LAKE COUNT INDE PENDENT _____WAUKEGAN WEKLY-SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 27. . TWRLVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKCE COtJNTY, ILL., FIDAY, MARCH 28, 1913. ONE TO ELGHT $1 ý)0 PER VEAR IN ADVANCE BOBO0 BROKE 1"0 - COIJNTX ASKED TO AID JEW3LR SOREATSTATEWIJE MMN I' The liake County Board of Super- IIIEII1ÀND PA vif'ors have been asked ta take part ln a state-wide movement tw Influence the state legislature ta enact a iaW, Wa.s Seen ntheNohb«flUIfUVUerpowering boards of supervisorian and Suspicion at Once Point- In uriyor escive cts t to ire n ed to Hlm. uied for farmdemoflsttatonapull>0es and to emploi a densonstratar and HORSE AND BUGIN STOLEN. o e nesarId. fortheb.operation LoW ad PHuaiOver telwtMk County Searcb for Man Who ta be pt Int bo oeration wltbout un- Stole the OUMft.The Board of Euperlbors of Lagafl: The Waukegapolice bave bienematter and bave drawn Up à et of asked to keep a lookout for a man rebolutions. copi« ef ai lcb have who broke Io and robbed a Jew.irY been sent to members of the state1 store et Hghland Park lat TburadaY lielslature and to the Boards of Su-i nigbt. A bobo. wearing a llght Cap pervimora ln ail the countlu ln the s >n4 vOrcit ad carrying a bundie un, sMate. Cer bisa e lau.opectmd of tbe rab-t be y ke ounty Board ln aIl pro. ~ITand le the man belng saught. H aliîty 11ato h atra h waeseen ln the vcialîy of the store 1udet session and becanse the plan aorier la the eveulug andi hiq, auspi- seema fessible this action doubtieis cloue actions caueed the police te cu,.111 b. favorable. clude et once tbat h. waa 1the guity The set of resolutions folio.: 4 party as soon as they dlacovered the. Ottawa. Illinois, Mach 12, 1913.t robbery thla mornlag.1Itesolutions presented by Supervisor The extent of the loot taken .111 fot Frank E. Ricley and unanîmously reach ocr a bundred dollars, it h adopted by the B3oard of Supervlears said. About a dozen cheap watcheîi meeting assembled. Mardi 12, and about the emre number of spec- 1913 tacles together wlth a lot of odds saill W«IEREAS. Agriculture It flot onlyl ends were talion. An ioventory ha the great paramount Industry of Ibe not yt been taken and the exact'state afI llinoisi, but la the un.e ..n amaunt of the lo" is 11 not bu knowo dusry upon the succesa of whicb a'l uintil thia bas beenl doae. other Industries of thie state are large- Morte Was StoIen. ly depeudent. and the one etugle la.j The robbery of a borie and Iuggyduitry that has a direct personal re. at Graymake between ten and elevenlation wth every individual la tb'c oclock Wednesday nlgbt càused tbe state; and police of Waukegau and every clty WIIEREAS, The large smrs af mon- and town la tbe county and on the ey tiat bave been expended hy aur NorthB Sore twinstitut. agaearcb but statei ad federal goveruments. as Yet Do trace ha& bain secured of tbrough agricuiturai colliges. expert- tkm robber. Tbs horie i a llght b>-y aeut stations, egrculturailaIvestiga- seldlng wegblag about 1060 poundi, tions at borne and, abroad, and the -and about seven yars aid. The bugg production and dissemination if ici- @La" red bicycle gear and a black, entîiic agrtculturai publications, can- y ;' asttheie ftlly utllised for the practical lu b onebdbenm advacemeut of agriculture anld he it- hmethe ori bat ben etiengreaentbeneflt of Individual farmers feers were dspatcbed ta wtch tbe10of thm clate. because of tà, isck of Approscbes ta lthe clty go that tbe.'pratical demontralo farxuas wbere- thief could bie apprebendeti ln case lie by a knowiedge af the bet farmirg CMue lu this direction but aPPareatly nethodm aad the masî 1rofilable farti ba nmust have gone ln the ather dI. practices may bu braught before ea'-h rection. The police of the couaty are lndilvidual farmer; ani 8Ilî iaoking for the man. WHIfREAS, The 1La Sai- Counly Inatitute compri slng luln iL3 -ir ier- RE3RI MÀYOR 15 ship many hundredb of thie most suc- cesiful farmers o ail:~s eoulty, and falrly epresieutative cf the iarmint U T FOR À T Mindustry in eaCh of tnoU,- io'ýn.sbipz ululs ~therein, bave forma;.