'I Bld,, avAa!i, Sad4y 110~e 't~a;t ufficlit- jasai. cf t~a b. ~'ba nbètl1s o bis ie jhia I. f CREAT BIG UGLY F1811 1 "Ë f l 1ld I "it your girl dou't knon ho, te ~asdaa..au, -àhi enthumiatcaliy dsclarad the IJPSET MJ1ZUA fsow Whu cirka la a bank. ÙPS T S NDiA' EV Otkli er ont flsbbig ogmie day if yod wait t bave corne rifua. If eh. Btkkuonu ho. bodehfit l en't b. haIt .so Vctims Almost Frozen Bu mach fun, and Sit nll b. ail the mort i Cling to Boat Until He p sef." 'udotlnn1o aBs er Arrives From Shore. Thon the eatbueaatic yoaog ian1 proceesied ta explain bis proposition. "A frIand and L.' uaid ho, 'gel ourt gIl.ta go to reenwocil lake lait1 Tea maen, one oft tem Chalci Law- OSunday. W. hadult any Idesa wbat ns ronce Boackllatiof (Chicago bod a nar- wer goîng tu do or s.. whcn ne gel ron escapo frorn dealh by drownnng thare, and ne dîint seom ta cure, unlY or freezing Sunday wben thuîr open j n e cao against a gondUime. bat capelzed whîle they were ducli "on the. way up 1 asked the coaduo- itang on tAhe Pistakee, asjolning'lO'r Of the train what we wors likeiy t Fox Lako. Tbey nere roscued hy ]Her- ýfindt at the. lake ta sort of round out maàn Mattheson, proprietor af the Ma."a daY dt soinston mixemiup nIt tiàe$on botel on tbe shores af the ishe, I- Ciii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~D ylcbi.rooba odr 'O>ou folks dancer sali ha. "d JcobLaron, bot bilde, wo "'Surs thlng.' saki .l teund lbern bal trozen frutu expueurj' "'Con you flsh?' sMid ho. la lb. noter. --'e'sald 1. posiUmely. Boechlea, nho 4~ a member of Huer-k 'Togo shnsi he sd lem Bras., commercIal artiats, 4i1 Pausmiof.on qonit earor Cîtue, nd oaeh,' We lhougbt il nos ind of queor flutksna corlia oorthe aiJephereadi ce. but the coîductor sesmed ta »ýrdnka wh liés earthelak, wre aknw chat hb. e aling about, sud Obrownuolt ut their boat lu o squalli1c. mamie up aur nlonds 10 takl@ isal. Wlatn the aftirnoon. Tbey tlungig vice andl go flsing Whou ne gui tu te bollom of the boat la an attempt tbe lalis ne found'-a mou cha had to, he.p from dîrmiwanugln the lcy bots and fishlng Ihings ta bire, guI a nator. CoupIe u ous, .a ilab paie apiéeoand Thovfuan Ill-lýt alne bail, and preparomi lu go isb the boat or lu ht-ci, roa lîîplng Iront "'Whe-res ltme besta place to fish?' i Un~ aides. Extending their arma arrosa ashemi tbe mmaîmwu imipd the oullIt Sbu bottam, tbey claliemibands andifrut. Otarbed ta propel thebhast lunard the, " 'nun mua bl about filiug?' ha Mbore. The naves that strucli them âashed- eoOVffi itent nwith nater and ln a "'btoid! hlmne dimnt linon a thimig short tinte a coatol ut basi trmed about futimlig> .. -'Du'b imaleo îudiffet-ouce, th, OYt't-lie huaI sandthelr ordta. In titis laid lie 'cere )ou lsh' eondlUJon they norkod tu gel nearer "This seejuemi lu bear ouI the adalce share. Tboy net-o ighted by Lara00 tho conduclor bail iaus anomd 1 and Maîbesor, îmo iinediats'iy pot mnideresl thal ne acre fliowins the out a boat anid draggu'd bbrenla. igl'balb lu ouverbaul fu. so aller trio ..n hami ld us hon 1 hanit our Ibooks ns rnom ouIonthe loke aimd wett Mîrd Ont oun Hoster, l ilmi.'tar huoaIs drîltemiaboumt for William ilouaer, one of Williamn Rasu a chule. and as the situatio as ail *olph Hoart'a right-band tm, ie not ý te the alful and dressa>'1i as pase- lteaolea slse ho con lho, bol, ea, Ing quille a tee oves' ta Bue ln the lino at, bo