Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Mar 1913, p. 5

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LY, MARCHL 28, 1913. mU FS ES MARCH 31 TO APRIL 6 bDont f tii to asee aur window display "of Canined dooda. There will be thiugs o!i in- terest for you. Je ELI TRICGGS PHONE 25-8. 613T REA'DV FORi WET WE'AT1ER" SPRINO la bore and woon we will be in April, the month of sannhine and sho were. 0f course, yon will enjoy the sanmhine, and if the showers are not exactly to your liking, you eau dress to mnake them îinueh lems disagreeable, Wear rain-pioof garnients to keep you warnm sud dry and healthy, and you will be ready for any change of wenther. We cau fit you ont 'with the highegt grade of rain-proof wear at prices that will appeal to your sens0 of economy. WooI Cravenettes, first qualiy garments that are dress coats as well'as main coats, $8.00 t. $15.00 Slip On Rain Coats, light and nobby Iookrng. guaranteed rain- proof; any one found imperfect in this regard will be cheerfully replaced, $ 7.50 t. $15.0o Rubber Coats that give the maximum of service to every man, $4.00 Slickers, "Fish" brand, for rough and ready wear, 52.50 to $3.75 Rubber Boots-none but the best catried in stock; light and heavy weights, Short Iength 54 and 54.25, Sporting 55.50. Rubbers of every style, high toe and heel, sandal and storm, heavy pure gum with rolled edge, 75c to 51.00 Je B. Morse & Co. : VERYTIIING IFOR MEN: TELEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILI. EmperorWiliam litre We were very fortuntate im getting a smali car of Emperor William SEED QATS and are safe in saymng they stand up botter, yield more grain and botter grain than any oata ever grown i Lake couxty. Try them. Order early. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the. Old Depot. Phone 47 Sein Me 20 Years. . H. CORLECTT. 0. A. FREDVMCK CORLETT & FREDERICKS I I c I .1 fANCY end STAPLE GROCIERUES, FRESH1-and SALIT MÉATS ]Phono 80. UEERTTV1LL~ IL~ L1BRTYYVILLE BRIEFS j LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEI< T. I dent.c partie% amsure pubicationi ln the. Indepcn- copv muet b. ln th* office noltatar TrueuUAV o# aeh w..k. Adver- i., especlaly- are asked Io talc. luler notice t. tle efleot. a. S. Moesageof Antloc, rmomtat balissasta our di t edy Mr. and Mr. W. B. Siader ame lh. bappy 'parants of a gli baby. Lloyd Taylor, asor mai Noribvesern academy, Eraasf on, in borne for thte Muater vacation. Twin dangittors arrivodet iltseborne of Mr. anti Mrs.John Ieinlein iaei vaeki Marcb l9tb.1 Ur. ad Mm,. C. F. Boilse of Chicago, vimteaiocam uaaiviit Mmr. antdMrc. Ray L. Huhitard and fan.ily. Mise Corasfimail «pont Snnday wîit bar tinter, Mr@m. Park Alancon. ai Lelîbton.i Mnndae'c Lighlnlne Roup Cura for cale ity ail tiruoeglcle. 50t anti $1,00 per bottle. c.25-tl Mr, andi Mm..