%declare i l t a- TERM4i NIIINM N JIJ var or demangtration frii n, the direction af scienîlie a>ricutril aaers a Iis coan,,yIotabc tnp. Joseph Severson's Namne Headz p».ar y ageneral mnytx n the Ticket That Has Béen ofWHMEEAS. Unde: the presentilaws Prepared There. Ibm r itottepoe opo -vide frinhdemonstrat onfarming; LINEUP FORIE SEVERE ST08uE lit S CIIAIRANSIIP NOWCOUNTY SONDAY NIIifT ~, I¶'AUlsue srm~jew The wlnd slorm of deunday iiight Is LUAK VS. WLI.II proved one aif1the flerceat Ibis seci on bas seen lit years, but, as the sîet had lert uli tres,- vIras, etc.. ihm Formai Entrance of Libertyville damage created was not go greai as Man, acke by lderEle isresulted la preiaus alarms. ManBackd b Oidr El- hThe atorra was aiIlt& worst ah h :30 ment is Made Known. a'chack lu lie rnornIng vien bouses were siaken in aucb gruaner liai FRIENDS 0F BOTH WORKING -a.y uartbmide resduilteot nut and hbastenmd dowustmlre, sobe even gotng -- juta the cellari 10 avali wbat they Welch Almost Landed the Hon- fearmd vas a réal cyclau. or Last, Year-Brooks Is Trees crscked am tiier branche vere broken, bouses creoked az Ibm Also Mentloned. beame gave way ailghtlitanid msny a persan tbougbî the aix moment Ibm WAIUKEGAN. lI11, Match 24. - roof would eave the boue. Fear wag -Witli township élection% ual far dis- great ou everyband,&MIii ilah safe ta tant.' haîdover supervimors atm aireadi tate tiat uatlnl a grflt many years etating the liatîle for Ibm chairman- bas tiere been sucb a feeling appar- slip af the caunty board. ent lu the mnisaiofWauikeganltes who The figbt ta date lies bmlweei Jamesi chauce t labave beeu avake as Iliere Welcb of Newport anmd Henry Eger was durhng the vladathrm whicb, lu ai Uburtyvible. their minde, vas a ciciole. if this sec- Bolli Ibese men are avowcd candi-.ldon ever bld ane. dates sud Ihelr fialnds are warking The storm did damfflageal aloug tie accorttingly. According ta Irlende of Norîliwestern railroid. At Cudaiay, usci I la likmby tu prove a baitle tu near Milwaukee, fopty-two tliegrapi 1the finish bulveen tbeiu tva mena~- poles were bovu down la a rov andi liaugli E. W. Brooks nif'Waucoada, le itla le ethie roofs vers ilfted oif and mentlaued as a passible Ihird candi-1 carriesi away front aKIY box b-ars date. Mr. Weicb vwu a candidate ai Illich staad on Ibm tiseke near that year ago againsl Mr. Clark ai Mhýid1Y -tt ahong the division of the land Park, vbo defuated hlm by a road damnage vas.oasiderabie. pales gral vote. M.r. Welch has pracîli-e lu uauOe'sd vrsbelug l the saine folawing Iliat lielied a tarel as If they ver. threeds. Tete- Year aga. grapi service vai put eut ai commis- 5Vungr va, Older Elemnent sion, it necesearhly delaYlng train ser- The caudIdacles af Ibese two men vice until Ibm alber vau finalhv re- rePresents a canteet ai the younger stored. vien a single lin. vas tem. ehument aithie board vs. theobider eIe- porarily laid aiang a feou". ment, Ibat le. youugest in years versus WaOhaut an Weat Bide aldest ln iears. A wasiaut occuts'ed durlng thie .%r. Welci ila ofIbme youbger ele- starra ou Washington amtl, just vest ment,wville Mr. Eger meaif theoaider oi Washingtan park. 