le not displaying chat nigbt cf salI notimngs. oandiSoe was lokîng cal.d s rnop u ofhit - Aid toi .cm for al tic>' ere nortb and 005 nIta loft ut a once superth and1 and thon murmurIug oue or Ina bock ailefidîi suit 0f dat- nbaihar, Hu& ta tme, the flshîng alunt klnd o' ohippemi ter sach morniîîg deotes mitch al. my mInd and bers, tuc. Thon ail of a tsctionsle crat- d im îainstakIng devo- su dmin elle gave a scrram that almost lIon. No luxuriant iucks cet-eur Ilited my bal and boliet-od: oombad by My Lýady Fait- nîit great ' '"Oh, Charlie. somethIng la tr) ng 10 or skifIhan Is o lahed b> iosteroual takse miii>' lîoie acay frountue!, titose fw tonaonds nwihIchbave nitIt i 'lloukemi. arndsure enough, ber lis- stood the dIsastrous enfilade or lIma. lpole nos belng Jerkei down th Ie ce.. Eacb particular bair bas Ils station. 1tuerand she nom trying tu kevpil Itop. One day filuer cas piaylnig clitsa " 'Hoid on tu it. Sue" i aboulemi, litthe girl To b. exact., hor agie cas, 'Maybe Its a bite.' seVen-Ibe lime ut cut-oIsty simdutotl I "JusIlthe. haout tlnuy fca't fum t>'unkneoss Suddeniy mile paused liiaIune saie oathebo haI obig fish jutimned bar catter afim gazocd cIth wide evpec out uf the %voter nitb Sucs@ booklal t Hoters hbeami -Ohb'"elle said 1un ýIls moulh fil huok Itseif like a dag, aua.utruck l,,ue. Mr kiomiler, b at ia:,siimking a rat aud giared ut ua limel those blacki stringst anmyojur iîed?---Imsddest lIind Sue screanied iuuder Popular binazliie thon eier anmd huliet-o 'ls Jumping ut iC. C hat-ls-, chiî -Idool tyou kilIltime burrîi thing?' Accont4catàng lfnt Chat-acIers. I ' put rny pois on the seat andi ct It baue beau touad It coder ici on Iil he i rowesi faut tb the spoti Higbt (ligbI throngh 'cd lams) planta1 where the flirb badl jumpemi ont. Inteami- beoing more robattholba ny othihng 10 anghler t weuh ancair If il or. They aIalzo bacome more pro,arag nagibtco igtth-- nounod la theîr chiotf charateru--tbe 1Ibo ugi>' crîtter hami moved and coauna beaay plant becamea more bail', ahIit epiug out Itw ' foteln anootbcr di- ahades of green becomo more Pr'o, rfloo ndm dder Ihan ever" uounosd. tihe sensitive Plant mo- rt! 'o ,i' bsigus htle b ~affite and aitlin cvery cay becomesbîe-d 'Pull for &bore and coal for hbl pe%4&illxd. belp!' I hdont linon mest chat I1cuimi Fully laplained ' have seltîuyself to eut-k aI ding If Uvory nonr and agaîn same individ I Sue bado't scteamed again rigbt oný vii es ta tsU u Why W. Axe, lbe heela tof ber lest yeii: sud What Ws Are, and Han W. "'Oh, flun It heading us off. Chai Knon Why We Are. and Hon Wa AI'.lie!' ahe holered. What We Know, aud Wbat We Would "--l urnemi sud ookeai lu Ihal dlrec- Be If We Woren't. and What, Proc» li ou just la lime tu sesfilebe ig lisb ly, Areness Ia.,aima Wersnee, naid giarIng et us off aur ban sud sbaking Wby W. Arent What We MigblO' itsifla ite air tilt everylblng raitiami. Elava Beeu If We Weren't, and otite At ttI tbought Il ca that big deh simpe sud cnlranclng lacta Sncbl aloutilot he nater astero of une R lm Individual ts caUed a pbiumapbs?. cae Utuand thon I discoveremi tbst -BDU*I SiaSdney. 1,0 fisb nere atter us. bbe one on Su.'a lino ad foC oneoan mine. De Careful in Speech. 