(). F. Ehiman of Seattle, Washihgon. vlated lat usai viit thaîr cousin, r..Byon Oolby. The Ladie' Aid moey of tia Pmsity- terisanebarcbit ii aeet vith Mva.. C. tlgginc on >'TnmdY, AprIl 3. Coming Marcit haititheLyrle Theatre 'Sslsn", Oa sPwcii Orsel cubject. A lecture viii accompany lie pctur . Robert Wrigt.,Whvin eattending bebool at Rlit University, Baboil, Wln., le opndlng tt. swe vitit bis parents, M. and Mms. C. P. Wmt. ta bre. Mr. anti Mm. C. F. Wrght dt dangit- tam Belen, mraead lait usaiTburda froin a @fix ves itp throuah Tenneee, Missippi, Louliana andi Georgia. "Satan" te greatact pltur ever producati ln tire reale ent tae L..ric tbeulre tdalmiy. Marcit 29. %tternoon anti evening. Mm. Geor C. Green andi tangihlr Glati», bave raturned to lteir bitesIl Kaukauns, WIe. a&fier alvo vagis vst vith bar tinter, Mrm. Byron Coihy. Mr. andtirMm. Abrt E. Barboar anti Mm. Barnas of Cicage, visitati Tuestimy nigbt viit Mr. anti Mr%. John Baritour Friendc of Mm. Artbrur Johnson oh Monon, Colorado, bava racelveti novre Ihat cii bas a son, boraN arch 18, 1918. Mm*. Johinson va. fommerly Miss Mollit Colity. On lant Saturday, Marcb 22, ID Chicago ocerrret te marriaga of MiàsaMots à braltai of that ciy ta Chalje Numsem of jAbrtyville. W. visit the jouai couplea ahappy vetide Idlie. Mr. andtirMe. W. 1. Collins and daugit ter Vrginia vant 10 Sycamore Fridel toai itih relatives anti friands. Mr. Coinîts returneti Nonday vitila M r. Coullns antiVirginla yl remala antil the iret ut neit weei. Frank Jolueun bas reelguati hit pt stion viit Cîreti & Frètiericla and bas aveepteti a @iudation wiit tht Chicago Telephune Comipany aI Wauie- gan. He vomnurneetibils titileo la the capbatty uit lutnia'position Wedneeday. MêedaiRi.tuluJohnBarluuur, 1.-W. Stout aânti litiMrl>otuald attemudeti a card party Sgivea hy lie Truc Kuniret in lb, Maoonlu .uour 1usd tiheluituor oit briging bonia i 1 proz Hieginninw >Sunday Narrb 30. 1 willl bave un ammorti'flt 01 tek penants, 3(x1:j inrhe. of cariou* cty and iuate colegi'. and univeriitieti, whieh i wlll peil with the ('hwago Sunday Examiner for au [udd tionai charge of 15e Fol(Etr'H. 4i nm. News Iiglito. The maris riendi iof NMr.and NMrs. C. S, Hong nuli e grieved iii htar of the deatit of thir i ttc graiîd8ouu t>rv >1e Hoîag. W lhad nmade hi@ bhorne out here a great deal aiuul gatned înauy triends among ithi& luttie playruuati'i. ahi> earned lu love hlm and who wili ie, hmit madît <ilone but Dot torgotteu. LIFE INSURANCE Don't blieve tia worid oves gos a living. The vorld ave, iounonthiug. I vas hare tiri. ,S EEDU. S Y Dimdicl Mabeia - Old Celo ela uunce C..psay Ombe M maiem* ab i Ms.. Flore A. (iront of Sprinadlad, Ill.., ia visling Mm. Minais L.otige aIthae home ot Oeorgc sMoDonalti. The Royal Neigibore viii gOvea a ard party and danaceettialr hall on Wedapc- day evrenlug, April 2. Evarybotiy cor-1 diîaîly inviteti, The. Ladies'Aid eociaty ut1lte Mti. odist churc in lIMsnt at the home of Miton Ele Parker on Tuecday atternoon, April 1. Mnda.'à bitcbcry bas opeaed for tha .»aOu. Batchimg avary week. rag la jour san;ge; avnt ielt tiomenat 4 cent. eaeh, $8 50 ta 100 lots. Baby1 chic"a froin stock sage 15e each or $1200 lu 100 loi. Phtone Libertyvilae 143R1. e-25-tf Tce.tiay alitt e home ut hi@ iter. lio. iH. C. Gleason, occarmet tte tiah of Frank Neestiola'ag a lingaring lit.1 naosefront plural pneumionie..The tua- erai viil h ahidti ic(Fridayu iaflaeroon at tvo o'clock ab lie Episeopal churrit, vith interment la Lakeetie emetary.1 Obituary unait isà. Mr@.. .A. Frotia. annutuncesere cpriag MNlilnry opealng Mareit 14th, 1913. Ilausual cam bas heen exercîsati tu provida an aleraetive anti thoroughly upt"-ate lie fa ring millunery witci viticityou ara oordially invîteti to eali anti Inspéeci. c.25ý4 The Unir Producr' Acocieation taies grestleisiru s anounelug Ihat titeir n ce PZ 09 111- M i giti ganoe nae (V. 0. I. 70» b>a e acacepted ny Richmond, 5.1b&tCo., anti mana u" dealers. Ad1ii ssara e ulre ofo!Itis Protiumrs' Assocation. Tolte votersofUhartyviletowaep, 1 visixtu 0mal ia1 am a cand idate for re-eletcS o h li aeof iConstable ah tMe annuai eliction next Tuaaday, April 1. 