-T.Inaurepubiletionii thse Indepen. mi. BelDloey oiAuîverp, N. Y., da. opmuet ba in theooffce nao te os' l iedi:n s rldey@ vilh ber anuS, t&an Tuedey of sach week. Adves- Mm .Li. lisIlooh. Uisars..especllly, aresasked ta take If you vaut aood bard vood, @sove parSiluas'notice te thisafect. lengthe cail up LimsvivLf.s LumBsR GROCERY .ORDERS puIso.al sa timare promt 2- iflatmlos want your orders for Groceriea. ither large or sois!!,boeuse ing many we ane able to furn.oh out ptrons wiihthe, M'RStI!ST Of !VERYTtIING iii the cotable li"e If aot already one of aur pe" patrons. g us à "trier order. You wifll Mit la worth wjbe to continu. J. ELI TRIGOCSI an early selection of your Easter cloth- ing. If you want a suit that represents 01 -the utmost clothes value -the newe st style features -the beat possible fit then you want a suit tailorcd-to-crder by Ed. V. Price & Co. Çl flicnew samples are in and we are Showing a large number of al wool fshrics, many of them exclusive pattorn. We oea take your meas- 'ure and deliver your suit i mfor EAser if you place your orcbe now. q YWhy siot corne in and nmake your se6ectica tand weSr a suit cut in the prevailing nietropolitan faU in, perfect in fit and -lasting in service, at a price "hatyou meuxe cas esaiy aEford. $1&00 to $30.00. lovXRFTHIMNu FOR .MEN PHiONE 14 : : IDho~s Madtiet G[T BUsSYane.i eual . EDI1QG TIXE Win coms ith ai&UL thest RUSH of ethor spring vork, ve sagsst tisai Yeu malt e jur Soed slectleus Nov vhill jeu have the ties sud stocke are enot couplets. 4 MUCH ]XONIRY MADE Gas. crops cou Le bsv.sted ' ilitt1ler e, Do eter expus. by uing oui TemtoriSelested Semis. And don't aU te TILE AND FERTUIL. Yeu will never moa tmae if Yeu DO IT NOW. We eau save Yeu money os ail our neods. LibertgviHe LumberCompanyj Down by tisé Old Depot. Phu" s47 I8se n ar 20 Vears. g4 u. 7.comW1 -~ G. L WE8~RIOKL COkIýETT. & FREDERICKS FANC CV .OSTAPLCGROCERI ES IFRESI1 ýond .SAIT MEtATS .Ogsters in Seai'on Phomo 80 Ll:IMUTYVLLE, ILL. Bos.Bu"li@peut Bunay ai bis home bers. ludge W. IL Davis transctsd buoiness lu Chffgo Saturday. Mir*. Loin Mattocke ls entertaiulng a irim.dMis. 1Hinsae, rom u Ati.rep, 1.Y., for several days. Ijou want gond bard wood, etove 1«1ngtbs rail up LIDERTYIILicLK LcDz con C-22-2 AttorD(eY Cayton Cunninghami aud wite -of chiego, spent nundsy with Libertyvllle relatives sud finonde. w. E. voikman, proprietor of th.e Autiocb garage, ersuseeted business in Libertyville Frida f syn st week. Stre. Lyman rmStron9 of Autiocb, viitud for several day. at th home of Mes. JO§. Kobout. GienB. Cooper ni Joliet, vlslteJ irum Saturday eveDîng tli Mond&Y nonu with Libertyville friends. Tb" Presbyterian Ladie' Aid mciety wiii meet with Mrs. L. E. Ray, Thursday elternonn, IMarcb 6. A sure cure for lost appetite te k> buy a Joad of bardwoodehuut'., oplit i jou r solf, try if. Sold by LIDEBTYI'ILLE Lcuu.nmî Co. e-22-2 iss Anus Roing of Round Lutte, vlelited a couple of deys last veek vitb Mr. anîl Mrs. S. J. fDenlein bers. Mrs. Pegeov laJe riougly iii Stt he b.rne oi ber