'T'haf f cortaîni>' aid yell tor mr If la our kpu-cb, I tuld ttoad friande10 getlnl there on te double oo.uder hon uur - rds will affect qoick clth lt gun o! is. Senîn ru tho.. ta nhom tht-y are spaen-if neum Iat hoe nabig asdud gIe-vfh 'voli tri la besr Ihem nvth thoir es mu lava csugbt oi tobuthe uîeamiumg and considar hontey acceptInlutiroir of that bon-y rail, for wbile my liend heurta, Ihere noulmi fot ho much pas. nos on bisgns>' ln anscot- la Il the i'i uionsite or onadvlsed speech; certain' on nîy lino gave on@a 01er griot j mi) hi thiorsnould Ib.ebsn spirite noondai in lb. air sand nith a treunendoims or lvau emnblîleremi hy th. norda of lunge tare lau.. tram the booli and sur lIg.u-W. G. Harder, didt't corne fur nus again. Fuiîucing _____________Its ciomple, Sues fish dimi tbosaine Apology. ast. Suc go; e oue sbrich of loy asud Conjurer-"No;v, ir, 700 admîtflital; exclaremi; the card 700 bave just loken out of "'Oh, thank goamness. Chatlie. He$ the hadkerchîef la the qocon uf club., gans t lasI!' 701 lita card youuchoseeand aecnrely "Wben my frlend rafme mop umand e tlcd thoe-uamely, the ose of spadosz toimi him our amvenlure ho dilu Mpemi -I non produce fromib tis bat" Tlmld ta bave nanti la moite an>' comment Volunteer-.-"So sorry-my mitake."- on It for o nhlle, then leisial: Punch. -"Wonder cII>'Il nouint bave beon bbe proper lbuutg ta yank thern Change Due tb Captîvît>'. 11mb ln sud land l'o n l >ur bouI" AU canar>' birde are descendants of - Wby of course il nouimi. Charîiel' te oommou gray species of the Ca- aiml Sue reproachfully .Vhy lu tbe oeai Islands. Thaîr original livery carIai didnl* you lblnk of Ibot? The bai beau modîfiemi ol lmon yeUlon by ver>' ides!' captlvty and croessbroeding. 'I nonàered o litle atI Il iysel! und! decharedtirait nu nouimi t-y for *eni Il Dhn'l ork.again. W, did, end il coant long ho. l t int of beaty a oy or'fore Sue yelled tat the flair nos alter *ver," rema-komithe IImband os hé e ooaan iehri o b surtyo he gon. Youcant Jllysome one or not 1 dont huow but il smre lodobearignn. 'Yau ant 10117 bkeu exactiy liko Il nbetu It e m n, eong tiis t-casIf.-aohr Jumped oud e guI il In the boat and ueaaon, erespdem h lf.Ws-kîllemi It nth an oar. A lot nmore iisII ln<to Herld. ackîed us hefore the day nos over an~d abost of 'em ne dint yank ln ond! uCostermnere land, but ne hai beap of lfun seeiug Rlbbed costard apples, a cookine 'ornt lanay. klnd, are nnu be satin lunte sopS. "'bat cooidntoir sure dldimkon chat The costard la referred ta la the bae oau alhlng about. Y«e, yes. hoossboli accunnle of Edwiard I., la Thare's a beap more fub If yoo dont whose relmn the ret u.810ler Of titi kuon ban 10 Iii and If your girl dou't applaeau» callemi a oo.lardmonger- knon hon thafi thore la lu kuolng bancse "ootermoagar" sud "coula."- ha,."- marnabV es*~ ~ IES LHOWONr GOTCH18 sCOMM GBACK ~EiOSOI .., yod ara very yong-toon Wrestling Champion Signe Up for Young tir mamr-eotm too yousac ta "Tou cau ,never tell.*' aaid the old Match for April 1. ha Mo DoadWa hybacane angagesà. 1<OW nidla Hanryr' lady WhO Weil vloltlng trom tire jurai iuiod l lrh18-FaPROPOSI>LAW What Mn'Do ad Wha 11121010,w" reptilesd themamidon. town. 'About girls, that le. Taire () otç,wfi ag cam1ion-oFrtank Say. candldly "I nover thPught te ask ItosintMurr, for exemple. lo o.worid, igned art licesa0moteetoGeorgeBis rodng frSp at -bhlm. But ha u.s.a-oh, avenu l4ar thig, she wauprettier than that Msab rcitesr tn')ar"tgeund llsedidn orSp ( tha yo."MsUre 70 wre ilrtvngabOt hampion of Europe, at Kansasa City Coaches on Trains and Mar- @y HERBERT DROCER. Tire iother laughaed. "And thia lait nlght n Mdl "April 1. 