'Ibe vashout lo and more canaervat vueélément, there- sucli thal théetsrese ea f rua mure- fore Ibm situation la au lnteresling îy to ilountil repaira are _ *de. one. lu ailparla 0f the. 4« *W dcvi. flenda 01 bath men are worklugi p.Uou rai jacaused mte* eýMnsdams- aamong the hobo&rd membters age fraru vashants, etc., for, before andamog taseviamai became Ibm vlund set lu aftet aldidgbt, the mensiers lu an effort ta get pedgea ai fahi ai valer vas great. votes. Bath aides déclare they be- Hovever, tie rein dld one Sa. thine lieve thmy have tbm situation la band I oam i i uv m c ta Ibelr satifaction. Ihîci lied aeumuthed duland Ibm Bath Mr. Egmr and %Ir. Welcb have "amt fe. d ae.uiuc taed dieguthai heen me-ubere ai the board for mini Put eiay s m rn t hlg e ob imars, and few members are btter eipopuacYaakThimy mev evmry vteI knavsm tiraugliaut lie cotiaty. popge ae thesudwuter remved.- P1rom an uailderls vevpaint iI antih e . owan it a e r like looks as If Ilie aIder mumburs oaitIbmaidsfosra ing d ppaygiu edilra board via unIleti an Clarke lent year, Il the day Therata vashler tera bave this year got tagether ln mu ef- ntedy h ri abddw fort ta landi the poshtion for Egerthie paving davu tovo lu hue ihaire. vile Wehcis frimuda via iought ie The vînditarru vorked havoa egain batlele ast Year. are dalng go liii wilh Ihe telegrapli sid tehelaon. Cota- yeer. panlIes. The Western Union did uat ______________ have a vire loin Chicago luils MornIng and bld ta amnd aliltehegrapliMes- BTL-snr416 "9sges lathe diyvia telephoae. Tbe INSP CT OCUlatter service vas impaired eou»vla± CEII II U AIIIl~ZAM but not smrlOusiy. The Postai vfrms USED IN YYA$JLUI31 ers damaged, but the conanay bai LA S ore service bintheIbmcity. BY THEJ3NAVAL À S Efl IIS ilgNn*H ge JosephB everson, lthe reform mayart Ierefore, buc hifBotwinOfifTri-_a-d t5200 - -IL IU » ueiiic of Hlgbvood, wbo fla nov ervlng hie IWSOLVED, Thal Ithe Board O he otwanOfo ri n &]M. 0 .900 wiit frniette.' &Ibm T E vaD 9 t scond teom, l~a acandidate tor rM-Supervisars oi La Salle Coutuy, î-'rm îing Station Puts Ban on Oaste0-P- a id ftaser abternin, eioh n elecUOn, Tihecity attorney, 0. 8. bi' eainestiy reoiet the c"T vers of C«he thes.boc.e ld Monsaliastrie arts, autIUNCIT NO (bocb, la anotber vha lu aeeklng te- the Genural Assembly of tue staleof te o - t oceellrmII e nlpeda htîaaan iaà NDOlIYyO electiou n bisnrecord. - Ilinois froin Iis udistrict 10 secître C'lef Boalawaîn Olif aif Ibmnaval lwimt0d ta Pieecemiy the w4A .la the Has Area of 150,000Square Thete t 115 vM be as folbawi: the enacîmeut ai a law, empowerlng training station Iise eek mette an barn vers ten hommel, but ouas hcaing Mayor-Joseph Several. Board& ai Supervseasand lJousiq Inspection ai the varlous places lni dealh, the reusaininix aine heing burled Feet-WiII Take 4-5 Gal. -Cty C>rk-H. Obander. Corunîslaners ta acquire land lu Waukegau vbure boys frani Ibm sta- alive beumaîbi tans of -hsy sud Ibouranda Ions of Paint. j.Cty Treaurer-Itichard Sbausson. Ibeir respective counîlea, lu be used lion beave Ibeir cloIbes wien îbey af bumb - o,(h t. SCtyAttouuey-O. 8. Ocb. for farin demonstrallan purpases. a-d camne bere andi desîre ta doit Ibeir $_________ Police Magslrae-Ouo. Reddic). to emphay a demonsîrator andi otier naval suite. Zion City, Marca 24. Nine barrels Adermen- necessary aida for lie aperation snd Tiese lockers as a vhil, wer, MILK PRODUCIERS WIN of paint, maklng a total ai 450 gaI- InIs Ward-E. P. Spelîman. maintenance af agriculurai demoni- faummd by lie boatsafan ta bu fusant lons aofhaint, viii bu