dsugbter, Mirs. H. B. lirgelaw. M. anaudris. Hamry Davis muved Tueselay into tbeim new home receutly purcbnsedofai tire. F. B Schelem un MicKinley avenue A sure cure ior lîrt apptits le 10 buY aJoad oi bardvood chuuke. splt it jour ssii. try lt. Sold Ly LIBERITYVILLE LumitsCon. Word riscies boesonithb.birtb k> Mr. sud irs. Robert Uummill 0i Tyvan, Sasktcewean, Canada, of a fine baby boy. Muu3dee's hatabery vlU b open Batur- day. Mareh lot sud viU halais evemy veesk eurtug the eomlng asov. Egg 4c escis or $8.50 per 100 lat.. Mr. sud Mmr blan M. Roberteon ni Morrobo, Imd., spani Sv"raldey@ 'the lastrpart ai lest sud tisefors part ai *Mis vé vus bisbror«, J. T. Robenison aud lanlly bern. Tise 8. B. 0. lub. asiompsnied by ise. John IuCormik at e caperon, att@Ddod tise Cole" sTh.aitre la Chicana Oelkumday alleraoan sud wtUmed tis productian ai "'The Rom se at." Tiso ispoit a very plissnt tdue. . ,' lirsabotse Coomr sud tvwo cblîdron litTu.eday I&rvtisir home in Lsugdon, &il.rt, anaaaller isavlng epenttise past ibrueamostise wvusber mather, Mr@. B. 8. Wiseeler sud famlly hors mit relativswand frisude et Chase, Kae. Miss M. Aile havis underweul a vers serinus operation ilturday ai 1h. home of ber sJeter, tMrs. M. A. Protile. Tbe operation 'vas performed by Dr. P. C. Kulgbt oi Waukagsu. sud Je puounced vemy sucoeetul. At tbe aunu&l eectionuai officers of the Tins (Cbapter ut the Westminster <luilel, vbicb vas beld et the borne onitirs. F. P. Christy. Tueselay eveung. Mises Ilessie Bond vas re-eiected t0 the office of preaident sud Miss Ena Ju Bois ta thst of saretary,< Misa Floma Steples vas maode vice preelideul snd Mies Jesuette ltascae treasurer f,îr the eusuiug yeer. Oving te, effecta ut the su'vere torm ni lest Fmday sud Fridaj nigbt the service oi the Public Service Co. rovoring tbe entire nortb ide ai aur rity vas reudemeel out oicommiiesioan sd reideuta vere compelledlta retire by the aid oI cil lampeansd lenterne. lit vas hy far tb. vorst storm nf i theeaeon and effecti oi it vers diaasîrnus aadoototelephone service. Many trees ver. aien desetoyed sud limbe bruonen off as a reanît of beiug beaviiy laden vilb la. due ta tbe severe selst trti. THE MUSICAL FAVORITES& The MUikal Davanites.anotlser nu%> bsr n n ibs orthcong coqs'.., for ver sstOlty bave 0ew equala. They vili Pl"y onthe saxphone, Xylophone. P& ane.violim, esilo. th m s banj sm d thms mandlolne. vhile Athur Lov «M iifrthr vafleu tseprogramnwt Mr. sud tMms. oyJ.tVbsmberlein @pont Tbursdiyay eeug'ltb lbe formmer'@ parents, Mr,. sud Mms Julium Chamber. lain ab Rockislls. / Tuesday Juba Kelse soid ta W. E. Decter is eids eon Baîoîîrd Court, Mi. Derlier ta tae poaseoni the firsî ai AprIl.Culeaiu$10D The Ladies Aid soclety ofi the M. E.î chureli' yul bid tlier teglarmeeting et1 the haine of lire. A. C. Murray, Tueoday atternian. Marcb 4. loruhîrator ebicks nover rlîco their mather if you tsed Lite (hlîl. Starter, everyfirg su if excepl thî~elu , oidt only at LBERTYVILLE LU.%2iîîi'.it '22-2 Otia tBoehm leit Tueudea3 t>' J.inie f brother Alez ei Phoenix, Arizona, wlîere bie bas beau for bis iaiththIe.