20-4 ,,i iel ud unorigthe slued 1. nah of,1 fOW& A»...............,.....POI one ull asn baga of ce ne t N»sem A mericans ta become -pracica Ulyfl r lg la A ty d ................ us" inl the construction voti enui orhtse, vas the sirongeai reasan HICKORY .LAMBRS CO1NDS Joora Amlgifla.L -ý « ihlag o stSuhprkA* an at thte Harold F. MeCrnlîick prop- for the. resent iesvlng tovu et Fred JoeAANA< ÂIY pollile à"a bo. vlth aIl Sande. mroai a s eniy, Just South 0t Lake Pc'test., Bader. vas the. slatement made today The Loue. Aid Society vill ussi ait Mr@. Chai. Bry bua bie quit. sick themeuPul MIHawo cstB i mb*. litsa estîiStei by Conrmctar timat lb. churcui Welnegeay Mai. 5th. Dm- pas: veek. )r. Young in atteoing ber. Didn'l Appreclate Whitman. and abade tres. 0v-sr bas luft tevu sud vflol iby A.ttorney E. V. Orvls. vho lu theDe w. lb serveti. illeqW reqneatut ta Frisenan Subryver vaseotdo Shatl alter Walt WltiusW ehoop fea .aa..................- .. ... the MeCorumlcea centracteilà fr it conm for ime Botter farnîly. ueg or tib le andrei moi.Aiauten lt oi ek "Liaves cf Grasne muadis aappétit- matettal ai cant 25 cents a boa015ir hei r iiul u ete i 1 i.ac 1tli et ne .TTeblg ai vhîch vculd maite 1260,M0 suent la Accordllug ta, Orvîs Enader houghi a Jlvit. unes 1.re Te.,er AccltlnwIvt LvI l abrdgew viien b* cernent ulone an the big job.,à~ttate mi aMxc o 280 H ei. Simeon Ain entenualneil ils, mont with Mtie. Eunily Rovîiug on latter pointeit ont a door-vay aIgu m u c h m o re c e re n t vl y t h e u ie d 'p a 11 $ 1 ,900 l u ca sh a d g a v e a mn o n P it na um a n di il , v e n S n d a y . W e u s a o v o n M r i 5"G r c e r le ," i ii O u, le tte r u st a is before the job la finibed. gae- a Othsg pr deriy for a dtio alc . T. av g an ml w e ca eom" t p du a bz re e e t olu rtes l nlc udyatr Jamues 8neeebhy. Jr.. andl vife. moved "'Itat" eaid lie, "la Watt WhiItmn- Ph sLIDERTYVILE iL lo;te fs ev menutalhence tùe secmylty and Bader gave bhis note. loto part of the Ubariea Larb bons. last vth venY cornmon go-l nutil." valise cf the. cernent lu the vank witI Tvoeit*iree veets ugo the. mori- nonweei.m run even more tu te above figure gaga. Mare tu Waukegan 10 , qoune t Tet th la e n Mis.o 51h . ie Giady uneu ne.u Sdil Witb Kee Watch ou Conversaion. If h ncrease le ta'ien.4e çanslder. lhe reàainder of thie mouey, the. mort- çat he iu o f Mi"oo ibisth.e an" GldsBen@etSud_ Ntgl hehm isD st ation. gage hbaliot hecmme due. Radler hal Mir. and Mie. tisa. Bilvrde have mrMis Mary Eichingen. batln lur trefl homced aIenda lur Tii. great &Mount ortcernent la ha- sougbi te, tenew the. mortgage. but turnieil t0 laher home allai saverai varka Mr. andi Mns. E. Lent sud Ssrnllyi @peut diîgenity cumtilvatsd than the con- t~ ue uaei lu building the deeP tunnel lte other inassed that If ho ili ena Olay lia Watikegafl. Sondezy at R. E. Bok'@. veration; ht ahculd he timbueil vltb _ l.ading tram the hles ta tlie bhach lie voulut have ta give aditîonal se- On &tcanti of the. @aseeatarni Pr M.Ade rel dbaysuthe spirit of love. No bitter Word ~ f i f A andl alBO la the buge lily, pond and turlty. dawu rluciliaevs afov ily witi Mr.aad Mr Fak amuf vrb 1c~i-J ilr ~a a ~ v JI ~ subathiug pool vhlch la beins bulît et '«1ev abiout te tract cf land-le donu te ii.reeo and telephone vires la j ______ the. laise for the ue of Mr. Rock&- nai timat. etiflmt 5e<mrfl.,,' Bader t~ OSiy he le.etrui iti aullrbsimug I R Y "' (allers daugliter aud lamlli. U121I yaios . _ hiL vobyudo Dot fist e ta hW3 bra n sd also a pva 1syies. charge ai pumuping tae ar lu thteV e x>o Ug maim vorthi anphing, as a "u.vb mq' leaM15<iila qLmbatnll fsra fM. Is 1W0 Ibm. B......... tunne. det"li or viichitt hav o- 'uul ai'th ti r utlan," thte mort, nDOv- 1s bis &droi MWL deuu Lu jsaon at teesP laai of IdS . 100 ib.OL E L...... 10 eXpialeut lu the». patumnn beibre. agi -rg .w ate« àM omL o MO tGyao mr" A 100 ibL'm. 1919".LO E . . o Mauy ~~ He Abus demaudeil thal Cheicit hmieDl nu suml u.Oago A.ccoriîng ta report. train lâle, For oe la aWilpnm aeemwiiî on thes ostRC N Roasutier. Hie le <iag Io mall is e WO ma. aSU kinda 01 140 sux FYlkMOUSE..........200 eut alu laqustli V«eso vie Pmonr hot ovW 200 Wauega OEN boa vtibf a Uts.u ......... 1.2v0 bue lu the deep tunne have ýi M.< ei r n u tbe amu9 du.SCOLJNT Toay 40ânson vWtcl l ats. George_ _ _ __2C l OO ..........1 Cilolistifi t isr5f S~ta, tpteclse as the martgage but alto __ _ _ _ IR R TABLESA 2h44R .NT F..UE. ........ 1.90 fert white, If the air la propriy: a-biin tcprunlnte as W*O as1 9Lin *U 120 ib. FLOUER TABLES,.- 28x44 sugluscea If Manli"e lu a CM&* "tuessdta Uebu a oui siDeOISO .1 ..~~$7 en M th 4 11E FLOUE, 25 AP .b.......... .00 bo.'oftey~I belot galai Inta, Bdr a de&woglvuUèbu the of tel mont expisten wg s 1Na m., ate OlAlftoeutmti xaut.l tIsviissvrbotn u fntl' Wtu ts i. ut. souple Chair a. Mgi ioalvrd -clet Ji -ai l.,t W.' aasy"1 &polutnb Mi i d% uap Ir