1913, a" iIf eleeîed yl con- tinue bu serve 1bciMe bel utfauj ability as 1 bave dolu ltae pal. 'four suppotlwvili hagrealy apprýriatet. 1-t DENNIm LiNuzmay. Howard NaLagilin leit yatemday (Titurday) i4ormlsg vtit a varloati of larnitura w4t 5801.for therrîew home asar Park 91W, .11N1ontana. NMr. Me- rLaugbilinti oter maîuiberm out he family expect to dapart for thal place udxt Tuestiay. Wbila va regret lu cee tem go, va -an bot extandto thein our bearty visiesior tli e hat o u ce..,andi jprosprityinlathor erhome. A vladtiiormm cqiiDr t101h. une wviic muapt aven l"iimation on Thnrsday nlgt, dmbacit18.logainlamaPY setions more Peveealni daecompaaied hi aterrifieeW6Wciule bm. viuîtt u about 1:80 Mongwsjumomiag dolio considerahis .tamcgM la buildings, Ireu anti othm Proport. The tc lr arnéed 10 ha mach vormeturougbltae etern Part 01thlit cony. A barn on lbe Moie.sEUrie farce lu Ppstoni vowchip vas blova down sud reporte shavait ihat aine ver. kilst. On Montiay evaalng aI lia onis of NMr. antiMrs..Georg" L. dDoodie M ies Fier, Cburchill va.@lte guëst o01itonor ai te tarevell prtY givan Pri 1 item tapan-t are for Clifomnia vimrs eb. vili mai>e ber fa bure home. Tiievent, lp lte vay of a eiild' party.'> va. a veny novel affair, aaeh guest hein« timeesi ina aeuoc tume tu reprasent Rome chîlti. About feurtean vere present andthie avenilul vas @peut In recitatione. amusic anu gaines af tee vhurh rafreshinte vere served. WANTED-Girl about 18 ya-te.outge for effice work. NMuet vrita legible banti Knos ledai of sleCogmaphy. aL aticantage lut lurt neeec*aàry lu tle beginning. Poi>u,îtionpa.ys $8 par te>.- tu stjirl andi ,atiuifactory service, w> "iCure an uurea-r aibm na reaeunalti lime Thisi, ta gututtioppurl.înity to> bmigitl aetuer girl, Addres@ . 1>INDEPEtu tENT uîhlive. c-24; hi CITIZENS Let uF beirî uur itiighhorc hn tiutr, rentiared soe>) uthu r-tent tornadue and floode nt atîutttitacceptable. Lae wili F. J. Wrightrtu 0. C. Oridl-y ae lte batik, It id C. a.iE L B EHUMLE, F. A, Rieuut' Card of Thanka W, is i iah ali ut our trieuthe at neighhu.ue, lui thueir kinaec atud Eympatiy etshon mu unr boum a!1 trule anti alsoolite iumîuy beautiful flowers anti acpecially fuur the beaulîful furc', sent ity Orville's luttle filante. Jack andi Emma Meredîih MR. AND )Ma,. C. S. HIOAU ANI)GEORG.t- . Epiacopal Services Servicecset the Epf.copal church evemy Sunday ac foliows: Citurcit service..aI 10:30 &. m. and Suaday coiool aI 11:30. AUl are cortilîy inviteti t aftend. 11ev. A. C. Whuite, Bectar. Carti of Th&nke Ve visb to thani our frientie anti nelghbor'om lte iindiaad synpatity manilct turing tbe Iliums.anti deatit oi oui belloyeti moter, Mrm. Mary Poelovw; Ysaco lias. vito contributi flouera. 1 'zT » FAnîILY. 