-pet three mouthe. Otto, Who le almongoing for hie heltb expecte to be gi>. sane time.1 Mr. sud tirs. Dewey of Eagle, Wis, bave leased theolOd Thomias Duddles prupertj near Diamoud i.ake recently pumhased by a Mr. Barrot l'hicago. sud will mae t eir boule Ibere fndolluitely. %fige Virginia Collns eiî'rtaiued tb. mnembers ni ber fuday iechoal lairs lestf Saturday altamnoon f1mw 2:30itoa ste Washingtonu birtbday plien! Tbe denîrations vers la beruîîîîy r%% îh the d ay. M r. su)d M rs. George Lu ek o1 A be rdeen, $.[),are viiinu Mr. Lueke@ parents. Mr. sud tirs. Hiram Luet, I,r. Goûrge rrturned Tuesday, vbile Mrs. Lusk viii vist it lfh ieuds berseand at Wailwurtb for two vepesmors. Mrs. Fred Croker bas beenentertaiiing ber parents, tir, sud Mme. J. H. Blather- vue anulsster, MMiBle, train (irinueli, love. the peut vee. tir. Blatbervict sud femiiy ame enroule to Losugle«, Cal. . ves'e îbey viii mate their future home. A. R. gchuashele sud A. E. Rubert4 are lu Cicaga slosted iu e Dov stock proposition, that of incrsasiug tb. .epital stock of lis. Union Car sud EquipusetCoampany. 0f West Pullman, manufactureasof *pusut rallroad car truck. lmeure. bolsels sud Robrts have issd mueh aqarisse.in bandllng stockeansd *Vie ê . wWsge tl.y poss niaUse l obe.tOf gib in Iargocorpora va predicit' eh..s suas. tir. -lehusb %Mtien Sua vu s Mspannsli>sr voci= tise senMdm ta ci @Mvr&] of our mont pruiffl b*sas mmssud uorebs.to. prmit un la bqft Mslips b. "n tru ibioerl10n rS thq lu provouant oof uiri 01bi ZhUec 1'l lise vag of psvingM~e avenue trousth.C. &M. E. takar lthe C. M & gt.P, deot: Jdla4 amthe condition of th. thOrouab.idring tise fev daysao àinau e&llNrva expeml- eneed lait veek, s conaldoreisle -m ili ueeeea@rlly bave tb h. laid outiIbis spg'lng In fmproving il sud vby not Weill tbhe mount e utile mate lb.e Impovemeut permanent by lnetailiug bries pavement A county meeting ni lb. order ot I. O.4 0. F. vas beld Mndej uigbt in tbe local Odd Feliove ball. RePrsetetives frmusdifférent parte ai tbe couulv vers promeut, aboutonue buudrsd sud loity in ail. the ilanisd Part sud Waukegsn ladges cbarferingmePecisas. Intereet- iug addreeses wve.dlivsed by mauj aif the viaitors, suîang theus bing C. 1T. Beydector and tir.Neebel QI Waukegan and C. A. Ligbtlball cii Highland Park. Boides the sddreses dlivered tîy memrbera, t4e Libertyvîise Quartette tevored thpné with several ni théir chocet ei>ria.eA eumptuous "fed' vas indulged in (talla lg thie sesion alter vbicb igars e vespesad. Oving ta the impaseable condiliola of the roade, the, representeatintram pointe In the couuty vbere crm service vas unevail- able vas not as large as muid have beef viobed for. PARENTS-IÉ4'>our 1Son leaminlg a as lb. plumbing. heeingand vetilating1 trade, omila he vasding thé prlu'of i@i filie lhlnking sebout somotblng? Tii.1 tmade offers excellent npportuatife and 4 good psa boildesa ffording hlm s chance1 10 Improve imseliand atwoin soutbing vbhunDoman enu take fiaus hlm. For fotrbe