-~ ~ ZEN O~iY IDEPNDETFRIAY. MARI 14, 1913. To- Je S., di. oient for me to say. pcntîaps. undar thre laa. as 1I tttidnstmd It. 1 should net declde tuai th,,"uutuiiaitce ta In- vald uriesa IL i îi,-itiy decian to tma tirai t IIis i o asotiabie atud ail «xorcisae o! exces powr b>' the cit>'. Wile 1 mtglit riot think tirt Il is airmnurtet>' ca haluthe ireinnuce la lnvalid. ai the saine tinue. if tiereso s question of doubhtii luttîd ahietu, er Il ta or nmiiiencu.as 1 uiders,3tad JI, my dut>'1la dean to hoid the ordi- mince 18 vaild and tiat la ny unilinia. And i lime thea deedant as guity and the fine oft133 is Iîposed" Ail along Judge Wlitiey anud tue attorneys have knoan tirat lits decis- ion aould bie carried ta tire Supreme court- trollowlng thie ruIllrîg. Attorney' tI#arles Bannes satd: "We feel very m*cir pleased. We expeched h ful. N knoa tue Supreme court ailupl- h#ld i decîsion. We have authuoni tiéb aiicishow tirt the 1mw lu net unreasonable.' Uuder tire atîhhortles juotei. tire eMolaiaunts siroaed how It1e tire dUty oftie court toelîold an ordunance vaBd unlaîs tire othier ride proves It te liea nvalid. In othier aords.'its sa condition sontethirng like a detendant ln cour--hes Innocent ln thne ayes o! tire court untll proven guili>'. Attorney' Beaubien. ouilla aturally d$sappotnted over tins niliatg, axpreass- a, a balefthut tire iigiar courts wiii reverse tira ruling. thie decisios of JudieWhirtney bruliriiisflilmet ltete fui.cia wh-hicriall ougihta te-ing laci tire gfnai offer aas $200u, made inu a news8 paper advertsement, but she rece-, est a nohe front i a m i îîînîotfiiîgto tic (lite hurglar. ahi, deccared ttfit $2i0 waa, nt eîîouglî. but thaq I, luti gui consider a renard o! 315iff for ie b lot. Miss Mary Aitioti, 18 seuirs otd. s i. cl ku-n Warkegiiii >ouiimîuti art. was a('corded tue lîtîuno! o ad- dressimg 211of!lier ~lsmiî,iai fi banqt ie ted i tue liot,'I La Salie ln Chicago lasi Saturdmn>' titgltiMiss Aiioli is a brilliant sandi .hojîiîet speaker sndliîeîd the iiîiviied- ah- tention o! tîje guest8 o-uiuuesilo ' as aikIng. Her address wasa entitted, "Ignorance la Like Darkiîes' At tirhe su8e 11 aispreaented aithha huge' bouquet o!fiowers hy lier liasm mtes, accompanhed wutuî their tîear- tlest congratuîlations, 111018006iendDati. lM u tire fao. of thre luexrabis le- o! deatir." ûsithre 1ancet. 11»W- oeM Meu iia a o ing mesage- lit 0» ho ot tihe tut on@ day tira ritjeaof dieasema"en tirar e elmtutsithat deat i yu honotitu M Mor I a squiet sud painlem pire. flomeson1100. It WM llaen.ta ire td. »ad MM fete«10 o edolrd » a lit. Uing 01aM Saa t uy a y&.- Se CarefUI Ie Speech. Ifla ur î~spech v would need onnader %%w. our '*Ors uji)acoect Uime ta W" ~tJby Éle ioen-if iva vouli ttr. tWW uiri-tiema t iur Mar en4*siW *l ih ùgsla thlu h. called a "mop e! hair. Anid to abat ls Ieft o! a once uuperb and splendid suit o! dark-bnoan bain, Hos- tan eecirmorIng devotes rainchra!