reqîmredt tapaint Second Ward-Alliert Oison. tratlan vark, ta lie supporteti iv a tar ' viad an etitte e-as sent forth at VICTORY IN DUPAGE dO. ZVonit onte, Ziom i tIy. Platers vili Thîrd Week-Nick Stegleman. caunty Ifa, sucb a lav ta bave an eru- the statiou tehling lie recrumîs tiat beglu von ltada3 cii lite tiret coat. 1 Fariners af the dairy distrlot tribu- and i le iseetdtiat titis is buta James Hepburn, deputy ceunty trea-1 ergeucy clause alîsciedti tereta, tîtat lads via used them n thle.futuiretY oCiaow reclngam pfragnrabihefi i, surer, ls the present city Ireasurer Oai1lie beneflîs thureof may bu availablu voumd ho given sentences iln thguarmi tnalta Cicgforwio re cll is fimle foadmi ieratn bidting aimi, the dity but bu bas decliddualtta bu ta tie People of 50db counties as rnay bouse for breaklng a cule. a caidaoune-ctionbî e abaa htsi securu the advantsges af suri1 The lbo3a la a aiig citent, bil ar 2teserday annaîmuceîi tiane for Ibe the cire.:. îrobabiy beîtmg next is dîdtalfrlie nofficed aimsCouauty mvla, vithoul uuaecessary delas , ard raneeti lun Waukegan viere Iiey batidame.Zatloîî it tetags cei diaefrth fieof rut reas-[îe tit iese loekers,1amîd vhen Ibey cameto PouesnZJnt at hirso t ionl i ihibas the. Tget ae Ituzil urer aI 11e nexl eouuty eleclIoansd, RESOLVED, Tial Ibis IBoard ru- the clU. tbey coîmîti go lu tbe star, r.loues of, K ne andttiy, a e rtd maic te 7 lt he long, b he bfielde vicies la devote ailhiebIsefforts lovard quest al lie Boards ut Supervisars saloon or webereeveri n i ttitbc , taie onhpK eCunyarr6red!gI, 311,,1.. 5) e we1 Ibis ead. George Reddick is tie Pre- and Coîmuly Cammissioners throhb-1 off their bhue suit and don cîvîlianta bavq ralmeeti$4,lkîiiifor the erecîlon Itlasa(e outri ,îlimecernier. wvilchis seul police magistrats. Spellitan 1le out lie matu of Illinois ta taonce ralil tiress. 1h vas the isnowlefth iîa'o>fIwo creameries. v2x 21 - j'i e average tiigiil ofthe1 tie anly aldermnan via le seuklng re- Pon lhe meusofaitle Generai As- Ibey Worm foiiawtng tlita pih ani epoI efomtW'est IChicaga ver.. liiiilti,î, 10 t. et. fitbais four large elqetion. luerubly ofi heur respective districte, shhased Capi. Clark fli senti an officer that iarruere are nefusing lu aign cou. ieriiias onit iie \%est anti sotîth i dtîv,1 tracts, under the seaie aî-eraging $1.34 amîd a moof gartin cîihi an ia ut lîof :i The present admiIstration la Hlgb ýta juIn iu ecurlng te ensoitiient Of ta maie a tour oi lie bckers sud seet vaod bas been pronouneti one oi the lie desireti îav aI Ibm present legis ICl %,bat ie tiey werm lu. He sald liat16 Pur 100 paunds. aqiuhre f-e Tere an- lotir howers, uh' h ctyaer basliadt. Maor isîlve sessIon! andi 1e II, îurtbun ithey tîey ere filhiy as a vimole ai'Aîag ou.d eand fotIcooh tuent having cipolas. The butIm tyelce fu masusutie o aligth a tyhu -Ime igsxlng of contracta large ChI ni.. ruhioa oe b'cta oe Suverson w vas e ou pasago RZSOLVED, f urCut Cek as o odn h at n 11(uiloe h eta op onareiao'm ticket anti bu bas bemuThlau Cu1yClri Im-îns uaSaUte tato ago deaiers yeetýerday declarea3 Ibat s'ltIîruibiîu uhd vh o onabe directed ta cause ta lie prinled six flieerthek prsoducerstthvestauaoniy vouhd bal. its ii aedhiNpeitir at c laactive varker la -drlvhug ouI lhe 1copies faér ach counîy ai tiese rusolu- Tiierefare this amy orde.te ltrder traoul letavThs w51 a e t snc hhasun- hUnti pige andi raiBlng the standards; liane andtutamailsanme tua ailtrciv lb.ratdstne na tn Ibm lty10 Brnakmd itet, l1 Bard the L NW WO N Organtzmd producers uf the Elgin siiney day. This lover aiso canlains1 ýy h iyt akdetn.I(orsof