partirularsa pply ta A. W. UATMIIEILD, Libertyville. . e-28.1 _______ ~--- - bis posus and readlugs. Tha compeus eosupnles tour peope-iàthur Lave. Louaý LLove. GeorgWL. ilNemrj sud gava an tire evenlnWe autartàlumoni MsiWf la vocal suddlna*umasiai mu- ge ami bumorousàelet#olwie Muru et tisen baon bis ovu cuouloso. MisWebb veutto10Waukegau Isat Sadurday. Mie@ trou veut ta Chriago Salurday where @ho vas joined by ber @luter, tirs. $tone. They bath then veut ta, visit their other ulster, tirs. Norman. The juniors bave talien doetudjinir tbe ocacsion tom bis boing a promised test lunijerman 1. Hervey Mauss ent k> Chirago Thurs- dey night. The seniors bad a test Wedue idey on "Hober aIs die Kircbe" i.ittfe Bultley vas absent Tbumeday. Margery' Prire bas entereel the senior civico vldc. tioss (roue asae bave tarted lb. dramatization oi 'Little Boy Blue." The reglsr Friday alterimoon prograu was omitted on arcount ai lhe holiday. Mies Williams yl entertain lb. teachers next Tbursday evening. If auyi)ne sbould osk l'eue Gallovay ohoobelito es ie, &he vauld probably omît a pierring ebriet andt[il 11in s taine at ber quesflonem's teet. Donttorgetl The Musical Favorite@ pertorm i(tonigbt) ltrldey ,lgbs aI th. tovu bal. This la neit tu tis enat number onu the enlertalumeut course sud ertaely promiees to b. a dandy. During tb. nia. vesîher fast vesk plan' verw" nbroughi up for lm. g ovin.g th.e ai ifeld. T.hbd e abandoued alter tIa.snov came but not for good for vml.Wraliy lntend t. do grealtbluigs in tisai direction Ibis sprlug. CHIL LAI For CMiliseand lever. LIFE INSURANCE As te ifs insucanos, "Ufit wev on t l were don». it wves yoD kvel doue quicily."' District bManage Oid Colony Life lineursuce Cempu Office la Schanck eck aery d"y tro&»ltsn Ut ta receive jour taxes.,, 1 . PEyER BocK,( Lslqa*aieima ii~onSsfsdMia Clans oclbsmb1* rd'. trouawOdnsadPoydrus. Loulsi- Eberwîne oi Chieugo. ou Monday, ans, ton mu St 0ai d b r~inga Suie tio. t'eb. 17, coneus as a surprise to manyi "ii.l jus like entamer bons" she write.* "ai the foyers are lu bloom" aud to ber trieude. prove tibis eh@bened@ sorne lifting nf the The bride le the eldeat daugbiter of Mr. vle.uaother Ieter sbe elesfniand Mrs. Fred Jocbbeim nf Liberty ville, qein o oy ters. tibe iP'ecte to la veli aud iuvorebly kuowu, baving berï lnUdMxiobf made thio place ber bomne dertug ber be bgbscoo sd berrdeenoj entire lite, and hmabeoast of friende wbo a holiday Fridaj the occasion for this atfdLs îbefreln n ap beig a couuty tourber'. meeting St veddad lite. Hlighianid Park. The groom, wbule e comparative Rolsnd UMier lu bock lu Mis@ Mass' etrauger bere, numbers several nif0Our roous alter e short stay lu Wasington, citiseus among bis acquaintaereansd ail D. C. who kno w bini opéak very htgbly ofthins. JIeu@ tMnoela developing greet speed. The young couple wil eidi' et 1461 A couple of monts agIL tfook hlin twôCarmen Ave, Chicago, where tliey wiii bonis ta go toa rsysiake. Hie nOW accomplishes this jouruey la îortv le et bomne to their Liertyville friends. minutes. Tbe