- tectIonate caresand patnsiaking deVO- hlmn. No luxuriant locks vers @ver ,omiresi ir>'My Lady Fair w»tti reat, or akhilI tirula iavtshed ir>'Hoster ou thois fea strîridewaihurihiave alth- etood tire disastrous enfihede of tins@ Fachr partIcular hmur bas; ttcs tation. On@ day Hanher ais piaytng aitir s Ilttie girl. To be exact,.lier agé was sevan tire tite o! CUrlOSIty andnuir trankuoe. Suddenhy sbe psused tn brer chatter and gttzed aitir aide eyeo at Hetersirsad. "Oh!'*sire said, te aae.strtnck haus. "Mr. Hote@r, wat la the#*. black sirIngs an yomn r ed'- Popîriar lMagasine. Apolog>'. Conjurer-"'Now. ain, yen admît tirai tira cati yon ihave uît takeiout of tire ihokerciri e .tire queen of klnbe, yet tbe caaid Yen chose and amueral> tleid there--nametî. tiresuie aofs"&de -i nov predîre tram tilibat." 'Inid Volnter-"Sý«o iorr-my rmistake."- Punch. An E>'. Opener. Always bave & glass medIcine drap Ver and a irottie et rosa vatar ln th#. modielke cirot sud ln îaur traveling bag. Tirextahen îoo get a for.i*O boady la yaur e >'ou viii ire spared mucir pilaand dlacomfort Il tire fol- lovIl verytiinple sud birmlnS m.tirod la poritirod. Put itth ie me"l 01»in irt6pÉr bMr'rop. of tirree1#11 bié h he ["fo r a fe (WILBUR GLENN VOLIVA) Wants (FIVe Huadred) 4 ores- 01 Tomate,.. ifor the* Sason oif 1013 We WiII Contract at Ten Dollars ($1O.OO) per ton, and Pay for Tomatoes November First For Further InforaîetIon Addrcss W, JJURD CLEINDINEN General Manager, Zion lnstit!utions end Industries Admuslsstratlon BuUdlng ZVon Coty, lllueeo adapte- me ta ýmm> îuuable SI cor- uggen- Otiok open. -osecu- dis of Stranda -ornent wortir back - h and lot ta- .,Lâ,Morgan D.clded QutcklY. jJ'j years and reama of paper writingW R B D OfS MAt on.t Lime & business partner nt I1LS JLIIJL11C. aboujt the adantage and necegsity fu,%>ïJ.Plrpnt Moran bad bcul j. jrk. o!reste in;; the ranteon, wen w RÀSS T511 (~ Ing on au Important trartfiniproposi- OFyTHE CiiitUFEUR would hrave btpn betty ;nga eù IN TWEK1RB Y sud a îtatemanft. When i . i 51St uOTAIi. n tin trai imo o!n]war R 14i BO T E Mr N n SNO ÀF CTOR imutary traC n, tT Rir CA" Morgan Jtla the i afternoor and lan amv reprie ttuat ill mean sarme-, N C 1 0 L 1 matter fllu tir. morunlng. "It ai take a position that ai i a sudden Strange Co-incident That Gea. noms t nt-e" e. 'i n gi M tor ney eaubien Claims it caila uarins, for wAE aI! know tlhat the John Strosnider, Aias ,J* 'iIe hrcsW ny og habitil Zion anid keen peas Dvis' Body Came ta Sur- tan, -but <et into my carnlage and Doesnt Matter How Care- Uae ni av ftewr htw Shea, Arrestod in o « Dtie halsW inylr eth oiafloes ai a rbr.w:ltallit Lover as 1 drive homne - ssDriver May Be. Ofltugt. PO SOn the Moot. Cari umoke om Ovin Grounds.fc Hro. Woureldenced ire in acer________on______Swindllng Cag. cd d lnnc, - Aaked whether thre ruling wouid hmd solved thée knotty probie nisoigi hironEPOE NHL uiu*wti i lmm lbrdfrweî ASS MOTN ON.TonOIPsindMn"JutStontead onS~ afet esoasmkngI ter w wth i fls id goo]foscnrs 00m. of htir0eld.Fasboud Mn llralandJon 111i1so holding It Valldty- homes or on their own iawns, Mr. EMLYDO HLsOT ndcgav ee b anawor WltirasIltte RIlaIPOTNTPINre ply ta an iuqulry as to uhat bu tronn D k g armes sad "N o., tih e ruhing applies ea OY a Ifh ee Rlig te0o