Supervtanra and County STRIKOKN W AT ILBUNditrict calieti off Ileir"cîriku" o l'î ag el icil ugfu Iis vark be bas hadthle support ai Comnalsioners througboul Ibm stale, qsanafr.AT Merc and betraOfu all the l e e tchly. aitr iuse fur tbe other clty offisciais. lsud a capy 10 each membur of tie MsM pal- iMîiua a ept Brernsud Ubu. McNalitex. &fvent y.foThsaes, atid inauseaf- Wbile no olber Party bas yel placeti General Assembly ai Ibm stale oaillii- -M piLiao iItr 'wsCP Odns n ib.MNi &tet otsaes dIoa ct a ticket Iunnmination i lal reportait noie. elrlckmn vitb paralysie ou the right Libby, yesterday. The praduceresai folding bing used for lie lovera. that Ibia vill iebmdane, probably aI thejW.~ aide Weduesday noua ai hur hame. theYbave won a victani. Tua or Isielve men yull be employeti ltminuIe.- Hlghvoati usualy bas Sprvsr LaIe reports shov a utile iiiipiovm- onauthe Job. Mr. W. D. Weyant belus tva or Ibre tickets itn - lb flmidadi -Sieriament, 81. la the moher oai Mrs. - SO1D*lkIÙ9i* v byen NI= i), insulucharge. Il Islpasbiere Otsrg candîd ates KDR F E - Wrn. MitchellI ut Hickory sîrmet, WaW vie o . Mdo usaI feel ab* e The colar vilI be tbe saine as ai wl bei bleoted. For ldnq and 3lader Dbasme.. S~. la tw b oitM»" oo3gqï preent, crearu vith white Irimmingi. STRIJCK BY AUTOMOBILE; IS SEVERELY INJURED George Jlackson, 212 Hickory Street, engîneer at the coke gaa plant on the flats, lie&sln the hoîpital with serious Injuries ais àreîult of herng struck by an auto owned by r.ohn Norman, 216 No rt h 8heridan Boad, and driven hy hie son, Roy. The neureit witfless lu the accident was Richard Mnrrow, who recalled &Seing the machine pas hlm shortly before the man was hIt And who statea the car wag traveling very moderately. Thîe accident accurred at the corner of Sheridan,, R,,ad and F,.ranklIn sre tiETS $25 BECAUSE NEUiJIBOR CALLED liIM A COW TftIEF Julius Riemers of Libertyville Wins Siander Suit in the Circuit Court. COSIS AGAINST ALBRECHT. Jury Out Few Hours-RiemerS- IIUMANE OFFICER PLANN13D FOR LAKE COUNTY, IN BILL Representative Campbell In- troduces Measure in House * at Springfield. OTHER IMPORTANT BILLS UP One Provides Legisiators WiII Have RaiIroàd Fare Paid to the Capitol. A bill waé introducelaIbmthebouse at 3pringfleld Wedaesday prevtdlng for the appoînînient Of bumane afficers by tbe goveruor aI $1200 a year la Lake county, St.- Clair, Peoria and Rock Island caunties. Mr. Campbell Intraduced the meu- ure and itlai beliuved that tbm bill "111 become a law. t&ha, a humane olficer whose duty tsahbu ta look alter cruelty ta animais in Lake county la ta bu an Innovation of the near future proviti- ing Ibm menate doen't kilI the bill. Bills Offered In Senate. Important bille aici were minro- duced bIbmthe enate today !alaw: BAILEY-Providlng tIbat when twa or more ichool districts cansalidate Ibm diiectars maY, on majorlty vote of the people of tbm district, be ln- structed ta provide fret transportaion for pupils ta and fram scbaol. BEALL.-Autborizing tbm paymen,; of a bounty ai U cent per bead far gar figb In lots af 1,000 or mare and ap- PraPriatiog $10.000 for the purpame. DENVIR-UmitUng tbm haurs af era- ploymenl of Street railway employes ta tua bouts, wbich must lie, lutwelve consecutise bours. IORST-Proldlng Ibat wbere a raliroati company dome not settie a ciaini vithin fifteun day.Ibmte daim- sut may have the case dacketeti lu tbe Circuit court and If the raliway cam- FPsuiy neglects ta angwer wlthin an- other fteen days judgiuent may bu entured with an sdded $25. Important BillssIn Houat. Bille inlroduced la the bouse lu- cluî4ud tbe follawlng: CARTER-PravIdus for paymnt montliy af weekly raliroati fare for rmembers of the generai assmmbly. DUDGEON-Provides for appoint- ment of a state board of charilimi ag- ient aI a salary af $2.600 a imar. Aima One which permait. county crop in- tpravement asocatians ta make a tas glevy of $5"00 a year for sal iimprave- wment purpogs. sGORMÂN-Pro vides for appointment of govemruaroa a state board ta regu- alaIe practice of osteopatoy. VOLIVA TO R1114 PAINT ýti t Imaninha tld you-you didmîl asl for .