basket bail gaine with Wa'îconda ike et Wauconda lesnt veek vas jlayedfto ike lote ta be uritten up ln echoul notes. We wili paj 70e per liumbel for vat Tbe score vas 21 to 13 in Waàuconda'smun. 600 to buliîel; 30c for pickles trom favor lbouacb our boys put up a gùod4 igbt. The deteet vas secmîbed Lv oanc4 o 5 Inbee long; 10Oc per huebel for sopbmname. tu, tbe tact It h. vas flmot nube aud croke delivred tu Rockefeller, on our teem that nght. Thie bowever 'For contracte aud turther information ionot eutirely credited by tht cîassee, raIl on Fred Parkhurst. Libertyville. the enior especially. F. M. Ii1i'>i.ic & SON,. Tl'b senior clans play wl L e given 1 c23f Evanmton, 111 tbe 27tb sud 28tb of March. The naine of tbe play is "Dismonde sud Hearte" Dont lorget the date. It wili be theA.C reto lest rbance ChIe jear to nue a pey witb Creto a wboie senior ceint. We wjsh t0 retract a statemeut made Thei. rinbasket hail gaine kitb in let veeke issueta the nfeet tbe Weuonuds Tuesday pigbtRas cslied off borse enterrai et the ir-e races et ou ercount ofthtie roid. Tbf e vas to Waucondde by Luek tiras..vasa wned bave been tb. rubber sud t bey wîsbed notbing ta intertere vitb gondt pîeviug. by Harry Putuam of Libertyvilie. At Miss Webb'@ rnua am l adspetriotir Ibst i iqe ve bad recoived information pram lut Tbumoday atternoon lD u t bbf efiect, but bsving durce been tald banûr ot Wasington'@ birfbday. Th!s we were iu error, wîsb ta correct the vas weil atteuded by relatives sud istake. trieude of the second graders. Tbe IhtIe tois tookthoir parts »o veiliand vere o bigbiy appreriated Chat Misa Webb,. Notice out of the tindueàs of ber heart, dacideel t0 repeat thê pragram tlonday allai- Tbe eigbth inotalîmenit ni Speriai nonu for the boeteit uItbeh bighbhol. Asomeut _No. 1, tbe seveuîb instali- About tbîrty- tee of the bigb enboal meut of SpecîilAssassnent No. 2, andl tudeuts etteuded. Tbe prograin cou. the third instaliment ai Sperial Aese-. aisteel off: meut No. Il, are uow due and payable at gcng-'L)ear Old Flsg ....c...... &101 my office on the second fluor of tb. Luce becitaion-Tbe LitteToy Dog..School bkide. C-1541f Columibia sud itoriral Dates..........A. R. SCIINAEB.ELE, VilaesColiector. ...... . ..... Menvs tiallowej________________ asosteliîyeihtgirls surroundiug a '-date' pie. Reitaton-'t)'Lmary ............ ffboffol "Bill.y Bobtail," @torys cicel out.. Billy Bobtail ............ obarlt Swan Our Bi Cal ................. ... .... ee Wlroud Co w.................. Dsîigbt Lovpleind luet .. .....................Jack Austinu THE L BAN~ l'id ....................Irving Gleason Muieai (ae"Pay mates........ ...........Tirsegirls and tbree boys Flàg Dril...................... ........Girls T E S R dong-"' £bu Sruovmu.............tichool Jiu@"sicaame--"Comiug Tbru the Bye"l .......... Thrse girls s&" tbrss 1Bol@ TH E L Mdareh Dril-"'Boldi.r Boy@" ...fvenboys lleatio-"Tbe LAUti Rs lum" .Suisool W. invite ynu tesab Finrkw ................... ... ..... u*. Get one of Our Inter George Washngton... . Bob McnCormlck RobertsMarriz......... . Sylvsm TubW -dOPomit &M * 40984 ord il om.