'flic announcexuent wasý "Mara, ow o me prpou ro alittI: girl who aboutid not, try "Impossible! " sald the charne. acylni lak i aae.nages Mttackeu. Mone bte o enprpti tuflterba mm."«Ter oudntb. aion rettier i e alit (otcb .111 ______$15,__ Rosie auked. Seglanced ahYlY at Durlnt the month or sb that follow- tban Iae MeRlroy! WbY* shes a 001l, exetaabadmac. n ber mother. ed Henry came reguiarly, onetîmes perfect. natural blonde!' wîîî be aaîvedsa brdmat by nd WrItten proteesa agalat the fff- Mra. Warnam looked up, àa merrY suo otten as two and thret limes a "Wall, Rosina was tontt imes mors PIlc a sar! tlu lis tarmrrng asaatbcacyun e0 twlnkie dancing benseath her bazeI week, ta the Frnam realdence Sirice natuel!" declared the old lady lirai- Burna. The finl aidcision of Ilectto"bi wlhbv s brows, whicb soctn dlsappeared, tu lbtthe mornlng alter her blrthday partyir y. 'U1.e wae lte kind thal look& as t Pmsîçîî lu w bitlr the wrbaveing aucceeded byt a more steady, ques-F Rosie boit seemed le«s at emsan ad, at thoegb the har! been modie out of chmlnt eïne h rsln tlonlng gaze. At thlrty five, sh@ op- limes, hall trighlaned. when lu bliroua and creant and peaches And gaine was the: resuit ofi, îîny cunter.,trad.ved latu the 1111.1.ola lIuItt% peared scarcely aider than ber daugb- coznpanry. Eupsclaily waa ibis the sha b.d houpe af bair that was no Ca- e ne have beers torvafded to OmaryIWIu teir. li tsac,thiitwo huitbeau os case w hen ey wore Dot jolnied yoc aIwIa mlbr11 e iber of the geenvao aatbly by UW talien for ululers un more occaaioOalher mother, who estually. beeause of le brtther bad 10 licit ail the botatent URETNuRS UT ooedYugMnsDne sa tiran one. The wldow was round Ibo cold weather and the nectessily of to'wn who ouaid ihat Ibeir sîsteras ald lîcan club. The protesta wsrs 1'aait tacedi snd plunap. econamnizlng ln fuel, est ;Itb th, two. ah. toucher] It up atud hlondlned Il. Claime Hostiliiy of Government Has ed today hy Senator ffSt 00 Tire two bad! paused! at thelr tuait At oucb Intervale uhen the widuw tas It rsaliy waa unfarlunate bair, be- Ruined lis Credit. !ReDresentatives F'argo. ClYno 4i4 of duating and rearranglng the fourni.j absent,Ilienry, sarso, was restie-sa and cause It fouiradt noglortoualy Impau* S-.innih, (la.,.NIlarcb IXii TIICShepherd, Rays the Aurora Bukoc.. tur. In the dîingrootu, where they wan deri ng ln attention. sala. She badt the figure of an ad- huad drupped loto tsté, was the conu- iBut it coulaonot b. wlnter always. vertisement lady and a clicerfut dispa- AîrîrN1n tr onaty i. 'lPue separao coach" 1bill damami fusion Ibat one milgtât elpeet wbereSprlng breezes came at taut over the slion and Ea father wltb muney. Iliter novrI ' xîia î!cii 2 h ruetha raîtet xlalsyfr an only daughter hàd celebruted her lj)zarke loto Miuuouri. Tire sunahune, short, Roslna was caiculs.ted ta drive ige epoIe nrlra seventeenith annlveruary wth a birth- robins ltted between the tigha tif every other woman ta bolpeleus, VaieI it,dling igniit t In luthe ferlerai 1tab.roldanalra day parly the evenlng battors. inaptes beglnlg t r juvenjate wlth lets rage î,ecauee il Juet Wa.n t in Poo- Ied~ oerlons. T1 "îcgnalnbS o Ma iaddyou bout mer' repeated the ris. senddo0w of selp througb troir sile 5to a lber at alil ;IniIilthlnêou8)Y the îofipany 1teInla-rig o rits " the girl. troua, and out la the psture, jusU "It semined Ibat she boid evcrv idi-m.iiiie Icil plam-ed bak.WyIe"uce"bl. "Yes, daughter." replier! the mother. thon turnlng falntly ta green. YOuuOithilng-every advantage os lu mate 1:,.1 bi- ri-er Its , ibarî assnient tionOPPosed hy tire faira voterua s la'd "tI wau meroly wondering why yuu cols frollcked a"d raced hostlde their thîngsaua weIl as tu tooka. No ttlli.r t- i uiit>l ariling lbat lb. flot say ln throir communication. amked.'motbers. Lille and love were untolding1 girl bad! a bit of chance wben Rtunii,z, -It, iuii,ýI il bird llalred ilts cred-1 "Thîrd degree' police casu~ Ilecauge 1 want tu know huw tuean tront àa &&tole bcd. Murr wau around-but as &aebes - 1. O'U ý'j i h un 'lnt liaI il luno wiii becorne vaid If houae bill No.,é propose-and what they do-and wbat Theu, on a alght. wben lienrY generous, goud-naluréd girl. shp mi-,- 111 liil, -aiiunliaswordwlde tliey tiay-and whetbor tbey " (arne. the weat.ber vite warrn He' cdibard trylng lu distrib'jéle br adi&, - ,~ cintroducer! by Rioprenefttative Kauw& ButI Roule gui no furtber. Thoi calted! ta Ibent through anu Open win cers amuong the wali lowers. The cal becomots a Iaw. 11. provIdea thatà moîher. ieanlng ba.ck In ber chair. 1doun asih pataud and, hurrying around ty unes said that she did il iii iS"Ihirm ildegre." confessions vîU1-,I bruire out lu a laugbo ciear andd1tu a aide door, h.e etered the diniug Iîecause site didn't want thern îvSe . SAPG FOR THE ALLIGATOR voldIl sf ecured hy the polce tM liîerty Ihat the daugbter, ton0. in spite rooua. wbere tha mother and daugbter but I lhini< Rupina ought lu have the 1 ptiaonera under diatrens or -t of ie puckered lIps and look of burt aat. Mra. Farnat renmined witb tecy'dit for goiîîg ta ail the Iroubi'. arrc Gocas RaIs..' Flnally Pound Out Jual Ibreala. It basboues referrsi tb aue r're, finally caught the Infection couple oely a short tîrne, when, wilh. h",. There waant a Mau n Iii 10ri Why H'ie FIork DId No jdiryonmte. aud sînied. out preteit, ah. ithdrew tatule front she couidîi *tbave rnarrled. If she liitnerte»s. Juicayoirte Mn, pleose du ho sensible,'alitesat Forth wanted lu. au uatiraily sesaedm-Sentalr Corttwell Introduced aà11M the girl brokre la, permuasiveiy. Slhe was gazins ahaentiy mb the gluîitteae a" The oldest of usnea remamber b*lflxing a fine of tram 1$10 te0 $100 We "%Voidaughter, 1 am. îlut. reaiiy. at, wbere the artisn vis risani Neariy ail the other girls ot ber Ing laid that "Little Bopeap tout is'a jali sentence, or bot, for UtW& you wil autn lbe able lu anaaer that and glitg only a hait attentive oarl agi got îîîarrled eveî,luiilY tu the sbeop," but as 1h07 came homne At'pasing tupon the rigbî of Way efa* wilb mure sutborlty tthon 1.IIloniy 1ltuIhe ntedley rof Insect vuices Jusltoatbwhulicil otwailiig for Rosins laut, Hapeep wu mfot nu badly Off 51 raliroad. Referred 10 rallnoads 601 lîappened ta me once." healtaling re- then awakealng. whon abc waa starluIli' lreriliid She onilgrew the wau Bob Vorus, Who six years 5U îtte ltectfvely, -and thal sec-mis sucb a longI lied, tint a hait bour aller she boid h!tuffy stage. w b, z ail a girl demanda started a gouse larm on is mili pond, long lime ago." lound lerset. hi the sodrien appear-1 ut a insu la that lit. lie gî,d iooliing tuet Lurnpkin. Georgie. RepresentaUve W. B. ElIot-.W Aes the widow it, ied spelking. aLance aI roe, oruished 1.0 ber aide and baupn aioîîg ai the lime. Sih. He knew tire value of feathers, and mita rallroad employas, travgI ti-ar glistened ti 1;. eyu Alter a sande whlapered breathlsaly lu ber nus e Illy. toc) sud Il tbih a emart thougbt lb. people would aipprecîata. salesmnan, stridents and othemt'.tav brie! Interval tý ; .