'IrPire and Helen Caay wvashent thc latter rt of lutl wssk on accouni otan attacrot1 toaelîtis. T'h. L. B. S. boys playati a double beader bakat hall gaina lait vesi Wedaeaiay. The iret gainc vae wlhh Waucontdcantiultespan> vas46 tu 12 lu laver of ou, boys. Tii second ume vas vitit the All star. anti vas ciao wonby L. B.B. byacoreoel 10 te 2. Wttosmye nov liai oar boy. van't play basket bail'? lia Havan anti Maria Andrewc each appaarad aIoechool Nonday aflernoon atiomneti hy a pair of reai (?>) turquoise earriags Armilda Brome, formerly s member ut the. laâs, ut1913, visiteti cehool Tnectiay afternoîîa. Shilenqv attending Nor- mial echool at DeKalb ant ibi home for the. Easer vacation. Robert Wright, one tinie a mieniber of thue via,. oft1911iiat 1home for 5aveeke eatimeituu. He ha@ been attenidiiua Belil i ultegi Thi' boys of lte senir ulAmm oveex- iu.ed truutuechool Tnieeday atternuion 10 put i>p titi'otage tr humle .eiorplay. Tue'iday niorning Eniglii III snd IV Iiutu sa irlatr titither subjiete, -U. S. bSuuli lhave a Larger Standing .Ammy andl Nai y."anti 'Woinau, Suffrage Sktuld le Etabliahed Tiroughut lb, 1.8. lu Ciclýs pariotithet debatedtbeii t1ueitiu,-U. S. Senatir. Shunîi h 1,:îectýuîiy Pupufar Vote.- fI»e lutdgee Mtu e tt-lieut two uu tion, arre hForet Sutitu.h, lanuhbe lborni anti Kate Car- rt:i Il>:>,>. uthle thirulquetiont ver. h 1>11>i Sitali, Lylu- Triî:îu liltys Payncý Th,' suiorre isi tu thank Treltu* & Ta 'ayLtt lu r rîîding cuoroftu hri r pru ip 1 erti fur hitaitiondm andi Heart." leari FRugirlei.uarent uuiffrgtte. lui fum e t i tin k se ouilt i e witth Gen. 11(oklit Jor 1(tcue r hrietîulriPanihuret 10 iakiug ,ttuu p feches otutic ubieet. Lo. uAtin ot the Fremman ves leI abusent Pufuheitg vîtisa,îtrained anile. Vieelialliîway vas absent fre>m copi- muure riasse Wedaemday attemnoun of ladt week. Gertrutde Dada, joftliajunuior lame lc il vîit toneiltie. Sar braSier Victor le absent front Mie Soag's noont for tae eson. W, have s gootiorchetra for "iea monda anti Harta.e,' h cousîltmof Arthur Mfilar, pialt; Kennelb Lovel, cloliniat; Lucian Ellsvorth, clarlooe. Florence Spate, MalA Mumie, anti Emmaer Bekwiti toiok te teamehr.s xant- ination Friday and ti urday In Wauie- gan. Marie Sebuani L. H. S. '12 tei l aico. The grades are campeting 10 se. vicit ea seil lie muaitticket@ for the senior play. Tiiy vîll gel 101. of &Il monts made on te cale o. tit" tickets. The itotany nIse, citaperoneti by Principal Bnrlc, vigiti Ibhe groeenouas Mantiay moraing 10 mtndy floyer sdam.. nmtos.andecycona.Proteclyourprop- erty vîit aà pollcy la TteC onnecicut Fire InàuraneneCorpany èf Hartdard, Con. Ceai>capital, $1.000000. Sliy jearc' ciperlaun. Poveaft acinebDr.y lacurace vwritten. W. C. SIAmîonRq Agt., Lihartyvilla. 111. C-27 -tl TI HINK TI The man wlio think t'wlo. befor. letting bouse o! bismoney la on th. sure road to fortune. You vUIi neyer write a bank oheok'without thinklng twice sud ofton three Urnes while the looue dollars jingllng i your pooket go llke hot cakes. Others are pleased with the banking service we offor. Why cion't you try it? Lake. County National Bank LIBERTYVILLIE. ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $90,OOO.Oý CANNED FOODS WEE< MARClI 3Ist TO APRIL.6tIi THE FIBST WEEK IN APRIL HAS BEEN SET ASIDE BY PÂCKERS% JOB- BERS A»D RITAIL GROCERS AUL OVER TEE COODWPY FOR SPECI.