th od-u ln M nW osW lim ~ -rosto the public places only. We have Dsperdccrm8n to rail At lgiri-.100 uNilrh- niai hlm Uit lipmet e l ptau=KIrOfl.su anderlarreet Jet Mostrei il. and No Word Ha7Been Ob- ln risesonalSuitforinema 1e:7 Sta, rent he trtow u of Humboldt: sul c S re t moking tri th ir own homesi or on a d N o d Hlm I O -A is s i S i orD m ge re aformentiond od gentleman tappirie gang aid to have w id bd Pulc9resor in tîefir own proparty. The ruling etf tained of HmSince.Elit MnWho d8eme e ho,.Agai nst the City. iaand e ir loaion hm, nbis ventr Wlla8TKiby tr eri iuý PubicPlcesb 1o fects parks, streeta, depots and depot _____ lil on thre fao.: Ho Who de:piîee &t the owê«t point ln front. on tire ofthie Insoivent Kirby savînga'W4 ground, etc.e s m of rows; h. Whro entera in a lott-ilînd aideo As tn the nid genthe' News of the arrest was recealyo BS0 -FIÈC The ody o Geoge Dais, frgneryhome. uuuvtted aidunweicomed. iro Au extreîîîely important Poitiln m Inseitî. ne changed l hiiio*uI>th hcao10-tv ura 4 Warakogn, trit.. March 11, 1913 -1 MAS %tiDEE epoYe aa f<>r<e>ghO haforerîyon w l ies oreslu a bougie not rl@ tRe -cas;e of Nîccyni Sine and Neal estioma et the saneLne tirai t u c lic~ eetv sra Circuit Judge ('harles The ruing o! the court means that, epoe satrlthnir on ; h whb> leai« a »t ibovo iig changed the Wllton ofthne pins. ln di>'morning. VMtnv tis ateroon untl the Supreme court t leant takes board the ukeamer City of Marquete poition; ho wýc, !p.aks te one viro ot Zion City againet the City' of Wau,,tact. being a wisa od boy, ho moed Ariaigementai have beau ma"é, "htc hs fenn P-action on tire lower courts decision,,o! tire HiI IStearnioat Line a, d oeàetIlîten teo hlm; hire vin.u-kegan ln whicir tiey are s - hi e bAsniri.l. a moddtandi TO.Detectîve Sergeants WlIMZto. lield thi vaIa(itN offl,4ii epegin ezo eîtlecrfound fioaUing tln the Kenosa harbon ieourain Ilter:rc e auesfrIjuisrc ir'din ia e'gentleman 1 csrnOt g1Ta and Harry O'Donnofl l ol of he ti1i eole oig t Zin uatir cie-ho vira soohi favors fretnt threungan- lufait îlwhen an automobile ln wbkii *îhie namne, ut leha he raaine onerosi to brtng the prisoner lu nance i Zioi Uitý1 W liWh 1fui about smoking, for, If tire>'are lit an early bour Menday. Da'.1 os - ndho viro oxillctslove fron the>' were riding wus wrecked whcu, i enieS mctidr e inom de plume of Judge Landis refused tua hoirev àrohilits snîoking' on the1 brouglt Itio Circuit court, this court. ýdsappeared New Yeers day and noneà % eeI«.-?'r0nt a Pornan Sayiîig. it struntk an obsruction tln the rvad l*nnîcgaIre tapplng stor>' and cld êf #bi igiasii Ulieno doubt. ahiol iho ,em guitt> of tue o! the men on thre steamer irad beard 1 'n front oif Dr. Boutns new homo. ednt asO cnevr alBili Iilrl jIdm.offense aiiehi nay he ctîarged, ln case wosi l@ht Who [Innerve Sispo. on North Sheridanîî load, was angle i Adm'- fendantsofl.e'iould rotbuseldacot.pt rks an i uli pavnyttiing of hlm unt i bisbody ;sAdr*SaifconhIdetleedlnotM , IL siiotildhi ir nven I n strict Inter-' Ugiri men wbo desenve telire in icinrcuit coulrt Monday Admwa îfuîe