-nee the girlI ear. Imun tlu hep ut) aitî lier We dfclded the opportunity ef obtalilng titamo utlide tiroir home preciacte. 1M!l <rept ut u li0er .i ti.er' i ide andj1 "Oh, marna,imarna," the girl ei- it %w oud idîot li, aity ordlno.ry mani near hume for making pilîows aid red la electlona conaItte. foliîed ber arma genlly about the lat- ciaied la subdued tane, "I juat knuw thrrt lostna Murr %oid mre ap ber beds. lers neck. 1iienry uis golag to propose! Whal îiind lu rîarry, Hie big tmiti pond wss such s fins "There, smmen, dont fel hodt." mboi I do?" 'ihî urimer Ibat Judgo Wagner'sacetcteut wmsdueadS E othed thé ci ughter. Illied with recul. -Do! Wby, 1 thought you wsated aroather caine tu ric,ver froin yphoid rais. tiroir youag In. Bo ha got tirs s f9iru lectiona of tc- lonelinesi and the hrimi1.0 propose. we thiught ah., luit mît ber fate. Mr.bttndred paire of geeme ond put ltn E E .VIr~ etrugglea tirât ber oîther eadured. "No; 1 dont-I dont-flot since yuu \Vagner wad lai! and dlullngulotred o i od tutti me," eabe criard, airnost on tue; iooking and a iawyer and liadt traveied an bIs pond.wr uftI h rt«À verge aitears. 1 abroad andi Juat ta look aIthM you aiong lits batiks and Ibeir melodious_____ "Weil, daagbtar, what'a caused ynu'kni'w hevou Id be perfectIy ai home voices reverberaled froms end ta endAS M f oe tu tlnk ail this? Dii he aay-" i h osnae cailer! on hlm un- of the pond. But they 1foti Not Alone is Habit Bad to U«o i! sald be wented to tue you. i expectedly for a speech.ceae acrd.gt Bb mpou; knuw h at taki h e a ranaI 4ueae's md eememi 1tuthelr numbers wsre dimiatibia par-' '1" util. E..PVe O ur.- powse. " llroe t ohrh n j£qaediatearibt med ice cptlbly.H Ilo sily" iteposd he oterthnk bat-ffieveu te igh mdtene A deuil on. coutld b.esen oecaulon- eaith, Says Cigrand. ,qith a laugh fot 'wolly natural. for a lypboid patient. Anywoy. youai 'Oh.he aid . wate 1.0secyou arey 8w be w ienlong,îi aluni y drlftlng along the etae of the 1 alone-that homut as. YOU-tht tbel Anmd sa i aeirtu m'lOY Iîîton c hrtrnrses t1 stBbtobt The loosthplek bal>lt i O' couldn't istand It sny longer-that-" ut-ver sav' lier looik preter or lattgb it migbt he amire,.cillera, skunks, - i ~~~~It"1? Stand whot. dear?" ooe rput ieravif out more 1tu .tie so btfo htwr sto-bi alc pn ti .os 'O. aradogolado Ad eI carl:'o ha oe ia6hn Iîlng Ihe, but @non loadtout that It bealth, Dr. B. J. Cigrand of tà. ehlm that bu muettfmot propose ta me. hlm wanealfigators frphils ctcha gosa erilv urIllioisoos] f aîty more, and that 1'm Coing ta b. au .We tai the wedding ail planned oneuthugyrplscahagoe J. old malid, and Ihat-" ad tiruegirla mo u kuew they'd sursly gedtpcB Il ud r wtier. aluat adto t eve ra ude proa - 'Dont ~worry yocruait sot litîlegirl 1blieaaked I tu tmrsbrideamnaids had eewoismtmehaoud. ddsstAura j -1t'u nl" enJotn.d lte mother, decided un tire colur aI Ihefr gowns- "The harharic fsshlon of as sbe &roue. randthonMr. Wagner wet.taway Atetehwith