&L DEKONSTRATION8 FOR ÂLL KINDI or CANNED GOOD& During thi, week we will off er special prioes on &U Canned Gooda in domn or cam lots, sud viii hai open for lnhpectl6n amples of various kinds cd tinned Fruitu sud Vegetables. We will b. greatly pleaaed to haie YOU eaU at thie Ur nsd become acqualnt0d with th. brande we handle andsatlaY Your- self of their eoonomy sud wholesomeuau. W. W. Carroll & SonsG SOUTH STORE PHIONE si As'i.J nom WS SCIIL NOTES Kason B. Colby. DÀIRY14EN REFUSE - Mkiî.un B>1 ill ly as- i r,uet%aV. iti lu he outet hic lok la"1- iir. t ,on iTO SION CONTUqý tweeD tihe grade@ liRate. if LY"11ee iîu ul it.:.. rrvnl it.1 1.. rîdvle tinacks iivenhh aud epiz g tflithgrade i nimn u lueti 1'. At lte ,peeial îni.ting otthe wn rouircevd irîprt.;luhgrd alere lio rti:,ir t:1-' 72 when hle iFarmers' Priotetik, Asociation Ï4 a.cond and Mdi. Bout in fo,îrth was, a 1StraIaci2,a h iet vers close ci.îpetlcor. The tirait irize wvent tir Ean-u,, .p..-!ttu entv yVaa. Sttxdy ac 2 e h îet Vviii consie tat f tronze huti..une of there as lariteuilr ui, rehaut 1tiwn hall the îoritraet piles @et bhi l UncoIUand une of Duglaw,,tuach haviniz Siave hi, retturr ., 1I1rtyville in 1892: Broi. tfor thte coming six ormmerma tl iel ca.numeral. attached. Secondb.lalutiiii ruatiiuine a alyefedylemi posl prise ia sîmilar bus& of Washngton. lebr iiii1l -ratl uiemw@fal euatb h altpý yo're goinq u it1eio îy.aetuntil aboiut aai ntlf1.uîshan lhe moved The. meeting vas veiliattend o go sou? San t decided" W6y, man tIcisi, ari,, ier.u -liday eveung te manner la uhîch the fariner. lbt"S alive, Yoa'il mis.etaetrat of a lifetiamaîei oclock Match lui;, 1 03, ie pagoed te0 thé Varions discussions plafili! bos sou d®rait. on't aveuln o%. te naine? awaty. ltaIt the situation la biung 4k. itreDianonds and Haarts. Yi)u'd bet. W hile i as il, u> 174, ho wae meionsî.v. 'fre Broc., vould malie ber gt yomqr tickets right awas. 14.1 giemm ai Lovel'a drug store ;era'e the United ln marrlge ttritii %da Alvine oSfer to rontimet ata fiaet rat$ fw k eut. Boumu, to tiern. ve rloin ivpe hililten, mili, but wlehed to biuy ou ma4 Bernk" Haitait............Kate Carroll of whom four, Elhanan W . 'of Liberty- content bail.. A yuca lady of 18 wil?> an afleetlouT of the heart. a love of tun andtir viFliera B , of Motionu, Colurado. Their oSfer otaen average pricesot $11e batred of arithmetic. Lynne M , ut Aherdeen, S, D; Clarence per itundreti poutide talit testing 3.14 Amy Haletai ..............adolyn zook H..of Libertyvihle, antI the w idv utler ft iruni on aoradisa tir eîster 2 je... jounger, tond of survivre hlma. One dauirlhier, Ediih NI dieti s'on. Before taklag aay clapa lain rlues 10y......loae pl n1901. malter N. E Satsert wasccailed upoq A Younng lady vùsitor wilîing t» char Ha brecante a membler ot the ifethoiîulll eplaîn the butter fat lget. AMi in îtfun. church la 1901, (but il ms. ot unly ezPlauuing he vorent on 10 advic Iý Mr@. Haîstei...............Ediîh gluais Rincethen that lie ha@ Ieen a trii. producers not to accept t. e Aidov.irsl ohe e>lte(hristian, but througch aileof i,@ usera! POinting out to thein l titaUrn$M Sauraih Mary Bamnec (afiiî.............. and honorable fle andthelb love and reqirac tiut a 8.l'. fat tact and at 14 .oena, auati mai e elaem la uhîciha vas held vas choya priceofiereti by 'fore Broc. tbsy ilvo lab. brother.oure fo te lo^ilng of1ibusinecs hou"@a urngha receiving but $183 par hsIodâ Auona ....................... Harriet Butler te tuneral hfftrmand th. large gtllrlng pounto ie li, flt rate. A goîtd wm A maoto lu the Halcled home, 0t friands who mat vitit @ad heartu and firme aie offering $1.44 par bu*" Dwlgbt lBradley ............Phil Protine toua immad eos te>psyairtefaut tribute under lteir coatraet pries. A fotubou ater and Mm... alled'c of respect ter a dear friand. Se sieno remîndeti them of ltoir sufis son hy a former marrlage. Dr. Burton ....: ............ Forest fSmitht After services i tae lch efa lst ment 10 ctand bit he pries set l>ylà A Young physielan miiraseive rite.seof theanait order Miii: Protiacare' Assocation, as.. tiammy ..................... Turner Wile.ox ver. conduct at thlie Lakeslde emelsry $150par hundret pounda. Upon taM A damky bilîboy la th. Haitetr home Wadîtesday attarnuon, Nantt1,11.avoaoeiapis umî,dI AitrhainRama. . Bavay oieunaminoncly tieatsed andi no s A Yankeformr Dmliiiumarrieti at Card of Thanka promise@ coulti ha roachatielt.on Atony................. Ad! l a ie u r.pZ W. deire t10 express oni hearîfeit produee holding ont for lhe Shtorie................... imer, thans l t trieldu agd uaghboms for Shauf..........Elmr .cwnn beir iludmse tandi syupalhy il unrW ha - Edit Smala va. abesent Thnreday reavemant. EApeclaly do erre îihtu10 Befors adjonralag President IL.- 1and Friday of lait vsek vit a ta ihn h onier vhrr contributeti flouer. moi s aouncsM ltjaI Prof. Va - ot boasililie. and the Mogoule order. Oven voulti spsai atlt.e utM" Tipe frechinn anti junior girâ ls ajet M"s. N B. COLDv AND> FAMILY. 1 ahliArl1 Ilelv agâamse of basket hall laut Tburaday Utviel ple1. s h t» atterooon. Tii result vra. a île, s ______________ BartOY mos rvent t0 Chicago Priday ilere's a Good Special. Em rrWlKmSe The IIpI& of lie 0 rat grade preeeaoted Bc, sure and readitw.. ere vers fortunote lap Eduib =nalvtit a bunch oforgeat Pe«aaltdarofsale a sa igllons m andi a toit of candy neau an ser git.gha Ladies' Ginghium Work Aprons, adtarel"tin mureg ns", hiré beau actingna. assistant tomer la regular price.250, oeIl Satîtrday bgri l amort e gru.2M litI oon fr omamoihcpai. onîy at..........20C OW e<) county. Try thain. Order Profoisr in PbPitcsCiaoa: Itlasa rec. We aico invitea you to look over oui LiBERTYVOLLiNLtuicit Co. O fogfnîseact i et'c impossîie te, hoitbeau.i eon Piea Peak." Oflw accortmant of embroidery. Brightt Senior: 1 W, always boill hem Entbroidery Fiounciag, 12 luches For Bale - 011 lie clore- wide, par yard............. 100 7 Boom houge on Fourh titreet... Supt T.A. Simpson vieited cehool Mon- Corset ('over Embroidery, y'd .250 6 Roo bouse on Tbirti trestt.-.. * 2 r da. 8 oommodern bouse and irm e' day Narrow Ernbroidery vilh insertion haireo.......................... Mimea Wilh,lmine Engelbreeitt L .. .lu match ....5 a yard and up. 8 Boom modern boume clou. la 2 '12, wil give, a baiske ocial for thheban- lote.............................- àetit oftheia Won srciool, Prairie Vlaw, 5 tefrifebütgI o IApril 4. Programn 8:00 oclock. Ladies JO N L S E iia............. Y rig aaet. vrynewecoeeBtter tInova et 100 ser ani, M eiU5P ofl.. il Lot-2 diamond ringssoiswhera on The F7rMt Novel t oreof Rouie rm, 100 sud rs0c if 18 chool cîraci. Finder plsait»rtura laLib DBou re t5Tndad&r u izp 1--

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