înything at lie hable diti \\'ihhm s cber ant icreoface, lie ebilti replled- No, mamma, i neyer asked for a thitig; vienever 1 vanteti anytbing. i Just tiasseti miiplate.' Jay Grahiam led Ibm shooters ah lie Chicago flua Club Mantiay tIeing for ilgh score ln tva eveuls anti leading la onu. W. D. Staunarti sioveticiev' erln tbm fiîtem-target eveal. sud jJeIsse Young bag up a higi score lu: thm fifty-target event. KENOSHA HORSEMAN UP FOR CONTEMPT. K. mmiîlit \Viu;. Mari h 2- a 11031. oit,-ofItihe eairilmat breders ut fliii- torses intiis part ai the stase, m8 iii appear before Jutige RE. 1.Bei- de Il i hie ci rcuit court lamorrow to attever ho a charge oi criminel cou- tonîpt ofi'court. I vas slated by BM- s ard Fhl-010way af Paris, a f«ere achîolmate af Etivard Hoit. that ho bati reculveti B etter asking Ibat b. tse 'bis Influence vîti thm jury ta se- cure the rl"cae of bth ersm et 7 o'clock Tuesday eveunjng Jack- Cdaims He is Satisfied With son, accarding ta young Norman and TeVrit hie mther and anothur boy frora the TeVrit ýnrth aide who was wlth thein, walked directiy lu front of Ibm auta whlch WAUKRG&N. IlL,. March 24.- was gllding alang ehawly and whlcb lhe slandur case « R iiemers Va. bld Just passed under the electrlc AnIbrecit ia progiessiug lu circuit Iight. Tbey are af tbm bellef that the cpurt today. This la a clauder suit hlgbt blnded bis eyes, huncu he dîd growîng out of remarks alleged ta net mme the car which was upon lmrehave heen muade nuar L.H)etyvila befare be could gut clear ai lu farce. The complainant aiiegee the defei4 As suce as the driver iaw be bad sut called hlmt a thief anI aller aages bit somubody. be baltedtheIb car and whlch are ilielous. Attorney Millier rushud ta Dr. Barkeria borne usearbyofIUbertyville, appears for the tonm- callng Ibm doctor wba hastenedta the plainant, andAtrnyBabe fr boîpital whitber Narmans hustlm the the defenie. vlctlm la thuir auto. The case proved one et the mont Arrlved there witb ibmh uncousclous farcicai lander cases ever beard lat victîra, Dr. Barker fouud tbat ,is a,.,court. Juries coaslsted of these: Aibruclitla bis pleadingi, dîd ual Bad scalp wound. deuy that ho caiiud 11Rieere a thet. Large gash ln log. stating that ho bai obtained cattie Severe bruie t the hase af the from Peglow and bnad neyer pýaàd for ipîne. them. Itiemers statmd on the staai, The latter Iujury le cansidured Ibelthat Albrechl pulled bi nose iSW most seriaus. If blond paisonlug dose- hurieti the siander et hlm and adMit- nIt sel la Dr. Barker fsels the patient ted Ibat lie replied la substance tb*t wîli pull tiraugi ail riglit but bo de. lhe vas n bisser a thief th" hoe clares hie condition la reaîîy ashrntis Albrecht)-and stIli bo oued A.breckt alîliaugli not wbaî mîght bu calleti for callas hlm a tblef. _ critical. illemers le a much largel' man th"n, Jackson waa uncausclous for an Albruclit and the canSuo pinion la hour aftmr Ibm accident but later recourt la that, If Rtiemers bail sfly gaind he snseuand 1 otigût ta take eatiifactioa. out of M BoinmePbis, amuie.ay r, vbllu ufferlngibreht's bide laitead oaimyeas