healmkIlo B the dee1'în Overiver met s 8een foating a few feet from th" ietn:Mewr epie oa' u a uvyJt ieaiat Court. Everîtuahi>' tbey werO> eCCSi(,,pretattinofthte iaw, Ite stat1 ilapped on tefu ewodopsigjdhas rcod ipont to Dame. Hian Voiala o i itivanîyone s an offerîder aiîî, amokes tristeamer, The body was badiy decom- a m-, of power; ho who enters r guilty oî conl -fflfctonashotempt an -erefflu m.t Moviybreswe vr i e on nira a n d u s oelo rs foîaî,îî. ti ataî .ror hîvr u a i Tuhiîey acre rcleaaed we hl in his iglit fi) have tis itii i ontiybodraile ee, nvinîg 1 oaed and i hfhathought Davis metWomgivitad unaehicoedth i -n'ye iopi i ltlinuIth e ditmni ggrkleniioit Wh -tevfaletio a iretokth rs.bnth talkcd sf ordiniîîe siistait- througli the cty tri an automobileideattin the tbarber stîortly aften hl' jown; ho. aataire. a seat above bi suii-lit ,id îin~ 04 e.tiee ser paD ieua es.ortaes Ct o f hieae. h i ed. because ttîey ire t1l'tipon ~a pubic uit the boat. Efforts.are being made' Positon' ire abo ipeaks ho one airo tiat esý-uî îtîî,î-viî tii., drrver of th ie spi'o at'enlm. itsCuto pe Iiigliway 'tctemmee ttefrtîl y or does nfot listenhoui; lire aira ho- machine Inîîglt thave shown corttribii - The riiiiiigkivrdla ii'ttîî'risî1 -Yaould taki' Dsilo la k e e. o hefi trudea on tire Converiation of oilera; ton>ryîît-iîgî lii i îhroîgh some stighti - theonniti-4 an ti.vo t- Akù t. ýDvisInMhaake.ira o miehfavori fron tire ingera- î oî t Oîiit, la, uciîctîas failureR I ~UU IR the~~~~ ~~~ mriîuî îî u"îît eps iii iînîîecîi,eaitluîfenîlers Mr. 1I avis camue tu Kenosiha frntm lleroni: and ha vira exrpecti lovefront n a'lth-,. va îînntirai ait nt- asc-sed hîî as.~Baries rephied. "Tliat, o! course, h waukee ttearly two years. ago and bhlm enmi«.i-Y'tam a Pernian SaYing. ieosi ixiipn ii iii- canreouilri n n agiîs Iirhit I-îr-îs rptatu ih aitîniis iiu!dr shtpped on tire Marquette. Off and on ~aleiidt1 i, icieieo Farmers take notice now ls hie time ho bvires the litail whlose Sioking 01n tire iaw are saornntoerforce the la% s froin ihat tinte ire bad ieen ioni tii' emi FothFlt.laoýgteobruin the streets Nvas <arri<-d froîn as tire>'stand or, tue book. Tuaita it ti oat. i-e won about fifty eana einrt ro i.FI.rdii in iiii.'ltli taretO ayour pîows and farm luetents and 'h "Tat. atire tenti cli o! drii ion-mian ii Oi-l.The point .hVo thejusicecout t tu ('r-ongi o! the aws, and, nt) rioubt, Mn. of age and i' i, -iii to e eurvtvdy vee a rdored," said th.s alway osausilînal'm n pn them Put ln flrst ClaSs SkhPe fot SPril g oi&i. <-ui cout . ttoriev eau-Volva %ali tuîmst that the>' etfonce hi a widow andt idaightens. ntagnste. "Arnt you straldy i ' t , i lirg-ii<ir ,sid iue hîiîfo- ueîîaî îî st ILht.i te the etter. Under tue ruling i Captain lilht Ji, isshngthie finit-,malleyouralf slck?" Vm flot Pathnthe'pincmîipalt rgîilnet for dantagesî Practical Hoirse Sboelng and W4ood WO r bie fo iena h oil dont slic ow tire>' crinrefuse ho rec-llng of tire hod. a ltirent."repliai tire entploYee aithi lo- tepri ' 1. f h earngadJbig to kili tliii or<inaîu-e, at oIiQC ognize the lmw anid alat IL meang.' "The last we saw or boeard of Davis ventive <solos. 