çbeug4 wùq4emý Rese, let alonte. for a Ume gre'. raîer turuptly and Rosina Osmid o. HE WASÀ DANGEROUS RISKth eh -' more excited. Then, ai the minutez one ufthIe girls oisked ber If @ho plce, ft whose sidas brigute passer! and ber mother did flot ru, didn't lite hlm and Rumina soir! he in Thas. Rusèvlnq Das t he Pedes, Infinitesimal spliaters I»a lutltberagiatin bganta aednosperfectiy fine and she hadito n- Irian Ha@ No Show nt Ail With away, and gradualy iysea became calm. joyud her sumrmer Bcddtsol nuufo epny nlmato fl. m Suddeniy she leapeil uprigbt t-rnusbeis1tu realize huwmodriand dlsappolnted -causing ropenîngs %tweeath chair, aitIhe prornpting lot a bold m eail were wiîb ber. Rer. was a casa whors lit seomed wbleb ahouad b tigbtly ili l tbougbl. "Il nos bat the saine when James a If evu7thiflg wus sttled. The ta- S Wby shouldn't aibc hear what wax Mller camne 1tuilt hle ulster for a suince celuai' doctor liait report- gum tîssues." aaid Dr. Cigrani. "i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ en Wat aKowHwMnPrps. ldlngdorathotsHenaryad it rm Se uardlced a hmosud beHeca e " st t 4 ahe aned er lto e," 911o lnle re fng asasu i fok ta f« fuiloaîng he deth afa tater worn te dlnng ram. Th door wer s' iuîaziiy a roveangdwomheeman tMass"awotklhuan t0k. ud w bus o m toaa scba sîî qes-bug r taion cree ar. thnil Bo egn tocks wlen 10 sah. "o botsots"taxmnaandWnerecslveusdtepet bge lead ta sont., ' toalute lîkY oe"of ening.rkcluvmme hlm o uà" boxiswuDot yen ba l oA" 'Ndab. iî tal.Adli t he firthe pdiurtnguarthesn e y'îl t e iad id ?ney ascor e athflreti cu?" ____________________ day t . .. 1not oKo o oabaganP"osre. » odo od Tothr an etiub ,w ioi vudb o o "No-ainoe f tarteuih. o gu. erlle rinde der lofa a.."ir waîytber car. a Ion sTmphedurob, Ih a ii al y 'ahi. oelg o iitbcHe a city'm a sa.elnsk."is o11thaiato mhengilcoui havc a pbropost a honut aornoas. (uund ober mthnswonha rielavead have s lImddousn Ste flai- eDonou agrcorb?" Im fiora 1ournehirtaye ones.' crying? Ash etod lha Ton attt e fI, ir te diblefav e h e flchluths, t Wb0&e d ,o you footal? W anul f ueruus lead to sortne dog btkshe'dthave. whuiid M-I.Do you boriveûyou abferthau nt* ebblk?Ad y n' 'l a Wr ttuaiMt. Thoan -sryam ti t mine ,Wri in@ îîditou warlte for Ro-tha apee ofmt' __________1_____ unie Wendhe aberthaneg'Ig a y beretaa s lavemi. T resd O t -D artedtu-biit irothena smîlted "Waale or d ogeibutaRA1k..svnrd elis "Cent lyou wceae? atspooain uy- ou a ove-lIa ou. 7barI bave i onaides 1wida îmevt Mr ilt iteas ie "Dohavaro car.b" aîond tte m. Ad wy oseshoid tr osie cond mi resThoîn.ha rme %nUe "Peoli um ulî sfuiiy ahbut It. "Ri toyu rseuA crchrl "h, meucnsdemateou0, t i erelan.Tslng hecutanssprt' hewuuougeltîgold'rae wrbyuar"Doageou rsk, bu apdria bar thnk o h Aohndftegr h ie? eh. bu»t-yust the roo t een emein e rie mort nouim nul thesa fr. otheane at lByacr l bp uriI£Doitsaeeç 1 Wba?' bo ar pna u Do yyou 1ie ales-t-s and bah hysbaera.d.i icalever avrl w la n eur isee-irl have'y odcagr." nait nuc htts i lookhterabdtl et-" t ben osd n. .iwlk. t? __ocQuat_______ 5c o s, W nliet-y , u t co u r s etsm o r s effo r t t h e r te o n t h in b e pr t er ibr n ,v tu f d w 'l it rte r] ln g - "M am n ao cthCet In c u h a ta* r ."0 W rite ebow luarm, amgcemibth, eclalmng: ditance o ad eah ybuneetILsd lsrnî reud.