-. ..ILerltb u lsaw wa h asuf 9wAtftIYOUR saiis isy Th t vbWo %»ILP"Il show rWsi laieand dosesrrs iaus sud Sour-"Brese Cames theIt oul be te youu floldier Boy" ............ . dSutoi tChave your fl8eS on OM Mies Dorntby Burris visitod th.egrade Thursday atl.rSaluompsny vti We caotisêr sudgrandmotber. Mr. W"ell ast Thursday 9 et sisvals lu Grayalake sund tiisMoud"y lu Waukofsn. 0. B. Obusl loo0k hie Miss Hoag eutertained the tesehers .ou n lont Tueesy. Gam oee esplayed sud . U M M1Y Mises William@ won tise pris. efrwsi- mDeute vere served and everyone hsd a ptl.Srls u n Most enjoyable time. aiaSup san U d mank is."- )NO BANK, ABERAL BAf art a éheoklu aoo4 d youzm aI tlsu u tMM~EYGROW. SProfi ut d!Our l arbooka. NatinalBa liMidd Profita $%0M0 LdI - For Fire and Lite Jnsuralftte SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Ilampshire Pire InsuraficçConmyoi Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Companyý UIBERTYVILLE., LJ. Hom ne ManufacturesinL0 Esperioe stmc ht s Uta » à"m sssily flge oci Quilt.Cmften msd ".t eheesekeli artIce aem" matw this seAae",a >&vo "t,. al t eoide Mr t"eaunIM d.usad W" a m le a** e tsee mae i me" BÂTTS 0F MANY SUCES AND QUALITES. SILKOUNES COTTON CHALLIE&. CA Cn.ICSYARNS AND 'WADING.i APRON AND',DRESSGINGHAMS. ~IE~I?$AND MUSUINS. POXWT'UUC,4TICKING TABLE LINEN. STAMPED EMBROIDERY PIECES. SIIJCS AÀD COTTON FLOSSES. HOOPS AND AU. OTHER ACCESSRIES1 Xany of the New Bprlng Thinge are comlng ià to%1 W@ W. CARROLL & SONS C9,.r NORTHt STORE PHONE 29 SOUTr 8TORg PIfGNÇ Piano Woek ? Alden's Piano Shop sit Waukasi W. the place to have jour piano Mt &W reps.refinishiug, Dow actiola ste. Thely sal the LShoninuer olaso Md Îcbuis piano. 114 Nortb Sheridan la&& Fruit Trees and Vines 1 arn now laking ordere for fruit lts and vines for one of the boat nurserie à Mirbigtan et about halt prive 0f .o vase. G. a.Sc. Phne 131M4, Incabator cbicts neyer Imie. thir mother If yon feed LittXe ('blicêt Ob~ everytbing in it exeept the eluck,7"- OnI iy t 1HIRTIrILLE Lu'rBsat Co; Adjudication Notice. ubinoieIo bereby ui"en tbat th1abe scriber Adminl.trsfor ut the ralaof ut R filer.. deeed sOu l Vnd the: Court of Lake County. &fatr to be tolden it the Court Rouge in W% ocrA. 1913 -Otan d wheraL&H Dermoe risimto BgaInrt afdEtate arenotiSs requested tu preseot thesaute go s&Id00h11 - IIENJ AMIN H1. MILLER. AdnWUot. 0 Wsukecau. Ill., ebruary 24. 1918 Fat. 28 Mar. 4*i t For Sale 2 M oom houe on Broadway. 0 J7 Boom bouse on Fonrth, @&rosi..980 0 C Runis bouse on Third street .... 7 Boom movdern bonse..............8 8 Rooi mottera houoe sud large hare ...m...................... ....... S btoom modem bouse close in 2, lots...................................50 à55 ecre faim, fine buildings, oser to wn........................ 7 J100 acre farm. near station 16. 4 Lots trou 100 to 400 on i asy lirîs. t Houes rentiug eand tire insuranes. 0WA vii bulld SOU a bouse or un 06o m'nlbly pejineuts. DvaOxND & 4ttTI. . qK Cibtr#yWlle