11 tink lint on tirhie :i i i'o haîî !te RpllgadJblg took steps to appt-ai the de- until hie bodv was tound ieitng near i takofOa va>' to et mrepeople Tl(iifii- , i r.mil-îighiaog cisioîî, w'li<-iwa tihtiretboat tiismorntng vaa o Na iret ar i i t,- ýas noliii tforndam - * Diefenbaker, Prop.LA EB U~ with the judg- 's dt-sirt', as lieer d l li lmir am oim-us5 ti F- îtîîi-r ot tue rat plil xrse]%leie- WÀUKEuiAN LOCALS tew h n etrdhie mgoney Pgeonfi emnded Ch,1fle>'. %y, tp1,is , uinii avig tafled rJLNQl caseIlb- at omn'i-eîîitt'î--,d ai Mrs. S, S.I>iand and son Jack turned to the hoat aeektng employ- @taire recently, ha onud percia u:i"iî1ii19 orde foran îîÎwi, fxin o! rshtee tain' Fat, ake luff ~ ~ ~~,Otbee a~km<ltire top bar of tirelimata ln tbe draw- iiiit-dg; ii -.,îfiî n "ariiig tirta of Craht", Dalr Farm, ake Bluf' Mentbut we wblchbendacoinIn g 1î)cm aîpgeon whci h il 9tîîkiiiîîtin lvr advsem'ent teappeal 1inia oie the> metNr.Durands aster. Tire>' asconshder-ate oadririker. W vlwthîit a ld@M'ble quantit>' of août, tiiii-i.siîîîi ahort't appai %wilil be pat1(XXtheef et tusaekfor esa york aiPrt(nera t t sh h e lrc ff hebat . nntemtir r dîna>'. th:a rout it i l lt it 1 'nii~i n iii h oqrt et. exiltiectilTuesday Wtheisuentobaolcupl'li ooliceate Suprexue Coutrt of triend oi t hhe Prîncesu Louise for Tire plse wir'î îl le body was foundi dovi th ir. looaMa*il» sie n iiIil" -i. i utl r cOn. ed o muped, acc:rdIrtg as wiflpassouthc vaiditv of Pananta. Tira rip la pianned for front wouhd indicate i.th eoihal returnm-d ('triîmhfntIi the ordinance. four o ii neekm. Ailthue Islands o! tl. the docks snd bmd poaaîlly madle Wiolmla Ce0attee. 11I,' -iliiýii. *t heîattoney fortire the West Indies are tei l'e i.iiited. a effort te get on tire boat andte ff iell tlgitatu iti-i r iiitr Victor>' For Voliva. Word v.as received iare todiy of mb tirte miid ln tire iarbor. Davisit atihoveni laMa llie.ttsrit oii.la,iiu,l orfor ithe ciU. While thbe iti-Voliva faction con- the deiti ln Dtroit on Fridayi, Feir ais a irard wonkier and durhng bis Masschosette, in My vacitian front trois tirscit>' affaira, tirai faction hadl28, of Mrs ,Harvey' R. Hitchcock, att- long entPloyrlnît b>'the compan>' hid O thtletori ofn tire uc tetoryr soovrinoudelre te eaMorce thia Dri-,er a short Itînems. Her body was cre- beconte welknown te people tn tire Tire dCI wu ffl 1 hetoh CANTI15NOW AÀ'You mai sS. ti. tlA a y1 ~ nnce for min>' menthe until fil I>nt. rs Hitchîcock livad ln Wu lk ot"vttieitinon vW«. Sever<r4 m iAtre C'Tl D V ~ etct ih is to sn '(oliva personali>' lnisiaon h Ia )- kegar, sevenal >ears ago aud ahIb tte ueDv ethie r noveri, And fSnalIy tirtalit"aeu- put usAD vISSUE I AR ara t c .t, wtiit ti-a ing anforced and tite arresi of Be, remembered by may ofthte older qteonlua>îi hha u-UP lo i ierb akobjlug -K t *vigor- brenonsnar u lebilnl a>. @ad tire teachor iiket ber, sudofie ul fpo lfr m a o t ho folIou. ai ',tlt a lîkewise decis- residents. tiesides ter iîusbaud ire fient moea>' o take bluta Mlwait.jthiiwvitire defulth i