lte îoe .ady rported gettlag Imoutl.qul a~4br On as well as -couid be expecteti. tecuttecut og a Mdr.Jackson in 55 yeare i and îat beun aved a lot aofuaney. ?th" «OF, metl; vas a railirad engîneer. He batsnet figure out ho* sucif a big »»as a lisen emplayed as engineer at the gsaLlemers permtted a man of i- Plant for aome lime and il was wbile thorecaht' se 0nolmbsn&es golng ta bis vork ai the pintthat t enaîhlnre. accident occurrmd. pat tIm Il la rather elugular that th1e ami.iWAUKEAN, MARCH M i11& dent sbauld accur within about threul &fier bmlug out for a few bousth blocks or wlierm, a fuw manths agaiJury whilch heard the silader Autu tbm James Ferry auto etruck the plast- Juilus-Rmes era ai bertyvllh si5-te5t or, etc., turning the car turtle and re- Hierman Albrecht 1h, Tuesdav, afler. sulting Va fatal Injuries ta Edwardî noua returned a verdict feruthe. U. Ferry, serious injuries ta Henry sîfe.,plainant far $26500, whlcb mesats bWs admnrInjuries ta James Ferry th1e coisfthe! bmcircuit caurt tral WMi - and Mîr. Neal. bu cbarged, against Albrecht, os weU as the fiue. FORTUNE BROS. TO AP- Thits la the case wblcb starl.d êas a resuIltoaillRiere and Aibrocht ba&*-. PEAL JOPP DECISION. a discussIon as ta tbe payrent f« uet- -- lie owned liy Paul Peglow, PiUMM Fortune Blrothers bave ordered marted the siander suit for $5,"0, n thelr attorney, Mr. Beaublen, teapai- tbe charge that hoewu a mou*l" ' peai the Japp decisi of a $1300 given whben Albrecht sald la ib~ asainst theru Saturday by tie jury "Tou are a thlef-you neyer pai br whlchb eld the com pazy as ownmrs et tbm caIlle yeu took from Paul Per- the building where Jopp abtaimied the low.' ' Uiquor, responsîble for hie death later. Albrechl, la caurt, Duvet deai The company takes the stand Ibai that bo had muade the voemirit. but theY appeal these cases on priacîpladded that Iemeri bad! cornue bâck and wauld have doue so If Ihm verdiclt 1 Ibm hermmark: "I amu »o uee -f bad been for 13 cents ineteed ai $1800. aIii nYeu." HBave., iuaut They take the stand liaI, as oavu-ga et damgoaction stut« le"s ers af the building tbey wure nultru- heure Ibm trial and isuquent bjwlg- spansîblu for the death oaihe Ibm a. ment.* who purcbased drinks in it frram s ýmAbracit bas ual istated tilat ho tenant of tie brewery companY. wyul apîreal lb. case, and beewus the This case was appealed the brevinui amouni, las n maîl, l le iald ble lyJ lime wien lhe Jurys verdict ivas .111 pay sud let the maltte-ibus $2500, snd vas sent back for the sec- lRiemeri dlaim. ho lat s5md, Iballe ond triai whtcb tiitished last week didat deire a big jsdgmcnt, but meti witi the verdict for 11300t. wanted tu show Abrecht be hsd beenà _____________- landered,.and Ibat tbe la. iousa't NEVER ASKED FOR A permît one mala calanBler a lalef THIN ?0FCOUSE NT. ad get avay wlth Il. THIN? O COUSE OT. A suit for bzIanee due lo lu court Thts achualix icÀrred on lhe nlliIbhis sfternoon ai Antan Dudeck ai side. Watîkegan, a few days ago: Northi Chicagoa against Payne andi A nîother, wtîuse lte fnveyear.od Pence, la comuection vitt saine build- datîghier was coing te a neighbbrhood ing Impruvemnetts in Nortli Chicago. hi rt titiioimid ber as sbe was îeav- Tiere la every Indicationu tiat tie thV: -Nue, hie itre, and, wien yauru tamous suit for -aienatton of affect- eahlnî-, it ask for anythiug. Be a ions wIti nul be reactied tls tern af pote- ile lady>.' court and 1the attorniey, iay,. if tbey tii the e-eniîng the intier, ln talk. see fit, gel togetier and agre ta rai hi, ich he b.cttld aihout the parti a speciat ilîig lay.Mi' salît: "And -, yo iddu't forget