Àom ic hrreicoalaligai bota 'rOh idhrerpe.sA-d hpie sho "01t courecouil'ry, aihu l.yo.nro ar i W'e sad uecwoul d d 'at's the o, bten ati doýt rine.t atrlcednhamatf 'ow si mairna nhyo yoepoIt that oge . aungthe wbstte reyan gin ir,apgh b odBn ikn hn" eIe h mlyswU u rne-_&________mat"* way?"te mtrod the girl. huie? e bn tey acthe rid it.a goaet up rîke tc I asdnsvnie ela ' Iik nth O eNT-nno cres of Iheam' I boas."N, cmetothnkut t.i apr Sndcas. wuidmm br ay ovrhdthe girlbtob Ito otree t!r"godtntWreorciMu,4 Wh? Wo ai? D o re n t.r n afnseiaeeuppurliât n celiiess hshan andRoma d 1 lRotu0h t.ch la t% Whyn, daughter, 70anz e"TteVlcuseu trleuran ug**t-ctlig btt ahadchn'acested Bn-"MammouWthRuutasu. îîî.wUy 14 crimi th m th r I a ta is rn nt Apap s t he ris i m atpre. ier i u rm ýc, rau itum i nth e achne. mognnd r omye ena i ch.tl s lu__ __ __ __ "Yhenwhy nryo oursei1sgssed a"Refresetu atlb edithedsaitho tel i .=m1 0 ta O"Eln.Teews'tatlgfrbe aFRSLETI bt tié catît nderuand."' dayfiu.rolily: 'Wei wh a id sit wm do iy? tgssi aotexet snatcci cd, " lutnted hl ropauo.e-- O f>.1 cl ours, Hecrarne sraig owu îuziadoreomowl cre tilo udWit ok 3.a proe.I onth egded liserhonha Ofconuisaeiean dstieag harn Lime h iter g etcu'iut sneuder o sn the ae pîne, oti teg' tingstovr eet21otha,0 1 ooiout, mmi htho nonîi"Dodo ad oialmay ig scAnnfuliy t asoro lu oui t ki htiti? dsev erga te. ADJDCON' O TICE d yu ilng0ftiree.E.SlpOD dustrous ierkar mil oeralvu: ic odtlay emiemi'No, ari, Wutheg io 11. Wki3 wha hawold a' an ai Iat. " W hy do, ynd work?' r ayad gt'. lieu aime woois and Ruelua wot I'î,"li oie i bt-eeh>'oyaien iat __lu- RNosinsile d o ring, se t ith m-p Toaie. ea>' u ea ntidkmt ]ete mndshe vltv efS Itikmo h O ET8 ce fln sraida seed esa- a th er oingern (Copyridghli, y oe7 clue?' ews. arriemonlie metosume. obt 1h,- ucr c'r Exu elorix puplm etFRusellNIl.-ry-nz o 1aclre Ité, brsiac otatonte.tu the lof h- 'Ies, that 10 wat sld, why asl ndberud afovr tnhf erBat intia sr. dcar." wlgîlîu ti îlfoodtnntuior cuv, ili4MM % emion t llte1grosel. dweta1- th k70lie'uiiikuiîs aimmi i îuu lu-twhibafîn loulsudrtuttak Cuny.uta )nn614iast an630 pStu. Ai« vdndowwhter ee soo mazen omte 'Er-e-- tou Cr -t, c ouiîry u- i-i ,îiu - bchat non s oen- rn timerot t abuioldnu iCuii-ttconaliile aefI' wllby , o'rti theddthlsc n o drient. Appl fthe riob, Derouestot, ae. i aym,i ite uld uthletrcaneil oW ndela Myau alalusaîmi ('s aun> ;,tiî ii 'tli wl thnwh la e craryou n elgtarim.reettieR Wb tlten he____________'iateuetrnîlme fu ,ieie ot bt a. EenIh itt-nt Mona o! Mafor be t, _l___ white_______ - turnedbock ita th rdomysIeiieB- rLokn: Tact. 'weii.ne os- îerfciid iapont.- go wieanut met-e ail raîltie iaiFOR SALE-ATe aro .4i' les.pracand sldi amo- "Wa mdeyu uMsB Syeed uncborth e grls. iaturry" sîî laraauutsîm ll'athePaiî,Pure ced ra bout 300,rss 1er-a-tactnaa:sncb"hea parona etigkonderthed she dîdlt't deserveItews. cr,"Ier aaslnidcacll oig wla Ucsourecameia mouagungt'" i lifleli aiiortclopetwth alulît-'muilit iii wo. A numpr aturâtani» lé a Neoo busne I arnno neo lt euIiéa n d UICetomth iatP agnit ae uo dm tuisubuai theI( IIIAII mrea;Ipi rnka prooe Ie mary-ud tsai os f m' tr. h'.o bu nyteb îîsfruîmo utgbu aîd rs e'îl iteiand i. itend ou>. lL 1.1. yl-ut uy laherwans e sa es ayigat diorcfuyt ome turiexshoi.-Wn? migtu 'iAgDJUDxok ICî.ii AT-INT ICE913 tR.ngdo Shir dan RE. MB04 bRoi daullbta ring. setnwi" jemkiilNbehwilmS.lîe ilygphono 774.