cavfiesf:io eo lfrm a pon ton test tire case lu Circuit court. leaves one sori. kee, but ahen the body waigs earcired1'Hoatiren la anyone bom agiaide thre Major General Wetherspoon several miles distant. Voliva retainedl Attorney' Charles C. Watt Brandon. puilisirer o! tire today uothing but a ultile tobaecoand! ttee * iat&"»ua" Darmes ot Woodstock te asaist lits Kemmaerer Camera, at Kemmerer, nomCns ircilletes waI3 found lan ita ascrstL Jiri< Says it is Time ta Turn ta 1-'- Jasige Barnes. cty attorney' of M~on. B- Eger and Ja>' Morse o! Lhberty- lice do mot beiteve tirat tire mani met rAttri detroying upairis of 2,000 B twe o wih o,"m on f .. -* Tire Woodtock atorney ias wrel ville. I -itir auy fouI phay and tic>' iccouint vporstin tire cour.seto!hlm carmer a epeonbsnsreottzh t1pO~ i liard on the cave srîd hie presv-nid W. W. Pearce. named by leteh fr ie faitiatlire bad ne moDe>' a enaka hunter, M. Henr>' Siu»mere&u \Vra goI.Nklanch 10-lt la tinte peole n bsines, .1.-. '-th.te autirorties for insîstînig un te court Crets as candidite for scirool trus z ta.tir tiresutggesthIon tirtire probablyl died recently, hn Parie, train thea bite flrd !a tlin rtfo o holding tire aa vaiid. One of tilim InWaukegan towinsipish te Latatiaipentabut lire hast treatlng bis of asmalle. He wami until i nakos ton the finso ue etam, Its range i18 trestricteCi J3Jog nrUytWU %as a decisioni o! tire hupremîe courtlire aHIlnot serve If eiected and ,yul frierdi s. uthougit Davis teiln- lnthte aoode flair Bouloira Stre.arconaveofierto, the e Wcurvature. o f M ss c ru e h Iii 1819. A t that sa il i bît r is rim a 14e take ri off t ie to t ie ha brr on an t ire rst day o ! t ie w e a v r it hed l t hterb len d ga nd them î t, stic a q t on' r s n d 1m~ tit Massachusetatstaeiwaîh o-ticket, Ha belleves i country-rosi- year and tiraiiis body hast been hnld arm'adlede ntil gn Jmst,lsîlde al tn%" nrefe Mrri ~ Ayn îmu nc~s.~n' Lidn re sing uneven wctfryi- adent Intereited In countryn sciools.tti " u uîttr crueI istailva iroumslater. Geierat Wiluiam W. Wo)tbrspoon.a- ~ er oha T. .e.i ilglted cigar I an>' place ln the tate. utead o! a Waukeas man,. strict Obediauca. he cianivien question. 'Congreasvilii Southern Canada, miay bc 44seen Dby LMS~ ,- 'And tire Supreme court MupitP.R. it. ladt ofoflg-iousdH-r"W'lm on mî n t un tire tecanen. sud aei' liu glvlng lits uing. Jrîdge Wiriîîy MlFu) Prrig !flguantHnOs nMitreobomo a tramnp?" ?taggd ROIQICra , -etaeou tetonu- ttlic eq or suld: ueto nuestr at-Prai aroed!jwervl- William Hai r, neof wh'll mpa -.h aint'!>physicien. mt. He Rd-ail iniîîiîîîeîut tratninu- tneTlpo ied ahit$5,00 liLos;Angeles. Foit. 16., io4i Heaît'. rgit irand m1.i tt l e e otale lont sissCerw u ii ii îe;ar-dmieso! the arrny "Ths ue«io fivovesth v ir as lIncraased lier offer of a rewairilquiteta@ bald a i i t i e ..but, t agiel. ml'va beau vailng ettr', aJn t a i--i- iîemergency" Chicago Telephone Company, A. R. Andrews, lt o te rdtinp ndItIssufi for thie return of er tenels. tien oh, thbt, ireos ln ot dhpaing hn at mihirt*ver since." "lit'i, -oinmion irWehave waatfd Telephone 9901. -